How to find out your password from mail. I forgot my email password. How to recover your login and password. A method for obtaining a password from someone else's email

How to find out your password from Email on Yandex?

You need to use the password recovery system - click on the “Remember password” link and either answer Security Question, which was specified when creating the mailbox, or receive letters with the code to a duplicate mailbox, if one was specified. In both cases, you will be redirected to the password change page. Change your password, write it down somewhere off your computer, like on your phone, and save it New Password in Yandex and/or in the browser to continue to log in automatically.

By the way, if you have always logged in automatically, your password may be in the system memory. Just enter your Yandex login in the “Login” field and press the “Tab” key on your keyboard or double-click on this field with the mouse and select your login - the password in the form of asterisks may appear in the password window and you can log into your mailbox.



Thank you Sergei Alexandrovich, but the matter is somewhat different. Exactly, the password will appear in the form of asterisks - on my computer... Asterisks do not suit me. You just need letters and numbers to dictate them to log in on another computer. To print the coupon on a printer. But I was warned that if I send it to another email. address - the coupon will not open. That's why I wanted my daughter to go to my email and print it out....

Who’s stopping you from opening this coupon, saving it and sending it to your daughter to print? Or just forward her an email with a coupon? Or use the password recovery system, change the password and send your daughter a new password? Accordingly, you will need to write down a new password for yourself and “remember” it in Yandex and/or in the browser in order to log in automatically again...

If your browser is ok.

I recommend getting an antivirus AVZ utility- this utility has special application recovery of all passwords stored in all browsers of your computer - not in asterisks, but in the symbolization in which you entered.
In addition, there are enough small programs on the Internet that show dots in the password when you select desired mode translated into symbolic version. I sometimes use depass.
In addition, there is a third option to find the password from your browser’s database. (You didn’t write what browser you have) - so I’m giving this option
Click the Start button and select Run....
2. Enter %APPDATA%MozillaFirefoxProfiles and click OK.
Your passwords are stored in two different files, both of which are required to work:
key3. db - This file stores the key database for your passwords. To transfer saved passwords, you need to copy this file along with the following file.
signons.sqlite - Saved passwords.
signons3.txt - Saved passwords
Copy all this from your profile and paste it into a profile on another computer.
In addition, on the security tab there is a button - saved passwords - you can simply view them
One more is enough affordable option described here support mozilla org
See browser

It’s clear what to do if you forgot the password for your email account. But what to do if your email login is lost? Such cases happen often and many do not know what to do. After all special button, as in the case of a password, is not here. Let's look at how you can regain access to forgotten mail.

Unfortunately, did not provide the possibility of recovery forgotten login. And even the fact that during registration you linked your account to a phone number will not help you regain access to your mail. Therefore, if you are faced with such a situation, then try the following.

Method 1: Contact your friends

Register a new mailbox, no matter what. Then remember who you are in Lately wrote messages. Write to these people and ask them to send you the address from which you sent the letters.

Method 2: Check the sites where you registered

You can also try to remember which services you registered with using given address and look in personal account. Most likely, the form will indicate which email you used when registering.

Method 3: Saved Password in Browser

The last option is to check if you have saved your email password in your browser. Since in such a situation not only it, but also the login is always saved, you will be able to view both of them. Detailed instructions For viewing the password and, accordingly, login, in all popular web browsers you will find in the articles on the links below - just click on the name of the browser you use and where you save your login data to sites.

Read more: View saved passwords in.

Do you ever have times when your email password just slips out of your head? I sometimes forget the password for the mailbox I use for spam. And every time what saves me is what I use The Bat. If you also use The Bat email client and it so happens that you forgot your email password, then in this case the password can be easily found out!

To recover the password for a mailbox in The Bat, you need to make simple changes in the properties of the mailbox for which you forgot the password.

To do this, select the menu item “ Box" and after the point " Mailbox properties " or easier, press the keyboard shortcuts " Shift + Ctr +P»

After the above steps, a window will open in which you should select the following “ Transport" Further " Protocol log " Here we are interested in " Reception protocol "You need to enable the log. Just check the box " Enable log" Now create any text file and select it, say “Logi.log” This file will be useful to us.

Now all that remains is to disconnect from the server and connect to it again. To do this: In the lower left corner of the program there is a button with the name of your mailbox, in my case it is “ Test box».

You are taking " TeamsIMAP»further menu item « Terminate the connection to the server "Afterwards, everything is the same, you just need to connect to the server!

Now we look at the “Logi.log” file, only it will have a slightly different name, something like “Logi_1.log”, open it and look at about line 9 and see the following.

This file will present the passwords at a glance. For security reasons, I recommend returning the mailbox settings to how they were. That is, uncheck “ Enable log"otherwise not much can happen!

And a video on the topic.

As you can see, find out the password for mail in the mail client The Bat is not difficult at all. If this article helped anyone find out their email password, then use it to your health.

Many people in the process of communication actively use modern technologies for exchanging information using wide possibilities Internet. To do this, you need to create a mailbox by registering on one of special services. Email allows you to instantly send information anywhere in the world and receive a response.

When setting up a mailbox, you should first take care of its security. For this purpose, there is protection of personal correspondence from outside users using a password. Basically, when registering, a combination of numbers and letters is used, which you must remember. But what to do if you forgot your password? mail or others postal services? There are many methods for restoring access. The specific method you choose depends on the profile information that the user can remember.

Restoring access by phone number

Often, users experience account hacking or simply forget their email password. And as a solution to the problem, they create a new mailbox. Which, of course, leads to loss of access to your own information at the previous mailing address.

As you know, when creating a profile, the user needs to confirm his phone number used to manage his account. If the user has forgotten the email password, but has access to a phone number that was previously confirmed, it is recommended to use recovery via SMS message.

To do this, you need to select a number and enter the last 4 digits in a special field. After which on specified number You should receive a message with a code to restore access to your profile.

Secret Question

Often during creation account you need to specify a specific question and give an answer to it. To restore access, you must enter the required information in the appropriate field. Thanks to this, the system identifies the user. After this, you will need to enter the code from the provided image and follow the instructions. If the user does not remember the answer to Secret Question, then you should click on the “I don’t remember the answer” button under the form.

Standard recovery method

If the user has forgotten his mail password, then to recover it in a standard way you need to know the login. The process occurs in the following sequence:

  • The main page of, when trying to enter your mailbox or register, contains a “Forgot your password?” button.
  • Enter your email address, then click the “Continue” button. However, you should remember that if you do not use your mailbox for 5 years, access to it is lost forever.
  • If the entered address exists, the user is taken to a recovery page where they are required to enter some information about the data during registration.
  • After filling out the required fields, you will need to enter a captcha.
  • Then a page will open with empty fields, which also need to be filled out. Then you should submit the form.

So, the user’s application will be sent for verification and will be reviewed in the near future.

Help Desk Help

There is nothing difficult about contacting support for help if you have forgotten your email password. If you were unable to use the standard method, then you need to directly contact the specialists and explain in detail the essence of the problem. Perhaps the account was hacked or the user did not log into the profile for a long time. When sending an email explaining the reasons, you should indicate the subject: “Password recovery.”

The letter will require you to indicate the most important information that is available only to the real account owner. To quickly return access to mail, it is recommended to specify as much as possible reliable information. In this case, the probability of password recovery will increase several times.

So, password recovery is a completely solvable problem if you strictly follow the instructions or use the help of the support service. You can restore access to your account if the user has forgotten his email password, but remembers the information he provided during registration. To minimize the possibility of account loss, it is recommended to always indicate the number mobile phone.

I forgot my email password: what should I do?

Most people in the process of personal and business communication actively use modern technologies exchange of information using the Internet. To do this, you just need to create a mailbox on one of the special services (the most common are mail, yandex, rambler). Using email, you can instantly send information anywhere globe and get answers to it.

Personal correspondence is protected from strangers by a password that the user comes up with during registration. Most often, a password is a meaningless combination of letters and numbers. It needs to be remembered or written down. But if you forgot your email password, what should you do?

Password recovery methods

Let's look at how to recover your email password, at specific examples operation of the Yandex.Mail service. If you enter the wrong password, Yandex will not allow you to access email and will display the message “Invalid login-password pair.” You understand that the exact combination of symbols that is a pass to mailbox, has been erased from your memory, and you also forgot to write it down. In this case, you can refer to the "Recover Password" link, which is located at the bottom of the login field in the mailbox. By clicking on the link, you will be taken to the access recovery page.

Enter your email address and captcha in the special fields. Yandex will offer you a way to recover your password.

  • If you register as additional information indicated your mobile phone number, Yandex will ask you to enter it again and will send an access recovery code to your phone. Using the code, you can create a replacement for the old one forgotten password new.
  • If you specified a code word during registration, you will need to enter this word to be able to restore access.
  • If, when registering on Yandex.Mail, you indicated your alternative email addresses, the service will ask you to duplicate them and send the code to your other email.

In most cases, it is possible to restore access to mail in 1-5 minutes. If attempts to obtain a new password on your own are unsuccessful, contact technical support.

It happens that you have forgotten not only your password, but also your login. To find out how to access your personal correspondence in this case, check out the article.