Apple has extended its replacement program for MacBook Pro displays with peeling anti-glare coating. Removing the anti-glare coating (screen cleaning) MacBook

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the battle is Apple repair- this is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts current models so that you don't have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for the service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and an important part repair, but you do not have to pay a penny for it, even if you do not repair the device as a result of it.

Service repairs and delivery

Good service values ​​your time, so he offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: they can be done correctly and according to technology only in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service have known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
Other service centers trust us and refer complex cases to us.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of right away.
2. you give to Macbook repair an expert in the field Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from manufacturing defects. In the era of contract manufacturing, it is impossible to keep track of all its aspects, and the fact that annoying misunderstandings arise even with such products once again confirms this. Recently, photographs of a rather unpleasant effect appeared on the Internet, which can significantly spoil the experience of using Apple's flagship laptops - MacBook Pro With Retina screen. However, the reason may be not only a manufacturing omission, but also a banal violation of the rules for operating the device.

Apparently, the problem is the peeling of the anti-reflective coating on the screen, which could have been caused by using it to clean it. aggressive environments, for example, alcohol. The main symptom of such a violation is the appearance of noticeable streaks or stains on the glass, which best case scenario significantly violate the aesthetics of the device, and in the worst case, lead to distortion of the image and unreadability of the text. The malfunction is widely discussed not only on the technical forum Apple support, where there are already more than five hundred replies in a special topic, but also in a community dedicated to it on Facebook and even on a separate website.

Unfortunately, the Genius Bar employees who make the decision warranty replacement failed components, were unable to establish the factory origin of the breakdown and offered to customers who did not purchase an extended AppleCare guarantee, quite expensive service maintenance:

I was told that the problem was caused by too much pressure on the lid of the device when closed, says one of the visitors who contacted the Genius Bar with a request to repair the laptop. - But I don’t remember such cases. The computer was carried in a backpack, packed in a regular neoprene case. After all, it's aluminum, right?

Other users who were hoping for free help technicians also could not achieve their goal:

We paid enough so that such a problem could be fixed under warranty, they are indignant.

The current history once again demonstrates what a keen interest the Internet community is showing in the released Apple products - total number the number of cases registered on the company’s forum does not exceed a thousand, frankly not a lot compared to the multi-million army of MacBook owners, but this did not stop Staingate from causing serious noise in specialized publications, becoming the subject of a petition on and even acquiring its own website. Of course, no one has canceled the instructions for caring for the device, and the problem can indeed be caused by its improper use. However, if the fact of a manufacturing defect is confirmed, rightly indignant users will face free service, and display suppliers will face serious fines and penalties. Remember, he also offered those dissatisfied with the level of reception of the iPhone 4 to receive a free bumper case, because audience loyalty is one of the pillars on which Apple has stood at all times, and the company valued and values ​​this factor. Let us remember that the Cupertino giant had already announced .

Many MacBook 12" owners MacBook Air and MacBook Pro Retina, faced the problem of damage to the anti-reflective coating of the screen. Outwardly, this looks like stains on the display, abrasions, and uneven “flaking” of the anti-reflective layer. Of course, under such circumstances, not only the image quality deteriorates significantly, but also appearance laptop. Luckily, we offer a quick and inexpensive solution to this problem!

We would like to emphasize to you that you should not try to fix the problem yourself, this can lead to even greater damage!

An anti-glare layer is applied to the MacBook matrix to prevent “glare”, that is, reflection of the sun or other light sources. But on unknown reasons, Apple's factory anti-glare turned out to be very fragile and short-lived. Most users, over time, notice keyboard fingerprints and abrasions on the screen (especially if you often carry the laptop in a bag), for others, transparent layer The anti-glare, literally, begins to fall off the display in pieces. In almost any service center, you will be offered the only way out of the situation - a complete replacement of the matrix (top cover) of the MacBook, costing from $300! But there is another option, much more economical and justified!

In the service BashMac Center in Kyiv, we offer a service of high-quality and fast removal (removal) of the anti-glare layer from a MacBook! In this case, there is no need to change the matrix, or even the entire screen unit. Our engineers will carefully and thoroughly remove the damaged anti-reflective coating using special technology. After this procedure, your screen will again delight you with a clean, clear picture! It is worth noting that removing the anti-glare will have virtually no effect on the image quality on a sunny day. But if you are still worried about this, then it is possible to apply a special protective film.

The cost of removing the anti-reflective layer is only 1000 UAH, and the work period is up to 2 days! Contact our Apple service, get an effective and painless solution to your screen problem!

Even if you are a neat person to the core, wash your hands 5 times a day and open your MacBook exclusively with snow-white gloves, sooner or later dirt will appear on the screen.

Dirt can be different: dust, fingerprints (don’t poke at the monitor!) or the consequences of an unsuccessful sneeze. So you take a microfiber cloth, the first screen cleaner you can find, spray it on your Mac and start vigorously rubbing the screen.

Stop. Don't do this if you don't want problems with your laptop.

What's the problem? Look, there is glass spray, now I’ll wipe it with it!

There are different sprays, and even when buying liquid for screens in specialized computer stores, you must always look at the composition.

It is important that there is no alcohol among the components of the liquid.

The anti-reflective coating, which all iMacs and MacBooks have, categorically does not like aggressive substances, the main one of which is alcohol.

Most of the scary photos on the Internet, which show screens with peeling anti-glare coating, are precisely a consequence of the use of alcohol-containing liquids.

In second place after alcohol-containing liquids and sprays are cleaning products based on hydrogen peroxide - they also should not be splashed mindlessly on your Mac.

So forget about household chemicals: if you have an untouched bottle of window cleaning liquid, don’t even think about using it to clean the screen of your MacBook or iMac, otherwise you will regret it.

The erased anti-reflective coating cannot be restored. You'll have to carry your Apple gadget to service center to replace the entire screen, because it is impossible to replace the glass in a MacBook separately due to design features.

Oh, what can I use to wipe the screen without any consequences?

I've been using a MacBook since 2012 and always use a reliable and safe method clear screen: a microfiber cloth slightly moistened with plain water.

It is important that the fabric is slightly damp and not wet. This will protect the laptop from other problems, such as excess water getting into the case.

This is the most reliable, non-aggressive and safe cleaning agent for anti-reflective coatings. MacBook screen from any contamination.

I used it for a while wet wipes Defender, but after them there are stains that still need to be removed with the same microfiber cloth.

If you think that no water can compare with a special spray, that’s your right, just follow a few rules.

The rules are simple, but they will save you from frustration and spending an impressive amount of money on screen replacement:

  • Before you buy a special product, read the ingredients
  • avoid liquids containing alcohol
  • spray the liquid not on the screen, but on a cloth
  • don't rub the screen too hard
  • get separate cloths for the screen and keyboard

Following these rules will help preserve the delicate anti-glare coating on your Mac. Yes, it may peel off from contact with the keyboard when the MacBook is closed, but this separate problem, with which they will help you in any official service center for free, subject to a guarantee.

Caring for Apple equipment requires attention. It is not difficult

After many years of communication with Apple technology I can confidently say that the best cloth for cleaning the screen from dust, drool and greasy stains is the one that was in the box of your new MacBook or Mac.

Be sure to find it, wash it and use it. And if you don’t find it, buy microfiber in optical stores.

I recommend optical salons because... last years The quality of cloths in electronics stores has deteriorated significantly: the “towels” that are included in monitor cleaning kits tend to smear dirt on the laptop glass rather than actually remove it.

In order not to worry about the condition of the anti-reflective coating, use ordinary water. A slightly damp microfiber cloth will clean the screen just as well as store-bought monitor spray.

Finally, here is a link to recommendations for caring for gadgets from Apple itself. I’m glad that the methods I use and those recommended by the apple company are basically the same.

And the best thing is not to sneeze on the screen of your laptop or computer. But I still don’t always succeed :(

In the fall of 2015, after numerous complaints, Apple acknowledged the existence of a problem with peeling anti-reflective coating MacBook displays Pro and launched a display replacement program. Today the company extended its validity. Owners of 12-inch MacBooks and MacBook Pros released between June 2012 and October 2017 can replace the anti-glare coating on their Retina display free of charge.

Apple has not publicly announced this fact, but confirmed the information upon request from MacRumors. What is characteristic is this program not officially announced: the company has not released any information on this issue. But in the message for partners within Apple programs Authorized Service Provider states that if the coating is peeled off, the MacBook screen should be replaced free of charge. If the client previously performed the replacement at his own expense, the costs must be compensated.

The screen replacement program covers all laptops manufactured within the last five years. It was decided to extend its validity until October 16, 2017.

MacBooks have a special anti-reflective screen coating that reduces reflection levels, so images look clear both at home and outdoors. The peeling of this very coating became known in March 2015. The problem is that laptop screens can “lose” the anti-glare layer, resulting in ugly spots on the screen. Not only are they unsightly, but depending on the location, they also make the device more difficult to operate.

Detachment usually occurs where the screen touches the keyboard when closed as a result of friction. Although there are photographs on the Internet in which spots are present at the edges of the screen - that is, in the area that does not touch the opposite part of the case when closed. If two years ago the website collected complaints from almost 2,000 poppy growers, now the number has exceeded 9,000.

Complaints come from owners of MacBook Pros with 13- and 15-inch Retina displays. In July 2015, users petitioned to replace their laptops with peeling displays.