How to organize a webinar - complete instructions. Webinar topics

Webinar is marketing tool, which makes it possible to communicate with your customers, share experiences, create a sustainable image of the company and receive feedback about the product as a whole. And at the same time sell!

In this material you will find answers to the questions: how to choose the right topic and speaker, advertise your product without being bombarded with tomatoes, how many emails should be sent before the webinar, and why to prescribe a workflow for all processes.

The right topic is the key to registrations

When choosing a topic, focus on factors such as:

1. Request frequency

Choose high-frequency, requested topics. Allpositions will help with this and Wordstat Yandex. If this is not your first time conducting webinars, it would be best to ask the audience what might be of interest to them. Make a survey in the chat at the end of the webinar, or create a separate letter after, where you ask about the current requests of your subscribers. It's trite, but sometimes it's easier to ask than to guess.

2. Correct topic formulation

The same topic can be presented in different ways. The essence is the same - the result is different. For example, a webinar called “Techniques for memorizing words in English” received 550 registrations. Webinar entitled “How to learn 300 words in English in an hour” - 2000+ registrations.

3. Specifics of the audience you want to communicate with

Always consider the specifics of your audience and tailor your content to them. Consider their level of knowledge on the topic, their interests, their reasons for attending the webinar, and where they came from.

Obviously, if your audience is moms, then they are unlikely to be interested in a webinar on IT topics, just as, on the contrary, IT specialists will not listen to about child development. Understand your audience and give them what interests them. Or, through marketing, find exactly the listeners you need.

4. Your knowledge in this topic

Choose the strongest speaker, because speaking in front of an invisible audience is very difficult. The next point follows from this.

Cool speaker - quality result

The speaker must ignite the audience: be active, confident, and have the talent not only to interest, but also to hold the attention of the audience. Nobody likes nudists a la a school teacher. Everything should be lively, interactive and fun. Let's have educational and entertainment content, it's coming.

If the speaker is a representative of your company, then in addition to the topic of the webinar, he should know:

  • history of creation;
  • pricing policy;
  • all technical and product nuances of your service/product;
  • useful links must have UTM tags (your website, social networks, necessary email for communication);
  • than you better than competitors, your advantages and even disadvantages, which can be announced to the public (without harming yourself).

Be sure to conduct as many trial webinars as possible. At least two: the first to familiarize yourself with the technical aspects and the webinar format itself, the second to rehearse all the content. Then the speaker will begin to figure out how to meet the time limit, what questions can be asked, where and what to press, and so on.

Presentation is your auxiliary tool

Be sure to prepare a presentation, because this is your face and reputation. Even if you are sure that you can explain the essence of the webinar well in words, without auxiliary tools, a presentation is required. Listeners may have trouble understanding information by ear. Make beautiful presentations and please visual learners.

It’s worth keeping a portfolio of your presentations and uploading them all there. For example, on slideshare. Place links to your website or social networks with utm tags, and you will be surprised that old presentations will consistently bring you traffic (link to our SlideShare).

An important factor is not only the content, but also appearance presentations. Define your personal style and follow it in all your presentations. And one more thing: each presentation contains no more than 15-20 slides! Only the most important things.

Our practice shows that best ratio the content is:

  • theoretical content - 25%;
  • tips and life hacks - 30%;
  • personal experience - 15%;
  • useful resources - 30%.

People don’t come to listen to dry theory, they love to listen to stories, personal experiences and miraculous advice (for example, at the webinar “Preparing for IELTS” they actively asked about the speaker’s experience of passing the exam, empathized with him and repeatedly clarified the deadline, methods and preparation resources).

Be tech savvy and don't panic

First of all, your computer must be quite powerful to handle webinars. Most often, the platforms on which webinars can be held indicate the necessary requested parameters.

Minimum you must have a computer with 4 GB random access memory, 2-core processor and frequency of 2-2.5 GHz. During the webinar, be sure to close everything background programs, especially Skype - it draws too much traffic, loads the computer, plus it steals the camera.

You need to understand that everything that you are afraid of (internet shutdown, power outage, broadcast failure) will happen to you according to the law of meanness.

Our experience has taught us that it is definitely worth writing workflow and instructions that take into account any apocalypse that may occur and how to get out of it. Yes, it’s unpleasant and tedious, but having written it down once, you will know what to do if you turn off the Internet, if the broadcast program does not open through Google Chrome and if there is no sound during broadcasting.

Obviously, you can create such a back-up list by gaining experience and getting your head around it, or you can use someone else’s experience and not expect trouble.

An example from our history: We once had a webinar with a major partner. Since the webinar is a partnership, we were supervised by “that” party. That is, we have a speaker and cool content, and they have an announcement on the website, advertising and support throughout technical issues. The last point just let us down.

At moment X, our speaker was unable to connect and enter the webinar room via for unknown reasons. The organizers had no back-up options for the development of events, and the proposed reboot of the computer and opening through a different browser did not help at all. The webinar had to be canceled before it even started.

History teaches this: write workflow and instructions, comrades! Even if everything always goes like clockwork, there will come a time when the stars are not on your side. Unfortunately. And don’t miss the moment with test webinars, because they are needed for safety net.

Platforms for holding webinars: the field of choice is unplowed, not everyone is perfect.

The spoiler was in the title. Whatever platform you choose, no one will give you a 100% guarantee that everything will go smoothly, without failures, and that the interface will be understandable to visitors.

At the very start of our broadcasting in the webinar format, we were faced with the problem that a very limited number of services offered the opportunity to conduct one-time webinars. You could purchase a subscription for a month, 3 months, or a year. This seemed very illogical, because not everyone is inclined to conduct webinars every day, maybe you want to do it 1-2 times a month, but here you have to pay for a monthly subscription.

We settled on Pruffme, where you could purchase a subscription in one day, which suited us. In about 9 months of webinars, we had both successful webinars and not so successful ones (video did not turn on, problems with sound, knocked the speaker out of the webinar room), but the price that Pruffme asks allows us to turn a blind eye to some nuances.

There was experience in conducting through Clickmeeting, through and so on, but, on this moment, we settled on the streaming option on YouTube:

  1. This increases the awareness of your channel and after each webinar at least 20 people subscribe.
  2. It's free, you don't have to pay to use it, it's your channel.
  3. Streaming is a popular trend; many bloggers and gamers choose this format of communication with their subscribers.
  4. If you conduct webinars on a YouTube channel, you will not need to download them from some service to upload them to the channel, the stream will be uploaded automatically.

Yes, there are disadvantages to streaming. Eg:

  • the planned stream may not start for some reason (the solution is to quickly re-create a new one);
  • the quality of the video may be lost (solution - each listener can improve it independently by selecting this in Youtube settings, depending on the settings of their computer);
  • due to the fact that either you or the presentation are visible, you can lose part of the audience who likes to see the speaker (solution - choose a charismatic speaker with a confident and pleasant voice, then the problem will disappear);
  • when streaming on YouTube, there is a delay of 10-15 seconds, which causes discomfort when communicating with the audience (the solution is that you can adapt to this and indicate at the very beginning that delays may occur and if any questions arise, you will answer them all in 20 seconds).

Don’t burden your audience with continuous advertising, give them some nice bonuses.

Webinars are one of the coolest ways to communicate with your audience, so use it for its intended purpose. Try not only to cover your topic, but also to engage them in dialogue. Ask about existing knowledge, be interested in the geography of your audience, empathize with their problems and offer a role-play to warm up.

As for advertising, it is obvious that it will be present at webinars; this, in fact, is your main purpose for holding them. But you don’t need to insert it after every sentence, make it a block. It is best to insert a short block of advertising at the beginning of the video, when you introduce yourself and cover the topic of the webinar, then you can tell more about your activities.

And, of course, set aside a block for advertising at the end. Just don’t need posing and loud quotes, no one likes that. It’s better to talk about the benefits they will receive and why these people need your product/service/invention. Announce real benefits, show real cases and then advertising will not be perceived with hostility.

It could be something small, for example, a test free subscription for a certain period of time, some kind of promotion or discount. You need to announce gifts at the beginning of the webinar so that the audience is definitely motivated to sit through to the end.

And the last point. Letters.

Don’t be afraid to spam your audience or why you need to think through a chain of letters for a webinar

Letters are very important. Without them, your clients won’t know about the webinar, won’t remember about it in time, and won’t take advantage of the discount because they’ll forget. Form standard template from email chains and simply change the content according to the occasion.

For example, we use a chain of 5 letters:

  1. You have registered for the webinar, we will remind you of your participation 24 hours in advance.
  2. Reminder that there will be a webinar in 24 hours.
  3. Reminder that the webinar will start in 15 minutes.
  4. A letter informing you that the webinar has already begun, it’s time to follow the link.
  5. Letter after the webinar with everyone useful links and details about the gift you are presenting.

At first it may seem like there are a lot of emails and people will perceive it as spam. But this way you can be sure that everyone who wants to will get to the webinar, and won’t forget/miss the right link/don’t buy because they didn’t know where to look at the offer.

That's all! Don't forget to check out our webinars, we are always interesting. Plus, we will always be glad to hear your feedback. So welcome.

You are on air! May luck be with you, and may webinars bring only loyal and regular customers!

Especially for Rusbase readers we are giving a promotional code for a year free training English language. To do this, just follow the link and register (the promotional code is already included in the link).

Conducted a survey for my blog subscribers psychology-happiness.rf and was pleasantly surprised that psychological webinars are of interest to my readers. In this review report I will present brief results of the answers. So, what webinar topics are my Clients interested in?

Number of survey participants.

Number of participants in a survey about psychological webinars on the blog: psychology-happiness.rf

Voting lasted 4 days. A total of 105 people responded to the survey on the topics of the planned webinars on the psychology of happiness. Considering that today there are subscribers in 2 of my newsletters: secrets good mood And 3 steps to slimness already 2400 people, it turns out that a total of 4.3% voted total number readers of my blog.

How did you find out about my blog?

I was very interested to know how the readers of my newsletter heard about my blog. Here is a summary of the most common answers:

  • Internet advertising.
  • Clicked on the ad.
  • Vladmama website forum.
  • Community of professionals.
  • On the blog “Live the Silva Method”.
  • I was looking for materials on and came across you.
  • Came on the recommendation of a friend.
  • The topic is about happiness.
  • I do not remember.

What worries you now, excites you, keeps you up at night, keeps you from working?

The emotional state of blog subscribers: psychology-happiness.rf

This was the next question of the questionnaire and it concerned the collection of information about the current state and emotional background of the participants in my survey.

This question actually gave me additional information about which webinar topic would be most relevant.

In bold I have highlighted the answers that received more than 15 votes.

Depression — 17/16%
Apathy — 17 /16%
Anxiety — 22/ 21%
Panic attacks - 1/ 1%
Attacks of fear - 6 /6%
Anxious thoughts — 22 /21%
Outbursts of uncontrolled anger — 17/ 16%
Misunderstandings, conflicts with a partner — 22 /21%
I can't decide in life — 39 /37%
Finding the meaning of life — 30 /28%
Job search — 15 / 14%
Severe stress - 9/8%
Other - 31 /29%

So I saw 3 hot webinar topics based on your answers - This:

  1. Working with emotional states (fear, anger, anxiety).
  2. The meaning of life (crises, job changes).
  3. Relationships with a partner (conflicts, searching for a mate).
  • Instability.
  • Lack of self-confidence.
  • Irritation from every little thing.
  • Conflicts with children.
  • Health problems among relatives.
  • How to lose weight.
  • Fatigue.
  • Difficulty communicating with people.

What topic would you like to host webinars in the near future?

This question directly related to the topic of webinars that interest you as subscribers of my blog. This is what you expect from me, the author of a blog about the psychology of happiness.

Let me remind you that you could choose several answers to this question. And you could leave your answer.

In bold I have highlighted the answers that received more than 20 votes.

Here's how the answers were distributed:

How to remove anxious and automatic thoughts? — 30/28%
How to get rid of panic attacks and VSD? — 9/8%
How to improve your relationship with your partner? — 22/21%
How to control emotions such as anger?
— 26 /25%
How to end a relationship (divorce, death of a loved one, you were abandoned)? — 34/ 32%
How to use the subconscious to get what you want? — 68 /64%
How to find your dream job? — 27 /25%
How to relieve stress? — 16 / 15%
How to forget a traumatic situation - 34/ 32%

Other - 13 /12%

  • TOP 5 topics of psychological webinars: 1 place.
  • Technologies for attracting what you want using subconscious resources. 2nd place.
  • Relationships with the opposite sex. How to improve relationships, how to end relationships, how to attract a new partner? 3rd place.
  • How to remove anxious thoughts? How to avoid running automatic thoughts in circles? How to stop panic? How to forget a traumatic situation? 4th place.
  • How to find your dream job? How to ask for a raise? What to do with your life? How to start your own business? How to work less and earn more? How to love what you do and do what you love? 5th place.

How to control your emotions? Anger. Fear. Panic. Anxiety. How to express your emotions, stress prevention.

How to behave with children? Write in the comments To this post

, Your ideas, wishes and comments on the results of this survey on webinar topics.
P.S.: Did you like it?

Share with your friends on social networks :)

Click on the desired button:

  • Read the best materials from a happiness psychologist on this topic!
  • “How to become a happy person” is the name of a new psychological group that we are recruiting in September 2011 in Vladivostok. Come to [...]
  • Achieving happiness is a completely predictable process if you know and persistently implement the 3 ingredients of a happy life into your life. All that remains is [...]
  • I continue the topic of creating effective affirmations that can change your life and attract into it what your soul strives for. By composing texts [...]

Interesting and useful webinars attract listeners. The more participants connected to the broadcast, the easier it is for the organizer to achieve his goals for sales and business promotion. In this article we’ll tell you how to get the theme right and take into account all the nuances so that people come.

  • Clear purpose of the webinar
  • Defining the target audience and understanding its needs
  • Choosing the Right Topic
  • Creation of content materials
  • Development of the performance script
  • Conducting a webinar promotion campaign
  • Excellent broadcast quality

Whatever the purpose of the webinar, without a properly assembled audience that you fall in love with with your presentation and content, success will not be achieved. And the first step in preparing a webinar is choosing a topic. Let's figure out how to choose.

Step 1 - set goals and objectives

The search for a topic for an online seminar begins with setting a goal and objective. This step should be the first, since the group of users for whom the broadcast is being prepared depends on it. If you don’t set a goal, you will make a mistake with the target audience and, as a result, the webinar will not be useful.

Conventionally, all the goals of the webinar can be divided into three groups

Education. With the help of educational webinars, you can reach a wide range of people and show your expertise: listeners ask questions in real time, and the presenter answers them without preparation. Webinar platforms have tools for training: you can broadcast experts and listeners, show documents and videos, draw on interactive whiteboard, demonstrate your desktop, conduct surveys and tests.

Marketing. With the help of webinars, they promote their business, promote experts and sell products. You can also establish contacts with potential clients and interact with them at the stages of the sales funnel. Marketers use webinars to increase loyalty among their target audience.

Meeting. Meetings, meetings, planning sessions, meetings and conferences are held in the format of webinars. This is convenient because participants can be located anywhere in the world.

Problems you can solve using a webinar

Lead generation. Do you want to collect a contact database? potential clients and partners.

User training. You want to teach your audience something or demonstrate how a product or service works.

For example, you have an online school foreign language and new students need to be explained and shown live how the homework checking system works. This way, students will quickly master the program, and you will get loyal users.

Internal training. Using a webinar, you can gather staff to present new standards of work, or to improve the skills of staff - saving time and money.

Resolving issues. If your audience has a lot of questions and it takes a long time to answer everyone, you can use a webinar to answer everyone in real time at once.

Sales. Webinars are needed to advertise and sell a product. This is beneficial for the entrepreneur because he gets customers "here and now", and it is convenient for buyers because they can ask questions, understand the product and decide whether to buy it or not.

Webinars help residents of the Online Schools Accelerator sell a course on child psychology without investment or cost with a conversion rate of 30%.

During the online seminar, her audience willingly asks questions, studies the product, and at the end of the meeting, some of the listeners make a purchase with an average bill of 25 - 35 thousand rubles. The success of the webinars prompted her to create a second online product, which she also sells well.

Step 2 - Define Your Target Audience

You cannot select a topic for a webinar without knowing the audience for which it is intended. Natalya Afrikantova did courses for a narrow group - parents of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. She knew their problems and offered them a solution. If Natalya had invited parents of teenagers to the webinar, they would hardly have responded, since they do not face the problem of the childhood crisis.

Test yourself - do you know yours? target audience? Answer the questions:

  • Who is my target audience: gender, age, income, interests?
  • What does she need?
  • What are her needs and what is she afraid of?
  • What issues will catch her attention?

If you were able to give comprehensive answers, it means you understand your audience and can choose an interesting topic for them.

She is engaged in courses on financial topics, her audience is people who want to gain financial independence. Natalya thoroughly studied all the “pains” of her group and conducted the first selling webinar.

As a result, the 25-minute online seminar brought in 96,000 rubles: 13 people watched the live broadcast, nine of whom bought the course. Conversion = 70%. Accurately hitting the target audience brought good income.

Webinars are held for only one audience, because information product for several groups at once is difficult and not always possible. The narrower the group, the easier it is to satisfy its needs.

Example. you teach Chinese language and organized a webinar for entry-level students. It would seem that this is a very narrow group of students. But there is discord between beginner and beginner. One listener has never heard Chinese syllables, and the second knows them, but cannot discern the difference between consonant ones. As a result, someone will leave the webinar without benefit, depriving you of any hope of increasing the number of students. Mistakes can be avoided if you narrow the audience and conduct a webinar not “for beginning sinologists”, but for those “who find Chinese phonetics difficult”.

Step 3 - Make a List of Webinar Topics

Now that you know the purpose and objectives of the webinar, determine the target audience, you can start searching interesting topics. The selection criteria will help with this:

Relevance. Today your listeners care about one thing, and tomorrow they care about something else. If you follow trends, there is a chance to prepare and conduct a “hot” webinar that will be interesting to the audience.

Example. In May, field plants begin to bloom - this is an excellent chance for cheesemaking school students to make caciotta cheese according to the original Italian recipe. In Italy, the best caciotta is considered to be the one made from spring milk, when there is a lot of flowers in the animal's diet. Such a webinar will be of interest to both those who have already graduated and those who are still in the process.

Benefit. It is important that the webinar benefits the audience. According to content marketing expert Denis Kaplunov, people attend webinars to gain information, experience and benefit. A valuable webinar attracts more listeners and provides potential interest in future broadcasts.

Example. An online art school teacher noticed that most beginners have difficulty working with shadows. It is difficult to solve this problem within the framework of a planned lesson, especially since some students work well with shadows. But a separate webinar for those lagging behind will bring them benefit and a desire to continue their studies, and the teacher will get a stable flow of students.

Popularity. You can select a topic for a webinar using statistics services search queries. People are looking for answers to questions on the Internet, and if you are aware of these questions, you can answer them in a webinar format.
To collect statistics on search queries on Yandex, you can use What we see: users more than five thousand times a month ask about powerlifting standards, that is, how much men and women need to “lift” in order to receive a master of sports or the third junior rank. Why not a topic for a webinar? It is good to gather those interested and explain to them in detail the entire table of categories, the procedure for participation in competitions and the assignment of sports titles.

We also see that more than two thousand people ask Yandex every month about training and the world of powerlifting in general. You can also conduct an online seminar on this topic - give an initial idea of ​​powerlifting and answer “live” questions from listeners.

It is important for the webinar organizer to analyze search query statistics to ensure potential interest in the event. How more interesting topic, the more potential clients and listeners will apply.

Demand. If you have a page on in social networks or email list, use these channels to search for topics. This is easy to do through regular surveys. For example, VKontakte recently updated its service

Or you have already started implementing this tool into your work, but are not getting the expected results. You are probably interested in a number of questions: where to start, when and where to conduct it, how to choose an interesting and useful content where to get the audience and how to bring it to the target action...

eTutorium Academy marketers have prepared a small guide for you on organizing webinars. After reading this article, you will have a clear algorithm in your head: from timing and structure, to the nuances of attracting and interacting with the audience.

What is a webinar?

First, let’s define what a webinar is and what the “juice” of using it is.

A webinar is a modern format for holding conferences, presentations, meetings, lectures, trainings, master classes and other events online.

This is an interactive seminar organized using web technologies and communication tools (demonstration of the speaker’s working screen, broadcast of sound, voice and text chat, uploading and sharing documents, polls and voting), which allow the presenter to lead the event on the highest level in close interaction with the audience.

Just as in the case of an in-person seminar, the target audience is formed through registration. At the appointed time, the webinar presenter and his listeners enter a specially organized web room via a link. Here participants can listen to the lecturer, ask questions and receive advice without leaving their workplace or while on a business trip or at home. The presenter, in turn, no longer needs to worry about renting premises, coffee breaks and travel. You can host an online webinar in just a few clicks! Simply put, this is the choice of those who understand the value of time.

P.S. Full entry you can watch the master class

Below we have made a selection of 7 simple tips, which not all newbie presenters pay attention to. Using these tricks will allow you to quickly turn webinars into a source of constant development, attracting new listeners and expanding your client base.

1. Select the correct date/time for the webinar

Day of the week. Do not schedule a webinar on the weekend (unless this is specific to your audience). But which weekday should you choose? We recommend holding the event any day between Tuesday and Thursday. Everyone knows that Monday is a hard day, and on Friday everyone is mentally inclined to rest.

Times of Day. Here you need to focus exclusively on your target audience. And before you set the time, ask yourself these questions:

  • What exactly does my audience do? This will give you an idea of ​​what time listeners are most often free.
  • What is their time zone? It is especially important to determine this if you do not live where the bulk of your target audience is concentrated.

If you have difficulty finding a webinar date and time, ask your potential audience. For example, when announcing an event, create a poll in which you offer 2-3 starting times and ask them to vote.

2. Inform listeners in advance about the date and time of the webinar.

Of course, a webinar is much simpler and quicker to organize than an in-person seminar. But this does not mean that you can notify listeners a day before the scheduled date. We recommend sending out invitations 1 week in advance, followed by a reminder 3 and 1 day before the broadcast. For better effect in some cases this criterion may be increased to 2–3 weeks.

A well-announced event will attract a larger flow of listeners. In the mailing list, indicate the key points of the report, information about the lecturers (experience, diplomas, merits, expertise in relation to the topic), focus on the relevance of the webinar specifically for them.

Here clear example how we inform
their listeners about upcoming master classes

3. Choose a reliable platform for hosting webinars

You need an easy-to-use, intuitive and feature-rich platform... All preparation for the webinar can go down the drain if, in the midst of your presentation, problems suddenly arise with equipment, problems with sound, with the presentation, etc.

Today you can find many free online services on the Internet. But, as practice shows, they are characterized by regular failures and instability in their work. The thing is that the technology used to synchronize video and audio is very complex and can cause strong interference. To organize your webinar, it is better to use a high-quality and proven platform. Therefore, take the time to experiment and test each one before launching your full webinar.

The platform is distinguished by high reliability and stability eTutorium webinars Webinar. Thanks to the use latest technologies, powerful servers and a secure connection, it works without failures or delays.

4. Launch a webinar promotion campaign

The webinar topic has been approved, goals have been set, the program and content have been prepared, the platform has been selected... What's next? Next, you need to decide how to attract people to the event. Where is the best place to post an announcement of an upcoming event so that potential listeners do not pass it by and register?

But in short, here is a list of the most effective channels leadgen, with which you can gather huge audiences for your events:

  • Landing page for the event (Landing Page)
  • Social media
  • Email distribution to your subscriber base
  • Partnership programs
  • Your website and/or blog
  • Thematic forums
  • Contextual advertising in Google and Yandex
  • Promotional webinars.

5. Create a vivid and memorable presentation

Presentations is a powerful tool that sells expertise, ideas, knowledge and experience. And that's a fact! But the problem is that people can no longer be wowed by attractive slides designed in traditional PowerPoint. Listeners are hooked on something original, interactive, dynamic...

So, no “dry” text! Collect visual content: graphs, infographics, pictures, diagrams, numbers, texts, images, and then use one of the services to create presentations. To do this, we recommend that you study the article “TOP 7 services for creating truly cool presentations” and choose the appropriate one.

You might also be interested!
Recently, eTutorium Academy hosted a master class on the topic “Presentation design for NON-designers: how slides will help you enhance the effect of a webinar”. Ekaterina Lezhneva and the audience discussed the most common mistakes in presentations and design principles good slide, and also worked through the real presentations of the participants step by step.

6. Run a test run of the webinar

Despite the simplicity of organizing an online event, do not ignore its test launch. This is important for checking the sound, the correct display of presentation slides, the quality of testing, the ability to ask questions, etc. This will take very little time, but this way you will minimize all the risks of technical failures and “overlaps” during your speech.

Download the slides and flip through them, testing everything out additional functions (animation effects, videos and links). Try running a survey or testing. Check out how to turn on, turn off and stop your audio and webcam. Don't forget to make sure the webinar will be recorded.

7. Don’t lose your potential participants

Many trainers, when they start organizing a webinar, have a clear idea of ​​how many people they need to gather. And they persistently pursue this goal by any means necessary. possible ways. But having received the intended number of registrations, they relax and forget about them until the very start of the webinar... And then they are unpleasantly surprised why so few participants came...

According to statistics, the attendance rate for webinars is only 25-30% of the total number of registrations. But you can increase this figure.

What do I need to do?

  • Send a thank you letter with confirmation of registration.

Such a letter is a great opportunity to remind about the event. This is an advantageous opportunity to once again inform the date, time and topic of the webinar, as well as tell what a person can expect before, during and after the webinar.

  • Send several useful emails.

Have you forgotten that 70-75% of those who registered completely forget about the webinar? So don't be afraid to remind them upcoming event. At least 2-3 times. And so that your mailings are not mistaken for an intrusive “selling”, try to dilute them with some valuable content. These could be your original articles, video lectures, recordings of past webinars, etc. The main thing is that the material is imbued with value for your reader and is in harmony with the topic of the upcoming webinar.

Like, for example, in this letter, where we provide a link
to a useful article from an opinion leader

  • Send the last 2 reminder emails

These are the last 2 reminder emails that are sent to participants before the webinar itself. It is better to send one of them 1 day before, and the second one hour before the start of the broadcast. In these emails, please indicate the time again, provide the link and details for access to the webinar room.

  • Announce the webinar on social networks

Good luck with your webinars and high conversions!

I believe that with the help quality content You can overtake competitors, gain the reader’s trust and turn him into a grateful client.

In this article I will show you how to organize from scratch, with your own hands and (most importantly) completely free. Let's start with the very basics and gradually move on to more complex things.

Setting a webinar goal

Before you start organizing a webinar, you need to ask yourself a simple question - what is the purpose of the webinar? From here we will dance with you. Personally, I have always argued and maintain that a webinar can only have two goals - to sell something or teach something. Very often, beginning webinarists confuse these two goals.

For example, a future speaker may tell me - I want to hold a webinar to show people the capabilities of my program. I want to teach them how to use my program effectively. In such a situation, he sincerely believes that the purpose of the webinar is education. In fact, the main objective webinar is the promotion (read “sale”) of it software. Training is simply a way of promoting and selling.

What do you need for a webinar?

If this is your first webinar, then you probably think that this is a very difficult task, and it requires a lot of money and even more effort. In fact, the webinar can be held for free. As for strength, here's everything you need to host a webinar:

  • Webinar platform
  • Audience
  • Webinar plan

Let's start with the simplest.

There are a lot of different services and programs for conducting webinars. They differ from each other in functionality, cost and some other little things. We will compare paid webinar platforms next time, in another article. Now I will recommend you Google hangout. This is a free and very powerful service from Google that will allow you to conduct unlimited amount webinars for any number of people. In this case, you don’t even need to have your own website. You will conduct your webinar directly through YouTube in real time. This service has changed a lot. So you can't ignore it.

In order to use the hangout, you just need to register with Google+. After this, you will see a selection menu on the left (the so-called “Ribbon”). The “Hangouts” we are interested in will be there.

You will be able to choose either “Video Meetings” or “Live Broadcast”. Hangouts are more like group calls on Skype. There you can chat with multiple people in real time via video.

If you need to conduct a webinar for a large group of people, then choose “Live broadcast”. At the hangout great amount functions. We will look at how to conduct a webinar via hangout in another article – “Webinar on YouTube”.

Invitation to the webinar

This is where it gets a little more complicated. Gathering people for a webinar is not a matter of five minutes. You will need at least 3-4 days to post invitations. However, I do not recommend announcing the webinar more than 7 days before it takes place. Otherwise, your registered listeners may simply forget about it during this time.

To gather people for a webinar, it is not enough to simply post a link to your planned live broadcast in a hangout. Firstly, not everyone is registered with Google Plus. And secondly, you need to be able to remind people a couple of times that you are hosting a webinar. Even with reminders, no more than 35% of registered participants will come. And without reminders, you generally risk being left with nothing (that is, in an empty webinar room).

Registration for the webinar

The best way to remind people about the webinar is to: e-mail. You can collect emails of webinar participants for free either through the service (you can also create a webinar registration page there), or through another service from Google - Google Forms.

I will write you detailed instructions on how to use Justclick a little later. Now let's look at how to gather participants through Google Forms.

You are already registered with Google Plus, so you don’t need to register anywhere else. Go to the page of all services from Google and select “Google Drive” -> “Create” -> “More” -> “Google Forms”.

In field " New form» enter the name of your webinar. In the “Description” field there is a little more detail about who this webinar is for and what benefits it will provide to participants. Next, create the first field of the form – “Your name”. The second field of the form is “Your email”.

Select “text” as the question type. You can also change the theme of the form to make it look more interesting. Don't forget to check the "Make this question required" checkbox for the "Your email" field. The name may not be required.

You can also allow users to change their data after filling it out (if they suddenly made a mistake when entering data).

I recommend that you change the message that the user receives after filling out the form. First of all, go to the "Add-ons" menu and install free application"Form notifications". This simple add-on will notify you when someone registers for a webinar and will also send a notification to the specified email of the person who filled out the form. In the form settings you can specify:

  • After what number of registrations will I send you a notification?
  • What question does the participant's email request (so that the application knows where to send the notification)
  • What notification text should be sent to the participant?

I recommend setting the subject line to “Congratulations on registering for the webinar.” In the body of the notification, indicate again when and what time the webinar will take place, and also briefly describe why this webinar should not be missed under any circumstances.

Additionally, change the static notification after registering for the webinar. To do this, at the bottom of the question editing page, find the “Answer recorded” field. Change to “Congratulations on registering for the webinar. See you online!” (or something like that).

Now your form is finally loaded in order to collect emails from webinar participants. In Google Form responses, you can copy all the collected emails and add them to the direct meeting settings in the hangout. You can now automatically send webinar reminders to registered participants.

Webinar promotion

If you want to use webinars for your information business, I recommend that you first read the article “” (will open in a new tab). You may not have to promote your webinar yourself right now. But if you’ve already decided for yourself, then start posting a link to your registration form wherever you can.

  • Try to use everything to promote your webinar.
  • Post the link on your VKontakte wall and share it with your friends.
  • Find thematic communities on VKontakte and try to publish the webinar announcement there (on the community wall or in a special topic, if there is one).
  • Ask participants to like and repost so your invitation can be shared via .

These simple techniques will allow you to gather your first small audience, and it’s completely free or very inexpensive.

Webinar plan

Now it’s time to think - what and how to say at our webinar? The average webinar duration is 90 minutes. During this time, you can manage to say about 16,000 words. This is 48 pages of text (!) Under no circumstances should you try to speak “impromptu”. You must know absolutely exactly what you will say. Otherwise, your speech will be boring, you will make a lot of pauses, and your speech rate will be slow. Don’t be surprised if everyone in the audience has left long before the end of your webinar.

I have a whole one step-by-step instruction, what and how to say at a webinar so that people are interested and so that they end up buying what you offer.

Let me remind you that we do not always sell something for money. At a webinar, we can promote demo versions of our program, invite people to register somewhere, or simply spread some idea.

The main thing is to have a specific result of your performance in numbers, and not just “everyone seemed to like it.” Use ours to estimate how much income you can expect.

Here you can find. And in this article I will give you the main points that you should pay attention to.

1. Trust

If you are promoting or selling something, then the audience should first of all see you as an expert, that is, a person who can be trusted in this particular issue. Therefore, at the beginning of the webinar, you need to tell us what successes you have achieved in this field. You can watch it to sound more convincing.

2. Value

You need to clearly and clearly explain to people the benefits and value of what you are selling during the webinar. Especially if you want to charge money for it. Listeners should see that your offer is worth many times more than your asking price. By by and large, you must “create value” throughout the webinar. In the body of the webinar, you should provide the main content, constantly emphasizing how much value (in money or time) it brings to your prospects.

3. Uniqueness

You must be able to explain why this decision we need to take from you, not from your competitors. This stage is also called “detuning from competitors.” This can be left for the end of the webinar. By this point, your listeners should already understand why they need your solution. Make sure that they do not leave to compare your solution with analogues on the market, but stay with you.

This is, of course, very overall plan webinar. In another article we will explain in detail and step by step how to sell at a webinar, but I hope you get the basic idea. If you master these techniques, it will bring you excellent income.

Summary: How to organize a webinar yourself and for free

  • Create a “live broadcast” in Google Hangout
  • Create a registration form in Google Forms
  • Post a link to the registration form on social networks
  • Ask participants to spread the word about your webinar
  • Prepare your webinar plan in advance
  • At the beginning of the webinar, you try to inspire maximum confidence in the audience.
  • In the main part of the webinar, you provide content and emphasize the value of your offer.
  • At the end of the webinar, you differentiate yourself from your competitors

Don’t worry if you don’t manage to make money the first time (or even get anyone to attend the webinar). From time to time you will get better and better. I recommend studying my in-depth articles on each of these points to significantly increase the effectiveness of your webinars.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov