What is RAM or RAM in a computer? What is a RAM disk and how to create one using SoftPerfect RAM Disk? Types of RAM

All Android smartphones are equipped with various types memory - RAM (RAM), ROM (ROM), Internal phone storage, they ensure the operation of internal processes or the safety of certain information.

Android memory smartphones RAM (Random Access Memory),or RAM(Random Writer) is the memory that powers running or running processes. This type memory is like buffer memory, it can be used by almost any application, both internal system and third-party (installed).

Memory of android smartphones RAM (Random Access Memory)

Information is recorded and erased very quickly without emulation. RAM RAMrequires a continuous power supply, in which case the information contained in the memory blocks is valid, in the event of a power outage (smartphone shutdown) the contents random access memory RAM is deleted. Modern Android OSes can manage RAM memory based on its size, deciding how many applications can be run simultaneously, or in what order to process resource-intensive applications. System information about the state of RAM RAM , can be viewed in the task manager (Task Managers), the processes currently running, the amount of memory allocated for them, as well as the free, unused memory of your device are displayed here. If, when working with Android devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop), you receive a message that there is not enough memory to run the application you are launching, then you need to disable the processes you do not need in the SETTINGS - APPLICATIONS - RUNNING APPLICATIONS menu. This will allow optimize RAM RAM.

Memory of android smartphones ROM (Read Only Memory)

Next type Android device memory - ROM(Read Only Memory), in our opinion ROM(read only memory). The main difference between ROM memory and RAM memory is that it does not require a power source to operate, thus, this type of memory is permanent (not erasable) even when the smartphone or other device is turned off. Usually in android smartphones RO M-memory used to store the operating system itself.

One more important characteristic ROM memory is the fact that it can only be used for reading, all the information stored by this type of memory cannot be changed under normal conditions. This required condition protects information from accidental erasure. The ROM memory of Android smartphones is divided into several parts, one of which stores the Android OS itself, and access to its files is limited. To gain access, the user must obtain root rights(super-administrator), and only then will you be able to change anything in this section. It is worth noting that when getting root rights, you will lose the warranty on the performance of your device given by the manufacturer. Typically, users use root rights to flash the OS on their own.

Internal memory of android smartphones (Internal phone storage)

The third type of memory in an Android smartphone is internal memory (Internal phone storage). Simply put, this is the memory that is available to the user to store his personal information(programs, applications, text information, etc.), this does not include SD card memory. This memory does not require permanent source power supply and allows you to repeatedly erase and write information in its sections. In order to see the memory status, quantity, name and size of applications installed in its sections, you need to go to the SETTINGS – APPLICATIONS – MEMORY USE menu. In the same menu you can delete unnecessary or unused Android applications to increase volume internal memory . This menu also allows you to transfer data to an SD card, which also frees up space in the internal memory of your Android smartphone.

Memory of android smartphones MicroSD / SDHC

And last The type of memory available in an Android smartphone is MicroSD/SDHC, or flash memory cards. This type of memory can be used by the user in wide range, here you can record any information, delete it or edit it. You can transfer some applications from permanent internal memory to the memory card, which frees up its space for system programs. Currently, the volume of such memory can reach 64 GB, which is more than enough for Android devices such as a smartphone or tablet.

Once upon a time, when grandmothers were young and computers were big, the first people appeared who considered the potential computing devices. They became the first "users" and used computers to solve the most difficult problems. different tasks. However, it soon became clear that it was necessary further development computer so that it can be used more widely. Computer technology began to develop, in principle, like any other industry. The result was a division of memory into storage devices (old-timers will remember these were called read-only memory, or ROM) and memory used for operation at a particular point in time (also known as random access memory, or RAM). Of course, ROM was primarily required to provide storage reliability, while RAM had to be fast.

But time passed, programs and applications developed at a rapid pace. And then the bottleneck of the drives was discovered: sometimes it took a significant amount of time to launch the software. The reason lay in large amounts of data to read/write, or in a significant number of disk accesses. It turned out that RAM looks like a much more tasty morsel when we're talking about about accelerating action. As a result, the idea arose to allocate a certain part of memory to form a unique virtual disk. Then the operating system (and therefore programs) will be able to work with it at very high speeds.

What is RAM drive?

So, to summarize, then RAM-drive or RAM disk- it is simply virtual (that is, not existing as separate device) a disk located in the computer's RAM. At the same time, it is available for the operating system and for all programs as the most common one HDD.

What advantages does it provide? Maybe the game is not worth the candle? In fact, you should clearly understand what you are capable of and what you are not capable of. virtual disk in memory.

First of all, this is an opportunity speed up work with this disk. By placing it in RAM, you can increase the read/write speed by orders of magnitude. A possible alternative could be to transfer the computer from a regular hard drive to an SSD drive. But here comes the second problem: SSD drives have disabilities by rewriting information. In other words, if a program actively accesses the disk, then the drive will gradually become unusable. Moreover, even fast solid state drives still cannot match the speed of a virtual disk in RAM.

Additional advantages may include factors saving money on buying fast disks(if software implementation of the disk is used), significant reliability and long term services(remember the write restrictions for SSD drives), noiselessness(since the disk is located in memory).

If you look at reverse side use virtual disks, then you can notice two main disadvantages. This quite small sizes in comparison with classic discs, as well as dependence on electricity supply. The first point is simple: RAM is still a limited resource that seriously lags behind available sizes from disk system, especially for the average computer user. As for the second point, the reason here is also obvious: data in RAM is not saved when the power is turned off. So at least you have to take care backup batteries in case of failures and “surprises” from energy workers and natural phenomena. Thus, RAM-drive itself does not imply any long-term storage of information. If you want to save data from such a disk, you will have to configure saving to classic disc, he will regular drive(for example, SATA standard) or a solid-state option (SSD drive).

Software implementations

The first types of RAM disks were purely software implementations. For example, for an operating room MS-DOS systems was written special driver, which allowed loading a virtual disk into RAM. As a result, it was possible to place programs on it that would work even without a hard drive. The creation has become popular boot floppies, which created a virtual disk and subsequently unpacked programs and utilities from archives onto it. Due to this, it was possible to significantly save space on the floppy disk itself. In addition, an important advantage was the ability to place tools for working with hard drive at a low level, for example, to restore information in the event of a failure.

IN modern systems Microsoft does not have such built-in capabilities, so Windows fans have to use third-party developments. Examples can be given of implementations such as SoftPerfect RAM Disk , RAMDisk And RAMDisk Plus, ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver. Advanced options also offer to configure automatic saving/loading of a virtual disk when turning off and on the computer, thus solving the issue of long-term storage of information.

As for alternative operating systems, then things are a little better here. Followers of Linux and FreeBSD can take advantage of the systems' built-in capabilities to create a virtual disk and place it on it demanding programs or frequently used files.

In addition to the already mentioned advantages, such implementations of a RAM disk have the following advantages:
- reduction of time for accessing arbitrary pieces of data;
- the ability to use RAM that is not available in 32-bit systems (for example, over 3GB);
- ease of use;
- no need to upgrade your computer.

The downside is the presence required quantity random access memory. In addition, you need to take into account that it will not be possible to take up all the memory - after all, you still need to ensure the operation of the operating system itself. So using the RAM disk unwisely (for example, on a system with one gigabyte of memory) can lead to the opposite effect and poor performance.

Hardware implementations of RAM disk

Hardware implementation, which involves the use of special modules with integrated memory banks or expansion cards for standard memory sticks, appeared relatively recently. Moreover, they can be equipped with a battery system to store information on certain period time (usually within a few days). This allows you to worry a little less about backup power, but still does not allow such disks to compare with hard drives in terms of information storage. Another advantage is that you don't have to worry about providing enough memory to run the operating system.

Examples of using RAM-drive to speed up the system

Classic example using a RAM disk is to display on it those elements that are constantly accessed frequently. For example, this could be a web browser cache. Because the modern Internet assumes the presence on the pages of a significant amount graphic files and other multimedia content, then to speed up the opening of pages, the information is saved in special folder and in the future it is taken from there, and not downloaded from the network again. If you move this folder to RAM, you can achieve some speedup. However, we must keep in mind that if you do not ensure that the virtual disk is saved when the system is turned off, then the benefit will be doubtful. On the other hand, if the disk is stored on a permanent drive, then the entire browser can be installed on the RAM disk. In this case, you can reduce (up to two or more times, by the way) the time required to launch the application.

Of course, on such a disk you can install not only a browser, but also, for example, a package office programs or a game. Of course, if there is enough space on the virtual disk for such needs. For games that frequently access disk resources or load significant portions of the game during play, you can achieve much greater smoothness and continuity gameplay. So if your favorite game sometimes freezes, it makes sense to think about transferring it to a virtual disk.

One more useful option using a RAM disk It may be the placement of software on it, which is very critical to the speed of working with the hard drive. This may include, in particular, tools for processing photo and video information, various means for modeling. And although this has already been said, it would not be amiss to repeat: provision should be made for storing information on a permanent storage device. Otherwise, you can lose the results of more than one hour (taking into account optimization!) of work.

Any computer consists of components, and each component performs some function. So, a hard drive is needed to store files; the video card generates an image that is displayed on the monitor display; The processor performs mathematical operations, but RAM memory is needed for saving intermediate results. Each of these nodes is, in fact, irreplaceable.

What is RAM memory

One of the most important elements of any computing system are random access memory modules. Sometimes they are simply called RAM. This abbreviation comes from the first letters of the English words Random Access Memory, which can be translated as “Memory with random access to any of its blocks” or, more simply, RAM (random access memory).

Physically, these are small PCB strips on which conductive paths are laid out and microcircuits with sets of transistors - memory cells are soldered, and on one side there is a double-sided comb of sliding contacts that allows you to connect modules to the corresponding connectors of the motherboard.

RAM memory is used to store data needed by all computer systems. Key Feature, which is worth remembering, is that after a reset or shutdown, all stored information from the cells is erased. When talking about what RAM memory is, it makes sense to draw an analogy with human thinking. For example, you need to add two numbers. A person retains one number in memory and, mentally substituting the second, performs a mathematical operation.

The “sheet” on which recording and calculation are performed is precisely an analogue of the computer’s RAM. The next day you may no longer remember the result. Of course, this is a very simplified model, but it is enough to understand.

IN computing systems From RAM, the processor selects data placed there by applications, and also sends processing results there, which are subsequently “taken away” by programs. That is why the term “operational” is used, that is, necessary for current operations.

Types of computer storage devices

Note that there is permanent memory- these are ROM chips, the transistors of which are capable of being in a certain state in the absence of voltage. Such microcircuits are installed, for example, in hard drives, routers, monitors (saving settings) and other devices where resetting the firmware is not allowed.

Sometimes the term “read-only memory” is used in relation to drives, but this is not entirely correct. You can easily verify this by asking the consultants at an electronics store not for a hard drive, but for a permanent storage device.

There is another modification of data storage solutions, which is a hybrid of RAM and ROM. So, custom settings The motherboard BIOS is stored in a microcircuit whose transistors are supported by a negligible current received from a rechargeable coin cell battery. This idea has found a “second life” in special drives, the data carriers of which are ordinary memory modules supported by a battery.


There are several modifications of the RAM. The 386/486/Pentium systems used sticks designed in accordance with the SIMM and DIMM SDRAM standard. The operating frequency of the chips and bus ranged from 66 to 133 megahertz, the bit width was 64 bits (versus 32 for SIMM). With the increase in the performance of central processors and video cards, it was necessary to speed up the RAM, so data began to be transmitted at the fall and rise of the reference frequency, essentially doubling the bandwidth (DDR). Such strips use a voltage of 2.5 Volts and are now used only in specialized devices. More new modification DDR2 operates at 1.8 V and allows more data to pass through per unit of time than the previous standard. Approximately it can be assumed that high speed version DDR barely reaches the “regular” one from the updated version.

And finally, the most common standard today, DDR3, is capable of transmitting 4 data packets during each reference frequency period, which leads to an increase in bandwidth. However, additional delays were introduced for stability. 1.5 V is supplied to the modules for power supply. In general, the use of DDR3 in conjunction with modern processors more allows you to achieve higher system performance.

Problems and solutions

Very often in the configuration list you can find the following information: “RAM - 4 GB.” This means that to motherboard one or more RAM modules with a total volume of four gigabytes are connected. Is this a lot or a little for such an element as RAM? 4 GB is still quite enough to solve any problems, at least for the average user. On the other hand, this is already the one minimum required, without which normal operation operating rooms Windows systems Vista 10 is not possible.
Trying to use new systems with insufficient RAM may result in a message indicating that there is not enough RAM available. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved. There is nothing complicated about how to increase RAM memory. To do this, you need to determine how many strips are installed. There may be one with 4 GB, or there may be several, but with a smaller volume. Depending on this, you will have to decide whether to simply add or completely change the RAM. Next, you need to determine how many free memory slots are on the board. It is best to see it “live” by removing the case cover. All that remains is to either add more slats or replace the existing one with a more capacious model. It is important to take into account the standard installed RAM(DDR 1-3).

The technology that allows you to use part of the system RAM as an additional disk device has been known for quite a long time - since the early 80s of the last century. Program SoftPerfect RAM Disk is one of the solutions to increase the speed of heavy applications on your PC and extend the life of your SSD. Logic dictates that this technology should be most widely used today, when RAM memory is cheap and plentiful.

But the facts say otherwise - few PC users know what a memory disk is and the benefits of its many advantages.

The main idea here is not only full use available computer RAM, but also in achieving significantly more high speed work - not in percentage, but in times.

RAM chips in modern PCs are often significantly faster than even ultra-high-performance SSD drives, which in turn are seriously ahead of classic magnetic HDD devices in this regard.

But RAM disks have one serious drawback - since the information stored on them uses volatile media (silicon chips), after a power failure (that is, after turning off the computer), this data ceases to exist.

Fortunately today there is simple remedies, such as SoftPerfect RAMDisk, which can be downloaded for free to solve this problem in a simple and elegant way. The program periodically records (and accordingly when the system is turned off) all information from the RAM device to a special partition systemic hard or solid state drive.

This way, RAM disks become highly independent with little loss of speed. And when combined with an SSD device, the issue of compromise is so small that it's not even worth mentioning.

By the way, in the context of creating and managing a RAM disk, it is no coincidence that I mentioned SoftPerfect RAM Disk. There are others on the Internet similar programs, for example qSoft RAMDisk Enterprise and Dataram RAMDisk, but SoftPerfect RAM Disk for Win 10 is one of the most simple tools in installation, configuration and use.

After installing the application, you just need to select the “Add boot-mounted disk” option to specify the letter, size and format of the partition on your hard drive or SSD to which data from the RAM disk will be written.

Its size can vary depending on the amount of RAM available, as well as what percentage of it you are willing to allocate for use as an in-memory disk.

Most modern PCs have at least 4 GB of RAM, which makes them ideal for using SoftPerfect RAM Disk - in such a system you can safely allocate 20-25 percent of the available RAM.

SoftPerfect RAM Disk takes care of the rest, including the ability to create more than one virtual disk. After assigning a letter, the drive will appear in the menu Windows Explorer and you can use it like any other device in the system.

But how to benefit from such a disk? First of all, it can significantly speed up the loading of every program that uses temporary (cache) buffers - e.g. Adobe Photoshop.

The same applies to any web browser - if you configure it so that it uses the RAM disk as a buffer cache, it will not only work faster, but will also not clog up your hard drive with unnecessary temporary files.

RAM disks are also useful if you want to extend the life of an SSD device. Known fact, that after a certain number of rewrite cycles solid state drives“wear out” and stop working. So if you're dealing with applications that love to constantly access disk device, redirect them to the one created with using SoftPerfect RAM Disk RAM disk- this way you will extend the service life system SSD.

Have a great day!

The computer's RAM (Random Access Memory or RAM, random access memory or RAM, colloquially RAM) is gradually becoming clogged with unnecessary processes and fragments of opened applications. When Computer RAM clogged, it works slower, “glitches”, “slows down”. Accordingly, to work in full force In cases of freezing, it is recommended to free the RAM from unnecessary “garbage”. Let's look at how to clear your computer's RAM. There are several ways to perform cleaning.

Pre-diagnosis the computer's RAM; perhaps the reason is not its load, but a design problem or damage. You can check it like this:

  • Press the combination Win+R;
  • The “Run” window will open, enter the command in the line to run the built-in testing program mdsched, click “OK”;
  • Next, select the testing method recommended by the system - reboot with verification;
  • After rebooting the computer, testing will begin automatically. You will be able to watch its progress and see the results. After the process is completed, your device will reboot again (automatically), after logging in you will see the results;
  • There are several verification options. You can manually select a method other than the default. To do this, press F1, use Tab to select a method, press F10 to start testing.

If there is no damage, then you can clean the RAM, freeing it from third party applications. Below we list possible ways. Choose how to free up RAM more conveniently for you, based on your preferences and capabilities.

  • Open the task manager window by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Delete at the same time;
  • Go to the "Processes" tab.

  • Look at which of them consume the most RAM resources, you can determine this by looking at the column with CPU (central processing unit) data;
  • Select unnecessary process(also suspicious - some viruses consume heavily system resources), right-clicking on it;
  • Click the button located below, “End process”;
  • Launch the Run window again by pressing Win+R;
  • Type msconfig in the line, click “OK”;
  • In the “System Configuration” window that opens, go to the “Startup” tab, look at which program is rarely used, uncheck it (if necessary, start them manually);
  • Apply the changes. Restart your computer/laptop.

Installing cleaning utilities

There are many utilities that help unload/clean up RAM. Let's name the most common and effective ones. Download special utilities only from official sites; a virus program can masquerade as them.

The program for cleaning RAM, distributed free of charge, takes up very little disk space. It very effectively cleans RAM, monitors resources, removes unnecessary DLLs from memory, and speeds up the processor.

A powerful RAM cleaner that will remove everything unnecessary from the cache without disturbing . The program has both automatic and manual mode. Manually select one of three commands:

  1. Clean&Shutdown - cleans and then turns off the computer;
  2. Clean&Reboot - cleans, then reboots,
  3. Clean&Close - cleans and closes.

Quick launch cleaner. Simplest interface, without unnecessary settings. When you first start it, a window will open showing the settings; in the General section, set the language to Russian.

If desired, change the default settings to your own. After cleaning the tray, hover over the utility icon and see the results.