The meaning of the word verification. Data verification - what is it?

The term "verification" is used in the field of science and is defined as a method for establishing the truth or falsity of certain theoretical data. In scientific work, verification of certain knowledge is carried out by comparing available theoretical information with practically obtained parameters, which are reference and valid.

In the production of various goods, the verification procedure is used to determine whether the resulting product meets certain requirements, which are considered fundamental and are recorded in certain documents, specifications or regulations.

Verification in IT

The information technology verification procedure is used to verify user-specified information. As a rule, the operation is carried out after the user indicates important data, for example, when registering remotely in a payment system or when applying for remote work, when the user is required to provide electronic copies of these documents. Verification helps protect large Internet resources from fraudulent activities that could jeopardize the security of information.

During the verification process, personnel who verify user registration data compare the data entered by the user with available documents. If necessary, this information can be verified by a separate service working with the company.


The verification procedure can be automatic. For example, when registering on a particular resource, a message may be sent to the user at the specified email address. By clicking on the automatically generated link, the visitor gains access to the resource, confirming that the e-mail is real. Verification can also be provided by systems for sending SMS messages with a code automatically generated by the system, which must be entered in a special form. The operation allows you to determine whether a given phone number is located in the user and whether it was specified correctly.

Verification is also used in software operation. For example, programs for recording data on a storage medium have the option of checking the quality of the recorded material and comparing it with the source data stored on the computer. If violations are detected, the program will check the damaged disk and prompt you to re-write it or display a message about the need to install another storage medium.

If we open any reference literature, we will see that the term “Verification” comes from (from the Latin verus - “true”). The broader meaning of this word means verification, confirmation, proof, etc. To understand what this looks like, we must think of it as two comparative systems. One system is, as it were, a “standard”, the second system is assumed to be a “standard model”. When comparing (verifying) these two systems, the coincidence (identity) of the systems is assessed.

First, the term “Verification” was adopted in Vienna (Austria) at the very beginning of the 20th century, by the so-called Vienna Circle. The “Vienna Circle” was organized by teachers and students of the University of Vienna. Among its participants were famous scientists: mathematicians, physicists, philosophers and economists (Hans Hahn, Otto Neurath, Richard von Mises, Philip Frank and others)

The scope of application of verification is very broad and can affect a wide variety of areas of human activity:

  • comparison of scientific hypotheses, program theories, etc. in comparison with generally accepted laws and reference data;
  • compliance of a product or product with certain requirements;
  • identification of inaccurate, distorted and unreliable data;
  • protection from lies and concealment.

In everyday life, verification of identity documents, accounts and profiles is most common. The globalization of life processes in the age of high technology cannot bypass verification systems. We are “on the threshold” of the development of the digital economy and verification will become a common and simple procedure.

Verification** is the act or procedure of confirming true (real, authentic) data. Verification (English) - verification, control, certification, confirmation...

One of the main tasks of verification is the fight against fraud. More and more often, in the process of relationships between participants in financial transactions there is no personal contact. The use of various technical means and gadgets to carry out financial calculations will necessarily include a verification procedure for all participants in the procedure.

On the Internet, almost all websites of large companies and operators, where there are financial and responsible relationships, always require a verification procedure. In special cases, it is required to undergo multi-level verification:

  • Proof of identity and citizenship (passport, driver’s license, utility bills, photographs with certain documents, etc.);
  • Specifying a mobile phone number;
  • It can be especially noted that where there is no serious and responsible verification, sooner or later fraud will certainly appear. This can be observed in real life. Grandiose deceptions in the field of housing construction - more than 50 thousand were deceived. apartment buyers. Deception when buying housing, cars and other expensive things is caused by fraud, lack of sufficient culture among the participants, gullibility and inattention when checking documents, namely the lack of professional verification.

Verification services need to be promoted and developed.

Modern technical means of recognition are hundreds or thousands of times faster than the level of human vision. Where a person will not notice a fake, a special scanner will identify all the flaws and inaccuracies. An example is the “iDensic” (Sum&Substance) system, which, using the latest advances in neural networks, can detect all corrections and changes in documents automatically. In addition to scanners, inspection and verification can use more complex systems connected to large databases (search database, stop lists, watch cards, etc.).

Documentary verification in the Russian Federation.

These processes are beginning to become part of the everyday life of Russians. Every day we can encounter the following check and verification systems: BeepCar - security in the travel system (checking and, if necessary, blocking driver's licenses), “YouDrive” - checking drivers, “Gett Taxi” - checking drivers, “YouDo” - checking performers and services (nannies, nurses, repairmen, couriers, etc.)

Verification is your assistant against car theft, financial fraud, protecting your trust, and other areas of everyday life.

Verification in international projects in Europe, Asia and the USA.

Modern remote verification technologies have found the widest application in all developed countries. This market is occupied by large companies and is used by both state-owned companies and private individuals. This is not only an express document check, but a wide range of various services: (booking, document registration, online purchases and much more)

The global market for verification services is valued at more than $10 billion. The Russian market has positive dynamics and amounts to -$100ml. and is represented by such companies (Identity Exchange, CheckU and Sum&Substance).

Verification is one of the technologies of our future!

in cultural studies (late Latin verificatio - proof, confirmation of the fidelity or truth of something; from Latin verus - true and facio - I do) - establishing the truth of certain judgments (affirmations and denials) about culture in knowledge about culture. A similar concept in the field of logic and methodology of science means the process itself. or indirect verification of scientific statements in empirical results. observations or conducting an experiment, as well as establishing logical. relations between directly and indirectly verifiable statements. The concept of V. was formulated and justified logically. positivism (Vienna Circle), which developed the concept of “scientific philosophy” and the ideas of Wittgenstein, formulated by him in the “Logical-Philosophical Treatise” (1921). It is customary to distinguish V. as an actual empirical process. verification of the truth of a judgment and verifiability as their potential verifiability (the ability to verify) when def. conditions or by definition formal schemes. According to the principle of verifiability put forward by logical. positivism, any scientifically meaningful statement about the world can be reduced to a set of protocol assumptions that record the data of pure experience. Ultimately, any knowledge about the world was considered as reducible through a chain of formal transformations to the sum of elementary sentences that have a logical. (logical-mathematical) consistency and axiomatic. truth (so-called logical atomism), and the structure of the world, therefore, was determined by the projection of the structure of knowledge given by the original logical-epistemological. model. According to the late Wittgenstein, ideal, in terms of V., the logically perfect language of science is the result of a conditional convention, V. which is also very conventional and arbitrary - like certain formal rules for conducting a “language game”. Hence the assumption of the plurality of both scientific and everyday languages, not amenable to unification or generalization; hence the functional understanding of meaning as “use”, etc.

In the humanities and especially in cultural studies, the problem of V. becomes even more complicated. Since culture as a subject of cultural studies. reflection includes such different, and specialized, forms as science and art, philosophy and religion; as well as socialized forms of culture - political, legal, economic and economic; because in addition to specialists. Forms of culture, there is also everyday culture (in particular, the way of life and the culture of everyday life) - V. of cultural phenomena, for some reason, turns out to be impossible. So, for example, science (say, natural science) and religion can occupy fundamental worldviews. mutually exclusive positions on issues; this also applies to one degree or another to the relationship between art and philosophy, philosophy and religion, science and philosophy, science and art, specialism. forms of culture and everyday culture, socialization. and specialist forms of culture among themselves. In all these cases, we can and should talk about the multiplicity of the V. themselves - in relation to diff. phenomenal forms of culture, about a kind of “parallel series” of cultural phenomena, verified on fundamentally irreducible grounds and very conditionally “translated”, “recoded” from one cultural language to another.

The most paradoxical alliances and contaminations are possible here: religions. justification or refutation of science and scientific explanation or rejection of religion; philosophy of art, philosophicality of art and the art of philosophizing; philosophy of common sense, ordinary knowledge and aesthetics of everyday life, etc., and many of these borderline cultural phenomena coexist with each other in time and space, thereby actually justifying and confirming V.’s pluralism in cultural studies. Thus, by extrapolating the requirements and criteria of intellectual culture, conceptually formulated and complexly structured, into the sphere of everyday culture, amorphous and directly experienced, we, wittingly or unwittingly, intellectualize everyday culture, giving its specifically ordinary content a specialized form. (scientific or philosophical, socio-political, or aesthetic) knowledge. And on the contrary, imposing on philosophy or: science, art or politics, ideology the logic and semantic content of everyday consciousness, with its here-and-now presence, with its pragmatism and visual concreteness, simplicity, general accessibility, self-evidence, we get “non-specialist.” philosophy, or rather philosophizing at the level of everyday goals and needs of potentially any subject. Almost every subject of culture is involved (often simultaneously) in several semantic planes of cultural reality: he can be a natural scientist and a deeply religious person, a philosopher (definitive orientation) and a layman, an amateur artist and a member of one or another political system (state , class, party, stratum, group, etc.); Accordingly, his judgments about the world and culture may belong to different people. semantic layers of consciousness or form a complex configuration of various. meanings. The limitless diversity of cultural studies is natural. concepts and teachings that not only succeed each other over time, but are often contemporary with each other, which does not exclude their complementarity or mutual polemics. Finally, it’s undefinable. and the ever-expanding set of definitions of culture that are irreducible to each other, as well as its qualitative and semantic differentiations, once again confirms all the natural polysemy and complexity of V. phenomena and processes of culture, which is, in principle, multidimensional.

It should be recognized that cultural knowledge is thinking according to the schemes of many knowledge: it does not exclude either specific scientific, or general scientific, or philosophical. generalizations, but can be completely empirical and rebel against any external conceptualization of it; it includes pre-reflective, reflective and supra-reflective components that are in complex, sometimes conflicting interaction; it uses a system of relatively strict concepts and capacious categories (characteristic of discursive thinking in general and science, philosophy in particular), as well as symbols, often borrowed from other areas of knowledge, ideas, experiences (for example, mythology and religion, literature and art , everyday practice and ethnic traditions), as well as scientific disciplines (anthropology and sociology, psychology and semiotics, art history and linguistics, history and literary studies, sometimes natural and technical sciences), rethinking them in relation to their subject - culture (value-semantic unity), and at the same time refers to figurative-associative and intuitive ideas born in different. spheres and forms of culture. In this regard, the criteria are scientific or artistic, abstract or concrete, material or ideal, objective or subjectivity, authentic or fictional, unambiguous or ambiguous, static and dynamic, universal or particular, etc. turn out to be equally insufficient, incomplete, and not universal. Within the framework of the same cultural discourse, the subject of culture (including the researcher) has to simultaneously appeal to two or more measurement systems (including analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the cultural phenomena under consideration), proceed from the ambivalence or fundamental diversity of cultural studies. knowledge.

Theoretism, ethism (ethics) and aestheticism undoubtedly constitute the three most important aspects (dimensions) of any cultural phenomenon or process; in a certain sense, they constitute a more or less organic unity (of the Platonov-Soloviev model: Truth - Good - Beauty); however, in another respect, they also demonstrate, in the words of M. Bakhtin, “the bad inconsistency and non-interpenetration of culture and life” (“Philosophy of Action”, 1920-24), representing the phenomenon of sociocultural “polyphonism” and ideological “dialogism” (later Bakhtinian terminology ). The drama of the relationship between the ethical and the aesthetic in culture (cf. the phenomenon of the Marquis de Sade or Baudelaire's "Flowers of Evil" together with the branched tradition they formed in literature and art); theoretical and ethical (on this are built various philosophical, political, and literary utopias and dystopias, as well as conceptual constructions of various kinds in philosophy and religion, in science and technology); aesthetic and theoretical (especially noticeable in the philosophical systems of Plato, Kant, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Vl. Solovyov, in the works of Western European romantics and symbolists) confirms that the relationship between theoreticism, ethism and aestheticism is far from harmonious and forms not only cultural “all-unity”, but also an equally comprehensive, indomitable struggle of opposites within the triad. Equally dramatic are the consequences of the fundamental split between the “content-meaning” of a given act-activity, the “historical reality” of its existence and its “unities, experienceability” (M. Bakhtin). And overcoming such a split and its consequences for culture and life turns out to be in itself extremely complex, ambiguous, requiring the coincidence of numerous factors. conditions and intentions of the subject of activity, moreover, feasible and achievable only in the plane of self-awareness of the individual, his personal responsibility, and not culture as a whole.

The V. of cultural phenomena in cultural studies largely depends on the context in which these phenomena are considered: history. the context of the emergence and functioning of these phenomena or the modern context (relative to the researcher or other cultural subject); the context of the cultural tradition from which this phenomenon emerged, or the context of subsequent cultural innovations; context of cultural homogeneity (with a given phenomenon) or contrast (with it); the context is subjective (dictated by associations or views of the cultural subject) or objective (related to the historical era, specific topos, national picture of the world, way of life), etc. The value of cultural phenomena is ultimately determined by the measure of correspondence between the cultural phenomenon under consideration and the cultural and semantic context of its understanding. It is clear that the phenomenon of the Middle Ages. alchemy, which is, from modern times. t.zr., in the context of scientific views of the 20th century, was an absolute delusion, mysticism, a transformed form of knowledge, represented - in the context of the Middle Ages. culture is a fruitful way of primary structuring of knowledge about the world, matter, the universal variability of things and a bold breakthrough into the area of ​​the unknown, which laid the foundations for the future sciences of the New Age - chemistry, physics, biology, anthropology, etc. In the same way, one should evaluate astrology, metaphysics, theology and much more in the culture of the Middle Ages or the Renaissance: these are semantic structures (or whole complexes of semantic structures) that determine the worldview and behavior of the spiritual elite of their time; these semantic structures equally express the culture of the def. history era in which its history is mediated. certainty in specific human forms rationality and corresponding activity. Diff. utopias that arose in the minds of people in different centuries can be assessed in modern times. t.zr., as “dead-end” projects, useless and even harmful to humanity and others. its representatives; but within the framework of the culture of their time, they acted as serious and original attempts to reassess existing reality and go beyond its current limits, as mechanisms for transforming sociocultural reality into a new virtual reality. Similarly, in cultural studies, various scientific theories, concepts, hypotheses, versions, methods. approaches: their debatability and openness (conceptual incompleteness) are by no means an indicator of their fallacy or falsity, as well as plausibility or truth - they all act as historically conditioned phenomena of concrete. cultures, and as such are logical in their content and form - along with others, typologically adjacent, and semantically variable or alternative.

Being inscribed in one or another contain, context, each cultural phenomenon, acting, i.e., as a kind of text, in one way or another correlating with its context, on the one hand, leaves its mark on the contextual semantic field, and, on the other hand, the other, itself adapts to its context, experiencing its value-semantic influence; comprehension, interpretation and evaluation of a given cultural phenomenon are always conditioned by contextuality, i.e. the emerging dialogic relationships between a given text and an innovative context - as a result, there is an “increase in meaning” - primarily in the text itself, which acquires - in the process of interaction with its context - more and more an “interpretative shell”. In this sense, one and the same cultural phenomenon in different. cultural-historical eras and even during relatively short histories. periods is not equal to itself, since in its content it constantly loses some meanings and semantics. shades and acquires others, more relevant, valuable or significant in some respect.

A special case is the deliberate modernization of cultural phenomena of the past or national culture. adaptation of foreign cultural phenomena, achieved by appropriate epistemological modeling. context - sharply modern or exclusively national-cultural - a new cultural phenomenon, highlighted by an unexpected context, represents an allusion to the previous one (i.e., a special kind of interpretation, rethinking, and not its continuation and development), and its transformation into cultural-historical . relation, therefore, is meaningless (this is the basis of the postmodern game with historically and culturally incompatible realities, which in their totality are fundamentally unverifiable). The result is similar to the deliberate removal of one or another cultural phenomenon from its history. context (ignoring real cultural relations and connections, the “reading circle” and interests of the cultural figure under study, cultural and semantic sources and associations of the analyzed works, concepts and doctrines; attributing to a cultural phenomenon those meanings and meanings that are not genetically characteristic of it or are historically impossible ; "accusation" of a cultural figure of ignorance of facts or ideas known to his later critics or interpreters, or of defending an undesirable, in other words, party-class, ideological position. which is actually a tendentious reinterpretation of cultural phenomena in an ideologically alien or contrasting context. This was in most cases the theory of culture in Marxist cultural studies, which most consistently compared the phenomena of culture with the phenomena of social reality, dividing cultural figures into “progressive” and “reactionary”, and cultural phenomena. into popular and “anti-people”, revolutionary and counter-revolutionary, “necessary” from party positions, and “unnecessary” (in the light of the tasks of the revolution, socialist. construction, communist ideals, topic of the day, etc.). V. cultural phenomena, carried out from the perspective of historical, political and ideological. or philosopher superiority, as well as the “judgment” of one cultural era over another or criticism of one national. cultures of other nationalities culture (the same applies to various subcultures) are illegal and subjective, although quite understandable and widespread in the history of culture. We are talking about the collision of diverse, sometimes incompatible cultural codes and the imposition of mutually contradictory semantic structures related to heteronomous cultural systems. The perception of cultural phenomena here is illusory and, as a rule, ideologically determined. In other words, it is verified. not the cultural phenomenon itself, but only its interpretation (usually implicitly containing an assessment, which confirms the socio-political, ideological and worldview engagement of the researcher). Strictly speaking, V. in cultural studies is possible only in phenomenological. and hermeneutic. sense, - i.e. in the context of a given culture, a given history. era, a given cultural style, type of worldview, morphological. accessories, etc. up to specifics cultural phenomena. The problem of cultural relativism that arises for cultural scientists (especially when conducting cross-cultural - comparative-historical and typological - research) is, in principle, difficult to resolve. On the one hand, it is difficult to prove that a certain phenomenon or category of one culture (subculture) is perceived in exactly this way in another culture, that concepts and ideas are different. cultures are authentic and mutually translatable, that the sociocultural explanation of this phenomenon in one culture will be true in relation to another. On the other hand, the desire to understand another culture by the method of conditionally “getting used to” it, from the point of view. “definition of the situation” by the figures under study, by refusing to understand the “foreign” culture on the basis of their own categories and “our own” cultural-historical. experience - is fraught with the fact that, due to the “contextual leniency” of the researcher, not a single phenomenon of another culture (type of behavior, belief, thinking, creativity, etc.) can be considered unnatural or irrational if it is considered within its own cultural context. At the same time, it is unlikely that a researcher of “another culture” could completely abandon the definition. stereotypes or discourses of “one’s own culture,” which actually excludes the possibility of adequate understanding of other cultural experiences and other cultural systems. Thus, V. is subject not so much to the culture itself, analyzed and interpreted, systematized and generalized in cultural studies. theories and teachings, as well as cultural studies. teachings and concepts that comprehend and classify cultural phenomena, compare them with each other and evaluate, explain and predict cultural history. development of humanity and its components. This is important in order to clearly distinguish in cultural studies. research of meanings, meanings and assessments imposed by the researcher on his material, and arising from his unbiased analysis; subjective bias and cognizance. objectivity; desired and actual; organic and derivative.

The concept of K.R. Popper, who contrasted V.’s idea with the idea of ​​falsification, is characteristic. Striving to consistently and strictly distinguish between science and ideology (which is especially true in relation to the humanities and social sciences, including cultural studies), Popper argued that science, in order to prove its validity, should not strive to defend its provisions and principles, i.e. V. (ideology also successfully does this), but to their refutation: science can develop only through testing and refuting its own hypotheses (falsification), putting forward new hypotheses and their subsequent falsifying testing, etc. (which ideology is organically incapable of). In his polemic with Popper, T. Kuhn insisted that science depends primarily on assumptions, which in principle cannot be falsified, and the development of science is not determined systematically. testing hypotheses, as falsificationism sees it, and as a result of changes in scientific (broader cultural) paradigms. If Popper emphasized in scientific research the generation of an innovative principle by denying old hypotheses that do not stand up to testing, then Kuhn emphasized the continuity and continuity of cultural traditions in scientific development, only occasionally “exploded” by scientific revolutions - revolutions that open up fundamentally new systems and principles of knowledge, thereby interrupting tradition and requiring updating of V. It is logical to present V. and the falsification of hypotheses as complementary, the principles of testing knowledge, differently, but equally conducive to its growth, deepening and internal. improvement in the context of culture.

Lit.: Kuhn T. Structure of scientific revolutions. M., 1977; Zabotin P.S. Overcoming misconceptions in scientific knowledge. M., 1979; Mulud N. Analysis and meaning. M., 1979; Markaryan E.S. Theory of culture and modern times. science (Logical-methodological analysis). M., 1983; Pavilionis R.I. The problem of meaning. Modern logical-philosophical language analysis. M., 1983; Science and culture. M., 1984; Polanyi M. Personal knowledge: On the way to post-critical. philosophy. M., 1985; Ryzhko V.A. Scientific concepts: sociocultural, logical-gnoseological. and practical Aspects. K., 1985; Interpretation as historical-scientific and methodological. problem. Novosibirsk, 1986; Culture, man and picture of the world. M., 1987; Scientific revolutions in the dynamics of culture. Minsk, 1987; Gadamer H.-G. Truth and method: Fundamentals of philosophy. hermeneutics. M., 1988; Parakhonsky B.A. The language of culture and the genesis of knowledge. K., 1988; Geroimenko V.A. Personal knowledge and scientific creativity. Minsk, 1989; Bibler B.C. Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin, or Poetics of Culture. M., 1991; Bibler B.C. From scientific teaching to the logic of culture: Two philosophies. introduction to the 21st century. M., 1991; 0nzhe. On the edges of the logic of culture. M., 1997; Petrov M.K. Language, sign, culture. M., 1991; It's him. Self-awareness and scientific creativity. Rostov-on-Don, 1992; It's him. Historical and philosophical studies. M., 1996; Stepin B.S. Philosophy anthropology and philosophy of science. M., 1992; Lem S. Ethics of technology and technology of ethics. Model of culture. Permian; Abakan; M., 1993; Sorina G.V. Logical-cultural dominant: Essays on the theory and history of psychologism and antipsychologism in culture. M., 1993; Manheim K. Diagnosis of our time. M., 1994; Orlova E.A. Introduction to social and cultural anthropology. M., 1994; Deleuze J. Logic of meaning. M., 1995; Ideal, utopia and critical. reflection. M., 1996; Communications in culture. Petrozavodsk, 1996; Cultural anthropology. St. Petersburg, 1996; Kagan M.S. Philosophy of culture. St. Petersburg, 1996; Mamardashvili M.K. Arrow of knowledge: A sketch of natural history. epistemology. M., 1996; Pyatigorsky A.M. Selected works. M., 1996; Ricoeur P. Hermeneutics and psychoanalysis. Religion and faith. M., 1996; Second Navigation: Philosophy. Culturology. Literary management: Almanac. X., 1997; Zlobin N. Cultural meanings of science. M., 1997; Kagan M.S. Philosophy theory of value. St. Petersburg, 1997; Mamardashvili M.K., Pyatigorsky A.M. Symbol and consciousness: Metaphysical. discussions about consciousness, symbolism and language. M., 1997; Mikhailov A.V. Languages ​​of culture. M., 1997; Turovsky M.B. Philosophy foundations of cultural studies. M., 1997; Popper K.R. The Logic of Scientific Discovery. L., 1959; Popper K.R. Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge. N.Y.; L., 1962; Adorno T.W. Prisms: Cultural Criticism and Society. L., 1967; McHugh P. Defining the Situation: The Organization of Meaning in Social Interaction. Indian., 1968; Vallier I. (ed.) Comparative Methods in Sociology. Berk., 1971; Douglas M. Cultural Bias. L., 1978; Smith A.D. National Identity. L.; N.Y., 1991.

Great definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Apparent or real anonymity on the Internet is a factor for which many users love the World Wide Web, and are looking for all sorts of ways to preserve and maintain incognito (for various reasons).



Following encyclopedic or dictionary definitions, we can say that verification is confirmation of the reality and truth of an individual or groups of individuals (for example, in groups of organizations on social networks, performing any banking transactions, etc.).

This term comes from the Latin word veritas - truth, literally translated as “to make true,” that is, to confirm.

Thus, the verification process is a direct process of removing incognito from a person or organization.

However, it is not only specific people or organizations that are subject to verification. This term is applicable to various other areas.

Confirming a phone number or email address by sending a specific code or link to it is also verification, but not of a person, but of data.

In fact, any information, any data, any person or organization can require confirmation of truth. In some areas it is mandatory, in others it is desirable, in others it is optional, etc. in certain cases it can provide certain bonuses or opportunities.

Scope of application of the term

This concept is used in many areas, but it is most widespread in the financial sector and on the Internet.

In the financial sector, it is most necessary because this is where the largest number of fraudulent activities occur, and it is always carried out with the goal of avoiding fraud.

4 Verification may be necessary to avoid the appearance of clone pages for entertainment purposes or with information that spoils a person’s reputation (this is especially true for public figures, but they are not the only ones who confirm their accounts);

5 All the advantages and features of the previous paragraph apply not only to personal accounts, but also on the public pages of organizations or simply popular communities on the Internet;

6 V in most cases it is needed to ensure the imaginary safety of users, for example, when threats against someone are detected, it is easier to hold the person who made them accountable if his account is verified (although in fact this system almost does not work);

7 When you sign up for paid subscriptions to a website, audio library, video library or libraries u. Registration to confirm reality is necessary to resolve possible monetary disputes and avoid fraudulent activities on the part of users;

8 Almost all sites working with electronic money systems, also for these purposes, they carry out a verification procedure, especially if we are talking about the turnover of more or less significant amounts (for example, it implements several stages of account confirmation, and at each new stage the user is given access to more advanced functionality of the system).

Not all users know that many social networks, although they do not require verification by default, can carry it out at the user’s request. For example, on the website you can contact the Support Service in order to carry out such a procedure if for one reason or another you see a need for it. In this way you can verify your account or public page.

Account confirmation

In what cases should you confirm your account or public?

1 When you have a large enough number of subscribers to avoid the appearance of clones;

2 When regularly organizing any meetings and/or events, since a verified account is more trustworthy;

3 About performing any financial manipulations or placing a request for them(for example, when raising funds for charity), for the same reasons;

4 If available goals of promoting an account or public, for the same reasons;

5 When posting texts, images, music, etc. of your own composition, other intellectual property for the purpose of at least minor copyright protection;

6 For political or activist activities(although a lot here depends on the type of activism);

7 When working and posting information on behalf of a company or organization, etc.

8 In fact, any account can be verified. The administration, for example, VKontakte, usually does not have questions about the purpose or reason for which the confirmation is made.

Although it is important to consider that it also has a number of negative consequences. And first of all, this is the lack of anonymity - roughly speaking, you bear a little more responsibility for the materials and information posted. Although the lack of anonymity will still not allow you to post, for example, since even without account confirmation, the location and identity of the user is quite easy to find out if you set such a goal.

How to get a?

Verification is carried out in various ways and depends on the purpose for which it needs to be obtained.

Confirmation of a mobile phone number, for example, is carried out by sending it to it, which must be entered on the website page, called to an employee of the organization, etc.

Email confirmation is usually required only on some sites.

Moreover, in most cases, if the email address is not confirmed, then you will not be able to register on the site.

The situation is more complicated with the verification of accounts on a social network. By default, most networks do not require this - just confirming your email address and/or phone number is enough. At the same time, you can create an account with any name or any content.

But for example, if you want to change the first or last name specified in your profile on a social network, for example, you may require account verification to change the name.


The account is verified by providing a photograph of documents - usually the main page of the passport, on which the user’s first and last name are clearly visible.

To confirm the official pages of groups, certain information may be required.

Depending on the status of the organization, including a certificate of registration of a legal entity.

Requires you to provide photos of various documents depending on the level of confirmation - from and other financial documents.

Important! Before sending photos of documents to the administration, make sure the site is reliable. Please note that if there are even minimal doubts about the reputation of the site, then you cannot send photos of documents. In addition, before sending a photo, check the link in the address bar to see if the site is a clone, phishing, etc.

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Hello, dear readers!

The concept of verification is found in different areas and almost everywhere means authentication. And everything would be fine, however, another term has almost the same meaning - validation. This raises logical questions: What is the difference between verification and validation? When is it appropriate to use each of them? And, most importantly, verification – what is it in simple words?

Briefly about the main thing

The term “verification” in Russian comes from Latin. Literally it can be translated as “verus” - “true” and “facere” - “to do”. That is, the concept of “verification” should be understood as “doing (confirming) truth.” Therefore, to verify means to check something for compliance with requirements.

There are also more specific meanings that are dictated by the scope of use of the term. Most often, the average person encountered the need for verification at a bank. In this case, the bank employee verified the client's identity, making sure that the data he provided was correct.

Another option is to check your banking transactions. With the advent of online banking, most of them are carried out by clients on the Internet, and to make sure that the owner of the payment card is behind each of them, the bank calls or sends an SMS with a code to his phone. This code must be entered in the appropriate field, thereby confirming your identity.

By the way, if you are a fan of complex passwords for online banking, services and mailboxes, pay special attention to the application .

With its help, you can automate the process of entering passwords - do it in seconds, and absolutely safely. The data is encrypted with a special algorithm and stored in the cloud. And it’s convenient: devices can be synchronized.

And before you come up with a new password for a new resource, be sure to read.

By the way, if you forgot your own .

There are also:

  • Verification on the Internet is confirmation of identity when registering in various services, payment systems (Webmoney, QIWI, Yandex.Money), social networks. By the way, have you heard about? I wrote about him. The most popular confirmation method is to send an email with a link inside that you should follow. Another option is SMS to your phone.
  • Verification in factoring is a series of activities that are carried out to identify invalid receivables. By the way, factoring itself is a procedure for transferring debt to a third party, or purchasing debt.
  • Morphological verification - used in medicine and describes the process of confirming an oncological diagnosis through histological or other studies.
  • Verification in the quality system - allows you to determine whether manufactured products comply with established GOSTs or international ISO standards.
  • Verification in philosophy is the establishment of the authenticity of theoretical positions through the use of experimental testing. It is interesting that A. K. Popper went further and highlighted the principle of verification in positivism, according to which only that knowledge that was justified by protocol proposals was recognized as scientific.
  • Verification in programming – its purpose is to check for compliance with requirements. If this is a site, then during verification they look to see if it has the required number of pages that the customer indicated in the technical specifications, a feedback field, etc. It only means that all these fields are working.

The goal of validation is to check whether they really work.

Validation and verification: is there a difference?

In everyday life or on forums, users can interchange these terms, because, at first glance, they seem to mean the same thing - authentication. However, in practice there is still a difference. Verification is checking, and validation is giving validity.

The programmers themselves explain both concepts to beginners using the example of creating a bicycle.

Does it have a steering wheel, pedals, a saddle, a frame? This means that it is verified, that is, it meets the expectations of the person who placed the order for its production. At this stage it is handed over to the customer.

Is the bike moving? If yes, it is validated. Accordingly, the validation is carried out by the customer himself.

How not to get confused: examples of verification and validation

Both concepts are actively used in different fields, so the easiest way to understand them is in practice.

In medicine

The company is developing a new drug. After this, specialists in the laboratory conduct various tests to prove that it successfully fights the pathogens of a particular disease and alleviates symptoms. These tests are verification steps. If the drug passes them successfully, it is sent for validation: it is tested on rats, thereby making sure that it works.

In legislation

The written law first undergoes verification: it is checked for compliance with the Constitution and international law. It comes into force (is validated) after a certain period of time (a month or so).

In the IT field

A software development company or studio specializing in website development (meaning that) fulfilling an order creates a new application or website. The specialists of this company make sure that they meet the customer’s requirements, that is, they carry out verification. Validation is done by the customer himself, checking whether the products he receives work as they should.

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