The program determines location by phone number. Determine the location of a person when the phone is turned off. Find out where a person is via Viber

There are times when it is necessary to establish the location of a mobile phone using a digital code. Almost all operators provide this service. Users of the option can be parents worried about their beloved child or, conversely, children worried about elderly relatives. Find out how to track a cell phone quickly and without any hassle.

What is geolocation

To identify a person by cell number using radio signals, you need to know how the system works. It's very simple: geolocation is the process of determining a subscriber's position in the geographic space online. When calculating the position of a particular mobile phone, all leading operators use the same operating principle (the LDCS platform is used using the CELL ID method). This service is paid and can only be activated with the consent of the monitored subscriber. There are a few other important things to know about geolocation:

  • the accuracy of geolocator determination may be limited (from 50-200 m in the city, up to 1 km in rural areas);
  • coordinates can be requested within an interval of at least 5-7 minutes;
  • The location is not tracked when the device is turned off.

How to determine a person's location by phone number

Each of the leading mobile operators in Russia provides its own programs and conditions, thanks to which you can find out where the mobile phone is located using a digital code. Providers send information about the movements of the tracked device in the form of SMS or graphically (on a map), but for this you need to install a special application (for iPhone, Android or computer). You can download the utility from the Internet portal of the company providing communication services. Find out how to determine your location by phone number using services from leading operators.

Geolocation by MTS phone number

In the company "Mobile TeleSystems" LLC, the ability to determine location is provided by the "Locator" service. This option does not require special, complex settings. An obvious advantage is the fact that the location locator by MTS phone number can work with other networks, that is, you can see if it has Beeline or Megafon operators connected. The first connection is free for 14 days. The monthly cost of the “Locator” option is 100 rubles. per month, and for correct operation a GPRS connection is required.

To activate the option you must:

  1. Send an online USSD request - *111*7883#.
  2. Send an SMS with the numbers of the tracked subscriber to 6677.
  3. Call the operator on number 0890.

Geolocation by Tele2 phone number

This service (“Geosearch”) can only be activated by Tele2 subscribers, since other operators are not supported. This fact is a big disadvantage, as is the fact that the tracked subscriber must be in his home region during the search. Instructions for connecting geolocation using a Tele2 phone number can be obtained at the store, from the operator, or via USSD request *119*01#. The cost of “Geosearch” is 60 rubles. per month. After the option is activated, you can use the functions:

  1. To start tracking, press *119*1*digital code (format - 7ххххххх)#.
  2. In order to find out information about the location, dial *119*2*digital code (format - 7ххххххх)#.

Geolocation by Beeline phone number

Another location detection service is “Coordinates” from Beeline. It has the same disadvantage as geolocation from Tele2 - the inability to penetrate the location address of subscribers of other operators. To connect geolocation using a Beeline phone number, mandatory confirmation of detection permission is required from the owner of the original cell phone (calculating up to five people at a time). The service fee is 1.7 rubles. per day after the free first week of use. There are two ways to activate “Coordinates”:

  1. An empty short text message (with the name and numbers of the cell phone) 4770 (for example, Oleg 79657654321).
  2. Call 0665.
  3. Look on the company's website.

You can manage the service using text commands by sending them to 4770:

  1. Request for location data - the command “WHERE”, followed by “NAME”.
  2. Removing from the list of watched ones - the command “DELETE”, followed by “NAME”.
  3. Disabling the service – command “OFF”.

Geolocation by phone number Megafon

The last operator that can help you find the right subscriber is Megafon, and the service is called “Radar” (with an application program of the same name) and is divided into three versions:

  1. Light: Free to use, tracking one user, can be detected once a day.
  2. Standard: use 3 r. per day, tracking of five subscribers, the possibility of unlimited identification per day.
  3. Plus: use 7 r. per day, tracking up to five people, the possibility of unlimited identification per day + route tracking.

Thanks to the geolocation by Megafon's phone number, you can find out even if he is using the Beeline or MTS network. The option is controlled by several simple commands:

  1. Connection: light – *566*56#, standard – *566# or *102#, plus – *256#.
  2. Control: light - no, standard - *111*3# or *505*192#, plus - *566*9# or *505*3790#.

Location by phone number without the subscriber's consent

Those who arrange surveillance of a person without his permission will have to confirm the service secretly, since all operators do not have the right to grant access without the knowledge of the person for whom online verification is being established. For example, you can take a cell phone at a time when no one is there and confirm the possibility of an exact phone number without the consent of the subscriber. However, if the second user suspects anything, he can easily check who has been granted access.

If you want to track, you can resort to third-party tools - various spyware, GPS receivers, satellites, and other technical means. For example, shopping websites sell bracelets/keychains with built-in motion sensors. However, this method of locating is unlike a secretive one and is often used to identify the location of elderly relatives, children, pets or vehicles in space.

Video: how to find out location by phone number

Hello everybody! In this article, I decided to describe how to track a person’s location by phone number. In everyday life, various situations occur when it is necessary to determine the location of a person.

For example, many people take care of their relatives, the elderly or children. In addition, as far as business is concerned, tracking is also just in place: managers need to monitor the work of their employees.

Until recently, only special services (FSB, police) could track people, but now such a specific service is available to ordinary people. Usually, to successfully search for a person's location, his consent is required, but there are also options when this can be done without his knowledge. There are various options for determining a person's location by phone. I will consider them below.

How to track a person's location by phone number?

There are quite a few methods by which you can track the location of people. Almost all current telephone devices and tablets have GPS, Wi-Fi and communications. If GPS is directly related to the function that helps to accurately determine the location, then Wi-Fi and GSM/3G/LTE can also indirectly operate in this area.

You just need to force them to send this information to us to further determine the person’s location on the map.

So, for such purposes you can use: phone, computer, GPS, special websites and applications.

  • GPS navigation. Using this navigation, you can follow those people who are often photographed with a mark of the place where the photo was taken.
  • Specialized programs. By accessing your Google account, you can legally install software on your smartphone.
  • Global network. There are many different sites on the Internet that help you track a person. Yes, the result will not be as accurate, but the approximate location can still be found out.
  • GPS tracker. The module is built into the mobile phone; you can use it to monitor your smartphone.

Cell phone wiretapping

There are many programs on the global network that help monitor a person’s conversations via phone, both on Android and other devices. Such programs have their own capabilities:

  • wiretapping recordings will be transferred to your computer, smartphone or iPhone;
  • in a separate folder you can view the subscriber’s call log;
  • all messages are intercepted and transmitted to your device;
  • all emails can be forwarded to your address;
  • it is possible to determine the location.

The most primitive option that suits everyone is to contact your mobile operator.

  1. Beeline offers its subscribers the Mobile Locator service. To use the service, you need to call 06849924 and send a message with the text “L” to 684.
  2. The Megafon company called this service “Beacon”. You can activate the service by calling phone number 466.
  3. To determine the location of an MTS subscriber, you can use the “Locator” service. To connect it you need to call mts 6677.


Another good way is GPS navigation, that is, tracking by transmission towers. Yes, with the help of such navigation you can easily find out a person’s location, and completely free of charge. Why is this method so primitive? The thing is that many programs and applications ask the user for his location. I think everything is clear here.

Special programs

There are many applications that have been developed specifically for locating a person. The iPhone 5s even has a special app development, and Apple has a “Find my friend” app. In this application, everything is simple: just send a request to another person. If you agree, the program will be able to give you the result.


There is another option - using different sites. There are actually many services on the Internet, some of them are paid, and some are free. If you use free services, the result may not be as accurate. For example, the site is It is with its help that you can find out the location of a person most accurately.

Find out where a person is via Viber

If you decide to use this method, then you need to take into account that the application determines through Wi-Fi access points, so there may be an error from 1 to 120 meters. This method allows you to show your interlocutor your location using geolocation. What's the point? Now you will understand everything yourself.

So, how to enable geolocation in Viber? To do this, you need to go into correspondence with the desired person and click on the send message icon.

After sending your message to this interlocutor, an alert will appear with your coordinates. To disable this function, you need to press the same button.

Important: coordinates are sent only to the user with whom you activated geolocation. Your location will not be visible to anyone other than that person.

Using iPhone

It is possible to track a person using an iPhone. To do this, you need to install “Find My Friends”. It will not be possible to track a person without his consent, since the operation will be carried out on both devices.

Sign in. Complete all required steps in your account. After logging into your account, a list of friends will appear on your screen. Friends who were on this list made their location available to them. Select the right friend.

If you have just started setting up communication between iPhones, then you need to click on «+» , enter your friend's information and select Send. The person needs to be notified about his inclusion in your list so that there are no problems in the future.

If you intend to list this person on a temporary basis, then select the Temporary mode. Now go to the menu and see where you are and who might be watching you. There you can see where your friends are.

I will finish here and make a small summary. This article describes how to track a person's location using their phone number. You can choose any method and use it. By the way, almost all of these methods are effective. Thank you all for your attention, please ask questions in the comments!

There are often situations when you need to detect a person whose coordinates are unknown. This action is not necessarily related to surveillance; perhaps a child with a cell phone in his pocket simply got lost.

What to do? Then the telecom operator will help determine the location by phone number.

When you need to know the subscriber's location

Different situations happen in life. Very often people want, but cannot find each other. Then determining the location by phone number is the only possible way out. For example, we agreed to meet in an unfamiliar area or city, but we can’t find our way around. Or a child came to see a friend after school, forgot to call, and the parents need to find out where he is. In this case, the help of a coordinator is needed.

As mentioned above, it is possible to find out the location by cell phone number. A very common case is searching for your own missing or stolen phone. Here it is already possible to use special pre-installed programs. There are situations when there is a search for a missing person or a search for a criminal who is hiding from justice - and in this case, intelligence agencies also resort to the help of cellular operators. If you determine the location of the phone in your pocket, then the person will no longer be able to hide. “Spy games” are also possible, when the bearing is not entirely legal.

Who can request information

Anyone can request information about the phone's position. It is sometimes necessary to determine a location by phone number for various reasons, so the applicants may be different.

The most important condition is that the person who made the request for the service must have the right to do so. If the search is carried out through an operator using its SMS services, then the consent and confirmation of the “lost” party is required. If a special direction finder program is used, working using GPS or GLONASS technology, then the person again knows that he has such a beacon. Without the subscriber's consent, it is possible to find him only with the approval of the special services.

When is it impossible to know and why?

It is not always possible to determine where the subscriber or telephone is located. How to determine the location of a person if, for example, he turned off his cell phone? In this case the system does not work. You will not be able to find out where he is during this period of time. In case of phone theft, the thief only needs to change the SIM card, and the search will become impossible. In addition, it is impossible to find a person unless he confirms his consent to the transfer of data.

Which operators support the service?

Today, the largest Russian operators have the ability to determine location using a mobile device. Giants such as MTS, for example, provide a service called “Locator”. Its use comes down to simple actions: you need to send a message containing the telephone number of the lost person to the short service number 6677. Next, he will receive a text notification asking him to confirm his location and consent to the transfer of such information. This is the main condition. If the subscriber agrees, his location will be reported, and if he refuses, no one will know where he is currently located.

The Beeline operator also has a similar service: the message is sent to number 684, then the actions of the cellular company representative are identical to the description of the MTS rules.

Megafon does not have such a service available on all tariff plans. You need to send a USSD request: *148* No. of the missing person #, and if the subscriber agrees, his location will become known to you.

What actions should you not do?

The Internet is replete with sites that offer programs that supposedly report the location of the phone, bypassing the operator. Are they worthy of your attention? As practice shows, such programs turn out to be ordinary games. Or, if you're really unlucky, dangerous viruses. It is better to use beacon programs created by trusted developers. It is recommended to download them from official websites. Many programmers claim that with the help of their developments it is certainly possible to determine the location of a person by phone. But this is not always the case in reality. The cellular communication system was developed a long time ago and is considered one of the most reliable in terms of privacy, so you should not unconditionally trust such statements.

How is location calculated?

Operators use the capabilities of their radio towers to search; beacon programs require that both cellular devices be connected to the Internet. The operator finds the direction of the mobile phone with an accuracy of 100-200 meters according to the layout of its base stations. For ordinary users, it is impossible to determine location using a phone number with greater accuracy.

Navigation programs send a request to the server, and from there to the satellite. It searches for a phone with the specified parameters and sends the received information to its subscriber. The accuracy is usually higher (plus or minus 50 meters). To use navigation systems, access to the network is required, as interactive maps are used: Yandex Locator or Google Maps.

Modern technologies

Intelligence agencies or the Ministry of Internal Affairs use other technologies to search for missing people. When the phone is turned on, it searches for the closest tower to it. This is how his work works. Since towers are located on the ground more often than base stations, and their range is about 50 m, by determining which tower a particular subscriber is connected to, you can find out its location with high accuracy. But this is the radius in which a person may be located, that is, the search area in this case is 8.5 sq. km.

If special equipment and software are connected, then monitoring is carried out from several points. In this case, it is possible to determine exact coordinates on the ground, and the search area is narrowed to 1 sq.m. Since the target, as a rule, is constantly moving, the points from which the bearing is taken are also constantly changing. Therefore, it takes a few seconds to update the live data. Despite the complexity and high cost of such search operations, they are very effective and are used by “specialists” to detect and eliminate dangerous criminals.

Since locating a mobile phone is quite an expensive proposition, bearing technology is constantly changing and improving. If previously only intelligence services could afford such tracking tools, today it is available to a wider range of people. Groups of programmers with fairly good training and a strong technical base are able to create a tracking system for a specific area by simply accessing the frequencies of stations and entering them into the database.

They are developing algorithms that allow them to calculate target coordinates with high accuracy. In addition, some mobile phone manufacturers provide them with bearing-finding devices that, at certain intervals, send a signal to the navigation satellite that is independent of the SIM card. This way you can track your phone right up to the moment it is turned off.

How much does it cost

For ordinary people, the phone search service is available for a purely nominal fee. This allows a wider range of people to use this service if the search is carried out using the operator’s capabilities. Services such as “Locator” and analogues cost from 2 to 12 rubles per request. The software used as a beacon is not much more expensive. Thus, legal search methods are quite accessible to any cellular network subscriber.

Sometimes situations arise when we urgently need to determine where our loved ones are at the moment. How to find out the location of a Tele2 subscriber, and whether it is possible to do this without the consent of the subscriber himself - you will learn about all this in our material today.

Briefly on the topic

  • You can determine the location of a Tele2 client using the Geosearch service
  • Connect *119*01#
  • Search request *119*phone#
  • Shutdown *119*00#
  • Cost – 3 rubles per day

You can track a person’s location using a Tele2 phone number using the Geosearch service provided by this cellular operator. To do this, both the seeker and the person sought must be Tele2 subscribers - this is the most important condition.

Connection methods

To determine where a subscriber is located by phone number, you must first activate the service. You can do this in several ways:

  • By dialing the short command *119*01#
  • After completing registration on the Web portal
  • Download and install the Geosearch application and log in to it

By phone number

Here's how to locate a person by phone number Tele 2:

  • Type the command *119*phone number# and press the call button. The phone number must be registered using seven, in this format: “79*********”. Soon you will receive an SMS message containing the geodata of the person you are looking for.

Through the Internet

You can also find out where a person is by Tele2 phone number via the Internet.

  • To do this, register on the Web portal using your phone number - and all the people you are looking for will be displayed on the map. How to find a person on a map by Tele2 phone number? Yes, very simple. Enter this same number in a special window and click “Search”.

Mobile app

Another way to find the location of a phone via satellite is to use a special mobile application called Geosearch. For now, the application is available to owners of smartphones and tablets on the two most common operating systems – Android and IOs. The principle of operation of the application is approximately the same as that of the Web portal.

  • To find out the location of the person you need, enter his phone number in a special column and click “Search”.

Subscriber consent to search

It is impossible to find out where a Tele2 subscriber is without his knowledge. You must first obtain consent for the search.

When you send the first tracking request, the person you are looking for will receive an SMS request with the following content:

“A request has been received to determine your location from number 79********. To confirm, send (confirmation code), to ban, send (ban code).”

Many clients of this mobile operator ask how to track a person without his consent. However, we have to warn you that spying on a person without his consent is illegal. Read more about this in our other article.

The only option on how to track a phone using a Tele2 number via the Internet without the owner’s consent is to activate the service on the device without the knowledge of its owner.

If you are interested in finding out, follow the link and read another article.


After connecting, you will be charged a subscription fee of 3 rubles per day (prices are indicated for Moscow and the Moscow region).

How to disable

The command to disable the service is *119*00# plus a call key.

Alternative options

If you don’t want to pay extra money, you can use an alternative option - download a special search program from the online store of games and applications on your smartphone. Fortunately, there is plenty to choose from:

And this is only a small part of all possible proposals. But when establishing control over a loved one, still ask for his consent - after all, you need to trust each other!

A huge number of people are interested in how to find out where another person is now by phone number, they want to find out his location using his mobile phone.

As a rule, a similar question is asked by spouses who suspect their “possibly not better” half of cheating. Or caring mothers who spy on their child. But also the need to determine where a person is by mobile phone number may arise if the owner has disappeared and needs to be found.

How, knowing a person’s phone number, can you determine geolocation on a map via satellite (GPS)?

How to determine where a person is by mobile phone number

In the world of total information surveillance, tracking a person is not so difficult, shops and streets are covered with cameras, and high, high above our heads there are sharp, all-seeing observers - satellites. And of course, one of the simplest and most accessible ways to track a person and find out his exact location is by mobile phone number.

Ways to find out (track) a person’s location by phone number

  1. Contact law enforcement agencies. If a person goes missing, the first thing you need to do is contact the police. The police, in turn, send a request to the mobile operator about the person’s location and, after receiving this information, search for the person.
    It is worth noting that an ordinary citizen cannot submit a request to provide data on a person’s location by mobile phone number to a mobile operator. He may be refused, since this is personal information and can only be transferred to the relevant authorities.
  2. The main mobile operators in Russia Megafon, MTS and Beeline provide information about where a person is located by mobile phone number without any problems. It’s true that you won’t be able to find out where the subscriber is by phone number without the person’s consent, since when you activate the service, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to the phone of the person you want to monitor.
    Of course, you can activate a surveillance service without a person’s knowledge or consent, for example, when he left his mobile phone unattended. But it is worth noting that if a person contacts the police, there may be consequences. Our authorities treat the spy “topic” strictly. For example, recently one woman ordered a flash drive-dictaphone on Chinese Aliexpress, as a result it was confiscated, and the unlucky buyer was fined 7 thousand rubles. Therefore, before you commit rash actions, think about them carefully :)
    And here are links to services for determining location by phone number for popular mobile operators in Russia:
    — MTS “Locator” and “Child under supervision”
    — Beeline “Coordinates”
    — Megaphone “Radar+”
    — Tele2 “Geosearch Web”

How to track a person by phone: finding a mobile phone in Google maps

Not everyone knows yet, but Google Maps recently introduced a “Show where I am” option that can search for a person by their mobile phone and provide data about their location in real time. That is, if you have access to the phone of the person you need to monitor, then simply activate this option and add yourself to the contacts who are allowed to track the person’s location on the map.

It is worth noting that in order to find out where a person is by phone number using the “Show where I am” service, you must have a registered Google account on the phone of the person being tracked. Otherwise, the search will not be possible.

And again, it is not recommended to enable the option to determine a person’s location using a mobile phone without the consent of that person.

Programs and applications for tracking a person by his phone

Owners of phones with the Android operating system can install applications to track a person by his phone from the Google Play Market:

But Yandex will help you find direction finder programs to track a person’s location using his cell phone: finder%20numbers&lr=35&clid=9582

Website for determining where a person is by mobile phone number

Digging deeper into this topic, I found one interesting site on the Internet for determining where a person is by mobile phone number:

At first I thought: “Scam,” but no, he was able to determine that my mobile operator was Tele2 and that I was in Krasnodar.

But he refused to show a more precise location in the free plan, demanding 500 rubles, which I squeezed.

I would be very grateful if someone could check whether pinpointing a person's location works in a paid plan and share the information in the comments below this article.

I hope the article " How to find out the address where a person is located by phone number - find mobile location online for free"was useful to you.