The wired telephone does not work. What to do and where to call if your Rostelecom home phone doesn’t work

A non-working home telephone can cause significant discomfort to modern people. Mobile communications, which appeared relatively recently, have not been able to completely replace their landline rival. Many people still prefer to negotiate with its help.

Today in Russia, one of the largest operators providing the population with reliable and high-quality landline communication services is Rostelecom. However, in some cases, phones and this operator may respond with silence to their owners. What to do if your Rostelecom home phone stops working? Where, in this case, should you call so as not to be left without communication for a long time, and why do breakdowns happen?

First of all, experts advise immediately after detecting a lack of connection to contact Rostelecom customer support. However, the extensive network of this operator, covering most regions of the country, the heavy workload of operators and the high employment of technical staff can lead to a long processing time for the application.

You can contact support operators using:

  • Any stationary device;
  • Internet;
  • Mobile phone.

We are trying to reach the operator

Using a landline or mobile phone, you should call your provider's technical customer support service at the number that can be found:

  • In the contract for the supply of communication services;
  • In the payment receipt;
  • On the operator's website.

You can call the unified support service for free at any time of the day at 150 or 8-800-450-01-50.

We inform technical support about your problem via the company website

If you can’t get through by phone for some reason, you can send a request through the official Rostelecom website To form it you need:

If, while waiting for professional technical assistance, the phone owner manages to fix the problem on his own, the call to the company’s technical service can be cancelled. If you cannot establish and eliminate the cause of the lack of communication on your own, and you do not receive the long-awaited call from the operator about the technician’s visit, you should not hesitate to remind the service workers about yourself and your problem.

In addition, an officially registered application will help to obtain a recalculation of payment for telephone services if the error occurred through no fault of the phone owner.

Let's try to fix the problem ourselves

You can also try to determine on your own the reason why there is no connection. Experts identify several problems that are most widespread according to statistics:

  • Device breakdown;
  • Wiring problems;
  • Line break or short circuit, external cable repair work;
  • Non-payment of bills for communication services.
  1. Device breakdown. Checking the working condition of a telephone is quite simple for anyone, even those far from technology. To do this, you just need to connect to the telephone cable a working stationary device, found on the mezzanine or rented from neighbors, friends or relatives. If the problem lay in the phone, after such a connection, beeps will be heard in the handset again. If several devices are connected in parallel in the house, you need to check each of them.
  2. Wiring problems. In order to check the integrity of the wiring, you need to carefully inspect the entire length of the wire, especially if there are twists on it protected with electrical tape. Perhaps the wires have become frayed due to age, or broken after getting caught under the legs of heavy furniture, or a curious puppy has feasted on them.
  3. Line break or cable repair. This type of problem can be identified by calling your own phone number. If short and frequent beeps are heard in response, the line is most likely interrupted. In this case, information about the timing of work in a specific area can be obtained from the Rostelecom operator.
  4. Late payment of bills. The most common reason for a lack of connection is the disconnection of communication services due to an outstanding debt. In this case, when trying to make a call from a home phone, the owner should hear an automatic message about the presence of a debt.

If the problem arose due to the fault of the operator, all repair work will be carried out at the expense of the service provider. After their completion, the Rostelecom operator must call the applicant back and check the availability and quality of the restored connection.

If the reason for the lack of connection was the actions of the phone owner, he will most likely have to pay for the troubleshooting work himself.

This article briefly describes how a residential building is installed with telephones and provides some tips when a home telephone breaks down. The article can help you save on calling a specialist.

We have all long been accustomed to such an ordinary thing in our home as a home telephone. This type of communication still competes with cell phones. But many people do not know how the work is organized, and when their home telephone breaks down, people rush to call a repairman. But it is enough to know a small amount of information to try to figure it out yourself. To begin with, I’ll tell you the general operating principle of your device.

Let's start with the fact that a communication cable is installed in the house. This cable is then distributed along the entrances with cables of smaller capacity. For example, a cable for one hundred numbers is laid in a house with five entrances, which means that each entrance will receive a cable for twenty telephone numbers.

Such cables terminate in electrical panels, from where telephone lines are distributed to apartments with two-core wires. This kind of telephone wire (usually pink or white) is laid in your apartment. It is plugged into a telephone socket, and the telephone itself, in turn, is plugged into it.

What to do if it (the phone) suddenly stops showing signs of life?

Don't panic. You shouldn’t immediately run to your neighbor and call a repairman. Most likely, it is within your power to fix the problem, and you will not have to pay for a call from an employee of the organization serving you. (It’s better to visit a neighbor with your home phone and check whether it will work for him, since devices often break down).

Rostelecom is the largest provider of communication services in Russia. The company also acts as an Internet provider, connecting analogue and interactive TV services, and landline phones. To solve customer problems in all these areas, a technical support service was created.

To get to the customer service line, you need to dial Rostelecom's phone number - 8 800 100 08 00, and then wait for a connection with one of the operators.

If the operator cannot help, he will redirect you to another operator or connect you to the department that is more competent in solving the subscriber’s problem. In other words, this is the starting point in any situation.

The Internet is glitchy, the phone is not working, the TV from Rostelecom is not showing - we call here. If they can’t solve it there, they will redirect it to where they can. Most problems - disconnecting, connecting a tariff, checking account status, balance, etc. - can be solved by calling this one number.

What to expect from technical support, its pros and cons

It’s worth starting with the good; you can call support from a mobile or landline phone absolutely free from anywhere in Russia. It also works in roaming. In addition, you can call at any time of the day - tech. support is available 24 hours a day.

It is worth mentioning separately the shortcomings of the Rostelecom support service.

  • Contacting the required department, or more precisely, its operator, can be problematic, which is facilitated by long periods of waiting and connection.
  • Rostelecom technical support is least likely to provide you with the necessary technical assistance without calling a technician. In most cases, you will receive template answers like: reboot the router, follow the instructions described in that section, etc. Unless you come across an operator who understands this, and there are very few of them.
  • They can often switch from operator to operator if it is impossible to solve the problem, which also takes a lot of time and does not help solve the problem.

Information that can be obtained if necessary from the help desk

By contacting the operator's technical support, you have the right to receive information:

  • about the performance of a particular service,
  • setting up the subscriber's account,
  • submit a request for line repair if damage to the network or equipment is detected.

You can also order, cancel services and tariffs for mobile communications, Internet, TV and entire service packages during a conversation with a Rostelecom employee.

At the same time, there are separate numbers for legal entities - offices and individuals - ordinary users.

Don't know the hotline number for your city or region? Then call the all-Russian

It works for all cities, if anything happens, they will simply tell you a number to call tech. support for your region.

For St. Petersburg there is a separate Rostelecom free helpline number -

for landline phones.

In the Moscow region. You can dial from your mobile phone, or get technical support after dialing a short number. For CDMA users - .

You can use these numbers to get general information, change tariffs, etc.:

  • Find out the reason for crediting and debiting funds.
  • Get information on errors that occur during connection.
  • Find out why the Internet speed has decreased, the television does not show, there is no telephone connection, or this or that site does not load.
  • Solve some problems with setting up various equipment.
  • Order additional services.

Numbers for reference to legal entities

For legal entities who are interested in connecting to any Rostelecom service, the hotline is available at

A phone breakdown is always unpleasant and unexpected. Therefore, if it suddenly happens, you should quickly begin repairs and return the equipment to its working condition. Modern service allows you to instantly solve any problems, no matter how global and serious they may be. It is enough to know what to do in the current situation and not give in to anxiety. If necessary, you can easily request repair of a telephone line from Rostelecom; the telephone number for contacting support is available both on the company’s official website and in the customer service agreement. Calling a specialist will not cause any difficulties, and the specialist himself will appear as soon as possible.

Before contacting support, you should try to figure out the situation yourself. This will save time and, in some cases, money. Possible reasons for a phone not working include:

  • lack of money on the balance sheet;
  • non-working telephone;
  • broken cable in the apartment.

Any of these reasons can temporarily leave a subscriber without a landline telephone and communication. But you can deal with such malfunctions on your own. And line breaks outside the apartment should be entrusted to professionals. This is due to the importance and complexity of the work. Broken wires outside the home will deprive many people of the ability to make calls, and solving a problem of this magnitude is the job of trained professionals.

Application for repair of a Rostelecom telephone line

Having found out what the causes of malfunctions may be, you should begin to search for them. The first thing to do is check your balance.

To do this, just visit the user’s personal page on the official website or call the support service.

When using the second option, you may need a service agreement number.

Next, you should check the operation of the phone. The easiest way to do this is to use another device instead. If the connected home phone works, then it’s time to send the previous one in for repair.

The last problem is a broken cable. To find the source of the trouble, you will have to look through all the wires laid in the apartment. Usually a gap, if present, is immediately visible.

Phone numbers for contacting the repair bureau

To call a specialist, you will need to leave a request.

The standard telephone number for contacting the support service is 88001000800. Additionally, there are separate technical assistance numbers in each region of the company's operation. They should be specified on the official portal or in the service connection agreement.

If you can call from another landline, you can dial the short combination of numbers 09. The call will be free. From a mobile phone this number is slightly longer – 009, and the call itself will require payment.

If you are unable to call, you should fill out a special form on the Rostelecom website.

The response, which will be sent by email, will follow immediately.

Rostelecom phone repair request

After contacting the operator, you should explain the problem to him, indicate the address and give the contract number. Next, he will check whether the connection can be restored immediately and ask a few questions that will help correct the situation on the spot. If all else fails, the operator will offer to leave a request for a technician to come out and restore the connection.

It is worth remembering that the restoration of a broken cable in an apartment is paid for by the subscriber, since the damage occurred in his area of ​​​​responsibility.

Separately, it should be noted that broken telephones should be sent for repair to the place where they were previously purchased. Rostelecom does not provide free restoration of other people's equipment.

Repair Bureau

When submitting a request to the Rostelecom phone repair bureau, you should check whether there really is no connection. Next, you need to make sure that the existing problem is not related to a lack of funds or a non-working device. After this, you can call the technical assistance service and leave a request for a visit from a technician. In some cases, when there is no connection due to a serious breakdown on the line, the operator will immediately inform you that you just need to wait. But usually a time is set for a visit by a specialist who will solve the problem and return subscribers to the ability to make calls.

As long as a private phone from Rostelecom serves with high stability and problems do not occur, we do not think about the need to write down a technical support number in a mobile phone contact. The situation changes when we suddenly remain practically isolated from the outside world and there is no way to make even a short phone call. The home phone from Rostelecom is not working, where should I call? — a question immediately arises from the user. Let's try to figure out what needs to be checked in the phone's operation first.

When using an outdated wired telephone line, you need to make sure that there is no break where the furniture was moved. Carefully examine the continuity of the telephone cable up to the entrance to the room. If you find a break, you can connect, twist and isolate the wires with your own hands, checking the operation of the phone. If the problem is resolved, then there is no need to make calls to Rostelecom. To reliably protect the cable, it is better to hide it in specially equipped channels or a plastic box.

Before making a call to Rostelecom regarding a problem with a non-working home phone, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the performance of the telephone.

For known radiotelephones, the following troubleshooting procedures are performed:

  • State the fact that the base is connected to the telephone cable;
  • Check the functioning and presence of power supply to the base;
  • Analyze the operation of the wireless battery handset.

If no problems are found and everything works flawlessly, then the fault is hidden in the communication line. To fully confirm your guesses, if possible, you need to connect another telephone set by performing testing.

You can now find phones from Rostelecom connected using a voice gateway combined with a router. This communication option does not involve laying a line from the house to the telephone exchange, but is connected via the Internet. Therefore, with this type of connection, it is recommended to first reboot the router and not call Rostelecom support.

It also happens that they forgot to pay the subscription fee for using the Internet. You will need to go to the official website in your Rostelecom personal account to check whether the payment has been made to your personal account.

How to contact technical service support

By calling the hotline by phone 8-800-707-12-12 , the operator will resolve the issue with you over the phone. If you need a specialist visit, the operator will fill out a request and soon a technician will come to you to repair your Rostelecom home phone. For convenience and quick search for a support phone number, it is best to write it down in your smartphone contacts. After making a call to technical support, inform the operator of the situation that has arisen (by giving the number and the necessary information to create a request). After compiling it, the master will analyze:

  • Ability to perform full operation of telephone point equipment;
  • The integrity of the telephone radio center and linear special equipment;
  • Uninterrupted operation of client equipment.

Specialists will restore the operation of the telephone and digital communication lines and check the functionality of your phone. The restoration work listed above is carried out free of charge.

If, as a result of an independent check, it turns out that the telephone unit is broken, you can replace it yourself without contacting Rostelecom technical support. You will need to purchase a suitable phone in a specialized store and connect it to the network, voice gateway. Remember, you can use the provided support number when it is not possible to make a call due to a breakdown on the service provider’s side.