Tour app for iOS. The best smartphone apps for tourists while traveling

In this article, we talk about the 20 most useful iPhone apps that will come in handy when traveling.

We also bought an iPhone, which at that time seemed like a beautiful toy - comfortable, pleasant, nimble, but a toy - with the ability to make calls, send SMS and check email.

Gradually, while traveling around Asia, the iPhone acquired various applications, becoming more and more functional - we selflessly installed dozens of “useful” applications and mercilessly deleted 9 out of 10 as unnecessary, so in the end, bit by bit, like golden grains of sand from ore, we We've filtered out 2 dozen truly best iPhone apps for traveling.

One of the most important tasks when traveling on your own is navigating the terrain. Previously, in Europe we used a very good IGO program, but in Asia there are no good maps for it, so at first Google maps helped us out, since mobile traffic there is cheap.

But still, you don’t want to depend on the Internet, because from experience, it has a tendency to disappear at the most inopportune moment, and Google doesn’t want to cache its maps. In this regard, we looked for good offline maps and found them. Well, in general, due to the instability of the Internet, one of our main requirements for most applications is autonomy.

In this review, we share our impressions and experience of using these useful iPhone applications. We use some of them every day, some very rarely, but nevertheless, each of them successfully solves specific problems.

This is a fairly simple navigation program, with a minimum of features, but with one very significant advantage, which more than covers all the shortcomings - it is possible to download and install offline maps, from almost any country and, most importantly, for free, without any in-app purchases .

For most countries, the maps are quite detailed, often even small paths are drawn in them, as well as landmarks, gas stations, large stores, etc. are marked. Another advantage of this useful application is that maps are stored not in raster, but in vector form and, thus, take up little space. Well, the most important thing is that it seems absolutely incredible - the program is free! There is a paid PRO version, but its differences are not critical - you can add dots and search by POI (you cannot search for an address).

A fairly functional program that allows you to record and play tracks, make marks on the map, add photos and notes to them. There are a lot of possibilities and this makes the application somewhat cumbersome, the interface is overloaded. There is a map caching function, but it is not implemented very conveniently, but it allows you to choose from several types of maps that are downloaded from the Internet.

In our opinion, this is one of the best navigation apps for iPhone! A very well-thought-out interface - minimalistic but functional, and the program is very fast, so working with it is a pleasure. The program allows you to view maps from 15(!) different sources, but the most important thing is that the viewed map areas are automatically saved and can be viewed at any time.

You can import points and tracks in KML and GPX formats into the application. Points can be sorted by category and only those that are needed at the moment can be displayed. So, for example, when we were looking for housing in Ao Nang or Chiang Mai, we turned off everything except the marked houses and condos, and when we were looking, for example, where to eat, we left only cafes, etc. on.

The program itself is free, but it has 3 built-in purchases (66 rubles each), which can be made as needed:

  1. Import offline maps: you can download ready-made maps of a specific area.
  2. Marks on the map: the ability to make new marks and edit previously imported ones.
  3. GPS track recording: allows you to record movements, analyze statistics and export tracks in standard formats.

It’s especially nice that Galileo was written by Russian developers. Evgeny Bodunov, the ideologist of the project, travels a lot himself, which is probably why the program turned out to be so convenient and thoughtful.

This program is designed to search for Wi-Fi access points. The functionality is quite simple - a map with your location is displayed and places with Wi-Fi and user comments are marked on it, which often contain passwords if access is not open. The information, apparently, is downloaded from Foursquare, but since comments are left, including local ones, sometimes it is impossible to read them 🙂 The map is not automatically cached, but you can manually upload a certain area.

Another task that needs to be solved when there is a large number of movements is finding tickets. We are talking about metasearch engines for air tickets and the most convenient of them is. For iPhone they have an excellent, useful mobile application that never ceases to please us with its convenience and pleasant design.

Just as in the case of Galileo, the creation of Aviasales, unlike many other applications, is not worked by programmers and marketers who rarely travel anywhere other than Turkey on an all-inclusive program, but by avid travelers who perfectly understand the needs of those who looking for air tickets.

Among the small but pleasant features of the application: exchanging cities of departure and destination with one button, searching for an airport by code, searching for the nearest airport to the current location, routes based on interests - mountains, diving, sea and beach, and even sex or alcohol tourism :) But convenience – this is not the main advantage of the application; it copes well with its main function – as a rule, it gives out really, really good offers.

If you often fly, then this application is well suited for storing flight information. It is enough to enter information about the date and flight after purchasing tickets, and then you will not have to look for printouts to remember when and what time your departure is.

In addition, FlightTrack not only stores flight information, but also updates it via the Internet, for example, informs about delays or cancellations. Also in the application you can get information about the type of aircraft, current weather at departure and arrival airports and terminal diagrams (though not all).

This useful application is an electronic display of departures and arrivals at all airports. Convenient to have on hand to check the current departure time, as well as clarify the terminal number. FlightBoard will also be useful if you need to meet someone at the airport - you can track whether the departure was on schedule and find out the expected time of arrival.

We have already written more than once about our love for as a way of getting to know the country. We will publish a separate article on this topic in the near future, but here we will simply mention their mobile application, which is not very convenient for finding hosts, especially in large cities where you need to send a lot of requests, but is quite suitable for reading responses and correspondence.

We mainly look for information about countries on the Internet - on blogs, forums, etc., but sometimes there are situations when information needs to be obtained offline. One of the sources in this case is the Lonely Planet e-book and the other is the Redigo travel guide.

You won’t find any super unique information in it, but you can still get a general idea of ​​many places. The main advantages of the guide are that it is compiled, among other things, based on blogs, i.e. the information there is quite up-to-date, and in addition, Redigo has photographs, so you can not only read, but also look at the place of interest.

In addition to the guide, Redigo has such useful features as a map with marks and a phrasebook, with a minimum required set of phrases.

You need to control your finances - this is practically an axiom, and this is even more true for long trips when income and expenses are unstable. Otherwise, sooner or later a situation will come when you will have to sharply cut expenses and not leave the house for weeks, eating rice, while waiting for funding.

On Windows Mobile there was (and now it is available for Android) a wonderful program for accounting finances, which we have never seen equal in terms of convenience and functionality (Cash Organizer). Unfortunately, developers stubbornly bypass iOS, so we had to look for alternatives. Having tried many analogues, we chose Money.
The program is quite convenient, functional and attractive, and has great capabilities.

This application does not directly relate to travel, in addition, it will only be useful to clients of the Tinkoff Credit Systems bank, but I still want to mention it - well, we really love high-quality software :) The mobile application (as, by the way, the Internet bank) is made on a rarity of quality and thoughtfulness - all operations are carried out easily and quickly, the interface is pleasant and intuitive. In general, if you are a client of TKS Bank, but have not yet used a mobile bank, be sure to try it.

In general, by the way, the bank itself, due to its online focus, is very convenient for travelers. All operations, including opening/closing deposits, are carried out through the Internet bank, transfers to other banks are free, tariff rates on deposits are among the highest, there is cash-back, and in addition, when replenishing a deposit from another bank, an additional 1.5 %, in general, a lot of all sorts of amenities. But that’s not what the article is about, so if you’re interested, you can look in more detail on their website.

By the way, the bank now has a refer-a-friend promotion, so if you apply for a credit card using this one, then as a bonus both you and we will be credited with 500 rubles - a small change, but nice :) The cost of annual card maintenance is 590 rubles, the first year is free . If you don’t like affiliate links, then you can apply for a card, although without a bonus :)

The application downloads current rates from the Internet and allows you to compare several currencies at the same time - this is especially convenient when you come to a new country. So, after living in Bali for 5 months, for a long time we automatically converted all prices into Indonesian rupees in order to evaluate something - whether it was expensive or cheap.

This is a very useful application - it is designed to measure Internet speed. It solves a rather specific problem, but is nevertheless quite useful in certain cases. We use it when looking for more or less long-term housing. Due to the specific nature of our activities, normal access to the Internet is one of the criteria by which we choose housing. We look at various options and where everything suits us, we measure the speed.

The program cannot boast of rich functionality, but it copes with its main task well. In addition to the actual measurement, Speedtest stores a history of measurements linked to coordinates; there is even a built-in map on which you can find a specific point.

It is unlikely that there are many people left who do not know about this program, but since it occupies an important place in our lives, we could not miss its description. Dropbox is a cloud storage service. Actually, there is nothing special about the service itself, it is not the only one, but the implementation of applications, both for mobile devices and desktops, is done quite successfully.

When installing the program on a computer, a folder is created in the system, the contents of which are automatically synchronized with the server, so in order to upload a file to the Internet, you just need to copy it to the folder. After downloading, the file will be accessible from any device, be it a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. By default, there is a public folder, the contents of which, as the name implies, are available to everyone. You can also share any file and send a link to someone personally.

Thus, we store all the necessary information in this cloud - ticket reservations, scans of passports and other necessary documents.
It is worth noting that with all the ardent desire of the developers to make the service as reliable and safe as possible, no one can guarantee 100% confidentiality of your data, so avoid storing there in unencrypted form the data that you would not want to give access to to third parties under any circumstances. circumstances.

By default, when registering with the service, 2GB of disk space is provided for free. Additional volume can be obtained for money, or for inviting friends. For example, by registering using this link, you will add 500 MB to us (although we don’t use Dropbox that actively, now we only have 20 percent occupied), and you will also receive +500 MB for yourself, of course. Direct link .

Another one of the most useful iPhone apps, indispensable for traveling. In fact, it is a very convenient “cloud” notepad in which you can store text, photos, audio and video information. We use it primarily to store text data. Information about cities and countries, notes for the blog, plans, interesting ideas and thoughts, recipes, etc. – all this is successfully stored in Evernote.
Be careful, offline notepads do not work in the free mobile version. Those. if they are downloaded, then you can access them for some time, but at some point they may disappear, so in the mode of limited access to the Internet you need to be extremely careful with storing the data necessary for the trip in Evernote.

In the information age, we are surrounded by a lot of data that one way or another we need to have in our heads or at hand - bank card numbers and PIN codes, logins and passwords for online banks and personal accounts, and many other alphanumeric combinations. You can write all this data in a notepad, store it in mail or services like Dropbox/Evernote, but if we are talking about confidential data, then all this is unsafe.

1Password is specialized software designed to store all your passwords. All data stored in the application is protected using 256-bit AES encryption, which eliminates the possibility of accessing the data, even if the smartphone is lost or stolen (of course, if you do not use the qwerty password or your date of birth).

This is an excellent cloud service for storing offline copies of website pages. Until some time we did not attach importance to it and only recently appreciated it fully. Saving pages for further reading is implemented very conveniently - for major desktop browsers there are extensions that allow you to send pages to Pocket with one click; in the mobile version, you just need to copy the desired link to the clipboard and you will be automatically prompted to save it. In addition, you can send a link to a specific e-mail and it will be saved in pocket.

Mobile application of one of the largest dictionary developers. The basic version includes 54 dictionaries for 27 languages, which is more than enough in most cases, and if you need terms on a specific topic, you can additionally purchase specialized dictionaries. Dictionary developers often approach their work with humor and provide very original examples ( climb: “I need a climb to set me straight” – “I need to smoke a marijuana cigarette to come to my senses”).

This simple English-Russian dictionary does not have a very large volume of dictionary entries, but it is quite suitable for those who do not plan to use intricate words and expressions or translate specific texts, and also do not want to spend money on purchasing useful applications for the iPhone.

This application is quite specific, and is unlikely to be so necessary for most iPhone users, but nevertheless, we sometimes need it. VelaClock allows you to find out the time of sunrise/sunset of the sun and moon, the current state of the moon, as well as full and new moon days anywhere in the world, at any time.

This information is sometimes needed for photography in, or just to know when you can. Also, the application may be useful in some countries, for example, where the full moon is a sacred and officially a day off, on which many shops, markets and all government agencies are closed. institutions.

This is a cross-platform messenger that allows you to communicate with other participants registered in the system. WhatsApp is considered one of the best iPhone applications for simplifying the communication process and therefore it is very popular all over the world, and it becomes especially useful when you come to another country for a short period of time and do not plan to connect to the local cellular operator.

To send messages, you need an Internet connection, so, sitting in a cafe with free wi-fi, you can send an unlimited number of messages to your friends around the world, without worrying about international tariffs and roaming. This works especially well in countries with developed Internet - in Hong Kong, etc.

In fact, the application has only one fundamental feature that distinguishes it from analogues that allow you to exchange text messages (icq, mail agent, skype, etc.) - it is linked to a phone number, and not to a login. The app will integrate with your iPhone's address book, making it easy to find people you know who use WhatsApp.

In this review, we talked about the best, in our opinion, iPhone applications needed when traveling. Of course, we also have other useful applications installed for other tasks, but we’ll talk about them next time. If you know good analogues of the above programs or other useful applications for the iPhone, tell us in the comments!

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When going on a long car trip, you may encounter many different inconveniences and problems. To make your trip easy and enjoyable, we have selected and tested the most useful mobile apps on the road. It turns out that with the help of a smartphone you can find the nearest hotel or arrange a free overnight stay, calculate fuel costs or call technical assistance with the click of a button, and even get a virtual navigator. Are you already packing your bags and filling up a full tank of gas? Then this review is for you!


A convenient application for planning a route. Especially if you don’t know the road or city, then Maps.Me will help you. It works very simply: download maps of the desired countries, set a route and you're done! Works without internet access. This means that at any time you can look at the saved route and travel without fear of missing the right turn.


The application allows you to download maps of 38 countries of the world, which are available without access to the Internet. The maps indicate striking attractions with links to Wikipedia, by clicking on which you can find out, for example, the history of some cultural monument or ancient building.


This is a social network for those who are used to traveling light. Members of the network provide each other with free help and overnight accommodation while traveling or organize joint trips. If you can’t afford or don’t like the option of booking a hotel room, take advantage of offers from couchsurfers. Just select the country and city you are going to visit, and the application will give you hundreds of advertisements from real people offering to stay with them.

Russian AutoMotoClub (RAMK)

The application is simply irreplaceable when traveling around Russia and Europe. If a malfunction occurs along the way, technical assistance can be called in 30 seconds with one button. The coordinates of your location will be determined automatically by GPS. Operators working around the clock will promptly contact you and send a tow truck or technical assistance vehicle to you. It is also possible to get free advice from experienced auto mechanics by phone. Currently, the company provides services in 400 cities throughout Russia and Europe. For members of the RAMK car club, all of the above services will be free. The application also contains an extensive database of official dealerships.

City Maps 2Go

A must have for every traveler. Download maps, choose a city and let's go! Are you hungry? Select in the “food” tab, and the application will show on the map all the restaurants located nearby. The same goes for cafes, shops, banks and other recreational places. Bookmark the object, or attach a sticker to the map. For convenience, cafes can be designated by one color, banks by another, and shops by a third, so that later you will know where to go to eat or exchange money. There is no navigation, but it is very easy to navigate.


What can be transported through customs? How is it profitable to change currency? What current events are taking place in the country? You can easily find answers to these and many other important questions in the Redigo application. You choose the country where you are going to go, download the information to your phone and get free access to information without any Internet. The application also contains guides, maps and a phrasebook in 6 foreign languages.

Second Pilot

The application was created to warn drivers on the road. When you drive in an unfamiliar area, you don’t know where an “ambush” will be waiting for you. Here other motorists who have discovered unfortunate potholes, speed bumps or insidious speed cameras will come to your aid. The app has voice prompts, which means you don't have to constantly look at the screen. The application also monitors the speed and reports if it is exceeded. The best thing about traveling around Russia!

MultiGO Fuel

The MultiGO Fuel application contains a gas station database with prices, reviews and ratings, which is updated every day. The driver can install any filters convenient for him: by fuel type, by gas station brand, by type of accepted fuel cards, and so on. In addition, the application will allow you to personally participate in price monitoring.

Find Your Car with AR

If you parked your car in the alleys of an unfamiliar city and went to explore the surroundings on foot, then the application will help you find the way back to your car. The application determines and remembers the coordinates of the vehicle's location. All you have to do is activate the application and go about your business. And when needed, the application itself will find your car and show you the way, no matter where you are!

Car Camera DVR

Recently, DVRs have become popular among motorists. Such a gadget will come in very handy on a road trip. A video recorder will help you not only record the moment of an accident, but also take pictures of beautiful landscapes along the way, which you can then show to your friends. Now there is no need to buy a separate DVR, you can simply download the application to your phone! The Car Camera DVR records video in HD quality. The application allows you to turn off the screen completely when recording or display only the most necessary information, such as the current speed, time and direction of movement.

Hudway - navigator for night driving

This application is designed specifically for those road travelers who are more comfortable spending time on the road at night. A regular navigator is blinding and distracting in the dark, but Hudway is designed so that you can see your route on the windshield of your car. To do this, you need to add brightness to your phone, place it on the dashboard, and the picture will be reflected in the windshield. The application's voice assistant will warn not only about road junctions, but also about dangerous bends or turns. A navigator is what you need, but we wouldn’t recommend relying on him alone!

The best trip is one in which you hardly touch your smartphone. But sometimes he is your main travel companion and savior. These 15 apps will make your travel life easier.

First you need to buy a ticket. Do you think that buying them through your phone is inconvenient? You are wrong. Try Aviasales - it's convenient and fast, and searching through hundreds of travel agencies and airlines will give you the best price.

Download for iPhone. Download for Android

Now you need to find a hotel at the best price. Please remember that it may vary greatly between different booking systems. Hotellook will help you find the best one.

Download for iPhone. Download for Android

3. Couchsurfing

There is another cool and budget (or rather free) option – Couchsurfing. This is a social network for travelers. You can find a host (a person who will accommodate you) in any city. It is important to remember that this is not a free hotel, but a cultural exchange experience. And if you don’t want to live with someone, then you can simply ask them to take you for a walk around the city.

Download for iPhone. Download for Android

4. TripIt

The most convenient travel planner. It’s convenient to add flights, hotels, plans with hourly detail and share this with fellow travelers.


PackPoint will help you pack for your trip. It doesn't matter whether you're going to the mountains or to the sea. Based on the type of vacation and the number of days, the program will offer a list of necessary things (it even adjusts to the weather forecast!). You can edit it to suit yourself.

Download for iPhone. Download for Android

6. SeatGuru

Ok, it's time to check in online for your flight. How to choose the best seat on the plane? SeatGuru will help you. Enter the number of the desired flight and it will show you which seat is best to sit on.

You can choose a location on the website. Or download for iPhone. Download for Android

7. WiFi Map

So, you've arrived. If you can’t wait to Instagram the news about the start of your journey, check social networks or write to your mom that everything is fine, then you need the Internet. WiFi Map will help you find an open or closed (passwords are in the application) wifi network in any city. There are many similar applications, but this is the most popular.

Download for iPhone. Download for Android

8. Uber

How to get from the airport to the city and ride around the city itself? Uber is ideal for 400 cities around the world. Almost always cheaper than official taxis. By the way, here is a coupon for your first trip for 300 rubles. In Russia, Uber operates only in 6 cities. For the rest, use Yandex.Taxi or TapTaxi.


2GIS is the best maps for Russian cities. In any relatively large city, you will immediately begin to navigate like a local resident. Every house, every cafe, and indeed every establishment is on the map. Plus public transport routes. Very comfortably.

11. Exchange rates

Current exchange rates so that you are not cheated during the exchange. The most important thing is DO NOT CHANGE MONEY AT THE AIRPORT. It will even be more profitable to use an ATM, which is definitely located at the same airport. And withdraw money from a dollar account (or from a euro account if you are in Europe).

There are many currency converters, but this one seems to us the simplest and most convenient. Download for Android. For iPhone, try XE Currency.

Need to get from city A to city B? For example, from Moscow to St. Petersburg or from Barcelona to Madrid? Choosing between the bus. by train and hitchhiking, don’t forget about the opportunity to hitch a ride with a driver who is already driving along the route you need. Often the cost of the trip is purely symbolic, barely covering the cost of gasoline. In addition, it is more convenient than a bus and almost always cheaper than a train.

Download for . Download for

PackPoint is a smart travel packing app. Based on the purpose, destination and duration of the trip, PackPoint will suggest you a list of things to take with you.

A free travel app that will allow you to save a lot on intercity trips. BlaBlaCar connects drivers who have available seats in their car with passengers who are on their way to share transportation costs.

The largest Wi-Fi community will offer free Wi-Fi points nearby, passwords and comments from real people!

TopTripTip is a faithful assistant, ready to come to the rescue at any second, both in large cities and in the most remote corners of Russia! Sights, natural sites, popular tourist spots, routes, audio tours, all infrastructure are available on the iPhone without an Internet connection!

The Localway application is a simple and beautifully designed service about travel and entertainment in more than 40 cities of Russia.

The first complete travel app for Crimea, including all the best attractions, restaurants, hotels and much more. All you need is to open the application and see all the most interesting places around.

For those who prefer to spend the summer in the capital, the official application of the Moscow Government will help them explore iconic places, discover new routes and learn more about outstanding personalities and routes of our city.

The Sygic Travel Guide is your personal travel planner. Discover new places, plan your trip route and enjoy your trip even without an Internet connection.

The Ostrovka app allows you to quickly book a hotel anywhere in the world. Key advantages are the ability to book hotels without using a bank card and low prices.

Get instant access to detailed maps of all countries and cities from anywhere in the world! No internet connection required.

This GPS-enabled travel guide is designed for offline use. Get directions, tips and advice on restaurants, hotels, top attractions, safety tips, and more.

A popular mobile guide to all the sights of St. Petersburg. The application will tell you where and how to have an interesting time not only for tourists, but also for city residents. The guide contains unique content, which is constantly being developed by a team of authors living in St. Petersburg.

If two people have different preferences, then surely their search results should be different! The updated Foursquare remembers your tastes and shows you only the places you like.

This tourist guide to St. Petersburg was created for offline use. The app is very practical as it can be used to create walking routes around the city. Depending on the length of your trip, there are 4 different routes available for the city.

Photo 1 of 10:© Shutterstock

Before your trip, be sure to download apps to your phone that in a matter of seconds will help you find out where the nearest metro station, restaurant or hotel is, easily replace a real guide and point you in the right direction of your travel route.

Useful mobile apps for tourists - TripAdvisor

As the creators of the application assure, it will allow you to plan and make a flawless trip. Not only does TripAdvisor have over 75 million reviews and opinions available to travelers, helping you find the best hotels, great restaurants and things to do around the world, but TripAdvisor's sticker adorns store windows in every European city. This means that according to the voting results, this place is the best among all the stores in a particular city.

© screenshot

Why the application is useful: TripAdvisor allows you to:

  • view millions of reviews, opinions and photos taken by travelers themselves;
  • find the best hotels, including those that have received Travelers' Choice awards;
  • study restaurants by type of food, price range and customer ratings;
  • Use TripAdvisor Flights to compare flights and find the best deals;
  • use the "Near Me" feature to find out what's near you at the address you entered;
  • get answers to questions on TripAdvisor forums;
  • add your reviews and photos;

Whereinstall: iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone

Wheredownload: for Android - Google Play, for iPod, iPhone, iPad - Apple Store and official website TripAdvisor

What is the price: for free

Similar apps : Lonely Planet and mTrip.

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GPS guide “Around the World”

One of the most popular publications for travelers, Around the World, last year launched a special mobile application that allows you to download and conduct multimedia walks. Now you will not have problems choosing the sights to see during your trip.

Multimedia walks include audio stories, photographs and text descriptions of attractions from a selected part of the city. They are listed alphabetically and indicated by icons on the guide's interactive map. You can select a route on the map. Voice prompts will point you in the right direction for your journey.

Where to install: iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android

Wheredownload: for Android - Google Play, for iPod, iPhone, iPad - Apple Store .

What is the price: for free

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Useful mobile applications for tourists - FlightTrack

The program was created for those who are always late for check-in, forget about their flight, and confuse dates and times. Now, to avoid this, you don’t have to set 20 reminders on your phone and set six alarms. Simply enter the flight number on your ticket into FlightTrack and it will track all the information for you.

In a couple of days, it will remind you about the flight, inform you when check-in and boarding begin, at which gate this happens (not for all airports) and even how long the flight is delayed.

You can also look at the layout of seats on the plane, a map of the terminal from which you are departing or arriving. You can even call the office of the airline you are flying without painfully searching for a number - FlightTrack will find the phone number itself.

In total, FlightTrack contains more than 5,000 airports and 1,400 airlines. In the iPhone version, the application supports SMS notifications to the traveler when any flight information changes.

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Whereinstall: Android, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

Wheredownload: for Android - Google Play, for iPod, iPhone, iPad - Apple Store

What is the price: There is a free version for Android, for IOS - $4.99

Useful mobile applications for tourists - Toilet Finder

Well, a very useful program while traveling! For now, only owners of Android phones can search for the nearest toilets. The Toilet Finder app contains approximately 60,000 public restrooms. You can contribute to the common cause by adding the toilets you find yourself. However, in order to add a restroom to the database, you need to know its exact address.

Where to install: Android

Where can I download: for Android - GooglePlay

Price: for free.

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Useful mobile apps for tourists - Word Lens

We warn you right away - this program is free only for Apple owners; you can buy it for Android applications. With the Word Lens app, you can find out translations by simply pointing your phone camera at a word or phrase. You won't even need to press any buttons because the app will analyze the image itself.

Whereinstall: Android, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

Wheredownload: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad - Apple Store , for Android - Google Play

Price: free for IOS, for Android - 40 euros.

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