Fiscal registrars and receipt printers - similarities and differences. How to choose a fiscal registrar. Fiscal registrar, operating principle

I went to work as a cashier out of despair. Our company went bankrupt, we urgently needed to find somewhere to settle, and I decided to try my hand at the cash register. Fortunately, before that I also managed to take a sales course, I thought I could handle it.
About the team

Our team is very diverse. And when I read that only idiots work as cashiers, I get very upset. Yes, indeed, people don’t end up here because they have a good life, but you definitely can’t call these people idiots. For many higher education- and more than one. Many are very smart and well-read people. Life just happened this way - it’s difficult to find a job, but you have to work hard.

About surprise

I naively thought that I would only work at the cash register. Pass the goods through the scanner, take money, give change. Nothing like this! I took the goods for an hour at the beginning of the working day, and if you don’t have time to take it all, you will hear a lot of new things addressed to you. Receiving goods is not just taking it from the loader and forgetting it, you need to accurately check that the quantity matches the invoices, and this is your responsibility, for which you are responsible with your wallet. Then I rushed to the cash register, only to run into the hall an hour later and arrange the goods. Then back to the cash register, and forward - serving customers.

In addition to these cute delights, we also have the responsibility to wash the shelves in the sales area and the cash registers.

– in general, there is a lot of work beyond the usual idea of ​​a cash register. For example, on an eight-hour working day there is an hour break - a lunch break. But no one rests completely during this hour - it is divided into 15-minute segments, and during this time it is necessary to have time not only to eat, but also to put the shelves with goods in order. In addition, during the day you need to wash the shelves, the cash register, or something else. And an 8-hour working day is an excuse for the Labor Inspectorate. The chart on the wall is a distraction. In fact, you work for 12 hours, and no one cares whether you are tired or not. The salary is slightly above the minimum wage.

Later I worked in different systems, but almost everywhere cashiers easily became employees of the hall and vice versa - the management likes the “versatility”.

About responsibility

IN Not large networks Employees have a lot of responsibility. For example, if a product goes missing in a store - it was stolen, there was a mistake when receiving it, or something else, then the amount of shortage that has accumulated for the month is divided among all employees and deducted from the salary. In large networks this is not so tough. But the cashier is personally responsible for shortages at the checkout. Of course, this doesn’t make you happy, because you realize that there is less and less of your salary left. But they deduct this, again, not immediately, but at the end of the month, that is, there are some opportunities to compensate for what is missing. I don’t deliberately deceive clients, although sometimes you can cheat.

For example, a client filled a cart of groceries, I already put them through the scanner, but then it turns out that he forgot something in the hall. Then I cancel his purchases at the cash register, and the receipt has already been knocked out. The client, bypassing the queue, pays the cost of the forgotten purchase in cash and hurriedly leaves without waiting for the check. Then extra money appears in the cash register, which can be used to compensate for the shortfall.

True, in this case, goods purchased without a receipt in the store are “lost” - there is no document indicating that it was purchased.

They write it off as “lost” and spread the cost across the team. But when the option on the scale is 5 euros for each member of the team or for me alone 50 euros from an already meager salary - I don’t have to choose. By the way, the common belief that the cashier pockets money that remains surplus after the cash register is closed is a myth. All the money goes to the store, no matter what chain you work for. With this money, one cashier can cover the shortfall of another cashier, but that’s all.

About clients

The job of a cashier is interesting because you see different cross-sections of society. Both local superstars and stinking homeless people pass through us. It’s funny to see how our celebrities buy discounted products, but we all think that they don’t count the money. They still count!

People are all very different, but they are united in one thing: for them a cashier is a boy, that is, a whipping girl. Inconsistency of price tags in the hall - complaints to the cashier. I made a mistake with the surrender - execution. She awkwardly put a carton of milk on the belt - a cry about an armless stalk. If the bank terminal does not work, it is also the cashier’s fault. At the same time, if you really complain to the end, a rare buyer will deign to return the products collected in the cart to their places. When they heard that the terminal was not working, they left everything where it was and disappeared. And we rush around and put it all in its place. It would be nice to just have cookies, but it’s a shame when the ice cream melts...

To work as a cashier, you need to be a person with a special character, otherwise you will be lost.

I remember one time a client came, I told her everything, accepted the money, and she suddenly ran in - she forgot something, replaced something, decided not to take something at all. I had to cancel the account and completely redo everything. And the money was already in the cash register. And in this whirlwind, I forgot exactly what amount she gave me. I asked her to remind me how much money there was, and she responded by accusing me of stealing. I still remember it. It's a shame...

Some clients like to talk about their lives. Some become permanent - one was very persistent in becoming a suitor. And some give chocolates just like that. This is very pleasant, especially in a line of tired and gloomy customers who are just waiting for a reason to vent their irritation and get more hooked.

About deception

It’s not a problem to deceive a client; some people do it themselves. For example, it often happens that they pour out a mountain of little things in front of you - they say, count them yourself. This way you can count a little more - especially if there is a shortage at the cash register.

But they deceive us too. For example, sometimes it happens that you earn money and give change with the wrong bills. Or you will give the change along with the bill for which you collected the change. Do you think someone will say? They are silent, their eyes are burning, and they quickly move away.

Another option. One puts down a bill, supposedly to pay for the purchase. The second one at this moment begins to chatter, for example, making claims in a raised tone. And just like that, amid the chatter, the bill will quietly float away along with unpaid purchases. As you understand, we reimburse from our own money.

About bonuses and incentives

It all depends on the place where you work. There are networks where they very closely monitor the work of the cashier, give monthly bonuses to the fastest and best, give them the opportunity for a further career and encourage them in every possible way. But I also know networks where no one cares how you work. If you work poorly, it’s a reason to be fined and yelled at. And if you do well and diligently, then why celebrate, it’s your job.

I remember similar incidents in two stores. The cashier caught the thief. One network gave her bonuses. In the other - nothing.

About the pros and cons

Occupational diseases of cashiers include dry hands, allergies, sore back and neck, radiculitis and colds. For example, I am allergic to... money, so I work in gloves. Not very comfortable, but better than constant itching. Many people have very dry hands - after handling money there is a terrible feeling of unwashed hands, you want to wash it off all the time. Hands get very dry, and almost everyone has a tube of cream in their cash register.

My back and neck constantly hurt from being in the same position for many hours. Despite the fact that there are stools at the ticket counters, it doesn’t get any easier – you still can’t really change your position.

It just so happened that the cash registers are located near the entrance to the store. It’s constantly blowing, in winter and autumn it’s just darkness, branded vests and jackets don’t help, it’s still cold. You catch a cold.

And also a feeling of disgust. I can’t get over myself when I see dirty hands and dirty nails.

The manner of slobbering on your fingers and then counting out bills with them is infuriating, or when a person blows his nose into a handkerchief or wipes his nose with his hand, and then gives you money with the same hand. Some people pour change from their pocket into the cash tray - mixed with seeds, candy wrappers, garbage, and you have to collect it yourself the required amount little things...

There are also advantages to the job. Firstly, we manage to put aside some fresh goods for ourselves before our customers. Secondly, sometimes we are given at a discount a product that has an expiration date. Thirdly, sometimes they can just bring some things into our break room - they say, take it, it’s for the team. Little things, of course, but at least something.

Timofey Shikolenkov, head of marketing at Audiomania: I recently wrote a book about how to found, maintain and develop an online store business (“Your Online Store from A to Z”). He organized the sale of books through his website - and came across the common topic of online cash registers (updating the law 54-FZ, which requires everyone to acquire online cash registers with a fiscal drive, came into force on July 1, 2017).

Myth one. About the alleged delay

It is widely believed that for those who have not previously used a cash register and worked as an individual entrepreneur, there is a deferment until 2018. This is wrong.

There are many online stores where, until recently, there were no cash registers at all: previously, electronic means of payment were not equal to cash. The new law is needed, among other things, to tax service could track these sales too (time, amount, product, VAT). The new cash register will record everything the store has sold and send the information to the fiscal data operator. The operator stores this data and provides it to the tax authorities upon request.

This concession applies only to those who worked within the framework of the patent taxation system (this function is available for a number of businesses representing personal services engaged in retail trade or public catering), or under the single tax on imputed income (UTII). They will not need an online cash register, designed according to the new rules, until July 1, 2018.

This deferment does not apply to distance trading, within which online stores operate, just as it does not apply to businesses operating under any other schemes. From July 1, they can no longer sell through old cash registers (or without cash registers at all) and without an agreement with the fiscal data operator.

Myth two. About excuses

This deferment does not apply to online stores, but there is another: since many postponed the purchase of new cash registers until the last minute, the regulator has run out of machines with fiscal drives. Therefore, in the next few months, the tax office will not fine anyone for not having an online cash register.

This, of course, does not mean that you can forget about buying a new cash register. You still need to conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator and start adapting the site - purchases through it must be integrated with the new cash register.

With the last point separate problem— the law is rather vague in removing responsibility from an entrepreneur who does not install a cash register on time. For example, he does not face a fine if he “did everything in his power.”

Let's say an entrepreneur hired a programmer who began writing software for integration - formally the entrepreneur did everything he could. The question arises as to how soon the programmer will complete this work, and what liability will his employer bear if the result is unsatisfactory or the work takes too long (and when this “too much” occurs). It is not yet clear how this issue will be considered from a legal point of view. Therefore, you should not rely too much on excuses.

Besides, this “delay” will end soon.

Myth three. About “pseudo-ignorance”

There is a natural conflict between the concepts of “electronic means of payment” and “non-cash payment”. It sounds almost the same, but the mechanics of transferring money in these two systems are different. Electronic means of payment are direct retail, interaction between seller and buyer (even if the seller involves an intermediary in the form of payment system or bank).

But in the process of payment by bank transfer, formally everything looks different: the client gives the bank an order to send money to the seller’s current account in (another) bank. This is not electronic money, but quite real. And the seller may not have an agreement with the bank that executes the buyer’s order; as a result, the commission is paid not by the seller, but by the buyer.

Companies have appeared that are “embedded” in the payment process: they accept money from clients (that is, they replenish their virtual wallets - or personal accounts- doesn’t matter), and then a non-cash transfer is made from these wallets to the seller’s bank account. Another option is to provide transfer services without opening an account. The essence does not change from this. The bank accepts money in some way, after which it ceases to be an “electronic means of payment” and is transferred by bank transfer. The bank does not need online cash desks, in accordance with the same law. And the bank does not have an agreement with the seller.

But the client does not see any difference - the form of payment does not change for him, the payment procedure is exactly the same. Only instead of electronic means payment purchase (formally) is carried out through bank transfer (or, in other words, “pseudo-bank transfer”). From a legal point of view, this is a different scheme.

This is how the Nextpay system works, a similar service can be obtained through the “Loyal” tariff in Robokassa: payment for purchases in the store is made by transfer Money non-cash on behalf of the buyer. Accordingly, this scheme does not fall under 54-FZ, but under the “Regulation on the Rules for the Transfer of Funds,” which regulates banking operations.

Exists high risk that after some time this scheme will be declared illegal. Whether any fines will ultimately be imposed on the business is another question.

Myth four. About agency schemes

You can also sell with the help of agents. For example, many delivery services operate on this principle: they accept cash or bank cards from the buyer, they themselves issue him a check according to all the rules, and then send it to the seller by bank transfer. This is not a new scheme; many online stores have been working this way for a long time when delivering physical goods with payment for the goods at the time of receipt. What prevents you from launching such a scheme online? It would seem like nothing. You can create an organization that will “punch through” all purchases through its cash register, and then transfer the money to the seller.

This is the principle used by B2CPL, a delivery service that provides agency services for accepting payments and fiscalization. But such a scheme can be considered illegal banking activity, since in fact the organization only accepts payments. And according to the law, an agent cannot only receive money - he must provide at least some services to the customer. Fiscalization as a service separate from payment looks strange.

So you also need to be careful with this bypass method - there is a possibility that the scheme will also soon be declared illegal. And the cash register will still have to be set up. Myth five. About Yandex.Market

When a buyer completes and pays for a purchase in any online store on Yandex.Market itself, Yandex.Market independently “knocks out” all the necessary receipts and fiscalizes the transaction. In essence, he performs the function of an agent, but does not possess, and in fact practically “refuses” this status.

It would seem that this good decision. Online stores and companies that sell services and electronic goods put links from the “Buy” buttons on their websites to product cards in Yandex.Market and sell through it.

But there is a nuance - Yandes.Market does not accept stores that do not themselves accept orders on their websites. It's a vicious circle. In other words, the bypass does not work; a new cash register will still be needed.

Not a myth. About physical goods delivery services

The store may not install a cash register at all, stop accepting payments online and work with delivery services that act as paying agents (that is, they accept money from customers).

This is a working option, but it will affect the business: the online store will have to abandon consumer-friendly online payments and switch to the outdated form of cash on delivery. Because of this scheme, there is a risk of losing some customers.

Not the second myth. About Marketplaces

There is still a way to bypass the online cash register. This is a marketplace that is an agent. There is no conflict of functions here, because the marketplace simultaneously provides the service of “promoting goods and attracting buyers.” The marketplace, on behalf of the seller, punches checks and carries out fiscalization - for this, he just needs to register his cash register accordingly.

There is only one risk for the seller - through the “Buy” button on his website, the buyer goes to the marketplace website, where he can be “lost.” But there are no legal risks for the entrepreneur in this scheme yet. Such a service is currently provided only by Robomarket - this is how I found a way to sell my book without purchasing a cash register.

There is only one conclusion for entrepreneurs - whether you like it or not, sooner or later you will have to buy a new cash register. Exceptions are work through the marketplace, or cash on delivery. And if your business is serious and long-term, don’t put it at risk, think about choosing an online cash register solution. There are already a lot of them. But that's a completely different story.

What are the requirements in 54-FZ for fiscal registrars? What should you pay attention to when purchasing a fiscal registrar? What are the most popular recorder models?

The main requirement for a fiscal registrar is its inclusion in State Register cash register equipment. If the model you have chosen is not in the register, then it does not meet the requirements of 54-FZ, which means that you cannot work with such a fiscal registrar according to the new procedure. This criterion should be the first for all entrepreneurs who are interested in which fiscal registrar to choose for an online cash register.

What is a fiscal registrar?

The fiscal registrar is the union of the printer and fiscal storage. Pay attention to the characteristics of the printer installed in the fiscal registrar.

On Russian market many models of fiscal registrars. Which one to choose depends on the desires of the entrepreneur and the requirements of his business.

What determines the choice of a fiscal registrar?

When choosing a fiscal registrar, the site recommends paying attention to several important points.

  • Printer type. The printer can be thermal or matrix. Dot matrix printers noisier and slower, but the information on receipts printed by such a printer is retained longer. Thermal printers are fast and almost silent, but after about 6-8 months the information on the receipt becomes difficult to read. Recorders with thermal printers are more expensive than recorders with matrix printers.
  • Print speed. How faster printer prints, the higher it is valued by sellers and buyers. If on your point of sale there is a large flow of buyers, choose a “high-speed” printer.
  • Receipt width. Most often, printers support one of the receipt formats – 57 or 80 mm. There are registers with printers that can print receipts in both formats. Paper 80mm wide is more expensive than paper 57mm wide.
  • Paper separation. There are printers with a built-in guillotine, which automatically cuts off the receipt, and there are printers with a “comb”, against which the cashier manually tears off the receipt. The auto-cutter greatly affects the price of the fiscal registrar, but saves time for the cashier and the buyer.
  • Loading paper. It is best to choose a fiscal recorder into which the cashier will spend a minimum of time and effort loading paper.
  • Specifications. Before purchasing, you should definitely find out the service life of the print head and the printing mechanism of the fiscal recorder. The higher it is, the longer the device will last.

Fiscal registrars are issued in different sizes and body colors. There are types of fiscal recorders that can be mounted on a wall, work horizontally or vertical position. If every centimeter of cashier space is important to you, choose a compact model.