How to assemble a computer. What is the difference between a home computer and an office and gaming computer? Self-assembly of a system unit in pictures or how to assemble a computer at home

Today the world of computer technology is so diverse that it is very difficult to make a choice. For example, when many people decide to get a computer, they often think that it is better to have ready-made equipment or to assemble it at home with their own hands. Of course, young people who understand at least a little technology and quickly figure out what’s what are trying to assemble a computer with their own hands. Moreover, this option is much more economical than buying ready-made equipment.

But still, if you are planning to build your PC personally, you should understand the advantages of this option. The first thing you need to do is purchase components that meet your requirements and needs, taking into account their compatibility. Above all, you need to decide which computer to build for gaming or work. Since today's youth are obsessed with various games, we will try to assemble the best version of a gaming computer.

What is the most important thing in a computer? Of course, the system unit. As a rule, when buying it in a store and asking the seller about the prices and configuration of the unit, it is difficult to find out, since no one in the store will reveal such important information to you. It's classified. Only by disassembling the block of the house can you find out whether all the components and components have been selected correctly.

Very often, store sellers claim that the system has 4 gigabytes of RAM and a gaming video card, but they do not mention the name of the manufacturer. This is because it is not profitable for them, since usually stores try to sell a system unit assembled from components from unknown or little-known manufacturers. As a result, when you bring it home, connect it, connect all the wires correctly and put the computer into operation, after a couple of months you will feel that there are malfunctions in its operation. And after a short time it may completely fail. All this is because unknown manufacturers do not try very hard with the quality of components; they believe that if they are not visible, since they are hidden inside the block, then it will do just fine, and as a rule, the result of such negligence does not take long to arrive. Therefore, an important rule: all components of the block must be produced by a well-established manufacturer.

Also, an undeniable disadvantage of buying a ready-made system unit in a store is that in the future you may not even think about making any changes to its configuration. So, you will not be able to change its design, nor add or remove a set of functions. As a result, before purchasing, think about whether to buy in a store or start your own assembly.

Independent selection of components will allow you to choose them taking into account your requirements and wishes. In addition, remember that the price of the finished system unit is greatly influenced by the software part of the PC. You've probably noticed that when you buy a computer in a store, sellers of their own free will, in addition to the main Windows system, install additional ones, the existence of which you didn't even know existed and are unlikely to ever use. But they don’t pay attention to this, because the more programs installed, the higher the cost of the system.

In addition, many sellers tell buyers that they install only licensed programs, and therefore the cost is high. But you shouldn't believe everything they say. After all, if you are familiar with software, you probably know that one copy of the licensed software is designed for only one user. In addition, it is very expensive. Therefore, a logical question arises: will stores be able to buy as many licensed programs as they have computer systems. Of course not. In fact, they install such a program on all computers, and tell customers false stories.

Some nuances

Remember, self-assembly will allow you to assemble a system unit with components that you really need and are worth. Moreover, in the future you will be able to upgrade it. Moreover, the computer industry is developing at a rapid pace these days; you just need to keep up with it. If today it seems to you that you have assembled modern and powerful equipment, then in a couple of months it may be considered obsolete.

Also remember, sellers often offer system units with “cut” versions of motherboards to mislead the buyer, but at the same time make good money. They are cheaper, and the functionality of these components is limited. It will be very difficult to modernize such systems in the future.

Assembling the block with your own hands will give you freedom of action. You can install different components at your own discretion.

Components of a full-fledged computer

We will help you and tell you what to do at each stage of component assembly.

First of all, you need to know what a computer consists of, and this is:

  • frame;
  • hard drive or SSD drive;
  • monitor;
  • keyboard;
  • mouse;
  • motherboard;
  • CPU;
  • RAM;
  • power unit;
  • video card.

When choosing components, remember that you do not need to buy too expensive spare parts, but very economical options will not suit you. It’s better to first get acquainted with prices and manufacturers, and only then choose a middle ground. Pay enough special attention to the processor to be able to add RAM to the video card in the future.

How to properly connect components

Once you have decided on the configuration of your future computer and bought the components necessary for assembly, you can begin work. It is worth saying that in fact, such work is not difficult only for those people who have more than once encountered assembling a PC and are well aware of all the components, some features, nuances and assembly diagrams. People who have not encountered this kind of work will have to sweat a little, since it primarily requires attention and patience. Therefore, if you are ready to start, we provide you with detailed instructions for assembling the system unit, which will help you avoid mistakes and do everything correctly.

So, first you need to check the presence of all components and ensure their integrity. You will need:

  • case and power supply;
  • motherboard, plug, which is included in the kit, for the back of the unit;
  • CPU;
  • HDD or SSD hard drive;
  • video card;
  • cable for connecting spare parts;
  • cooling system;
  • RAM;
  • if necessary, an optical drive.

Lay out all the spare parts on the mat in front of you and double-check their availability again, after which you can begin installing the power supply.

power unit

Before we talk about installing the power supply, let's talk about its power. It is known that computers are used for different purposes. Some people need them purely for working with graphics or office applications, some will work on it at home on the Internet, others want to enjoy a high-quality game. Depending on the area of ​​use, a case with a power supply is selected. So, for working with graphics and high-quality games, a power supply with a power of 500-600 W is better suited. The fact is that a lower power unit will not be compatible with a powerful video card, since the power supply must always be compatible with the video card. The approximate cost of such a block is between 50-60 dollars.

For a computer that will be used at home, working on the Internet or office applications, a unit with a power of 350-400 W will do. Its cost is usually about 30-40 dollars.

Before you begin installing the unit, you must remove the side cover from the housing. In some models the power supply is mounted at the top, and in others at the bottom. Therefore, pay attention to this detail when installing it. In addition, many wires with appropriate connectors must come from the unit to connect other equipment.

Therefore, you need to make sure that the block has the necessary connectors, so that later you do not need to purchase missing adapters. The block is secured with screws using a Phillips screwdriver. So, having considered where in the case the block is mounted, we install it and secure it firmly with screws. The first stage is completed.


So, we have already installed the power supply in the case, now it’s the turn of the motherboard. First, we check whether this part is damaged; if everything is in order, you can begin installing it.

First of all, you will have to install the plug that comes with the motherboard. It is worth saying that it has special holes with which it is attached to the body. In addition, very often the motherboard comes with special spare parts in the form of supports, which are designed to place the motherboard on them. If they are, then install them first, and then the main part. After all, the supports are supplied so that the motherboard is firmly and securely located in its place. In addition, sometimes the methods of mounting the board may differ; this depends on the design of the case itself.

So, if the case is universal and does not have special frills, the motherboard is mounted as follows:

It is very difficult to make a mistake here, since there is only one suitable connector.


Step three - installing the central processor. When installing a processor, you must remember that the motherboard is equipped with a connector for it, which is called a socket. The characteristics of the processor and motherboard must be similar, the sockets must be the same.

The processor is installed in a special place, which is very noticeable. It is presented in the form of a rectangular connector with a clamp and is no larger than a box.

We press the small lever, move it to the side, then open the cover as far as possible and begin installing the processor. Here comes the most important point, which requires great attention. The processor must be installed correctly. How to do it?

There is a triangle-shaped mark on the processor, and there is a similar mark in the place to which it should be attached. During installation, you need to align these two marks with millimeter accuracy. The installation should be performed as follows: we take the processor by the ribs and gently place it in its location; the landing should be light and soft, without effort or pressing. In addition, do not touch the contacts under any circumstances, so as not to damage it. When the processor is installed, carefully fix it with a clamp, returning it to its original place. At the end, we connect the power cable to the connector located nearby.

Cooling system

There are many types of cooling systems; let’s consider installing a standard cooler with snaps. First you need to prepare the cooler, use the latch to open it and remove the protective film. If there is no thermal paste on the edge, be sure to apply it to improve the thermal conduction process between the fan heatsink and the processor. It is applied in a thin and even layer.

Next, we install the cooler on the processor, and it does not matter which side will be installed. However, the installation must be done in such a way that the power cable can be connected to the connector on the motherboard.

Since the cooler has four latches, all of them must coincide with the motherboard connectors when installing it.

We place the cooler on the board, aligning the connectors, and click the latches two at a time, diagonally. Correct fixation is done if you hear clicks and the fan does not wobble or move. If you feel even slight movements, then perform the fixation again. Next, we connect the power to the fan using a cable that has a connector; it must be installed in the connector on the motherboard, which is located close to the processor.


The hard drive is installed at the front of the case. If there is only one hard drive, then it is better to install it in the lower compartment. To attach the hard drive, remove the second side cover from the unit.

We place the disk in the compartment and secure it with screws. The fastening must be made firmly and reliably. Next, connect the power and data cables to the hard drive. Let's consider connecting via the SATA interface - a flat cable, wide, intended for power supply, and a narrow one, in turn, for transmitting information. We connect the power cable to the HDD, and connect the information transfer cable in the same way. In this case, there should be no problems, since the connection system is very simple.

Optical drive

To install optical drives, remove the plugs on the outside of the case, then install the device in a special compartment and securely fasten it using fasteners.


Installing RAM is not difficult. The connectors have latches that will need to be bent to the side before installing the RAM. Then we put the RAM stick into the slot and press it lightly. The latches return to their original place. All! We installed RAM. Important detail. Remember, there is a small connector on the RAM stick; it is not located in the middle, but slightly offset to the side. Therefore, if the memory is not in its place, then you need to try to unfold it and install it on the opposite side.

Video card

To install the video card, you will need to remove one metal plug, which is located on the back of the system unit. Next, we repeat the same steps as with installing RAM, additionally securing the video card to the case with a screw.


The most difficult assembly stage of all those described above is connecting the wires. The work is much simpler if the manufacturer has prudently labeled all the wires, so it is clear what needs to be connected to what, and it is almost impossible to make a mistake. Therefore, when purchasing wires, we recommend that you pay attention to the inscriptions on them, this will make it much easier to complete the last stage of assembly.

We check the performance of our own computer. If everything is done correctly, then when you press the button on the unit body, you will hear a single squeak. Hurray we did it! Next, install the operating system, and you can happily enjoy powerful and modern computer games.

In contact with

I talked about why I always prefer to order a new computer in the form of separate components. In the comments to this article, I was asked to show, for those who have never encountered anything like this, exactly how the assembly process works: how complicated it all is, and well, maybe If you are not too advanced of a user, assemble a computer yourself. And then I thought that if I filmed and demonstrated this process, it could become a useful article for the “Educational Education” section. After all, in fact, there is nothing impossible in assembling a computer yourself. Mastering all this is no more difficult than assembling a cabinet from IKEA, and even then - in my opinion, assembling a cabinet from IKEA is noticeably more difficult. And if you more or less understand what components a computer consists of and how these components need to be selected, then, of course, it’s better for you to assemble a new computer yourself - from those components that you yourself select for your tasks and your financial capabilities. Well, let’s see how I assembled my computer: what goes with what, what can be be complex and subtle. Here is a prepared set of components (what these components are and why I chose them is in the article). (All photos are clickable so you can see all the details.)

At home, it is better to assemble on a table if it is of sufficient size, but even better on a bed - this is the most convenient: you don’t have to bend over too much, and there is plenty of space. I take the case out of the box. Handsome, isn't he? Remove both side covers.

The case contains wires with connectors for connecting various ports, coolers and switches. There are also bags with all kinds of fasteners and clamps.

The front door opens, underneath there are four five-inch seats, for example for DVDs and all sorts of additional panels.

On the left side of the top cover of the case there are two USB 3.0 ports, two USB 2.0 ports, outputs for connecting headphones and a microphone.

On the right there is a power button, a reboot button, a button for turning on/off the backlight of the case, a three-position button for switching blowing modes, a hard drive operation indicator, and a blowing mode indicator.

Rear part of the case.

First we install the power supply. In the article I wrote that I decided to take the V550 model - 550 W. However, after thinking about it, I decided that I would still take a more powerful power supply. And the point is not that I want to have a power reserve: you never know what I can think of to put in the computer. The fact is that a more powerful power supply will turn on the cooler for airflow much less often, and for me it is extremely important that the computer be practically silent.

This is what I call a smartly packaged power supply. It's really nice to hold it in your hands.

The power supply itself, complete wires and a set of clamps.

We install the power supply into the power supply compartment of the case. It is installed with the fan down - there is a corresponding ventilation window with a dust filter on the computer case.

We fasten the power supply with bolts.

Now it's the motherboard's turn. By the way, before you pick it up, make sure that there is no static electricity on your hands, otherwise if you discharge directly into your mother, it could end badly. The same applies to other computer boards.

We take out the motherboard.

It comes with a large set of fasteners, wiring, adapters, and so on.

Port block.

It must be installed in the corresponding slot in the computer case: carefully bring it to the slot inside the case and insert it evenly until it clicks lightly. Check that the block is seated correctly on all sides.

Slot for installing a processor. Release the clamping handle, open the clamping frame, and remove the plastic plug.

We take the processor out of the box.

We install it in the mounting socket. The triangle in the corner of the processor should face the triangle drawn on the motherboard under the socket. There are also two guides there, so it’s simply impossible to install the processor incorrectly.

Cover the processor with a clamping frame and secure the handle under the protrusion.

Now we install a cooling system on the motherboard with the processor, in simple terms - a cooler.

We take the cooler out of the box. It consists of a radiator and a removable fan.

Two types of fasteners - for Intel processors and AMD processors.

Fasteners for Intel processors.

Remove the fan from the radiator so that it does not interfere.

The black frame is installed on the bottom of the motherboard under the processor, and its posts pass through special holes.

Holders are installed on these racks from the top. They can be installed like mine, or they can be rotated 90 degrees.

Before installing the radiator, the upper part of the processor must be lubricated with a special heat-conducting paste, which will increase the contact area of ​​the radiator pad with the processor and improve heat dissipation. If the paste is not used or applied incorrectly, then it is quite possible that the processor will overheat, which can lead to very serious problems in the operation of the computer. A special syringe with paste is included with the cooler. There you need to unscrew the cap, squeeze out the required amount onto the upper surface of the processor and spread this paste very evenly in a thin layer. Before doing this, do not touch the surfaces of the processor and the radiator landing pad with your fingers to prevent grease stains from appearing.

After this, you need to install the radiator and secure it properly so that it is pressed against the surface of the processor as tightly as possible.

The fan was supplied with special double plastic buffers, with which it was supposed to work even quieter - I installed them.

After that, I installed the fan on the radiator and connected its power to the corresponding connector on the motherboard. This connector is located next to the processor, and there you can set the cooler rotation speed through the BIOS or special programs.

Next, you need to install the motherboard into the case. But first, one note about installing the cooler. I have it installed opposite the case fan that supplies air inside the case. However, it would be best to rotate the radiator and fan 90 degrees counterclockwise so that it supplies heated air to the exhaust fan, which is installed on the rear end (both of these fans are clearly visible in the photo). But I was prevented from installing it this way by the location of the memory card slots on the motherboard - in this case, the fan would rest against the memory cards, which is undesirable. That's why I installed it exactly as in the photo - so it doesn't interfere with anything. And I thought that even with this arrangement I would not have any problems with cooling the processor: after all, this is a very effective cooler. (I’ll say right away that this is how it turned out - there were no problems.)

The ports and outputs of the motherboard should be in their places in the already installed block. First, we check that everything is in its place, and then we attach the motherboard, without missing a single fastening point.

The motherboard is installed, now we begin to connect the wires.

In modern cases, special holes are always made with rubber nozzles, through which cables and wires can be routed not from above the motherboard, but through the back wall. It’s more convenient, and then everything looks much neater.

As necessary, we connect the cables to the power supply, run them through the back wall and connect them to the headers on the motherboard. The connectors clearly correspond to the heads of the power supply cables, so it’s simply impossible to mix something up.

We connect the power to the main block of the motherboard, bringing the cable out of the hole closest to the block.

We connect the rest of the cables in the same way - audio, USB, power supply for coolers, and so on.

We pass all the cables through the back wall, take them out of the nearest hole and connect them. Later, when we assemble everything, we will remove the extra sections of cables under the back wall.

From the case comes a bundle of wires with heads that connect to a group of contacts on the motherboard - this is the power button (two contacts are simply closed there), the power indicator, Reset, the hard drive indicator. Theoretically, the names and polarity of the contacts are written on the board and in the instructions, but Almost advanced motherboards usually come with a special block, to which you can easily and simply connect wires, and the block is then placed on a group of contacts. This block is here.

We insert the wires (it says what it is on the head of each wire).

We insert the block onto the contacts.

For ease of use, I purchased this universal card reader with additional USB ports. It installs in a five-inch slot in the case.

The set includes two front panels in other colors - white and gray.

My case is white, so I installed a white socket.

A plug is pulled out of the five-inch mounting socket, the card reader is placed there and secured. Its cables connect to the USB pins on the motherboard.

Now let's install the memory. Before doing this, you should look at the instructions, just in case: if only two of the four slots are used (and this is exactly what I have), then the memory plates must be installed through the slot - this is the so-called dual-channel memory configuration. The instructions clearly state how to install this memory: either in the 1st and 3rd slots, or in the 2nd and 4th.

Here are two memory strips.

Installation: in the memory slot there is a special protrusion that shows exactly how to unfold the memory board so that the recess on it coincides with this protrusion and the board is installed in the desired position. The board should be placed in the desired position, and then press lightly from the edges so that the board fits into the slot and the plastic levers snap into place along the edges.

Now we install a terabyte SSD in M.2 format - here it is, handsome.

The motherboard has two slots for M.2. We install it in one of them and secure the board with a screw.

Despite the presence of a terabyte SSD, I still decided to put a quiet three-terabyte HDD in some far corner of the case - for all kinds of data that are not constantly used. The disk is installed very simply: plastic holders are pulled out of the disk basket, iron holders are inserted into the mounting brackets holes of the hard drive, after which the drive is inserted into the selected section of the basket and snapped into place. Its power and interface connectors are located on the rear wall, where they are connected with a power cable and a SATA cable.

Installed disk. Now it's the turn of the video card.

We take it out and insert it into the mother card slot until the lever snaps into place. (In the photo you can still see the already inserted small video capture card, which I use to take screenshots from media players.)

Advanced video cards require their own power supply - connect it. (For really cool cards you need to connect as many as two power heads.)

Well, everything seems to be collected.

Reinstall both covers.

We connect it to power, monitor, keyboard and mouse, start it - everything works.

By the way, the illumination of the rear end is very convenient, especially since it can be turned off when it is not needed.

Well, now some indicators on the assembled machine. SSD speed on M.2.

On an old computer, a Samsung 850 PRO has this speed.

The difference, of course, is very noticeable. There, people using Samsung SSDs turn on the RAPID mode in Samsung Magician and get such completely unrealistic speeds through caching.

But these are just pretty numbers that have nothing to do with reality. But on M.2 this is reality! And this is not the PRO version yet (it’s very expensive, I didn’t see the point in spending money). How does it look in purely practical terms? The system from the start of boot (after BIOS) to the login window is 4 seconds. Launch Lightroom - 2 seconds. Launching Photoshop - 1.5 seconds. The general system index according to Basemark is like this. My old computer (very powerful) had 314.59.
Well, about the temperature of important components. Temperature at minimum rotation speeds (complete silence) when working with a browser, text editor, and so on.

Temperature at minimum rotation speeds (complete silence), when the processor is 100% loaded - DVD is being re-encoded to MKV with H.264.

It almost never goes beyond 70 degrees, and this is quite normal. Moreover, you just need to increase the cooler speed from the quietest to slightly noticeable - everything becomes something like this. At 100% capacity, I note.

In normal loaded mode (Lightroom and other programs), the processor temperature is about 35 degrees. The video card here is quite powerful - Palit Geforce GTX 1070. It has two coolers, but it turns them on only when it is under serious load, and the coolers I still can't hear it. Here's a measurement of the card after playing the latest DOOM for ten minutes at the maximum settings for this configuration. The temperature is less than 60 degrees, and the coolers are spinning at 32% of maximum speed.
These are the indicators for the assembled machine. It’s not for nothing that everything was selected separately. Well, as a conclusion about assembling a computer. The main thing here is to do everything VERY CAREFULLY, taking your time and carefully studying the manuals and pictures in the manual (especially if you still have little experience).

Greetings, dear readers. Surely there are people among you who are planning to buy a computer in the near future. So, in fact, I decided to write a short series of articles about how to build a computer yourself and how to choose the optimal components based on your needs. We will not talk about the process of physical assembly itself, but about how assemble the optimal configuration.

To prevent the article from becoming huge and difficult to read, I divided it into separate articles:

  1. How to assemble a computer yourself(are you here)

Desktop or alternative

Why do we need desktop computers these days? After all, progress does not stand still and there are an abundance of more modern devices on the market, such as tablets, smartphones, all-in-one PCs, ultrabooks, and so on. And the point is this. Modern gadgets may satisfy most of the modern needs of mankind, but there are always tasks that require more productivity than mobile gadgets can provide. That's when desktops come to the rescue.

Before you wonder " how to build a computer yourself“First of all, you need to decide what you need a PC for. Even when you go to a store to buy a computer, the first thing they ask you is how you are going to use it. Maybe you need it for office work, or maybe, on the contrary, you need it. But these are two completely different computers.

I'm sure you already have a rough idea in your head of what kind of computer you want to build. And I’ll just describe the possible options for what might be in your head right now.

Do you want to build a gaming computer?

If you love gaming, then you most likely want to build the most powerful gaming computer (or something close to it). By the way, it will be said that a gaming computer is suitable not only for games. It is also great for video and graphics processing, 3D modeling, and audio processing (if you add a professional sound card to it). In general, this PC is suitable for everything. But his appetites are not childish either (in terms of electricity consumption).

Every gamer's dream

To build a gaming computer, Intel Core i5 / Intel Core i7 / and preferably at least 6th generation. Its analogue could be AMD FX / AMD RYZEN 5 / AMD RYZEN 7, if you are a fan of AMD processors. must be at least NVidia GeForce 780Ti or higher. I don’t see any point in taking it, since its price is inflated out of proportion to its power. you'll need 16GB, but it's not difficult if the motherboard has enough free slots for it. And it’s definitely needed for the system, or better yet, for all software, including games. Fortunately, the volume of solid-state drives is now growing in leaps and bounds. Soon we will completely forget what it is.

Want to build an office PC?

In fact, these are the weakest computers; sometimes it is really better to prefer such a PC. So, if you decide to build an office computer, then you will need an inexpensive Pentium or Celeron processor (but Pentium is better), or a dual- or quad-core AMD processor of similar power. The video card will have a fairly built-in head. However, you should not install less than 4 GB of RAM.

Do you want to build a PC for video processing, graphics, design work, layout

This is, in fact, a medium-power computer. About 8-16 GB of RAM. The main load will fall on the central processor and video card. Therefore, at a minimum, you need an Intel Core i5 processor (preferably the latest or penultimate generation). And consider video cards from .

If we are talking about layout or programming, then you can assemble a system that is a little weaker. For example, an Intel Core i3 processor (also the latest or penultimate generation) will suffice. And since you don’t have to work with graphics, an integrated video card may well be enough.

How to assemble a computer yourself: summary

Now you know in general terms how to assemble a computer yourself. We will look at each point in more detail very soon. In the meantime, a checklist on the topic “Build a computer yourself”:

  1. Any case will fit. Take a beautiful one.
  2. The more powerful the computer, the more powerful the power supply.
  3. The motherboard must support the connection interface for each component you choose. For example, processor chipset or .
  4. There is no need to skimp on the processor.
  5. If you plan to overclock the processor (), then take care of good cooling.
  6. System performance depends not only on the amount of RAM, but also on the frequency of the RAM bus.
  7. Often, a video card of the penultimate generation will be enough for any modern game. Don't waste your money on the latest generation video cards.
  8. The hard drive can also affect the speed of the system. If this is important, then it is better to look towards SSD drives. They are much faster and quieter.
  9. An optical drive is a completely optional attribute. You can save money on it.

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Within the framework of this article, the solution to such a problem as self-assembly of a computer will be described step by step. With such a layout of equipment there are a number of advantages, but there are practically no disadvantages. Moreover, every user can cope with such a task, regardless of their level of training.

Advantages and disadvantages

When viewing computer configurations in specialized computer stores, potential clients often have the following question: “How to assemble a computer yourself?” Existing proposals do not always meet the requirements and requests. Either the video card is integrated, or the motherboard is cut to the brim, or there is little RAM, or the processor is slow... In general, there is no configuration that would be ideal for the user’s tasks. As a result, there is a natural desire to get exactly the PC that is perfect for the given purposes, that is, buy components separately and then assemble them together yourself. In this case, two advantages will be achieved: savings on computer assembly and an ideal configuration for your case. There is only one drawback in this case - the responsibility for assembling and selecting components falls on your shoulders. But there's nothing wrong with that.

Selection of components

The most popular platform for PC assembly at the moment is LGA 1150 (this is the connector on the motherboard for installing the CPU). Using her example, we will consider the process of how to assemble a computer yourself from components. In principle, a similar algorithm can be applied to other platforms from Intel and AMD that are on sale today. The system will be assembled from the following components:

  • Processor - "Intel K" with a clock frequency of 3.5 GHz, 4 cores on board and a three-level cache system. Its productivity will be enough for the next 2-3 years. This is an excellent solution for those users who want excellent performance at a reasonable price.
  • Motherboard - Z97 Gaming from MSI. Maximum equipment at an affordable price - these are its advantages.
  • Housing "Orion 202" from the company AZZA. A stylish and spacious gaming case, in which the possibility of overheating of components is almost completely eliminated.
  • RAM "TEAM 8GB 1600MHz". Its frequency will allow you to maximize the potential of the processor. You can also choose products from other manufacturers, but with similar characteristics.
  • Video card from MSI with 2 GB of memory.
  • Hard drive model WD10EZEX 1TB in size from Western Digital.
  • TS256GSSD340 256MB solid state drive from Transcend
  • Drive for reading all disc formats model BD-W512GSA-100 from TEAC.
  • DeepCool Theta CPU cooler.
  • Power supply Aerocool VP-750 0.750 kW.

We sorted out the components. Now let's find out how to assemble a premium 2014 computer from them (and this will really be a PC of this level). If desired, the configuration can be changed, but this is not critical. All the nuances outlined below are suitable for almost all cases. If you have problems selecting components, you can use various online services. For example, you can assemble a computer at Yulmart, in the “Configurator” section. Then purchase everything you need and assemble a PC.


Let's start with the body. The kit should include an installation kit (bolts, nuts, plugs) and a power cord. Therefore, when removing it from the box, we pay attention to this. First, unscrew the 4 bolts from the back of the case and dismantle it (with a careful movement we move them in the same direction: immediately right, and then left, or vice versa). Remove the plug where the motherboard is installed.

Hard drive and drives

At the next stage of how to assemble a computer in parts, you need to deal with the disk subsystem. It consists of three devices at once: a hard drive, a solid-state drive and a Blu-ray drive. The first of them is designed to store user data and toys. The solid state drive is suitable for installing the operating system and the most demanding applications. The last representative of this group of devices will allow you to play movies in high quality. You can also use it to install Windows. Installation begins with the Blu-ray drive. It fits into a 5.25" top bay. There should be a drive bay on the front side of the case. It is secured with two bolts on each side. Then you need to install a hard drive and a solid-state drive in the lower 3.5-inch bays. Since these devices have increased heat generation, it is necessary to leave an empty compartment between them. Next, they are fixed with bolts in the same way as a Blu-ray drive.


So, how to assemble a computer in parts? We continue our master class. Next, the motherboard is mounted into the case. It is necessary to remove the metal plug from its back side. A plate is installed in its place, which comes complete with the motherboard. We lay the case on its side so that there is space at the bottom for attaching this component. You need to select a plastic retainer from the set of fasteners. We turn the motherboard towards us with the side on which the aluminum radiators are located, and install it in the upper right hole. We prepare 7 bolts for fastening. We lay the motherboard, insert its connectors into the plate, and the holes for the bolts should also match. We fix this component using seven pre-prepared bolts and a Phillips screwdriver. You need to tighten it so that the board does not crack.


Well, assembling a computer yourself is quite simple, isn’t it? Let's continue. Now you need to install it in the socket (a square connector on the motherboard, located in its upper part next to 2 radiators). To do this, move the metal handle away from it and lift it up. Then remove the plastic plug. Then we remove the processor from the packaging and position it so that the golden triangle is in the lower right corner, in this position we install it in the socket. He should enter it without effort. After this, return the metal handle to its original position.


When thinking about how to assemble a computer with your own hands, you should understand that you next need to equip the CPU with a cooling system. The cooler comes with a syringe with thermal paste. Gently squeeze it out and apply a thin layer to the surface of the processor. Next, we position the cooler so that its fastenings coincide with the holes on the motherboard. We carefully install and fix it. We connect the wires from it to the “CPUFAN” connector and lay them so that they cannot get tangled in the fan blades or other moving elements.

Video card

Let's move on. The master class entitled: “How to assemble a computer yourself from components” is already close to completion. Now you need to install the graphics adapter. First, carefully remove the two plugs on the case opposite the PCI-EXPRESS 16x motherboard slot. Then we remove the accelerator from the packaging and install it all the way into this place. In this case, the panel with connectors should go exactly to the place of the removed plugs, and the connection interface should go into the expansion slot of the motherboard. Next, it is fixed with a bolt on the body.


The next step is to install the random access memory device. In this case, two 4 GB sticks are used. This amount of RAM is enough to solve any problem today. We remove them from the packaging. We install the first module in the “DIMM1” slot. In this case, the “keys” of the memory stick and the motherboard must match. Also, during installation, the clamps must also be closed on the sides. In the same way, the second module is installed in the “DIMM2” slot.

power unit

Conventionally, according to the method of installing power supplies, cases are of two types: top-mounted and bottom-mounted. The latter option is more preferable, since in this case there is more free space next to the motherboard, which provides better cooling of its components. This is exactly the installation of the power supply in this case. Since this material provides an answer to the question of how to assemble a powerful one yourself, you cannot do without installing an appropriate power supply. In this case, its power is 750 W, and this is more than enough for the normal functioning of such a computer system. It is installed as follows:

  • We unfold it so that the fan goes to the back of the case.
  • Place it on the bottom of the computer.
  • Carefully push it all the way to the back wall. At the same time, we look at the wires. They should not cling to other components of the computing system. If this happens, something may break. So we're watching this closely.
  • We fix it with four bolts (included with the housing).


At the final stage, you need to perform switching and assemble the case. We start by connecting the motherboard. We connect the largest connector from the power supply to it. His contacts are in two rows. It should connect easily. If you cannot insert this connector, then you need to turn it 180 degrees and try to connect it in this position. Then the front panel of the case is connected to the motherboard. All contacts that are used for this are located in its lower right corner. First of all, we attach “Power” and “Reset”. In this case, polarity does not matter. But when connecting “Speaker”, “HDD Led” and “Power Led” it must be observed. Therefore, we look at the instructions for the motherboard and check that the assembly is correct. Next, we find the four-pin additional connector and install it in the corresponding socket on it. In this case, the wires must be laid so that they do not accidentally fall on the cooler blades and stop it. Now we connect the drives to the motherboard. Cables for this are included with it. One end of the first of them is installed in the “SATA 1” connector, and the other - in the solid-state drive slot. The hard drive is connected in the same way, only now “SATA 2” is used. And in “SATA 3” we install the wire from the CD drive. Next, we connect the connectors from the power supply to the drives. First, we connect the solid-state drive and hard drive, and then a separate wire to the CD-ROM drive. At the final stage, we return the side covers of the case to their original position and fix them. After this, the PC is ready for use. As you can see, assembling a computer by yourself is not particularly difficult. Anyone can handle this.


So, let's describe the final stage of assembly. When following tips on how to build a powerful computer on your own, you need to remember that you need to do testing. To do this, all external devices (monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.) are connected to it. Also, a wire from a 220V power supply network is supplied to the power supply. After this, voltage is applied by pressing the “Power” button. Next, when turning on, hold down the “DEL” key, and after entering the BIOS, release it. After that, on the “Main” tab (that is, “Main”) we check the equipment configuration. If something is missing (for example, 4 GB instead of 8 GB), then turn off the computer and check that the missing element is installed correctly. The next step is to start installing the operating system, drivers and application software. This procedure no longer applies to how to assemble a computer with your own hands. Therefore, it will not be considered within the framework of this material.


This article describes a simple and clear procedure for assembling a computer yourself. By following the previously stated instructions, solving this problem will not be difficult. In this case, you will receive exactly the PC that will best suit your requirements and needs. Another advantage of this solution is that, if desired, this computer can be easily and simply upgraded. For example, you decide to increase the amount of memory. To do this, just remove the side cover, install the modules in the empty slots and reassemble it. Similarly, you can replace the video card or add a new hard drive. We hope you now understand how to assemble a computer yourself.

After working for 3 years and 5 months in a large company that assembles computer equipment, I decided to take a responsible step - quitting. During this time, I learned how to assemble all kinds of computers, laptops, monitors, all-in-one computers and nettops. I learned everything that was possible, and further work no longer brought the same initial interest.

The principle of correct and quick assembly at the factory is to maintain order. The technological process involves a production conveyor. For example, the daily norm (abstract) of a factory worker is 30 ready-made system units (RSB). The assembler can perform it only if the technology is followed. I’ll tell you about it step by step in this guide.

Let me clarify that this is an assembly manual. We will not select components to suit your budget here!

Basic tools for work:

  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • spatula or card for applying thermal paste;
  • cable ties;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers (if there is no other tool for tightening the motherboard stands).

In my case, the set of tools is slightly different. I use a long magnetic bit, wire cutters, 200 mm zip ties (for small wires I use 100-150 mm), a socket with a 5 mm head for screwing in the motherboard stands.

You bought a bunch of components and brought them home. Where to begin? Of course, from unpacking. We carefully remove the motherboard, processor, RAM and CPU cooler from the boxes and begin assembling (we need to combine all this). I recommend using an antistatic wrist strap so that you don’t have to buy a new spare part to replace the burnt one.

  • Next comes connecting additional power to the processor, main power to the motherboard (ATX POWER), hard drive and SSD (strictly in that order). If you still use an optical drive in 2018, connect that too.
  • Here I want to make a digression. In this case, we are considering the option of a simple housing, in which the wires do not need to be pulled in a tricky way through special channels through various technological holes.

    Properly laying and tying wires is a whole science. It took me a long time to learn this. If this article gets ten comments, I will record a video on the topic of correct and beautiful laying of wires inside a PC. For now, we will assume that we are not connecting anything - the main thing is that they do not get into the moving fan blades.

    Final stage of assembly

    There is very little left and the new system unit will be assembled.

    1. We connect SATA wires to all drives and the DVD drive. The hard drive is connected to slot 0 (or 1, if there is no zero). Drive - to slot 2.
    2. If we are assembling a gaming computer and your power supply is quite powerful to connect a video card, we install it into the motherboard connector, having first opened the latch mechanism on it. Here again you need to make sure that nothing gets into the fan blades, otherwise there is a possibility of them jamming. With the case closed, it is easy to miss this moment.
    3. We connect the power to the video card, if there is an appropriate connector. They come in 6-pin and 8-pin. If necessary, use an adapter.

    Having once again examined what happened for possible jambs, you can start the system. Without closing the case cover, we connect the computer to the network to check its functionality. When you press the Power button, the power and HDD indicator should light up, all fans (CPU, GPU, case) should spin up, and the BIOS boot image should appear on the connected monitor.

    Diagnosis of possible problems

    If the indicators do not light up, you need to check the connection of the front panel wires. If there is no image on the monitor, the RAM is most likely poorly installed. When constantly rebooting, you need to make sure that the add. The processor power has good contact with the mother (did you connect it at all?). The complete absence of signs of life in the system unit may indicate a problem with the power supply, or the front panel wires are not connected correctly.

    I described the algorithm of actions that we used in production. I think that this brief instruction will help beginners master a simple process and learn how to properly assemble a personal computer on their own.