How to make a photo drawn with a pencil in Photoshop. How to make a photo look like it was drawn using PhotoShop

There are many ways you can use Photoshop to turn an ordinary color photograph into a pencil drawing. Let's look at the simplest and fastest method with some notes of cartoon-comic effect.

By the way, this technique can be used to turn vector clipart into pictures, which you can then give to your children so that they learn how to color them! Or use it for commercial purposes to create coloring books :) In general, now you will see everything for yourself.

Step 1

Open the donor photo.

Step 2

Now you need to apply the filter. Run the following command: Filter - Blur - Smart Blur.

Step 3

A dialog box with filter settings will appear. Required first from the drop down list Mode choose Edges only. Then work with the sliders Radius And Threshold. You need to achieve an effect in which the image contains the maximum of necessary details, but you should not overload the image, otherwise you will end up with a tasteless heap.

The result will be an image like this:

Step 4

Let's get rid of the black color by executing the command - Ctrl+I.

Step 5

The edges look unkempt. Let's make them smoother and add a cartoon effect, kids love this very much. To do this, select Filter - Imitation - Applique.

The following window will open:

(Click to enlarge)

Here you need to configure two parameters: Simplicity of the edges And Edge clarity to adjust the thickness and quality of stroke lines.

Step 6

Let's apply a filter and see how a pencil drawing is turned out from a color photograph:

note that Application added a gray tint for white. It can be removed if desired. To do this, go to the tool options bar and uncheck Adjacent pixels. By clicking the mouse anywhere, the entire gray background will be removed.

I'll also take and erase the extra lines. The result was this:

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In this simple lesson, I will show you a technique on how you can use Photoshop to make a drawing from an ordinary photograph that looks as if it was drawn with colored paints. The bet is placed on the outlined edges. The effect is that the drawing was first sketched in pencil, and then it was painted over, leaving an emphasized outline of the contours.

Original image:

Final result:

Step 10

Activate the bottom black and white layer and set the blending mode to or, depending on how your photo looks.

With mode Overlap:

With mode Soft light:

To reduce the color intensity, you can lower the value on the second black and white layer or on the background layer.


The finished result should look something like this:

When choosing a photo for processing, please note that this lesson best allows you to stylize images with nature or flowers. Macro photography is also suitable for this lesson. Editing portrait photos or pictures of animals will most likely not look as impressive.

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To create one that would look as realistic as possible and could be used to create various graphic works, it is not enough to use standard filters or programs. It is necessary to master the principles of Adobe Photoshop.

We decided to simplify your work and have put together several lessons that tell you in detail how to make pencil drawing in Photoshop to make it as realistic as possible.

Pencil drawing effect

This is perhaps the best method that I have ever found on the Internet. Using this video lesson, achieve pencil drawing effect you can literally do it within 5 – 10 minutes.

Drawing with colored pencils

In this tutorial you will learn how to turn any photo into crayon using Adobe Photoshop. For beginners, it will take a little effort to complete this lesson in this program.

Pencil drawing from color photo

Making a pencil drawing

Our masters also decided to keep up with fashion trends in the world of Adobe Photoshop. That's why make a pencil drawing in Photoshop together with you on the pages of our website.

There are several ways to do it pencil drawing in Photoshop. This program even has special filters to create a similar effect. However, in this lesson you will learn how to create a sketch with a pencil without resorting to them.

It is not at all necessary to be able to hold a pencil in your hand or to be a professional artist. This lesson will show you how make a pencil drawing in Photoshop with the most realistic imitation of living materials.

A great example of how you can quickly and easily transform photo into pencil drawing (sketch) in Photoshop. In this video tutorial you will find all the necessary information, so even a beginner can cope with the implementation.

To convert any photos to drawing, done with a simple pencil, there are many plugins and programs. However, the opinion of the author of this lesson is clear: “We haven’t yet created such a button to make a pencil drawing in Photoshop with one click.”

Pencil drawing in Photoshop

Many professional designers and wedding photographers use pencil drawing effect from a photograph in Photoshop to add grace and artistry to the photo. There are a lot of methods to transform a photo into a sketch with a simple pencil.

Today we’ll look at a simple technique for creating a pencil drawing from a photo. The technique is so simple that its implementation took me less time than writing a post. Moreover, the result is almost absolute similarity to the real thing. To get started, open the photo you want to change in Photoshop, and let's get started. This is the photo I chose for this lesson.

Photo preparation

Using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+J) create a copy of the background layer. We will use it as a basis and rename this copy to “Outlines”.

I would like to get an imitation of a drawing made with a simple pencil; we need to deprive our “Outlines” of color. To do this, execute the Desaturate command as shown or use the keyboard shortcuts (Shift+Ctrl+U).

The value of the “Grain” parameter depends on your photo and artistic intent; for my work I chose a value of 2% since I work in a small photo of only 1000x667 pixels. Use the “Gaussian” checkbox in the “Distribution” item to evenly distribute the noise that appears in our future drawing. And check the box for “Monochrome” so that the noise is one color.

Create a copy of this layer in the same way as described above and rename it “Canvas” since our drawing will appear on it. You can change the “Canvas” blend mode to darken using the drop-down list in the palette shown below.

Hide the “Canvas” under the mask using the “Hide All” command. Going along the path Main menu Layers – Layer mask – Hide all. The result is a black mask.

The next step is to show the contours of our future creation to imitate a pencil stroke. Go back to the "Outlines" layer and apply the "Edge Glow" filter from the "Filter Gallery" to it.

The smaller the edge width value, the thinner the contours will be, the lower the brightness of the edges, the contours will be less pronounced, the softening is responsible for the clarity of the contours, the more softening the smoother stroke lines will be. For each image you need to select these parameters individually based on its size and number of details.

When this operation is completed, click on the “OK” button. We have received a negative image, we need to invert it to bring it into a “divine” form. Apply the “Invert” command to the “Outlines” layer using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+I). And change the blending mode to Soft Light using the palette list, adjust the opacity between 20 and 25%.

The last step in preparing our photo is creating a background. Create a new layer below the "Outlines" layer. Fill it with white (use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F5 in the “Use” dialog that opens, select Color “White” and press OK). Now that we're done with the preparation, let's move on to creating the drawing.

Creating a drawing from a photo

We will work on the drawing using the “Brush”; select this tool from the program toolbar. In the Tool Options bar, select the Round Curved Fine Brush.

Give the tool the following options.

The higher percentage of “Bristles” you specify, the thinner there will be lines simulating pencil shading

Set the tool's opacity to 40 to 50%. Set the Foreground color to white and make the “Canvas” layer mask active. Work over the mask with a white brush, developing the design. To adjust the brush size as you work, use the ([)increase (]) and decrease keys.

If you make a wrong move, set the foreground color to black and brush over the wrong area, then continue with a white brush. This is the drawing I got from the photo:

That’s all the work is, this technique of creating a drawing looks most attractive when applied to images with a dark, uniform background, it is also suitable for working with landscapes, I think you will find a use for this method and add to your knowledge base on Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop provides very wide opportunities for creative photo processing. In the photo editor you can not only improve the frame, but also achieve unusual artistic effects.

In this tutorial you will learn how to make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop. We will use filters as the main tool.

For example, let’s take this photo taken in Portugal:

And here’s what happens after our manipulations:

To make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop, open the photo in the program and create a color layer: Layer → New Fill Layer → Solid Color....

In the dialog box that appears, set the color of the paper on which our sketch will be. You can select shades of white, gray or sepia.

After this, create a copy of the main layer ( Background) and apply a filter to it Photocopy/"Ragged Edges" from the set.

Let's call the new layer "Rough Sketch". Let's set its blending mode Multiply. Here we imitate the sketch that artists make before drawing the details.

But artists never draw clear and precise lines the first time. We want to make something similar to a sketch, and there should be more rough lines. Therefore, we create a copy of the layer "Rough Sketch" and increase it a little. Press the key combination Command + T and in the top menu set the width and height to 105%.

The canvas will stretch a little, and the lines of the drawing will double. After this, set the opacity of this layer to about 10–20% so that the lines become almost invisible, as if the artist was aiming and marking the sheet for further drawing.

Now we'll do the same thing, but we'll make the original canvas smaller to make even more sketch lines.

Copy the layer "Rough Sketch" and using transformation, reduce the width and height to 95%. Set the opacity for this layer to 10–20%.

Now we need to add more graphic effects to make the stylization even more similar to the drawing.

Making a copy of the base layer Background.

After that we will use the filter Cutout/"Applique" from a set of filters Filter → Filter Gallery…. You can select filter parameters to suit your taste or use our settings.

Drag the stylized layer to the top of the layers panel and apply a filter to it Filter → Stylize → Find Edges…. It will allow you to more clearly highlight the main lines and boundaries of objects that should be drawn better in the drawing.

Now let’s make the borders selected in the previous step black and white: Image → Adjustments → Desaturate.

Let's name the new layer "Sketch" and set its blending mode Color Burn. Let's adjust the opacity.

The previous step can be repeated to add more details.

So, we almost succeeded in making a drawing from a photograph in Photoshop. Now we need to add some pencil shading.

Background and drag it to the top of the layers panel. Apply a filter to the new layer Filter → Stylize → Find Edges....

Now let's decolorize it.

Let's use a filter Angled Strokes from the set Brush Strokes on the menu Filter → Filter Gallery….

Let's adjust the stroke length, direction and detail.

Set the new layer's blending mode Multiply and opacity about 60%. It can be seen that strokes have been added to the image.

We continue to add details. Let's make even more strokes.

We also duplicate the base layer Background, apply a filter Crosshatch/"Slanted strokes" from the set Brush Strokes in the Filter menu → Filter Gallery....

Let's decolorize it.

Setting the blending mode Multiply and adjust the opacity.

At this stage, we have already managed to make a drawing from a photograph in Photoshop. If your goal is a black and white sketch, then you can stop there.

Create another copy of the base layer Background and drag it to the top of the layers panel. Setting the blending mode Color. The drawing immediately “colored up”. All that remains is to use the mask to leave individual parts of the image colored.

Add a mask to the layer by clicking on the icon Add Layer Mask/“Add mask” in the bottom menu in the layers panel. By default, a white mask will be added, we need to invert it: click on the mask icon and press the key combination Command + I.

After that, choose a brush to your taste. This can be an imitation of a pencil, crayons or watercolors from the standard Adobe Photoshop set, or some additional brushes.

Using the selected brush on the mask, paint in white the areas where the color should be. You can experiment with the size and type of brush, its density.

We got it like this:

Using these simple manipulations, we were able to make a pencil drawing from a photo in Photoshop. Each step is on a separate layer, so you can at any time strengthen or weaken this or that effect, add or remove something using a mask.

Taking the principles of this method as a basis, you can come up with an algorithm with other filters from the set Filter → Filter Gallery… and in Photoshop make a pencil drawing from the photo.