Borrow 30 rubles from Beeline. Borrow money on Beeline for owners of tariffs with a monthly fee. Connecting Beeline trust payment

Often we don’t have enough money to communicate by phone, and there is no way to top up our account right away. For this purpose, the Beeline team has developed a trust payment that can be taken when there is a minus on the balance. Payment is deferred for certain periods after activating the deferred credit for mobile payments.

An important condition is to replenish the account with an advance, trusted loan, otherwise the account will be blocked. We will find out below how to take the promised payment on Beeline through your personal account or call, how to activate the function, what is the required combination of numbers and for how long they lend.

Promised payment service

Every Beeline user who has been actively using a SIM card for more than three months can borrow and receive a “promise”. At Beeline, the conditional loan service is activated for 15 rubles, but the money received must be spent within three days from the moment it is credited to the account.

Features of receiving money are as follows:

  • Everyone can borrow money, but the amount will differ depending on the user’s activity and previously spent money on calls;
  • Payment and withdrawal of money from the account to repay the promised loan will continue until you pay off the debt in full;
  • “Promise” is given if there is an amount in the account of less than 60 rubles;
  • Refunds must be made within a week from the date of ordering the service;
  • Team number for checking a possible loan - *141*7# and call from mobile;
  • To manage and understand advance loan needs you should go to your personal account on the official Beeline website;
  • You can borrow again only after paying off the previous one. and making monthly payments.

Service options for those whose subscription fee is charged once a month

Available loan amount

To roughly understand how much you will receive as debt, keep in mind that the calculation is performed based on the last three months of using the SIM card.

For roaming

Note that it is much easier to get a loan from Beeline when roaming, and the amounts are larger. The calculation is carried out taking into account only the last month. There, when spending 50-400 rubles. you can get about 150 rubles, and at a cost of 450 rubles. – from 400 rubles.

It is better to check the terms of repayment and use with the operator, because for international and national roaming they may be different.

Detailed conditions for subscribers in international roaming

Automatically promised loan

If you activate the automatically promised payment service, the loan will be provided automatically as soon as the amount on the balance becomes less than 60 rubles.

The main disadvantages of an automatically promised payment are that 15 rubles will be debited from the balance each time, and it is important to use the money in the first three days.

Terms of promised payment

The main conditions for using the promised loan are that:

  1. For connection and activation, 15 rubles are charged each time;
  2. Use is possible only for three days;
  3. The loan will have to be repaid no later than in a week;
  4. The balance should not be higher than normal, about 60 rubles;
  5. The average expenditure over the last three months should be about 50 rubles. minimum;
  6. The period of use of the SIM card after activation should not be less than three months;
  7. On the Guest package and similar ones, receive a loan of more than 60 rubles. will not work;
  8. For a prepaid package, the loan amount will be 90-3000 rubles;
  9. At the all-in-one tariff, the loan will be 300-1800 rubles, but for this you will have to pay from 25 to 130 rubles.

How to get a trust loan?

To activate the service and receive money for using mobile communications you need:

  • Dial *141# and call button on your phone;
  • After this, you will receive a voice response or SMS from Beeline to authorize the loan;
  • Please check the amount in advance by calling *141*7#.

You can also activate the service through the official website:

Go to the Services section - Mobile communications
Select from the list of offers - Trust payment
Enter your number and click on the Get code button

After repaying the debt, the promised loan will be deactivated automatically, so there is no need to disable it. To block the use of the service, you will have to call 0611 and go to the service center with your passport. To do this through your personal account and interconnection, you will need to pre-register.

You should not refuse this, because then you will be able to find out about the full amount for repaying the debt, the conditions, manage and dispose of other services from Beeline.

It will be useful to view:


Promised payment is a great way to stay in touch under any conditions, which is especially necessary for business people, travelers, and roaming users. And when you set the automatic mode, you won’t have to constantly call the operator or come to a mobile phone store. The main thing is not to forget to return the money, use it on time and be an active user of a SIM card from Beeline.

Beeline provides its customers with a unique opportunity to make calls even with a zero balance. There are often situations when you urgently need to make a call, but there is not a penny in your account, and at the same time there are difficulties with replenishment. To always stay in touch, regardless of your account status, you need to activate the “Promised Payment” service.

Service "Trust payment"

Subscribers who have connected to this option, if there are no funds in their account, can borrow from the mobile operator. Moreover, the balance is replenished almost instantly. The amount that can be borrowed depends on average expenses over the last three-month period.

To borrow money from Beeline *141#

Features of the service

The maximum loan amount is 450 rubles. But it is available only to those subscribers who spend more than 3 thousand rubles on mobile services. per month. If monthly debits from the account do not exceed 100 rubles, then you can only count on 50 rubles. "Trust payment". And if monthly expenses for communication do not reach 50 rubles, then this option is not available at all.

After activation, the service is valid for three days. If the funds received on loan were not used within the framework of the “Promised Payment”, then they are lost. In addition, the balance must be replenished within three days, and the replenishment amount must be greater than the amount of the debt. Otherwise, a negative balance will form, and the SIM card will be temporarily blocked and unblocked only after a sufficient amount has been credited to the account.

Subscribers who use packages from the “Beeline World” or “Welcome” line are provided with a “Promised payment” in the amount of 60 rubles.

This service can be used an infinite number of times, but each subsequent activation is possible only one day after the debt is repaid.

Available size of Beeline trust payment

In order to find out the amount of available trust payment, you need to dial the combination *141*7# and click on the call key. In the table you can see the approximate limits for specific cases.

For subscribers located within their region

For subscribers located abroad

Conditions for providing a trust payment

This is a paid option, when activated, 15 rubles are charged each time; there is no subscription fee.

Money lent can be used for 3 days, after which the amount borrowed from the mobile operator is automatically debited from the balance. Early repayment of the debt is provided, after which you can again use the “Promised payment” service.

This service is available if:

  • The balance of money on the balance sheet does not exceed the established limits;
  • Average expenses for the previous three months are not less than 50 rubles;
  • The subscriber has been a Beeline client for two or more months.

How to take a trust payment on Beeline?

To borrow money you need to dial a combination *141# and click on the call key. The answer will come almost immediately.

To find out the exact amount available when activating the "Trust Payment" service, you need to dial the combination *141*7# and click on the call key.

If you wish, you can prohibit connection to this option by calling back to a short number. If you need to use the “Promised Payment” again, you need to cancel the ban. In this case, you should call the technical support service or contact the mobile operator branch; you need to have your passport with you.

Among mobile operators, Beeline is one of the leaders. A wide variety of tariffs and services, all kinds of bonus cards, constant expansion of coverage area, uninterrupted reception - all this sounds very tempting to consumers and the number of subscribers is constantly growing.

Telephone communication should not only be convenient, but also uninterrupted. And this condition is possible only if the user has funds on his balance sheet.

According to Murphy's Law, the money in your phone account runs out exactly at the moment when you urgently need to make a very important call. It is for such losers that the “Trust Payment” service exists.

One has only to dial a simple command *141# call, and the subscriber has the opportunity to borrow a certain amount and top up the balance of his number. This amount is not unlimited: an active user who spends 3,000 rubles on cellular communications during a quarter can receive 300 rubles.

The trust payment is calculated from the total payments for the quarter. To find out your money limit, just send the command *141*7#.

You need to know that the mobile operator only takes into account the costs of telephone calls and SMS messages; additional services are not taken into account.

Loan terms

The “Trust Payment” service does not require additional connection; it is available to all users, but only if several conditions are met:

  • the subscriber's account must have funds in the amount of the permissible limit;
  • within a month it is necessary to spend more than 50 rubles on telephone communications;
  • you must be a Beeline subscriber for more than 2 months;
  • there is a commission that equals 20 rubles for any amount deposited;
  • your debt for the promised payment can be liquidated earlier than the specified period, and a new request becomes possible;
  • The negative balance should not be more than 100 rubles.

How to take a “Trust Payment” on Beeline, watch this video:

Is it possible to order a loan in international roaming?

While abroad, a subscriber can definitely count on a loan of up to 200 rubles, provided that he has spent from 100 to 400 rubles on phone calls and SMS messages; if the costs were more than 400 rubles, a loan will be provided in the amount of 500 rubles.

Beeline offers a service to its clients and how to do this, read the link.

The table provides some data on the amounts of the “Trust payment” for subscribers who are in international roaming:

Beeline also provides private services to subscribers in international roaming, which can be viewed by calling 0611, 8-800-700-0611 and +7-495-974-88-88.

How to activate the service automatically

To be able to call at any time of the day or night and anywhere, Beeline offers to connect to “Auto-Trust Payment”.

To activate the service, the user:

  • sends the command *141# from the phone;
  • enters your username and password;
  • opens your personal account, section “Service Management”;
  • through the “My Beeline” system program, select the “All services” menu.

Read the article on how to pay fines online quickly and without problems.

Connecting to “Autopayment” is free, but the subscription fee is 75 kopecks per day. Despite the visible advantages of Autopayment, the system is not perfect, although these disadvantages are not so significant:

  • paid connection options;
  • the money can only be used within three days;
  • You must have a minimum account balance of 60 rubles.

Additional benefits of “Trust payment”

You can pay for the Internet using advance payments, although this service becomes available after 2 months from the date of signing the contract. To activate the option, you need to visit your “Personal Account”, open the “Home Internet and TV” section and then watch the system tips.

This service has its own nuances, unlike charges to a mobile phone account:

  • funds arrive in the account on the day the billing period ends;
  • Advance is provided only for 7 days;
  • It is permissible to repay the debt in installments.

This video will tell you how to disable paid services:

How to cancel or block the “Promised payment” service

It is possible that a punctual and attentive person does not need advance services, but there are fears that children or elderly relatives will use the phone and by their actions will introduce you into unforeseen expenses.

You can find out more about this by clicking on the link.

This situation can be easily resolved: call the support center at 0611 or contact the Beeline office and set a ban on the “Trust Payment” service; you will only be required to provide your passport information.

But if the subscriber wants to lift the ban, then a visit to the service office will be necessary; it is impossible to cancel this option over the phone.

Additional Beeline services

The money in your cell phone account always runs out unexpectedly. Often, resetting your balance interrupts very important conversations. In addition, circumstances may develop such that you won’t be able to top up your account right away. Suddenly you find yourself in the country or going on a hike. It’s definitely worth taking care of your phone balance in advance. But if you suddenly run out of money at the most inopportune moment, you can always borrow money from a telecom operator. Moreover, it is very easy. It is enough to type one command and wait for an SMS with the result. This article will tell you how to borrow money on Beeline.

Service "Trust payment"

This is the name of the service provided by the Beeline operator. It is provided in the home region and roaming. Using it, you can top up your mobile account balance at any time of the day, because the system makes transfers regardless of the working hours of the mobile operator. Let's figure out how to borrow money on Beeline using one command in the dialing menu. The text you need to type is: *141#, and press the call key. The money will be credited to your account automatically, and you will receive an SMS with a loan report. But Beeline has certain rules according to which the possibility of a loan is provided.

How to borrow money on Beeline: rules

How to borrow money on Beeline if you are roaming? In the same way, but the calculation of the amount provided will be doubled, and the period of use will be seven days.

If you do not have problems with your phone balance and want to disable this service on your number, dial 0611 and make a call. Operators will answer you, and with their help you can set a ban. However, you need to know that it will be possible to restore this service after canceling it only by visiting a Beeline communication store in person or at the support center when providing passport data.

I hope that from this article you learned how to borrow money on Beeline. MTS also has such a service. It's called "Trust Payment". Her short number in the dialing menu is *111*123# and the call key. It can be activated even with a balance of 30 rubles. The maximum amount provided is 800 rubles for a period of 7 days. Each service connection will cost 5 rubles. More details about the “Trust payment” can be found from the MTS telecom operator.

Do you need to top up your account urgently? Activate the instant “Promised Payment” and receive up to 500 rubles from Beeline to your account.

How to receive a “Trust Payment” from an operator?

To activate the promised payment from Beeline, dial the following combination on your mobile phone:

The validity period of the trust payment from Beeline is 3 days. The maximum debt amount and the amount of the commission depend on the average communication costs over the last three months. .

Commission for “Promised payment” from Beeline

The cost of obtaining a loan using the “trust payment” option depends on the amount of the debt:

The amount of the commission and the amount of the “Trust payment” from Beeline will be written off after 3 days or after the balance is replenished.

The commission and the amount of “credit of trust” depend on your monthly spending and the period of use of the Beeline number. A minimum amount of 30 rubles (provided without commission) is available for subscribers with expenses from 50 to 70 rubles per month. To receive the maximum amount of the promised loan payment, you need to spend more than 1,000 rubles monthly over the last three months.

To find out the amount of the “Promised Loan” available to you, dial the combination *141*7# or go to Beeline to get information on the number. Or call Beeline at

You can receive a “Trust Credit” while in national and international roaming. The following special conditions apply:

If you spend from 100 to 400 rubles per month on mobile communications, then in roaming you will have access to a “Trust payment” in the amount of 200 rubles, for a period of 3 days. The commission amount is 30 rubles.

If you spend more than 400 rubles per month on cellular communications, then in roaming you will have access to a “Trust payment” for a maximum amount of 500 rubles for 3 days. The commission amount will be 50 rubles.

All prices and fees are inclusive of VAT. The offer is not a public offer. For details about the conditions for replenishing your account on credit, you can check with consultants at the telecommunications operator Beeline.