Matte display. What to look for when choosing a matte or glossy laptop or monitor screen

Elya | December 9, 2012, 10:23 pm
Marina, first you need to decide where you will use the laptop.
If you have it in a bright room in daylight, especially against the light, then the reflectivity of a glossy monitor is very high. It is so large that you can apply makeup to your face, looking at the monitor as if in a mirror. You can, of course, move it back and forth from a dark room to a light one and thereby adjust the comfort of using the glossy laptop screen for its intended purpose. But even in a fairly dark room, if there is a light source behind you, then, for example, watching a movie or other viewing-related activity will cause you slight eye strain. Imagine what will happen in daylight... Also, all the specks of dust, fingerprints and... splashes from the tangerine you just ate will be visible on the glossy screen.

Unlike a glossy screen, a matte screen has only advantages in terms of the parameters I cited above, namely: it is comfortable for the eyes everywhere and always - in the dark, in light (daylight and artificial) of different directions. Does not require frequent wiping to remove dust, stains and other obscenities. This does not mean that it will be cleaner than glossy, you just won’t see any of it.

If we consider the test subjects (glossy and matte) in terms of color rendering quality, contrast, etc. in a static and dynamic picture, then the glossy screen is undoubtedly ahead. In addition, when viewing the screen at an angle to the frontal plane of the eye, the image quality on a glossy monitor screen decreases very slightly. The same cannot be said about the matte screen.

So, to summarize: if eye comfort and ease of use in any conditions are important to you, then buy a laptop with a matte screen. If you need color rendering of images in a room with second light, using a laptop as a desktop computer (in one place), adjusting the environment to it (light, positioning yourself to the light, etc.), an additional mirror, then consider glossy models. My advice is thoughtful and supported by experience in using both.

VVladimir | December 9, 2012, 20:34
A glossy screen is very tiring for the eyes if there are any light or luminous objects behind it. This is especially bad when working with a laptop outdoors and during the day. Therefore, for long-term comfortable work with texts, it is recommended to use a matte screen.

Glossy has the advantage of higher contrast and improved color rendition. If these factors are important to you, then it’s worth looking at someone’s similar screen at work to understand whether you will be comfortable working with gloss?

Laptops have recently completely switched to a matte Samsung screen, and there are also Vostro laptops. In a store, on rows of shelves with laptops, the difference between a glossy and matte screen is clearly visible.

Crimson | December 8, 2012, 2:20 pm
Take matte ones - they reflect and glare less.

Eugene | 6 December 2012, 14:16
Whichever one you like best is better.

Which monitor screen is better, matte or glossy? For me, this issue has long been resolved - definitely matte. It has a lot of advantages over gloss. We will look at them all below. But, from personal experience, I know many people who prefer glossy displays. In fact, today’s entire article boils down to proving, using specific examples, why matte monitors are better than glossy ones. Let me make a reservation right away that we will be considering monitors with roughly the same extension.

The main advantage of matte screens over glossy ones is that they do not reflect a lot of glare. Have you ever tried to work behind a glossy screen outdoors or in a brightly lit room? If not, then better not try! Nothing is visible in it at all. More precisely visible, but only a reflection, and not what is needed.

Another advantage of a matte screen over gloss is that it is not easily soiled. Glossy, it’s like a phone screen, you just rub it until it shines with a cloth, and it’s already all over your fingers. This does not happen on matte screens. Handprints are much more invisible on them and splashes of ketchup.

But, these are all obvious reasons why a matte monitor is better than a glossy one. Here are a few facts that you probably didn’t know about before.

To make colors brighter and more contrasty on glossy monitors, you have to increase the brightness. Do you think it's not scary? Then think about why your mom and dad told you not to look at welding as a child? The same goes for increased monitor brightness. The exposure time is longer, but the effect is the same.

By the way, another negative factor arises from brightness. If a glossy screen is installed on a laptop, then with increased brightness, its battery will not last long. And a laptop, that’s why it’s a laptop, so that it can work for a long time without recharging.

Well, the last argument is that glossy screens are of worse quality than matte ones. Why? Let's figure it out further.

Let's move a little away from the philistine language of the article and talk a little in an advanced language (let's feel smart). A glossy or matte screen is nothing more than a matrix coating. Matrices, like everything else in the world, can be good = expensive and bad (not always, but still) = cheap. Manufacturers of low-price monitors or laptops are trying to save on everything, and even more so on matrices. In this way, cheap and low-quality matrices, say TN type, are inserted. I'll tell you a big secret: they have terrible color rendering. Black looks like dark blue through which the sun shines through, and white is some kind of faded canvas. Maybe I didn’t describe it exactly, but something like that. The easiest and cheapest way to fix all this disgrace is to apply a filter to the matrix, which acts as a glossy surface.

From what was described above, we can draw only one conclusion: if you want to watch a high-quality picture without harm to your health, save up some money and buy matte screens. There is no money, but you want a computer - buy glossy displays. But I hope that my article will sway many people towards purchasing matte surfaces. For this I say goodbye, I will be glad if you click on the social network buttons.

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Hello to all readers of the Old Crow blog. Today I will tell you a wonderful story that happened...

When you buy a laptop or monitor, you are faced with a choice: matte or glossy? Which screen coating is better? The thing that turns into a “mirror” in the light of the Sun, or the one on which the colors seem faded?

We hope this article will help you decide.

Glossy vs matte

Where did this opposition come from? After all, both glossy and matte monitors use the same LCD panels.

However, manufacturers produce glossy and matte monitors, and buyers are faced with the agony of choice.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each coating.

Glossy displays are more “bright”. They have more saturated, intense and contrasting color rendering; especially deep black color. That's a plus.

However, they shine in the Sun. This is a minus. If you often work outdoors or your workspace is near a window, glare may bother you.

Matte displays have an anti-reflective coating that reduces glare. Therefore, in rooms with bright artificial or natural lighting, it is more comfortable to work with such monitors.

The disadvantage of matte displays is their fading. The colors look a little duller on them.

The pros and cons of glossy and matte monitors are clearly demonstrated by the photo on the cover. On the left is matte Dell, and on the right is glossy Apple.

What to choose?

It all depends on your goals.

If you're looking for a desktop monitor and the room isn't very lit, you'll probably want a glossy finish with more vibrant colors.

If you are buying a laptop and plan to often work outdoors (on the terrace on a sunny day), then look for a matte display. Similarly, when buying a monitor for a desktop computer in very good lighting conditions (table by the window, powerful lamps). But remember: the AR coating on a matte display will not protect you 100% from glare, but it will be slightly less noticeable than on a glossy screen.

Of course, it is impossible to create ideal conditions for the entire life of the screen (especially if we are talking about a laptop). Today your desk is far from the window, and tomorrow you have been moved to an office filled with sunlight. Therefore, when choosing a glossy or matte display, you are making a compromise in any case.

(The photo shows not only laptops with a matte (left) and glossy (right) finish, but also different models from different generations. Please do not make direct comparisons.)

If it were possible to make a monitor where, at the click of your fingers, the matte finish would change to glossy (and vice versa), many would be happy. After all, this would allow you to “tune” the monitor to specific conditions. But this is impossible.

Therefore, the opposition “glossy vs matte” will probably continue to exist. After all, how many people there are, so many opinions.

When purchasing a display or laptop, it is important to immediately determine which screen coating is right for you - matte or glossy. To do this, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the positive qualities of each option, and the conditions in which operation will be most comfortable. The article will help to identify the conditions in which this or that technology is suitable, and will also show their advantages and disadvantages.

What is the difference between matte and glossy screens?

In order to understand the differences between the two technologies, just look at the photo. Left – matte display. Its colors are duller, but it does not reflect, unlike its neighbor, which provides more rich and bright colors, but clearly reflects light. This difference in color reproduction is not only found in laptops - when choosing a monitor, the buyer will be faced with the same choice. How else do the two technologies differ?

Matte screen: features, advantages and disadvantages

This technology is more versatile as the matte display scatters light, and the user sees virtually no glare. But this convenience is achieved at the expense of reduced display brightness and less saturated color rendition. Some models suffer from excessive graininess of the image.

What can a glossy screen do against?

The main difference between a glossy monitor is that it is more high-quality color rendition. The picture turns out brighter and more saturated, this is especially noticeable in black. Overall, this technology provides a more pleasing image to the eye. But this option is not perfect. Firstly, when working with a glossy display my eyes get tired much faster. Secondly, fingerprints are noticeable on the screen. And the third, most unpleasant factor - glare. It is quite problematic to work with a laptop equipped with such a monitor outdoors, as well as in an office under bright lighting.

Is there anything I can do to prevent the glossy display from reflecting?

This question is especially often asked by owners of Apple computers, because the famous American brand supplies its products exclusively with such screens. And there is a solution.

Recently it has become popular among users anti-reflective coating. This is a film that is glued to a glossy screen in order to diffuse the light entering it and diffuse it. The result is a more comfortable experience with a glossy monitor, regardless of the brightness of the surrounding lighting. The film is easy to install and just as easy to remove if necessary. This is an excellent solution for those who are not ready to sacrifice quality for the sake of comfort.

It is important to note that such coatings will give the best results only when applied directly to the matrix of the liquid crystal display. In other cases, film may not produce the desired effect, but will reduce the quality of the image, making it grainy and blurry.

Under what conditions should it be used?

For home use In a room with not very bright lighting, a glossy monitor is better suited. This technology provides more saturated colors and is perfect for watching videos, working with images and entertaining. In addition, they save battery power and provide rich color reproduction even at low brightness.

The matte display is more versatile, it is convenient to use both in room with bright lighting, and on the street. It is also an excellent choice for working in an office environment with bright lamps. Glare from light sources will be less noticeable due to their dispersion. But even this technology does not provide absolute protection against glare, so you will have to work on this point in any case.

Before purchasing a monitor or a new laptop, you should immediately decide where and how it will be used. Although, of course, it is impossible to guess how exactly the purchase will be used.

Which screen is better to choose for working with text and numbers?

For users who use a monitor or laptop exclusively for work, matte display is recommended. It makes your eyes less tired, and also has low energy consumption. If you are used to working on the road and on the street, glare reduction technology will come in handy for ease of work. But you will have to sacrifice the brightness of the colors and the overall impression of the image.

And yet, matte or glossy monitor

Choose a technology depending on the goals you are pursuing. Glossy version Perfect for gaming PCs, as well as watching videos and working with images. High quality color rendering will make the picture as pleasing to the eye as possible, but you won’t be able to use the device everywhere.

Unlike matte models, which do their job perfectly, regardless of external light sources. This is the best option for people who like to work outdoors or in well-lit rooms and are not picky about picture quality. If you need practicality, choose a matte screen. For a better image - a glossy display. The recommendations are the same for both laptops and displays. Of course, taking bulky screens outside is problematic, but a glossy display can reflect from lamps or sunlight coming through a window. This is something to consider when purchasing a monitor for your home or office. This is not to say that one option is better than the other. Before buying a laptop or monitor, think about where and what you will use it for, and the issue of choosing a technology will be resolved by itself.

The question essentially arises, which screen coating is better?

The one that turns almost into a “mirror” when the light falls on the screen, or the one where the colors seem faded?

That’s the question, questions... because each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

I think that the time has come to make a decision so that before buying a TV or monitor, this question will disappear on its own and you can pay attention to the purely technical parameters of the TV.

So is it glossy or matte?

Let's immediately determine that both types of screen use the same LCD panels.

However, manufacturers are producing glossy and matte TVs, and buyers are struggling with choice.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each coating.

Glossy displays are more “bright”. They have richer, more intense and contrasting color reproduction and good quality images.

All other things being equal, a TV with a glossy screen provides more saturated colors, high image brightness, deep blacks, and a high level of contrast.

What is especially pleasing is that the picture on the TV visually looks beautiful and natural.

A glossy TV screen offers a wider viewing angle than a matte one.
And this, whatever one may say, is an important parameter that must be taken into account if the whole family gathers around the TV and everyone is located where. That is, not in the center of the TV screen.

However, such screens also have disadvantages.

The main disadvantage of a glossy screen is its high degree of reflection.
In simple terms, the screen, like a mirror, reflects any light sources and more.

If you position the TV poorly, then watching it will be very difficult, and in some cases even impossible.

In bright lighting, apart from the reflection of light and the arrangement of furniture in the apartment, you simply cannot see anything.

But there is, of course, the right solution.

And this is simple... you need to watch TV in a darkened room, and there should be no windows in front of the TV that cannot be covered with curtains.

And Voala!

There will be no more problems with excessive reflection. An important point...a glossy screen is more susceptible to fingerprints and dust.

And this will be visible and very clear to you and your guests when the TV is turned off.

Matte screens...

Matte screens have an anti-reflective coating that “quenches” glare.
Therefore, in rooms with bright artificial or natural lighting, such TVs seem to be preferable.

The disadvantage of matte displays is their fading.

The colors look a little duller on them. A matte screen provides images of comparatively poorer quality.

Colors don't look as vibrant or natural as they would on a glossy TV.

Why is this and what is the reason for the decrease in brightness and picture quality?

The problem is the anti-reflective coating (polarizer), which practically eliminates the reflection of light.

In addition to the reduction in specularity, there is a decrease in the brightness and contrast level of the image.

The light from the LCD screen passes through an additional layer of coating and as a result, the matte TV screen scatters most of the light.

The disadvantages of a matte screen include reduced brightness and naturalness of image colors, as well as, in some cases, grainy images (most often the effect is noticed when viewing text on a light background).

What to choose?

It all depends on your goals y.

If you are going to use the TV in a brightly lit room or opposite a window, then a matte screen will be better for you.

However, often the window can be curtained and excess light can be easily turned off, so many people prefer a glossy screen for an excellent image.

Some users who have used various TVs say that a glossy TV looks beautiful when turned off, and a matte TV looks beautiful when turned on.

I use both cases, but I still chose the glossy version...

But remember, the anti-reflective coating of a matte display will not protect you from glare 100%, but it will be slightly less noticeable than on a glossy screen.

Of course, it is impossible to create ideal conditions for the entire life of the screen.

Today your TV or monitor (together) is far from the window, and tomorrow you will rearrange the furniture and furnishings in general and the TV will end up in a space flooded with sunlight.

Therefore, when choosing a glossy or matte display, you are making a compromise in any case.

If it were possible to make a TV screen where, at the click of a finger, the matte finish would change to glossy (and vice versa), many would be happy.

After all, this would allow you to “tune” the monitor to specific conditions. But this is impossible. Therefore, the opposition “glossy or matte” will probably continue to exist.

After all, how many people there are, so many opinions. In any case, it's up to you to decide.