Voice input in word. Voice text input using Web Speech API. Voicenote II add-on with voice notepad

Anyone who frequently uses a computer is familiar with the problem of typing long text messages. Students, bloggers, journalists and other writing fraternities especially often have to type texts. To write one full-fledged article requires five to six hours of hard work, and for highly professional texts this time increases significantly. For those who do not like to type a lot of letters on the keyboard, special programs, allowing you to convert audio messages into text files. Similar opportunities can be found in special applications, designed for various devices. “Voice notepad” is a common name for programs that turn sounds into letters and can significantly reduce the time spent working on text. Its use will greatly facilitate the author’s work: most of the work will be reduced to searching and processing material for the future text, and not to typing it. Let's get acquainted with the capabilities of the program for recognizing voice messages and test it for adequacy and usefulness.

Getting to know the voice notepad

So, how can an audio notebook help us? The developers claim that it can perform functions such as:

  • creating voice notes;
  • preservation audio messages in a local location on your own device or on the Google cloud;
  • support for a list of replaced words;
  • placement of punctuation marks.

The user can use various tools to expand the functionality of the notepad. For example, you can configure the input capital letters, simplify text recognition, rollback input by special team and much more. General meaning is to not only use the audio notebook, but also customize it for own style speech. In this case, final text editing will be kept to a minimum.

Before installation

Voice notepad is free online service, which is provided free of charge in Google store. This application is Chrome extension, so it will only work in this browser. Before installing your Google's own Chrome needs to be updated: the speechpad extension only works in latest versions of this browser.

It is also very advisable to have your own Google account. It is very easy to start it; all you need is a valid Mailbox. Best fit gmail, which is also a Google development. But if you are absolutely not determined to have a mailbox with the gmail.com extension, you can use another one. When everything is ready, you can start downloading the program.

Installing a voice notepad

The found page will look like this:

After installation (a couple of seconds), the following icon appears in the Google options menu:

This funny emoticon with an open mouth is our program. After pressing it, it opens information page with a description of the capabilities of the voice notepad:

At the bottom of this page there is a field for working with a notepad.

To get started with voice notepad should be checked own microphone and click this button:

Field 1 will broadcast online registration your his voice message. After the recording is completed, the text will be transferred to field 2, where it can be edited standard means Word.

Beginning of work

So let's get started. Click “Enable recording”. When the microphone is working properly, it lights up orange:

After disabling the recording, the text appears in the lower field and will look like this:

Commas and periods should be pronounced; the program algorithm recognizes them “by sound” and places them where the author needs them. Our message received its punctuation mark after the word “period” was said.

If you look closely, you can see that the phrase is written with an error: this is how the algorithm recognized the speech message. You can correct the error using your own notepad tools or after transferring the text to an Office Word sheet.

As you can see, the notepad conveys the speech message quite correctly. To work well with the program, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Take your time and try to pronounce each word slowly and clearly.
  2. If the text is frozen in the first field, do not rush to dictate further. The algorithm will go wrong, and the proposal will need to be dictated again. It's better to stop and give the program a chance to catch up with you.
  3. Adjust the microphone so that it does not record extraneous sounds– including your breathing.
  4. To edit the text, it is best to use field 2. This should be done after successfully recording each sentence. There is no need to turn off the recording, but you should not pause too long: prolonged silence can knock out the recording completely. After editing a sentence or paragraph, turn on the recording for further dictation of the text. The second option is to read the text in full and then edit it using Word. Of course, everyone chooses their own working style. Try both and choose yours.

Punctuation marks are a separate medal for developers.

If you pronounce them clearly and measuredly, the program will slowly place periods, commas, colons and exclamation marks at your command.

Voice notepad on a mobile device

Except standard use voice typing can be used in any mobile device. To do this, you need to activate your account in Gul and download the application directly to the Chrome browser. After this, when you start Chrome on your Speechpad mobile device, it will turn on at the first request.

Try this wonderful service yourself and share your impressions in the comments!

Modern technologies do not stand still, and today it is no longer necessary to use standard keyboard. Voice input available on most devices. However, not all users know how to use it correctly and what function it performs.

What is voice input used for?

  • using search engines is much faster;
  • type messages in in social networks and popular instant messengers;
  • respond to SMS messages while driving;
  • quickly find contact in notebook telephone;
  • type text in Google Docs.

In Google Chrome browser

To quickly type text online, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Turn on the microphone.
  2. Open the document in the Chrome browser.
  3. Click "Tools" and select "Voice Input". A microphone icon should appear.
  4. Click on this icon (it should light up red) and start dictation.
  5. To finish entering text, just click on the microphone icon again. It should turn gray.

Words must be pronounced as clearly as possible, slowly and loudly. If you use the built-in microphone of a laptop, the system will not understand half of the words - and the output will be unreadable text.

In some situations, you may need to dictate a speaker's note for a presentation. In this case it is necessary:

  1. Make sure the microphone is working well.
  2. Open presentation.
  3. Click "Tools" and select "Dictate notes...". After this, a microphone icon should appear.
  4. Click on its icon and start dictation.
  5. To stop voice input, you must tap the microphone icon again.

This requires good connection to the Internet, otherwise the function will not be activated.

On the phone

  1. Position the cursor so that the standard keyboard appears.
  2. Click on the microphone icon. It is usually located to the left of the spacebar. If there is no icon, then you need to hold down the Earth icon (change language) and select “Google Voice Input”.
  3. After this, a microphone image will appear on the screen and text recording will automatically begin.
  4. When the dictation is completed, just confirm the recording.

In a similar way, you can type SMS messages, search for people in your address book, use search engines, write notes and much more.

On Mac

To activate interactive text input, you must:

  1. Go to apple menu(key with the image of an apple).
  2. Click on " System Settings" and click on "Keyboard". After this, you need to activate the “Dictation” function.

In this menu you can make the following settings:

  • activate the enhanced dictation function (works offline);
  • choose a language and dialect;
  • indicate the microphone used (built-in or external);
  • set the most convenient key combination that will be used for quick start and end of recording.

If Siri is installed on OS Mac, you can activate dictation through it.

  1. Open a document or any other text field.
  2. Set a point in the place where the text should begin to be typed.
  3. Press the previously specified key combination (by default, the entry is activated by double-clicking on Fn). You can also go to the “Edit” tab and select “Start Dictation” there.
  4. Speak the text and save it.
  5. Finish dictation by pressing “Done” or Fn.

Common mistakes

Sometimes the function does not work or produces errors. Most often, users encounter the following problems:

  • “It’s hard to hear you.” If such an error appears on the screen, you need to go to a quieter place, connect a different microphone or adjust the volume of the device.
  • "Voice commands don't work." In this situation, you need to speak slower and louder. Between voice commands It is recommended to take breaks.
  • "Microphone is not working". If such an error appears on the screen, then you need to check whether it works on another device. If the microphone is working properly, you need to check its settings or restart your computer or phone.

Knowing how to enable voice input can make your life much easier. In this way, users can type not only short text messages, but also entire stories or instructions. On tablets, this function is activated using one of the methods described above.

Hi all! In today's article I want to talk about very useful applications Google. These applications will be useful for bloggers, copywriters and all people who have something to do with working with texts. If you blog, you need to write a lot and often. These applications will make your life easier in many ways.


One of the extensions is called Weisnot||. Very convenient extension, saves a lot of time, includes a notepad and dictionary. Weisnot|| developed by Google specialists for the browser Google Chrome 25 and above.

It’s very easy to work with it, follow the link and this icon, find the extension, install it in your browser, then the icon appears in visual bookmarks, it can also be mounted on the desktop. The installation is very simple, just select the Russian language, and pop-up tips will help you master this voice notepad. After installation, you can change the menu appearance to your liking.

To start recording, you need to click on the button with the image of a microphone. When she changed the color to red, the recording began and all that remains is to say the text that you want to record. As a rule, to work with voice notepads, it is better to connect an external microphone, even for a laptop.

You should speak clearly, pronounce words evenly and clearly, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time editing the text. This is one of the advantages of voice notebooks for practicing clear diction.

Voice Recognition

First, the site will ask you for permission to use your microphone, click “allow” and the notepad is ready for use. Don’t be afraid that the notepad is in English, at the bottom of the page you set the language to “Russian” and write down everything you need. In the help at the top, when you open it, click right button mouse and select “Translate into Russian”.

What else is Voice Recognition useful for? Google took care of integrating this application with Dropbox ( cloud storage) and Google Drive (Google drive) to which you can export your documents or simply send them by email.

After a leisurely and clear dictation, the text can be selected and copied using the Ctrl+C key and then pasted into the clipboard.

Try working with these applications, I hope you will like them and find them useful, and I will introduce you to a more serious program that I use myself.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! I have long been planning to prepare a note about programs and online service ah, with which you can translate your voice directly into text. As a storyteller (it seems to me), I’m not bad, but to express my thoughts in the form printed text It comes to me with great effort. So I set out to find a “miracle service” that could convert my speech into text.

The relevance of voice typing today is obvious. It’s not for nothing that Google developers “screwed” Google Chrome into their browser voice search. And based on this open source some programmers and Web masters made different notepads and services for converting speech to text in online mode. For many users and especially users with disabilities These are simply irreplaceable services.

Having tried one of the services that I will give below, perhaps not everyone will get the desired result. Especially those who constantly type texts on a computer, and for whom texts are the main source of income. And many would like to somehow make this difficult work easier. But, if you practice a little, voice to text translation In these online services you can get quite high quality.

To start converting voice to text, you will need a microphone (in laptops it is built-in), preferably a good one internet connection speed and Google Chrome browser no lower than version 25. In other browsers the function voice dialing texts, unfortunately, does not work. As I already said, the code voice recognition to text from Google developers is open source and you can use it on your website. So I Russified it a little and installed it on my blog.

Voice input of text using Web Speech API

Launch the voice input page in the Chrome browser. At the bottom of the window, select the language in which you plan to dictate the text. Click on the microphone icon in the top right corner. And in the pop-up line, click the “allow” button for the browser to use the microphone.

Now you can slowly and clearly speak short phrases. After you finish dictating text by voice, you can select it using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C copy to the clipboard, and then paste into any editor for processing. If desired, the text can be sent immediately by email.

Perhaps, Web Speech API- the simplest and fairly high-quality way to convert your speech into text. Since there is no need to be distracted by any additional manipulations with the keyboard. Just turn on the microphone and speak the text. In any case, you will have to use some additional text editor for further correction of the dictated text.

Converting speech to text on the Online Dictation website page

A simple “bourgeois” notepad located on the page Dictation, has only three buttons. Turn on the microphone for recording, clear the text input field and export the dictated text to your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox storage or send by email V text format TXT. Everything is very simple. Try, test and enjoy the results.

Voice typing - online service Talk Typer

This “bourgeois” online voice recognition notepad has several additional built-in functions. The ability to replace dictated words with other suggested options. Insert punctuation marks. Listen to the dictated text by clicking on the speaker icon. Make a transfer to the selected one foreign language. You can change the display if you wish appearance and font size by clicking on the gear icon. The only inconvenience: after each spoken phrase, you need to reset it to the bottom of the notepad by clicking on the arrow, and then turn on the microphone again. In general, this is a full-fledged service in which you can transform speech to text and edit it as you wish. The finished text can be printed, tweeted or sent by email.

Voice recognition in VoiceNote

This voice to text recognition service can be install as application V Chrome browser, or simply bookmark the site, which is located . Voisnote is practically no different in functionality from the previous speech recognition notebook service Talk Typer. The same main disadvantage is that after each spoken phrase you have to turn on the microphone again. But you don’t have to move the dictated text, like in Talk Typer. Simple and very user-friendly interface text conversion service. I think that many will like it. Test and draw conclusions.

Hello, dear readers. Today I will tell you in detail about the technical settings and nuances of voice typing on a computer. As you know, the method that I proposed in my free video course “” is mobile and does not require a computer and paid programs. Judging by the numerous letters, it can be judged that I really liked the course. But there are also many questions: How to type texts by voice on a computer? Moreover, from the letters I understand that it is not only the method of typing text by voice on a computer that is interesting, but also the translation of audio into text.

Of course, in the comments and letters I answered and recommended the only, in my opinion, suitable online service for this “Notepad for speech input”. And now I am already receiving letters asking me to tell about technical settings computer (microphone and sound card) and how to translate audio into text.

In general, the secret to working with this service is very simple - you must have a good, sensitive microphone. Otherwise, the quality of recognition is very poor. But there is a way out for this case too.

1. Typing via microphone.

2. Typing via virtual audio cable.

Before you start typing by voice using Voice Notepad, you need to make some settings in the Google Chrome browser. On this moment, only in this browser is the ability to type text by voice available. We will need to install two additional extensions.

How to type text by voice in voice notepad

For the first method, additional settings no need to do it. Everything is ready for typing by voice using a voice notepad.

Let's go to home page notepad, display required parameters, and you can dictate the text by voice. The microphone icon is used to enter individual phrases or sentences. To enter text continuously, use the "Enable Recording" button.

Note: The first time you try to type by voice, a warning message will appear at the top of the browser asking you to access your microphone. You need to click on the “Allow” button.

How to fill out any fields and forms with your voice in the Google Chrome browser

Using the previously installed “Voice Text Input” extension, you have access to the function of filling out any fields in the browser. For example, in registration form or leaving a comment.

In order to fill out a separate field in the form, right-click in this field and select “SpeechPad” in the context-sensitive menu.

Allow access to the microphone and dictate text.

And if you need to dictate a few sentences, for example, a comment or a forum post, you need to follow these steps.

Click the right mouse button next to the input field and select the same “SpeechPad” item in the context-sensitive menu. But this time a new window will open and the recording will start. Dictate the text, and then use the clipboard to transfer the text into the desired form.

Keyboard shortcut for working with the clipboard:

Ctrl+A – select text

Ctrl+C – copy to clipboard

Ctrl+V – paste from clipboard

This is how, without any special settings, if you have access to the Internet, you can enter text by voice on the computer. The quality of recognition will depend on the microphone and your diction.

Now let’s look at the possibility of translating audio into text. This method is called transcription. This service allows you to translate audio into text from audio and video files. Again, the emphasis is on a good microphone.

But in technical specifications I didn’t understand microphones, and I won’t say which ones are good and which ones are not. Let me just say that I had a regular Genius desktop microphone and it suited me. Yesterday I started preparing for this article using this microphone; there were not many errors in voice recognition. During the night, our pet (cat) committed sabotage and chewed through the microphone wire. Don’t think that it’s just a microphone - no, not only that.

And to continue preparing for the article, I used headphones with a microphone. And I must say, it's just earth and sky. The microphone on the headphones is just a pipe. Either from old age, or perhaps he was so poor, well, it’s just a killer of nerve cells. So, draw your own conclusions.

Well, okay, let's move on to completing the task at hand.

How to Convert Audio to Text

Method No. 1

This method does not require any settings. The principle is as follows. You are reproducing sound file or video, the sound goes through the speakers, and the microphone captures the sound from the speakers. You can also enable recording on your voice recorder or smartphone, and the microphone will capture audio from those devices.

The service provides the ability to capture audio from YouTube videos, video files and audio files. Video and audio files can be located both on the Internet and on your computer.

First, let's look at an example of opening a video from YouTube. To do this, you will need the ID of this video. This ID must be inserted into the “URL of the media file to play” field and click the “Update” button.

Every video on YouTube has this unique ID. You can see him in address bar browser.

Now let's look at an example of opening a file on your computer.

First, specify the file type, audio or video. Then click on the “Select file” button and select a file on your computer. After selecting the file, click the “Open” button.

The next step is to place the microphone next to the speakers of your computer or, say, a voice recorder or smartphone, and turn on the recording.

Method No. 2

This method allows you to exclude the microphone from the audio-to-text conversion chain. The sound will be directly transmitted from the player to the voice notepad. And it doesn’t matter what kind of microphone you have.

But this will require separate program- Virtual Audio Cable. This program creates a virtual audio cable and transmits the audio stream between applications. This program is paid, costs from $25 to $50. But you can use the free version. The free version has a limit on the number of virtual cables. Only 3 cables can be created. And also female voice constantly reminds me that this is free version if you use an audio repeater. But I’ll tell you honestly, you can do without it. But trial version not limited in time. In the video tutorial I will show you the trick.

So, first, download the “Virtual Audio Cable” program, link above.

After you download archive file on your computer, you need to unpack it. To do this, you can use an archiver or simple copying files from the archive to a new folder.

Installing the VAC program

The installation is standard and does not require additional knowledge and skills from you. Just follow the installation wizard.

Now you won’t hear a single sound from your speakers, but all the sound will be transmitted through a virtual audio cable to the voice notepad. Just what we need.

Note: if you still want to hear the sound, then you should go to the folder where you unpacked the program archive and launch the audio repeater. By specifying a virtual cable as the input device, and speakers as the output device.

That's all technical points typing text by voice on a computer using a voice notepad, revealed. If something I said is not clear, write in the comments, I will try to complement it and help with advice. And also, if you can’t write articles for the site yourself for some reason, then you can on the stock exchange. Today, many website owners do this, entrusting the job to professionals.

I wish you all good luck.