Glossy or matte: which monitor to buy? Matte or glossy screen - which one to choose if you are planning to buy a laptop or monitor

The confrontation between matte and glossy monitors looks no less epic than the struggle between good and evil, or light against darkness. Which displays are still better? Read the article from

Glossy and matte monitors operate on the same matrices: IPS, PLS or TN. The difference between them is the type of coating applied to the surface of the display. Both matte and gloss are popular among users, so there is no reason to assume that one type of monitor will replace the other in the near future.

You can have both matte and glossy displays. On the MagaZilla portal you can compare the prices of online stores and the characteristics of the models you are interested in, which is very convenient. Well, now we will simplify the process of choosing a monitor for you by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of screens with matte and glossy finishes.

Glossy screens: pros and cons

If you have a good IPS or PLS matrix, glossy displays will provide impeccable color reproduction. Deep black color, high brightness, contrast and clarity, large viewing angles are their advantages.

Unfortunately, gloss has a high reflective ability, so in the presence of bright lighting (primarily sunlight), glare forms on the screen, tiring the eyes and impairing the visibility of the picture. In addition, every speck is visible on glossy displays, which interferes with normal operation.

Matte screens: pros and cons

The anti-reflective coating of matte monitors does not glare or reflect well-lit objects. Even if you sit by the window on a sunny day, you will clearly see the image on the display. Matte monitors put less strain on your eyes, so you can work with them longer.

At the same time, displays with a matte finish are inferior to their glossy counterparts in terms of brightness and color rendering, which is especially noticeable when using a TN matrix. It costs less than an IPS matrix, so it is used in most budget monitors.

Which monitor should you choose?

Before purchasing a monitor, it is important to set your priorities correctly. Determine your priority and less important purposes for using the display. If you are buying a monitor or laptop for gaming, watching movies, working with graphics and other multimedia tasks, we recommend choosing displays with a glossy finish. The picture on them will look bright, rich and rich. You can partially compensate for glare by increasing the brightness of the screen.

Matte displays, in turn, will be the best choice if you use a computer to work with texts and numbers (journalists, programmers, accountants, secretaries, etc.). The image on the screen will not be as colorful, but during work the eyes will be less tired, and there will be no glare that impairs readability even in bright natural light.

Finally, we note that recently the popularity of laptops and monitors with anti-glare coating has been rapidly growing. These are glossy displays, on the surface of which a thin matte layer is applied, eliminating most of the glare.

Elya | December 9, 2012, 10:23 pm
Marina, first you need to decide where you will use the laptop.
If you have it in a bright room in daylight, especially against the light, then the reflectivity of a glossy monitor is very high. It is so large that you can apply makeup to your face, looking at the monitor as if in a mirror. You can, of course, move it back and forth from a dark room to a light one and thereby adjust the comfort of using the glossy laptop screen for its intended purpose. But even in a fairly darkened room, if there is a light source behind you, then, for example, watching a movie or other viewing-related activity will cause you slight eye strain. Imagine what will happen in daylight... Also, all the specks of dust, fingerprints and... splashes from the tangerine you just ate will be visible on the glossy screen.

Unlike a glossy screen, a matte screen has only advantages in terms of the parameters I cited above, namely: it is comfortable for the eyes everywhere and always - in the dark, in light (daylight and artificial) of different directions. Does not require frequent wiping to remove dust, stains and other obscenities. This does not mean that it will be cleaner than glossy, you just won’t see any of it.

If we consider the test subjects (glossy and matte) in terms of color rendering quality, contrast, etc. in a static and dynamic picture, then the glossy screen is undoubtedly ahead. In addition, when viewing the screen at an angle to the frontal plane of the eye, the image quality on a glossy monitor screen decreases very slightly. The same cannot be said about the matte screen.

So, to summarize: if eye comfort and ease of use in any conditions are important to you, then buy a laptop with a matte screen. If you need color rendering of images in a room with second light, using a laptop as a desktop computer (in one place), adjusting the environment to it (light, positioning yourself to the light, etc.), an additional mirror, then consider glossy models. My advice is thoughtful and supported by experience in using both.

VVladimir | December 9, 2012, 20:34
A glossy screen is very tiring for the eyes if there are any light or luminous objects behind it. This is especially bad when working with a laptop outdoors and during the day. Therefore, for long-term comfortable work with texts, it is recommended to use a matte screen.

Glossy has the advantage of higher contrast and improved color rendition. If these factors are important to you, then it’s worth looking at someone’s similar screen at work to understand whether you will be comfortable working with gloss?

Laptops have recently completely switched to a matte Samsung screen, and there are also Vostro laptops. In a store, on rows of shelves with laptops, the difference between a glossy and matte screen is clearly visible.

Crimson | December 8, 2012, 2:20 p.m.
Take matte ones - they reflect and glare less.

Eugene | 6 December 2012, 14:16
Whichever one you like best is better.

Computers, smartphones, tablets have become an integral part of the life of modern humanity. Whether at work or at home, a person spends most of his time behind a computer or laptop screen. The natural desire of anyone in this case will be to preserve their vision and protect it as much as possible from the negative radiation that any monitor and screen generates.

What does a person want from a monitor or tablet screen? It must accurately convey colors, have no dead pixels, and have a sufficient viewing angle. Good brightness will also help so that there is no glare on the screen in the sun.

A good monitor should not cause problems, especially to the eyes.

Most of the debate today revolves around a few topics related to screens and vision:

  • Which screen is better - glossy or matte?
  • Is it worth installing anti-glare film?

In dealing with these issues, many consumers forget that 90% of the quality of a good screen is the matrix. Therefore, the first question that should concern every consumer is which matrix to choose?

How does the quality of the matrix affect the laptop screen?

Main a sign of a good matrix directly for vision is the viewing angle. After determining the matrix, the following questions of convenience come up: for some it is more convenient to work with a matte monitor, for others with a glossy one.

In total, there are three groups of matrices:

Liquid crystal matrix (TN) is one of the cheapest and available matrices. She reacts quickly, but her viewing angle leaves much to be desired. Yes, and it distorts the colors a little. Therefore, it is not the best option for vision, but its cheapness does its job.

The picture below clearly shows the viewing angle of the TN matrix and the IPS matrix. After this, there are no unnecessary questions about which laptop screen is better.

The best in terms of viewing angle and color rendering quality is an IPS matrix. LED monitors, etc., have already begun to develop on its basis. For vision, such matrices are the best, but they are also the most expensive. They are always used in professional monitors and screens. In difficult conditions, such a matrix has better readability. Bright light and sunny color do not distort the image.

The example below shows how much richer and better colors are on an IPS matrix. When working with such a laptop, your eyes will tire much less.

A monitor with an MDV matrix combines the advantages of the two previous matrices— he took the color rendition from IPS, and the response speed from the TN+Film matrix. But such a matrix is ​​not as dynamic as others. Perfect for artists and photographers who value accurate color reproduction.

A very detailed classification of matrices is described at the following link - matrix classes.

Gloss or matte - what do the eyes vote for?

It doesn’t matter what the user owns, a tablet or a laptop, or whether he has a computer installed. The debate about which is better continues to this day. At first glance, the matte surface of the screen seems more comfortable and pleasing to the human eye.

Matte advantages

Unlike a glossy surface, a matte surface, first of all, does not glare in the sun. Since a person can constantly carry a laptop, like a tablet, with him, his work on the street can be unlimited. A glossy surface in the bright sun is another way to ruin not only your eyesight, but also your nerves.

But in addition to reflection, there is also color rendition and brightness. And here the matte screen begins to lose its position to gloss. If you have to use a laptop, like a tablet, everywhere, then you can choose a matte screen. Moreover, the laptop lid can always be adjusted to obtain the desired viewing angle.

The matrix is ​​of great importance. If it is TN, then it is better to choose the glossy option. If IPS, then a matte screen will be most comfortable for the eyes. Especially if the user often works with numbers and documents. A matte screen will strain your eyes less during long hours of similar work.

Glossy beauty

People are weak, and very often when choosing a laptop, a person is guided not by common sense, but by beauty. And it’s very good if beauty implies quality. In the case of glossy screens, screen quality can only be guaranteed by a good matrix.

The image on such screens seems brighter and more saturated, which seems to help the eyes rest more. But with such reflectivity, the glare of the screen greatly tires the eyes. Moreover, on such a screen you can see every drop and speck, which also bothers the eyes.

Being on the street with such a laptop or tablet is a complete pain. You need to look for the shadow, twist the laptop lid. The glare of the sun makes your eyes hurt even more. With a good IPS matrix, this effect is slightly less, but it is not completely excluded.

True, in a room with ordinary electric lighting (and not behind the back of the person sitting behind the screen!) The viewing angle of such screens is much greater than that of matte screens. And the black color here is more accurate and deep.

For clarity, below is the link, a very good test of the operation of both types of screens on films, graphics and office applications - battle of screens.

Anti-reflective coating - saving and protecting your eyes?

Very often they sell laptops and tablets with anti-glare coating already installed. But there are also anti-glare films that are relevant not only for tablets. Is it worth spending money on buying a laptop with such a built-in option or is it better to buy a film?

Below is an example of a peeling anti-reflective coating. And this is his main problem. It quickly becomes unusable, especially since few users wonder how to properly care for it. And then the monitor screen looks very unpleasant.

Anti-reflective films are much cheaper. And since any user will buy a protective film for the same tablet, there is no point in buying a tablet with such a coating. It is better to buy a film with such a coating. The purpose of the coating or film is to protect the screen from glare when exposed to sunlight or bright electric light. And the coverage really helps. But the film beats him in this sense. It is much more comfortable for the eyes to work with this film.

The coating is very quickly torn, cut and spoils the entire appearance of the laptop screen. Therefore, when buying a glossy laptop, it is better to immediately buy a protective anti-glare film in the kit, it is more reliable and more convenient. Although over time, dust will begin to clog under it and it will have to be replaced. Although the film makes the screen a little dimmer, it is also protective.

Anti-glare protective film

You can read about how to remove damaged coating from a laptop screen.

So, the user should always approach the choice consciously and familiarize themselves with the topic at least minimally. And it doesn’t matter what he chooses - a screen and matrix or a tablet. The health of his eyes depends on this.

Glossy and matte laptop screens have the same LCD panels. The only real difference between these two types of displays is the coating applied to the screen. In normal situations, glossy and matte laptop screens look almost the same. The debate about which display is better continues to this day, manufacturers cannot settle on one of the coatings, and users prefer different coatings, depending on what they want to get from the screen. Therefore, when buying a monitor, the question arises which type of screen is preferable to choose.

Glossy display screens have more vibrant colors and higher contrast. Colors appear more intense and saturated, with deeper blacks. On a glossy display, glare and reflections are much more noticeable. The image on the monitor becomes significantly worse when it is exposed to direct sunlight or even just sunlight through a window, which makes the glossy display unsuitable for use on a sunny day.

Matte screens have a special anti-reflective coating applied to them to prevent reflection. It is much easier to work on a matte screen in sunlight or intense lighting from fluorescent lamps in the office. The main disadvantage is that the matte finish makes the colors duller. A glossy display is worth purchasing if you plan to work in rooms without bright lighting.

Matte displays resist glare much better, but this doesn't really matter unless you plan to use it in bright light. Different manufacturers use different LCD panels for monitors and image quality can vary significantly, regardless of the coating, but in any case the difference in a matte and glossy laptop screen will be quite noticeable. When buying a desktop monitor for working in a room with not too bright lighting, it is definitely worth purchasing a glossy display and getting a brighter and more saturated image. When purchasing a laptop or tablet, you will most likely want to use it on sunny days outdoors, in which case it is worth purchasing a screen with a matte finish to avoid sun glare. If you don't plan to use your laptop in direct sunlight, you might want to consider buying a laptop with a glossy screen that has more intense colors than a matte display with its anti-glare coating.

You can endlessly debate and weigh the pros and cons of different types of displays; there is no clear answer to this question and it all depends on personal preferences. If it were possible to flip a switch and change the finish of a laptop's display from glossy to matte depending on the lighting, that would be ideal. Unfortunately, there is no such option and we have to choose one thing. Of course, we can buy an anti-glare screen film for a glossy display, but it might be more logical to just buy a matte display if you have such ideas. Some users claim that they prefer the softer colors of a matte display rather than the too bright glossy ones. For these people, the question of choosing a glossy or matte laptop screen resolves itself in favor of the latter. In any case, the choice depends on the personal preferences of the users.

The Matrix is ​​not only the name of a famous movie, but also nothing more than a liquid crystal screen, which is an integral part of any laptop. The price of a matrix, depending on its type, can vary greatly: it all depends on the properties of a given matrix, its color rendition and image quality. In general, although this part of the computer cannot be called the most expensive, the quality and speed of your work will largely depend on it, or more precisely, on the type of work that will be installed on your “machine”.

So, before purchasing a computer, you must decide whether you want the screen to be matte or glossy. Physically, in their essence, matte and glossy surfaces are no different from each other, since they are based on the same liquid crystal panels. It's all about the final surface treatment.

“Gloss” was the brainchild of the Japanese company Toshiba, and at that time the technology had a long and unpronounceable name CASV (Clear Advanced Super View), which can be roughly translated as “clean, advanced super-view / look,” which partly reflects the essence of the phenomenon. Later, “gloss” was so named because it has a smooth, so-called “polarizing layer”. The benefits of gloss are that you get a higher contrast image. This happens due to the fact that a special film is used, which has successfully begun to replace the glass previously used by the manufacturer. In addition, such matrices - in comparison with matte ones - are very popular due to the fact that the image appears more expressive, rich and expressive. You will hardly feel the “graininess” that is more typical of matte surfaces. Black colors are very rich.

However, this type of coating also has one very serious disadvantage that must be taken into account. The fact is that “gloss” tends to reflect light, which can infuriate anyone. Thus, if the room is very bright, then it will be very difficult to see anything on such a monitor.

In addition, you should take into account such a “trifle” as light contamination of the glossy surface. Even if you don't look closely, you can easily see dust, dirt and greasy fingerprints on such surfaces. Consequently, if you are tired of daily cleaning and dusting, then these qualities may clearly not be in favor of “gloss”.

It is interesting to note that some manufacturers (in particular, the well-known company Apple with its LED Cinema Display series) refuse to use any protective anti-glare agents to treat such surfaces and use an almost untreated lens as the very top layer of the matrix. This is done mainly only for aesthetic purposes, since such a screen does not particularly benefit in color rendition compared to other types of surfaces.

On the other hand, there is also “mat”, which can act as an analogue of “gloss”. In fact, it is not particularly different from its “comrade-in-arms”, but as for the technology of its manufacture, everything is a little different. The polarizing layer is specially “coarsened”, using mechanical and sometimes chemical means. “Mate” will really be an excellent compensation if you are annoyed by glare, as well as faces and other objects on the computer screen. It doesn't matter if your room is brightly lit, be it daylight or artificial lighting such as fluorescent lamps, you will still see information and images on the monitor.

Indeed, matte surfaces have a certain coating to diffuse reflected light, but this is where the catch lies. The light is scattered, thereby increasing the degree of blur in the image. To top it all off, this also results in a reduction in contrast, color intensity and viewing angle. In other words, what is the strength of “gloss” is the weakness of a matte surface.

To give a more practical comparison, it’s like looking at the world around you from a window: everything will seem somewhat muted, somehow wrong and a little unnatural. This is the “world” through the prism of a matte surface. After all, you must admit that we will never be able to see all the colors through glass! We won’t even be sure that the red color is exactly red and not some other color. But if we open the window and look at the world around us without obstacles, we will see the bright colors of real nature, rich tones of greenery and the bright beauty of the sky. And this will already be a real “gloss”.

As for cleaning matte surfaces, there are also some difficulties here. Since the surface itself is rough and more complex in texture than “gloss,” dirt and dust penetrate deeper into it, thereby making cleaning more difficult. Thus, sometimes it is very difficult to appreciate the fruits of your labor. However, on rough matte surfaces, dirt, dust and grease are still less noticeable than on “glossy” surfaces.

Of course, sometimes the type of coating is just a matter of habit and does not have any utilitarian character. If you just like the way the picture looks on the mat, then buy it. After all, any advice should always be carefully considered before applying to yourself and your situation, especially when it comes to expensive equipment that you will work with every day for a long time.

It seems that this war “mat against gloss” will never end. You can spend hours weighing the pros and cons of a particular type of coverage, without ever coming to a decision that suits everyone. But if you approach this problem from the utilitarian side, you must first answer this question to yourself: what exactly do you use your computer for? What problems do you solve with it? Everyone will have an individual answer to these questions.