The new YouTube creative studio is still a beta version. Youtube Creative Studio for Android

While likes are being collected on the counter of the 4th block of the course, so that the block on WordPress monetization opens, we will pay attention to updating the YouTube creative studio.

As you know, YouTube changed its external interface at the beginning of 2017, and now it’s time to reconstruct the workspace of YouTubers and the YouTube creative studio.

For now the studio is available in BETA version, located on the domain and works with noticeable brakes, but nevertheless it is already good tool to work on your channel.

How to switch to the new version of YouTube Studio

Switch your Personal Area, to get acquainted with the new product very simply.

Login to your YouTuber's personal account To be honest, it has already become somewhat insipid to me.

Look in the lower left corner for the Blue rectangle that says “New Creative Studio (BETA)”

First, let’s look at the shortcomings of the new studio so that you know what you’re preparing for.

Now the functionality of the cabinet is limited, but all the missing tools are available through the “Missing functions” button

And so let's go!

Disadvantages of YouTube's New Creative Studio

Personally, I found few of them. Taking into account that this is still a beta and I think that after all the work is completed we will get a super studio.

1. Incomprehensible empty black header taking up a quarter of the screen.

Considering that this is still an office, workplace it is so useless to use the space irrationally.

I’ve seen an opinion online that the channel’s header will be placed there. I don't think that's true

It’s more rational to place widgets created by YouTubers there useful tools, as in the classic version. For example, I am constantly interested in the statistics of one of the promoted videos.

I create a widget and attach it to the studio panel, now I always have information of interest right under my nose.

But time will tell what will happen there. I wrote my opinion to the developers through the “Leave a review” button.

2. There are not enough video editing tools

Basic tools in place. You can edit the description and icon. But there are no buttons for improving video and others yet.

Of course, they are available in the classic studio, but I want everything in one place.

3. Slight brakes in operation

At first I thought that I didn’t have slowdowns, but when I dug through the reviews of other YouTubers, I was convinced that the problem was still in the studio itself.

But this is how it should be with a product that is being customized and improved. The new studio is still BETA, which means it has not yet been optimized and brought to perfection

In general, perhaps that’s all, perhaps.

4. The video manager does not have tools for working with the video package as in the classics.

I hope that these functions will definitely be transferred to the new studio, they greatly simplify the work.

Well, everyone was nitpicking, and now about the pleasant and good, why it’s still worth switching to the new version and you can even work in the beta version.

The benefits of YouTube's new creative studio

I will first list those functions that already exist and which I personally use.

1. Convenient manager video with additional sorting filters.

The first time you open it, you will immediately find yourself in the studio’s most popular tool—video manager. In which we can conveniently sort content by popularity, number of comments, number of likes, etc.

I think this is just the beginning and more functions will be added to the manager.

2. Finally clear channel statistics

Just for one statistic you need to switch to the new version of the creative studio. Intuitive graphics with clear explanations of what and how.

Agree, in the classics we only occasionally looked into this section because... it was damn confusing and had a lot of weird bells and whistles.

Here, immediately upon entering, we receive notifications of what we need to pay attention to and what to correct.

The statistics department needs a separate post and I will do it as soon as the studio is fully operational. Although the statistics are already in order, we’ll do it sooner!

3. Cool separate statistics for each video.

In my video on improving old videos, I showed how you can use statistics data to optimize already uploaded videos. We can see for which queries we are successful and raise the video for them even higher.

We see for which queries we have a bounce rate and remove them from the tags in the description, etc.

4. Convenient panel for working with comments on the channel.

It seems like all those functions are there, but it’s still more convenient. A simple element was added - the name of the video - and it’s already more convenient. Previously, you had to hover over the course icon to see the name.

When there are hundreds of videos on the channel, this is important. In addition, you can go to the comment itself on the site to see the entire chain of discussion, if necessary.

The studio developers say that it is possible to sort comments, we will look into it.

5. Search for videos in the manager by address

I don’t quite understand what this function is for, if you can edit a video directly from the page of the video itself, but the developers said that they added it to the search.

I checked, it works!

Okay, let's take it into service, it might come in handy, although I think it's easier to search by name.

In general, so far everything is already working. Let me remind you that all other tools are available in the classic version of Creative Studio.

And in the end I want to write about the most pleasant thing.

What awaits us in the new version of YouTube studio very soon?!

I have no doubt that the studio will be much cooler than the old one, and now let’s read what else the developers promise us in the near future.

Tools that will appear in YouTube Studio in the near future

  1. Extra menu to the video with the ability to download and delete the video
  2. Possibility of translation of the video.
  3. A new version video editor in which it will be easier to cut videos. They promise that the old one will remain ( It will be enabled through the “Improve Video” tab.
  4. I will improve comment management taking into account the wishes of YouTubers who wrote reviews
  5. Localization will be added for most countries. Well, in general, it’s the right moment!
  6. Crossposting videos in social accounts straight from the section Video.

In general, it turns out that first they will drag in all the functionality that already exists in the classic YouTube studio, with minor modifications and improvements.

Hello Youtube channel owners! You've probably already noticed major changes in the YouTube control panel interface. When you first logged into your account, you only saw the “Add video” button. Where is the video manager, analytics, etc.?

Access to these features has now changed. You need to click the button with your icon account top right and go to new section by clicking on the “Creative Studio” button.

In your channel's control panel now new design left menu icons, but the menu items remained the same. However, the updates don't stop there. Very soon we will be launching new Youtube functions, which ones you will soon find out, stay tuned. In addition, they promise to further change the design and interface. It will definitely be unusual, as long as it doesn’t become uncomfortable. The professionalism of the guys from Google gives us hope that the changes will be positive.

What are other news?

Created something new for YouTube mobile app YouTube Creator Studio / Creative studio that will allow you to work with your channel and your videos directly on mobile devices. The program is available for Google Android and for Apple iOS on this moment. They promise user-friendly interface And ample opportunities for working with content. Let's see if this is true.

The YouTube Creative Studio application for Android will be very useful to everyone who has their own channel on the website of the same name.

This is the name of a special tab on a YouTube channel, which allows channel owners to view statistics, edit videos, read comments, respond to them, etc. The application has the same functionality, but allows you to manage a YouTube channel from a smartphone or tablet. This is very convenient if you are away from home or cannot log in from your computer.

You can download creative studio youtube at Google Play, here you can also find brief description application and see many positive comments from users. Updates are regularly released to improve YouTube Creative Studio.

Essential Creative Studio Tools

Control Panel. This is where the user sees all urgent alerts and YouTube recommendations on working with the channel. The last three videos are also visible here;

Video manager. As the name suggests, here you can edit your videos, change their parameters and settings. Here you can see comments on the video and recommendations. You can reply to them, like them and delete them. Very often comments containing links end up in spam.

Community. In this section, you can communicate with other video creators and viewers through comments and private messages. Here you can also see a list of subscribers and view videos in which you were tagged as a participant or creator.

Channel. This section is responsible for enabling and disabling functions, as well as video settings;

YouTube Analytics. The name speaks for itself - in this section you can see various reports on views, subscribers, viewers, income, etc. There is special settings, allowing you to view the necessary data for certain period time. All statistical reports are updated at midnight. Particularly interesting is the “Approximate Statistics” report, which shows the level of popularity of a particular video. Thanks to this section, you can immediately see which videos have few views, likes, etc. This will give you an idea of ​​what’s wrong with this video and how it can be fixed to make it more popular.

What else is useful to know about the application

  • Youtube creator studio logs into the channel automatically if you are connected to your account;
  • From the creative studio you can go to YouTube;
  • Among the settings are the collection of statistics sent by YouTube specialists, as well as enabling/disabling notifications about comments;
  • Youtube creator studio also allows you to send feedback to Google Play and view help about use;
  • Another advantage of the application is the addition of several Google accounts. All channels linked to Google accounts will appear in the Creative Studio application;

Video icon meanings:

  • Lock - not accessible to anyone;
  • The land is accessible to everyone;
  • Link – available only to those who have a link to the video;

The dollar sign means the video generates income for the owner.

Disadvantages of the application

  • Can't download videos
  • You cannot search for videos and add them to playlists

Perhaps the developers will add these functions to the application in the near future, but for now you can use them in YouTube app. Overall, the application is very useful for those who are engaged in active development and promoting your YouTube channel.

If you have used Creative Studio, please leave a comment. Your opinion is very important!

YouTube Creative Studio is a channel control panel with many tools. With Creative Studio, you can track comments on your posts, statistics, edit videos, and more.

Let's look at the entire range of possibilities and tell you what you should pay attention to first.

In order to go to the channel settings, you need to go to the creative studio:

What is a creative studio and how to work in it

Creative Studio is a tab on YouTube with which channel owners can track statistics, edit their videos, and change channel information.

After moving to the creative studio, you will see big set tools. We will look at the most important ones for bloggers:

  1. Control Panel.
  2. Video manager.
  3. Community.
  4. Channel.

Control Panel

In the “Control Panel” tab you can see new notifications about the channel, the number of views and subscribers, information about the last 4 videos, comments on videos. In order to view data about all videos, you need to click on the “View all” button and you will automatically be taken to the “Video Manager” section.

You can also track statistics for the last 28 days on the number of views, subscribers and channel income.

If you want to change the toolbar interface, you need to click on the “Add widget” button.

In order to change the widget itself, you need to click on the gear icon next to the selected tile.


The “Video Manager” section is one of the main ones on YouTube; you can use it to edit videos and playlists. By opening this tab, all videos posted on the channel will appear. You can sort this list: by date of publication, number of views, privacy, presence of advertising.

To change one or more videos, you need to select them by clicking on the square located to the left of the video image. After that, click on the “Actions” button, and you can apply changes to your videos: arrange advertising breaks, select a hosting license, change access parameters, descriptions, titles and tags of your publications. Here you can delete the video from the channel.

By clicking on the “Add to” button, you can add your videos to the playlists available on the channel by checking the boxes next to them. To create a new playlist, select the most recent menu item.

You can start a search for your videos by writing the title or keyword. To search, click on the magnifying glass and you will see all publications matching your request. Also, by scrolling down, you can go to other pages if more than 30 videos are found by request. And on this page you can change them, as described above.

This is one of important functions your creative studio, here you can watch reports about the channel. This is the most large section, which has many tabs. Below we list the most important tabs for bloggers.


In this tab, you can view statistics on your channel for a specified period of time by clicking on the button located next to the calendar. If you click on the calendar, you can select the dates you are interested in. This page displays the viewing time of videos in minutes, their number, average viewing in minutes, and income. Just below in the graphs you can see the number of likes and dislikes, the number of comments, and the growth of subscribers. You can also see the number of shares of your videos, regions in which videos are watched, who watches your content (women, men), playback locations and traffic sources. All this can be viewed both on the channel as a whole, and by selecting individual videos.

How many views are your videos getting right now? Graphs of all videos on the channel will be displayed, sorted by date added. By clicking on the “Content Search” field, you can write the name of the video about which you want to get detailed information or select from the drop-down list by name. The blue chart on the right is your views over the last 48 hours, the green chart on the left is views over last hour. Below these tables, you can select the “Device Type” tab and there will be information about where your records are viewed from: PC, phone, tablet. Next is the “ operating system", where you can see from which platform viewers are watching videos, and under the "Location" button you can find information about the countries where your channel's viewers are concentrated. Below are the latest videos and detailed information about them.


In this tab you can see your income, it is usually displayed for the last 28 days, but this interval can be changed by dragging the slider at the bottom of the chart.

You can see up to what minute viewers are watching videos. Above is the average view in minutes and percentage.

Every blogger is interested in where users watch their videos from. You can see a multi-colored graph and at the bottom an explanation of what color it means. As a rule, videos that get the most views come from recommended or similar videos.

This section contains information about the performance of end screens. On the chart next to each date there is blue circle and by clicking on it, you receive information on transitions for each day. Below is information about each video.


This the section is necessary for communication between the channel author and co-authors and subscribers, here you can track comments, private messages and other. For beginner YouTubers, only two sections are important: “comments” and “subscribers”.

When they create channels on YouTube, it takes some more time to understand the functionality. Understand how easy it is to upload videos, view statistics, edit videos, etc. The creative studio will help you with this, and today we will look at interest Ask- how to enter the creative studio.

What is a creative studio?

This is a tab on a YouTube channel that includes a large number of opportunities for channel owners: statistics, control panel, video manager where you can edit videos, channel functions, youtube analytics and much more.

In order to enter the creative studio, you need to do the following. First you need to log into your YouTube account, then in the right top corner Click on your channel icon and select the tab – creative studio. That's how you get in there.

By the way, there is also a very convenient thing for channel owners, and now we will tell you about it.

“Creative Studio” application

For those people who want to manage their channel when they are not at home on the computer, a “creative studio” application for smartphones has become available, with which you can do almost everything that you can do on the computer.

You can easily install this application on your smartphone. It depends on what phone you have. You can download it either to Google Play (if you have Android) or to the AppStore (if you have iOS).

What else is convenient this application, so because through it you can view comments on your channel, respond to them, see all the channel statistics and much more.

But there is also certain restrictions by your actions. It is not yet possible to download videos through the application, watch your videos, or add them to the “Watch later” playlist.

But the plus is that it’s very convenient panel Anyone can control and figure out how to use it. Because the functionality is simple. even if you are a beginner blogger and have just registered your channel on YouTube.