Disable voice input. How to disable voice dialing. How to disable ok google on android. “OK Google” command and voice search


To disable voice dialing in Nokia smartphones on Symbian, go to “Menu – Settings – Phone – Speech recognition” and there configure voice dialing or completely disable this function. If the function is not disabled, you can try resetting your phone to factory settings. But be careful, this will delete all data stored on the memory card and internal memory of the phone. Nokia also recently released smartphones based on the new operating system from Microsoft Windows Phone 7. In it, voice dialing is carried out using an application or a Bluetooth headset, so you don’t have to worry about it interfering with you.

The algorithm for disabling voice dialing on iPhone is as follows. Voice control is always enabled in the music player, and there is no way to turn it off. But for security reasons, you can prevent voice dialing from being enabled when the screen is locked. To do this, go to “Settings – General – Password Protection” and disable Voice Dialing. Now, if you accidentally press the Home button, voice dialing will not be activated. This way you will save yourself battery power.

In Android phones, voice dialing is presented as an application, and when a headset is connected, the application can activate itself, thereby causing inconvenience to the owner of the smartphone. Unfortunately, the only option to disable voice dialing is to remove this application from the system. But for this you will need root rights, i.e. full access to the phone system. After receiving it, you can easily remove two system applications - voicesearch and voicedialer. Find detailed instructions on the relevant forums.


If you no longer need it, you can use it. To do this, visit the nearest MTS operator center and order the deactivation of this service. As a rule, this procedure is performed. You will need to provide your phone along with a SIM card so that the service workers can use this function.

You can also dial the combination *111*90# on the keypad of your cell phone and press the call button to activate a special section of the automatic service menu. If this service was activated, this will cause it to be disabled. In this case, you will receive a notification that the service is completely disabled.

Use the online assistant on the website mts.ru. To do this, go to the assistant section at https://ihelper.mts.ru/selfcare and enter your phone number and password. Then download the list of services, find “Voicemail” and uncheck the box next to this item. It is worth noting that when you log into your personal website, you will be asked for a password, which will be sent to your phone. Enter it in a special field on the site to log in.

Save changes to the list of connected services and exit the Internet assistant mode. Now the service will not be available. You can turn it on again in the same way. You can manage the service of other mobile operators through the help desk, service activation and with the help of mobile center employees. So, from the Beeline operator you need the short number 060412. You can also call the general number 0611. The operators will tell you the service or do it automatically.

Video on the topic

Some smartphones and iPhones come with voice commands pre-installed. Teams allow the user, with the help of verbal instructions, to perform certain actions, such as checking the battery charge level and dialing a subscriber number, and suggest the correct procedure when using the device. But this functionality sometimes becomes too intrusive. Then it's better to turn it off.

You will need

  • - smartphone or iPhone.


Go to “Menu”, then to “Options”. Find the “Personal Settings” button there. In the settings, go to “Modes”, then to “Functions” / “Customize”. Find the line “Say name” and click “Disable”.

If you already had one, then go to “Menu” / “Options” / “Phone” again. Find the line “Voice commands” there. In it, click on the “Voice Command Tools” panel, then go to the “Features” item, in it click on the “Options” tab. Eventually you should find a panel called "Synthesizer". Now cancel this function with the “Disable” button.

Perform the soft BlackBerry function by pressing the key combination Alt+right Shift(Cap)+Delite. Please note that this type of reset is not available for BlackBerry Pearl™. The downside of this action is that all the themes and other settings you have installed will be lost. In the future, you will have to reinstall them again.

To use the Voice Control voice assistant on iPhone, go to System, then to Library, find the CoreServices panel there, then click Springboard. And use the App key to disconnect. After that, open the N90AP.plist file, add voice-control, . Finally, click Respring.


If your phone prompts you to turn on voice commands and you're not sure you need them, always say no. Remember that disabling functionality is much more difficult than enabling it.


  • what are the voice control commands on iphone


The voice control function is designed to make phone calls and control music playback using voice commands. Starting with the iPhone 4S version, it became possible to use the specialized voice assistant program Siri. Please note that when Siri is active, you will not be able to use voice control.

To prevent voice dialing while your mobile device is in state, expand the Settings menu on the iPhone home page and go to General. Expand the “Password Protection” node and move the slider in the “Voice Dialing” row to the inactive position. Wait for the slider color to change from blue to white.

You can prevent access to the Siri app when your mobile device is password-locked. To do this, open the “Settings” menu on the main page of the iPhone and go to “General”. Expand the Password Protection node and move the slider in the Siri Access row to the inactive position. Wait for the slider color to change from blue to white.

A more universal way to disable voice control on an iPhone is to completely disable the Voice Over feature. To do this, open the “Settings” menu on the first page of your mobile device and go to the “General” item. Expand the Accessibility node and drag the slider in the Voice Over row to the inactive position. Wait for the slider color to change from blue to white.

Voice input of text on Android is convenient even when typing SMS, and if you need to type large volumes of text per day or solve business issues in parallel with other work responsibilities, then this function will become simply irreplaceable.

The Android OS has a standard voice dictation function, which can be enabled in the settings without downloading additional applications. The system will automatically add a microphone icon to the electronic keyboard, and you can use it whenever you need.

If you no longer need the enabled input and want to disable it, in the same menu select the “Disable” button or uncheck the corresponding item.

How to use voice input

We have already figured out how to enable this function, now we need to understand how to use it. It will be available in almost all menus and applications in which you can use an electronic keyboard.

  1. To start dictating text, tap on the text screen or on a portion of the text that has already been entered. A standard electronic keyboard will appear.
  2. Click on the microphone icon on the main screen, or go to the character layout if you moved the microphone key there during setup.
  3. A menu for recording your voice and the inscription: “Speak” will be displayed on the screen. Dictate the desired text into your smartphone's microphone, and it will automatically convert your voice into text.

Punctuation marks must be pronounced with the words: “Question mark”, “Comma”, “Period”. Try to speak more clearly, otherwise the program may misunderstand your words and, accordingly, convert them into similar-sounding ones.

What settings are available for Android voice recognition?

You can configure standard voice input on Android in the “Language and input” menu, which can be accessed through “Settings”, or by clicking on the settings “gear” directly in the menu that appears after pressing the microphone (usually the settings button is located to the left of the word "Speak")

Setting up speech recognition. Here you can do the following:

  • Select language. Recognition is also available in offline mode, but by default you will only have Russian language installed (or Russian + English). For other languages, the function will work either only with , or when you download the required languages. You can download the required language packs in the language and input settings menu by clicking on “Offline speech recognition”.
  • Set up “OK Google” recognition. After setting this item, you will be able to use the search engine manager when Google is open, only by saying: “Okay Google.” And then you need to say what you need to find in the search engine.
  • Enable voice control from a wired headset or Bluetooth devices.
  • Set up recognition of obscene words. The program automatically turns on the “Hide recognized obscene words” option.
  • Enable or disable the results being read out in standard mode or in headset mode.

One of the main goals of the Android operating system is to make device management as simple and understandable as possible. With each update, more and more new features appear that significantly simplify use. One such feature is Android voice control.

Android voice control

Android voice control is an innovative technology with which you can control your device without unnecessary manipulation, but only with your voice. This feature is under active development and improvement.

Ok, Google on Android makes it possible to use the device more efficiently. You can perform many functions with your voice and get high-quality results. For example, search for the necessary information, turn on/off applications, and even type text. To date, this development is not ideal and includes various shortcomings.

All commands that can be carried out using voice control are divided into two groups.


  1. control of the functions of the device itself - if you want to listen to music, then just say “Play playlist”, if you want to turn on the alarm, then say the phrase “Wake me up at such and such a time” and so on
  2. search for information - using a voice request you can find out, for example, the weather, see the score of the game of your favorite team, find the words of a song, and so on

But unfortunately, there are some limitations in the operation of voice control. Sometimes you may not be able to obtain information for unsolicited requests. For example, you are interested in the schedule of shows in Kyiv cinemas, and you will receive an answer without any problems, but if you ask the same request, but regarding a smaller city, then problems may arise and you may encounter a lack of information.

How to enable voice control

In order to use voice control Ok, Google, you need a constant connection to the Internet. In limited sizes, the application can work without the Internet, but the quality of voice recognition will be very poor and using the function will be almost impossible.

  1. install the Google application, if you already have it installed, then make sure that it is the latest version
  2. go to the Google app
  3. in the upper left corner click the icon that looks like three horizontal lines
  4. then go to “ Settings»
  5. choose " Voice search»
  6. after - " Recognition Ok, Google" or " On any screen»

On some devices, voice recognition is available in apps other than the Google app. To do this, in the Google program, click:

  1. « Settings»
  2. Further - " Applications" There you will see a list of programs in which you can use Ok, Google

How to set up voice control

The Ok, Google function is always active provided that you are running the Google application or Google Chrome. After activation, the system will record your voice and there should be no problems with recognition in the future. To make a request, just say the phrase Ok, Google and formulate a question or command.

How to turn off voice control

Disabling Ok, Google is no more difficult than enabling it. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. go to the Google app
  2. in the upper left corner there is an icon that looks like three horizontal lines
  3. choose " Voice search»
  4. Further " Recognition Ok, Google»
  5. remove the checkbox - " On any screen" or " Always on»

Voice commands

Ok, Google recognizes many different commands. There is no specific list of queries to be executed, since they are different for each user.

Here is a small list of commands that can be performed using voice control:

  • call anyone from your contact list
  • send text message
  • send an email
  • post on social networks
  • to track the package
  • launch the application
  • find out the weather
  • get directions to your destination
  • find a place, company, establishment
  • translate text from one language to another
  • define a song and so on

Voice control does not work. What could be the reasons and how to fix it?

Make sure voice control is active: " Settings» - « Voice search» - « Recognition Okay, Google" Check the box - " From the Google app" An internet connection is also required for voice control to work properly. Make sure your device is connected to Wi-Fi or mobile internet. Try rebooting your device.

The voice command OK Google (OK Google) allows you to control the Android operating system and other applications using your voice. With its help, you can launch applications, create reminders, send text messages, search for information on the Internet, use GPS navigation and much more.

In one of the previous articles we talked about how to enable and configure the OK Google voice command. This article will talk about the opposite. Here you will learn how to disable Okay Google if this function turns out to be uninteresting to you.

To disable the OK Google feature, you need to first open the Google Now app. Google Now opens differently on different Android devices. For example, on devices with the latest versions of pure Android, to open Google Now you need to swipe your finger from left to right on the first desktop. On older versions of Android, the Google Now application is launched by swiping your finger up from the home button. On smartphones with non-standard skins, some other methods of opening Google Now may be used.

In general, there may be some difficulties with the launch of Google Now. If you are unable to launch this application using the methods described above, then you can simply open the list of all applications and find this application there. It should be noted that this application may be called “ Google Now"or just " Google».

After launching Google Now, you need to open the left side menu. To do this, you need to swipe from the left edge of the screen or click on the button in the upper left corner of the screen.

After this you need to go to the section “ Settings" (not to be confused with the section " Tune»).

In Google Now settings you need to follow the path " Voice Search – Recognition Okay Google».

After this, a window will open in front of you in which you can disable the OK Google voice command. There are two options available here:

  • From the Google app;
  • From all applications.

The first option enables or disables recognition of Google's OK command in the Google Now app. And the second option disables recognition of the OK Google command in other applications and on the desktop.

Using the phrase “OK Google” to start a search or execute a command on your phone is a cool, useful feature. But I understand that this isn't everyone's cup of tea - some people just don't like talking to their phone. Here's how to disable this feature.

There are several reasons why you want to get rid of this functionality. Maybe you've never used OK Google, so why keep it enabled? You may have used this feature but feel awkward saying “Okay Google” out loud. Or maybe you don't like the false positives of this feature. This is completely understandable.

But then there's the question of Google Assistant and how disabling "Okay Google" will affect it. The good news is that if you have Assistant on your device, you can turn off “Okay Google” without changing how Assistant works.

There are actually two different ways to disable "OK Google," depending on whether your device has Google Assistant or not. The good news is that both function locations know about each other, so disabling in one location also disables in the other. So we'll look at a method that will work for everyone, regardless of whether you have Assistant: from the Google app.

Every Android phone comes with the Google app installed by default. So, find and launch the “Google” application.

In the Google app, tap the three lines in the top left corner (or just swipe right). Click Settings.

If your device has Google Assistant, then you can access those settings here if you want, but we're looking at a more general option: Voice Search. This is about three quarters of the way down this menu.

Here, select “Recognition Okay, Google.” It should be second on this menu.

Click the switch next to "On Any Screen" to turn off this feature.

Now, there's one thing you need to be aware of: "Okay Google" will be activated if you're in the Google app or on the home screen when using the Google Now Launcher (which is no longer available). There is no way to disable this feature permanently. But at the very least, leaving it active only in the Google app should dramatically reduce the number of false positives.