Download djvu pdf conversion program. From PDF to DJVU

How to convert a DjVu file to a PDF file using a program? Users often encounter this problem when they need to get a PDF file from a DjVu file.

A file saved in the DjVu format (“deja vu”), in contrast to a similar file in PDF format, is significantly smaller in size. Therefore, technical literature, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc., and other documents containing many images, diagrams, and photographs are often saved in the DjVu format. Book pages are saved in good quality, and the file itself will be significantly smaller size than the same file in PDF format.

Why is there a need to convert DjVu to PDF? The point is that there is Not a large number of programs created for viewing files in DjVu format. You can read about the most popular DjVu viewers in the “Text” section on my website.

Second important point, problem viewing DjVu format files on different devices. If there are no problems with viewing “déjà vu” on the computer, then on mobile devices this is more difficult. Even if there are appropriate applications, there may be problems with formatting, etc.

The advantage of the PDF format is its versatility; there are no problems with viewing. An important advantage is that a PDF document looks the same on all devices and computers.

Therefore, a DjVu to PDF converter is needed. In order to convert DjVu to PDF, we use free programs for viewing DjVu format files (WinDjView, STDU Viewer, Sumatra PDF) with a print function.

Additionally, you will need to install a virtual printer on your computer. Virtual printer allows you to save a document in PDF format from a window open program, so this program will not be superfluous on your computer.

The Windows 10 operating system has a virtual microsoft printer Print to PDF, so users on this OS may not need to install similar program. On computers with operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 you need to install a free virtual printer, for example, BullZip PDF Printer, PrimoPDF, CutePDF Writer, doPDF.

Just install a virtual printer on your computer. You will use a virtual printer when necessary to save PDF files on your computer, instead of printing documents on a regular printer.

To convert DjVu to PDF online there are special services, which I will talk about in another article.

Convert DjVu to PDF in WinDjView

The free program is designed to view files in DjVu format. With this program you can convert a DjVu file to PDF format directly from the program window.

Open a book or any other document in DjVu format in WinDjView. Next, click on the “Print” button (image of the printer).

In the Print window that opens, select a virtual printer. I have a Microsoft Print to PDF virtual printer installed on my Windows 10 computer, so I chose this printer to convert to PDF.

If your computer has an operating system Windows system 7 or Windows 8.1 (Windows 8), then select the virtual printer installed on your computer (you must first install a virtual printer on your computer).

In the Explorer window that opens, select a location to save the file, give a name the file being created. After this, the process of converting the file from DjVu format to PDF format will begin, which will take some time.

After the process is completed, you can open new file to PDF using a program for opening files of this type.

In this image, the PDF file is open in the viewer.

How to convert DjVu to PDF in STDU Viewer

Using a free program, you can convert DjVu to PDF from the program window. Open the DjVu file in STDU Viewer.

In the "Print" window, select the virtual printer, and then click on the "Print" button.

Give the new PDF file a name and choose a location to save it. Once the conversion process is completed, the converted PDF file is ready for use.

How to Convert DjVu to PDF in Sumatra PDF Software

The free program supports viewing files in DjVu format. In Sumatra PDF, you can convert DjVu to PDF in a similar way as in previous programs.

After opening the DjVu file in the Sumatra PDF program, click on the “Print” button.

In the “Print” window, in the “General” tab, select a virtual printer, and then click on the “Print” button.

In the window that opens, give the file to be saved in PDF format a name and select a location to save the file.

Conclusions of the article

Using free WinDjView programs, STDU Viewer, Sumatra PDF, which are designed to view files in DjVu format, you can convert DjVu to PDF using the print function using a virtual printer installed on your computer.

The service allows you to convert (convert) from the Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) to the DJVU format

PDF is an abbreviation for Portable Document Format, which can be translated from English as “Portable Document Format”. It was developed by Adobe Systems for use by US federal authorities as a document storage tool. It is a universal, cross-platform format that is now standard for electronic documents. It serves to convert without any loss text files(including photographs or other images) in electronic documents. To read PDF files you need special programs– Adobe (Acrobat) Reader, PDF-Viewer and others.

DJVU is a format raster images, which is used to store scanned magazines, books, catalogs, other types of printed materials, as well as simply scanned images. In addition, files in the specified format developed by LizardTech can be used for text documents, in which there are many formulas, drawings, diagrams. Other formats with similar functionality are not able to capture all the details of such files as accurately. DJVU is the optimal format for creating electronic libraries, which may contain large volumes of files.


More than an hour "Processing in progress". In my opinion this is a bit too much
Works great and quite fast.
It's bad that you can't select conversion options. In my case, the document turned out to be compressed and the text is hard to read.
Simple, understandable, high quality converter. I join everyone -

PDF to DJVU Converter- a converter program designed for convert PDF to DJVU. Using this program we will be able to successfully. “But why convert PDF to DJVU,” you probably ask. The fact is that in most cases, books in DJVU format take up much less space than their counterparts in PDF format e. Accordingly, for reasons of saving space on your computer, you can.

This guide will give detailed instructions how to convert PDF to DJVU. It is worth noting that our site discussed the reverse process: converting DJVU to PDF, but now we will show how it is possible. To successfully convert, we need a program that can do this. As mentioned above, this program is called PDF to DJVU Converter. It needs to be downloaded. You can download from the links at the end of this article. Well, now let's get down to our main task.


So, we downloaded the archive with the program PDF to DJVU Converter, unpack the archive, open the folder PDFtoDJVU/bin and double click mouse launch the file pdf2djvugui.exe or just pdf2djvugui (if the file extension is not displayed for you). The main window will open PDF to DJVU Converter:

Now in the line " Input File» click on the “Browse” button and indicate PDF file , which must be converted to DJVU. Let's look at the screenshots:

The “Output File” line indicates the folder where the file in DJVU format will be placed. By default, this is the same folder that contains the source file (PDF format). To get startedconvert PDF to DJVU click “OK”.

So, convert PDF to DJVUcompleted successfully. Once the conversion is complete, our DJVU file will automatically open. (Which program to open the DJVU format was discussed in the article:

Programs for converting pdf to djvu

The advantage of this format is its high degree of file compression, but this same advantage is sometimes also its disadvantage. Strong compression spoils the appearance of the pictures in the book, making them blurry and unclear. Also the lack of ability to edit in djvu programs also leads to the need for conversion. For this and other reasons, many people experience constant problem, to convert pdf to djvu. Some people have to go through more than one step to make the conversion. However, this leads to loss of time and nerves. And if it concerns one or two pages, then this may not be so noticeable, but what if you need to constantly convert large volumes of material?

Fortunately, special programs have been developed to make this difficult work easier. In this article we will look at the programs with which you can do this, as well as tips for using it.

STDU Converter program for translation pdf to djvu

There are actually several conversion methods. Eat different programs and methods. We will look at the STDU Converter program. This program is easy to use and convert pdf to djvu It will be enough to press just two buttons to cope with the conversion of any size source file. Also, this program will allow you to create your own document structure as a document output. Another advantage STDU programs Converter is that it does not need to be installed, since this program is portable. Let's say that you don't need to convert the entire document, but only some of its pages. The left panel of the STDU Converter program will allow you to do this. The program provides the opportunity to tick required pages and start converting them. This program is free and therefore you do not have to look for keys or pay for it.

It's easy to use. To carry out the conversion, it will be enough to use it to open déjà vu document and click the “convert” button. The only other action you will have to do is to specify in the program window that opens the final location for saving the file. That's all.

WinDjView for conversion pdf to djvu

Another program with which you can convert pdf to djvu serves WinDjView. At first glance in front of us regular program, reading djvu format. However, it is not. Built into WinDjView interesting feature, which serves as an excellent converter.

Using this program is not difficult. First we open required document, subject to conversion. After opening it, click on “print”. Do not be afraid. In this case, your printer will not start printing pages. This is the virtual printer dialog box. In this window we will be offered options for final conversion expansion. Select pdf and start the printer. All that remains is to select the final conversion folder, and the work is completed. Finally, the resulting document will open automatically.

There are also other programs with which you can do the conversion. For example, PDF Creator, a universal Document Converter, allows you to convert not only to PDF, but also other formats.

Whatever program you use, you first need to study system requirements programs. And if you download it from a file hosting service, be sure to make sure it is reliable so as not to get viruses with the program. If there is a djvu plugin along with the viewer, then you can convert the files through the browser.

How to convert djvu to pdf so that the text of the document remains as readable as possible? To do this, you need to use proven programs and services.

The djvu format can be found in scanned pictures and documents. Typically, literature is distributed online using this format.

The peculiarity of such documents is that they take up little memory and at the same time have good quality.

Typically, text appears very clearly. The disadvantages of the format are the minimum number of programs for viewing djvu.

There is also a problem with displaying scanned documents on mobile devices.

The pdf format is universal method viewing documents. It allows you to compress an image many times better than, for example, JPEG.

Such documents can be viewed on computers, phones, smartphones, because there are a large number of programs for displaying them.

Converting a file from djvu to pdf allows you not to lose text and maintain the quality of the document.

Let's look at several converters that work online, as well as desktop utilities for converting formats.

Online services

  • This web program does not require registration on the site and does not ask you to send paid SMS and does not limit the file size for conversion.
    In this case, format conversion occurs as quickly as possible and the user will be able to receive quality document pdf, which you can download to your device. Service address:

To convert files, click on the “Select file” button and in the explorer window that opens, find the djvu document.

Then click the “Convert” button and wait until the procedure is completed.

Immediately after the conversion you will receive unique link to download the final document.

If you want to convert other document formats, please use the links below the main conversion line.

  • The service also allows you to quickly and efficiently convert scanned images and documents. In addition to the direction from djvu to pdf, the service can also convert great amount other formats;

To get started, the user must download the file or enter a direct link to download it online.

Then check the box next to item 2 - “send a link to download the outgoing document by email.”

The service requires registration of each user. You can register completely free of charge.

Desktop applications

There are also conversion apps that the user can download and install on their Personal Computer or laptop. Let's look at the most popular of them.

  • The first application is called WinDjView.

You can install it for free from official resource developer

After installation, open the program. It allows you to not only convert files, but also view djvu documents.

To convert a file, click on the print button, which is located on the main toolbar and in the window that opens, select the printing method - “ Universal converter documents" as shown in the figure below.

Then wait until the conversion is complete and specify the directory where the final file will be saved.

  • Bullzip- virtual application PDF printer can also convert the document to required format.
    This program supports the ability, using any other application that has the function of printing documents and pictures, to convert files into pdf format.

The installation process is as simple as possible. You must agree to install additional components.

They are necessary for organization stable operation with other programs and will not harm your device.

To carry out the conversion, just open djvu file in any program to view it and in the print window, specify the bullzip application instead of the printer name (it will appear in the list of devices automatically) and click the “Print” button.