How to use Windows media. Setting up and description of the video player VLC media player

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The description is based on an example Windows systems XP Professional.


Sections on this page:

Despite the fact that the default settings are usually optimal for most users (especially beginners), there is often a need to change them. In addition, before starting to operate any software product, including Windows Media Player, it is recommended to view and, if necessary, edit the settings in order to “adapt” the program to your requirements.

To switch to the player setup mode, use the main menu command Service? Options. When it is activated, a window is displayed on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 8.10.

Rice. 8.10. Setting up Windows Media Player

As you can see in this figure, the settings window includes several tabs: Player, Copy music, Devices, Performance, Media Library, File types, Net, etc. Depending on their purpose and functionality, similar parameters are grouped on them. In this book we will look at the most popular of them.

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8.7.1. Settings general parameters

Configuring General Settings Windows operation Media Player is carried out on the tab Player(see Fig. 8.10).

Using the parameter Check for updates the appropriate test mode is selected Windows updates Media Player. The set value determines the period of time between updates – once a day, once a week or once a month.

It often happens that a video file does not play because the computer does not have the required codec for it. You can enable a mode in which similar situations required codec will be automatically downloaded from the Internet - for this you need to check the box Automatically download codecs.

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If this mode is disabled, the codec will be loaded only after an affirmative answer to the request issued by the program. By default, the Automatically download codecs checkbox installed.

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If the checkbox is checked Launch the player from the Media Guide node, then when you start the player, a section will open in the taskbar Media Guide(subject to Internet connection). If this checkbox is cleared (or valid connection is not connected to the Internet), then the section will open Playback(see Fig. 8.1).

In cover mode, display on top of all windows– if this checkbox is checked, then Windows window Media Player operating in cover mode will always be displayed in the foreground (i.e., on top of other application windows). If the checkbox is checked In cover mode, display docked window , then in cover mode, a small docked window will be displayed at the bottom right of the screen (we already talked about this above).

When checked Allow splash screen to display during playback The process of playing multimedia files will be accompanied by a splash screen in accordance with the screen settings. Note that when playing video files, turning on this mode doesn't make sense.

Add music files to library during playback– when this checkbox is checked, playable files will be automatically added to the multimedia library. IN in this case the checkbox becomes available Include files from removable media and from shared media network folder ; if it is installed, then files that can be played not only from hard drive, but also with removable media, as well as from a network folder.

8.7.2. Setting Copy Options

Copy settings are configured on the tab Copy music, the contents of which are shown on 8.11.

Rice. 8.11. Setting Copy Options

In field Folder for copying music displays the path to the directory to which music files will be copied in Copy from CD. To change the value of this parameter, click the button Change– this will display a window Browse folders, in which according to the usual Windows rules you need to select the required path. Below the button File name You can customize the music file name format. The necessary actions are performed in the window that appears when you click this button (Fig. 8.12).

Rice. 8.12. Setting the file name format

Specifically, you can specify the information included in the file name ( Track number, Executor etc.), and also select the type of separator between them in the drop-down list. Using buttons Up And Down determines the order of the elements of the file name. For example, you can set following formats music file name: 01-Song-Performer. WMA, or Artist_Album_Song_01.WMA, etc. (in this case 01 – this is the track number).

In field File format(see Fig. 8.11) contains a list of music file formats in which tracks can be copied from a CD.

If the checkbox is checked Music with copy protection, then the reproduction of licensed musical works copied to this computer from CD to Windows format Media will not be possible on other computers. This mechanism is designed to prevent violations of performers' copyrights and combat the illegal distribution of musical works.

Using the slider Music copy quality You can specify the optimal compression ratio for music files when ripping them in Windows Media format from a CD to your computer. The more compressed a music file is, the less hard drive space it requires, but the sound quality degrades accordingly.

8.7.3. Setting up devices used for playback and copying

As you know, playing and copying files is impossible without the use of appropriate devices: a CD or DVD drive, speakers or headphones, etc. The parameters of the devices used are configured on the tab Devices, the contents of which are shown in Fig. 8.13.

Rice. 8.13. Configuring device settings

On this tab in the field Devices displays a list of used devices (CD or DVD drives, portable devices etc.) connected to the computer. To view and edit the parameters of a device, you need to select it with the cursor and press the button Properties.

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Button Update is designed to update the list of devices - when you click on it, the computer searches for new devices.

8.7.4. Configuring performance settings

Settings Windows performance Media Player is produced in the tab Performance, which is shown in Fig. 8.14.

Rice. 8.14. Configuring performance settings

By switch Connection speed you can specify optimal speed modem (Internet connection). At set value Determine connection speed (recommended) Windows Media Player automatically detects the current connection speed (this mode is offered by default). If the value is selected Connection speed is, then a field opens for editing, in which the appropriate modem speed is selected from the drop-down list.

Switch position Network buffering determines the required buffering method. Possible values:

Buffer for... sec.- when choosing given value In the field that opens, use the counter buttons or use the keyboard to indicate the required buffering time in seconds. It should be taken into account that the maximum possible value is 60 seconds

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Using the button Additionally switches to setup mode additional parameters speed up video. When you click on this button a window opens on the screen in which acceleration is adjusted digital video, mixing settings, etc. The default values ​​of the parameters of this window depend on the position of the slider Video acceleration.

8.7.5. Configure media library settings

We have already discussed above what a multimedia library is in Windows Media Player and why it is needed. However, this player element can be customized - the Multimedia Library tab is intended for this (Fig. 8.15).

Rice. 8.15. Media Library tab

If the checkbox is selected on this tab Add purchased music to my library, then downloaded from the Internet multimedia files automatically placed in the media library. By default, this option is enabled.

You can also enable a setting in which objects deleted from the multimedia library will be automatically deleted from the computer - to do this, check the box Remove an item from your computer when removed from a media library.

8.7.6. Setting up visual images

We have already said above that Windows Media Player has the ability to use visual images when playing music files. In the program settings mode on the tab Plug-ins(Fig. 8.16) you can add, change or delete visual images.

Rice. 8.16. Setting up visual images

Here in the field Category you need to click the mouse to select the position Visual images– as a result, a list of visual image collections available in the program will be displayed on the right. The information field immediately below this list displays short description collection of the visual image on which the cursor is positioned in the list.

You can add a new visual image or collection to the list using the button Add. The path to the visual image file (collection) is indicated in the window that appears when you click this button.

To remove a visual image or collection from the list, you must select the corresponding position with the cursor and press the button Delete. Remember that you can only delete those visual images and collections that were created using the button Add. Otherwise the button Delete not available.

Switching to the mode for editing the properties of the current visual image (collection) is carried out using the button Properties. When you click on this button, a window appears on the screen Properties, in which the screen size and off-screen buffer size are selected from the corresponding drop-down lists. When choosing the required screen size, please note that stretching the image by Full Screen in some cases may lead to distortion of this image. When choosing the required off-screen buffer size, keep in mind that the larger the screen buffer, the more computer resources are required to high-quality reproduction Images. In general, you shouldn’t change these parameters unless absolutely necessary.

8.7.7. Selecting the file types that the player opens by default

You can independently define the media files that will be opened by default (that is, when launched by double-clicking the mouse) by Windows Media Player. To do this you need to open the tab File types(Fig. 8.17).

Rice. 8.17. Selecting File Types

On this tab in the field File types a list of media file types is displayed, and below it is an information field Description, which provides a brief description of the file type on which the cursor is positioned in the list.

To select the required file type, select the checkbox. By default, some selected checkboxes are dimmed, indicating that Windows Media Player will only be able to play some files. of this format. To provide the player full access to these files, you should click on this flag - as a result, it will take its normal form.

When you press the button Choose all V this list All file types will be selected.

8.7.8. Network setup

If you intend to use the player in local network, you can view and, if necessary, edit the contents of the tab Net(Fig. 8.18). Here you define the parameters of the protocols and proxy server that will be used by the player when receiving multimedia files.

Rice. 8.18. Configuring network settings

In the selected area Protocols by checking the appropriate boxes, you specify the Internet protocols that will be used to receive streaming media. By default, all checkboxes are checked: Multicast, UDP, TCP And HTTP. When checking the box Ports in the field to the right to receive data specifies the port through which streaming content is sent. The use of this mode makes sense only when using the protocol UDP, so if the checkbox UDP removed, parameter Ports for receiving data becomes unavailable. In the selected area Setting up a proxy server the parameters of interaction of each protocol with the proxy server are determined. When the button is pressed Settings a window appears on the screen Protocol settings, which configures the proxy server for the current protocol. The default settings in this window depend on the selected protocol. For example, for the HTTP protocol in this window the mode is set to Browser Proxy Settings, in which the player uses the same settings as the Internet browser to access the Internet.

Windows XP includes a program for playing multimedia files. With this Windows programs Media player is very convenient for viewing video files of any format. In addition to watching movies, it is easy to listen to audio files and music through it. Working with this application is not difficult; the main commands are described below.

Launching Media player in Windows XP

To launch the program, call the Windows Media Player program, from the submenu of entertainment programs, an application window will appear on the screen, along the left edge of the window there is a set of buttons that can be used to switch the player’s tasks. In the central part there is a screen on which video files are played, and when listening to music, a set of graphic images is displayed. The right side of the window displays the playlist. In order to open a file for playback, open the file menu item, call the open command from it, a standard file opening dialog will be displayed on the screen, select an arbitrary video file in it, after opening it, the program starts playing it automatically. To control the playback process, use the control buttons at the bottom of the program.

Windows Player Media player allows you to change the view own window, to do this, click the Select cover button; a list of all covers for the window will be displayed in the central part of the window, and their view will be displayed on the right. Choose one of the covers and write on it double click left mouse button, the window will change its appearance. To return to as before window, click the button in the center of the control panel, which is located in the lower right corner of the screen. Next, from the menu that appears, call the command return to full screen mode, open any sound file and press the play button, random images will appear on the screen graphic images. In order to change them, press the button below the screen and select one of the sets, after which the image will change.

Most users prefer to customize any program they use. But there are people who simply do not know how to change the configuration of this or that software. This article will be dedicated to just such users. In it we will try to describe in as much detail as possible the process of changing VLC Media Player parameters.

VLC Media Player is a cross-platform product. This means that the application has versions for different operating systems. IN similar versions Setting methods may differ slightly from each other. Therefore, in order not to confuse you, we will immediately note that this article will provide guidance on VLC setup Media Player for devices running Windows OS.

We also note that this lesson is aimed more at novice users of VLC Media Player, and those people who are not particularly versed in the settings this software. Professionals in this field are unlikely to find anything new here. Therefore, we will not go into great detail and use specialized terms. Let's proceed directly to the player configuration.

Interface configuration

Let's start by looking at the VLC Media Player interface parameters. These options will allow you to customize the display various buttons and controls in the main player window. Looking ahead, we note that the cover in VLC Media Player can also be changed, but this is done in another section of the settings. Let's take a closer look at the process of changing interface parameters.

  1. Launch VLC Media Player.
  2. In the upper area of ​​the program you will find a list of sections. You need to click on the line "Tools".
  3. As a result, a drop-down menu will appear. The required subsection is called - “Configuring the interface...”.
  4. These actions will display a separate window. This is where the player interface will be configured. This window looks like this:
  5. At the very top of the window there is a menu with presets. By clicking on the line with the downward arrow, the context window. Here you can select one of the options that the developers have integrated by default.
  6. Next to this line there are two buttons. One of them allows you to save own profile, and the second, in the form of a red cross, deletes the preset.
  7. In the area below, you can select the area of ​​the interface in which you want to change the location of buttons and sliders. Four tabs located slightly higher allow you to switch between such areas.
  8. The only option that can be turned on or off here is the location of the toolbar itself. You can leave the default location (at the bottom), or move it higher by checking the box next to the desired line.
  9. Editing the buttons and sliders themselves is extremely simple. You just need to hold down the desired element with the left mouse button, and then move it to the desired location or delete it completely. To delete an element, you just need to drag it outside the work area.
  10. Also in this window you will find a list of elements that can be added to various toolbars. This area looks like this:
  11. Elements are added in the same way as they are removed - by simply dragging them to the desired location.
  12. Above this area you will find three options.
  13. By checking or removing a checkmark next to any of them, you will change appearance buttons. Thus, the same element can have different appearance.
  14. You can view the result of the changes without first saving. It is displayed in the preview window, which is located in the lower right corner.
  15. When all changes are complete, you just need to press the button "Close". This will allow you to save all the settings and look at the result in the player itself.

This completes the interface setup process. Let's move on.

Basic player parameters


This set of parameters differs from those described above. At the very top of the area you can select required language display information in the player. To do this, just click on the special line and then select the desired option from the list.

Next, you will see a list of options that allow you to change the VLC Media Player skin. If you want to apply your own skin, then you need to check the box next to the line "Different Style". After this, you need to select the file with the cover on your computer by clicking the button "Choose". If you want to see the entire list of available skins, you need to click on the button marked on the screen below with the number 3.

Please note that after changing the cover, you need to save the setting and restart the player.

If you use a standard skin, then you will have access to additional set options.

At the very bottom of the window you will find areas with playlist and privacy options. There are few options here, but they are not the most useless.

The last setting in this section is the linking of files. Clicking the button “Set up bindings...”, you can specify which file extension should be opened using VLC Media Player.


In this subsection, you will have access to settings related to sound playback. To get started, you can turn the sound on or off. To do this, simply check or uncheck the box next to the corresponding line.
In addition, you can set the volume level when the player starts, specify the audio output module, change the playback speed, enable and configure normalization, and even out the sound. Here you can also enable the surround sound effect (Dolby Surround), adjust visualization and enable the plugin "".


Similar to the previous section, the settings in this group are responsible for the video display parameters and related functions. As is the case with "Audio", you can completely disable video display.
Next, you can set image output parameters, window design, and also set the option to display the player window on top of all other windows.

A little lower are the lines responsible for settings of the display device (DirectX), interlacing interval (the process of creating one whole frame from two half-frames), and parameters for creating screenshots (file location, format and prefix).

Subtitles and OSD

Here are the parameters that are responsible for displaying information on the screen. For example, you can enable or disable the display of the title of the video being played, as well as specify the location of such information.
The remaining adjustments relate to subtitles. Optionally, you can turn them on or off, configure effects (font, shadow, size), preferred language and encoding.


As the name of the subsection suggests, there are options responsible for playback codecs. We will not advise any specific codec settings, since they are all set depending on the situation. You can either reduce the quality of the picture due to an increase in performance, or vice versa.

A little lower in this window there are options for saving video recordings and network parameters. As for the network, you can specify a proxy server here if you are reproducing information directly from the Internet. For example, when using streaming.


This is the last subsection related to the main options of VLC Media Player. Here you can link certain actions player to specific keys. There are a lot of settings here, so we can’t recommend anything specific. Each user configures these parameters in his own way. In addition, you can immediately set actions associated with the mouse wheel.

These are all the options we wanted to mention. Remember to save any changes before closing the Options window. Please note that you can learn more about any option if you simply hover your mouse over the line with its name.
It's also worth mentioning that VLC Media Player has an extended list of options. You can see it if you check the line at the bottom of the settings window "All".
These options are aimed more at experienced users.

Effects and filter settings

As befits any player, VLC Media Player contains parameters that are responsible for various audio and video effects. To change these you need to do the following:

Audio effects

We go to the specified subsection.
As a result, you will see three additional groups below.

In the first group "Equalizer" you will be able to enable the option indicated in the title. After turning on the equalizer itself, the sliders are activated. Moving them up or down will change the sound effect. You can also use ready-made blanks that are in additional menu next to the inscription "Preset".

In Group "Compression"(aka compression) there are similar sliders. To adjust them, you must first enable the option, and then make changes.

The last subsection is called "Surround Sound". There are also vertical sliders. This option allows you to enable and adjust virtual surround sound.

Video effects

There are several more subgroups in this section. As the name implies, they are all aimed at changing parameters related to video display and playback. Let's go through each category.

In the tab "Basic" You can change image options (brightness, contrast, etc.), clarity, graininess, and elimination of interline stripes. You must first enable the option to change settings.

Subsection "Cropping" will allow you to change the size of the displayed area of ​​the picture on the screen. If you are cropping a video in several directions at once, we recommend setting the synchronization parameters. To do this, you need to check the box next to the desired line in the same window.

Group "Colors" allows you to produce color correction video. You can extract a specific color from the video, specify the saturation threshold for a certain color or turn on color inversion. In addition, options are immediately available that allow you to enable sepia and also adjust the gradient.

Next up is the tab "Geometry". The options in this subsection are aimed at changing the position of the video. In other words, local options will allow you to flip the picture to a certain angle, apply interactive zoom to it, or enable wall or puzzle effects.

Exactly to this parameter we addressed in one of our lessons.

In the next section "Overlay" you can overlay your own logo on top of the video, as well as change its display settings. In addition to the logo, you can also add custom text to the playing video.

A group called "AtmoLight" is entirely devoted to the settings of the filter of the same name. Like other options, this filter You must first turn it on, and then change the parameters.

In the last subsection called "Additionally" all other effects are collected. You can experiment with each of them. Most of the options can only be used optionally.


This section contains one single tab. Local options are designed to help you synchronize audio, video and subtitles. You may have experienced situations where the audio track is slightly ahead of the video. So, using these options you can correct such a defect. The same goes for subtitles that are ahead or behind other tracks.

This concludes this article. We have tried to cover all the sections that will help you customize VLC Media Player to your liking. If you have any questions while reading the material, you are welcome to leave a comment.