How to connect a private house to the Internet from Rostelecom

Do you live in your own home and are thinking about connecting to the World Wide Web? Perhaps you should pay attention to the largest communications provider - Rostelecom, which offers its subscribers not only a fast connection to the network, but also a very profitable terms use.

One of the services offered by Rostelecom is home Internet V a private house. Previously it was provided subsidiary company Rostelecom Domolink, but today it has completely become part of Rostelecom, and the service is now provided under the Rostelecom Center brand. At the same time, Domolink subscribers who signed an agreement earlier automatically switched to Rostelecom servers.

New subscribers who want to connect to the network can leave a request on the company’s website or by contacting the office.

How to install a network in a private home

Connection to the network is available both through a telephone cable using ADSL technology and using an optical line.

You can submit a request in two ways:

  • Visit the Rostelecom office. There you will receive expert advice, during which you will be able to find out:

    • which option is more convenient for you;

    • How much;

    • cost of tariffs and their advantages;

    • information about additional services.

    After discussing all the questions that interest you, you can submit your connection request, which will be reviewed in the near future.

  • Leave a request on the company's website. This option is also convenient, especially since after reviewing it, a specialist will definitely contact you and clarify the main points, as well as discuss the details with you.
  • To submit an application you should:

  • Go to the company website.

  • Select the region you are in.

  • Open the “For Yourself” section and go to the “Internet” subsection.

  • First, open the “Tariffs” subsection and familiarize yourself with them.

  • Select the most optimal option for you and click on the “Connect” button.

  • In a new window you will see not only the application form, but also an additional list of services available to you. You can immediately apply for them too.

  • Fill out the form, indicating your first and last name, contact number phone and email, the address where you live, a time convenient for you when the operator can contact you.

  • To submit your application, click on the “Order” button.
  • Connection cost

    The cost of connecting the Internet to a private home depends on several factors and is calculated directly by specialists. The price depends on:

    • selecting the line type - optical wire or telephone;

    • required cable footage;

    • choosing a tariff model.

    Tariffs and services

    Today, Rostelecom offers subscribers to connect home Internet via an optical line for only 99 rubles per month. At the same time, the following tariff plans are available (the usual cost in rubles is indicated in brackets):

  • 200 Mbit/s (890).

  • 100 Mbit/s (690).

  • 80 Mbit/s (590)

  • 45 Mbit/s (480)
  • By telephone line one available tariff plan 8 Mbit/s costs 349 rubles per month.

    Subscribers can also use the following services:

    • night acceleration up to 200 Mbit/s from 00:00 to 08:00;

    • antivirus program;

    • fixed ip;

    • parental control.

    Which one is better to spend

    The company offers two connection options - via telephone cable using ADSL technology or via optical line.

    The first option is suitable mainly for residents of the suburbs, since extending optical fiber there is too expensive both in terms of time and cost. In addition, the information transfer speed will be only 24-26 megabits per second, and the subscriber will need to purchase a special router.

    When connecting the line via fiber optic, the information transfer speed will be much higher - up to 100 megabits, however, it will also cost more.

    Rostelecom is one of the largest communication providers in Russia. This company provides communications such as: high speed internet, digital television, telephone communications. Subscribers of this operator are located in different locations: city high-rise buildings and private sector. Naturally in the city to connect to worldwide network easy enough. It is also possible to bring Rostelecom Internet to a private home, and there are several options.

    Possible options

    The Internet has taken important place In human life. He is put on the same level as others utilities, such as light or water.

    1. Therefore, in its absence, a completely logical question arises: how to connect to the Internet. Of course, in a multi-storey building everything happens easier, but Rostelecom can provide Internet to a private house too. This company provides Internet connection using the following technologies: ADSL. Prerequisite - Availability;
    2. home phone
    3. PON. Fiber optic cable is used;
    4. Wi-Fi;

    Satellite Internet.

    To use ADSL technology, you must first connect your phone. The signal will enter your home through this cable. The maximum permissible transmission speed through a telephone line is 20-24 Mbit/s. Over long distances, the “nimbleness” of the signal can drop to 2-5 Mbit/s. This is not to mention external factors. For example, rain or cable breaks. Another disadvantage of this technology is the price. Using ADSL will cost you more than optical fiber or wireless network.

    Read also How to see who is connected to my wifi on Rostelecom


    Passive optics has many advantages over copper telephone wires:

    1. Resistance against external factors impact;
    2. Cheaper material;
    3. Excellent signal conductivity;
    4. Transfer speed up to 1 Gbit/s.

    Optical fiber is carried to the subscriber's home. Is it possible to connect the Internet in a package with additional services? Rostelecom home Internet using this technology is high-speed, so the width of its channel makes it possible to additionally connect:

    • Digital television;
    • Landline phone.

    Usage this method connection does not require purchase additional equipment such as a switch or splitter. This means that optical fiber does not require signal conversion and, accordingly, transmission time is saved. This type of communication provides many advantages:

    1. Speed ​​is higher;
    2. The picture is clearer;
    3. No interference during telephone conversations;
    4. You can “climb” the Internet even if the electricity is turned off. Naturally, in in this case a laptop is used, to which the optical fiber is directly connected.


    How to provide Internet connection to remote and small settlements? Unfortunately, ADSL and PON technologies are rare in this case. Therefore, Rostelecom advises such subscribers Wi-Fi installation antennas under the “Bridging the Digital Divide” program. There is also information about installing Rostelecom points with large radius actions. It means that transmitted signal will be stronger and faster over a wider area.

    Read also How to temporarily or permanently disable Rostelecom home Internet

    Price per use

    It is also important to know your monthly period in advance. subscription fee. This will help you plan future costs for this service. So, current tariffs to date. Telephone Internet per month it will cost you 349 rubles. for 8 Mbit/s. PON technology is more gentle in pricing policy, monthly payment starts from 99 rubles/month.

    Privately, you can use Additional services. Such as.

    Rostelecom offers its customers an Internet connection using a fiber optic cable, ADSL technology via telephone line, and also offers points Wi-Fi access. The connection process itself is very simple, but we decided to write an article about it so that all possible questions would disappear.

    Basic methods of connecting to the Internet

    1) If you have the opportunity to visit the company’s official website, you can leave a request for an Internet connection there. First, check out affordable rates in your region. To do this, go to link and check that your location is correct. Choose the most suitable tariff for your needs and your budget.

    Now find the “connection” button in the site menu and click on it.

    Fill in the contact information fields and your personal information and click on the "order" button. Pay attention to additional services and uncheck those items that you do not need.

    2) If you are too lazy to fill out all this data, then you can fill in only the phone number and order back call. The company manager will call you back and you can explain in words what you want to connect and at what time.

    3) If on your way home from work you pass by a company office, you can sign a connection agreement there

    The second and third methods imply that you have additional questions for the specialist and, using them, the manager will answer any questions about connecting to the Internet. Regardless of how you submit your application, we will agree with you on a time convenient for you to carry out the installation work. You can buy the equipment necessary for the work yourself at any store. electronic technology or order from Rostelecom itself. In the first case, you will have to complete all the settings yourself, and in the second case, the equipment will already be configured for you.

    Residents of small settlements It is worth paying attention to the fact that to connect to the Internet you will need to connect to your Rostelecom home phone, since access to the Internet will be via a telephone line

    For self-configuration modem or router, you will need certain knowledge. Rostelecom will not leave you alone with your problems in this matter. Service technical support will help you, and for this you need to call toll free phone 8-800-181-18-30 . If you have no knowledge at all, then you will need to take the equipment and bring it to the nearest customer service office. All settings will be made free of charge.


    Choose a router that matches your devices. In this case we're talking about about laptops, because some of their models are not able to connect to any Wi-Fi networks. Find out the requirements wireless adapters, having studied the instructions for them on the manufacturer’s website.

    Buy a suitable Wi-Fi router. Naturally, it must have a DSL connector to connect to the provider's server. Connect the telephone line cable to the specified port using a splitter. This device will help not only to simultaneously connect both the router and the router to one cable and landline phone, but also reduce interference on the line.

    Connect with Ethernet port(LAN) Wi-Fi router network cable. Connect its other end to network card computer or laptop. Turn on the equipment connected to the router.

    Launch your web browser. Enter the router's IP address in the URL input field. Click Enter key. After the menu opens Wi-Fi settings router, go to WAN. Set up Internet access by setting the required values ​​for some parameters. Because We are talking about a DSL connection, it is recommended to select the PPPoE protocol and enter the values ​​that meet the requirements of your provider.

    Now go to Wi-Fi menu. Create a wireless access point. When setting of this menu be guided by the operating parameters of your laptops. Save the settings and reboot your Wi-Fi router.

    After connecting all desktop computers to Ethernet ports and laptops to a wireless access point, you will get a ready-made mixed-type home network in which all devices will have access to the Internet. Be sure to make sure that the router automatically connects to the provider's server. This will help avoid problems if this equipment will be disconnected from the power supply.

    It’s not uncommon to see people sitting in a cafe with laptops and browsing the Internet, checking email, writing letters, chatting in social networks. This service is available today thanks to free access access the Internet wirelessly using Wi-Fi.

    You will need


    Once you've verified that Wi-Fi is working, right-click on the computer icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "View available wireless networks" A window will open where you will see a list of available networks.

    Now double click on the desired network and when asked by the system if you want to connect to a wireless network, answer positively. When prompted for a network key, enter it. If you connect to a free open network in a cafe, you will not be asked for a key. If you are connecting to a home Wi-Fi network, enter the key you received from the network owner.

    Video on the topic


    If you have connected to the network once, the system will remember your action and will automatically connect to the wireless network the next time you access it.

    If you have a computer connected to a local networks, and you want to set up a connection for another computer that already has access to the Internet, then you can do this quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

    You will need


    Use right button mouse to click on “Connections”. Select "Properties".

    When you click on the tab, click on the “Local Connection” that appears. networks" using the right mouse button. You will see new tab"Properties".

    To connect to networks, enter all the required values ​​in the fields, and press the “ok” key. This completes the connection to another networks will be completed and you can get to work.

    Video on the topic


    In order not to forget what step you stopped at, do not close the windows and, if possible, complete the work with the participation of another person who is well versed in computers.

    Helpful advice

    In order to get the job done faster, you can use shortcuts on the desktop that you display in advance. In order not to forget the sequence of work - connecting from one network to another, save a notepad and pen.


    • Available easy scheme complete all the steps to connect from one network to another, as well as graphical representations.

    Home connection phone- the matter is quite simple and does not cause much trouble. If you decide to “lead” into the house little helper for work and just a means of communicating with family and friends, all you need is to know a few simple steps, which must be completed in order for him to appear in your apartment.


    Next, plug the network cable into both computers. One end network cable connects to the first computer, the second end connects to the second. After this, a message will appear in the tray stating that a local connection is connected. Now both your computers are connected to one local network.


    • How to connect a printer to a computer directly, via a network, via

    The vast majority of laptop owners would be happy to switch to using wireless internet. But only a few know how to easily and quickly set up their own wireless access point.

    You will need

    • Wi-Fi router.


    To create a wireless network you will need a Wi-Fi router. The choice of this device falls on your shoulders, because... only you can decide what parameters it should have. It is important to consider the maximum signal transmission distance, the types of security and radio transmissions supported by the router, and whether it can be connected to your ISP cable.

    Open the main settings menu Wi-Fi router. To do this you need to enter address bar IP device browser. Open the Internet Setup menu. Set up your Internet connection. To do this, indicate the type of data transmission channel, server address, login and password for authorization with the provider. Don't forget to enable the DHCP automatic IP address service.

    Go to Settings wireless point access (Wireless Setup Settings). Create a name (SSID) for your network and a password to connect to it. Please note the following parameters: radio signal type and data encryption option. Select from the suggested options those that your laptop's wireless adapter works with.

    Save your changes to the settings. Turn off the power to your Wi-Fi router for a few seconds. Turn it back on.

    Disconnect the cable that you used to connect your laptop to the router. Activate the search for wireless networks. Connect to the hotspot you recently created. Make sure you have internet access. Now the main thing is not to reset the router settings and monitor changes in connection settings from your provider.

    It is very convenient to control your home computer remotely using your mobile phone. telephone. Whether you're on the street, on the subway, or at work, you can connect to your machine at any time and see what tasks are running on it, stop any of them, or start new ones.


    First of all, you will need a so-called “white” IP address. You will have to connect it to your provider. Please note that this is a fairly expensive service.

    Make sure that technical condition computer allows you to leave it turned on unattended. Thoroughly clean the machine of dust and lubricate the fans to avoid the risk of them stopping. Replace faulty ones electrolytic capacitors on motherboard. If you do not have sufficient experience to work with high voltages, have the power supply cleaned by a specialist. It is not advisable to leave a running computer unattended powerful processor, video card.

    The first way to communicate remotely with a computer is to use the Telnet protocol. You can control a computer running both Linux and Windows in this way. A guide to setting up a Telnet server in Linux is located at the following address:
    Windows users will need different instructions: You will have to install the MidpSSH program on your phone. You can download it here: On your computer, set to login to Telnet complex password. Set up MidpSSH by entering your computer's IP address. Try to connect to it: if a form for entering your login and password appears on the phone screen, and after entering them - command line, this means the setup was done correctly. Never work on your computer from your phone under account administrator (in Linux - root). If possible, use the SSH encryption protocol.

    Second way remote control computer is only available in Windows, but it allows you to use graphical interface, and a “white” IP address is optional. But this does not mean that you will need to pay less, since you will have to use commercial program, and in the absence of a “white” IP address, you also have to pay for the service with a special proxy server. This method involves using software package Remote Desktop for Mobiles. It consists of server program for the computer and client - for the phone. The procedure for setting up and installing the complex is described in the following article:

    If you do not have the opportunity to get a “white” IP address or connect an inexpensive unlimited tariff to access the Internet from your phone, you can connect your computer to a WiFi router and use a phone that has WiFi (for example, Nokia C3). Data exchange in this case is carried out without the participation of the network cellular communications, but working with a computer from a phone is only possible on a short distance.


    If you turn off your computer remotely, you can turn it on again only after gaining physical access to it.


    • connect to computer via phone

    For many telephone- an irreplaceable thing in the house. A few decades ago, it became the most popular means of communication between people and has not lost it even in our time. Having a connection problem telephone and these are faced mainly by those who have just moved to new apartments or private houses. Let's take a step-by-step look at all the intricacies of installing a home telephone A.

    You will need

    • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, document of ownership of an apartment or house.


    Firstly contact telephone station, where specialists will check the possibility of connection telephone line directly to your apartment or house.

    Residents of private houses may have some difficulties with connection, namely, station employees will ask to install telegraph poles. This may affect those residents whose houses are located far from others.

    After approval of the installation of the communication line, you need to write an application addressed to the manager telephone no company. When filling out and submitting it, specialists will require your passport and documents confirming the ownership of the premises in which the future device will be located.

    After the paperwork, on telephone Installation of equipment and selection of number digits will begin at the new station. These operations usually take a day or two, but due to the queue for connections, the process may take longer.

    You will also need to select the required tariff plan. U telephone there are enough operators a large number of, it all depends on the wishes of the client. But there are three main ones. Per-second is convenient for those who talk little; when using it, you pay only for the time you used. Combined - it allows you to make outgoing calls at a low cost, and incoming calls will be free. This tariff has a low subscription fee. Another unlimited tariff convenient for those who talk a lot, for a fixed price you will make any number of calls without a time limit.

    When submitting documents, the GTS specialist agrees with you on the date and time when the specialist can come to you. After which you will need to wait for this date and buy the communication device itself.

    Typically, installers connecting telephone in the apartment they run the cable only to the door, but upon agreement they will do it directly to the right place and even connect it themselves telephone ny apparatus.

    Modern home phones sometimes have no less functionality than mobile phones phones. In order not to overpay for a phone with many unnecessary features, when choosing it, you should especially carefully study the instructions and the availability of additional options.


    Radio is very popular phones. Such devices consist of a base and a tube. The convenience of such models is obvious, wireless connection does not restrict the user’s movement around the apartment; they are convenient to use when installing telephones in large houses. When selecting a radiotelephone, pay attention to its range, as well as the possibility of using several handsets on one base. Subject to availability additional functions radio prices phones range from $40 to $200 and above.

    The choice of wired phones needs to be approached more carefully; first of all, check the quality of the microphone and speaker, it should not have extraneous noise. The design of modern wired phones differs little from each other, and the dimensions depend on the availability of additional functions.

    Just recently, having a display on a phone was a luxury; today almost every model has one. This part of the phone displays almost all the information about the operation of the device - the phone book, duration of calls, information about incoming calls, etc. Many displays are additionally equipped with backlighting for comfortable use at night.

    When choosing specific model phone also pay attention to a number of the following functions:
    - Phone book. As is the case with mobile phones? it allows you to store contact numbers in the device’s memory, their number depends on the amount of available memory.
    - Using wired telephone It may be useful to have speakerphone. In this case, for negotiations, it is not the handset that is used, but the microphone located in the base of the phone itself.
    - Very useful functions is an answering machine, it will allow you not to miss calls received in your absence. You can always find out who called and when, and also listen to the messages left.

    In the era rapid development Internet in our country, more and more people are starting to create home pages for different purposes. There are many ways to do this quickly and efficiently. It's worth understanding step by step instructions building your own site.

    You will need

    • - Computer;
    • - Internet access;
    • - funds to pay for hosting and domain.


    Select an Internet provider to host your web site. Research several hosting companies, taking into account factors such as maximum upload space, availability, market reputation and terms of service. For RuNet on this moment the most the best option is hosting from the company "Utex". Check it out on the website