Convert djvu file to pdf. How to convert a DJVU file to PDF (read convert redo conversion)

With development electronic document management and an increase in the number of office users, an enterprise often faces the question of standardizing the formats used in the institution. It is especially difficult in this sense for various kinds of universities and colleges, in which a lot of scanned scientific literature is stored in the form of DJVU.

Of course, this format was specially created for these purposes, but its prevalence leaves much to be desired. In any case, it would be better to convert DJVU to PDF. This will allow you to use in everyday work much simpler and more common programs that are already installed on the computers of most users.

What format is this?

In order for you to understand the need for such conversion, it is worth learning a little about the format itself, which is the “stumbling block”. As mentioned above, it was created for the digitization of books and scientific aids. Its advantage is its impressive compactness.

But there is one caveat here: all this applies only to those cases where the quality of the output document is not particularly important. For example, you can easily digitize and use in the future those manuals that contain a lot of images and high-quality tables.

What causes poor quality?

But much more often you see digitized documents of terrible quality, in which it is almost impossible to make out anything. What is this connected with? The thing is that in the DJVU format there are no fonts in the documents. In fact, such a document is a kind of “advanced” image.

So converting DJVU to PDF will allow you to at least somehow improve the readability of books that have been half-heartedly transferred to digital format.

How to convert?

A universal, simple and extremely compact program - DjView. It will allow you to convert even a large document in just a few minutes. The downside is that you can't select PDF specifications. What specific type of format is used for conversion at any given moment is unknown.

Virtual printer

This method will allow you not only to convert DJVU to PDF, but also to save even a web page in the format you require. How to convert in this case? First, you should install novaPDF or a similar program. To directly open the document we will use the WinDjView utility.

Once installed and configured, you can open DJVU books. PDF is obtained after you send them for “printing”. Unlike the previous case, you will be able to configure all parameters of the output document. Conversion time depends entirely on the characteristics of your computer, but about a hundred pages are converted in 10 minutes.


This application should be well known to domestic users, since for a long time it was the only option for quality. Today the program is already in its twelfth version, and its functionality has been radically expanded.

To convert DJVU to PDF, you must first launch the application. A main window will appear in which you should select the “Image file to PDF” option. Will open special utility, where the program needs to specify the path to the file that needs to be converted into a format more familiar to you.

But there is one problem. Firstly, the application is paid. Secondly, its performance drops with the release of each new version. If your computer does not shine with performance, then the DJVU book of 200-300 pages can “hang” it tightly.

Therefore, on weak machines and if the document is relatively small, it is better to use the utility included in the same FineReader. It's about about Screenshot Reader. The principle of its operation is to recognize text from page snapshots that the program takes independently. It consumes a minimum of resources, and the results are excellent.

STDU Converter

This utility will easily convert DJVU to PDF without spending a lot of time on this process. Its advantage over competitors is not only that it is free, but also that it has functionality that is quite comparable to them. Yes, you can convert to required format not the entire document, but only some fragment of it, by marking the corresponding pages with checkboxes.

The simplest option

The downside to all of the above applications is the fact that they are quite complex, and therefore may not be so easy for beginners to understand. The Boxoft application may be a way out of this situation. Its interface is as simple as possible. To convert, simply drag the document icon into the main program window, after which a similar file will appear in the same folder, but in PDF format.

When should you not convert?

We have already said what the advantage of DJVU is. In the case where the document has acceptable quality, and you are going to use it on a mobile device or through cloud service, there is no reason to redo it.

There are 3 main ways to convert DjVu files to PDF format- using a converter on a computer, through printing on a virtual printer of the operating system and using online services. Let's look at each conversion method in more detail and choose which one is faster and more convenient.

Method 1 - converter utility

Suitable for Windows OS users only. Download the DjVu to PDF converter. Unpack the downloaded archive to the root of any hard drive on the computer. Open the program folder, find and run the file called “Djvu Small Mod.exe”.

In the window that appears, in the middle, find and select the “Decode DjVu” operation.

After this, the interface will change a little, click the “Open file(s)” button at the top. Select one or more DjVu files that you are going to convert (batch conversion is supported).

In the decoding options, where it says "Output Format", click on the drop-down list and select PDF (see screenshot).

Then click the Browse button and select the folder where the created file will be saved.

At this point the preparations are completed. To convert selected DjVu files to PDF format, click on the right big button"Decode". The conversion happens page by page, so you may have to wait a minute or two, depending on the size of the files being processed.

Advantages of the method: no internet required, no advertising, independence from operating system components, confidentiality, simplicity, batch conversion, no installation required, small size generated PDF file, high speed.

Minuses: could not be identified.

Method 2 - through the WinDjView program (virtual printing to file)

Drag the DjVu file onto the site page or click on the red button and select it from a folder on your computer.

Then click the “Convert” button and wait until the green “Download” button appears.

After the process is completed, download the finished file; you can also compress it before doing this.

The service also supports saving the result in Google Drive and Dropbox.

Advantages of the method: no need to download the program, suitable for users of any OS (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, etc.).

Minuses: a permanent Internet connection is required, you will have to look at advertisements on the site, the Internet speed should be enough to send and download a file; converts slower than computer programs; third parties will know which books you are converting; Sometimes there are problems with the encoding - scribbles are displayed instead of Cyrillic.

Having summarized the pros and cons of the three methods, we conclude that it is more convenient to convert DjVu to PDF through a converter. Do you agree? Answer in the comments.

Programs for converting djvu to PDF

Convert djvu to PDF possible using specialized software. Ditto for djvu conversion-files from the Internet, you can download a plug-in for your browser (DjVu Browser Plug-in v.6.0.0).

Here are a couple of essential programs:

  1. STDU Converter.

Latest version with localization STDU Converter +rus. This program will allow you to quickly transform completely or individual pages document

First you need to download this program to your computer and run it. In the window that opens, select convertible djvu file, as well as the storage location for the finished PDF.
Then click the “Convent” button. That's basically it. Fast and convenient.
STDU Converter features:
- Convert DjVu or TIFF to PDF format.
- Convert pages selectively.
- Rotate selected pages before conversion.
- Add your bookmarks to the final document.

Basically, it's just a DjVU reader. But, with the help virtual printer, this program can convert djvu to pdf in few steps.

Open convertible file. Then click on “Print” and select from the formats offered to us, in in this case, PDF. A virtual printer window will appear in front of you, but it is not required instant withdrawal to print. Here you can also select the pages to be converted if not the entire document is converted. Then we select the file storage location and that’s it. Once the conversion is complete finished document will open.
Program features:

  • Support the most popular versions Windows
  • Various modes viewing
  • Ability to add bookmarks and annotations
  • Table of contents and page links
  • Full Screen mode
  • Page scaling options
  • Plan display modes
  • Mouse and keyboard navigation and scrolling

Other conversion programs and methods

PDF Creator- this program works as a virtual printer. PDF Creator can be used to convert many formats. Use is possible with any “reader” (for example, with WinDjView) by selecting from the list PDF printers Creator
Universal Document Converter(UDC) – this program will allow you to convert documents from djvu to various formats, not only in PDF. Ease of use will allow even the most experienced user Convert formats easily. Using this program is possible through the browser you use if you download the plugin. Another feature of this program is that when you open the virtual printer window, you should load the settings in the UDC printer properties. It's not at all as scary as it seems. In the settings you just need to select the conversion option; you don’t need to configure anything there manually.
- FinePrint, ePrint, SuperPrint, pdfFactory, etc. – virtual printers.
- IrfanView;
- AT&T
- DjVu Browser Plug-in v.6.0.0.

On this moment djvu files have good image quality, and specialized “readers” have an expanded range of actions. In terms of ease of viewing, they are not inferior to the usual Adobe Reader. But it is impossible to edit in such services. Therefore, conversion is often required.

When choosing a program, study system requirements. They are usually supported by all modern operating systems. Please note that some of the converters are provided on on a paid basis or in demo versions. Choose the program that suits you. Download only from trusted sites, as you can easily catch a “virus”.
It is convenient if a plugin is supplied with the djvu viewer. This will allow you, without downloading the file, to convert directly to PDF directly from the browser.
There are programs for viewing single-page files and for unpacking large archive. Therefore, it is also worth reading about what the program was created for when you download it to your computer.

How to convert a DjVu file to a PDF file using a program? Users often encounter this problem when they need to get a PDF file from a DjVu file.

A file saved in the DjVu format (“deja vu”), in contrast to a similar file in PDF format, is significantly smaller in size. Therefore, technical literature, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc., and other documents containing many images, diagrams, and photographs are often saved in the DjVu format. Book pages are saved in good quality, and the file itself will be significantly smaller size than the same file in PDF format.

Why is there a need to convert DjVu to PDF? The point is that there is a small amount of programs created for viewing files in DjVu format. You can read about the most popular DjVu viewers in the “Text” section on my website.

Second important point, problem viewing DjVu format files on different devices. If there are no problems with viewing “déjà vu” on your computer, then on mobile devices this is more difficult. Even if there are appropriate applications, there may be problems with formatting, etc.

The advantage of the PDF format is its versatility; there are no problems with viewing. An important advantage is that a PDF document looks the same on all devices and computers.

Therefore, a DjVu to PDF converter is needed. In order to convert DjVu to PDF, we use free programs for viewing DjVu format files (WinDjView, STDU Viewer, Sumatra PDF) having a print function.

Additionally, you will need to install a virtual printer on your computer. Virtual printer allows you to save a document in PDF format from a window open program, so this program will not be superfluous on your computer.

The Windows 10 operating system has a virtual microsoft printer Print to PDF, so users on this OS may not need to install similar program. On computers with operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 you need to install a free virtual printer, for example, BullZip PDF Printer, PrimoPDF, CutePDF Writer, doPDF.

Just install a virtual printer on your computer. You will use a virtual printer when necessary to save PDF files on your computer, instead of printing documents on a regular printer.

To convert DjVu to PDF online there are special services, which I will talk about in another article.

Convert DjVu to PDF in WinDjView

The free program is designed to view files in DjVu format. With this program you can convert a DjVu file to PDF format directly from the program window.

Open a book or any other document in DjVu format in WinDjView. Next, click on the “Print” button (image of the printer).

In the Print window that opens, select a virtual printer. I have a Microsoft Print to PDF virtual printer installed on my Windows 10 computer, so I chose this printer to convert to PDF.

If you have installed on your computer operating system Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (Windows 8), then select the virtual printer installed on your computer (you must first install a virtual printer on your computer).

In the Explorer window that opens, select a location to save the file, give a name the file being created. After this, the process of converting the file from DjVu format to PDF format will begin, which will take some time.

After the process is completed, you can open new file to PDF using a program for opening files of this type.

In this image, the PDF file is open in the viewer.

How to convert DjVu to PDF in STDU Viewer

Using a free program, you can convert DjVu to PDF from the program window. Open the DjVu file in STDU program Viewer.

In the "Print" window, select the virtual printer, and then click the "Print" button.

Give the new PDF file a name and choose a location to save it. Once the conversion process is completed, the converted PDF file is ready for use.

How to Convert DjVu to PDF in Sumatra PDF Software

The free program supports viewing files in DjVu format. In Sumatra PDF, you can convert DjVu to PDF in a similar way as in previous programs.

After opening the DjVu file in the Sumatra PDF program, click on the “Print” button.

In the “Print” window, in the “General” tab, select a virtual printer, and then click on the “Print” button.

In the window that opens, give the file to be saved in PDF format a name and select a location to save the file.

Conclusions of the article

By using free programs WinDjView, STDU Viewer, Sumatra PDF, which are designed to view files in the DjVu format, you can convert DjVu to PDF using the print function using a virtual printer installed on your computer.

DJVU is very useful for people who want to save scanned copies of books, magazines, diagrams, etc. This format was developed as an alternative to the PDF format, and unlike the latter it is more compact. This is one of the most popular formats, specifically optimized for scanned files containing images and text. Thanks to compressed size And high speed converting the DJVU file format is used to send large volumes e-books through the Internet. The main disadvantage file system DJVU is its inflexible nature. Man can't open DJVU document on your computer, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Amazon Kindle, smartphones and other devices. For those who want to read such a document at portable devices, you need to convert the file to PDF format. You can also download a special program to read such files.

Add to list best programs For djvu readings files include the following:

  • STDU Viewer;
  • DjvuReader;
  • WinDjView.

If you absolutely need to convert a djvu file to pdf, then there are several ways to do this.

Programs for converting djvu files to pdf

To convert a djvu file to pdf, in most cases, use special online services. At the same time, there are special programs for converting djvu files. The variety of options makes it difficult to choose, which is why ideal solution will narrow down your choice to the best ways for converting a DJVU file to PDF format.

  1. AVS Document Converter.
  2. Wondershare PDFelement.
  3. Five best online services For free conversion DJVU format to PDF.

AVS Document Converter

AVS Document Converter is multifunctional tool, capable of converting files from one file system to another, in just a couple of mouse clicks. Additional benefit use of this software is its ability to support Word, EPUB, MOBI, HTML, Text, FB2, PDF and other file extensions. To convert a DJVU file to PDF format, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

Step 1. Download AVS Document Converter:

Step 2. Convert DJVU file to PDF format:

When the conversion process is complete, the file will be saved in the destination folder you selected.

Wondershare PDFelement is the best PDF editor for Windows and Mac users

Instead of searching for applications to convert a specific file format to PDF, using just one tool simplifies the act of converting files to another format. All in one solution, in one tool called PDFelement.

Below are the main features of the program that make it a must-have tool for professional and personal use:

  • the ability to edit text, images, objects and links;
  • OCR and convenient way filling out forms;
  • converter and creator - universal utility allows you to convert PDF to any file format and any file format to PDF.

Using Wondershare PDFelement is very easy. Intuitively clear interface And stylish design can't help but please.

Step 1. Adding PDF files to a PDF element (in our case it will be a DJVU file):

Step 2. Make changes to the PDF (optional). As mentioned above, for us this is a DJVU file. Once the file(s) have been downloaded you will see various options PDF editing. If necessary, go to the Edit tab and select Edit to edit the text and images in the PDF file.

Step 3. PDF Conversion to another format and vice versa (in our case this is converting a DJVU file to PDF format):

5 best online services for free DJVU to PDF conversion

You can convert single page DjVu as well as multi-page DjVu to PDF using any of these websites. Additionally, some services on this list support a batch conversion process, while others can convert one DJVU file at a time.

Some of the DJVU to PDF converters below also have other interesting features. For example, one website allows you to view the conversion process in real time, while another service supports a maximum size of a single DjVu file of 200 MB, etc.

Let's start with the first online DJVU to PDF converter featured in this list.

1. DjVu to PDF

If you need bulk conversion of DjVu to PDF files, you must try this site. You can upload 20 DjVu files at one time for conversion. Once you add files, they are downloaded one by one and are also automatically converted. The conversion process itself is displayed in real time.

For each file you will see a "DOWNLOAD" button. This button can also be used to save a specific PDF file A.

On a note! You can also download all PDF files at once to zip archive using the "DOWNLOAD ALL" button.

Downloaded DjVu files are automatically deleted after one hour. Thus, the website also takes care of the privacy of your files. An excellent option for converting files.

2. Zamzar

Zamzar is a very popular file converter that supports a huge variety of file formats for conversion. Among these formats, DJVU to PDF conversion is also supported. Zamzar supports batch conversion of DJVU to PDF.

On a note! Unregistered users can upload a file with a maximum limit of 50 MB, and registered users (with free basic plan) can upload a file with a maximum size of 200 MB.

Once you have downloaded the DjVu files, you can choose to output them as PDF and then specify the address Email, in which you will receive links to download the converted files. Once you receive the download links, your files are stored on the servers for 24 hours and then automatically deleted. This is really a very useful site for converting DjVu file to PDF format.

3. Online Converter (DJVU to PDF)

DJVU to PDF is a very simple website with interesting features. It allows you to add the URL of a DjVu file on the Internet or a DjVu file stored on your PC. The site only allows you to convert one DjVu file at a time, but the conversion works very well. Maximum size file is 200 MB, which is satisfactory for DjVu files.

It is also equipped unique feature, which allows you to set a custom height and width for the converted file. This feature appears when you select Options. Although this feature is unique and very useful, it may not work.

The conversion speed is very good. In addition, your original file DjVu (same as on the 2 previous services) is deleted from the servers after conversion.


If you are looking for a DJVU to PDF converter that has no file size restrictions, then this online file conversion service will excellent choice. This is a great site for converting. large files DJVU in PDF format. Go4Convert allows you to convert multiple files at once. You can choose DJVU online file or download the DJVU file from your PC.

Once the DJVU file is downloaded, Go4Convert processes it and the save window automatically opens. Using this window, you can select a destination and save the output PDF on your PC. The conversion process is very good. So this is a very good site for DjVu conversion to PDF.

Note! This website does not provide any information related to what happens to your files after they are uploaded to the server or when they are deleted from the server.

5. Convert DJVU to PDF Online Free

Convert DJVU to PDF Online Free is a very simple and user-friendly website. You can only convert one DjVu file per site, but there is no size limit for a DjVu file.

Once you select the DjVu file from your PC and click the "Convert" button, the service will begin the conversion process, after which the "Save As" window will open. Using this window, you can save the output PDF file to the selected destination folder on your PC.

The site does not store your files, so they remain only with you.

So there are several simple ways in order to convert the DJVU file to PDF format. No matter which method you choose, use special program or an online service, converting files will not be difficult.

Video - Three ways to convert djvu to pdf