How to increase battery life on Android. Maximum battery saving for android

Battery life is probably the biggest pain point of all Android devices. Most Android devices, when actively used, work without recharging for a maximum of one day. This is not enough for many users, so they wonder how to increase battery life on Android. In this material we will look at several of the most effective ways to solve this problem.

Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) is another fairly popular free app for increasing battery life. The Battery Doctor application allows you to disable unnecessary functions, close unused applications, control screen brightness and the operation of wireless modules. Also included with the application is a special widget that allows you to control the main features of the program directly from your desktop.

Additional gadgets to increase operating time

If fine tuning does not allow you to significantly improve battery life, then you can use additional devices to solve this problem. The simplest and most reliable option is.

An external battery is a small device with a capacious battery and a USB output for recharging portable gadgets. The capacity of such an external battery allows you to charge your Android smartphone several times until it is fully charged.

The second possible option is a battery with increased capacity. For many popular models of Android smartphones, there are high-capacity batteries.

The disadvantage of this method of increasing operating time is that the thickness of the device increases with the new battery.

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Despite the fact that manufacturers are constantly working to increase the battery life of their gadgets, we are still faced with a situation where by the evening the smartphone is completely discharged. There are many ways to increase the operating time of a device without recharging. Most smartphone owners have learned to turn off Wi-Fi and GPS when not in use. We will tell you about those Android settings that may not be so obvious.

Reducing power consumption Android

Google's mobile operating system is no longer the nightmare for smartphone batteries that it used to be, but a number of its standard settings are still not very optimal from the point of view of gadget autonomy. Luckily, it's not hard to fix; we've outlined some simple steps to help you optimize your battery life.

This advice may seem no less obvious to you than the need to turn off GPS, but few smartphone owners use the power saving mode when the battery level is sufficient. Most modern gadgets have several energy saving modes of varying degrees of aggressiveness, and some allow the user to configure them quite flexibly. At the same time, the “normal” power saving mode, as a rule, does not greatly affect the convenience of using the gadget, but only slightly limits the maximum display brightness, processor frequency and background data use. In most cases (unless you play), these changes will not be noticeable, but they are quite capable of adding a couple of hours of battery life to your smartphone.

Almost all of our lives are now spent on the “cloud,” which Google (and other services) actively use, almost continuously synchronizing data in the background. And of course, this does not have the best effect on the amount of traffic consumed and on the battery life of the device. To disable synchronization, you need to find the item “ Accounts", and then click on the " menu» and select the desired option. If you still need to transfer data to the cloud (for example, to synchronize contacts), you can do this manually from time to time by clicking on the appropriate items in the list.

Unfortunately, Android does not allow you to flexibly configure automatic synchronization, and therefore it works according to the “ all or nothing" The only way to save some battery power when synchronization is enabled is to disable push notifications for some programs included in auto-sync services (however, this method works for any other applications). To do this, when you receive a notification from any program, open the notification panel and make a long tap on the message, after which the settings screen will open. To completely turn off notifications from the program, just click on the “ Allowing notifications».

Voice search with query recognition on any screen and even when the gadget is locked is a convenient thing, but it also consumes enough energy. If you rarely use this feature, you should disable it. To do this, open Google Now settings and then go to the " Voice search" and select " “OK Google” recognition" To increase the autonomy of your smartphone, it makes sense to disable recognition on any screen, but you can easily leave the “ From the Google app" to use voice search when Google Now is already running.

Widgets have always been the hallmark of Android, but some of them literally eat up energy. First of all, we are talking about those that are constantly updated by downloading information from the Internet - news widgets, widgets with collections of videos and applications, and the like. However, there is no need to rush to delete all widgets in a row: many of them allow you to configure the automatic update period. If you set a reasonable data loading interval in the widget, problems with energy consumption can be avoided. But there is no point in giving up widgets for social networks or mail: applications constantly communicate with the network, regardless of whether there is a widget on your desktop or not.

The Wi-Fi wireless module in your smartphone consumes quite a lot of energy to provide a connection to an access point, including when the gadget is not transmitting data. Moreover, with standard settings this happens even when you are not using the device. To correct this behavior, you need to open the wireless network settings on your device and click on “ Additionally"(sometimes this requires first pressing the " Menu"). Here you need to find the item “ Wi-Fi in sleep mode" and select the mode " When charging" instead of " Always" Now, when you turn off the screen on your smartphone, it will use mobile data instead of Wi-Fi, which will save you some battery power.

Geolocation is one of the main battery drains on your smartphone, so if you don't need it, it's best to keep it turned off. Sometimes you can't do without location detection, but even in this case, you can reduce power consumption to a minimum by spending just a couple of minutes on setup. So, first, open the location settings on your smartphone and find the item “ Improved accuracy" Here you are usually asked to use Wi-Fi network scanning to increase the accuracy of determining your location even when Wi-Fi is turned off, and on some smartphones the same is also available for Bluetooth. We recommend disabling both of these items.

Now find the section “ Application Permissions" On different smartphones it can be located in different places: in our case we had to go to the “ section in the device settings Applications", press the button " Menu» and select the appropriate item. If you did everything correctly, you will see a list of the main Android system permissions, among which will be “ Location" By clicking on this item, you will see a large list of applications that have received permission to use your location. Moreover, most of these programs will probably be able to work without access to geolocation data. Now you just have to go through the list, disabling programs that clearly can do without using location - games, social network clients and other applications that are clearly not related to navigation or displaying maps.

Unlike smartphones with TFT displays, for which the power consumption of the screen depends only on its brightness, in gadgets with AMOLED matrices the gamma of the picture is also of considerable importance. Therefore, on such devices it makes sense to go to the dark side and use appropriate themes for the system and applications. When displaying black on AMOLED screens, the pixels are completely turned off and do not consume power.

Animations on a smartphone can sometimes look beautiful, but for the most part they are useless: they load the processor with unnecessary calculations and slow down some actions when using the smartphone, such as switching between applications. In a word, you won’t lose much by turning them off. The corresponding item is hidden in the settings for developers. Therefore, first you need to access the hidden section. To do this, in the application " Settings"open the section" About the device" and find the item " Build number"(on some devices it is located in the subsection " Software details", then tap on it seven times.

Now on the main settings page there will be a section “ Developer Options", inside which you need to find three items called " Animation scale" and set the mode for them " No animation».

Unfortunately, many Android developers believe that their programs need to always run in the background. This behavior is especially incomprehensible for applications that are launched from time to time, for example, games, photo viewers or file managers. There is no native way to combat this behavior, but there is an application Greenify, which can kill unnecessary processes even without superuser rights. For the program to work, you will need to grant it a number of system privileges when you first launch it, after which you will be asked to select programs that will automatically “greenify” when you press the power button. Moreover Greenify can give advice on which programs need to be disabled first and shows applications running in the background and slowing down the device. However, before adding a program to the list for automatic hibernation, you should consider whether Greenify will interfere with its operation. For example, if you use auto-upload of photos in Dropbox, you should not kill the cloud client process.

Despite the huge number of user complaints over several years, the social network client Facebook, as well as the messenger, remain a real disaster for smartphone autonomy on any platform, be it Android or iOS. Adding to the complexity is the fact that battery drain right before your eyes when using applications can be caused by various reasons, some of which the developer managed to fix over time, and some not. Unfortunately, we can only give one piece of advice in such a situation - remove Facebook applications from your smartphone and use the social network through browser. For convenience, you can add a Facebook link to your home screen. In Chrome on Android, to do this you need to call up the menu and click on the item “ Add to Home Screen».


We tried to list all the simple ways to optimize energy consumption on the two most common mobile platforms. You don't necessarily need to use everything at once, for example, if you are not ready to give up push notifications or put up with the lack of animations. But by combining even some of these tips, you can easily achieve a noticeable increase in the battery life of your smartphone.

With bright screens require a lot of battery power.

But besides the screen, various applications can consume battery energy.

What needs to be done so that the phone does not discharge quickly and its battery lasts as long as possible?

First you need to answer the question: "How do smartphone batteries work?".

Most smartphones have either lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery, or lithium polymer battery (Li-pol), and such batteries do not need to be fully charged and discharged at the very beginning of using the smartphone.

But such batteries can suffer from low voltage problems, so it's best to charge partially (between 20% and 90%) rather than completely charging and discharging.

There is still debate about caring for these batteries, the key is to find what is best for you.

How to increase battery life

Here are some tips on how to make your smartphone battery last longer and not drain quickly:

1. Screensaver and themes in dark colors.

If your device has an AMOLED screen (like most Samsung devices), use dark colors for the screen - this will help save battery power, because AMOLED screens only illuminate colored pixels. Black pixels are not illuminated, which means the more of them you have, the more energy you save.

2. Don't use automatic brightness.

This feature may seem useful, but auto-brightness usually makes the screen much brighter than it actually needs to be. It's best to set the screen brightness manually and change it whenever you need to. This is a very important point, because... The screen is a major waste of battery power.

3. Set sleep mode (screen timeout) for the shortest possible time.

Just think, if your screen automatically turns off after 1 minute, it will use 4 times more power than if that indicator stays on for 15 seconds.

Studies have shown that the average user turns on their smartphone 150 times a day, which means everything possible can be done to reduce screen time.

4. You should not use unnecessary functions, such as animation or smart scrolling, because... they also use up your battery power.

Long battery

5. Turn off vibration.

It's also worth turning off the phone from vibrating when you press keys - this may seem like an interesting feature, but it's useless and only drains your battery. Of course, if you simply need this function, then you can skip this item. It takes more energy to vibrate your phone than to make a simple ringing call.

6. Use notifications for your lock screen.

A lock screen can help save your battery power. And all because you see all notifications at once, without having to turn on the entire screen. This screen comes by default on all smartphones with the Android Lollipop operating system.

If you have Android KitKat (previous version), try using widgets for your lock screen if your RAM supports it or you can install an app that does it for you, like Dynamic Notifications.

You will still have to turn on the screen, but it will be on for much less time than usual. In addition, the screen will be dark, which will also save battery power.

7. Set the "Do Not Disturb" function.

This function allows you to activate silent mode, and the user will be notified of all notifications when the phone vibrates.

This utility also disables Wi-Fi and mobile Internet. When you're at work and don't want to be disturbed, set a mode where your phone won't ring or vibrate.

You can also turn on airplane mode when you decide to take a break.

When you install apps like Greenify, the apps you normally run on your phone regularly will shut down and go into "sleep mode" when you're not using them.

Extending the life of your smartphone battery

8. You don't need to be connected to networks 24 hours a day.

Turn off GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and mobile data when you don't need them. To clarify your location and navigation, you can use either Wi-Fi or 3G, or GPS, but not all together.

9. Try to limit the use of widgets, especially those that require an Internet connection.

Widgets that show the weather, as well as widgets for Twitter, Gmail and some social networks. networks need constant updating, which means they need energy.

It's better to simply turn on a particular widget when you need it, rather than leaving it to run and update on its own.

In this guide, we will tell you how to increase the operating time of your Android device, and give you many practical tips on improving energy saving.

Extending the operating time of your gadget without recharging is the dream of every owner of an Android device. This is due to the fact that most such devices have very modest battery life, unable to support the active operation of the smartphone for several days.

Only flagship models from different manufacturers can boast of large batteries. Unfortunately, not everyone can acquire such a miracle.

Disable unused options that consume battery power

Android smartphones have many features that the average user rarely uses or does not use them at all. This includes Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, mobile Internet, etc.

Remember how often you download something over the air and then forget to turn off your Internet connection or Wi-Fi. And after a couple of hours, you pay attention to the charge level and notice in horror that the smartphone is almost dead.

To prevent this from happening, after each use of the above modules, go to the phone settings and disable them. All the same actions can be performed using a curtain. This makes it even faster and more convenient.

Setting display options

It has long been no secret that the lion's share of the battery life in the Android OS is consumed by the device's display. To minimize losses you need to do the following:

Turn off vibration

If your smartphone frequently uses vibration, this also contributes to its rapid discharge. In order to avoid this, go to the phone settings, select the “Sounds and notifications” item and opposite the “General” profile, click on the gear. Go to the settings section of this profile and disable the following items here:

Disabling all these unnecessary features will slightly reduce battery consumption.

Disable background processes and unnecessary applications

By default, in the Android OS there is a lot of unnecessary “junk” running in the background, shamelessly eating up our battery. If you wish and have Root rights, you can remove all this, but in order to avoid any disruptions to the OS, we will simply disable applications that we do not need.

Go to the smartphone settings and select “Applications”. We scroll to the “All” tab and look for all sorts of unnecessary things. For example, we don't use the Play Music app. Click on it and disable it in the window that opens. Thus, I was able to disable more than 10 unnecessary programs that could waste power.

You can use third-party applications that will automatically close unnecessary background processes. The most popular programs in this segment are CCleaner and, which, in addition to closing unnecessary applications, have a huge number of functions.

Using specialized third-party applications

On our Internet resource you can download many such programs. They will allow you to very finely tune the battery performance of your Android device and save its charge perfectly. Let's look at the most popular of them:

DU Battery Saver

According to the developer, this application can increase the operating time of a smartphone without recharging by 50%.

Before I had time to launch the program, it instantly determined that 18 applications on my Android were increasing energy consumption. With one click of the “fix” button we get rid of this problem. Thanks to this action, the phone's operating time increased by as much as 77 minutes! Not a bad result!

The program allows you to choose the device power consumption mode that suits you or create your own.

In addition, there is a processor temperature scanner that will tell you which applications are overheating the “heart” of the device. And a bunch of other gadgets.

Advantages of DU Battery Saver

  • Accurate display of battery percentage and operating time
  • One-touch optimization
  • Preset Smart Modes
  • Comprehensive information about the status of your battery.

However, as you can see, the program performs the same operations as we did at the beginning of the guide. Only it does this automatically. That is, for lazy users, this and similar applications are an ideal option.

Battery calibration

Unfortunately, eternal batteries have not yet been invented, and today's batteries lose their properties over time. In order to “refresh” an old battery, it is necessary to calibrate it from time to time.

Battery calibration can be done manually or using third-party programs

  • "Manually". Charge the device to 100% while it is turned off, and then use it without recharging until the power is completely used up.
  • Using third party programs. Let's look at this method using the example of the Battery Calibration application from Igni Software.

Download it from our website and run it. We are required to charge the battery to 100%. If the charge is at 99%, you will not be able to start the calibration process.

Charged? If yes, then click the “Calibrate” button. After this, without using recharging, we drain the battery until the phone is completely turned off. Then we charge it again to 100%. That's all.

Enabling Airplane Mode

The lion's share of the battery charge is consumed by the use of cellular communications. Even when you are not making a call, the radio module uses energy to search for and receive a signal. Therefore, if you are sure that no one will call you or deliberately want to avoid calls, feel free to turn on airplane mode. This will significantly extend the operating time of the smartphone. However, you will lose the main function of any phone - making and receiving calls!

To do this, go to the device settings in the “More” item and move the airplane mode slider to the active position. You can also turn on the flight mode using the “curtain”, this item is also there.

Using built-in energy saving features

Different models from different manufacturers may have built-in energy saving options. As an example, I will give the smartphone that I currently use: Prestigio Muze E 3 on Android 5.0.2 OS.

We go to the phone settings and select the “Battery” item. There are two items here, on the contrary, which you need to check: “Leveled activation” and “Energy saving in standby mode”. Enabling these options can significantly increase the operating time of the device.

Proper handling of the Android battery

There are a number of rules that you need to follow when using your Android device. If you ignore them, the Li-Ion battery (which almost all modern gadgets are equipped with) will become unusable very, very quickly:

  • Keep the battery (the smartphone itself) away from sources of heat and cold. Sudden changes in temperature have an extremely negative impact on the life of the battery.
  • Use the original charger that came with the device. A cheap charger from a different model will take longer to charge your smartphone and may affect battery life.
  • Li-Ion batteries “love” the golden mean: there is no need to often discharge them to zero and charge them to 100%. Battery life will increase if you keep the charge in the range of 40-80%.
  • Don't keep your Android device always on. If you reboot it at least once a week or turn it off at night, this will have a positive effect on the life of the battery.


So, our guide is complete. We did not consider in it the issue of adjusting the processor frequency - this is a separate topic, and it is not recommended to get into it with “crooked” hands; you can turn your device into a “brick”.

For those who don’t want to rack their brains, third-party applications that increase the operating time of your smartphone are an excellent option.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments and we will definitely answer you. Good luck!

Increase iPhone battery life here and now - only proven methods.

The capacity of iPhone batteries is growing, but iOS is not becoming more optimized in terms of energy consumption, and therefore one of the most discussed topics among Apple smartphone users is still related to the problems of fast discharge of the iPhone. In this material, we have collected all the proven methods that allow you to both increase the battery life of your iPhone here and now, and extend the life of your smartphone battery in the future.

About iPhone batteries

All modern Apple devices use lithium-ion batteries. Compared to traditional batteries, such as nickel-metal hydride batteries, they have a number of advantages. Lithium-ion batteries weigh less, have high capacity and short charging time, and most importantly, they are durable. The last statement is true provided that the batteries are used correctly.

How to extend iPhone battery life

There are several basic rules that, following them, can significantly extend the life of your iPhone battery.

1. Do not allow the battery to completely discharge

One of the features of lithium-ion batteries is the almost complete absence of the so-called memory effect. This concept means a reversible loss of capacity, which occurs when the charging mode is violated, in particular, when charging a battery that is not completely discharged. Since the iPhone battery has almost no memory effect, it is highly recommended to charge the smartphone before it turns off due to lack of charge.

More specifically, you need to connect your iPhone to a charger when the battery level drops below 10-20%. How much will this help? Experts have found that the lifespan of a lithium-ion battery thanks to this ratio increases up to 2.5 times. Much more useful for the battery altogether.

2. Avoid overheating and hypothermia

Heat and cold are the worst enemies of lithium-ion batteries. Overheating and hypothermia of the iPhone can significantly reduce the battery capacity of the smartphone, so under no circumstances should you keep it in unfavorable conditions.

For the sake of completeness of this guide, we note that the iPhone can be used at temperatures from 0 to 35°C without endangering the life of the battery. Store at temperatures from -20 to 45 °C.

3. Use original charger

In the case of the iPhone, this point is especially important. The original charger for Apple smartphones is not cheap, but Chinese alternatives, on the contrary, attract with their affordability. However, it’s better to pay a hefty sum once than to search for “Why does my iPhone run out so quickly” several months later?

Why are non-original iPhone chargers so bad? Cheap chargers are mostly made on the knee. There are hundreds of disassemblies of Chinese chargers on the Internet, which show that craftsmen from the Middle Kingdom do not strain at all over the design of their two-dollar accessory. The build quality of such chargers is extremely low, and the power is half that of models from Apple. In addition, the insulation is often very weak, which means such accessories are simply dangerous to life.

4. Discharge your iPhone every three months

If you decide to start firmly following (or are already following) the first tip, then there is something else you need to know. Fully charging lithium-ion batteries for long periods of time is just as harmful as constantly discharging them to zero. Due to the fact that the charging process is chaotic for most users (we charge our iPhones at the first opportunity), experts strongly recommend completely discharging the iPhone once every three months. Moreover, this must be done in a special way.

After using the iPhone for a long time without turning it off, the smartphone must be completely discharged, then charged to 100% and kept on charge for an additional 8-12 hours. This simple trick will allow you to reset the so-called upper and lower battery charge flags.

5. Charge your iPhone without a case

Some iPhone cases can cause the battery to overheat, which can negatively impact its capacity. It is very easy to determine whether your case has a detrimental effect on your smartphone. If you notice that your iPhone gets very hot while charging, the first thing to do is remove its case.

How to store iPhone

We should also talk about how to properly store unused iPhones. When sending your old iPhone to a distant shelf, make sure that its battery charge level is 30-50%. Storing an iPhone for a long time with a completely discharged battery will eventually lead to a significant reduction in its capacity.

How to Increase iPhone Battery Life

Now that we’ve sorted out the proper use of the iPhone to extend the life of its battery, let’s move on to the most interesting part - ways to increase the operating time of Apple smartphones without the need for recharging.

1. Start using power saving mode

Starting with iOS 9, Apple offered iPhone owners to use a power saving mode. " Power Saving Mode» allows you to extend your iPhone's battery life by three additional hours. The mode is activated in the menu “ Settings» → « Battery».

How does “Power Saving Mode” increase battery life? When activated, device performance and network activity are slightly reduced, motion effects are disabled, mail checking, background application updates are disabled, and animated wallpapers turn into static ones. In other words, the mode does not affect the main functions of the iPhone; the smartphone remains capable of coping with any tasks as before.

2. Reduce display brightness

Don’t get upset ahead of time, we won’t talk about the banal setting of the minimum display brightness in the menu “ Settings» → « Screen and brightness" We'll walk you through an advanced way to reduce brightness using your iPhone's Accessibility settings.

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Universal access».

Step 2. Select " Increase" and turn on the switch of the same name.

Step 3: Tap the display three times with three fingers. A window with zoom mode settings will open.

Step 4: Set the zoom to minimum and click " In full screen».

Step 5. Go to the " Select filter" and select " Weak light" To close the settings menu, tap anywhere on the screen.

Step 6. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Universal access» → « Keyboard shortcut" and check the box " Increase».

As a result of applying these settings, you get the ability to triple-click the Home button to set the minimum brightness on your iPhone. The display will begin to put less strain on the battery and the smartphone will be able to work longer. To exit the minimum brightness mode, you must press the Home button three times again.

3. Set the minimum display lock time

A simple but extremely useful setting. On the menu " Settings» → « Screen and brightness» → « Auto-lock"check the box" 30 s" This will allow the iPhone display to automatically lock after just 30 seconds of inactivity.

4. Turn on Reduce Motion

There is another option in the accessibility settings, the activation of which has a positive effect on the battery life of the iPhone. We're talking about the Reduce Motion setting, which reduces UI movement by enabling parallax on icons. iPhone doesn't waste its resources playing unnecessary animations, saving them for more useful tasks. Turns on " Reduce movement" on the menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Universal access».

5. Turn off background content refresh

The more applications you have on your iPhone that access the Internet for any information, the faster your smartphone runs out of power. Fortunately, their activity is very easy to understand. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Content Update» and disable the applications whose background activity you want to prevent.

6. Turn off unnecessary pop-up notifications

Every app notification on your iPhone wakes up the display, which is known to be the biggest battery drain. This is why it is recommended to keep the list of applications with pop-up notifications enabled in order. Go to menu " Settings» → « Notifications" and turn off notifications from unnecessary applications.

7. Use an ad blocker in Safari

If you actively use the Safari browser on your iPhone, then any ad blocker will help increase your battery life. Many people don’t know, but advertising inserts and pop-up banners on websites are an additional and not the weakest load on the device. The App Store offers a large number of free ad blockers, for example, Adguard .

8. Turn on “Airplane mode” when the mobile network signal is weak

When the iPhone can't establish a stable connection to the cellular network, it starts sending signals to the carrier over and over again. The smartphone spends a lot of effort on this operation, and, accordingly, battery power. Airplane Mode allows you to prevent your iPhone from continuously sending signals to your carrier when the connection is poor.

9. Disable automatic Wi-Fi search

By default, the iPhone is constantly in search mode for available wireless networks, which is most often not required by users. Scanning affects the battery charge greatly, of course, for the worse. Fortunately, you can disable automatic search for Wi-Fi networks. To do this, go to the menu “ Settings» → WiFi and turn the switch " Connection request» to the inactive position.

10. Disable AirDrop

AirDrop makes it very easy to share files between Apple devices, but not everyone uses it. If you don’t use AirDrop either, feel free to open “ Command centre", click on AirDrop and select " Reception off"so that the function stops wasting battery power.

11. Prevent some apps from using location services

A huge number of applications use iPhone location services. And quite often - in vain. But tracking your location with a smartphone is an extremely resource-intensive process. Of course, it is not recommended to completely disable location services, but it is worth prohibiting specific applications from using the function. Go to menu " Settings» → « Confidentiality", select the application that you do not want to be able to use location services and click " Never" Go through the entire list of installed applications and leave only really important tools, for example, a navigator, to work with the function.