Aimp how to disable popup window. General player settings

Good day, dear visitors website! Today we’ll go through the settings of such a famous program as AIMP. It may seem strange to you that such a topic as AIMP setup raises questions for some, because the program is very simple and understandable.

But, as you know, we are all different, so situations cannot be ruled out when something understandable to one person causes confusion in another. In addition, it would be a good idea for anyone to look through the settings of their AIMPa once again, in case something seems interesting and you want to try it out personally.

Now, to keep things simple, let’s move on directly to setting up our AIMP. I will perform all manipulations with the AIMP v2.61, build 583 program on the standard "Euphoria" cover.

Actually, the settings themselves can be divided into 6 groups: “Playback”, “Playlist”, “Player”, “Templates”, “System” and “Interface”. Let's start, oddly enough, from the very beginning. So:

1. Playback.

(click to enlarge)

This item AIMP settings is responsible for the following options (you will see the options if you click on the item itself)

"Audio output device" - in this menu we are asked to select the device with which we will play sound (songs, audiobooks, tracks). By clicking on the drop-down list you will see the devices available for use. I have a standard Windows sound system (Windows default), sound from my sound card (VIA), as well as an SPDIF interface (depending on the presence of this interface on the motherboard). That is, everyone will have their own devices, with the exception of the standard Windows device - everyone will have it. one of them will seem preferable to you. I use my VIA sound card.

To the right of the device selection is a menu for selecting software mixing ( Software Mixing) - it is advisable to enable this option and select 32 Bit () - this will give the sound some fullness and naturalness.

Buffer size. It is better to set this setting closer to the end of the slider - this will reduce processor load and, possibly, solve the problem of sound “stuttering” when the computer is heavily loaded. If your configuration is powerful, then you can not touch the setting at all.

Logarithmic volume control- try turning it on, setting the volume in the speakers to a lower level and adjusting the volume in the player itself. The purpose of the function is to change the sound reduction/increase mode from linear to logarithmic. In my opinion, this option provides a better way to change the sound volume level.

"Sound effects" - the settings are purely user-specific and, I think, understandable to everyone.

You need to pay attention to the button with the name " DSP-Manager". By clicking on it you will be taken to the settings of this very DSP Managera.

- Echo. This option gives the sound a touch of echo;

- Reverb. Another echo. In essence, it is a multiply reflected echo. In some settings, it resembles the sound of a band in a large indoor hall or studio. Quite an interesting effect;

- Chorus. Despite the original meaning of the word (chorus), the effect of the chorus is not particularly noticeable. More likely some arbitrary volumetric distortions - try it yourself

- Flanger. An add-on that works with the audio return signal. To be honest, I can’t say where this will be needed when listening to audio, but you never know.

- Stereo Enhancer. In general, the very phrase “Stereo amplifier” speaks for itself. Refines and enhances the stereo effect. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise a headache is guaranteed.

I advise you to put " Auto volume leveling" And " Channel reverse"The settings improve the sound quality quite a lot.

- Replay Gain. The setting is unclear to me, or my ears do not perceive it properly, but it brings some chaos to the sound, enhancing the return sounds in the drying composition.

- Balance. Responsible for mixing the sound between speakers / headphones in the direction of 1 out of 2, for example.

- Winamp DSP Plug-Ins- accordingly, the plugin is for Winampa and we don’t need it in this program.

After you have configured the DSP manager options for yourself, click the cross at the top of the settings window; the usual “ok” or “save” button is not here.

In the AIMP Playback settings there is another tab called MIDI/MOD. I don't use it and most users won't need it. Those who need it don’t need my explanations, because they know more about these settings than I do.

With your permission, let's move on to the following settings.

2. Playlist.

(click to enlarge)

"Interface"- the settings are all simple and clear. I advise you to just put it in the " Break down by category"%ParentDir% value - this will make it possible to see in the playlist the names of the folders to which the tracks belong.

Personally, it’s most convenient for me to use 2 additional items in this menu:

- Display information about selected files;

- Show Columns -> Time.

I turn off the rest of the Interface menu items. Try it, maybe you will like my version.

"Playlist". At this point I have all the boxes checked except the second one: Open bookmarks in a new playlist "BookMarks".

"Preservation". Not using Don't save "default" playlist. The rest is included.

These settings are aimed at improving the usability of the program, especially since they are all written clearly, so it’s up to you to decide what and how to configure here. I just shared my tinctures, in case you like it

The next tab of this group of settings:


Be sure to check the " Automatic playlist scanning when adding files"otherwise the newly added files will not be played or will not participate in the random distribution of tracks.

"Automatically skip to next track" - also set. If this is not necessary, then it is easier to enable looping from the main program window.

I do not use the remaining two options, because they are unclear. In addition, I did not notice a difference when turning on or off the option “Save player state when navigating through a playlist using the next / previous file buttons.”

"When playlist finishes playing." I think you will agree that the smartest thing to do would be to repeat the playlist. But there are so many people, so many opinions, so some may find it more convenient to make several playlists and play them one by one. Tick ​​" Don't repeat a sheet if it contains 1 file“It’s better to remove it, in case you really want to listen to your favorite song 10 times in a row, and because of the checkmark you’ll have to start it every time.

"Drag and Drop". Since the free translation of this phrase is “Drag - Throw,” this tab configures these actions. Please note that “drag and drop” is taken into account using the mouse. Another tab is responsible for adding files through the player interface. Again, choose what suits you best through experience. I find it more convenient to add files to the end of the sheet. I also recommend turning off the checkbox " Ask user", otherwise a request window will pop up every time you try to add a file/folder using the mouse to the playlist." Sort by file name" - quite a useful function - turn it on.

"When opening files".

- "Create a new playlist". This means that when adding files/folders through the player (the “Add” button at the bottom), the current playlist will be replaced with a new one with the name of the folder being added.

- "Add to current sheet". Requires no comment.

- "Add to empty playlist "default"". When adding a new folder, a new playlist will be created, but with the name "Default".

For me, the most convenient way is the first one.

"When you open a file, start playing it immediately." A tick will mean that when you click on any audio file on your computer, this file will launch in AIMP and start playing. If you uncheck the box, AIMP will start, but the file will not be played.

"When adding files, start playing them immediately." The enabled option will launch any track from the folder you just added to the playlist. Works only when added via the player addition tool (not Drag and Drop).

3. Player.

It's worth mentioning, perhaps, the settings "When the program starts."

Be sure to uncheck the " Minimize the program to tray"Otherwise, you may simply not notice how it started and continue poking at the shortcut.

I also recommend setting the value to “Do nothing”. Because a situation may arise when, when you start the player, it screams through half the house at 6 o’clock in the morning or something similar. Therefore, it is better to just launch it and turn on playback manually.

Also pay attention to the settings "Hotkeys". A very convenient feature that increases the usability of the program many times over. Naturally, there is no point in going into detail. I will only note that local keys work when the player window is active in the foreground, and global keys always work if AIMP is running, of course. You need to change keys by double-clicking opposite the desired action and pressing the key you need to assign.

(click to enlarge)

4. Templates.

All these scary “crackers” are just shorthand for the necessary variables to form the template for your playlist and ticker. If you are interested, just look at the example and abbreviations - everything is easy, the main thing is not to be afraid.

5. System.

(click to enlarge)

It is in this group that the annoying AIMP logo is removed! Other useful parameters can also be configured here, for example I use " Show information about the current track on the taskbar" And " Allow scrolling information about the current file". Just keep in mind that enabling these options will increase the load on the processor, albeit slightly, but will increase.

Also in this tab you can configure the integration of AIMP into the system, as well as its autostart, which, by the way, is disabled for me.

Tab " Trey" will give you the opportunity to customize the behavior of the program while working in the tray. You can also enable / disable the floating window of the program, which, personally, annoys me. It can be disabled by checking the box " Hide TrayControl". Plus, you can also select the appearance of the icon that will be displayed in the tray while AIMP is running.

(click to enlarge)

On the "tab" File associations"You can specify which files will be opened by default and associated with the AIMP program. Let me remind you that this player works with audio, and for high-quality video playback you can install and configure the KMP player.

6. Interface.

(click to enlarge)

This setting is purely individual, so I’ll just show you my AIMP interface settings, and everyone will decide for themselves what to use and what not. I will only note that most of these settings affect the speed of the computer to varying degrees. For weak computers this effect will be quite noticeable, so it is better not to use, for example, transparency.

I also advise you not to download many covers for the program at the same time, because subsequent failures and unnecessary load on the computer processor are possible.

Perhaps the article turned out to be a little lengthy, for which I apologize, but even so we did not fully consider all the settings.

That's all for AIMP settings.

And I wish you only high-quality sound and your favorite compositions!

Message from O_2:

Accidentally, in the settings of Aimp 3, I removed the function that separated music in folders from each other, and the names of the folders were displayed in the playlist.

Oh damn, I found it myself.

and if anyone has it, please post the covers and visualization for the program

Message from Mapuo:

Please tell me how to remove the constantly pop-up bar with the track name at the top of the screen in AIMP3?

Settings->Plugins->Information Feed

Version: 1.6
- the font on the tabs has been reduced
- new set of icons
Developer's address: ....

metro.acs3 73.22 KB

Winamp plugin for controlling the Player using tray icons

Nullsoft Tray Control v2.0
by Nullsoft, Inc.

Nullsoft Tray Control Icon Pack v3.1
by Darren Owen 9.86 Kb

Icon 204.12 Kb

Message from H8MACHINE:

The sound in the latest version 3.10 beta 2 build 1034 is distorted. It is not clear whether it stutters or plays quickly.

This is the latest beta version, they are gradually correcting bugs. There is the latest final version in the header of this topic, you can try installing it or updating to the next beta - ....

AIMP v3.50 was announced. Public beta testing is scheduled for February 1, 2013.

AIMP for Android was announced

SummarySound Engine: BASS
Supported formats: MP3 / WAV / OGG / FLAC / AAC / ALAC / WV
Supported Android OS versions: v2.3 (and higher)
Adding files and folders from the SD card and/or internal memory of the device
The program is currently at the closed alpha testing stage. The start of public beta testing is planned for January, most likely towards the end of the month. Follow the news.

aimp_3.50.1224_beta_1.exe 7.40 MB
AIMP3 Skin Editor v3.50 Beta 1 (Build 529).zip 3.98 MB

AIMP version for Android is available for download. Only a beta version for now.

Attention! This is a test version of the program, it may contain many errors -....

Version: v0.3 Beta 2
Assembly: 40
Build date: 04/25/2013
Target platform: Android 2.3 or later (ARMv6 or ARMv7)

List of changes:

General: Ability to install the program on an SD card
+ Player: Added the ability to select the code page for tag field values ​​in ANSI encoding
+ Player: Supports album covers as separate files (supported: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp)
+ Player: When you pull out the headphones, the player is now paused

* General: For Android v3.0 and newer the program runs with the HOLO theme
* Player: Scan internal and external SD cards
* Playlist: expanded list of possible sorting options
* Add files dialog: added remembering the last folder
* Dialog for adding files: long click on the "up" button takes you to the root folder
* Add files dialog: the "select all" button now becomes inactive if the folder is empty
* Add files dialog: display the full path of the current folder
* Add files dialog: sort by file name when adding folders
* Skin: main screen - the font with the track name is reduced
* Skin: main screen - the height of the track navigator has been increased
* Skin: playlist screen - a header has appeared that displays the current mode of working with the playlist

Fixed: Player - problem with displaying duration more than 60 minutes
- Fixed: Player - the progress bar did not reach the end on Android v3.0 and newer
- Fixed: Player - when the playlist is empty, the program crashes when pressing forward/backward
- Fixed: Player - the program was closed by clicking on the "Back" button when the main screen was active
- Fixed: dialog for adding files - marked files were added only from the current folder and subfolders
- Fixed: dialog for adding files - the program crashes if an error occurs when scanning the SD card
- Fixed: Problems with notifications[collapse]

How to install?
1) Make sure that your phone allows installation of applications not from Google Play. (see Settings\Security\Unknown sources)
2) Upload AIMP.apk to the SD card
3) Install any file manager, for example, ASTRO File Manager
4) Using a file manager, install AIMP

Attention! This is a test version of the program, it may contain many errors

Among users who prefer to listen to music on a computer or laptop, there is probably no one who has not heard about AIMP at least once. This is one of the most popular media players available today. In this article, we would like to tell you how you can customize AIMP, taking into account different tastes and preferences.

All adjustments here are divided into special subgroups. There are quite a lot of them, so when you come across this question face to face for the first time, you may get confused. Below we will try to consider in detail all types of configuration that will help you configure the player.

Appearance and display

First of all, we will configure the appearance of the player and all the information that is displayed in it. We will start from the end, since changing external settings may reset some internal adjustments. Let's get started.

  1. Launch AIMP.
  2. In the upper left corner you will find a button "Menu". Click on it.
  3. A drop-down menu will appear in which you need to select the item "Settings". In addition, a similar function is performed by a combination of buttons "Ctrl" And "P" on keyboard.
  4. On the left side of the open window there will be settings sections, each of which we will consider in this article. Let's start by changing the AIMP language if you are not satisfied with the current one, or if you chose the wrong language when installing the program. To do this, you need to go to the section with the appropriate name "Language".
  5. In the central part of the window you will see a list of available languages. Select the one you need and then press the button "Apply" or "OK" in the lower area.
  6. The next step is to select an AIMP cover. To do this, go to the corresponding section on the left side of the window.
  7. This option will change the appearance of the player. You can choose any skin from all available. By default there are three. Simply left-click on the desired line, and then confirm your choice using the button "Apply", and then "OK".
  8. In addition, you can always download any cover you like from the Internet. To do this you need to click on the button "Download additional covers".
  9. Here you will see a strip with color gradients. You can choose the color to display the main elements of the AIMP interface. Simply move the slider on the top bar to select the color you want. The lower bar will allow you to change the shade of the previously selected parameter. Changes are saved in the same way as other settings.
  10. The following interface option will allow you to change the display mode of the running line of the playing track in AIMP. To change this config, go to the section "Ticker". Here you can specify the information that will be displayed in the line. In addition, parameters for the direction of movement, appearance and its update interval are available.
  11. Please note that the ticker display is not available in all AIMP skins. A similar function is definitely available in the standard version of the player skin.
  12. The next item will be the section "Interface". Click on the appropriate name.
  13. The main settings of this group concern the animation of various inscriptions and software elements. You can also change the transparency settings of the player itself. All parameters are turned on and off with a simple checkmark next to the desired line.
  14. In the case of changing transparency, you will need to not only check the boxes, but also adjust the position of a special slider. Do not forget to save the configurations after this by clicking the special buttons "Apply" and then "OK".

We are done with the appearance settings. Now let's move on to the next point.


Plugins are special independent modules that allow you to connect special services to AIMP. In addition, the described player has several of its own modules, which we will discuss in this section.

  1. In the same way as before, go to the AIMP settings.
  2. Next, from the list on the left, select the item "Plugins", simply by left-clicking on its name.
  3. In the work area of ​​the window you will see a list of all available or already installed plugins for AIMP. We will not dwell on each of them in detail, since this topic deserves a separate lesson due to the large number of plugins. The general idea is to enable or disable the plugin you need. To do this, you need to check the box next to the required line, then confirm the changes and restart AIMP.
  4. As with player covers, you can download various plugins from the Internet. To do this, just click on the desired line in this window.
  5. The latest versions of AIMP have a plugin built in by default "". To enable and configure it, you need to go to a special section.
  6. Please note that authorization is required for its correct use. This means that you need to pre-register on the official website "".
  7. The essence of this plugin comes down to tracking the music you like and then adding it to a special music profile. This is exactly what all the parameters in this section are aimed at. To change the settings, you just need to, as before, check or uncheck the box next to the desired option.
  8. Another built-in plugin in AIMP is visualization. These are special visual effects that accompany a musical composition. By going to the section with the same name, you can configure the operation of this plugin. There aren't many settings here. You can change the parameter for applying anti-aliasing to visualization and set it to change after a certain time.
  9. The next step is to configure the AIMP information feed. It is enabled by default. You can see it at the top of the screen every time you launch a particular music file in the player. It looks like this.
  10. This block of options will allow you to carry out detailed configuration of the tape. If you want to turn it off completely, then simply uncheck the box next to the line marked in the image below.
  11. In addition, there are three subsections. In the subsection "Behavior" You can enable or disable the continuous display of the feed, and also set the duration of its display on the screen. There is also an option available that changes the location of this plugin on your monitor.
  12. Subsection "Templates" will allow you to change the information that will be indicated in the information feed. This includes the name of the artist, the title of the composition, its duration, file format, bitrate, and so on. You can remove the extra parameter in these lines and add another one. You will see the entire list of valid values ​​if you click on the icon to the right of both lines.
  13. Last subsection "View" in the plugin "Information feed" is responsible for the general display of information. Local options allow you to set your own background for the feed, transparency, and also adjust the location of the text itself. For convenient editing, there is a button at the bottom of the window "Preview", allowing you to immediately see changes.
  14. In this section with plugins there is also an item related to AIMP updates. We think it is not worth dwelling on it in detail. As the name implies, this option allows you to run a manual check of a new version of the player. If one is detected, AIMP will immediately update automatically. To start the procedure you just need to press the appropriate button "Check".

This completes the plugin settings. Let's move on.

System Configurations

This group of options allows you to set parameters that are related to the system part of the player’s operation. It's not at all difficult to do this. Let's look at the whole process in more detail.

  1. Open the settings window using a key combination "Ctrl+P" or via the context menu.
  2. In the list of groups located on the left, click on the name "System".
  3. A list of available changes will appear on the right. The very first parameter will allow you to block the monitor from turning off when AIMP is running. To do this, just tick the corresponding line. There is also a slider that will allow you to adjust the priority of this task. Please note that to avoid turning off the monitor, the player window must be active.
  4. In the block called "Integration" you can change the player launch parameter. By checking the box next to the desired line, you will allow Windows to automatically launch AIMP when turned on. In the same block, you can optionally add special lines to the context menu.
  5. This means that when you right-click on a music file, you will see the following picture.
  6. The last block in this section is responsible for displaying the player button on the taskbar. This display can be turned off completely by unchecking the box next to the first line. If you leave it, additional options will be available.
  7. An equally important section related to the system group is "Association with files". This item will allow you to mark those extensions whose files will be automatically played in the player. To do this, just press the button "File Types", select AIMP from the list and mark the required formats.
  8. The next system settings item is called "Connect to the network". Options in this category allow you to specify the type of AIMP connection to the Internet. It is from there that some plugins often pull up information in the form of song lyrics, cover art, or for playing online radio. In this section, you can change the timeout for connection, and also use a proxy server if necessary.
  9. The last section in system settings is "Trey". Here you can easily customize the general appearance of the information that will be displayed when collapsing AIMP. We will not advise anything specific, since all people have different preferences. Let's just note that this set of options is extensive, and you should pay attention to it. This is where you can disable various information when you hover over an icon in the tray, as well as assign actions to mouse buttons when you click on one.

Once the system parameters are adjusted, we can start setting up AIMP playlists.

Playlist options

This set of options is very useful, as it will allow you to adjust the work of playlists in the program. By default, the player has such settings that each time you open a new file, a separate playlist will be created. And this is very inconvenient, since a huge number of them can accumulate. This settings block will help correct this and other nuances. Here's what you need to do to get into the specified group of parameters.

When you're done setting up playlists, you can move on to the next step.

General player settings

The options in this section are aimed at general player configurations. Here you can configure playback parameters, hot keys, and so on. Let's look at everything in more detail.

  1. After starting the player, press the buttons together "Ctrl" And "P" on keyboard.
  2. In the options tree on the left, open the group with the appropriate name "Player".
  3. There are not many options in this area. This mainly concerns settings for controlling the player using the mouse and certain hotkeys. Also here you can change the general appearance of the line template for copying to the buffer.
  4. Next, let's look at the options that are in the tab "Automation". Here you can adjust the program launch parameters, the playback mode of songs (random, in order, and so on). You can also tell the program what to do when the entire playlist has finished playing. In addition, you can set a number of general functions that allow you to customize the player's state.
  5. Next section "Hotkeys" probably doesn't need any introduction. Here you can set certain player functions (start, stop, song switching, etc.) to your preferred keys. There is no point in recommending anything specific here, since each user configures these adjustments exclusively for himself. If you want to return all the settings in this section to their original state, you should click the button "Default".
  6. Chapter "Internet radio" is devoted to the configuration of streaming and its recording. In the subsection "General settings" you can specify the buffer size and number of retries to reconnect when the connection is lost.
  7. The second subsection, called "Recording Internet Radio", allows you to specify recording configurations for the music played when listening to stations. Here you can set the preferred format of the recorded file, its frequency, bitrate, folder for saving and the general appearance of the name. The buffer size for background recording is also set here.
  8. You can learn how to listen to the radio in the described player from our separate material.
  9. Setting up a group "Album Covers", you can download them from the Internet. You can also specify the names of folders and files that may contain a cover image. You should not change such data unless necessary. You can also set the file caching size and the maximum allowed size for downloading.
  10. The last section in the specified group is called "Phonotek". This concept should not be confused with playlists. A music library is an archive or collection of your favorite music. It is formed on the basis of ratings and ratings of musical compositions. In this section, you can configure the settings for adding similar files to the music library, recording auditions, and so on.

General playback settings

There is only one section left in the list, which will allow you to configure general settings for music playback in AIMP. Let's get to it.

These are actually all the parameters that we would like to tell you about in the current article. If you still have questions after this, write them in the comments. We will be happy to give the most detailed answer to each of them. Let us remind you that in addition to AIMP, there are no less worthy players that allow you to listen to music on your computer or laptop.