Data visualization in science and technology. Visualization of experimental research results


(Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University)

Introduction. The scope and possibilities of numerical experiments are growing along with the development of computer technology. The complexity and variety of problems being solved are increasing. The huge amount of information obtained during the experiment requires adequate ways of presenting it. Instead of arrays of numerical data and simple graphs, visual visual images are increasingly being used, facilitating a full and timely understanding of the results obtained.

Data visualization is a task that any researcher faces in his work. The task of data visualization boils down to the problem of presenting experimental data or the results of theoretical research in a visual form. Traditional tools in this area - graphs and diagrams - do not cope well with the task of visualization when it becomes necessary to depict more than three interrelated quantities. On the other hand, there is a powerful tool for displaying information tied to a geographic coordinate grid. This is a very rapidly developing arsenal of GIS technologies (GIS - geographic information systems). Unfortunately, as soon as the background for depicting information layers—the geographic map—disappears, all GIS methods remain out of work.

Basic principles of information visualization. For optimal display of information, a number of recommendations are given that can be used when developing visualization subsystems:

1. The composition and form of the displayed information, as well as the tasks and goals of the visualization subsystem are determined by the goals and objectives of the system. Information models should represent only those properties of relationships and connections of managed objects that are significant and have a certain functional meaning. The volume, composition, and form of the information presented must correspond to both the tasks being solved and the psychophysiological capabilities of the person.

2. The model must be visual, that is, the operator must be able to perceive information quickly and without painstaking analysis. In this way, the model can provide a visual representation of the spatial arrangement of objects, which means being geometrically similar to their actual location. In this case, the operator will have a clear idea of ​​such properties of managed objects as the distance between them, their belonging to any territorial group, etc.

The advantages of visual models are that the process of perception is the same as the process of perceiving a real object. The main task in developing visual information models is to determine the features that are appropriate to display visually and to an acceptable degree of schematization. But the visibility of information models is not always easy to achieve, since there are often cases when control objects do not have visual characteristics. In these cases, it is necessary to solve problems close to what is defined in the methodology of science as visualization of concepts. Information models built according to this principle are called abstract. The advantages of abstract models are that they reflect the properties of an object that are inaccessible to a direct observer.

3. Achieving easy perceptibility of the displayed information is ensured by the correct organization of its structure. This means that the information model should not present a collection or a pair of information, one way or another ordered, but located in a specific and obvious interaction. One means of achieving optimal structure is a good layout of the information model. In this sense, designing a screen display is a task somewhat equivalent to that of composing a picture well.

4. The most important mental process when monitoring complex dynamic images is anticipation, i.e. the ability to predict the development of a situation by the operator, to ensure which changes in parameters should be clearly graphically displayed. This provision is ensured if the design of the information model provides for:

Displaying specific changes in the properties of situation elements that occur during their interaction. In these cases, changes in the properties of individual elements are not perceived in isolation, but in the context of the situation as a whole. Moreover, a change in the properties of one element is perceived as a symptom of a change in the situation in: the whole;

Displaying dynamic relationships of managed objects. At the same time, the connections and interactions of the information model should be reflected in development;

Displaying the conflicting relationships into which elements of the situation enter.

5. The layout of information on the screen should take into account that horizontal eye movements occur most easily and quickly. The speed of eye movement along curves depends on the shape, and by selecting the shape, you can vary the time of fixation of the gaze in one or another area of ​​the screen. Structural elements are placed in the locations of the most important data for the control process; when moving along them, the speed of eye movement is reduced.

Encoding information by form. The most informative designation of the identity of information is the encoding of data by form. It is known that the decoding time and the period of latent reaction to an object image are minimal compared to other coding methods (the average reaction time to an object is 0.4 s, to a color image is 0.9 s, the time of fixation of the gaze on simple geometric figures is 0.18 ms, on letters and numbers – 0.3ms).

The “figure-ground” relationship is of primary importance in human perception of form. This relationship has several types of description:

The figure has a form, the background is relatively formless, the figure has the character of a thing, the background looks like unformed material;

The figure tends to come forward, the background to recede, the background seems to continue continuously behind the figure;

The figure makes a greater impression than the background and is easier to remember.

In psychology, some principles of organizing the field of signals have been empirically identified, using which you can influence the figure-ground relationship.

1. The smaller the closed area occupied by any configuration, the greater the tendency for this particular image to act as a figure.

2. As a figure, first of all, closed configurations are distinguished.

3. Symmetrical configurations are more easily perceived as figures than asymmetrical configurations.

4. In the case when the image field is filled with homogeneous elements, the figure is formed by those of them that are spatially located closer to each other.

5. If the image field is filled with heterogeneous elements, then the figure is formed, first of all, by those of them that are similar in shape or color.

6. If certain elements move across the image field in the same direction and at the same speed, then they stand out as a figure.

7. If you arrange some of the elements in a certain order, you can create an attitude in the observer that will affect the perception of the remaining elements.

The decisive moment in distinguishing a figure from the background is the perception of the contour. It is the perception of the contour that provides the possibility of differentiated perception of form, a certain unity of structure, proportions and interconnection of parts. When perceiving a contour, the most informative points are the points at which there is a sharp change in the direction of the lines.

The stronger the contrast between the background and the figure, the easier and faster it is to isolate the figure. The contour of any figure is a combination of elementary forms: a straight line, an angle, etc. A cutout in a figure or contour is distinguished better than a protrusion. The eye also perceives angle values ​​quite well. The more complex the contour of a figure, the more information a person receives during perception. The percentage of identification error for symmetrical figures is less than for asymmetrical ones. But it must be taken into account that against a complex background, the correctness of contour recognition decreases. When encoding data with a form, the following types or methods are used: the number of points, lines, the size of the area of ​​the figure, the spatial configuration of the image.

Dot-number coding is used to indicate the number of objects in a group or the number of groups; in this case, instead of points, you can use simple geometric shapes. A person without counting can determine the number of dots arranged in a random order, if there are no more than five. If the number of points is more than five, then the number of identification errors increases sharply. Grouping points into specific patterns increases the accuracy of estimating their number. If the dots are presented against the background of other groups that are similar in structure, then the recognition of such configurations sharply decreases.

The size or area occupied by a configuration can also effectively represent the meaning of the data, although like length it is a poor stimulus dimension for encoding the identity of the data. The effective resolution for size encoding is smaller than for length encoding because size encoding requires a larger display area per unit of data. However, such coding has a great psychological effect. 4-5 gradations of figures but areas are quite well identified. The use of images of volumetric bodies is inappropriate, since when assessing the size, a person usually focuses on the area of ​​​​the figure, and not on its volume. When compared with some standards located in the operator’s information field, the accuracy of estimating the size of the figure’s area increases sharply. In addition to all that has been said, we can add that the change in the area of ​​a figure itself carries some information, and placing an image in a certain place in the operator’s field of view can carry a certain semantic load.

Presentation of information in the form of images. The most effective and carrying the largest amount of information is the presentation of data in the form of images or pictures. A person’s perception is structured in such a way that his brain, interacting with the outside world, perceiving and comprehending incoming information, is tuned to certain images or standards, which are easily perceived by him, without the necessary adaptation and training, and require additional coding.

The main advantages of the figurative coding method are:

The ability to coordinate a large flow of information with the throughput of human sensory analyzers;

Significant reduction in the amount of unnecessary information;

Significant reduction in the need for a priori information about the object being studied;

Compact in terms of space required; .

Wide possibilities for restructuring to serve objects for various purposes.

Since man is a social being, contacts with other people are of greatest importance to him. This leads to the fact that a person learns to recognize a huge number of faces. By facial expression and facial expressions, we instantly determine the emotional state of a person, but along with the basic emotional states, we distinguish dozens of their shades. And even the slightest changes. This determines the high information content of both the face itself and its expression. This informativeness of the face is conveyed in photographs, drawings, caricatures, etc.

Analysis of graphic information is based on the individual’s ability to intuitively find similarities and differences in objects, with facial features being especially well remembered and recognized. These features of human perception are effectively used in Chernoff face diagrams. Each object is a schematic image of a face, certain features of which (width of the face, length of the nose, arch of the eyebrows, shape of the mouth, etc.) correspond to the relative values ​​of the selected variables (Figure 1).

Fig.1. Examples of information visualization using the Chernov algorithm.

The scope of application of the facial system is varied, but the use of such a system for displaying medical information is especially promising, since a number of physiological characteristics of a person are directly manifested in facial features. Thus, by looking at a person’s face one can, with a high probability, correctly determine a person’s age, the presence of excess weight, emotional state, gender, etc. The use of such direct associations sharply reduces the time of decoding, that is, the transition from the image to the original encoded value of the parameter. The use of computer graphics to synthesize facial images from physiological data makes it possible to obtain a physiological portrait of the subject in the literal sense of the word.

Visualization of experimental data presented in the form of numerical tables. In medical and psychological research, experimental results are often presented in the form of numerical tables. Methods for visualizing this kind of information are based, as a rule, on the transition from a multidimensional to a two-dimensional coordinate system (principal component method, structural ordering methods proposed by co-authors).

Let's consider the algorithm for forming object coordinates in the initial ordering method.

To assess the mismatch of structures in RL and R2, the matrix is ​​calculated mutual distances dnk between elements Xn and Xk from sample X:

The nth row of such a matrix contains the distances from some nth element Xn to all other (N-1) elements of the set" width="48 " height="29 src="> to some k-th element. Any n-th row of the matrix DN(X) can be considered as the result of ordering the elements with respect to the n-th element of Xn by mapping this set to the real number axis. Setting on axis position of the nth element and taking it as the origin (point Yn, the coordinate of which on the axis is zero), you can order the images of the sample X on the axis relative to the nth element, using the distance from the element Xn to all the others as a measure of ordering ( N-1) elements. From the point Yn" width="23" height="24 src=">) we construct another numerical axis perpendicular to the axis in this case, the k-th sample element X will be located at the intersection point of the axes" width="23" height="24 src=">.gif" width ="48" height="29 src=">, just as it was done for the axis. The coordinates of the elements on the axis represent the distances from the k-th element to all other (N-1) elements and allow us to judge the groupability of vectors around the vector Xk..gif" width="23" height="24 src="> will define some pseudo-plane assessment and monitoring of the psychophysiological state of pregnant women.

The effectiveness of this method depends on a “good” choice of rows of the matrix DN(X), which should not be completely random. The choice of elements Xn and Xk that are close in RL as ordering centers for the remaining (N-1) elements on the axes and is irrational, since it does not provide significantly new information about the ordering of the sample X, so it is necessary to select elements X that are relatively distant from each other. Therefore, we chose the “reference” object and the object with the worst parameters as ordering centers (Fig. 2).

Conclusion. The essence of the above methods is ways to solve the problem of rational generalization and increase the visibility of displayed information in order to create optimal and comfortable working conditions for the operator, in order to free him up to solve problems at higher levels of facility management or a general assessment of the task and operating conditions at this stage of decision-making.

The results of interdisciplinary research allow us to confidently assert that visualization is one of the most promising areas for increasing the efficiency of methods for analyzing and presenting information.

The paper presents various approaches to visualizing the results of experimental social and medical-psychological research.

The work was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation (project no. c) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. a).


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Federal state budget

educational institution

higher professional education

East Siberian State Academy of Education

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science

Department of Informatics and Informatics Teaching Methods


“Technology for visualizing educational information”

Specialty - “Professional training in computer technologies, computer engineering and informatics”

Irkutsk - 2012

IN conducting

I.Theoretical foundations of visualization technology

II.The role of methods for visualizing educational information in teaching

III.Electronic visual teaching aids based on modern computer technologies

IV.Technologies for visualizing knowledge and presenting research results in the field of education




The information saturation of the modern world requires special preparation of educational material before its presentation to students, in order to provide students with basic or necessary information in a visually visible form. Visualization precisely involves collapsing information into an initial image (for example, into the image of an emblem, coat of arms, etc.).

One of the means of improving the professional training of future teachers who are capable of pedagogical innovations and the development of technologies for designing effective educational activities of students in conditions of the dominance of the visual environment is considered to be the formation of special skills in visualizing educational information.

According to psychologists, new information is absorbed and remembered better when knowledge and skills are “imprinted” in the visual-spatial memory system, therefore, presenting educational material in a structured form allows you to quickly and efficiently assimilate new systems of concepts and methods of action.

Visualization of educational material opens up the opportunity not only to put together all the theoretical calculations, which will allow you to quickly reproduce the material, but also to use schemes to assess the degree of mastery of the topic being studied.

The methodology of modern teaching using computer graphics and audiovisual means should be oriented towards future and modern technologies, including trends in the development of ways to use information and computer tools and technologies.

I. Theoretical foundations of visualization technology

In the era of information saturation, the problems of assembling knowledge and its operational use acquire enormous significance. In this regard, there is a need to systematize the accumulated experience in visualizing educational information and its scientific justification from the standpoint of a technological approach to learning.

G.K. Selevko considers the technology of intensification of learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material as the experience of V.F. Shatalova. According to Lavrentyev G.V. and Lavrentieva N.E., its boundaries are much wider, and Shatalov’s experience is only one of its manifestations. Expanding the boundaries of this technology, Lavrentieva G.V. and Lavrentieva N.E. propose a more capacious name for it, namely: the technology of visualization of educational material, understanding by this not only symbolic, but also some other images of “visualization” that come to the fore depending on the specifics of the object being studied. These can be the following basic elements of the visual image:




Present to one degree or another in any visual image, these elements radically influence a person’s perception and assimilation of educational information. The intensification of educational and cognitive activity occurs due to the fact that both the teacher and the student are focused not only on the assimilation of knowledge, but also on the methods of this assimilation, on ways of thinking that make it possible to see the connections and relationships between the objects being studied, and therefore to connect separate things into a single one. whole. Technology for visualizing educational information is a system that includes the following components:

complex of educational knowledge;

visual ways of presenting them;

visual and technical means of information transmission;

a set of psychological techniques for using and developing visual thinking in the learning process.

The technology for visualizing educational material echoes the pedagogical concept of visual literacy, which arose in the late 60s of the 20th century in the USA. This concept is based on provisions about the importance of visual perception for a person in the process of understanding the world and one’s place in it, the leading role of the image in the processes of perception and understanding, the need to prepare a person’s consciousness for activity in an increasingly “visualized” world and an increase in information load.

The information saturation of the modern world requires special preparation of educational material before its presentation to students, in order to provide students with basic or necessary information in a visually visible form. Visualization precisely involves collapsing information into an initial image (for example, into the image of an emblem, coat of arms, etc.). The possibilities of using auditory, olfactory, and tactile visualization should also be taken into account, if these sensations are significant in a given profession.

An effective way to process and arrange information is to “compress” it, i.e. presentation in a compact, easy-to-use form. The development of models for representing knowledge in a “compressed” form is carried out by a special branch of information technology - knowledge engineering. The didactic adaptation of the concept of knowledge engineering is based on the fact that, “firstly, the creators of intelligent systems rely on the mechanisms for processing and applying knowledge by humans, using analogies of the neural systems of the human brain. Secondly, the user of intelligent systems is a person, which involves encoding and decoding information by means convenient for the user, i.e. both in the construction and in the application of intelligent systems, human learning mechanisms are taken into account.” The principles of compression of educational information also include the theory of meaningful generalization by V.V. Davydov, the theory of enlargement of didactic units by P.M. Erdnieva. By “compression” of information we mean, first of all, its generalization, consolidation, systematization, and generalization. P.M. Erdniev states “that the greatest strength in mastering program material is achieved when educational information is presented simultaneously in four codes: pictorial, numerical, symbolic, verbal.” It should also be taken into account that the ability to transform oral and written information into visual form is a professional quality of many specialists. Therefore, in the learning process the elements of professional thinking should be formed:



highlighting the main thing in the content.

The methodological foundation of the technology under consideration consists of the following principles of its construction: the principle of system quantization and the principle of cognitive visualization.

System quantization follows from the specifics of the functioning of human mental activity, which is expressed by various sign systems:




All kinds of models for representing knowledge in a compressed, compact form correspond to the human ability to think in images. Studying, assimilating, thinking about a text is precisely the drawing up of diagrams in the mind, the encoding of the material. If necessary, a person can restore, “expand” the entire text, but its quality and strength will depend on the quality and strength of these schemes in memory, on whether they were created intuitively by a student or a professional teacher. This is a rather complex intellectual work and the student must be consistently prepared for it.

The greatest effect in assimilation of information will be achieved if note-taking methods correspond to how the brain stores and reproduces information. Physiologists P.K. Anokhin, D.A. Pospelov prove that this does not happen linearly, in a list, similar to speech or writing, but in the interweaving of words with symbols, sounds, images, and feelings. American scientists and teachers B. Deporter and M. Henaki justify their system of quantum learning by the specifics of the brain. Their contributions to the ways of creating models of educational material are “Mind Maps”, “Records of Fixation and Creation”, “Grouping Method”.

The principle of system quantization involves taking into account the following patterns:

Large amounts of educational material are difficult to remember;

educational material located compactly in a specific system is better perceived;

Highlighting semantic reference points in educational material promotes effective memorization.

The principle of cognitive visualization follows from psychological principles, according to which the effectiveness of learning increases if visualization in learning performs not only an illustrative, but also a cognitive function, that is, cognitive graphic educational elements are used. This leads to the fact that the “imaginative” right hemisphere is connected to the assimilation process. At the same time, “supports” (drawings, diagrams, models), compactly illustrating the content, contribute to the systematic nature of knowledge. According to Z.I. Kalmykova, abstract educational material, first of all, requires concretization, and this goal corresponds to various types of visibility - from objective to very abstract, conventionally symbolic. “When perceiving visual material, a person can take in with a single glance all the components included in the whole, trace possible connections between them, categorize them according to the degree of significance and generality, which serves as the basis not only for a deeper understanding of the essence of new information, but also for its translation into long-term memory."

A visual representation of the principles is presented in Figure 1.

OUSG - generalization, consolidation, systematization, generalization;

SO - signal supports;

MD is a mental activity realized through sign systems.

Rice. 1. Visual representation of the principles of cognitive imaging and system quantization

G.K. Selevko argues that any system or approach to learning can be considered a technology if it meets the following criteria:

presence of a conceptual framework;

consistency (integrity of parts);

controllability, that is, the ability to plan, design the learning process, vary means and methods in order to obtain the planned result;



The essence of the technology under consideration, according to G.V. Lavrentiev. and Lavrentieva N.E., comes down to the integrity of its three parts.

Systematic use in the educational process of visual models of one specific type or their combinations.

Teaching students rational techniques for “compressing” information and its cognitive-graphical representation.

Methodological techniques for including visual models in the educational process. Working with them has clear stages and is accompanied by a number of techniques and fundamental methodological decisions.

The role of methods for visualizing educational information in teaching

In recent decades, almost revolutionary changes have occurred in the field of transmitting visual information:

the volume and quantity of transmitted information has increased enormously;

New types of visual information and ways of transmitting it have emerged.

Technological progress and the formation of a new visual culture inevitably leaves its mark on the set of requirements for the activities of teachers.

One of the means of improving the professional training of future teachers who are capable of pedagogical innovations and the development of technologies for designing effective educational activities of students in conditions of the dominance of the visual environment is considered to be the formation of special skills in visualizing educational information. The term “visualization” comes from the Latin visualis - visually perceived, visual. Information visualization presentation of numerical and textual information in the form of graphs, diagrams, block diagrams, tables, maps, etc. However, this understanding of visualization as an observation process presupposes minimal mental and cognitive activity of students, and visual didactic tools perform only an illustrative function. A different definition of visualization is given in well-known pedagogical concepts (schema theories - R.S. Anderson, F. Bartlett; frame theories - C. Folker, M. Minsky, etc.), in which this phenomenon is interpreted as the removal of internal plane into the external plane of mental images, the form of which is spontaneously determined by the mechanism of associative projection.

In a similar way, the concept of visualization is understood by Verbitsky A.A.: “The process of visualization is the collapsing of mental contents into a visual image; once perceived, the image can be deployed and serve as a support for adequate mental and practical actions.” This definition allows us to separate the concepts of “visual”, “visual aids” from the concepts of “visual”, “visual aids”. In the pedagogical meaning of the concept “visual” is always based on the demonstration of specific objects, processes, phenomena, the presentation of a ready-made image, given from the outside, and not born and taken out from the internal plan of human activity. The process of unfolding a mental image and “removing” it from the internal plane to the external plane is a projection of a mental image. Projection is built into the processes of interaction between the subject and objects of the material world, it is based on the mechanisms of thinking, covers various levels of reflection and display, and manifests itself in various forms of educational activity.

If we purposefully consider productive cognitive activity as a process of interaction between the external and internal plans, as the transfer of future products of activity from the internal plan to the external, as the adjustment and implementation of plans in the external plan, then visualization acts as the main mechanism that ensures a dialogue between the external and internal plans of activity. Consequently, depending on the properties of didactic visual aids, the level of activation of students’ mental and cognitive activity depends.

In this regard, the role of visual models for presenting educational information is increasing, allowing one to overcome the difficulties associated with learning based on abstract logical thinking. Depending on the type and content of educational information, techniques are used to compress it or step-by-step development using a variety of visual aids. Currently, the use of cognitive visualization of didactic objects seems promising in education. This definition actually includes all possible types of visualization of pedagogical objects, operating on the principles of concentration of knowledge, generalization of knowledge, expansion of the orientation and presentation functions of visual didactic means, algorithmization of educational and cognitive actions, implemented in visual means.

In practice, more than a hundred visual structuring methods are used - from traditional diagrams and graphs to “strategic” maps (roadmaps), spiders and causal chains. This diversity is due to significant differences in the nature, features and properties of knowledge in various subject areas. In our opinion, structural and logical diagrams have the greatest information capacity, universality and integrability. This method of systematization and visual display of educational information is based on identifying significant connections between elements of knowledge and analytical-synthetic activity when translating verbal information into non-verbal (figurative), synthesizing an integral system of knowledge elements. Mastering the listed types of concretizing meanings, unfolding a logical chain of thoughts, describing images and their signs of mental activity, as well as operations using verbal means of information exchange, forms productive ways of thinking that are so necessary for specialists at the current pace of development of science, technology and technology. According to the achievements of neuropsychology, “learning is effective when the potential of a person’s brain develops through overcoming intellectual difficulties in the search for meaning through the establishment of patterns.”

Structural and logical diagrams create special clarity by arranging content elements in a nonlinear form and highlighting logical and successive connections between them. Such visibility is based on the structure and associative connections characteristic of human long-term memory. In a way, structural and logical diagrams act as an intermediate link between external linear content (textbook text) and internal nonlinear content (in consciousness). As one of the advantages of structural-logical diagrams A.V. Petrov emphasizes that “it performs the function of combining concepts into certain systems.” The concepts themselves cannot say anything about the content of the subject of study, but being connected by a certain system, they reveal the structure of the subject, its tasks and paths of development. Understanding and comprehension of a new situation occurs when the brain finds support in previous knowledge and ideas.

This implies the importance of constantly updating previous experience in order to acquire new knowledge. The process of learning new material can be represented as the perception and processing of new information by correlating it with concepts and methods of action known to the student, through the use of the intellectual operations he has mastered. Information entering the brain through various channels is conceptualized and structured, forming conceptual networks in the mind. New information is integrated into existing cognitive schemes, transforms them and forms new cognitive schemes and intellectual operations. At the same time, connections are established between known concepts and methods of action and new knowledge, and the structure of new knowledge arises.

According to psychologists, new information is absorbed and remembered better when knowledge and skills are “imprinted” in the visual-spatial memory system, therefore, presenting educational material in a structured form allows you to quickly and efficiently assimilate new systems of concepts and methods of action. As an example, here is a visual scheme: “RGB color model” (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Diagram of the concept of “RGB color model”

Visualization of educational material opens up the opportunity not only to put together all the theoretical calculations, which will allow you to quickly reproduce the material, but also to use schemes to assess the degree of mastery of the topic being studied. In practice, the method of analyzing a specific diagram or table is also widely used, in which skills in collecting and processing information are developed. The method allows students to be involved in active work on applying theoretical information in practical work. A special place is given to joint discussion, during which there is an opportunity to receive prompt feedback and understand yourself and other people better. Summarizing what has been said, we note that depending on the place and purpose of visual didactic materials in the process of forming a concept (studying a theory, a phenomenon), various psychological and pedagogical requirements must be presented to the choice of a specific structural model and the visual display of the content of learning.

When visualizing educational material, it should be taken into account that visual images shorten chains of verbal reasoning and can synthesize a schematic image of greater “capacity,” thereby condensing information. In the process of developing educational and methodological materials, it is necessary to control the degree of generalization of the training content, duplicate verbal information with figurative information and vice versa, so that, if necessary, the links of the logical chain are completely restored by students.

Another important aspect of using visual educational materials is determining the optimal ratio of visual images and verbal, symbolic information. Conceptual and visual thinking are in constant interaction in practice. They, complementing each other, reveal various aspects of the concept, process or phenomenon being studied. Verbal-logical thinking gives us a more accurate and generalized reflection of reality, but this reflection is abstract. In turn, visual thinking helps organize images, makes them holistic, generalized, and complete.

Visualization of educational information allows you to solve a number of pedagogical problems:

ensuring intensification of training;

intensification of educational and cognitive activities;

formation and development of critical and visual thinking;

visual perception;

figurative representation of knowledge and educational actions;

knowledge transfer and pattern recognition;

improving visual literacy and visual culture.

Electronic visual teaching aids based on modern computer technologies

In school education, various types of visualization have always been and are still used. Their role in the learning process is exceptional. Especially in the case when the use of visual aids is not reduced to simple illustration in order to make the training course more accessible and easier to master, but becomes an organic part of the student’s cognitive activity, a means of forming and developing not only visual-figurative, but also abstract-logical thinking . This, in turn, requires significant processing and modification of traditional visual teaching aids, which should become dynamic, interactive and multimedia.

In this regard, of particular interest is the computer visualization of educational information, which allows you to visually present objects and processes on the screen from all possible angles, in detail, with the ability to demonstrate the internal relationships of the components, including those hidden in the real world, and, most importantly, in development, in temporal and spatial movement. Computer visualization of educational information is provided with specific visual teaching aids created on the basis of modern multimedia technologies, thanks to which it becomes possible to include in the learning process the whole variety of visual aids - text, graphics, sound, animations, video images. These are, for example, interactive maps, animated (dynamic) supporting notes, interactive posters, etc. And in this case we are not talking about a simple translation of traditional visual aids (tables, diagrams, pictures, illustrations) into digital format, but about the development and creation completely new types of visibility. Moreover, its appearance is caused not only by the need for expressive visual information and visual stimulation, to which modern students have already become accustomed, but by the didactic features of this new type of educational visibility.

In the pedagogical literature there is not yet a generally accepted concept for defining a new type of visibility created on the basis of modern information technologies. This is due to the fact that this visibility is a very complex phenomenon, the special distinctive features of which are integrated into a single integral system, and therefore it is not easy to identify its essence, that is, to determine the main features and distinguish them from secondary properties. Even the authors use different names:

“computer visibility”;

"dynamic visibility";

“interactive visibility”;

“virtual visibility”;

“multimedia visibility”;

“hypertext visibility”, etc.

At the same time, these terms are not used with the same meanings, which creates additional difficulties.

In connection with this controversy, Kuchurin V.V. suggests that when discussing, we should be guided by the concept of “electronic visibility”, by which we mean a computer software tool for presenting a complex of visual hypertext information of various types, presented to the student on a computer screen, usually in an interactive (dialogue) mode.

Components of electronic visualization can be either static (pictures, diagrams, tables, etc.) or dynamic (video, animation) images.

Its main characteristics are: interactivity, dynamism (animation) and multimedia.

First of all, electronic visual teaching aids are interactive. This is a fairly broad concept, with the help of which modern science reveals the nature and degree of interaction between objects. Moreover, this property does not at all come down to communication between people. In education using information and communication technologies, interactivity is “the user’s ability to actively interact with the information carrier, select it at his own discretion, and change the pace of presentation of the material.” In accordance with this, the interactivity of visual teaching aids based on multimedia provides students and teachers, within certain limits, with the opportunity to actively interact with it and control the presentation of information, namely, ask a question and receive an answer to it (feedback interactivity), determine the beginning, duration and speed of the demonstration process (temporal interactivity), determine the order of use of fragments of information (ordinal interactivity), change, supplement or reduce the amount of meaningful information (meaningful interactivity) and even create your own creative product (creative interactivity). Such possibilities of interactive visual teaching aids make it possible to use problem-based learning techniques that ensure the assimilation of scientific concepts and patterns based on personal experience of interacting with them. In other words, interactivity provides opportunities not only for passive perception of information, but also for active exploration of the characteristics of the objects or processes being studied. Consequently, interactivity gives electronic visualization a cognitive (cognitive) character, introduces gaming and research components into educational work, and naturally encourages students to a deep and comprehensive analysis of the properties of the objects and processes being studied.

The dynamic nature of electronic visual teaching aids is ensured using animation technology, which allows you to manipulate color, size of objects, create local animation, highlight one of the objects or part of an object by underlining, outlining, filling, etc. In addition, using animation, the illusion of movement is created, changes, developments. All this makes the visualization more emotional and impressive. At the same time, animation, giving a visual representation of the dynamics of a phenomenon, creates conditions for demonstrating the signs and patterns of the events, phenomena and processes being studied through action, for comparing different opinions and formulating one’s own point of view. Thus, the dynamics of computer animation are used not only and not so much to enhance the emotional impact through showing the movement of an object (“live picture”), but to activate cognitive activity, to clearly demonstrate the logic of the movement of thought from ignorance to knowledge.

Of particular importance for the characteristics of electronic visibility created on the basis of modern information technologies is such a property as multimedia. It is associated with modern information technologies, based on the simultaneous use of various means of presenting information and representing a set of techniques, methods, methods and means of collecting, accumulating, processing, storing, transmitting, producing audiovisual, text, graphic information in the conditions of interactive interaction of the user with the information system , realizing the capabilities of multimedia operating environments. Multimedia technologies make it possible to integrate any audiovisual information on the screen, realizing an interactive dialogue between the user and the system. Due to this, they are actively used in the development and creation of visual teaching aids, the components of which are static and animated images, as well as text and video information with sound.

In accordance with the main characteristics, electronic visual aids can be divided into dynamic (animated), interactive and multimedia.

Dynamic (animated) visuals are a learning tool that represents a moving, changing image. It allows you to form visual representations of the development of events and processes in time and space, concentrate students’ attention on a specific object of study, and increase the density of classes by accelerating the presentation of information. Control is limited to the functions of play, stop and pause, which, among other things, indicates the limited, in this case temporary, interactivity of dynamic (animated) visualization.

Dynamic (animated) visualization includes such specific visual teaching aids as animated maps, animated diagrams, charts, graphs, and slide shows.

Interactive visualization is a learning tool that is a hypertext animated illustration combined with a set of control tools that allow the user to interact with it interactively.

Currently, teachers use interactive maps, interactive diagrams, interactive site plans, interactive reconstructions, etc.

Multimedia visualization is a teaching tool in which information objects of various types are integrated: sound, text, image.

Examples of multimedia visualization include multimedia lectures, multimedia panoramas, and electronic sound posters.

Unfortunately, at present, the use of visual teaching aids created on the basis of modern information technologies causes many teachers significant difficulties associated with the selection of visual aids for solving specific pedagogical problems, techniques and methods of working with them, and forms of organizing educational activities.

IV. Technologies for visualizing knowledge and presenting research results in the field of education

visualization educational training computer

The development of computer technology has solved the problems of processing such a volume of information. But the problem arose of visually presenting the results of such processing. Various visualization techniques are used here to easily represent large and complex amounts of data. Visual image recognition systems - 2-dimensional (symbols, graphic signs, codes, barcodes) - FineReader and 3-dimensional objects (photo images, security and video systems) - built-in in modern photographic equipment, machine vision technology (operation of computer systems with data arrays).

Graphs and diagrams simplify perception and make it easier for a person to understand the text. Sometimes a few diagrams are enough to understand the meaning of a project presented on several pages.

Color coding is used in research to analyze and predict various physical and mathematical processes. For example, in the study of heat processes and energy transfer, one can clearly demonstrate the distribution and trend of temperature in color schemes, in sociological processes, and illustrate natural phenomena.

The rapid development of 3-dimensional graphics - scientific visualization has formed into an independent branch of science, incorporating the fundamentals of differential calculus, geometry, and programming. The transition to 3D technology has transformed graphics from a means of representation into a powerful method for solving scientific problems. 3D visualization can be widely used for educational systems in various fields of science. Training using three-dimensional models is very visual and allows you to diversify the forms of presentation of material and increase the interest of the listener.

Virtual visualization is most important in interactive training systems, such as various types of simulators.

Specialists who use audio and visual technologies in their professional activities need permanent training. Since they usually already have a basic education, monitoring the development of new technologies, methods of using new software products and solutions can be implemented through remote forms. This refers to case technologies, various forms of remote testing and certification, web conferences, and the like.

The Internet plus project activities using ICT tools today are a powerful tool, both in the educational and social spheres, for promoting new teaching methodologies, business development and increasing the competence of a specialist, but it must be used skillfully. In the conditions of modern information and social realities, there is a need for a new methodological approach to teaching such disciplines related to the use of computer graphics and audiovisual media.

Trends in the development of modern information technologies lead to a constant increase in the complexity of information systems (IS), and, accordingly, the content of the disciplines of their study for various specializations. Modern disciplines in the field of ICT are characterized by the following features: complexity of description (a large number of functions, processes, data elements and complex relationships between them), which requires the study of laws and techniques for modeling and analyzing data and processes, as well as new intellectual tools.

The methodology of modern teaching using computer graphics and audiovisual means should be oriented towards future and modern technologies, including trends in the development of ways to use information and computer tools and technologies. In a modern methodology, of course, the necessary technical conditions, software and user requirements must be presented, which create the conditions for turning to digital graphics and computer design. But even more important is that the composition of educational and methodological complexes should initially include the possibility of their modernization and integration with dynamic changes in the information resource.


In this course work, technologies for visualizing educational information were considered, which allow the variable and rational use of various schematic and symbolic models of knowledge representation; eliminate the imbalance of text and illustrative visuals, “crowding” with text; increase the expressiveness of visual language and symbolism, which acquire special significance in the age of information technology; optimize the time spent on perception and assimilation of information and thereby increase the efficiency of educational and cognitive activities.


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Erdniev P.M. Systematic knowledge and strengthening of the didactic unit // Sov. Pedagogy.-1975.-No.4.-S. 72-80.

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Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. manual. - M.: Public education, 1998. - 256 p.

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Verbitsky, A. A. Active learning in higher education: a contextual approach / A. A. Verbitsky. - M.: Higher. school, 1991. - 207 p.

Blake, S., Pape, S., Choshanov, M. A. Using the achievements of neuropsychology in US pedagogy // Pedagogy. - No. 5. - 2004. - P. 85-90.

Petrov, A.V. Developmental training. Basic questions of theory and practice of university teaching in physics: monograph / A.V. Petrov. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house ChSPU "Fakel", 1997.

Lozinskaya A. M. Frame method for structuring the content of a modular program for teaching physics / A. M. Lozinskaya // News of the Ural State University. - 2009. - No. 3(67). - pp. 176-184.

With an increase in the amount of accumulated data, even when using no matter how powerful and versatile Data Mining algorithms, it becomes increasingly difficult to “digest” and interpret the results obtained. And, as you know, one of the provisions of DM is the search for practically useful patterns. A pattern can only become practically useful if it can be conceptualized and understood.

Methods of visual or graphical presentation of data include graphs, charts, tables, reports, lists, block diagrams, maps, etc.

Visualization has traditionally been viewed as an aid to data analysis, but now more and more research suggests its independent role.

Traditional imaging techniques may have the following applications:

present information to the user in a visual form;

compactly describe the patterns inherent in the original data set;

reduce dimensionality or compress information;

recover gaps in the data set;

find noise and outliers in the data set.

Visualization methods

Imaging methods, depending on the number of measurements used, are accepted

classified into two groups:

presentation of data in one, two and three dimensions;

representation of data in four or more dimensions.

Representing data in 4+ dimensions

Representations of information in four or more dimensions are inaccessible to human perception. However, special methods have been developed to enable a person to display and perceive such information.

The most well-known methods of multidimensional information representation:

parallel coordinates;

"Chernov's faces";

radar charts.

Representation of spatial characteristics

A separate area of ​​visualization is visual representation

spatial characteristics of objects. In most cases, such tools highlight individual regions on the map and designate them in different colors depending on the value of the analyzed indicator.

The map is presented in the form of a graphical interface that displays data in the form of a three-dimensional landscape of arbitrarily defined and positioned shapes (bar charts, each with individual height and color). This method allows you to clearly show the quantitative and relational characteristics of spatially oriented

data and quickly identify trends in them.

Data Mining Process. Domain analysis. Formulation of the problem. Data preparation.

Data Mining Process. Initial stages

The DM process is a kind of exploration. Like any research, this process consists of certain stages, including elements of comparison, typification, classification, generalization, abstraction, and repetition.

The DM process is inextricably linked to the decision-making process.

The DM process builds a model, and the decision-making process operates on that model.

Consider the traditional DM process. It includes the following steps:

analysis of the subject area;

statement of the problem;

data preparation;

building models;

testing and evaluation of models;

choice of model;

application of the model;

correction and updating of the model.

In this lecture, we will take a detailed look at the first three stages of the Data Mining process,

the remaining stages will be discussed in the next lecture.

Stage 1. Domain analysis

Study- this is the process of cognition of a certain subject area, object or phenomenon with a specific purpose.

The research process consists of observing the properties of objects in order to identify and evaluate important, from the point of view of the subject-researcher, natural relationships between indicators of these properties.

Solving any problem in software development must begin with studying the subject area.

Subject area- this is a mentally limited area of ​​reality that is subject to description or modeling and research.

The subject area consists of objects distinguished by properties and located in certain relationships with each other or interacting in some way.

Subject area- this is part of the real world, it is infinite and contains both

significant and non-significant data from the point of view of the research being conducted.

The researcher must be able to identify a significant part of them. For example, when solving the problem “Should I issue a loan?” all data about the client’s private life is important, including whether the spouse has a job, whether the client has minor children, what is his level of education, etc. To solve another banking problem, this data will be absolutely unimportant. The materiality of the data thus depends on the choice of subject area.

Computer graphics is a field of computer science that deals with algorithms and technologies for data visualization. The development of computer graphics is determined mainly by two factors: the real needs of potential users and the capabilities of hardware and software. The needs of consumers and the capabilities of technology are steadily growing, and today computer graphics are actively used in a variety of fields. The following areas of application of computer graphics can be distinguished:

  1. Information visualization.
  2. Modeling of processes and phenomena.
  3. Design of technical objects.
  4. Organization of the user interface.

Information visualization

Most scientific articles and reports cannot do without data visualization. A decent form of data presentation is a well-structured table with exact function values ​​depending on some variables. But often the more visual and effective form of data visualization is graphical, and, for example, when modeling and image processing, it is the only possible one. Some types of display of information of different origins are listed in the following table:

Many programs for financial, scientific, and technical calculations use these and some other methods of data visualization. Visual presentation of information is an excellent tool for conducting scientific research, a visual and compelling argument in scientific articles and discussions.

Modeling of processes and phenomena

Modern graphics systems have sufficient performance to create complex animated and dynamic images. Modeling systems, also called simulators, attempt to obtain and visualize a picture of processes and phenomena that occur or could occur in reality. The best known and most complex example of such a system is a flight simulator, which is used to simulate the environment and process of flight in pilot training. In optics, simulators are used to simulate complex, expensive or dangerous phenomena. For example, modeling image formation or modeling processes in laser resonators.

Design of technical objects

Design is one of the main stages of creating a product in technology. Modern graphic systems allow you to clearly visualize the designed object, which helps to quickly identify and solve many problems. The developer judges his work not only by numbers and indirect parameters, he sees the subject of design on his screen. Computer systems make it possible to organize interactive interaction with the designed object and simulate the production of a model from a plastic material. CAD systems significantly simplify and speed up the work of the design engineer, freeing him from the routine drafting process.

Organization of the user interface

In the last 5-7 years, the visual paradigm in organizing the interface between the computer and the end user has become dominant. A windowed GUI is built into many modern operating systems. The set of controls that are used to build such an interface has already been fairly standardized. Most users are already accustomed to such an organization of the interface, which allows users to feel more comfortable and increase the efficiency of interaction.

All this suggests that the operating system itself should already have implemented a sufficiently large number of functions for visualizing controls. For example, the Windows operating system provides developers with GDI (Graphics Device Interface). As practice shows, for some applications the capabilities provided by the system API are quite sufficient for visualizing the processed data (constructing simple graphs, representing simulated objects and phenomena). But such disadvantages as low display speed and lack of support for three-dimensional graphics do not contribute to its use for visualizing scientific data and computer modeling. Some scientific and engineering programs with complex graphical output require functions for faster, more powerful, and more flexible visualization of calculated data, simulated phenomena, and designed objects.

Computer graphics technologies

In modern scientific and technical applications, complex graphical visualization is implemented using the OpenGL library, which has become the de facto standard in the field of three-dimensional visualization. The OpenGL library is a highly efficient software interface to graphics hardware. This library allows you to achieve the greatest performance in hardware systems running on modern graphics accelerators (hardware that frees up the processor and performs the calculations necessary for visualization).

The architecture and algorithms of the library were developed in 1992 by specialists from Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) for proprietary Iris graphics workstation hardware. A few years later, the library was ported to many hardware and software platforms (including Intel+Windows) and today is a reliable multi-platform library.

The OpenGL library is freely distributed, which is its undoubted advantage and the reason for such widespread use.

OpenGL is not an object-oriented library, but a procedural library (about hundreds of commands and functions), written in the C language. On the one hand, this is a drawback (computer graphics is a fertile area for using object-oriented programming), but working programmers can work with OpenGL in C++, Delphi, Fortran and even Java and Python.

Several support libraries are typically used in conjunction with OpenGL to help customize the library's performance in a given environment or to perform more complex, complex rendering functions that are implemented using primitive OpenGL functions. In addition, there are a large number of specialized graphics libraries that use the OpenGL library as a low-level basis, a kind of assembler, on the basis of which complex graphic output functions are built (OpenInventor, vtk, IFL and many others). The OpenGL user community can be found at

Microsoft has also developed and offers to use the DirectX multimedia library for similar purposes. This library is widely used in gaming and multimedia applications, but is not widely used in scientific and technical applications. The reason is most likely that DirectX only works on Windows.

According to the established tradition, let's start with the definition.

Information visualization– presentation of information in the form of graphs, diagrams, block diagrams, tables, maps, etc.

Why visualize information? "Stupid question!" - the reader will exclaim. Of course, text with pictures is perceived better than “gray” text, and pictures with text are perceived even better. It’s not for nothing that we all love comics so much - after all, they allow us to literally grasp information on the fly, seemingly without making the slightest mental effort! And remember how well you remembered the material of those lectures that were accompanied by slides during your studies!

The first thing that comes to our mind when we hear the word “visualization” is graphs and diagrams (that’s the power of associations!). On the other hand, only numerical data can be visualized in this way; no one has ever been able to construct a graph based on coherent text. For the text, we can build a plan, highlight the main thoughts (thesis) - make a brief summary. We will talk about the disadvantages and harms of note-taking a little later, but now let’s say that if we combine an outline and a short outline - “hang” theses on the branches of a tree, the structure of which corresponds to the structure (plan) of the text - then we will get an excellent block diagram text that will be remembered much better than any abstract. In this case, the branches will play the role of those “tracks” - paths connecting the concepts and theses that we talked about earlier.

Remember how we built UML diagrams based on the description of the designed software system received from its future users? The resulting pictures were perceived by both clients and developers much easier and faster than a text description. In the same way, you can “depict” absolutely any text, not just the technical specifications for system development. The approach we described above allows you to visually present absolutely any text - be it a fairy tale, a technical assignment, a lecture, a science fiction novel, or the results of a meeting - in the form of a convenient and easy-to-read tree. You can build it any way you like, as long as you get a visual and understandable diagram, which would be nice to illustrate with appropriate drawings.

Such schemes are also convenient to use in communication when discussing any questions and problems. As practice shows, the absence of clear notation standards does not create absolutely no communication difficulties for discussion participants. On the contrary, the use of non-verbal forms of presenting information allows you to focus attention precisely on the key points of the problem. Thus, visualization is one of the most promising areas for increasing the efficiency of analysis, presentation, perception and understanding of information.

Wow, we are finally done with the tedious description of scientific theories, methods and techniques used to process, systematize and visualize information! The previous part of the chapter greatly tired both the author and the readers, and nevertheless, it was necessary: ​​as a result, we saw that the peculiarities of the work of our brain are already actively used by scientists in various fields of science; many things that seem familiar to us are personal computers, user interfaces, knowledge bases, etc. – were initially built taking into account the associative nature of human thinking and its tendency to hierarchical representation and visualization of information. But the pinnacle and natural graphic expression of a person’s thought processes is mind mapping, to the discussion of which we are finally moving on. And at the same time we will try to expand our understanding of the principles of visual thinking.