History of the World Wide Web. Ways to actively display information

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The website is perceived as one by the user whole organism, it must have its own individual address.

To understand what it is - a website on the Internet, let's consider a simple analogy. Take any book. It consists of separate chapters, articles, stories and other divisions. However, they are most valuable in the aggregate, because they continue each other. Likewise, a website acts as a book that combines various materials.

Why do you need a website?

Many entrepreneurs today wonder what a website is for. When we need to buy a product or order a service, we look for what we need on the Internet. Companies that have their own websites undeniably gain a huge advantage over their competitors.

Here are just a few reasons to open a website.

  • Spread of information. Web site - great way convey to the audience information about your company, talk about specialization, activities, services, pricing policy etc.
  • Effective advertising. If a company creates a website, it automatically becomes its tool for promoting advertising.
  • A platform for communication. The website is also a means of communication; here both employees and clients can communicate with each other and the company. Good result allows you to achieve Feedback with users.
  • Image formation. The website creates a positive image of your company on the Internet, increases the status of the organization, and forms a loyal attitude among consumers.
  • Effective marketing. The site allows you to promote and sell products/services.

Types of sites

  • . This is a small directory about the company, where basic information about its activities and contacts is presented in a concise, clear and concise manner on one page. The main advantages of such a resource: inexpensive and quick to create, easy to use.
  • . The main task of this resource- increase business profits. Using the corporate website, clients can view the catalog, place orders, learn about promotions, etc. A corporate website is proof that your business is serious and thorough. This is not the cheapest advertising tool, but if done correctly, the effect is worth it.
  • Promo site. Used in cases where a promotional company/competition/promotion is launched. In structure it resembles advertising brochure or prospectus, is designed brightly and juicy, so as to be sure to attract users.
  • Showcase site. This best option for a business that sells one product/group of similar products. Here these products are described from all sides, their detailed photos, price. The catalog is organized in such a way that the user can find the desired position with a minimum number of clicks.
  • Online store. Here you can not only view the product, but also order it, and on some resources, pay immediately. Its main property is that it should be as simple and convenient as possible so that the user can make a purchase without any obstacles.

There is a classification of websites according to various criteria:

Purpose of creation:

  1. Commercial (on the website you can buy goods, place an order).
  2. Non-profit.

By access type:

  1. Open (everyone has access).
  2. Semi-open (certain conditions must be met to gain access).
  3. Closed (access is available to a limited number of persons.

By category of tasks to be solved:

  1. Multifunctional, multidisciplinary resources (cover various areas).
  2. News (platforms for exchanging news).
  3. Highly specialized, dedicated to a specific topic.
  4. Forums and social media(created for information exchange, communication).
  5. Introductory (created to familiarize the audience with a company/product/service, etc.).
  6. Information or article (articles and interesting publications are posted here).
  7. Entertaining (their the main task- so that the user has a good time).
  8. (here users can perform certain tasks).

How to create a website

There are several ways to create an online resource.

Contact the professionals

You can order the creation of a website in a web studio or from a freelancer, describe your requirements and wishes. Among the advantages of the method, the following can be noted: no specialized knowledge and skills are needed, professionals will take care of the site (there will be no errors or failures), time saving. The only negative is that you will need to spend money, and the more complex the site, the more.

Buy a ready-made resource

Advantages of the method: find the appropriate resource that suits you. you receive a ready-made resource with everything you need (content has already been written, indexing and promotion has been completed); your efforts to open a website come down to visiting a website buying and selling exchange. Cons: you waste time searching for a site, you need to have at least minimal knowledge to buy a resource that can work effectively, and again you need money.

Create it yourself on hosting with a designer

You can choose paid or free resource. Free hosting has a number of disadvantages: limited opportunities: little hard drive space, few scripts, minimal technical capabilities, Availability outside advertising on the resource, a third-level domain is provided, templates for site design are limited, the hoster is not responsible for the site. Paid resource It already has advanced functionality; you can connect to it a CMS that works with databases and scripts. It is best to create a website on paid hosting, where there is a convenient constructor. Here you need to pay a hosting fee; the designer is usually free.

How the website works

For the user, everything is extremely simple: the browser displays a set of pages that have banners, a navigation system, news, and more. However, if you look underneath outer shell, you can see all the elements written in the programming language. All visitor requests are sent to the server, where they are instantly processed and returned in finished form as a response.

For the site owner, the need is obvious constant update data, placement of new material, resource management. For this purpose, Content Management System (CMS) is used. This is an engine that allows you to create pages based on user requests and needs. Inside the CMS there are 2 interfaces: user and administrator, that is, a side for visitors and a side for the administrator. Adding content, setting up modules, mailing and other operations are performed from the administrator block. Editing is performed with a special WYSIWYG editor, which is very similar to Word.

For an administrator, it is important to have a CMS and a database management system. This is where all information and content of the resource will be stored. CMS system works in the PHP programming language.

As you can see, with proper organization and smooth operation, a website is a platform for attracting customers, effective promotion goods and services.

Every day we use the Internet, but often we don’t think about what technologies are behind the simple and easy search process necessary information and communication. Can you accurately answer the question about what types there are and why they are displayed equally, whether on a 21-inch monitor or on a 7-inch smartphone? Read on and you will find out the answers to these questions.


Websites are collections of documents known as web pages (or pages for short). They contain some information: images, text, video, audio materials and more. Home page website, so-called the start file is called home, from which you can go to all other pages. They are linked by hyperlinks that are highlighted or represented with images. When you move the cursor over them, it takes on the appearance of a hand with an extended index finger. After clicking on such elements, the user is moved to a new location. This could be a different page, a different location on the same page, or a different website.

Web pages are written in a language called markup language HTML hypertext. Browsers (programs used for such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome etc.), read it and display the necessary information.

Where did it all start?

The earliest documented idea for a network that would connect computers around the world was born in 1962. However, the first website was launched almost 30 years later - on August 6, 1991. It was a page created by Tim Berners-Lee, dedicated to his idea two years earlier World concept Wide Web. The site belonged to CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), which is the world's largest center for research in high energy physics. Unfortunately, the very first version of the page is no longer available. But after entering search bar first website browser, you can get to the 1992 version, which gives a good idea of ​​where the history of websites began. Some content is clickable, but most navigation is accomplished by entering commands from the keyboard.

Where is the website physically located?

It is clear that the Internet is a worldwide network, but this does not mean that the information in it is in the air or in wires. All web pages are located on specific servers, which are a network of powerful computers, which store information about websites. This means that they all have a certain geographical location. For example, if the site server is located in Moscow, and there is a power outage in this area, then the site will be unavailable from anywhere in the world. Space for hosting web pages is sold and maintained by the hosting provider. If the site is very large, then it may be located on several servers, geographically located in different places.

Everything is in its place

The volume of information on the Internet is growing at an alarming rate, so how can we ensure order in this chaos? The answer is simple - everything must have its own specific place, which requires a unique website address. a combination of letters (Latin or Cyrillic) and numbers, which we enter into the appropriate line of the browser and get to the desired site. Some people are confused by the unfamiliar term "website url". What it is? It's simple, it's the same as the address. It consists of several parts:

  • prefix http:// - means the type of information transfer protocol;
  • www. - at the dawn of the Internet, all sites began with this famous abbreviation, but now it is used only as a tribute to habit: you can open desired page, what by introducing this prefix, what without it;
  • The site name is a unique name that is purchased from the registrar company. It consists of two parts separated by a dot. For example, fb. is the name itself, and ru is the designation domain zone, in which it is located, in in this case- this is the domain of Russia.

Classification of sites

Depending on the functions performed, there are the following types of web resources:

Information site - used to post articles and materials of a certain direction or on a general topic. This news portals, blogs, encyclopedias, etc.

A corporate website is the website of a business or organization. It can have two functions:

  • ensuring communication between employees of departments and branches to coordinate their activities;
  • About company potential clients. For existing buyers there may be Personal Area, in which you can track the status of purchases, discount levels, etc.

The development of such a resource is a long and labor-intensive task, so only large companies. Small businesses use business card and portfolio websites in their activities. They are made quite simply, but provide all necessary information about the company.

Commercial websites are online stores different types: from multi-page hypermarkets to one-page sites that provide only one or a few products for ordering. Their main goal is to sell or receive an application for services.

Service websites are search engines, mail, hosting. This also includes online bulletin boards.

Always beautiful and neat

Sometimes we take it for granted that the same website looks the same on the screen personal computer that on a tablet or smartphone. And we frown with dissatisfaction when, when changing the monitor resolution, the columns “run into” each other, the pictures cover the text, etc.

In order to avoid these inconveniences, it was developed adaptive design websites. This means that the resource has been designed so that it looks the same across different devices Oh. This is achieved due to the fact that when the site is loaded, it receives information about the conditions in which it will be displayed: platform, screen resolution, and orientation.

Used today great amount different devices, and creating a separate version of the site for each would be difficult and expensive. But thanks to the technology of the "rubber" mesh layout and capabilities modern languages programming, this task can be automated.

What is website support?

This is a system of measures to ensure stable operation the site and the performance of its functions, which is carried out by the site administration or provided by third parties for a fee. It comes in the following types:

  • Technical - checking the functionality of the site, protection from virus attacks, timely renewal of the domain name and hosting, control of work mailboxes, troubleshooting. This also includes the regular creation reserve bases data.
  • Informational - filling the site, creating relevant content, updating data.
  • Marketing - includes work to promote the site in search engines, advertising on the Internet.
  • Design support - responsible for appearance site, its correct display, selection or drawing of the necessary pictures.

Structure and principles of the World Wide Web

Graphic representation of information on the World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is made up of millions of Internet web servers located around the world. A web server is a program that runs on a computer connected to a network and uses the hard drive protocol and sends it over the network to the requesting computer. More complex web servers are capable of dynamically allocating resources in response to an HTTP request. To identify resources (often files or parts thereof) on the World Wide Web, uniform English resource identifiers are used. Uniform Resource Identifier). To determine the location of resources on the network, uniform English resource locators are used. Uniform Resource Locator). Such URL locators combine URI identification technology and the English domain name system. Domain Name System) - Domain name(or directly. The main function of a web browser is to display hypertext. The World Wide Web is inextricably linked with the concepts of hypertext and hyperlinks. Most of the information on the Web is hypertext. To facilitate the creation, storage and display of hypertext on the World Wide Web, the English language is traditionally used. HyperText Markup Language), hypertext markup language. The work of marking up hypertext is called layout; the markup master is called a webmaster or webmaster (without a hyphen). After HTML markup, the resulting hypertext is placed in a file, such an HTML file is the most common resource World Wide Web. Once an HTML file is made available to a web server, it is called a “web page.” A collection of web pages makes up a website. Hyperlinks are added to the hypertext of web pages. Hyperlinks help World Wide Web users easily navigate between resources (files), regardless of whether the resources are located on local computer or at remote server. Web hyperlinks are based on URL technology.

World Wide Web Technologies

In general, we can conclude that the World Wide Web stands at " three pillars": HTTP, HTML and URL. Although in Lately HTML started somewhat give up their positions and give them up more modern technologies markup: XML. XML eXtensible Markup Language) is positioned as a foundation for other markup languages. To improve the visual perception of the web, CSS technology has become widely used, which allows you to specify uniform styles design for many web pages. Another innovation worth paying attention to is the English resource designation system. Uniform Resource Name).

A popular concept for the development of the World Wide Web is the creation of the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web is an add-on to the existing World Wide Web, which is designed to make information posted on the network more understandable to computers. The Semantic Web is a concept of a network in which every resource in human language would be provided with a description that is understandable to a computer.. The Semantic Web opens up access to clearly structured information for any application, regardless of platform and regardless of programming languages. Programs will be able to find themselves necessary resources, process information, classify data, identify logical connections, draw conclusions and even make decisions based on these conclusions. If widely adopted and implemented wisely, the Semantic Web has the potential to spark a revolution on the Internet. For creating computer understandable resource descriptions, the Semantic Web uses the RDF (English) format. Resource Description Framework ), which is based on the syntax of English. RDF Schema) and English Protocol And RDF Query Language ) (pronounced "sparkle"), new language requests for quick access to RDF data.

History of the World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cayo are considered the inventors of the World Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee is the originator of HTTP, URI/URL and HTML technologies. In the year he worked in France. Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, Geneva (Switzerland), he wrote the Enquire program for his own needs. "Enquire", can be loosely translated as "Interrogator"), which used random associations to store data and laid the conceptual foundation for the World Wide Web.

There is also a popular concept Web 2.0, which summarizes several directions of development of the World Wide Web.

Methods for actively displaying information on the World Wide Web

Information on the web can be displayed either passively (that is, the user can only read it) or actively - then the user can add information and edit it. Methods for actively displaying information on the World Wide Web include:

It should be noted that this division is very arbitrary. So, let's say a blog or guest book can be seen as special case forum, which, in turn, is a special case of a content management system. Usually the difference is in the purpose, approach and positioning one product or another.

Some information from websites can also be accessed through speech. India has already begun testing a system that makes the text content of pages accessible even to people who cannot read and write.

Organizations involved in the development of the World Wide Web and the Internet in general


  • Berners-Lee's famous book "Weaving the Web: The Origins and Future of the World Wide Web" online in English


  • Fielding, R.; Gettys, J.; Mogul, J.; Fristik, G.; Mazinter, L.; Leach, P.; Berners-Lee, T. (June 1999). " Hypertext Transfer Protocol - http://1.1". Request For Comments 2616. Information Sciences Institute.
  • Berners-Lee, Tim; Bray, Tim; Connolly, Dan; Cotton, Paul; Fielding, Roy; Jeckle, Mario; Lilly, Chris; Mendelsohn, Noah; Orcard, David; Walsh, Norman; Williams, Stuart (December 15, 2004). " Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One". Version 20041215. W3C.
  • Polo, Luciano World Wide Web Technology Architecture: A Conceptual Analysis. New Devices(2003). Retrieved July 31 2005.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will understand the basic terms. Don't think it will be boring. Even if you have an idea of ​​what we will talk about today, some information will be new to you. I assure you.

A website, what it is, what its “insides” look like, what is needed to create it, why a person needs it, and much more you will learn from this article.

As always, information will be presented in simple words, so even a beginner who is far from this topic will not have any questions. But some knowledge will appear that a person who did not spend 5 minutes studying this seemingly elementary issue cannot boast of.

1. What is a website

So let's start with the definition. What is a site? It is a collection of documents with hypertext information available on the Internet. Information system, a platform on which a person (administrator) posts some information, and a page visitor can perceive it. Everything is very difficult. I agree. Let's do something simpler.

Any website is a folder with files written using programming languages. If you open any of them, you will understand absolutely nothing. Fortunately, we have a browser that reads information and provides it in a ready-made form that can be understood by any user. I have already described it in detail, you can read this information in this blog.

This is how browsers see the site.

Of course, not all programmers are proficient in these languages. They can be helped in their work. This makes life much easier for developers. However, you should know that even if you use , it will still be written using code. You just won't see it.

There are also card indexes and databases that collect all the information about the pages and information posted on the sites. You've often encountered these things. The most popular of them are Yandex and Google.

As soon as you enter the word “jam recipe”, search system will immediately analyze all the documents that are on the Internet and give you suitable pages with the necessary information.

2. What does the site consist of?

While the folder with the site is on your computer, no one sees it, so that the world can see your electronic resource it must be uploaded to hosting. This way the public will have access to it. I also already told you in detail. In addition to hosting, the site must also have a unique name (), in this case anyone can find information about it and gain access to the desired folder.


Let me try to explain it a little simpler. You have a certain folder on your computer. No one can access it, since the data is encrypted, and you care about your security. This is normal, because a ton of private information is stored on the computer not for prying eyes.

Somewhere far, far away, your “friend” has a flash drive that anyone can access. This friend provides hosting. Your task is to transfer, upload, send your folder to his flash drive so that users, like you, can see the project. Well, to find required file It was elementary, they come up with a name for it, that is, they use a domain.

Sometimes websites are created directly on this flash drive, if you use the “correct” terms, it is called a server. Some, but in this case they will still pursue their own benefit. I would not like to talk about this within the framework of this article. Look through this blog and you will definitely find all the information.

We smoothly moved on to the benefits of creating a website. Let's talk about this in more detail. Why are websites created and what benefits do they bring to humanity?

3. What are the benefits for the website creator?

A website is an intangible asset, in fact, a base, a platform, the same tool mass media, this is exactly what the administrators are selling. Some are engaged in the distribution of specific goods that can be touched (phones, computers, cars, and so on), others exchange knowledge for money (books, courses, webinars).

Advertising can also be a source of income for the website creator. You do not sell a specific product, but talk about it (or display a banner) and receive your percentage of the sale or click on this message.

4. Two tools for creating websites

4.1 Tilde + Video review of main functions

In fact, making your own website is quite simple. modern world. Many designers have proven themselves very well in this capacity. I won't talk about the benefits similar reviews you can't find it on Start-Luck less than ten. Let me sum it up right away: one of the best - Tilda . This is where I advise you to start getting acquainted with website building.

4.2 CMS WordPress + Video

If you have a desire to learn a little more about code, then the best training course for you may be “ WordPress 4: Blog Creation Example " Everything is very simple and accessible for a beginner. There definitely won't be any problems.

Course "Wordpress 4 - an example of creating a blog."

For a better understanding of what a CMS is (simply a website engine), watch this short video:

That's basically it. Don't forget that you have the opportunity to subscribe to group Start-Luck VKontakte , which will help you understand how to make money on the Internet and even start your own information business. See you again and good luck.