Kefir: what is it good for, when is it better to drink it, what harm can it do. Kefir at night: benefits and harm for the intestines and the body as a whole

A sour friend of the stomach, a drink of longevity - this is the name given to this fermented milk product, obtained from cow's milk (whole or skim) by fermentation with the help of special kefir “fungi”. It not only perfectly quenches thirst and nourishes the body, but also has healing properties. Many people love kefir: the benefits and harms of this drink are today being discussed with interest by both scientists and ordinary people. It's time to figure out how to turn this fermented milk product into a remedy for rejuvenating the body.

Useful properties of kefir

Kefir has a lot of beneficial properties: the composition of this healing drink allows it to be used as a medicine and cosmetic. It differs significantly from other fermented milk products in its unique set of fungi and bacteria. Kefir comes in different fat contents. If we take, for example, the average fat content of 2.5%, then the calorie content of 100 ml of the drink will be 53 kcal. It is rich in organic acids, vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotine), B12 (cobalamin), H (biotin), choline, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, molybdenum, cobalt. All of them determine the beneficial properties of kefir:

  • has a probiotic effect, favorably influencing the intestinal microflora and activating metabolism;
  • prevents the development of pathogenic flora in the intestines;
  • destroys pathogens of tuberculosis and many gastrointestinal diseases;
  • has a mild diuretic effect, so it helps with swelling and reduces high blood pressure;
  • calms the excited nervous system;
  • has immunostimulating properties;
  • Calcium plays a special role in kefir: it makes up almost 12% of the total composition of the drink and allows it to be used as a medicinal and prophylactic agent for bone diseases (osteochondrosis, osteoporosis);
  • kefir is used to treat diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • regulates the speed of digestion;
  • one- and two-day kefir treats constipation, three days - diarrhea;
  • nourishes the body with complete protein;
  • reduces the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • by regulating metabolism, it helps fight obesity: kefir fasting days and diets based on this drink are famous for their effectiveness;
  • kefir with minimal fat content is an excellent source of protein;
  • recommended for all women as a soothing and tonic drink during menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menstruation.

The rich chemical composition of this drink and the list of diseases that it helps to cope with answer the question of whether kefir is good for human health, and especially for women. General rejuvenation and healing of all body systems is what this delicious fermented milk product can provide. But at the same time, you need to keep in mind that, like any medicine, it also has many contraindications.

Contraindications for consuming kefir

Contraindications for regular consumption of kefir include:

  • age up to one year, since in children the gastric microflora is not yet sufficiently formed;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • epilepsy;
  • individual intolerance.

If you are not sure whether kefir will benefit you, it is better not to use it as a medicine for regular use.

Homemade kefir and cottage cheese recipe

In stores it is not always possible to buy fresh, so-called “live” kefir with viable bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Therefore, many people prepare this drink at home, if there is somewhere to get a special starter, the so-called milk mushrooms. It can be bought at a dairy plant, on the Internet or from specialists who are involved in dairy production. Sometimes store-bought kefir or a piece of black bread is used as a starter, but the result after such experiments is very doubtful. So, let’s prepare real homemade kefir: the recipe is simple and includes a minimum of ingredients:

1 Bring regular milk (preferably homemade) to a boil.

2. Remove from heat, cool to approximately 40°C.

3. Add live starter to the milk.

4. Pour the mixture into a thermos, yogurt maker, or jar.

5. Place the container in a warm place.

6. Leave for 8–12 hours.

Homemade kefir prepared according to this recipe can undoubtedly be used to treat various diseases, so you will be confident in its freshness. You can make homemade cottage cheese from kefir: it will be equally useful for adults and children. The procedure does not take much time: it is extremely simple and rarely causes any difficulties.

1. Pour 2 liters of kefir into a saucepan.

2. Put it on low heat.

3. When the whey separates from the curdled mass, remove the pan. If you miss this moment, the cottage cheese will be hard.

4. Cool.

5. Place on cheesecloth.

6 Whey drained from cheesecloth can be used to make pancakes or pie dough.

7. Tie gauze and hang it over a basin or sink.

8. Leave the knot in this position overnight.

9. The next morning, delicious and healthy homemade kefir cottage cheese is ready to eat.

Be sure to try preparing fermented milk products at home: this is the only way to be sure that the beneficial bacteria in them are still alive and can be beneficial. Proper home treatment with kefir can relieve many problems and help you enjoy life in all its manifestations.

Rules for using kefir

Having decided to use this fermented milk product at home, many are interested in which kefir is healthier and how to use it correctly in order to get the maximum benefit from it for their body. The recommendations below will help you achieve this.

1. Many people wonder whether drinking kefir that is a week old is healthy: the content of beneficial bacteria in such a drink is minimal. Therefore, be sure to look at the date of production of the drink, and not at its expiration date: the fresher the product, the more benefits it will provide. It is very easy to get poisoned with expired kefir.

2. For those who want to have a beautiful, sculpted figure, kefir with a low fat content will be healthier. If you drink half a liter of this drink a day (preferably half an hour after training and sports), you will be guaranteed beautiful buttocks, since kefir in this case will act as a source of protein.

3. If you drink 1 glass of kefir every morning on an empty stomach, your mood will improve, you will feel more cheerful and energetic throughout the day. Since it will start the metabolism, you can lose extra pounds if you follow the principles of proper nutrition.

4. Know how to store kefir: it should be in the refrigerator. A drink left in a warm place for a couple of hours loses its beneficial properties. It is better to use it immediately after purchase.

5. Do not combine kefir with fruit juices, as they neutralize beneficial lactobacilli.

If you want to prolong your youth, become healthy and beautiful, follow these simple recommendations and seriously engage in rejuvenating your body with the help of kefir. At the same time, use it not only as a food and medicinal product: kefir is an excellent cosmetic product for hair growth and moisturizing the skin of your face.

Kefir in cosmetology

Kefir makes excellent cosmetic masks for hair and face. The rich vitamin composition and the content of a large number of living bacteria have a beneficial effect on the appearance of curls and skin. Home use of kefir masks is a guarantee of beauty.

  • Kefir for hair

For dry hair, it is recommended to take kefir with a high percentage of fat content, for normal hair - with a medium percentage, for greasy hair - with a low percentage. Lightly heat kefir to 40°C and lubricate the scalp, strands and ends with it. This kefir hair mask can be left on all night. It will heal split ends, accelerate hair growth, strengthen the roots, and make the curls shiny and radiant. You can also add eggs, vitamins and cosmetic oils (burdock, jojoba, castor oil) to kefir masks.

  • Kefir for skin

To prepare homemade kefir face masks, you need to take a low-fat product for the care of oily skin, a medium-fat product for normal and combination skin types, and a high-fat product for dry skin. Kefir is also heated to 40°C, mixed with eggs, cottage cheese, oatmeal, rice flour, and other products and applied to the face for half an hour.

Kefir is a drink with extraordinary properties. With regular and proper consumption and use, you can improve your well-being, strengthen your health, improve your metabolism and provide your hair and skin with beauty and youth.

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It's not that simple with kefir. In the mass consciousness, naturally, there is a certain “obligatory benefit” from this dairy product. Everyone supposedly “knows” that it is “healthy” to drink in the morning and at night, and in general, all the time. They say that lactic acid bacteria do their very useful work, which incredibly helps our well-being.
Alas, these admonitions persistently remain ignored by a considerable number of people who turn away from the very type of kefir, or, having tried it, cannot appreciate its use - either in the morning, or before bed, or at any other time of the day.

Is there any harm in kefir? Or do “non-drinkers” simply not understand their happiness? Or maybe happiness is not in kefir?

So, what is kefir?

We get kefir when milk sours. Souring of milk occurs under the influence of kefir grains - various microorganisms, bifidobacteria, lactic acid streptococci, acetic acid bacteria, rods, yeast. On the first day, when the milk has soured, we will have one type of kefir with certain properties, on the next day - another, and on the third day - a completely different kefir with new properties. The acidity, amount of carbon dioxide, alcohol and other indicators will change in it. Of course, our kefir stays in the refrigerator for as long as we allow it, although its composition becomes more complex every day and its acidity increases, but in industrial production kefir is produced only according to the recipe for the first, second or third day of souring. The milk is pasteurized, then it is fermented by alcoholic and fermented milk fermentation using kefir grains. Milk protein acquires new properties with the help of microorganisms. Which ones? Why was kefir so highly valued by scientists?

I. Mechnikov at the end of the 19th century, having conducted extensive research, declared kefir the most valuable product for human health. Of course, kefir, like porridge, like milk in general and with porridge in particular, were picked up in propaganda during Soviet times as a simple method of “feeding the people.” Cheap and profitable. But – harm or benefit? We sorted out the porridges: semolina is harmful, porridges with milk are nothing useful. What about kefir? Is there any harm in kefir?

Isn't its positive role exaggerated?

1. Kefir normalizes metabolism in the body.

Is it true? Of course, if your metabolism is disrupted on a certain day, under unfavorable circumstances. In addition, you must have certain indications for taking kefir and not be allergic to lactose. What if you don’t drink milk at all – not because it’s “harmful”, but you just don’t like it? How can something that may cause reluctance and rejection help you? With an unexpected infusion of a dose of bifidobacteria, this can begin and forced cleaning cannot be avoided. In addition, this can be a shock to the internal intestinal microflora.

2. Kefir diet – health and weight loss!

Controversial issue. Firstly, it should last no more than seven days, secondly, you need to combine kefir with the right products, and thirdly, if you have high acidity, you don’t need to injure your body. Losing weight, as well as bringing the acid-base balance to a certain “norm”, has nothing to do with the kefir diet.

3. What is the percentage of alcohol in kefir?

In the old days it reached 1-3%, now it is much less (from 0.01 to 0.6%). This is ethyl alcohol. For this reason, kefir is not given to young children (up to a year, or better yet, later). There is also no point in deceiving yourself that yogurt is healthier. By the way, after drinking a liter of kefir, it is better not to get behind the wheel; experienced drivers know this.

4. Less fat content of kefir – more benefits?

Low-fat kefir should be drunk as a last resort. That is, when you just want to drink. There is no “kefir” benefit there. At the same time, if kefir is packaged in plastic, its beneficial properties are lost. Kefir should contain only milk and starter culture. All other drinks are not healthy kefir.

5. People with exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, in the presence of pancreatitis, stop drinking kefir, even if it is your favorite drink, which, of course, is doubtful.

It is actually found where it is simply not needed, and the harmful properties of kefir become such only because a particular organism simply does not require it!

The article will tell you why kefir is useful and in what cases it can be harmful, teach you how to drink kefir correctly, prepare it yourself and choose the best kefir in the store.

It would seem that an extraordinary and familiar drink from childhood, kefir is fraught with many surprises and mysteries.

Kefir is one of the fermented milk products made from pasteurized milk. By using kefir grain starter, the fermentation process is started. The result is a drink with a unique microflora, which contains bacteria, lactic acid, antibacterial substances, alcohol, vitamins, minerals, as well as proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

According to the time of ripening there are:

  • daily kefir (weak)
  • two-day or medium kefir
  • three-day strong kefir

IMPORTANT: The longer kefir matures, the more ethanol it contains. For example, one-day kefir contains an average of 0.2% alcohol, and three-day kefir contains up to 0.6%.

The health benefits and harms of kefir

People hear mostly positive reviews about kefir and its beneficial effects on health, which is no coincidence; the list of beneficial qualities of kefir is impressive:

  1. is a source of calcium
  2. improves intestinal and stomach function
  3. helps in the treatment and prevention of gastritis, diabetes, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, heart and gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, allergies and even cancer
  4. accelerates iron absorption (prevention of anemia)
  5. rich in B vitamins
  6. strengthens the cardiac system
  7. acts as an antidepressant
  8. easy to digest
  9. tones the nervous system
  10. restores impaired metabolism
  11. promotes weight loss
  12. improves immunity
  13. slows down skin aging, has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair, bones
  14. protects against intestinal infections
  15. normalizes stool

IMPORTANT: One-day kefir has a laxative effect, three days, on the contrary, helps with diarrhea.

However, doctors around the world do not share the opinion about the absolute usefulness of this drink.
Consumption of kefir can be harmful and is contraindicated:

  • persons suffering from chronic gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis
  • in case of individual incompatibility
  • children up to 9 months -1 year
  • For diarrhea, weak kefir is contraindicated; for constipation, strong kefir (three days).

In addition, some scientists have expressed serious concern regarding the alcohol content in kefir. Depending on the preparation technology and the duration of ripening, the percentage of ethanol can reach 0.88.

Can pregnant women drink kefir?

Kefir is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. On the contrary, many doctors recommend drinking 500-600 grams per day.

There is no conclusive evidence that kefir, due to its alcohol content, can harm an unborn child. Perhaps the large number of advantages in consuming kefir outweighs the minor risk associated with the presence of an insignificant dose of alcohol.

However, a number of expectant mothers make their own decisions and refuse kefir altogether. To assume that they are doing the right thing, as well as to condemn them for being overly cautious, would be unfounded.

Kefir for gallstone disease

Stagnation of bile and the formation of stones in the gallbladder and (or) bile ducts is a disease that requires strict restrictions in the diet.

Food should not irritate diseased organs. Kefir copes well with this task and promotes the flow of bile. For this reason, kefir occupies an important place in therapeutic diets for gallstone diseases.

Kefir for stomach diseases

Kefir has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, treats dysbiosis, removes toxins and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
Moreover, kefir restores loss of appetite and restores stomach function.

Kefir for liver diseases

  • Poor nutrition and inappropriate lifestyle often lead to liver diseases. Regular consumption of kefir can have a healing effect and prevent liver problems in the future.
  • Kefir also significantly reduces the likelihood of fatty liver, which often leads to cirrhosis of the liver.
  • In case of exacerbation of liver disease, a kefir diet will help restore its functionality, in which you should drink about five glasses of kefir per day

Which kefir to choose? Harm of low-fat kefir

On store shelves there is a wide range of fermented milk products, including different types of kefir:

  • low fat 0.01-1%
  • low-fat up to 2.5%
  • fat 3.2-7%
  • fortified (with the addition of vitamins C, A, F, etc.)
  • with fruit fillings
  • biokefir (with bifidobacteria)

When choosing kefir, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Compound
    There should be nothing extra, just milk and sourdough. It is better to refrain from buying kefir from powdered milk and dry milk starter
  • Best before date
    The longer kefir is allowed to be stored, the less beneficial it is.

IMPORTANT: Kefir with a shelf life of about 1 month will most likely contain preservatives and non-living bacteria.

  • Package
    Preference should be given to glass bottles or cardboard boxes. Kefir is stored worse in plastic. Please note that the packaging is not bulging.
  • Number of lactic acid microorganisms
    The content of lactic bacteria in 1 g of product must be at least 1x10^7 CFU. This information can be found on the packaging
  • Color and consistency
    Kefir should be white with a creamy tint and a uniform consistency without any cloudy liquid on top, there should be no gas bubbles
  • Fat percentage
    The optimal fat content is 2.5-3.2%

You should not get carried away with low-fat kefir for a number of reasons:

  • such a drink may contain preservatives, flavorings, waste products, sugar, starch and other thickeners
  • less easily absorbed by the body
  • contains fewer vitamins and microorganisms
  • fats play a vital role in the human body

Is it possible to drink kefir on an empty stomach?

To achieve maximum effect in improving intestinal microflora, it is better to drink kefir before meals, when the stomach is not yet full of food, i.e. on an empty stomach. In addition, kefir helps restore stomach function in the morning after an alcohol hangover.

Is it possible to drink kefir before bed?

Kefir, due to its nutritional value and low calorie content, is often the basis of dietary nutrition. A fasting day involves eating only 1.5-2 liters of kefir during the day.
Among the advantages:

  • relatively easy to tolerate
  • Not all, but a significant part of the nutrients enter the body
  • allows you to lose up to 1 kg
  • the body is cleansed

However, such a diet should not be abused. Have no more than one fasting day per week. In addition, such fasting days can only be practiced by healthy people. And remember that it is impossible to achieve true fat burning in such a short period of time.

What can you drink kefir with?

To enhance the beneficial qualities of kefir and more effectively use this drink for the purpose of losing weight and cleansing the body of toxins, you can consume kefir together with:

  • honey
  • cinnamon
  • bran
  • sunflower oil
  • buckwheat flour
  • salt, etc.

The benefits and harms of kefir with honey

  • Honey is famous for its unique qualities and, despite the high sugar content, is a very healthy product.
  • Combining honey with kefir can be a good choice of food before bed if you want to lose weight, but the feeling of hunger is unbearable. A spoonful of honey will quickly increase blood sugar and eliminate the feeling of hunger.
  • Due to their large amount of vitamins and nutrients, honey and kefir form the basis of some weight loss diets
    You can consume honey and kefir separately, or you can make a nutritious cocktail

RECIPE: Add 1 tsp to a glass of kefir. honey and stir.
You can talk about the dangers of consuming these products if:

  • long-term mono-diet on honey and kefir
  • allergic reaction to honey

Cinnamon with kefir at night for weight loss

Cinnamon has the property of accelerating metabolism and stimulating digestion. In tandem with kefir, you will get an excellent drink for weight loss.

RECIPE: In one glass of kefir, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a little chopped ginger, and a little red pepper.
The resulting mixture is most effective to drink at night.

Is it possible to drink kefir with salt? The benefits and harms of kefir with salt

If you add salt to kefir, you get a drink that is close in taste to what they drink in the Caucasus. You can experiment and find a taste that you like. When mixing kefir with salt, no special beneficial properties arise. Moreover, excessive salt consumption is harmful to the body. Therefore, you should not get carried away. It is better to make a strengthening hair mask from kefir and salt.

Kefir with buckwheat flour. Benefit

From time to time it is recommended to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxic substances. This can be done using kefir and buckwheat flour.
RECIPE: Mix 1 cup of kefir with 1 tbsp. spoon buckwheat flour, leave in the refrigerator overnight.
Use in the morning on an empty stomach.
A drink made from kefir with buckwheat flour promotes:

  • increasing endurance
  • reducing bad cholesterol
  • improving metabolism, etc.

Why drink kefir with vegetable oil?

  • Bring kefir to room temperature before use
  • drink the drink in small sips
  • Make a habit of drinking a glass of kefir before bed
  • carefully approach the purchase of kefir, choose only a quality product
  • Don’t get carried away with long-term kefir diets

Video: The benefits and harms of kefir

Good health is a consequence of good, nutritious, balanced nutrition.. Good - means, first of all, high-quality, fresh and natural, that is, without the admixture of all kinds of dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners, thickeners, etc., complete - that is, not low-fat, as has become fashionable recently. A person, trying to squeeze his own body into the framework of modern fashion models, completely forgets about the activities and needs of his body and causes irreparable harm to his health, for the return of which he is subsequently willing to pay any money. Therefore, when getting carried away with all kinds of diets based on the complete exclusion of foods containing fatty substances from the diet, it is necessary to remember that this same fat in moderate (by the way, not always so small) quantities is simply required for the proper and active functioning of the body.

The last characteristic of a healthy diet is its balance. This is also a very fashionable term in modern medicine. Balance means equilibrium. This means that a balanced diet means eating the required amount of all those substances and mineral salts, vitamins and natural enzymes that the human body requires for normal, healthy functioning.

Unfortunately, it is not only an unbalanced diet that leads to the growth of all kinds of diseases. The enemies of health are a sedentary lifestyle, non-compliance with a certain daily routine, difficult (sometimes even unsanitary) working conditions, and, finally, environmental factors. The list goes on. Consider such bad habits as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.

From the list of the above factors, even with the naked eye it is clear that the cause of his own adversity is the person himself, which means that he has the power to stop harming his health. Such a widespread product as kefir.

Vitamins and minerals of kefir

In the article “Dairy products and their properties” we have already talked a little about the main substances that make this product simply indispensable in the daily diet of every person.

In addition to these substances, the drink, like all other dairy and lactic acid products, is valuable for its content of milk fat, proteins, milk sugar (or lactose), minerals, vitamins, enzymes and hormones. Of the 12 vitamins present in varying quantities in all dairy products, vitamins A, D1, D2, U2 and carotene are of primary importance.

Vitamin A (retinol) and carotene are necessary for a person to have full vision. They ensure normal development of the body. Insufficiency of vitamin A and carotene can cause photophobia, night (or night) blindness, pale and dry skin, peeling, development of pustular diseases, dry and brittle hair and nails.

Group vitaminsD(calciferols) are transformed in the body into a hormone-like substance that takes part in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as their deposition in bone tissue. Vitamin D is especially necessary for children under 4 years of age, since its deficiency in the child’s body develops rickets, as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers. The need for vitamins D in adults is usually small, since they are formed in human skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. But for those who work underground, in closed, poorly lit rooms, or live in the North, the need for D vitamins increases.

Vitamin B2, (riboflavin) takes part in biological oxidation processes, promotes wound healing, and provides light and color vision. A lack of vitamin B2 leads to dry and cracked lips, ulcers, deep cracks in the fingers, and also slows down the healing of wounds.

From a variety of mineral salts, contained in kefir and other dairy and fermented milk products, the most important are calcium and phosphorus salts, which, in combination with D vitamins, take part in the construction of the body’s skeletal system. Mineral salts of calcium and phosphorus make the bones of the skeleton strong and strong.

In addition to the above vitamins and mineral salts, kefir contains a significant amount vitamin AC (ascorbic acid), which takes an active part in the redox processes of the human body and supports the human immune system (that is, the body’s ability to resist the effects of all kinds of viruses, bacteria that cause serious diseases), and iron, which takes part in hematopoiesis.

The presence of so many healthy nutrients in kefir makes it simply irreplaceable, universal and healing in its own way.

The healing properties of kefir

In addition, medical research has concluded that kefir is a real medicine, a kind of panacea in the treatment of diseases such as acute and chronic gastritis (with normal and low acidity of gastric juice), hypertension, ischemia, dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, as well as for the prevention of liver cirrhosis, diabetes, atherosclerosis and cancer.

Kefir is an integral component of many health and preventive diets.. This fermented milk product is of particular importance for those who do not give up and are actively fighting the scourge of our time, the cause of many diseases - obesity. And that part of humanity that leads a sedentary lifestyle is simply obliged to include kefir in its diet in order to avoid constipation and other equally unpleasant intestinal diseases. In young children, strong kefir (aged for three days) normalizes stool, having a strengthening effect on the intestines, and weak (aged for one day) kefir is a laxative.

Special mention should be made of the influence kefir for diabetes. Kefir converts milk sugar and glucose into other products in the body (which reduces the amount of sugar), raises glucose in the blood, protecting the insular apparatus of the pancreas from overload. Kefir for patients with diabetes can serve as both internal and external medicine. In the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus, skin care plays an important role, since the slightest injuries, cuts, abrasions, as well as dryness and flaking can lead to pustular skin diseases and long-lasting ulcers. And here kefir comes to the rescue, which can act both as a healing agent and as a cleansing mask with a moisturizing, softening, and therefore smoothing, rejuvenating effect.

Generally, in cosmetics and cosmetology kefir plays an important role in the development and creation of various kinds of creams, masks, scrubs and even decorative cosmetics.

Speaking about kefir as a medicine, a healing drink, one cannot fail to mention its tonic effect. A glass of kefir, drunk at night, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, taking an active part in suppressing putrefactive processes that occur in the digestive organs. A glass of kefir in the morning half an hour to an hour before breakfast, drunk on an empty stomach, tones the nervous system and also stimulates the appetite.

Adherents of this fermented milk product can be congratulated, as they have every chance of living to a ripe old age with sound mind and strong memory. Thus, kefir, among other things, has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Many doctors recommend including kefir in the regular diet for everyone who is forced to take chemical medications (tablets, capsules, dragees, drops, tinctures), since any long-term “feeding” of the body with drugs, alas, has a severe effect, first of all, on the digestive organs: stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and also disrupts the smooth functioning of the intestines and its natural flora.

The effect of kefir on the human body is enormous, but, above all, this drink is important, useful and simply necessary for the female half of humanity. Kefir, as a soothing, tonic and appetite stimulant, is recommended for all women throughout their lives, and especially during menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause.

During these difficult days for women, kefir normalizes some metabolic processes in the body, activates the digestion process, restores the natural intestinal flora, eliminates nausea, helps eliminate the unpleasant bitter-sour taste in the mouth and significantly enriches the body with calcium, phosphorus, and iron. During pregnancy, kefir stabilizes intestinal function and eliminates frequent constipation, and as a tonic it is an excellent remedy for headaches.

At one time, doctors dealing with the problems of alcoholism and tobacco smoking recommended kefir as the best remedy for eliminating hangover syndrome. Due to the low alcohol content, this drink can restore stomach function and restore lost appetite, being both an intoxicating drink and a healing medicine.

True, it is impossible not to mention that it was the content of a small amount of alcohol that served as the basis for some scientists involved in medicine to build a unique theory that denies the beneficial properties of kefir and makes it impossible to use it in the fight against alcoholism and some other diseases. You can argue with such a hypothesis, you can take one side or another in the scientific debate about the benefits and harms of kefir, but you cannot ignore the beneficial properties that this drink has for the human body.

On this page:

Many people love kefir for its taste, many know about its beneficial health properties. But few people think about the harm that is contained in this familiar drink.

What is kefir

The birthplace of kefir is North Ossetia. The first description of kefir in Russian medical journals appeared in 1867 as a medicinal and dietary drink. And already in 1907, the breeder Balandin established its production.

Kefir is an artificial food product, for the preparation of which specially bred starter cultures are used. It is formed due to the fermentation of milk with kefir grains. These fungi are a mixture of various microorganisms, including yeast (kefir = lactic acid bacteria + milk + yeast).

Kefir is a double fermented fermented milk product. In it, two fermentation processes occur in parallel. One of them is lactic acid fermentation, similar to what happens in yogurt. Due to this, kefir is classified as a fermented milk product. And the second fermentation process is alcoholic. We are talking about milk yeast.

Kefir is harmful and dangerous for children

Conversation about “daily bread and the causes of alcoholism” with Professor V.G. Zhdanov visiting academician A.M. Savelova-Deryabina.

“The fact is that kefir is a product of double fermentation, fermented milk and yeast. According to GOST, up to 0.5% alcohol in children's kefir was allowed during its production. But when a bottle of kefir sits on the windowsill for four hours, and it almost always costs that much on the windowsill, the fermentation process continues, the percentage of alcohol increases to 1.5% when the child has eaten this kefir, the fermentation process continues in his stomach and the concentration reaches 3 %.

Now the simplest calculation: infants were allocated 600 grams per day. kefir at 3% alcohol is 18 grams. pure alcohol, which is 60 g. vodka, i.e. per day, an infant was given 50-60 grams using kefir. vodka.

And that explosion of youth alcoholism is connected precisely with the fact that in the early 60-70s in cities with a population of over a million, this “baby kefir” was introduced into baby food. An example - my eldest daughter, born in 70, was a “kefir addict” - until she was two and a half years old, she could not sleep until you gave her a bottle of this kefir. I drank a bottle of kefir and only after that did I fall asleep. We didn’t know this at first and only found out when Uglov raised this problem about kefir in baby food.

The fact is that the human body produces internal, (endogenous) alcohol; it is needed for internal processes. By the way, even hydrocyanic acid is produced in the brain, but no one would think of consuming this hydrocyanic acid from the outside. But if a child begins to receive exogenous (external) alcohol in infancy, then the production of internal alcohol stops and he becomes a potential alcoholic, that is, he will ultimately go to a can of beer rather than a glass of water to quench his thirst. This was once perfectly demonstrated in rats. They gave the rats water, beer, then they stopped, then they grew up. When they were given two cups, one with beer, the other with water, everyone who was not given beer ran to the water, not just one to the beer, but the rest ran to the beer. They have become dependent, they do not have enough internal (endogenous) alcohol... "

A few more non-verbatim theses about kefir from a conversation with Professor V.G. Zhdanov visiting academician A.M. Savelova-Deryabina.

Any truck driver knows that breathing into a test tube after drinking a bottle of kefir will test for the presence of alcohol. Under appropriate conditions, kefir can contain up to 11% alcohol. Constant consumption of kefir can contribute to the alcoholization of the population, because alcohol consumption, even in small quantities, suppresses the production of internal alcohol (the body needs very little of it), which in turn leads to a predisposition to alcoholism because the body begins to need external alcohol.

Cautions for the use of kefir when feeding young children

Kefir is very different from mother's milk. As a result, it is not at all suitable for babies in the first months of life. Kefir can be given to a child no earlier than seven to eight months of age.

Why is kefir not suitable for babies?

In kefir:

  • a lot of casein (rough protein), which is difficult for a newborn to digest,
  • amino acid composition does not correspond to mother's breast milk,
  • the fat composition is not diverse enough,
  • the ratio of fatty acids is not physiological for the baby’s body,
  • carbohydrates are not similar to human milk carbohydrates,
  • much more mineral salts than in human milk.

Therefore, the load on the baby’s excretory and digestive systems is more significant than during breastfeeding.

Despite this, kefir is often used to feed infants from three months of age. But a child’s digestion cannot always cope with such a load. The result may be disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, and the development of anemia (anemia).

More about the dangers of kefir and when you should not use it

You need to drink kefir wisely so that there is no harm. Who and when should not eat it:

  • the use of kefir is not indicated for gastric diseases with high acidity,
  • kefir has a laxative effect, so those prone to stomach upsets can drink it in small quantities,
  • kefir, like all dairy products, has a calming, relaxing, relaxing effect. So don't drink it before exams.

There are benefits from kefir

It would be wrong not to mention the benefits of consuming kefir:

  • kefir is recommended for anemia in adults and for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The most important positive property of kefir is that it has a beneficial effect on the composition of microorganisms in the intestines and thereby helps prevent the development of E. coli. Although here it has competitors in the form of fermented baked milk, yogurt and acidophilus;
  • the presence of lactic acid bacteria in kefir inhibits the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines;
  • eating kefir improves immunity;
  • the nutrients in kefir are in an easily digestible form, making it valuable in children’s diets (if you do not take into account the harm from the alcohol in it), as well as in the nutrition of older people;
  • In addition, kefir has a positive effect on people with chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, and neurotic conditions, as it has a calming effect.