Download a program to check spelling errors. The best online services and programs for checking spelling and punctuation

Have a nice day! Today in this article I will talk about 7 services online checks spelling and punctuation of the Russian language. Let's learn to write correctly. :)

At the present time, it is quite relevant to post various content on Internet resources, provide text services directly related to this, check the quality of text using specialized tools, and protect content from theft.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the main programs, tools and services that help in structuring the text, checking it for spelling and punctuation errors and matches existing on the network, as well as readability.

7 online spell checking services

    The algorithm from is capable of as soon as possible identify a huge variety of errors, among which the most important are spelling and punctuation errors. The opportunity to perform text analysis from the service is used not only by students and researchers. The relevance of using the algorithm only increases over time - this is also directly due to the fact that the range of its implementation in the educational system is growing over time.

  1. With this service, users of the so-called “ World Wide Web“We started using it relatively recently, however, despite the youth of the project, reviews about it are usually positive. An undoubted advantage of is the availability of a special tool that allows you to optimize finished diplomas and coursework to meet the required parameters of state standards.

    Using the service is absolutely free, however, if the user liked the work with the “electronic speller”, he can support it with the help of charitable contributions that optimize the functionality of the software integrated into the portal.

  2. Very convenient service to check spelling and punctuation online. At the very top of the portal, the number of completed works is demonstrated, as well as the number of users checking the work simultaneously with the user who visited the site - this is what shows the demand for using

    You can choose from desktop, trial and full version programs.

  3. Multilingual verification from Advego is what is called a “classic of the genre.” According to usage statistics, the service is the best among similar ones that check and analyze various content. It is distinguished by the demonstration of “water content” indicators, which allows one to determine the quality and compliance with the theme in the context of the style outlined by the author.

  4. Yandex is also, as they say, “not going to shepherd those in the rear” - that is why it developed the innovative “Speller”, which has already been liked by many Internet users.

    The service is distinguished by the ability to integrate with applications, support for three languages, and the ability to work directly with application developers. An important point Before you start checking for spelling errors, you can read the documentation and agree to the rules.

  5. The very famous art studio of Artemy Lebedev provides everyone with unique opportunity checking content for errors. Distinctive feature Using the service can be considered the ability to highlight unknown words. What’s noteworthy is that unknown words can be highlighted with a “mourning” frame, crossed out, or with a multi-colored marker.

  6. is one of the oldest and long-used services that allows you to perform a variety of actions. You can check both the spelling and morphology of the Russian language error for correctness. If you pay attention to the very bottom of the page, you will notice that the date of creation of the portal is considered to be the distant year 2004.

I hope that short review online services for checking spelling and punctuation of the Russian language and content analysis will help you write your texts without errors. You can also check out countdown time for the site. I wish you success in writing texts, submitting various scientific papers and in creativity. :)

Write in the comments which online spell checking services do you use???

Nowadays, checking spelling and punctuation online plays a very important role. This is especially true for authors of books and articles, copywriters, editors, and in general all people who are in some way connected with writing. For them, the ability to check spelling and punctuation in their own and other people’s texts is simply a lifesaver.

Previously, you had to do everything yourself, but now the age of machines has come and it is better to entrust such tasks to them. Therefore, it makes sense to consider which text checking services are the most popular and most convenient.

1. Spell check from

This service is the most “promoted” and popular in the CIS on our list. But it's not just about advertising. is really very convenient to check texts for Russian language errors. At the same time, using the service looks as simple as possible.

You need to do the following:

  • Insert text for verification into the only field.
  • Click on the “Run Check” button at the top, in the “Spell Check” block. You can also click on the “Check Spelling” button, which is located below the above-mentioned insert field.

  • On the right will be the test results. Errors found are highlighted in red. At the top, where there used to be a “Run scan” button, explanations of the errors found will be shown.

As you can see, using this service is very convenient and practical. At the top we can see that along with the spell check, SEO parameters are also checked automatically. These include water, spam, and the number of characters.

The results are also displayed in blocks at the top and right. There, at the top, but on the left there is a uniqueness check button. All this is extremely important for copywriters and content managers.

Among the features of the service it is worth noting Special attention to the possibility of receiving a link to verification. To do this, a little lower on the right there is a field where you can copy the link.

Important: Before copying the link, be sure to log in to the site (if you do not have account on, register) and click on the “Open access for everyone” button. Without all this, the verification link will be invalid.

From everything described above, it is clear that it is not in vain that is extremely popular in the CIS.


Another great project that helps correct errors in a wide variety of texts.

Using is as follows:

  • Next, paste the text into the large field in the foreground and click the “Check (F7)” button.

  • Next, the result of the check will be shown in a small block at the top right. It’s very good that all errors are divided into categories and highlighted in different colors. You can check the boxes next to certain sections and show only them.

A little below the block with the test results, an explanation of some errors will be shown, which is also very useful.

It is worth saying that now checking on the service has become paid and users have to buy a subscription for a certain number of checks.

The service can also be used for free, but in this case the number of characters is limited to 500. Previously, the user could check as many characters as he needed.


LanguageTool is also a very useful site that helps you check texts for errors and correct them. In principle, almost everything here is the same as on, but much simpler.

To use the service, you need to do the following:

  • Insert your text into the only input field. This is done in almost the same way as in other services.
  • Next, click on the “Check…” button slightly below and to the right of the text insertion field. If you are checking the text in a language other than Russian (yes, there is such an option here!), you need to select it. To do this, there is a language drop-down menu, which is located on the left, also at the bottom of the same insert field.

  • The result here is displayed somewhat non-standardly. Passages where there are errors are highlighted directly in the text. You need to click on this fragment. After this, a drop-down menu will appear, which will show options for corrected words or text passages. There are also items “Ignore this error”, as well as “Suggest this word for the dictionary...”. In the second case, the word will be sent to the service editor for review and, if he approves it, the word will appear in the dictionary.

It is useful that at the top of the drop-down block that appears in place of the selected fragment with the error, its type is displayed.

There was a spelling mistake in Figure 9. True, it is clear that the vocabulary here is still a little limited.

In some cases, some non-standard words or phraseological units are identified as errors. But this is forgivable.

4. ORFO Online

A project that has recently appeared on the market, but has already gained enormous popularity among users from all over the CIS. It’s worth saying right away that ORFO Online has more ample opportunities online text editing.

So in the internal editor you can change the font, size, highlighting, location and add hyperlinks.

Otherwise, using this service looks like this:

  • Insert your text into the single input field.
  • If you wish, you can go to the Options tab at the bottom. There you can check the boxes to ignore capital letters, Latin letters, numbers and “capitalization”. In this case, you can clearly see what is meant. If you are checking the text in some other language (not Russian), you can go to the “Languages” tab and select the one you need.
  • Click on the "Check" button.

The ORFO Online package can be integrated into Word and work together with it. The advantage of this option is that this service differs in much more developed verification parameters for various languages.

If you don’t have Word installed, ORFO Online is a great way out of the situation.

Some other services can be seen in the video below.

Any work related to writing or editing texts requires careful checking for spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors, as well as their correction. Fortunately, in our age high technology you don’t have to do this manually, which saves a lot of time and effort. Special tools, services and programs designed to identify the author’s shortcomings in the presented text will help you perform the correction. Even if we do not take into account people who have great difficulties with the Russian language, spell checking will always be relevant and can be useful in different types activities. Everyone makes mistakes, because even with perfect literacy, the human factor is always present.

TOP programs for checking spelling and punctuation.

The appearance of numerous typos and spelling errors in the text is a common occurrence when working with large volumes of text, resulting from a loss of concentration. Of course, utilities for checking the grammar of the Russian language cannot always determine the correctness of spelling, since they do not sense and do not take into account the context. Even one comma, placed grammatically correctly, but in the wrong place in a sentence, can completely change the entire meaning of what was said, and sometimes the same text carries the opposite semantic load even with the same punctuation. Such subtleties of the Russian language are captured only by a living person, and then only by its native speaker.

The topic of misunderstanding of the exceptional features of syntax that defies the logic of foreigners is inexhaustible; services for checking the quality of text also stumble over sayings with a controversial interpretation. Also, many slang expressions are often missing from program dictionaries, which makes it impossible to perfectly correct what is written. At the same time, the use of such software allows you to pay attention to most of the mistakes made in texts and eliminate them. Author "helpers" can be integrated into a text editor, additionally downloaded to a computer, or used online.

Today, there are many services that check the correctness of spelling, but many of them, even with the detection of obvious errors, are completely at fault. Moreover, correctly stated sentences are often regarded as unacceptable in speech. Blame it on scarcity vocabulary and misunderstanding of some lexical chains, as in the example of the comprehension of the Russian language by foreigners.

Programs for correcting errors in the text can cope with grammar checking with a bang, but the analysis of punctuation marks in the text is implemented in services in a rather primitive way. Often, the user is only asked to highlight introductory words and simple syntactic constructions with commas, and when faced with complex sentences big amount revolutions, programs no longer see the need for additional elements writing and often, without any hesitation, ask to simplify the writing. Let's look at the most popular and adequate tools for working with text error checking, naturally with support for the Russian language.

Microsoft Word

The well-known editor from the Microsoft Office package is equipped with quite rich functionality. Among Word's many options is a built-in typing checker in several languages. The editor includes automatic highlighting of identified errors, which is very convenient because it allows the user to instantly correct shortcomings, thereby making adjustments as work progresses, and not at the end. If the function is inactive, go to the “Review” tab and go to “Spelling Options”, where we tick the necessary items, and best of all, everything except the exceptions section.

Spelling errors are highlighted with a red wavy line, while grammatical errors are highlighted with a green line. When you highlight a word or sentence, you can call context menu and, by selecting the “Grammar” or “Spelling” item (depending on the nature of the error), clarify why the editor does not like this spelling, replacement options will also be offered, but, of course, not a fact. Microsoft Word also contains convenient function adding words to the dictionary, after which the editor will not underline them as an error. You can also skip a specific word or sentence, including throughout the document in case of repetition. It is possible to configure autocorrect to suit your own requirements; the program automatically corrects errors in the text according to the selected parameters (replaces characters when accidentally pressed, puts capital letters at the beginning of the line, etc.). You can write in any style you like by setting the necessary options, including using colloquial expressions or expressive vocabulary, if necessary.

The online service allows you to check the quality of the text for uniqueness, spelling errors, and also perform SEO analysis. The resource is quite good and is used by representatives of various professions to create quality content. At the same time, punctuation is very difficult here, or rather, checking it, apparently, is not provided for at all, since only the simplest errors are emphasized, for example, in the absence of punctuation marks before prepositions. Commas can be placed completely out of place, even after each word, will not notice this - checked.

As with all similar online services, the algorithm of operation is simple: you need to insert text into the appropriate field, then press a button to start the process. Text checking is carried out quite quickly; upon completion, identified errors will be highlighted, by clicking on which you can see detailed information with replacement options, if they are present in the service’s arsenal.


A young multifunctional service, but already proven to be a good this moment is paid, but the subscription cost is low. To evaluate the capabilities of checking text for errors, including checking punctuation, the user needs to register or log in using an account on any social network. The service will offer you a choice of authorization options. Spelling provides a package of free checks for 6 thousand characters for review, after which the services are available with a commercial subscription.

Despite the excellent functionality of the site, the principle of use is simple: you need to paste the text into the area of ​​one of the tabs, and the service has three of them - Literacy, Beauty and Quality, click the button to start checking, after which the service will provide results with explanations and options for correcting errors. In the text being checked, all found flaws related to grammar, spelling, punctuation, as well as stylistic inconsistencies will be highlighted in different colors. The spelling checker does an excellent job of checking, allowing you to identify even non-obvious errors, and combines the functions of several services. So small fee the cost of using a program that checks the text according to all parameters is nothing compared to the benefits gained.

The service with the ability to edit and design ORFO documents offers a fairly wide range of options. To check spelling, you need to paste the text into the appropriate field, click the “Check” button and the results will not take long to arrive. Errors will be highlighted by analogy with Word; by the way, the interface of the built-in editor is also similar to Word. The service supports dictionaries of 9 languages, adding new words is available, and if necessary, the ORFO package can be integrated into the same Word.

The resource is designed to check spelling errors in texts; it supports three languages ​​(Russian, English, Ukrainian). To select a replacement, Speller uses CatBoost library, which ensures decoding of words printed with distortions and takes into account the semantic context in the process of identifying typos. The service is interesting due to its ability to integrate with applications, with using the API it can be connected to any HTML form. Despite the fact that Yandex Speller was intended for web developers, ordinary users can also use it.

A multilingual resource for checking the literacy of texts, identifying punctuation, grammatical, spelling and stylistic errors. You can use the service online, download the computer version of the program or install it as a browser extension. In addition to Russian, the Language Tool program supports more than 40 languages ​​and adverbs and can also independently determine the language in which the text is written. The check is performed in a similar way to other services. for this purpose, based on the analysis results, spelling errors will be highlighted pink, punctuation – orange.

A multifunctional spell checker that also corrects texts in automatic mode. The AfterScan Express application allows you to handle recognition errors, punctuation errors, and remove extra indents and spaces. In addition, the program detects abbreviations, formulas, special characters, etc. AfterScan is available in various options, AfterScan Professional has more functionality than Express version, assumed for home use. For example, it includes an error handling function manual entry, and also added other interesting features.

You shouldn’t blindly rely on services and text checking programs; technologies are not yet so advanced as to exceed the human intelligence that created these very auxiliary tools. The only exceptions are some individuals, for whom it is better to unconditionally trust the software, without even asking unnecessary questions. Unfortunately, the great desire to write pushes even completely illiterate people to numerous publications, and so far there are no obstacles to this. At the same time, for an experienced author who is not at all literate, such tools also often become a lifeline. The main thing is to carry out the check wisely and carefully in order to avoid such incidents as with the notorious T9.

Where available free check spelling online.

It makes no sense to describe the operating principle of these services. The user only needs to copy a piece of text and paste it into special form.

After a short period of time, the test result is provided.

Let's look at 7 spelling and punctuation checking services.


Application with open source code, LanguageTool is designed to correct grammar, punctuation and style.

In addition to spell checking, the program highlights repetition of words and some grammar errors, guided by checking rules for 25 languages, including Russian, German, French and English.

For most grammatical errors Correction options are offered. LanguageTool can be launched directly in the browser or installed as a standalone application.

Important! The service automatically detects the language of the text, but users are still recommended to set the primary language in the add-on settings. Native language must be installed to receive homonym warnings.


The service copes well with checking fairly large texts unique content Advego. Maximum length text – 100 thousand characters.

For this purpose, the website has a section located at Service-Tools-Spell Check.

The resource is multilingual, and therefore users are given the opportunity to check spelling online texts in almost any language.

When an error is found, the word is highlighted with a dotted line, and when you hover over it with the cursor, replacement options pop up.

In addition to errors, it is also available statistical information: classical and academic accuracy, wateriness of the text, number of stop words, etc.

The reference and information portal on the Russian language is intended for those who want to check their spelling and also improve their knowledge of the Russian language.

On home page provides a general overview of the information found on the site. Therefore, having examined the main sections, it is easy to understand the structure of the site.

In addition to whole texts, maximum size which is 4 thousand characters, the service provides the ability to check individual words.

In the archive of the help desk you can find almost any information related to spelling.

If the answer is not found, you can ask philologists.


Another fairly convenient and uncomplicated spell checking service. It features a convenient morphology and spelling checker.

You also have the opportunity to work on the text in the verification form itself.

Using DeepText is very simple. You need to paste the fragment into the field and click the check button. Misspelled words are underlined with a red wavy line.

However, this service only highlights errors and does not offer replacement options.


The ORFO system will help you check spelling online, spelling in texts in Russian, German, Ukrainian, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

In addition to high-quality spell checking, ORFO includes a set of useful functions necessary during processing. It is possible to work in the editor itself.

The ORFO application shows all word forms and has an expanded morphological dictionary for the user.

The ability to use several dictionaries simultaneously for both the grammar module and the search and replace node in all forms has been developed.

Added panel quick launch from Microsoft Word.

Multifunctional service for processing text content. The functionality allows you to implement various tasks.

Many spell checking services are “famous” for their templated and stingy interface. is not one of those.

Everything is done in calm colors with small red accents, stylish and comfortable to look at.

Despite the fact that the spell check does not reach a solid five, you can still see the shortcomings.

Online error correction is also available to unregistered users. Just go to the “Spell Check” section, paste the text and click the red button below.

After checking, everything that the program considers incorrect is highlighted.

These “errors” include words that are unfamiliar to the application, even if they are familiar to you and most dictionaries. Double spaces and classic typos are also detected.

The minimum number of characters for checking is 100, the maximum is 15,000. Even large texts are checked in one minute, which is very pleasing.

Important! Along with spelling, the user receives SEO analysis of the text. Displayed on the page pivot table data.

It is also possible to check text documents in the form of files. An archive of verified texts is saved in personal account user. A link is provided for each text.

Everyone can make mistakes, so spell checker- This required application for spelling. The need for writing has increased even more with the advent of the Internet; most people only need to communicate with proper spelling and punctuation to make a good impression. There is another goal - professional; writing is involved in a number of areas of activity; in order to protect yourself from mistakes, you can use programs.

Few programs for checking spelling of the Russian language are capable of providing high-quality and comprehensive information on the text, as well as eliminating possible errors. Nevertheless, such applications exist, some of them are presented in the form of online services, and others are presented in the form of desktop applications.

Benefits of using the programs:

  • maximum work efficiency is achieved;
  • most programs do not require access to the network;
  • light weight of applications;
  • ability to install additional packages for checking spelling in specialized areas (not all utilities have this function);
  • high speed;
  • ability to install on computers with low performance.

Read also: Polaris Office– a program for working with documents. Detailed description

Program for checking Russian spelling ORFO 2012

The only program for checking spelling and punctuation of the Russian language, which additionally allows you to check stylistics. Certainly, last chance is just being developed because technical implementation complex, but already functional for a number of errors.

The advantage of the program is its ability to check spelling and punctuation at the same time. Thanks to the availability large dictionary the risk of misinterpretation or errors on the part of the utility is reduced. Note that the program contains 3 dictionaries at once, for greater accuracy of the procedure. Additionally, a dictionary of antonyms is built in to select the optimal pairs. The functionality of the utility is quite extensive.

A useful function is a dictionary of synonyms; in the process of writing texts, in order to avoid tautology, you often have to select words with the desired meaning. Thanks to ORFO 2012, selection has become much easier.

An unusual feature is a dictionary of paronyms; the function does not find application in a business style or writing articles, but it allows you to select words with a similar sound, but different meaning for poetry. A kind of help in choosing rhymes. Can be used in fairly specific industries, such as games, puzzles, etc.

The program also contains Dahl dictionaries, geographical and etymological types of dictionaries. Etymological type is information about the origin of a word, its Short story and similar information. A geographical dictionary allows you to obtain information about a city or country in a concise manner.

An additional advantage is the ability to integrate the program into an office Microsoft package Office, where the utility will perform its task, replacing standard features applications. The check can also be performed in applications other than Word, such as Excel.

The only drawback is that the application is paid, but considering the amount of benefits, the utility is worth the money.

Spell Checker

The application has interesting idea and a number of useful functions, but due to the lack of application support, performance is in question. The utility has an instant spell checking function, blocks of text can be checked directly from the buffer, and there are also additional features.

The disadvantage of the program is that it is difficult to configure for use. It's one thing to download and install the program, the problem begins with the need to add dictionaries. Despite the technical complexity of the procedure, this allows you to select the optimal dictionary and make texts truly literate. This is especially useful for technical, legal and other specific areas of user activity.

Conclusion: the application is not bad, but outdated and difficult to configure.

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ORFO editor

ORFO editor is a modest-sized editor for text, which is similar in its action to online resources. The required section of text is inserted into a special window and the Grammar element is clicked, then the information is gradually checked.

The functionality in the application is quite small, everything is to the point. There is the ability to interact with the clipboard, provides data on word forms, allows you to add dictionaries for various industries, eliminates unnecessary hyphens/spaces, etc.

Grammar reference

The application contains key rules for correct writing in Russian. A special feature of the program is the ability to take tests that will help determine the level of knowledge and skills. The check will allow you to draw conclusions about weaknesses knowledge and draw up a training plan for yourself, it is likely that the program will not be required in the future.

The application has its own website, where spell checking is also available and a grammar reference is built-in.

Using these programs will avoid possible errors in the text and will greatly simplify your work.

If you still have questions on the topic “Overview of programs for checking spelling and punctuation,” you can ask them in the comments

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