How to share a printer on a local network? Connecting a printer via Wi-Fi: two ways

Let a local (home) network consist of several computers connected via a wireless wifi network. And the question arose about how to add a printer (PU - printing device) to this configuration so that you could print on it from any of them. Of course, you can connect it with a cable to a computer (laptop) and print documents from other PCs on it. But in this case, this computer must be constantly turned on, and even tied to a certain place, not always the most convenient one. Modern wireless technologies allow you to circumvent these shortcomings, for example, by connecting the control unit via a router with wifi. There are several ways to do this, which depend on the network configuration and hardware and functionality, which both the router and the printer have.

To use this method, connect the control unit via wifi router it is necessary that both of these devices support the technology Wifi Protected Setup (WPS). For most modern models devices fulfill this requirement. But you should check this just in case. The fact is that this model The PU supports this technology, you can verify by studying the instructions for it, or by visiting the website of its manufacturer. Now take a look at the bottom of the router. Here is a shortcut that should have a WPS icon and a PIN code that will be needed when connecting the control unit:

But there may not be such a shortcut; in this case, we will verify WPS support by logging into the router’s web interface. Moreover, even with such a shortcut, this still needs to be done to configure WPS. Depending on the router model, entering its interface is usually done by dialing address bar browser addresses or Where is the place with WPS settings in the menu that appears after this - also depends on the router model. For example, here is an excerpt from the menu of one of the D-Link router models:

Setting up WPS consists of setting the switch to the Enabled state. In addition, you need to specify the router PIN in the Device PIN parameter. You also need to make sure that the wireless network must be protected WPA type or WPA2, but not WEP - it's not suitable. You also need to disable MAC filtering in the router settings. Some printer models have special button to enable WPS. If there is one, you must press and hold it until the device detects the wireless network. If one of the devices is equipped with a connection indicator, then after connection it should light up.

Method 2 – using the connection wizard

Setting up a connection using this method is based on using the Connection Wizard. If the PU supports connection via a wireless network and WEP protocols or WPA, then, as a rule, you can connect it using the setup wizard. To do this, the user must know:

  • Your network name (SSID).
  • Password for your network (key WEP encryption or WPA password).

You can connect the printer via wifi using the wizard using the following steps:

  • Click the “Settings” button in the control panel and select the “Network” element in the menu that appears. The Connection Wizard will search for all available wireless networks and display a list of them.
  • Select yours from this list wifi network. If she is not in the list, then you need to enter her name manually.
  • Next, the wizard will ask you to enter the network password.

This completes the wizard’s work, the setup is completed, as indicated by the corresponding indicator on the router or control unit, if any. It should be noted that entering the network name and password must be case sensitive.

Method 3 – via a router with USB

This method is designed for the case when the control unit does not support wireless communication, but the router has USB port to connect it. Of course, to connect it, these two ports need to be connected with a USB cable. To implement this method, you need to know the exact name of the printer and local address router, which for Windows will act as a network control unit. The latter usually causes difficulty for many users in how to recognize it. Therefore, before moving on to setting up a connection via wifi, let’s briefly look at this problem.

This is done as follows. You need to call the mode command line and enter ipconfig as a command. In response to this, a lot of information is given, but only one line is of interest - the main address of the gateway, since it is the router:

Setting up the connection in this case begins by adding to the configuration local network new printer. This can be done using “Start” - “Devices and Printers” or through the Control Panel. As a result, you need to make a window appear with two options - add local or network printer. Next we perform the following steps:

Method 4 – connecting to a laptop

This way to connect the remote control is to connect it to a laptop configured in access point mode. In fact, this is method 3, in which the laptop plays the role of a router, so it is not considered here. Besides, it's not very convenient option, as it forces you to keep the laptop constantly on.

In shops computer equipment You can see new models more and more often laser printers. Such equipment becomes necessary when we're talking about about obtaining a high-quality scanned image. And it’s not just about the need to use this technology, but also about the constant development of modern technologies.

Possibility to connect the printer via Wi-Fi

The Wi-Fi network is also used frequently, and in almost every establishment you can connect to the Internet absolutely. It is very comfortable. If we talk about use Wi-Fi router ov, then this is the most convenient way connect to the Internet from other devices.

If you recently purchased a new printer with the ability to connect to a computer via Wi-Fi, then it would be advisable to find out exactly how to do this, rather than calling a specialist and paying for his work.

Connecting a printer using a router

First of all, it is worth noting that the usual inkjet printers do not have such a function as connecting via Wi-Fi. From your printer and how it is created wireless network, the connection directly depends. The easiest way is to set up a printer. First you need to configure and create it new network. Keep in mind that the router must have firmware that supports the printing function.

Connect the printer to the router via a USB cable, while the power supply must be turned off. After you turn on the power to the router, you need to go to the web interface. Next, you need to enter your username and password, a pop-up window should appear on the main tab informing you that the printer has been detected.

If you have installed on your computer operating system Windows 7, then setting up the printer will be the easiest. Go to the Start menu, and then to Search. IN search bar type the word “installation”. After this, the computer will find a list of operations, but you need to select “Install a printer.” In the window that appears, select “Add local printer" Next you need to create new port called standard TCP/IP Port and enter the address of your router, and uncheck the box next to “poll the printer”. Click "Next".

After the device is detected, select the device type, then “special”, then click “options”. Set the required values, after which the system will begin to search for a driver for the printer of your model. Once the driver is installed, all you have to do is set your printer to working condition and click "Done".

Here we will consider connecting a regular printer, non-networked and without Wi-Fi, through a router to be able to print from any computer on the network.

  • If you need to connect the printer to your computer and do general access- look.
  • If your printer supports Wi-Fi, you can connect it directly to your Wi-Fi router and set up printing on all computers on the network. You can read and see how to do this using the example of HP printing equipment.

This method has an advantage over using shared printer. The printing device connects directly to the router and therefore does not need to keep any computer turned on.

Connecting the printer to a Wi-Fi router

This point was perfectly highlighted by my colleague in the picture on the right.

Here a question may arise - How to log into the router’s web interface? To do this, take a browser and open new tab and in the search bar we write the address located on back cover Wi-Fi router. Usually this , but there may be another. If no one has changed the router settings, then you will be taken to the authorization window. You will need to enter your username and password. This data is on the back cover of the router.

If the router settings have been changed and you cannot access the web interface, check your network details with the specialist who configured it. If you can no longer find this specialist, you can reset the router settings, call your provider and, together with a service specialist, technical support configure the network and Internet. The path is long, but you will know everything and in case of an emergency you will quickly figure it out.

There may be one more nuance. The router may not recognize the printer correctly. In this case, you need to look at the documentation for the router. Your printer model may not be supported. But all is not lost here either. You can and should update the router firmware. Perhaps in a new one software built-in support for your device. How to flash a router example ASUS RT-N10E told and showed in this article.

Setting up a printer on your computer

If the device is displayed correctly in the router’s web interface, proceed to setting up printing on the computer. I'll show you on Windows example 8/8.1/10. For Windows 7, watch the video at the end of the article.

  1. We go to the address

    Select the device driver. Here you can:

  • Select the printing device manufacturer and model from the list.
  • Click "Center" Windows updates", wait until the list of available devices loads and select from there. There is a high probability that the driver for your printer is available in the update center.
  • You can download the driver from the website or from the official website and unpack it. Then click “Have from disk...” and specify the path to the unpacked folder.
  • If the driver is not in the system and in the update center, but you download full version, which is unpacked in an unknown location and the installer is launched immediately, then you can install the printer using this downloaded full driver. Then delete installed device and follow the recommendations in this article. Since we installed the printer along with the driver, and removed the device itself, but we still have the driver, then we will simply select the manufacturer and model of the printer from the list (the first item on this list).

    If you have installed the device before, you will be prompted -

Wireless Wi-Fi network is a really great technology thanks to which you can connect remotely to your PC without any problem various devices. This option can be very useful when at work or in home network several computers and a printer often used. Today we will look at how to connect a printer via a Wi-Fi router and what are the advantages this method gives us.

Universal solution

It’s worth noting right away that there are two ways – through special cable and without wires. The second option is only possible if the printer has the necessary specifications, that is, an adapter.

In the first case, we will look at how to connect a printer to a router via USB (if your router model has such a port). As everyone knows, usually this cable used to connect to a computer, but this time we will take a non-standard path.

  • We turn off the router and the printer - “on the go” they do not recognize each other, so only this solution will help.
  • We connect them using a cable. All new router models must have a corresponding socket.
  • We turn on the distribution point and wait until it loads, after which we turn on your printing device.
  • Now we check our printer connection via a Wi-Fi router. We sit down at the computer and open any of the many possible browsers– as a last resort, if you haven’t installed anything yourself, you can use the same Internet Explorer.
  • We look for the address line and left-click on it to start entering.
  • Enter the special key address and click on “ENTER”. It is important to remember - if you are not allowed to continue and nothing happens, then you need to try changing 0 to 1 in combination. If in this case everything remains as it was, then try to find information about changing the address on the router box or on the device itself - usually This is a separate information sticker.

It's worth remembering which option was right, since you'll need this combination again a little later.

  • The next screen will show us a request to enter login information. Also used here standard solutions– enter the values ​​“admin” in both windows. Is the system indicating incorrect data? Try entering it again or look for information about changes in values ​​by the manufacturer on the same sticker.
  • For example Asus devices you can see that if you go to “Network Map”, the connected printer should appear there.

Everything went fine, connecting the network printer through the router is completed and now we need to do the settings. We will tell you about them immediately after we finish with the second method.

Without wires

But now we will look at how to connect the printer to the network via a router without using any wires. This method suitable for owners modern printers with an adapter and means two different options actions.

We'll start with the method that uses WPS. This function must be supported by the printing device, and at the distribution point it is necessary separate button under it. If everything fits, then let's get started.

  1. We study the instructions for the printer and use it to find WPS activation in the menu. For each individual case, there may be differences in the location of this menu item.
  2. We press the corresponding button on the router and wait exactly two minutes.

The connection is established and now you can go back to the settings.

Second solution in in this case involves manual manipulation of the connection, similar to the actions when logging into the network for the first time from a computer.

  1. On the printer, click the “Settings” button and look inside for an item related to the network.
  2. Select the network name that you need in a particular case.
  3. Enter the password combination.

After this, the connection can be considered complete. We have installed a network printer via a router and now we need to figure out what to do to start using it. Advantages of the point-to-point connection method Wi-Fi distribution is that you won't need to include specific computer to print the document.

Setting up and preparing for printing

Setting up a printer via a Wi-Fi router is absolutely not a difficult task: the main thing is to strictly follow each step.

  1. Open “Start” and there we find the “Control Panel” we need.
  2. Scroll down the list and find the “Printers and Devices” item.
  3. Inside we are interested in the “Add a printer” parameter.
  4. On next page The search for it will begin, but we are interested in the button at the bottom of the window - “The printer is not in the list.”
  5. The next page will present us with many options, among which we need to select adding via TCP/IP.
  6. IN top line from the list, select an option similar to the previous one and below enter twice the same address that you were supposed to remember. It also served as your pass to the router settings.
  7. After the search, another page with parameters will open to you - put a tick in front of “Special” and next to it click on the “Options” button.
  8. Next, we need to click on the checkbox next to “LPR” and just below in the “Queue name” field, enter any name.
  9. You will be returned to previous page, where you need to click “Next”. We can assume that our connection of the MFP via the router is almost complete.
  10. The next window will offer a choice of printer brands and their models for installing the driver. You can also use Update Center or install drivers from disk.

Wireless technologies and connections are very popular today. It is impossible to imagine a new device without modules wireless communication. And this is not surprising: freedom from wires that always get tangled under your feet, setting up devices with one touch is only a small part of the capabilities that Wi-Fi can boast of. Due to the growing number of users of computer equipment and electronics and the introduction of gadgets into our work and daily life There is a need to increase the number of mobile and stationary devices. In one house there can be more than three, or even four computers, laptops or tablets. It happens that they all need a device such as a printer.

Wi-fi router allows you to connect the printer with other devices on the network

Today it is impossible to imagine the process of learning and working without printing machines. Their modifications are amazing: from ordinary black and white printers to huge devices with large-format color printing. 3D printers have become new reality. But today we will talk about home or office use of the printer, namely, how you can configure and install the printer to a Wi-Fi router for further use by all devices on the network.

If your router is pre-installed with the ability to connect external devices via USB, there will be no problems connecting the printer via a router. You can print documents and photos from any gadget (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone) if the latter is connected to. An excellent solution for those who have several pupils or students at home, because they no longer have to sit in line at the computer to which the printer is connected.

First, check if there is USB input on your Wi-Fi router. If the answer is yes, you can move on to the next steps, which will turn an ordinary typewriter into a full-fledged network printer.

Setting up a printer and router

  1. Turn off the printer and router, but they must remain plugged in.
  2. Connect the printer via the USB connector on the router and turn on the Wi-Fi device.
  3. In just 1-2 minutes, turn on the printer.
  4. Now you need to log into your router's control panel. If you don't know how to do this, refer to the device instructions. In most cases, this panel is located at Enter the appropriate login information (usually found on the back of the modem).
  5. Check that the network map shows your device correctly. The model and state (on) must be recognized.

  1. If everything is shown without any questions or errors, then you can proceed to printing on your computer. Otherwise, you need to check the compatibility of the printer and router. It may be that the modem simply does not support your printer model. You can try to flash the Wi-Fi router software.

Setting up computers on the network

You will need to repeat the steps described below on all laptops or computers on which you plan to use printing services. Therefore, study them carefully, and then take action. Be prepared that you may need an Internet connection.

  1. Go to the Devices and Printers menu in the right sidebar of the Start menu (Windows 7).
  2. Click on "The printer you require is not listed." You will need to select “add a printer by TCP/IP address or host name”, then click “Next”.