Where is the screenshot on the laptop. The easiest way. Other system methods

When working on personal computer, an advanced person may definitely be faced with the task of capturing a screen image or active window for further sending of the received screen by e-mail or to save as separate file. To do this, the user must have the knowledge, skills and abilities how to take a screenshot on a laptop, where they are stored and how to edit them. Manipulations and ways to do « Print Screen» with different Windows operating systems, supplemented from version to version. The user will get information about this from the current article with detailed step by step description and illustrations.

Without exception, all Windows releases have built-in, factory functionality for taking a snapshot of the entire screen or a separate one. open window. If in XP and Windows 7 screenshots are stored exclusively in the buffer zone (without the ability to save the image as a separate file), then in versions 8 and 10 a special folder is provided for them, where they are automatically downloaded as "PNG" files.

Standard button

For all versions of operating systems from Microsoft All Laptops have a button for the feature on the laptop. As a rule, it is located with right side keyboards. The inscription on it may differ, but the functionality is the same. "PrtSc" or "prt scr". Sometimes required key may share functionality with "SysRq" or "Insert".

Screenshot in Windows 7

Pressing special button "PrtSc" or "prt scr", a snapshot of the entire user activity display on the PC is saved to the clipboard. To save it, you need to insert the image into an additional image editing program or into a document from the Microsoft Office line:

  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook

You can insert a snapshot into the content email, but it’s not very rational to do this, since the picture will turn out high resolution, will take up a lot of space and the size of the letter itself will increase significantly in Megabytes.

To attach a picture from the monitor to the text of an email or to prepare presentations, it is best to use special tools.

In cases of working with several windows, it is possible to capture the image not of the entire display, but only of a specific active document or open folder. Key combination "Alt+PrtSC".

And first the button "Alt" must be pressed, otherwise the focus will fail.

Screenshot in Windows 8 OS

The traditional methods of saving a snapshot from the display in Windows 8 have added additional opportunity. In the G8, it became possible for the user to take several screenshots in a row, since they are saved in special folder. Simultaneous pressing of buttons "Windows" And "PrintScreen" Automatically save the entire screen to the default folder "Pictures=>Screenshots" on disk "WITH:".


Button "Windows"= OS logo in the form of a window at the bottom left of the keyboard.

In the Russified version of the OS “Pictures=>Screenshots” = “Images/Screenshots”.

Snapshot tools in Ten

operating room Windows system 10 – the apotheosis of Bill Gates’ team. It has all the options of previous platforms for taking screenshots with additional functionality.

Hotkeys and combinations:

  • "prt scr"- snapshot of the entire screen
  • "Alt" + "prt scr"— screenshot of the active window
  • "Win" + "prt scr"— screenshot of the entire window with saving in a special folder
  • "Win" + "G"- starts gaming application with the ability to not only take a screenshot of the entire screen, but also record video clips of what is happening on the monitor. Make a video tutorial or film a presentation, record the progress of a game or video chat in a messenger.

Users laptop computers Often faced with the need to take a screenshot of their laptop screen. A snapshot of the entire desktop or some program window may be required to illustrate articles or publish on the Internet, for example, posting on in social networks. Let's consider the most simple ways taking screenshots on a laptop using standard Windows tools 7/10, third-party applications and browser plugins. The instructions below apply to portable devices different manufacturers, be it HP, Asus, Lenovo, Acer, Dell, Samsung, etc.

Print Screen key

Any Windows version Supports screenshot saving function using a specially reserved button PrintScreen(or Prt Sc for short). As a rule, it is located on the keyboard in the same row as function buttons F1-F12 are to the right of them.

Pressing Print Screen, you will take a screenshot of your entire laptop screen and place it on your clipboard. Now the picture needs to be inserted into some graphics editor, for which role the program is perfect Paint, included in the standard Windows assembly 7/10. Launch the application via Start and press the “Paste” button (or the Ctrl+V combination).

The image will be inserted into work area editor and all you have to do is save it by selecting in the menu File - Save As.

If necessary, the image can be subjected to easy processing, for example, crop or rotate. Paint has necessary set tools for such basic correction.

If you clicked Print Screen and tried to insert a snapshot into the editor, but nothing worked, then to create a screenshot you need to use Prt Sc in combination with special key Fn. U different models laptops, its location may vary. Another nuance - to create a screenshot not of the entire screen, but only of the active window, press the button combination Alt+PrtSc. This is very convenient, as there will be no need to crop the image later.

Scissors app

On laptops with pre-installed Windows 7/10 there is a program in the list of standard ones Scissors, which is quite handy tool taking screenshots. Find it in the Start menu and run it.

A small window will appear with several functional elements.

Immediately click the arrow next to the “Create” button and select the mode for defining the area for the image.

Let's try to take a screenshot of the window by selecting the appropriate item. Now click “Create”, hover the mouse over the window we are interested in (a red frame will appear around it) and left-click.

The snapshot will be displayed in the program interface, after which you can save it by clicking the floppy disk icon and specifying the path to the storage folder.

It is worth noting that the program has a function to delay the creation of a screenshot, which can be useful in cases where it is necessary to capture a fragment of the screen that disappears or appears under certain conditions.

You can also take screenshots in Windows 10 using the built-in utility, called by a combination of buttons Win+G. Actually, this game panel It is primarily intended for recording video from the screen, but the program also copes with the function of creating pictures with a bang. All you need to do is click on the button with the camera icon and the screenshot will be ready.

You can find it at Computer - Pictures - Screenshots.

Screenshots are also sent here after using the key combination Win+Prt Sc, which can be used even without launching the application in question, i.e. absolutely at any time you are behind the laptop screen. Taking a screenshot in this case is accompanied by a short-term darkening of the display.

Popular apps

There are many third party programs to capture an image from the screen. Each of them has its own functionality. Let's list the most popular applications:

  • FastStone Capture - one of the most the best tools for taking screenshots from laptop and computer screens. Allows you to flexibly configure hotkeys, captures images from any type of window, offers convenient editor for editing images and supports all the most common file formats.
  • Snagit– also has quite rich functionality that allows you to edit pictures, convert them from one format to another, capture different fragments screen (windows, fixed-size areas, entire page with scrolling).
  • Frapsthis program focused on creating screenshots in games. It does not cause freezes, allows you to set hotkey combinations, and saves images in the most popular formats.

Lightshot program

Utility Lightshot It should definitely be on the list above, but we have put it in a separate section to talk about it in more detail. To download the Russian version this application let's go to the developer's official website at https://app.prntscr.com/ru/.

Let's save installation file on disk, and then run it. After installation, Lightshot is immediately ready to use, as indicated by the program icon that appears in the tray.

By clicking on it right click and having selected the desired menu item, you can go to the settings, for example, to configure hot keys.

If you don’t want to bother with this, then it makes sense to proceed directly to creating screenshots of the screen. Click the same Prt Sc and use the mouse to set the capture area. After this, horizontal and vertical button panels appear.

The vertical one represents various drawing tools - pencil, line, text, etc. Horizontal allows you to save a screenshot on your computer, print it, or upload it directly to the Internet, simultaneously sharing a link to the picture with other users. In general, the functionality of the program is very impressive, but at the same time it is easy to use and not demanding on resources.

How to take a screenshot in a browser

Very often, when surfing the Internet, you need to save in graphically Internet page. Special plugins designed for the most different browsersMozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera. Let's look at how to install and use these types of plugins using Firefox as an example. Let's go to the add-ons page located at https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/, and using the search bar we will find the extension FireShot.

Click the “Add to Firefox” button and install the plugin, and then restart the browser.

Now on the right top corner a corresponding button has appeared that allows you to take screenshots of the screen, saving them with pre-editing or without it.

One of the main advantages of the plugin is the ability to create screenshots of the entire page, and not just its visible part. In addition, the extension's built-in tools allow you to save the image to the clipboard, publish it on the Internet, or send it by email. Judging by the drop-down menu, Fireshot can be integrated into Internet Explorer and Google Chrome browsers.

In conclusion, let's say a few words about taking screenshots from videos. The easiest way to do them is to use the capabilities of the video player itself. For example, in Media Player Classic, to save a frame from a movie, just press the key combination Alt+I.

This concludes our article. If you know how to take screenshots from a laptop screen in some other way, tell us about it in the comments below. Perhaps this information will be useful to readers.

There are two ways to take a screenshot of a laptop screen:

  1. No application additional programs(using only Windows capabilities);
  2. Using special programs for taking screenshots that have advanced capabilities, for example, allowing you to capture the mouse cursor (screen with cursor).

In this article we will look at these two methods.

How to take a screenshot without additional software

On the keyboard of any laptop or netbook based on IBM architecture, i.e. on all devices running under Windows control, there is a button with the inscriptions PrtSc And SysRq(PrtScn may be written instead of PrtSc - this does not change the essence of the matter).

Laptop keyboard

In this particular case, we photographed the keyboard of a powerful gaming laptop ACER Aspire V3-771G, but the key we are interested in is also found on other laptops.

So, the inscription PrtSc is an abbreviation of the English words “Print Screen” - can be translated as “screen printing”. In order to take a screenshot (“photograph” what is displayed on the laptop screen), perform the following steps:

Step 1. Press the PrtSc key, after which the image is saved to the clipboard. The clipboard is a special area in random access memory a computer in which data is saved during copying and transfer;

Step 2. Now we need to save the contents of the clipboard (screenshot) to long-term memory(on HDD or flash drive). To do this, you can use graphical Paint editor, which is available on any laptop or netbook running Windows. Launch Paint Button Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint and press the “Insert” button (you can press the combination CTRL keys+V), after which the screenshot will appear in the editor.

Screenshot pasted into Paint from the clipboard

Step 3. All that remains is to select the image format and save the screenshot on your laptop. Click on the save button or the CTRL + S key combination. Select a location to save the screenshot - as an example, I chose the “Yandex.Disk” folder, i.e. the screenshot will be saved not only on home computer, but also on a server on the Internet. We also indicate the file name and file type. By default, screenshots in Paint (Windows 7) are saved in PNG format. For photographs, formats such as JPEG, BMP and TIFF are also suitable. After the necessary settings, click the “OK” button.

Programs for taking screenshots

In many cases, it may be necessary to take a screenshot of the cursor, for example when creating training courses. In this case, you can use special programs designed for taking and processing screenshots. One such program is ScreenHunter, a free version of the ScreenHunter Free program, which can be downloaded from this link >>

In order for the program to capture the cursor, the “Mouse pointer” item must be checked in the settings - by default this checkbox is already checked.

ScreenHunter allows you to capture the cursor

Even free version ScreenHunter program has a wide range of features:

  • Capture both the entire screen and a selected area;
  • Capture cursor;
  • Saving a screenshot at the same time in GIF formats, JPEG and BMP - naturally, you can choose only one format for saving screenshots;
  • Selecting a location to save screenshots;
  • Quick capture when pressing a configured key - default is "F6".

That's all we planned to tell you about taking screenshots. As additional information let's say that if your laptop or netbook is running a Linux operating system, for example Ubuntu, then after pressing Print keys Screen you can immediately save the screenshot in the selected format. In this regard, Linux is more convenient than Windows.

Still have questions? Ask in the comments!

Snipping Tool in Windows 7

The Snipping Tool allows you to take a screenshot of any element on your desktop or the entire screen. The program is launched from the menu Start → All Programs → Accessories.

More details

Mac OS

To take a screenshot in Mac OS, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3. A file with a snapshot of the entire screen will appear on your desktop.

If you want to take a screenshot of a specific part of the screen, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 4 and highlight the desired area of ​​the screen with the cursor.

To take a screenshot of just the active window, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 4 and then press Spacebar.


iOS platform allows you to take a screenshot standard means since version 2.x. To take a screenshot, press and hold the button for a couple of seconds Sleep/Wake Mode and Home. The resulting images are saved in standard application Photo .


Take a screenshot on mobile device under Android control Can different ways- depending on the device manufacturer and platform version. The resulting images are saved in the standard Gallery application.

  • Android 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
  • Android 3.2 and higher
  • Android 1.x and 2.x
  • Samsung

Press and hold the button for a couple of seconds Decrease volume and Nutrition.

Press and hold the button for a while Recent Programs.

Platform Android versions 2.x and below does not support taking screenshots using standard means. Nessesary to use third party applications installed from Google Play.

Press and hold the Home and Power or Back and Home buttons for a couple of seconds (depending on your device).

Press and hold the Power and Home buttons for a couple of seconds.

Windows Phone

Often, users have a situation where they need to take a screenshot. In fact, this is not difficult to do, but when we're talking about about a laptop, beginners have some difficulties. This is due to the fact that such a device has a different keyboard.

On a Toshiba laptop or other similar device A screenshot can be taken in several ways, namely:

  • Windows tools;
  • Program "Scissors";
  • Specialized software.

Screen using OS tools

To take a screenshot, just click on the PrtSc button. Unfortunately, on many laptops the button may not work. This is due to the fact that the series service keys needs to be turned on. To do this, click on the Fn+ PrtSc button combination.

As for Toshiba laptops, the developers did not provide such keys. To take a screenshot on this laptop, you need to press the Fn+End key combination. After this, the photo will be placed in the buffer.

Once the photo is taken, it must be saved to any image type. To do this, it is recommended to use any graphic editor. Even Paint will do. If desired, you can use Photoshop. After creating a new document, you need to extract the snapshot from the buffer. This can be done in several ways:

  • Key combination Ctrl+V;
  • Key combination Shift+Insert;
  • Selecting "Insert" from the context menu.

Once the image is inserted into the document, all that remains is to save it in any graphic format.

Scissors program

Sometimes users are interested in how to take a screenshot of the screen on a laptop if the “PrinScreen” button does not work. Modern operating systems are equipped with a program such as scissors. To launch it, you need to open the start menu, and then in programs, enter the “Accessories” section. The program shortcut will be placed there.

When the program is launched, you need to expand the “Create” menu, and then select one of the items:

  • Free form;
  • Rectangle;
  • Window;
  • Whole screen.

When the area required for a screenshot is selected, a simple graphic editor will automatically open, allowing you to highlight the necessary areas with a marker or pen.

To save a screenshot, you need to open the "File" menu and then select "Save As".

Specialized programs

Since taking a screenshot on a laptop is a little more difficult than on desktop computer, many experienced users recommend that beginners pay attention to specialized software that allows you to take screenshots.

There are more than a dozen programs that can not only take a screenshot, but also edit the created image. Laptop owners are advised to pay attention to the following programs:

An application designed to take screenshots on a computer and laptop. The utility allows you to save pictures to any folder specified in the settings. In addition, compared to its analogues, ShotTheScreen is able to create screenshots automatically, at a specified time interval.

It should be noted that a picture can be taken of the entire screen or a specific area. Similar application Great for beginners starting to learn operating system and a laptop.

A program like FastStone Capture is a real “Monster” in creating screenshots. The application has great amount settings and advanced functionality. Finished image can be sent to Word document, by email, and also via FTP.

The screenshotter is capable of capturing:

  • Active window;
  • Whole laptop screen;
  • Arbitrary area;
  • Fixed area.

The advantage of this program is that in addition to regular pictures, users can create video clips by filming their desktop. Compared to its analogues, FastStone allows laptop owners to set up hot keys in order to then take screenshots. The utility can be Russified, which makes the work easier.

A shareware program that allows you to take screenshots and capture specific areas of the screen. Perfect for laptops and desktop computers.

The advantages of this application, compared to analogues, are:

  • Capture images and text of running programs;
  • Creating screenshots using a timer;
  • Ability to edit created screenshots;
  • Ability to save images in any graphic format;
  • Setting up hot keys.

Please note that such a utility is most suitable experienced users. Before using the program, it is recommended to read the manual.


Sometimes it is recommended to use the built-in tools, since it is enough to take a snapshot of the entire screen. If you need to edit or take a picture of an arbitrary area, you will have to install additional software.

How to take a screenshot on a laptop