What does it mean that the printing subsystem is unavailable. Failed to open Add Printer Wizard Local Print Subsystem

Verified Windows time XP still serves faithfully the old ones personal computers. WITH modern gadgets It can no longer compete, but it copes well with printers and scanners. But that doesn't mean it's perfect. Errors may appear, for example: “the printing subsystem is unavailable” Windows XP. We'll look at how to fix this in the article.


To fix the error, use the suggested methods.

Emptying the PRINTERS folder

In File Explorer, follow the path


and clear the contents. Restart your PC and check the printer operation.

Print Spooler Service

Check that the required service is enabled:

Checking system files

After infection Windows virus, some system files may be deleted. Be sure to check for the presence of such files in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder:

  • sfc.exe;
  • sfc.dll;
  • sfc_os.dll;
  • sfcfiles.dll.

These files are responsible for the correct operation of the printing subsystem. If you do not find them, then transfer copies of these files from another computer with a similar OS. Also make sure that the sfc_os.dll file is not damaged. Size this file should be 140288 bytes (137 KB).

OS recovery

If the listed options do not help resolve the problem, you can roll back to (if their creation is enabled). To do this, go to: Start → All Programs → Accessories → System Tools → System Restore.

When submitting a print job, the user always expects that this action will go without a hitch. But this does not always happen - instead of the usual buzz of a printing printer, an unexpected notification “crawls” onto the computer screen: “The printing subsystem is unavailable.” What is the reason for this warning and what are the possible ways fix this problem? Let's figure it out.

You will see this type of message if problems arise with the “seven” subsystem designed for printing materials.

So, this error looked like in Windows XP:

How does the printing subsystem work?

In the procedure for printing a document, there are a number of steps representing collections of processes individual components subsystems.

Client processes;
- Spooler processes;
- Printer processes.

We are interested in the first two collections of processes, since the error discussed is not at the printer level.

The Microsoft website provides the following diagram of the operation of the system in question:

When a user, having created a task, sends it for processing, graphic application Calls GDI low-level library functions.

This library is responsible for correct display graphic elements document. GDI, in turn, makes a call to the printer driver procedures, which must print the document.

This library is not used if the process is initiated by a WPF application - then XPS printing is initiated.

In both cases, further processing of the job is transferred to the client side of the print spooler. This dispatcher is a multi-component system of client-server architecture.

The client role is played by the winspool.drv driver. This is where the user's task is sent.

The driver functions, through the remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism, use the spoolsv.exe server part to process the job, which in turn accesses local router printing, which in turn connects other services to work.

It is quite obvious that the problem of an unavailable dispatcher occurs when a job is transferred to the client spooler level or when the client driver accesses the server side - the Print Spooler service, which the system for some reason has not started or cannot start.

There may be problems with the RPC remote procedure call service.

Let's restore system files

We have determined the possible level of origin of the error. As you can see, it appears at the level of system files and services. Let's also say that this error often occurs due to the interference of certain applications with the normal operation of the printing subsystem. Therefore, the nature of this error is primarily software.

Important!!! We cannot exclude the harmful influence of viruses that change the names of system files, introduce own procedures into running processes. Therefore, it makes sense to check your computer for infection.

On next step you need to restore system files, for which you should use special utility sfc. She's working from under command line, restoring deleted files systems and their integrity. The images below show how to launch this utility.

First we'll find Standard programs in the Start menu

We need to launch the command line

As you can see, the sfc utility can check the integrity of system files and restore them. To do this, you need to run it with the scannow command.

The sfc utility has completed the check:

Let's launch the Queue Manager and diagnose the printer

When trying to troubleshoot a problem, the user can also go to the services panel to check whether such services are working. system programs like Print Spooler and Remote call RPC procedures. You definitely need to run them to bring back to life the ability of your “seven” to print documents.

In the Control Panel, go to the System and Security tab:

Let's open the services applet.

Let's make sure that the specified dispatcher is working:

Also, let's make sure that RPC is working.

If you cannot start the service, then you should take an interest in its dependencies. Make sure that each service it depends on normal operation dispatcher and RPC is executed. If RPC does not work, then many other applications that vitally need calls to the “foreign” address space will not be able to execute.

To see all the spooler’s dependencies, open the properties of its service.

On the General tab, you can also start a stopped service.

And here are all the dependencies on which the work of the spooler depends. As we see among dependencies and RPC. The lower window indicates programs that depend on the operation of the spooler.

This image shows the services that RPC depends on to function. In the lower window we can see many programs that use the services of the remote procedure call mechanism.

Diagnostics of the printer using Windows

It also makes sense to diagnose the printer that is used to print the document. It can be done system means. The troubleshooter will find and fix any problems that may occur.

Let's go to the equipment and sound tab.

Let's diagnose the default printing device.

Let's call him context menu and select the troubleshooter item.

The detection tool will begin searching for problems and fix those found.

Let's use FixIt

A good way to resolve the issue where the print subsystem is unavailable is to run special utility from Microsoft, which was created to identify and troubleshoot problems when printing documents. She is in free access, and you can download it from the Microsoft website. This small application does not need to be installed. You can simply launch it after downloading it from the official website to start diagnosing problems with your printer.

After launching FixIt, a window will appear asking you to accept the license agreement.

At the next stage, we will choose a method for identifying and eliminating problems with the program.

The utility will begin its work.

Then, the program will move on to steps to identify and resolve errors associated with a specific printing device.

Finding a solution using PrinterDiagnostic

Another way to solve the problem is the PrinterDiagnostic tool from the same Microsoft. It is also available on the company's website and is often more effective than using FixIt. It also does not require installation. In the images below we show an option for its application.

After downloading, a file with the diagcab extension will appear on your computer - you need to run it.

This tool offers several utilities, one of which can “deal with” problems with printing devices.

The utility has started its work.

A proposal for diagnosing a specific device.

Brief summary

In this article we looked at part possible solutions when an unavailable printing subsystem error occurs. To successfully resolve a problem that has arisen, you need to understand at which level it arises.

We determined that a possible level of its occurrence could be the stage of transferring a user task to the spooler. However, the spooler itself, as well as the RPC mechanism, may become damaged or stopped. Therefore, it makes sense to restore system Windows files, start the Print Spooler and Remote Procedure Call services. Effective way The solution to the problem will be to use applications such as FixIt or PrinterDiagnostic.

Upon attempt adding a new printer to the system and clicking on the “Install Printer” button, the user may encounter the message “The Add Printer Wizard could not be opened. Local subsystem printing is not performed." Installing the printer becomes impossible, rebooting the system does absolutely nothing. In this article, I will tell you what the error “could not open the Add Printer Wizard” is, why it occurs, and how to fix the error on your PC.

"The Add Printer Wizard could not be opened"

As follows from the text of this error, the system was unable to use the necessary software tools to add a new printer to the system. Typically the cause of this problem is incorrect work system service, which is responsible for the installation and operation of local printers (“Print Manager”).

In addition, the causes of the error may be unstable printer drivers, as well as incorrect updating operating system(such cases have also been recorded)

In this case, the problem most often affects local printers (local printing subsystem), while network devices operate more stably.

Could not open the Add Printer Wizard - how to fix it

  1. Activate Print and Document Services functionality. Go to “Add or Remove Programs” (or click on the “Start” button, enter in the search bar appwiz.cpl and press enter). Then select "Turn on or off" Windows components"On the left, in the window that opens, find the "Print and Document Services" component and deactivate it (uncheck the main box). Then put the checkbox back, click on the plus sign on the left to expand the sub-items of the component, and check the boxes for each of the sub-items. Click on "Ok" and close the window.
  2. Now, if you click on “Install printers” again, everything should work;


and press enter. After the process of checking the integrity of system files is completed, restart the computer, run the command line again with administrative rights, and in it enter:

net start spooler

and press enter. In some cases, this helped solve the problem “The Add Printer Wizard could not be opened” on the computers of some users.

Enable the Print Spooler service using net commands start spooler


The "Add Printer Wizard could not be opened" error is usually caused by unstable work corresponding to the system service (“Print Manager”), as well as the incorrect system update, which destabilizes work with local printers. To correct the situation, I recommend using the above tips by contacting Special attention to activate the “Print and Document Services” functionality, this will fix the “Could not open the Add Printer Wizard” error on your PC.

In contact with

Only very inexperienced user The computer seems that the operating system's printing subsystem is simple and works flawlessly, regardless of user actions, OS settings and printer type.

Experienced programmers who have lived through the reign of MS-DOS know very well what great difficulties you face when you try to print a document on a printer controlled by this ancient console axis. It would seem that the new generation of “operating systems” and printing equipment should completely relieve computer owners from problems of this kind. Well, not really.

Problems still occur, although for reasons different from those that caused printing failures previously. Let's look at the circumstances under which the printing subsystem is not available in Windows XP. Here is a far from complete list:

  • The system is infected with a virus.
  • “Broken” system files.
  • Malfunctions in the printing subsystem itself.

As we proceed, we will discuss all three alternatives and offer specific recommendations for correcting the situation and restoring software printing mechanisms in Windows. So, as Winnie the Pooh used to say, let's start at the beginning and finish at the end. Please be patient and follow our instructions carefully.

Reason one: virus attack on the system

Viruses are one of the most common causes of failures in the document printing mechanism. Availability in the system firewall is not enough to prevent this type of attack. After all, the infection could have entered the system not through the network, but in another way, for example, together with Office documents, transferred to the computer from a flash drive. It's about about so-called VBA viruses written in a built-in language office suite Microsoft Office. To clean HDD from such pests, you need to use some more serious tool. Here is a small list of them:

There is one interesting way do two things at once: make sure that the printing error is caused by problems in Windows itself (and not the hardware), and at the same time print the required documents, without waiting to find out the reasons for the inoperability of the print server.

It consists of creating in advance bootable USB flash drive with an axle on board (optional Windows family). Then start the computer and try to print documents.

We treat the system

A virus attack or other manipulation could cause damage to system files. Including those responsible for creating hard copies on the printer. You can treat the system using the command line interface. To do this, open a console window and enter the command into it, as in the figure shown below:

As a result, the OS will not only scan system files, but also replace damaged ones backup copies. Finally, the problem may also be that the print service is simply not running.

To find out if this is so and to make the service available, open the “Control Panel” window => “Administration” => “Services” and look for the line “Print Spooler” in the list. Double-click on this line and check the activity of the service. If it is deactivated, click on the “Start” button.

Periodically occurring “bugs” never cease to amaze Windows users– this is the most popular operating system on the planet. This time the problem concerns the local printing subsystem, which does not run in Windows 7.

A series of complaints from OS users to the company's support service led to the latter having to provide intelligible comments with recommendations for correcting the error.

What is the essence of the problem? When you try to install the printer using standard procedure, Windows displays a message stating that the associated local print service cannot be started. Well, if it doesn’t work, then installing the printer is impossible. By looking at the window with the list of services, you can make sure that the “print manager” has the “starting” status. Manually restarting this service does not bring any results - the user receives the same error message.

Those who have dealt with this problem offer two ways to solve it:

  • Reassigning the Print Manager task status
  • Manually creating a new port and assigning it to the printer.

We treat the “print manager”

Print subsystem local printer is nothing more than Windows service called "Print Manager". You can get to this service and make sure that it is running or find that it is unavailable by following the following path: “Control Panel” -> “Administration” -> “Services”.

Scrolling through the list until you find a name required service, open the window with its properties and select the “Automatic” value in the “Startup type” drop-down list. Then click on the start button (if it is active, if not, we do nothing), close the administration window and return to installing the printer again.

More often this method allows you to solve the problem - the printer is installed and working in Windows. But under certain circumstances this does not happen and local printing is still not available. It is believed that the source of this problem lies in the clogging of the so-called spool. There are even recommendations for cleaning it, which, however, we will not need. So, if the printer is still not installed, move on to the next instructions.

Assigning a port

operating room Windows system has a so-called system of “ports”, certain areas in the computer memory through which interaction with external devices, like a printer. Each device is assigned its own port. This is exactly what we do when solving a problem with the local printer subsystem in the case when it is unavailable or not running for one reason or another.

We perform the following sequence of simple operations:

In principle, this is all you need to know to cope with any difficulties encountered during installation.