What does offline mean in VK. Login to contact offline. VKontakte Offline application. Invisibility mode on VKontakte on Android

Social networks have long begun to replace the morning cup of coffee for many. But from time to time situations arise when your appearance online in popular network VKontakte is not recommended. In this case, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of listening to music, watching movies or reading necessary information. There are ways to “deceive” the system and remain invisible to VK.

The first method does not involve the use of any computer tricks. The essence is extremely simple: if you are “idle” on VKontakte for more than 15 minutes, you become “offline”. To do this, go to the personal messages section and remain idle for the specified time. At the same time, update your online status you can if you go to someone else’s page or your own profile. Next method available to users who visit VKontakte through the Mozilla Firefox browser. Open new tab and dial in address bar about:config, this will take you to settings of this browser. Find the “Filter” section and type network.http.redirection-limit. Next, change the values ​​from the set 20 to 0. To do this, double-click on the line that remains. After these operations, go to your VKontakte profile. Please note that after logging in you will receive an error message. Ignore him. Now you can anonymously access other people's pages until you visit your own. To return VK visibility, return the network.http.redirection-limit settings.

Users can also set up anonymity on the social network. To do this, open the Opera menu, go to the “Tools” field, then “Settings” - “Advanced” - “Network”. In the “Network” section, find the “Enable automatic redirection" Make it inactive by unchecking it. After this, you can open the VKontakte website. Once again, after entering your login and password, an error message will appear. Ignore it and visit pages that interest you offline. You can return the settings by going all the way in reverse.

Often, company managers, wanting to limit employees from visiting “extraneous” sites, install various filters on certain sites. There are a number of sites and anonymizer programs that allow you to bypass such restrictions. For example www.kproxy.com, www.hidingyou.com, VkLife and others.

Social network members may want to hide their online presence by various reasons. Someone is online on VKontakte at work, someone wants to watch a movie, listen to music, without being distracted by new messages. Sometimes you are just in a bad mood and have no desire to communicate. When you spend several hours a day on a social network, sometimes you feel the desire to hide your VKontakte online status.

It’s interesting that you don’t have to text or scroll through news feed and communities, do not sit on VKontakte, but if you click on the “Like” button from vk.com on a third-party site, then the online status can be activated. For various cases, there are several basic ways to hide online VKontakte, but continue to remain on the social network and use its capabilities.

How to hide online status on VKontakte

It is possible to hide VKontakte online through the social network itself. You need to go to vk.com, which will reveal your presence. After authorization, follow these steps:

  • Open My Messages.
  • Leave the tab open, but do not use it for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes, VKontakte will change your online status to “Went in 15 minutes ago.” In fact, you will be online.

Now you can reply to friends' messages and listen to music without other users noticing. If you leave the “My Messages” or “My Audio Recordings” tabs, the status will be updated and you will no longer be able to hide your online presence on VKontakte. It is necessary to repeat the procedure from the beginning.

Another option is how you can hide your VKontakte online status using a social network, intended for computers or web versions of the site. Enter vk.com/feed in the browser line and do not click on “My Page” and do not go to other people’s profiles. This way you can scroll through the news feed, like posts and photos from the feed, watch videos, listen to audio recordings and write messages. The main thing is not to update your page and not to visit others.

How to hide VKontakte online status using third-party applications

Hide online status VKontakte offers additional programs. Using them you will be offline even at the time of standard vk.com authorization. There are two most popular solutions.

The first is vklife.ru, which allows you to install an extension for Chrome. I recommend downloading from official sources to avoid viruses getting onto your computer. The convenience of vklife is that the extension is always available, and, if necessary, on different platforms like Windows or Mac OS.

I don’t know about you, but with the author of this article it often happens that in social network I need to go to VKontakte, but at the same time, I don’t want to “shine”. In such situations, as a rule, the question arises: is it possible to visit Vk incognito? There is such an opportunity! Although not all users know about it.

We visit the social network unnoticed

Internet browsers will help us with this. Programs with which we view various websites. Depending on what browser you use, follow the steps below.

Browser Mozilla Firefox

To get started, enter this in the address bar of your web browser: “about:config” (without quotes). A page with settings will open in front of you. Look for the "Filter" section, and it says "network.http.redirection-limit". For this line you must enter the value "0". By default, the number “20” is there, so you just need to delete the two. By doing this, you will prohibit redirection for a while.

Now is the time to go to the VKontakte social network on your page. An error message will probably appear. But don’t worry, this only means that you did everything right! You can go to any page except your own, remaining incognito.

When the need to be invisible on VKontakte no longer exists, log back into Firefox and change the value in the above line to “20”.

Opera browser

Many of you still use Opera. Previously, this web browser was more popular, but even now there are amateurs who use it more out of habit. Therefore, we could not help but talk about how to be invisible on VKontakte using Opera. By the way, in Odnoklassniki everything is much simpler, because there you can do it for money.

Go to "Tools" - "Settings". Next, in the window that opens, find the “Advanced” tab, and then click on the “Network” button. You will see settings, among which there will also be this inscription: “Enable automatic redirection.” Your task is to disable redirection by unchecking the box next to this option. That's all, nothing complicated. Don't go to your page if you want to remain unnoticed.

Universal method

Another method to remain invisible on VKontakte that you can try. They say that if you go to the “My Messages” section and stay there for 15 minutes without clicking anything, you will then become invisible. But only if you don’t go to your page.

We told you about three ways to remain invisible on VKontakte. There are simply no others, and it’s not known when the Vk developers will pay attention to these, so take advantage before such an interesting “loophole” is closed for us.

Everyone, of course, is familiar with the social network VKontakte. Many even “live” in it, spending days and nights there. It often happens that for some reason it is necessary hide online VKontakte status, but how to do that? This is exactly the question we will tackle with you today!

This application can be downloaded from the official website vklife.ru or install as an application directly in the Googel Chrome browser. This program allows you not only to hide online VKontakte, but also to listen to your favorite music, switching between albums, download your favorite songs and videos from a social network, and exchange messages. All this can be done without going to the “contact” site.

You need to download this program only from the official website. This will protect your computer from malware that can be “obtained” by downloading similar application from an unverified source.

Second way works in Safari browsers and Chrome. Log in to the social network using your login and password, go to any page, for example “My Groups” and stay on it for 15-20 minutes to complete the system connection timeout. Thus, if you do not visit the VKontakte main page, you will be offline. All other pages are allowed.

Third way - use of the application " Vk Offline"for Google Chrome, which allows you to work on the social network offline!

Fourth method - this is to finally press the “exit” button in the right corner of the screen;) and forget about the existence for a while information world. Well, why not?

I have listed for you the main ways by which you can become invisible on VKontakte!

Here's another way to hide your VKontakte online status using the VK inviz application

Among Internet sites, social networks are considered the leaders. Adults and children spend a lot of time communicating on the social web, each of them has a favorite social page. The leaders in the social category are such Internet resources as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, and Facebook. These Internet networks offer a lot of useful and interesting things for the user, such as listening and downloading music, video files, correspondence with friends, sharing photos, relaxing in the world of toys.

Users of the social network Vkontakte sometimes have a desire to hide their presence on the page. There are times when you are not in the mood for communication, or poor health does not allow you to respond to messages from restless friends. At such a moment, you really want to turn off the signaling icon and just turn on your favorite music and enjoy the melody or study information current groups and communities.

There are three ways to disable online notification about the location of a VKontakte user:

1. Install and use special software.

There is a category of programs developed specifically for the VKontakte social network. Considered one of the best multifunctional program VkLife, it is this program that allows you to quickly disable the (Offline) button located in the toolbar under the main menu of the program. User-friendly interface, additional opportunities to manage a social page have made the program popular among Internet users. The program is absolutely free, it can be downloaded from the Internet from official sources. There is an alternative for phones: KateMobile.

2. Go to the internal page of your social network and do not go to the My Page tab.

This quick example how you can hide your presence without installing programs. The trick is that when the user is on a page that does not point to the profile address, the “offline” mode is automatically turned on; you can stay incognito for an unlimited time, but only the user will take a step on home page your contact, the online mode will immediately light up. This method is effective if the user rarely has to hide his presence and has enough patience to avoid accidentally switching to his profile.

3. Use the Internet and its additional functions.

This method is designed for more experienced users who have certain skills in working with the program's address bar. The correct sequence of actions performed will give a positive result, otherwise you will have to restart the browser and try again.

And so, the first step is to write the about:config function in the address bar of the browser program. This function opens the program settings.

The second step is to enter the name of the setting “network.http.redirection-limit” in the field called Filter without making mistakes. Double-click on the line with the detected setting to open the next dialog box called “Enter value (integer).” It is necessary to set the number 0 in the line, but do not forget the default number, what was in the line and confirm the action.

In the third step, you should open a new tab and log into your account. If the user is not mistaken in his previous actions, then a program message about an error should appear on the screen. Next, you need to go to the internal page of your VKontakte, for example, go to the Friends page. These steps must be performed separately open tab. The Program Settings tab should also be open, let’s go to it and double-click again on the name of the network.http.redirection-limit setting to display a window in which we enter the initial value.

Now the status is displayed offline and no one can prove that you were on the social network vk.com.

By using one of the proposed options, you can easily become invisible to other users of the Internet resource.

I think it’s clear how to become and be invisible VKontakte online. Now you can easily be on a social network without attracting much attention.

Watch the video for an additional method!

Everyone knows that in VK you can find out the time when the user last visited the site - it is displayed on his page. In addition, the status is reflected whether the user is currently on the site or not. Accordingly, it is impossible to log into a social network and remain unnoticed. But is this really so?

Currently, there are several ways that allow you to stay offline while on the VK website. We will talk about some of them today.

By the way, why do you need to hide your presence on the site? There are many reasons. For example, you don’t want to communicate with this or that user who is on the site, so you visit the social network in such a way that it doesn’t even occur to him that this moment you are on the site.

Now let's move on to the review of services.

How to be offline on a computer

First, let's talk about the desktop. So, if you want to be offline in VK in the regular desktop version, you can try using special browser extensions. One of them is called VKfox - it can be found, for example, in the Chrome online store (for the browser of the same name) or on the official website (VKfox.io).

Let's say you decide to install a plugin from a website. We go to it and click on the “Install” button.

IN Google Chrome you will be redirected to the extension store. Click on the “Install” button.

Then confirm the plugin installation if you agree with the permissions.

The plugin icon will appear in the upper right part of the window. Click on it and you will be able to travel through VK while remaining completely invisible. The only thing you should not do is correspond and leave comments, since this way you will be online (but not always and not in all cases).

If you open VK through a browser, you will immediately be online and declassify yourself.

Be invisible on your phone

It is possible to be invisible, including using mobile application. Only in in this case you will need a third party application such as Kate Mobile, which is one of the most popular among third party applications for VKontakte.

Download the application, install and launch. In the upper right part of the screen, click on the button in the form of three dots to display a menu. Select “Settings” from the menu.

In the settings section you need to select “Online”.

Here, select “Be offline if possible.”

At the same time, the application will inform you that you can remain offline only if you do not write anything on the wall.

Use the social network using the application and remain invisible (if possible).

Universal method

This method has long been known and works for both the desktop version of VK and the mobile one.

As you know, the “Online” status is displayed within 15 minutes after the user, for example, closes a tab in the browser. If you keep the tab open, but do not go to other sections of the site, including news or communities, then the user will seem to go offline, but in reality will be on the site. For example, if a user is watching a movie on VK, then his status will be “Offline”, since he does not move around the site.

According to some reports, navigating to some sections leaves the user unnoticed, meaning you can try to navigate between sections without being noticed. But if you write a message or go to the news section, you will immediately reveal yourself.

This method can be used, but with caution - the likelihood of being discovered is high.

ATTENTION! The site administration is not responsible for the content of the applications and plugins described above. You install them at your own peril and risk.

Many people ask this question - how to be offline on VKontakte. There is no clear answer to such a question, because there are no ways to be offline always and everywhere. You cannot press the red button and become offline or go into invisible mode, such as in Mail.ru Agent for My World. The only way to hide from your friends without leaving the expanses of your favorite social network is to adhere to certain restrictions, without crossing which you can hide your presence on the VKontakte social network.

There are several ways to protect yourself from the “Online” status. I will try to tell you in more detail about each of them, but the choice is yours.

Offline via the VKontakte website

Even in the early days, when the social network VKontakte had just appeared, it became clear that the creator had not thought through the problem of invisibility, when a user could disappear from view while remaining on the site. At that time, to view the VKontakte website, being offline, it was necessary to leave personal pages users, do not go to your page or the pages of your friends, and then wait about ten minutes. Since online was turned on only when entering personal pages, the site could be used to the fullest, ignoring them, while doing everything possible, for example, reading messages and notes, watching videos, photos or groups, listening to music, playing applications and things like that.

Now the situation has changed dramatically. Most of the actions described above can still be performed without the risk of being online, but it has become much more difficult.

The social network VKontakte is developing every day, constantly introducing some small or major innovations. It is obvious that VKontakte developers do not sit still and regularly get rid of various tricks invented by users and not provided for by the system itself. This conclusion can be drawn based on our example, namely the ability to be offline on VKontakte.

Now not only the entrance to personal pages includes online, but also banal use of the site. Half of the links and buttons on the VKontakte social network are equipped with anti-offline protection. One click on such a link and you become online. This complicates the usual anti-online trick in that it becomes very difficult to be offline on the site and do something there at the same time. Therefore, especially for this article, understanding the methods of being offline, I poked around a little on the links on the VKontakte website and found out what affects the status and what does not. Check out:

Will affect online:

  • using the left menu;
  • viewing your page and the pages of other users;
  • entering the page with a list of friends (section “my friends”);
  • viewing photos and photo albums (especially in the “my photos” section);
  • entering the settings page and changing them;
  • viewing bookmarks;
  • viewing the list of communities and the communities themselves.
  • searching and listening to audio recordings;
  • search and view videos;
  • reading messages;
  • viewing the news feed;
  • liking your own and other people’s posts;
  • reposting posts to your page;
  • entering the documents section and adding documents from the search.
Such are the things. I didn’t check for anything else, I chose the most basic. As you can see, the majority ordinary actions reveals our presence on the social network. And then, in order to be offline, listening to music or adding it to your audio recordings from the search, you need to go to the section with music in advance and become offline, since it is impossible to go to “My audio recordings” without giving yourself away. The same applies to other sections - you will not be able to access their pages while remaining offline, and all because of the anti-offline protection.

In this case, as an option, open tabs with the necessary sections in the browser in advance and never close them. After 10-15 minutes you will be offline and will be able to enjoy all the benefits open sections. If necessary, listen to music; if not, read messages or watch videos. Not the most tempting option, but, alas, there is no other way to be offline through the social networking site VKontakte.

Offline via APIdog service

APIdog is an unofficial mobile version VKontakte with nice additional features and other useful features. To go offline using this wonderful site, you just need to log in to it using your username and password. After authorization, your status will not change. If you were offline, you will remain so.

However, sadly, some actions cannot be performed on your account. These are the same restrictions that I mentioned at the very beginning. If they are not followed, the offline status will change to online. To be sure of what I could and couldn't do, I found out through testing what would affect online and what wouldn't. Short list is given below:

Will affect online:

Will not affect online:
  • reading news and answers;
  • viewing your page, the pages of friends and communities;
  • viewing photos and videos;
  • listening to music;
  • sending personal messages;
  • sending posts to the walls of other users and communities;
  • likes on posts and photographs, both your own and others’;
  • repost content to your wall;
  • deleting and adding friends.
I didn’t check the rest of the actions; I highlighted only some of the most basic ones. Isn't it wonderfully designed? this service? Due to the fact that the site is built on VKontakte API methods, you can perform almost any action and remain offline. If you still couldn’t resist and did something that gave you away, alas, the only thing you can do is click on the “Mark me offline” button in the APIdog website settings, which is located at the very bottom of the page, and within a minute you you will find yourself offline again.

Offline via Kate app Mobile for Android

Kate Mobile is one of the most popular unofficial mobile clients for the social network VKontakte. Is an excellent alternative official application for phones on Android platform.

Of course, this application has gained wide popularity due to features that are not in the official one. Traffic saving, alternative view some sections, for example, profile, shortening long news and much more. well and main feature this application, thanks to which, in fact, the application became so popular and got into this article, – the opportunity is offline.

Kate Mobile, just like the APIdog service, is written entirely in the VKontakte API, so the function of changing the status to “online” is optional. For example, the developers of the official application brought the user online when clicking almost any button or link, but in Kate Mobile this function can be disabled and you can be in invisible mode while in the application.

Initially, in the Kate Mobile application the user is online. To fix this, you need to go into the application settings, find the “Online. Be online when the application is running" and change to "Be offline if possible". After which the selected setting will be saved and the next time you launch the application you will always be offline.

Again, as with the APIdog service, the only action that cannot be performed is:

  • sending posts to your wall.
All other functions will not reveal your online presence, no matter what you do. You can read and send messages, listen to music, view photos, read the news feed and much more.
Well, this concludes the list of methods known to me with which you can be offline in VKontakte. There may be other methods, but they are unlikely to differ from those already given in this article.

If you somewhere found information or a method by which you can supposedly be offline on VKontakte absolutely always, even by sending entries to your wall, most likely this is a hoax, since analysis of the methods described above showed that sending entries to the wall always leads to the resumption of online.

Not all the methods I described are ideal, and the method through the VKontakte website is absolutely inconvenient, but, unfortunately, ideal ways does not exist. You can almost completely hide your presence on the VKontakte social network only with the help of third party programs or services that are written entirely in the VKontakte API and specifically do not include online (such as APIdog, Kate Mobile).

  • The question of how to use the VKontakte website and at the same time be offline for other users is relevant for many. Everyone has situations when they need to go to a social network, watch or write something, but there is no way to communicate with their friends or respond to their messages. The site itself does not provide such a function. However, there are ways to sit invisibly on VK from a computer.
  • You can use the qip program. After downloading this program from the official website qip.com, you need to log into your account on the VKontakte social network. When the user's login and password are entered, the login button is activated and an arrow appears next to it. By clicking on this arrow, you can select two options: Invisible or Invisible to everyone status (then the user will be invisible not only in the social network, but also in mail, Twitter, etc.). You can also change the status to invisible after logging into your account.
  • VK will also help to be invisible VKfox plugin(you can download it from the VKfox.io website). Using this plugin, the user remains invisible until he responds to any user message.

We use the Invisible mode of VK

  • VKontakte invisible mode exists in many applications for Android and iPhone.
  • The Kate Mobile app is popular among Android device users. This application is much more popular than the official applications of the VKontakte social network. Among other advantages, the main advantage of this application is the ability to stay on VKontakte while remaining offline. The only action that cannot be done and remain invisible is posting on your wall.
  • iPhone owners can use the VK Feed application. This program allows you to sit on VK in invisible mode, however, you must remember: the user will appear online if he adds new entry on your wall or if it opens in parallel official application, or an Internet browser with your VKontakte page.

How to log into VK invisible?

    All of the above methods will help the user search for information on a social network and remain invisible. For those users who do not want to install additional applications, there are also a number of ways to remain invisible on the site:
  • You can go to private messages and stay on this page for 15 minutes. After this, you can navigate the social network invisibly. However, this method stops working if the user visits his own page or the page of another person.
  • You can also log into a social network invisible using your Internet browser settings.
All the methods listed in the article can be useful for users who want to use the site incognito, for those who visit VK for business or work and do not have time to respond to messages from their friends. Each person can choose the most suitable and convenient way remain invisible on a social network.

However, sometimes it happens that for some reason a person does not want to communicate, but he needs to. It's easy to do, but there are a few tricks to keep in mind. So, today I will tell you how to be offline on VKontakte from a computer.

Third party programs

This issue can be easily resolved if you get help third party utilities for VK, which literally flooded the Internet! Here are a few popular applications that can help you:

Browser capabilities

In addition to the various programs available for download, you can try to use the capabilities of your browser. For example, if you use Google Chrome, I suggest this: from this web browser, go to Google online store Chrome. Now install the application on your computer through it and log into your account. Well, you are offline, even though you are active participant In contact with.

As you can see, nothing is impossible for someone who strives for something! I am sure that you have managed to fully master the art of being offline VK from a computer.