Yandex browser does not respond. Possible browser problems. Yandex Browser or service does not open: possible reasons

To begin with, I propose to consider the simplest solutions to this problem, and then move on to more complex solutions.

  1. Checking for conflicting applications (if the browser failed to start the first time)
  2. Clearing old cache files
  3. Reinstalling Yandex browser
  4. Disabling antivirus software (ESET NOD32 Antivirus/Avira/Avast/Kasperskiy/Windows Defender)
  5. Disabling the firewall

There may be a reason why Yandex browser stopped launching on Windows 7/8/10.

Possible reasons:

  • Windows OS updates.
  • Unsuccessful Yandex browser update.
  • Installing an antivirus program.
  • Installing new programs.
  • Cleaning your computer with special programs to clean the system and correct registry errors.
  • The computer shuts down unexpectedly.
  • Lack of physical memory on drive C.
  • Computer load.

If the Yandex browser stopped starting after one of the listed cases, then I recommend reading this article to solve the problem with starting the browser on Windows 7/8/10.

Checking for conflicting applications
(if the browser failed to start the first time)

If you still managed to launch the browser after several attempts, you need to check the possibility that the browser was prevented from starting by an application or programs installed on Windows 7/8/10.

To do this, open the Yandex browser and enter the command browser://conflicts/ in the address bar and press Enter.

After entering the command, we wait for the list to be generated and the browser to check for conflicts with other applications and programs. Once the page loads you should see the following:

If “No conflicts were detected,” then it was a temporary glitch that Yandex browser should have fixed. If you see the message “Conflict detected application_name,” then you need to either end this application in the task manager, or remove it from the computer, so that in the future there will be no problems with launching the Yandex browser.

Checking processes in task manager

Another common reason that Yandex browser does not start on Windows 7/8/10 may be an already running browser process in the task manager that has frozen or cannot load due to an error. We need to end this process by force “Cancel task” and try to launch the Yandex browser again.

First, open the task manager, right-click on the control panel and select “Task Manager” from the drop-down menu. After the Task Manager window opens, we need to go to the “Details” tab, right-click on the browser.exe process and in the drop-down menu select “End task”, do this operation until you close all browser.exe processes

If the load on these parameters is 90-100%, then go to the “Processes” tab, left-click on the parameter we need (CPU or RAM), we will see applications that load our system and prevent other programs from loading.

Right-click on the process that loads our computer and select “End task”.

After we turn off all applications that heavily loaded the computer, we try to launch the Yandex browser again; if the problem is not solved, we move on to the following solutions.

Restarting the computer

If the solutions listed above did not help you, simply restarting the computer may help, since when you restart the computer unloads all tasks and ends all processes along with possible errors that may prevent the browser from starting. (link to an article with different options for rebooting different versions of Windows)

After booting the computer, we try to launch the Yandex browser.

Clearing old cache files

This solution involves deleting all cache files on the computer, since the Yandex browser can access old cache files where an error occurred, and this may prevent the browser from launching correctly. You can use it, but in this case I will describe a method for deleting cache files without resorting to third-party programs.

First of all, open the control panel, select the “Small icons” viewing option

After selecting the control panel view, open “Folder Options”, then go to the “View” tab, move the slider to the bottom and check the “Show hidden files” checkbox.

After that, click the “Apply” button, then close all windows.

In order to delete cache files, close all running programs, open drive C (the drive on which Windows is installed) and go to the “temp” folder at the following path C:\Windows\Temp. Select everything contained in the “temp” folder (key combination Ctrl+A) and delete them using the key combination Shift+Delete.

Now you need to delete cache files from one more folder.
We go to the “Temp” folder at the following path C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\Temp and delete all the files in this folder in the same way as described above.

After deleting the files, restart the computer and launch the Yandex browser.

Reinstalling Yandex browser

If the above listed solutions did not help you, move on to a radical solution, reinstalling the Yandex browser. This method should be used only as a last resort, since when you reinstall the browser, you may lose data, saved passwords, pinned or saved tabs, etc.

In order to reinstall the Yandex browser, open the control panel, go to “Programs and Features”, find the Yandex browser, right-click on it and select “uninstall”

In the window that opens, click “Reinstall”

We agree that the data will be deleted and click “Reinstall browser”.

We wait until the browser is reinstalled and launch it. After reinstalling Yandex browser on Windows 7/8/10, the launch problem should be resolved in 95% of cases.

If the browser does not start after reinstallation, go to option No. 6

Disabling your antivirus program
(ESET NOD32 Antivirus/Avira/Avast/Kasperskiy/Windows Defender)

It is necessary to disable the antivirus program to check the possibility that the antivirus can block the tools and configurations for launching the Yandex browser. I present to you examples of disabling protection for different antivirus programs on Windows 7/8/10. After disabling the protection, you need to try to launch the Yandex browser. Otherwise, go to the last option and execute it in conjunction with the option to disable the antivirus program.


To disable protection, you need to right-click on the antivirus program icon, which is located in the tray (lower right part of the screen), and select “Pause protection”, then select pause “until reboot” and click apply.


Disabling this antivirus program is similar to the previous one, we also find the icon in the tray, right-click and in the window that appears, uncheck the boxes next to “Activate Real-Time Protection”, “Activate Windows Firewall”.

Most likely, you are reading this article because the Yandex browser refused to work, and you have not yet figured out what to do with it to make everything work out.

If so, the reasons for this may be problems with the program itself, the lack of necessary drivers on your computer, your antivirus, as well as problems with connecting to the Internet. Let's look at each of these situations in more detail.

Problems with the program are a fairly common problem. And Yandex, naturally, failed to avoid it.

The reason here is in the product’s software code, which can cause various minor and major malfunctions in its operation. This point mainly concerns the tested editions of applications produced by Yandex. The full version will most likely work without any complaints. If you are not yet experienced enough, then never install beta versions of programs. You will not be able to fully control their work, but will simply waste time.

The second reason why Yandex does not work is the absence on your PC of the required drivers that the program needs like air. It's no secret that the browser is built on the Chromium engine, so it is susceptible to the same computer "sores". Flash and Java plugins must be installed correctly and work without interruption. It is also desirable that Net Framework version 4.5 be installed in the OS environment. If you do not do this, you will see that not only Yandex does not work, but many other applications do not start.

The third reason for Yandex browser failures is your own antivirus. It is true that many programs for protecting your computer from external threats are so carried away with their activities that they block all new applications automatically. In this case, you need to check the antivirus page, which lists all the programs that can access the network. If Yandex does not work, you need to check the boxes next to the name of this browser on this page.

Another reason why the Yandex browser may stop working. You don’t need to be there to check the network signal and become familiar with possible problems. As statistics show, it is network failures that go unnoticed in time that drive the vast majority of Internet users into hysterics, who spend hours struggling with the problem of being unable to access the Internet, but cannot just take one look at their ADSL router.

That, in fact, is all about the main reasons why Yandex does not work. You just need to calm down and figure out what happened. And only in case of a serious problem ask for outside help.

There is, of course, a universal tool with which you will forever forget about problems with Yandex Browser. You just need to use an application from another developer, because even the same Chrome, on whose engine, let us remind you, the Yandex browser is also made, is a much more reliable program than the rather “crude” creation of domestic developers, which will become reliable in later versions .

The browser from Yandex has many advantages and unique features, such as Turbo mode, Zen, detailed interface settings and quick access to your favorite sites. You can download it from the official website ( and, after going through the installation process, proceed to editing the appearance and adding useful sites to bookmarks. But after a while, due to some errors in the system, it may stop opening on the computer. Why do such problems happen and what can be done to solve the problem?

Why does Yandex.Browser not open or work incorrectly?

There are several reasons why the web surfer may have stopped launching. Perhaps the program components were damaged by a virus, or you tried to configure something yourself, but in the end you accidentally lost the settings responsible for launching the browser. Another option that is possible on weak, old or overly loaded computers is a lack of RAM to open a new application. Also, before opening Yandex.Browser, you should make sure that you are connected to the Internet. And the last thing that can cause this problem is a conflict between applications, or a malfunctioning antivirus.


Before proceeding with more complex and time-consuming methods, you need to try to fix the problem using simple methods.

Restarting the browser

The first thing to do with any program that refuses to work or launch correctly is to restart it.

Restarting the computer

The second thing to do when the application does not work as it should is to restart the device itself, since in this case all processes and programs will automatically end and then open, which may lead to them starting to work fully by themselves.

Terminating other processes

This option is relevant for users with weak computers or those who work in many programs at the same time.

  1. Launch the task manager.
  2. Go to the "Performance" section.
  3. If CPU utilization is approaching 90-100%, follow these steps.
  4. Go to the "Processes" section.
  5. Shut down all processes that are not related to ensuring the health of the system. For example, select any third-party program and click the “End task” button.
  6. Go to the “Startup” section.
  7. We disable autorun of the maximum number of programs so that problems with the browser do not arise in the future.

Browser update

There are two options for updating Yandex Browser. The first, more convenient one, can only be used by those who have the opportunity to get into the browser menu. This method is more convenient because you will save all your bookmarks and previously entered passwords.

  1. Expand the browser menu.
  2. Expand the “Advanced” section.
  3. Select the “About Browser” section.
  4. In the window that opens, click the “Update” button.
  5. We wait for the process to complete and restart the browser.

The second method is suitable for those who do not have access to the menu and browser settings. But in this case, you will need another browser to download the installation file.

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel application.
  2. Go to the “Programs” section.
  3. Go to the “Uninstall programs” subsection.
  4. Select Yandex Browser and click on the “Delete” button.
  5. We confirm the action.
  6. Open any other browser and follow the link (
  7. Download the latest version of the installation file.
  8. We go through the installation process and try to launch the browser.


If none of the previous methods for fixing the problem helped you, then you should take more serious steps.

Reinstalling the browser

To completely reinstall your browser, follow steps 1–8 from the previous “Updating your browser” instructions. This may solve the problem, since all files will be recreated and, accordingly, will not have errors in their code. If this does not help, it means that the error was not in the components of the browser, or some kind of virus corrupted them again. Follow the instructions in the following sections so that Yandex Browser will open again and perform the required tasks.

Removing viruses

There is a very high chance that a virus has penetrated your computer without your knowledge, blocking your browser’s access to the Internet or corrupting some files in it that are responsible for launching. In this case, you should find and remove the malicious program, and then reinstall the browser.

  1. Open the antivirus installed on your computer.
  2. Go to the “Antivirus” section.
  3. We launch a full scan.
  4. We wait for the end of the scanning process and remove the found viruses.
  5. Let's try to launch the browser. If it still does not open, this means that the virus has damaged the files and requires a complete reinstallation of the browser.

Video tutorial: what to do if the browser does not start

Checking the network connection is working properly

The browser may stop opening if it cannot download the information needed to launch from the Internet. So before opening it, try following a link in another browser or starting downloading any file to make sure that the Internet downloads information to and from the device consistently and without loss of speed. Or go to the website and run an Internet speed test.

Resolve conflicts with other applications

The browser may conflict with malicious and other programs. It may refuse to launch or start working incorrectly, for example, if some application limits its capabilities or prevents it from performing assigned tasks. To see which applications are conflicting with your browser, go to browser://conflicts. In the window that opens, you will be presented with a list of programs and processes that interfere with the operation of Yandex Browser. Close them through the task manager and restart the browser.

Firewall issues

Many modern antiviruses have a built-in add-on - a firewall. It allows you to monitor Internet traffic costs and block Internet access to various applications. Perhaps this application mistakenly added the browser to the blacklist, which means that it needs to be removed from there.

  1. We launch the antivirus installed on your computer.
  2. Go to the “Tools” section.
  3. Click on the Firewall tool icon.
  4. In the window that opens, go to the Firewall section.
  5. Uncheck the box or the fire icon opposite the Yandex browser.

What to do if nothing helps

If none of the previous methods for resolving the problem helped you, then write to Yandex support. Follow the link and fill out the form. In the “Description” column, explain the problem and what you have already done to fix it as accurately and clearly as possible. Attach a screenshot if you get an error when starting the browser. If the error appears only when you click on a specific link, then in the “Link” column, indicate the specific page on which you are experiencing the problem. Specify the email to which you will receive a response from the support service, click the “Submit” button and wait for a response within several business days.

If Yandex Browser stops launching or starts working incorrectly, then first try restarting it, then restart the device. Make sure you have the latest available browser version. If all else fails, reinstall your browser, check your computer for viruses and the network connection. Check whether the browser is conflicting with other applications, and whether your antivirus firewall is blocking it. If your problem is unique, and none of the above helped, send a letter describing your situation to the support service.

There are several reasons why the browser does not open web pages of sites; you can read the solutions in the article. Modern users often encounter a situation where Internet-related applications function, but some social networks, individual web pages, or even all pages in the browser do not open.
In some cases, these sites may open, but for a very long time, with freezing and long loading of both images and other content on it.

1. Registry

First of all, let's move on to checking the registry. This is done through the Windows folder, but it is faster and easier to configure and check through the command line:
- Win+R brings up the command line;
- Enter the regedit command;
- Confirm the command entry.

The next window is the registry editor we need. On the left side there are sections where you need to find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE item. After which various components are selected one by one, we need to find the Windows component.
On the right side there is a list of settings, pay attention to the setting " Applnit_DLLs" If there is nothing in it, it is empty, then everything is fine. If any path is indicated there, then erase all the contents and confirm the changes.

Also in the registry, look in another section: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, where you should do exactly the same as with the previous section. When the operation is completed, restart your computer and try to enter the required page. Most often this helps.

2. HOST file

If Skype works, but browsers do not accept any pages, then most likely the problem is in the hosts file. Although hosts often impose restrictions specifically on social networks, there are exceptions.
Path to HOSTS: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, the file has no extension. By default it contains the following text:

The last line is necessarily localhosts. If there is other text afterwards, then this is all code added by programs or other utilities that needs to be deleted, then restart the computer and try to log into the network.


It happens that the problem is in DNS - this is not uncommon. All the user needs to do in this case is to go to the command line and ping a specific site that should, but does not work.
To check, they usually ping the search engine: google, yandex.

If the answer is the same as in the photo above, then was not detected. And the problem is precisely in the DNS. You can fix it by replacing the Google server address with all eights.
If it helps, now go to the properties of the Internet connection and insert these eights as full-fledged DNS servers. If the cause of the denial of service was DNS, then after configuration the ability to interact with a specific resource will resume.

4. Viruses

The reason for the inability to connect to a certain site from a browser when applications are running may be ordinary malicious programs, popularly known as viruses.

Typically, viruses act specifically on a specific application: Chrome, Yandex, Opera, and it often happens that anti-virus programs do not see them on the system.

To find and neutralize such viruses, there are special programs - Antimalware. Most often, these programs are free for a certain period, but usually they are needed only in emergency situations and hardly anyone will use it for more than 1 day.

Some viruses have the ability to partially block networks, creating a situation where it is impossible to connect to a specific address.
Usually some major social network such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, or less often Facebook is blocked.

To prevent such incidents from happening, you should install reliable and proven protection on your PC. Popular antivirus programs are suitable for such protection. Basically, most of them are paid, but you shouldn’t skimp on protection.

5. Firewall and antiviruses

It happens that websites are blocked by the firewall itself or by an antivirus. To continue interacting with a certain resource without any problems, set your antivirus settings so that there is no ban on a certain resource.

6. Static routes

Sometimes entries in the routing table can be tampered with. If there are a lot of them, then it will take a long time to remove the excess. And in this case it is best to use the route command, with the –f switch special for it.

- Call the command line, in which we write route-f.
This command will clear the list of routes and allow you to interact with all sites through your browser.

7. TCP IP parameters

It also happens that you may need to reset the TCP IP parameters. This is done, again, through the command line, where the following commands are entered: netsh winsock reset, as well as nets in ip reset.

Reboot the computer and try to connect to the network.

Yandex Browser takes an honorable second place in popularity among users of the entire Russian-language Internet. And it's truly deserved. This browser has a minimum number of bugs, it is quite fast and easy to use. But here, too, there are some troubles. For example, there is often a reluctance to open certain pages and sites.

Why does the page not respond in Yandex Browser?

Unfortunately, this problem has long ceased to be rare. Users may often come across messages that the server is not responding or there is no access to the requested page. In reality, there are many factors responsible for connecting to any website. Today we will look at several main reasons.

Reason 1: No network connection

This is the most extensive problem that occurs very often. You can try to figure it out yourself; to do this, you need to look at the “Internet Access” icon located on the “Start” panel.

If the “!” or “X” sign is displayed, then this was the root cause of the problems with the browser. In this case you should:

  1. Inspect the power cord for damage and, if possible, replace it;
  2. Reboot the router and computer;
  3. If this doesn't help, call your Internet service provider and ask if they have had any problems with their system.

Reason 2: Windows Registry

You also need to look at the AppInit_DLLs entry in the Windows registry. To do this, the following steps are required:

Reason 3: Entries in the "Hosts" file

When you have tried the previous two options and nothing has changed, you need to carefully look at the “Hosts” file, perhaps the root of the problem lies there. And all because it stores a list of pages to which a given user is blocked from entering for one reason or another. And when loading these sites, Yandex Browser should redirect you to the link specified by the system. To find this file you need to:

There you will see lines that start with a “#” sign, skip them and look down to the line “ localhost”. This line should be located at the very bottom and be the only one that begins without a “#” sign. Everything below must be deleted.

In order not to accidentally break everything completely, before deleting you should copy all the text to some other place, thereby protecting yourself.

Reason 4: Problems with the site itself

Problems with the site servers are also a possible option. Then there is no fault on your part, some technical work is simply being carried out, or the site could not bear the traffic load.