This item does not meet the icloud media library requirements. The best alternatives to iCloud Photo Library. Enable or disable your media library

Apple is worldwide well-known company, which produces computer devices. It is in high demand and constantly releases new developments. The range of products developed by this company includes mobile phones, laptops, tablets, computers, etc.

Every device is different high quality and necessarily represents part of the enormous Apple systems. It is worth noting that this company Known not only for its outstanding technology, some of its departments also proactively develop software.

Today I would like to talk about a famous, but still quite young software product, which has gained popularity as an iCloud media library. The article will discuss the question of what constitutes this program and how to use it. It is also worth paying attention Special attention its functions. Apple constantly supports its developments, regardless of the year they were released, while simultaneously producing all kinds of updates and extensions.

What is the program?

iCloud Photo Library is link all equipment produced by Steve Jobs' company. The program acts as someone virtual storage, capable of synchronizing with each other all devices available to the user. The main condition is that the devices be produced by the same company. As you know, almost every device uses a single account for its native equipment. In other words, the user will not be able to connect multiple devices until personal information is verified.

As a result, he simply doesn't will be tested and will not be able to identify serial numbers. For example, it is possible to synchronize mobile phone and a tablet, then connect a computer to them, and so on. The main requirement is access to the Internet. In addition, although initial knowledge is required program control. True, all information is contained in the instructions included with the product. Each user will be able to manage iCloud Photo Library.

What is the program for?

What functions does the presented application have? Media library iCloud iTunes makes it possible to easily synchronize data between devices using cloud storage. In other words, all information stored on iPhone, iPad, iMac has a copy in cloud storage. This makes it possible to receive data and move all information from any device without using unnecessary wires, without going through registration and without going through tedious waiting.

It is worth noting that this is quite convenient. Using iCloud Music Library, you can short time transfer any digital data. In just a minute they will be processed on another device. As a rule, such data includes multimedia data files, but the use of simple documents, presentations and other things is also allowed. True, you need to count on the amount of storage memory.

How to enable the program?

It doesn't take much effort to do this. After all standard settings make it possible to activate the sleeper switch and active mode utilities. You will need to go to the device settings, find iCloud menu and the sub-item “iCloud Media Library”. Next, it’s just a matter of activating the slider. After this, the function will become available. It must be remembered that the use of cloud storage requires registration and the creation of a single account for the devices.

When all the steps are completed correctly, you can easily log in and exchange information with virtual server. Its memory capacity is limited, so you should be careful about filling it with data. Otherwise, there may simply not be enough space. However, this is only the first stage of using the storage. It can be increased in the future. In addition, it is possible to specify in the settings exactly what data you plan to synchronize and which devices to recognize.

Photo storage

The main function of the service is cloud transfer photographs. When iCloud is active, every photo you take throughout the day will have backup copy in the service. It will persist certain time. This is provided for safety purposes possible removal information. After that, you can simply delete the photo from your phone, and it remains in the cloud storage forever. This method Quite convenient, especially if you often have to take pictures.

However, the program's functions do not end there. A photo editor is provided with it. True, it can hardly be called advanced, but it makes it possible to edit color shades, as well as cut unnecessary elements from the frame. Don't forget that you can use the editor from any device.

Video storage

Any device owner will be able to use the iCloud media library, be it a novice user or a person with significant experience in this type of activity. Therefore, the program is widely popular. In addition to the main function, which is storing and synchronizing data, you can use various editors designed for multimedia files. The main advantages of the service include efficiency, convenience and ease of management. Such advantages open up ample opportunities for maintaining a personal video diary, as well as active employment in the field of video recording. Currently with the editor standard features, however, this is not the limit. In the future, the developers plan to improve it.

Music storage As mentioned above, the iCloud Music Library includes standard features and offers an editor. This opens up the following opportunities for users:

— creation of audio albums;
— storing all information in the “cloud”;
- treatment audio tracks without special knowledge and skills;
— creating your own tracks;
— editing received audio recordings.

These functions may not seem very popular to some, but one can only imagine how many people do such things. Now they always have it at hand convenient editor. Thus, all the functions that the iCloud media library contains are described. As you can see, there are not very many of them, but they are easy to use at any time. It must be taken into account that the current age digital technologies requires these skills and capabilities. Today, various social media, an abundance of videos and more. But there is one rather small problem. It is very significant, although easily solvable.

Application problems

Sometimes there are situations when iCloud Photo Library cannot be enabled. It is worth noting right away that the reason for this is not a breakdown or deception. The program cannot be activated if the user does not have a registered account and licensed products. Today there are a huge number of fakes Apple products. At first glance it seems like an original, but in reality it turns out that under this beauty there is an empty blank. It does not allow you to use various services and other possibilities.

In order to distinguish the original from the fake, you need to know important rule: It is necessary to purchase products only in specialized Apple Centers. It is worth noting that even large retail chains can sell counterfeit goods. Extreme care should be taken to prevent possible problems And extra costs. As for the inability to connect, the cause of this problem is the lack of access to the Internet or registration of space in the cloud storage. It’s easy to fix, just find some free time for it.

Main purpose

At first glance, iCloud Photo Library is necessary for storing data from any device in virtual space. However, if you look from the other side, the service allows you to find a solution main problem associated with an unpleasant situation. It's about about when the user completely forgets the password and his device is blocked. Cloud storage allows any user to reset their own device without much difficulty. Thus, all data is stored on it. Thanks to this, you can avoid problems with blocking, while calmly continuing to use your device. There are also nice additions to the program. They are as follows:

— free data printing;
- editing of information;
- publication on social networks.

Program requirement

How can I disable iCloud Music Library? First you should know what is needed for this program to work? As you know, if the main conditions are not met, then activation of this development is simply not necessary. There are two conditions: the use of a licensed device and the availability of Internet access. In addition, there is another requirement, which is to register an account, but this is a completely different issue. As for the Internet, it must be provided to the user by the operator mobile communications By special rates. Device licensing has already been discussed in this article. If you stick to these simple recommendations, you can get rid of problems and use your own device without much difficulty.

How to disable the program?

This procedure will not cause any difficulties. Just go to the device menu and find special setting called iCloud and redirect the slider towards disabling. When these actions are completed, the device will not synchronize with cloud storage. This makes it possible to store information on your device. It is worth noting that disabling the iCloud media library is not recommended, since such a function is quite useful. Surely, at some point it will come in handy.

Further development

The article provides detailed information on how to use the iCloud service. It is also important to remember that all these features became available relatively recently. That's why this service It’s hard to call it complete yet. According to allegations Apple, the development will be actively developed, editors will be supplemented, space will expand, functions will be improved. Regarding storage capacity, Apple has already carried out her own plans. True, the extension is presented in paid version, but for a small amount.

Hi all! Yes, with exactly this problem - music cannot be recorded on the iPhone via iTunes, as many as 2 acquaintances contacted me in the last day! To be honest, I was a little confused when I first heard about this problem, since until that day no problems had arisen - you take a song from iTunes and drag it to your iPhone or iPad. But as it turned out, after the last iOS updates, something has changed in iGadgets, and now I’ll show you what exactly!

iCloud Music Library

The problem is buried in iCloud, or more precisely in the iCloud Music Library section, which synchronizes all songs on all your devices. What exactly is happening there, in this media library and how it exactly works, I won’t say. And it seems that even Apple itself is already confused why they need iTunes Match, iTunes Music Store and iCloud Photo Library! I don’t want to puzzle over how iTunes Match and the iCloud Music Library interact with each other, I’ll just say that by turning off the Library in Settings, you can record music to your iPhone/iPod/iPad from your computer via iTunes.

Before turning off the iCloud library, let's go to Music and see what's there:

As you can see, there are several folders and playlists - this is what I currently have on my Mac in iTunes (I deleted the untitled folder from iTunes, but it doesn’t want to disappear from the iPhone):

And in this mode we Can't transfer music to iPhone via iTunes from a computer... We can only listen to music online or download some song or folder to the device if we click on "..." to the right of the folder or song and click on Make available offline, although this does not always work:

How to turn off iCloud Music Library

Now let's figure out how to get rid of this scourge and return to the original, classic look. Go to Settings on your iPhone/iPod/iPad, scroll down to the Music section, and then turn off iCloud Music Library inside!

If for some reason reason iPhone swears that he will delete all the music on the device - calmly ignore and delete! After this, the Music program on the device will show what it should, that is, nothing. In my case, we see some playlists and music, but this is only what I have already bought for myself in iTMS :)

Now you can safely connect your iPhone to iTunes and record music in any way convenient for you!

By the way, after turning the iCloud media library on and off several times, folders with numbers appear in the playlists - this is most likely an iOS bug and will have to be fixed in next update... Deleting these folders is very simple - click on “...” on the right and click on Delete.

As a result, I still don’t understand through what mechanism the iCloud media library works - through iTunes Match (taking into account that I don’t subscribe to it) or something else. Again, if iCloud Music Library allows you to listen to all the music from your computer, then why is this Match needed!? Most likely this is somehow related to Apple Music, but again how? In general, I have more questions than answers. If you know the details, write in the comments, otherwise I’m completely confused!

Also don’t forget to subscribe to my group on social networks -

In this article, we will tell you how to work with iCloud Photo Library, view and delete photos and videos located in iCloud, and also answer the most frequently asked questions about this feature.

What is iCloud Photo Library

iCloud Photo Library provides iPhone owners And iPad opportunity store photos and videos in the cloud iCloud service and access them from mobile gadgets or computers (not to be confused with Photo Stream). Any changes to the media library on one device are synchronized with other devices within the same account Apple records ID.

New photos and videos are uploaded to iCloud when the device is connected to the Internet (Wi-Fi or via cellular network). Speed ​​of adding photos and videos to everything connected devices depends on the speed of your Internet connection.

After connecting the media library, instead of the “Camera Roll” album, the “All Photos” album will appear with the same functionality. This folder contains all photos and videos sorted by date added.

It is worth noting that in the settings of the Music application there is also iCloud Photo Library, which has nothing to do with iCloud Photo Library in iCloud settings for photo.

What devices does iCloud Photo Library work on?

  • On iPhone, iPad, iPod touch via the Photos application;
  • On Mac computers through the Photos application;
  • On Apple console TV;
  • On computers with Windows 7 and higher (required iCloud app for Windows);
  • On any device with an Internet browser installed via

What file types does iCloud Photo Library support?

When you copy photos and videos to iCloud Photo Library, all content remains in the original resolution. The service supports the following file types: JPEG, RAW, PNG, GIF, TIFF, HEIF, HEVC, MP4, as well as special formats, available when shooting in the Camera app on iPhone: Live Photos, slow-motion or time-lapse video, and 4K video).

By default, all photos and videos are stored in iCloud in the form in which they were taken.

How to enable iCloud Photo Library

Go to Settings -> Apple ID [your name] -> iCloud -> Photos and toggle iCloud Photo Library to On.

On Mac open the application " System Settings" and go to iCloud section. Click Options next to Photos and check the box next to iCloud Photo Library.

On Apple TV Open the Settings app and go to " Accounts" -> iCloud -> "iCloud Photo Library".

On a Windows computer Install and launch the iCloud for Windows app. Then click the Options button next to Photos and select iCloud Photo Library. Click "Done" and "Apply".

What happens to My Photo Stream after I turn on iCloud Photo Library?

Images from the My Photo Stream album will be added to this album. Photos that are not saved in the library will be deleted, and the folder itself will no longer be displayed. If you have My Photo Stream enabled on your other device, but your Photo Library is disabled, all new photos will appear in your Photo Stream.

Is it possible to delete photos and videos from iPhone or iPad, but leave them in iCloud Photo Library?

All photos and videos stored in iCloud Photo Library take up space in iCloud storage and on the device itself. Deleting a photo or video on one device will automatically delete it from all devices and on

At the same Apple time offers to increase iCloud storage for additional fee(at Apple registration ID user is provided with 5 GB of space in the cloud for free). However, keep in mind that increasing your cloud storage only makes sense when your device's storage capacity exceeds your iCloud storage capacity. Otherwise, the device memory will always be full.

For example, if you use an iPhone with a 16 GB drive, a 64 GB iPad, and a purchased 50 GB plan in iCloud, 25 GB of which is occupied by photos and videos, then it is not practical to use iCloud Photo Library on your smartphone.

Current prices for iCloud space for Russian users can be found here.

In order to delete photos and videos from iPhone or iPad, but leave them in iCloud, you can use the service iCloud Drive using the Files app or third party alternative services, For example, Google Photos or Yandex.Disk.

What does Optimize Storage do in iCloud Photo Library?

To save space on iOS devices and Mac computers, the Optimize Storage feature allows you to compress photos and videos stored on the device, while storing the original (full) versions of the files in iCloud Photo Library.

How to enable Storage Optimization

On iPhone, iPad or iPod touch along the path Settings -> Apple ID [Your name] -> iCloud -> Photos -> Storage optimization.

On Mac computer In the Photos app, open Application Settings, go to iCloud, and select Optimize Mac Storage.

The Storage Optimization feature only starts working when there is not enough space on your device. If necessary, you can download original photos graphics and videos by Wi-Fi networks or cellular network.

If the “Download originals” option is selected in the iCloud Photo Library settings, the original photos and videos in full resolution will be stored in the cloud storage and on the device.

How to view and delete photos and videos on iPhone, iPad, and computer using iCloud Photo Library has a Photos web app that lets you view and delete photos and videos stored in iCloud Photo Library.

A file deleted in Photos is also deleted from your media library on your devices and from the iCloud cloud. Within 30 days deleted photos and videos are stored in the Recently Deleted folder, so you can restore them if you wish.

How do you know if files are being uploaded to iCloud Photo Library?

To check whether a photo or video has been sent to the cloud, launch the Photos application, go to the Photos tab and scroll to the very bottom of the page.

What happens if you exceed your iCloud storage capacity?

If there is not enough space in iCloud, photos and videos will not be uploaded to the cloud and synchronized between devices.

You can solve the problem in two ways: either buy more storage, or clean out your storage by deleting files that you don't need to keep on all iOS devices or Remember that you won't be able to recover deleted photos or videos because they are not saved in the Recently Deleted album.

How do I turn off iCloud Photo Library on just one device?

If you want to disable iCloud Photo Library only on one iPhone device, iPad or iPod touch, go to Settings -> Apple ID [username] -> iCloud -> Photos and turn off iCloud Photo Library.

On Mac Enter the System Preferences app and navigate to iCloud -> Photos -> Options. Next, uncheck the “iCloud Photo Library” option.

On Apple TV: Open the Settings app and navigate to Accounts -> iCloud. To disable the media library, click “Select” in the “Photos” section.

When the Optimize Storage option is activated, not all original photos and videos may be saved on your device. To download original files to your iOS device, go to “Settings” -> Apple ID [username] -> iCloud -> “Photos” -> “Save originals”. On Mac, do the following actions: Open the Photos app -> Photos -> Settings -> Get originals on this Mac.

How to delete all photos and videos from iCloud Photo Library and all from devices?

On iPhone, iPad or iPod touch: Go to Settings -> Apple ID [username] -> iCloud -> iCloud Storage -> Manage Storage -> Photos -> Disconnect and Delete.

On Mac:“System Preferences” -> iCloud -> “Manage” -> “Media Library” -> “Disable and Delete”.

Best Alternatives to iCloud Photo Library

Currently, there are many cloud services with similar functionality, but the most popular are: Google Photos (we highly recommend), Yandex.Disk and Dropbox.

Based on materials from yablyk

In this article, we will tell you how to work with iCloud Photo Library, view and delete photos and videos located in iCloud, and also answer the most frequently asked questions about this feature.

In contact with

iCloud Photo Library gives iPhone and iPad owners the ability to store photos and videos in cloud service iCloud and access them from mobile gadgets or computers (not to be confused with). Any changes to the library on one device are synchronized with other devices within the same account.

New photos and videos are uploaded to iCloud when your device is connected to the Internet (Wi-Fi or cellular). The speed of adding photos and videos to all connected devices depends on the speed of your Internet connection.

After connecting a media library instead of an album "Camera roll" album will appear "All photos" with the same functionality. This folder contains all photos and videos, sorted by date added.

It's worth noting that there is also iCloud Photo Library in the Music app settings, which has nothing in common with iCloud Photo Library in iCloud Photos settings.

What devices does iCloud Photo Library work on?

  • On iPhone, iPad, iPod touch via the Photos application;
  • On Mac computers through the Photos application;
  • On the Apple TV console;
  • On computers with Windows 7 and higher (application required);
  • On any device with an Internet browser installed via

What file types does iCloud Photo Library support?

When you copy photos and videos to iCloud Photo Library, all content remains in the original resolution. The service supports the following file types: JPEG, RAW, PNG, GIF, TIFF, HEIF, HEVC, MP4, as well as special formats available when shooting in the Camera app on iPhone: , slow-motion or time-lapse video, and 4K video).

By default, all photos and videos are stored in iCloud in the form in which they were taken.

Go to menu "Settings" -> Apple ID [your name] -> iCloud -> "Photo" and set the iCloud Photo Library switch to Included.

On Mac open the application "System Settings" and go to the section iCloud. Click "Options" next to the word "Photo" and check the box iCloud Photo Library.

On Apple TV open the application "Settings" and follow the path "Accounts" -> iCloud -> iCloud Photo Library.

On a Windows computer install and run the application. Then click the button "Options" near the point "Photo", select iCloud Photo Library. Click the button "Ready" And "Apply".

What happens to My Photo Stream after I turn on iCloud Photo Library?

Images from the album will be added to this album "My photo stream". Photos that are not saved in the library will be deleted, and the folder itself will no longer be displayed. If the function is activated on your other device "My photo stream", but the media library is disabled, all new photos will be displayed in the photo stream.

Is it possible to delete photos and videos from iPhone or iPad, but leave them in iCloud Photo Library?

All photos and videos stored in iCloud Photo Library take up space in iCloud storage and on the device itself. Deleting a photo or video on one device will automatically delete it from all devices and on

At the same time, Apple offers to increase iCloud storage for an additional fee (the user is given 5 GB of free space in the cloud). However, keep in mind that increasing your cloud storage only makes sense when your device's storage capacity exceeds your iCloud storage capacity. Otherwise, the device memory will always be full.

For example, if you use an iPhone with a 16 GB drive, a 64 GB iPad, and a purchased 50 GB plan in iCloud, 25 GB of which is occupied by photos and videos, then it is not practical to use iCloud Photo Library on your smartphone.

You can find the current prices for space in iCloud for Russian users.

In order to delete photos and videos from an iPhone or iPad, but leave them in iCloud, you can use the service using an application or third-party alternative services, for example, or.

What does Optimize Storage do in iCloud Photo Library?

To save space on iOS devices and Mac computers, there is a function "Storage Optimization", which allows you to compress photos and videos stored on the device, while storing the original (full) versions of the files in iCloud Photo Library.

How to enable Storage Optimization

On iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on the way Settings -> Apple ID [Your name] -> iCloud -> Photo -> Storage optimization.

On a Mac in the application "Photo" open Settings programs, go to section iCloud and select item .

Storage Optimization feature starts working only if there is not enough space on the device. If necessary, you can download original photos and video recordings over Wi-Fi or cellular networks.

If the option is selected in the iCloud Music Library settings "Download originals", the original photos and videos in full resolution will be stored in the cloud storage and on the device. has a Photos web app that lets you view and delete photos and videos stored on iCloud Photo Library.

A file deleted in Photos is also deleted from your media library on your devices and from the iCloud cloud. For 30 days, deleted photos and videos are stored in the folder "Recently Deleted", so they can be restored if desired.

To check whether a photo or video has been sent to the cloud, launch the application "Photo", go to the Photos tab and scroll to the very bottom of the page.

If there is not enough space in iCloud, photos and videos will not be uploaded to the cloud and synchronized between devices.

You can solve the problem in two ways: either buy more storage, or clean out your storage by deleting files that you don't need to keep on all iOS devices or Remember that you will not be able to recover deleted photos or videos, since they are not saved in the album "Recently Deleted".

If you want to disable iCloud Photo Library only on one iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, open "Settings" -> Apple ID [username] -> iCloud -> "Photo" and turn off iCloud Photo Library.

On Mac login to the application "System Settings" and follow the path iCloud -> "Photo" -> "Options". Next, uncheck the option “ iCloud Photo Library».

On Apple TV: open the application "Settings" and follow the path "Accounts" -> iCloud. To turn off your media library, click "Choose" in section "Photos".

When the parameter is activated "Optimize storage" Not all original photos and videos may be saved on the device. To download original files to your iOS device, go to the section "Settings" -> Apple ID [username] -> iCloud -> "Photo" -> "Saving originals". On Mac, follow these steps: Open the app "Photo" -> "Photo" -> "Settings" -> "Download originals on this Mac".

The most attentive users of iOS devices have probably noticed long ago new item in settings operating system - (Settings->iCloud->Photos). The most adventurous and advanced are already taking full advantage of this innovation from Apple, despite the fact that iCloud Media Library is still in beta status! It works great now, but it will leave beta status in the final iOS versions 8.3.

What is iCloud Photo Library?

What will change in a user’s life if he turns it on on his devices? I’ll write everything down point by point so that everything fits neatly into the readers’ heads.

1. iCloud Photo Library lets you store All your photos and video in iCloud Drive. Keyword Here - " All"! Let me remind you that by default the system runs a photo stream, which stores only the 1000 latest photos in the cloud. Also important word " video"- before this, the video was stored exclusively on the device on which it was filmed.

2. The user has the opportunity to store on iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Mac, thumbnail photos and optimized videos. Due to this, the user can free up a significant amount of space on their devices. The savings will be especially noticeable when large quantities Photo and video. But this saving has its downside - more about it below.

3. If you transfer all your iDevices to the iCloud library, you will get all the benefits of synchronization with the cloud (iCloud Drive). Photos and changes to them will appear on all your devices, that is, you have a single library. A scheme like this: “took photo on iPad, edited on Mac, posted on Instagram from iPhone” will finally work as it should!

4. Due to the fact that it will be stored in the cloud unlimited amount photos, most likely free 5 gigabytes will not be enough for the user. The user will have to switch to paid plans. Now the cost of 20 gigabytes in iCloud Drive is only 39 rubles per month. This is not much and for most users this number of gigabytes is enough for their eyes. If not, then the tariffs are more expensive and more serious at your service.

5. In the Photo program, instead of the two albums Camera Roll and My Photo Stream, a single album “All Photos” will appear.

6. The media library becomes available through anywhere in the world.

How to enable iCloud Photo Library?

Before you turn on Photo Library, you need to make sure that your iCloud plan allows you to seamlessly switch to iCloud Photo Library. Here you must soberly assess the space that your photos and videos will take up in the cloud. If you have 10 thousand photos on your iPad and 3 gigabytes are free in iCloud (see Settings -> iCloud-> Storage), then it’s clear that all your stuff won’t fit into the cloud. Try either deleting some media data or increasing your tariff plan.

OS X users should be especially careful. Yosemite version 10.10.3 introduced the Photos program. If you enable iCloud Photo Library there, then the current tariff plan iCloud may not be enough. For example, my media library on my computer takes up more than 150 gigabytes. Perhaps it makes sense to store your computer media library in some other cloud.

Next, turn on the switch for iCloud Photo Library ( Settings->iCloud->Photos) and connect your iPad (iPhone or iPod Touch) to a power source. If there is a Wi-Fi network, all Photos and Videos will be uploaded to the cloud. The speed of this procedure depends on the speed of outgoing traffic of your Internet connection and the size of your media library.

To avoid problems, I recommend connecting your devices to iCloud Music Library one at a time. We turned it on on one, waited until the data was merged into the cloud, checked that everything was fine and got to work next device. Firstly, you still won’t gain in speed (your outgoing channel is not rubber). Secondly, the beta status means that unexpected errors. Yes and in final version I would recommend playing it safe.

Also consciously choose one of two options:

Optimizing iPad/iPhone/iPod storage. (To save space on the device. But when accessing a photo, it will be loaded from the cloud. In fact, only a small preview photo is stored on the device.) This is not always convenient.

- Uploading while preserving the original (if you need photos in the original resolution on the device).

It’s best to leave the “Upload to My Photo Stream” option turned on. You can’t manually upload new photos to the cloud...

Parameter " General access to iCloud photos” we also leave it turned on. General photo streams are convenient. Try it sometime...

Deleting photos(or video) in iCloud Photo Library occurs in two steps.

1. Deleting a photo on one of the devices. It goes into the “Recently Deleted” folder. After 30 days, the photo will be deleted from there automatically.

2. If you don’t want to wait 30 days, you can also delete the photo from the “Recently Deleted” album. The photo will completely disappear from all devices and from the iCloud Photo Library.

How to disable iCloud Photo Library?

It is enough to turn off this item in the settings of all devices that are connected to your media library. But for 30 days, all photos and videos will be stored in the cloud, from where they can be downloaded through the website.

Disadvantages of iCloud Photo Library

On this moment The media library has more advantages than old scheme with photo stream. But there are also small disadvantages. For example:

a) the user is actually forced to switch to a paid tariff. Well, either you need to constantly clean up your media library.

b) having a single media library is not always convenient in itself.