What does captcha mean? Is it possible to make it easier to complete a CAPTCHA? It turns out yes! Bypass captcha using public services

CAPTCHA- This security code, which the user needs to enter in a special field on the site to protect it from action automatic services(bots, spam, flood, etc.) that harm the resource.

Simply put, a captcha is a test system where you need to write the word indicated in the image, solve a simple arithmetic equation, click on the corresponding picture, etc., so that you can then perform some action on the site. This effective method protecting registration and comment forms from robots, because the computer is not able to independently generate the correct answer.

Any user has probably encountered a captcha if they have registered at least once or left reviews on a forum or blog. Today we will tell you why captcha is needed at all, what types it comes in, how to choose, and whether you can make money on the Internet by entering captcha.

Please note that the word "captcha" comes from English abbreviation CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a fully automated public Turing test for distinguishing between computers and humans. This effective test program was invented by scientists from the Carnegie Research Center located in the USA, namely in the state of Pennsylvania.

As you already understand, the main function of this program is to test a site visitor, which helps to double-check whether he is really a “living person”. Many resources oblige us to enter a captcha, because today there is great amount programs that can automatically send advertisements on the Internet, leave fake comments, post links to virus resources etc.

Let's say you have a web page where users comment on a certain topic by first filling in the fields "name", " email address" and "Site URL". A robot can easily perform similar manipulations - fill in the fields and publish the review the spammer needs. But if you put a captcha, the program will no longer be able to enter it, which means there will be no spam.

Surely you've had a situation where you were just chatting with someone on the VKontakte social network, and when you sent the next message, a captcha appeared, and until you enter it, you will not be able to carry out any action. This happened because your actions seemed suspicious to the system, for example, sending messages too quickly. That's why there are such precautions.

According to Akismet, 90 percent of all comments on the Internet are spam. Spam itself is needed for:

  • advertising;
  • mass registration on websites;
  • placing links in order to improve the ranking of your resource in search engines;
  • distributing virus code to access other people's personal data;
  • conducting a manipulative online voting system.

All of the above procedures are illegal, but with their help scammers make money on the Internet. If you act independently, manually, the effectiveness of these methods is practically reduced to zero. But if you use automatic bots, they will carry out similar operations on many computers, which will automate mass actions and earn a decent amount of money.

Automated spam greatly affects the reputation and operation of a website, so the owners of many resources, especially large ones, which are visited daily by thousands of robots and real people, are afraid of it. Therefore, when registering on such sites, you will definitely be faced with the need to enter a captcha, because this is an easy way to prevent spam actions from automated programs.

What types of captcha are there?

Let's look at the simplest and most convenient captchas that are used on most sites.

Search engine verification Google systems, the simplest and most convenient. To pass it, just check the box next to the words “I am not a robot.” After a moment it will be displayed green tick, which means that the test was successfully completed.

But the system can still carry out additional check, taking you to a page to select the images you want. For example, you will be asked to click on all the photos that have letters.

Text/Number Recognition

In the field you must write the curved numbers or letters indicated in the picture. The words come across both Latin and Cyrillic. It happens that a person simply cannot make out what is depicted, so for convenience, a “refresh picture” button was invented, clicking on which will display another one. Sometimes there is also a button for voicing the content of the image.

brain teaser

In this captcha you will need to solve a simple arithmetic equation, for example, write in the field what is 21+42; or solve a simple riddle by indicating the correct answer.


Captcha consists of pictures. To pass the verification, you just need to select the required image, for example, click on all the images where there are fish.

Which captcha should you choose for your website?

Many webmasters do not want to install such a test program for their resource, because they are afraid that they will lose some of their visitors. And these fears are not in vain, because according to official statistics, the average user takes approximately 10 seconds to pass verification using a security code. Of course this procedure no one will like it.

The situation is aggravated by the poor recognition of captcha, which is why sites lose about 2-10 percent of visitors after its implementation. It is worth considering that there are users with poor vision - having met with test check, it’s easier for them to leave the site and go to another.

That is why it is important to install a captcha that will perfectly perform its direct functions (protecting the site from spam) and not bother users. To do this, it must meet 3 simple requirements:

  1. The test should be solved easily and quickly under any circumstances.
  2. Minimum number/letter input.
  3. The task should be easy even for visitors with problems with the functioning of sensory systems.

Many services use a captcha where you need to indicate what is shown in the picture. But, as practice shows, the answers to logical questions much more reliable and interesting for people.

However, the most popular these days remains the standard text reCAPTCHA from Google - it is the most protected from spammers who are constantly coming up with new ways to bypass verification. This program constantly changes its algorithm of action, and now, in most cases, to pass the test it is enough to check a box - it will take you only 2-3 seconds, and there is no need to recognize and enter any letters/numbers/pictures.

In addition to reCAPTCHA, website owners also often use the following captchas:

  • yaCAPTCHA;
  • Solve Media;
  • Anti Spam Image;
  • SI Captcha Anti-Spam.

How to make money by entering CAPTCHA?

Captcha is not only a useful security tool, but also a great opportunity to earn extra money on the Internet without any effort. Several proven services will help you with this:

  • Rukapcha. Automatically recognizes images. Today, many web resource owners require mass captcha entry, so you can offer them your services.
  • 2captcha. English-language analogue of the above-mentioned service.
  • Megatypes,Protypers. American resources that allow you to earn from 50 cents to 3 US dollars per 1000 captcha entries.


Spam in modern Internet a huge number, and it is possible that in the near future they will come up with new, more effective methods of protecting websites from fraud. But for now, the only salvation for resource owners remains captchas that filter harmful action automatic programs.

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Well, in cases where it is not possible to avoid a captcha programmatically, the CAPTCHA is entered manually using labor real people, which send this data to the attacker or solve captcha in real time thanks to the API.

So, we figured out the tools and motives of hackers. Let's now look at the most common methods of bypassing CAPTCHA, sorting them into two groups: those that are possible due to programmer errors when implementing CAPTCHA and those for which modern technologies are used.

Let's start in order, and I will try to place them in order of increasing complexity of protection against them, starting with the most primitive and ending with those for which methods of protection have not yet been invented.

To create intrigue, I will say that there are this moment there are three.

Bypassing captcha due to implementation errors

If you ask the creators of their own CAPTCHA implementations about how to bypass the captcha, they will tell you at least several ways. But the most interesting thing is that they themselves sometimes leave windows and doors in their creations for hacking.

This often happens due to the fault human factor, or rather the usual inattention during development and lack of thoroughness when testing the security of captchas.

But sometimes there is also inexperience, due to which the programmer simply was not aware of some methods of bypassing captcha at the time of development.

As I promised, in this section I will look at the most common ones, as well as ways to protect against them. And let's start, as promised, with the most primitive thing.

Bypass captcha with fixed dial tasks

At the dawn of captchas, self-written captchas were very popular as a means of fighting bots, because everyone wanted to try the new technology, and as a result, captchas were invented by everyone who was not too lazy.

In the case of using self-written captchas, in the implementation of which the developers decided not to bother with a large database of pictures, questions or other types of tasks, for a targeted automatic attack on a site with such a CAPTCHA, you just need to find out the answers manually.

Those. we go to such a site, select answers, compile a database of tasks and correct solutions, and write a bot for brute force attacks that will select suitable options.

But, fortunately, such situations in modern world You won’t be able to meet many, because... cybersecurity has since reached a very respectable level and no one is creating such primitives.

And if there are such people, then they very quickly learn from their mistakes when they lose control of their site or clients who were hacked because of such creations.

Protection: never create captchas with a set of tasks, solutions to which can be selected manually. If to solve a captcha you need to solve a mathematical example or enter characters from a picture, then tasks and answers to them should be generated automatically.

Another way to protect against such automatic captcha entry is to change the name of the form field in which the answer should be entered. If the field name, for example, is always “captcha,” then it will be easier for an attacker to crack such a captcha. Its robot program will only send a request to the server script specified in HTML attribute“action” of the form containing the required captcha value.

If in this situation the captcha field name is the same all the time, then the hacker will simply use the database of the most common captcha field names, which you can compile yourself while studying various sites or download ready-made on specialized resources(I won’t list them to promote hacking).

If the field name, like the captcha task itself, is generated on the server, then no captcha name database will help. In order to use a dynamic field name, in practice the captcha is generated by one script and processed by another.

IN in this case The implementation of captcha has one significant nuance: the script that processes the correctness of its entry will need to somehow pass the name of the captcha field. This is most often done using hidden input forms, data attributes or transmitting them via cookies or session.

The key point is that you cannot pass the name directly, i.e. the captcha field is called “captcha_mysite”, and the hidden field contains the value “captcha_mysite” or “site”. It must be encrypted, and decryption must occur using the same algorithm as encryption.

Since the encryption algorithm will be stored on the server, an attacker will not be able to easily recognize it (unless he gains access to the contents of the server script).

By the way, it is enough to use a random sequence of characters instead of the field name, which in PHP language very easy to get using the uniqid() function.

Bypass captcha using sessions

If the implementation of a captcha involves storing the correct answer in a session, and the session is not created anew after each captcha is entered, then attackers can find out the session identifier and find out the encrypted value of the CAPTCHA.

Thus, they can easily select an encryption algorithm and use it for further automated brute force attacks using bots.

Also, if in the code for checking the user's response on the server the programmer does not check for emptiness of the session variable in which the user's response is transmitted, then the hacker can use a non-existent session identifier for which the variable simply will not exist.

Due to this omission, such captchas can be solved by inserting non-existent session ids and empty captcha values.

Protection: no matter how much you would like to give up using sessions to transfer captcha values, this is very high price to ensure the security of captcha from hacking. Therefore, sessions, the values ​​of their variables and identifiers simply need to be carefully protected so that a hacker cannot use the information stored in them.

It is also worth producing all the banal, but such necessary checks variables on the existence and emptiness of their values.

Cracking captcha due to classified information in client code

Sometimes captchas are made in such a way that when transferring user values ​​to the server, encryption is used using the so-called “salt”, i.e. adding a session ID, IP value or other unique data to the CAPTCHA value. Often this can be a simple random sequence of symbols.

And the main condition for solving a captcha is that the encrypted CAPTCHA value entered by the user matches its correct value, which was generated when opening the page and recorded in a session or other storage for further transmission to the server.

The coincidence of these values ​​will most likely indicate that the user is a real person who entered the captcha generated during a communication session, at the end of which he solved it and from the same computer on which he first saw the captcha.

If these unique values ​​do not match, then most likely the captcha was entered automatically by the robot.

This mechanism for protecting the site from bots is well thought out, but sometimes these secret generated values ​​are present in the HTML code of the page, from where they can be easily read. Therefore, you can configure their automatic reading using programs and the same automatic entry when passing a captcha.

Protection: when implementing CAPTCHA yourself, you need to take into account this security gap and, if to solve the captcha it will be necessary to take into account the value of some unique identifier, then you need to make sure that it is not mentioned either in the JS or in the HTML code that can be viewed in the browser.

You also need to recreate the session ID and generate other unique values ​​(including the CAPTCHA itself, if possible) after each attempt to enter a captcha, which will save you or at least make it more difficult for hackers to hack the site by automatic selection correct value.

Another means of protection is, if possible, to block actions by IP and number of attempts.

How to bypass captcha without changing IP

Brute force attack is effective way bypassing captcha not only in cases of its implementation with a fixed set of tasks and their solutions.

Another mistake in the implementation of CAPTCHA, which makes it vulnerable to automated attacks, is the lack of time limits for solving a captcha and the number of attempts.

In this case, you can bypass the captcha using special program, which will collect a database of questions or select answers from the existing list. Moreover, all this will be done in automatic mode thanks to modern methods machine learning and developments in the field artificial intelligence who are for last years took a big step forward.

Protection: When implementing a truly secure captcha, you need to limit the time to answer and the number of attempts to solve the captcha from one IP to block brute-force attacks by robots.

For example, if less than 2 seconds passed between the generation of a captcha and the user’s answer, then consider such a user a robot and display a corresponding message on the screen. The text of the message should contain instructions to real users that the input should not be done so quickly (in case the person was physically able to enter the answer faster).

If it was really a person, then he will take appropriate measures, and if it is a robot, he will continue to attempt to bypass the captcha.

Such attempts should be considered incorrect, their number should be recorded in the session variable and blocked further actions for users by their IP. It would also be a good idea for such blocked addresses to issue a message to contact the administrator instead of a captcha if the blocked user was a real person.

And another effective way to combat bots is to introduce limits on certain actions on the site. For example, one registration from one IP. The main thing here is not to overplay and not reach the limits on the number of comments for one unique user.

But, in truth, these measures will not help much thanks to the existence of proxy servers.

Bypassing captcha using a proxy

Even in situations where blocking large quantity attempts to solve captcha by IP still occur; this event does not provide 100% protection from robots.

It’s all because of proxy servers and anonymizer programs that work on their basis, which perhaps every modern schoolchild knows about, looking for ways bypass parental controls and blocking of prohibited sites.

Anonymizers allow you to hide computer data when using the site, including the treasured IP address, by which the client can be identified and blocked.

The scheme is simple: the user connects to a proxy server, where his data is encrypted or replaced with others (for example, you may be assigned an IP address from another country), and then a request is made to the target site to which the client wants to connect.

Thus, an attacker can easily bypass all your IP blockings and pick up correct solution as many captchas as he needs.

And on some sites where the captcha appears only when completing a large number identical actions(for example, in VK when adding a large number of friends), it may not appear at all if each action is performed from a new IP and with timeouts between attempts to solve the captcha, so that the behavior of the bot is similar to the behavior of a real person.

This method was used half a century ago when writing the first programs to pass the Turing test, the implementation of which is CAPTCHA.

The described principles, by the way, are used by all currently known programs for automatic input captcha. To change the IP address of connecting to a site, they use free and commercial databases of proxy servers, which are not difficult to obtain if you have the Internet.

Protection: Unfortunately, there is no way to protect yourself from captcha hacking by tracking attackers by IP, thanks to the presence of anonymizers and open PROXY databases.

The only hope is that you PROXY servers may impose restrictions on the number of IPs used by one user and the number of connections from each of them.

For this reason, you should not abandon IP verification altogether. Thanks to your precautions that protect against captcha bypass, you will be able to block the hacker at one level or another sooner or later.

And most correct conclusion in this situation, in addition to this method of protecting against captcha hacking, there will be others that will help expose the hacker in another way.

Entering captcha automatically using action emulators

If you need to complete the CAPTCHA specific action(clicking a button, moving a slider, etc.), then you can also bypass the captcha in this situation by emulating the necessary action (click on specific element control or other action).

The only problem that a hacker may face in this situation is how to find the desired control on the site programmatically.

The easiest way to do this is by its coordinates or position relative to some static elements of the resource.

Protection: To protect yourself from automatic captcha entry in this case, you must constantly change the position of the control element that allows you to solve the CAPTCHA. Those. If out of three people you need to choose only the one whose hand is raised, in no case should he be placed constantly in the same place.

Well, in cases of other captcha implementations, when this is not possible (for example, for a download button or the “I’m not a robot” field, which can only have one correct answer), it is necessary to use other protection methods that can stop robots from automatic solution captcha.

How to bypass captcha using high technology

We have looked at the weak points of CAPTCHA implementations, which are security holes and are the most common in practice. However, in practice, even the most impeccable captchas are sometimes unable to protect the resource that uses them from hacker attacks.

These cases of captcha hacking are a direct consequence of modern progress and level of development computer technology, which, as we know, are not always used for good purposes.

So, how to avoid captcha using modern technologies?

Bypass captcha using OCR

OCR (Optical Character Recognition - optical recognition characters) is a technology for recognizing printed or typewritten text for its further use in electronic format. The most well-known software that implements this technology is Adobe FineReader.

It is successfully used in creating automatic captcha entry programs that successfully recognize and solve graphic captchas, to complete which you need to enter the sequence of characters shown in the picture.

Hackers, of course, do not use Adobe FineReader (although there may be some 🙂), but write special scripts that, using various ready-made libraries for working with images or using the capabilities of the language for working with graphics, recognize captcha and produce a character sequence, depicted on it.

I found a sufficient number of examples of such scripts on the Internet. The principle of their work was as follows:

  • cleaning the image used in graphic CAPTCHAs from various noises;
  • splitting the displayed string into individual characters;
  • comparison of each of them with a prepared picture (sample).

Graphic samples were prepared taking into account different fonts and possible distortions (tilts, rotations, etc.).

As you may have guessed, the most important thing is to create a database of symbol images in various variations, with which captcha symbols will then be compared.

Protection: in fact, in order to confuse OCR programs, annoying noises and distortions of characters in pictures are used, because of which the text is sometimes difficult to understand even for a person. But, in the case of robots, this also works well, as a result of which OCR algorithms cannot produce a 100% accurate result, which has a positive effect on the security of captcha and the sites that use it.

If you decide to use graphic captchas, for which you need to enter the characters shown in the picture, then you need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Symbols on different CAPTCHAs must have different coordinates.
  2. If you use any noise effects to create a background, then its color must match the color of the characters, otherwise the background can be easily removed by highlighting the characters for recognition.
  3. The distance between characters should be minimal. You can even overlay them on top of each other, but only without fanaticism, so that real users can recognize them.
  4. Use different fonts to make it difficult to choose the right one for recognition.
  5. Distort characters in every possible way, change their style and thickness.
  6. Use special libraries, allowing you to change characters in such a way that it will be impossible to select a font for their software recognition. An example of such a solution is a captcha from the creator of the resource captcha.ru, which is generated using the author’s wave-like symbol distortion algorithm.

All these measures make it possible to complicate the recognition of graphic captcha for OCR systems and reduce the number of automatic captcha entries.

How to pass a captcha using neural networks

If OCR is a fairly old technology (the first patented devices were known at the beginning of the 20th century), then artificial neural networks (ANNs) appeared only in the second half of the previous century (50 years is a significant age for technologies :)).

It is ANN algorithms that underlie artificial intelligence (AI), the goal of which is to create programs and devices endowed with creative functions, i.e. creation of man-made man.

At the moment, AI is constantly evolving, and every day new inventions appear that have previously unseen properties.

At the last conference on neural networks that I attended, it was reported that Google, which is actively involved in developments in this area, has already announced publicly available cloud services, working on the basis of ANN.

Using them you can:

  • recognize objects in photographs (from the gender of the person depicted and the brand of his jeans to what game the analyzed picture belongs to, from all its color palette, the name of the location and what is happening there);
  • control devices with voice and gestures;
  • write annotations for videos based on what happens in the video, etc.

Naturally, with these capabilities, creating a program for automatically entering captcha using ANN principles is not difficult for knowledgeable people.

One such product was developed by Vicarious in 2014. Designed by her neural network is able to recognize captcha in 90% of cases (let me remind you that to solve the classic Turing test, which is CAPTCHA, only 1% of correct answers are needed).

Protection: Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect against this type of attack. And fortunately, ANN from Vicarious will not be used for targeted attacks to bypass captcha on websites, because... it's too expensive for those small tasks(the manufacturers themselves say that it is a cluster of many servers). Its main area of ​​application is the solution various tasks medicine and robotics.

And cracking captcha with its help is just a demonstration of its capabilities.

But time passes, technologies that were expensive just yesterday are becoming cheaper, and the time is not far off when ANN products will become widespread. Therefore, it is quite possible that in the future there will be bots for automatically entering captchas, equipped with artificial intelligence.

Bypass captcha using public services

As the OCR systems and AI measures for complicating graphical captchas became more and more complex, which allowed their developers to make enormous efforts during implementation. But they still turned out to be futile, because... they did not provide 100% protection for sites against automated attacks.

Therefore, Google took, it seems to me, the right path and decided to simply invent new standard noCAPTCHA by opting out manual entry symbols from pictures.

When developing reCAPTCHA noCAPTCHA, we used the experience of fighting robots in the era of the birth of captcha and modern developments in the field of artificial intelligence, which allows us to ensure the proper level of site security, but also not to make life too difficult for Internet users.

But, despite the fact that this standard appeared quite recently, in 2015, a way to automatically solve it has already been found. And it does not lie in the use of artificial intelligence.

Everything is much more banal - for passing Google reCAPTCHA It’s enough to use Google’s own image and speech recognition services.

Image recognition in the case of reCAPTCHA v2 (the same noCAPTCHA) is unlikely to help, because at graphic tasks you need to select images that contain the necessary objects, and not enter the depicted symbols, as was the case in the previous version.

And here are the services Google Speech Recognition, which is one of Google's achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, which was mentioned in previous method bypassing captcha will be very useful. Since the service provides an API, creating an application based on it is not difficult.

Protection: Unfortunately, in this situation, as in the previous one, where ANNs were used to bypass the captcha, it will not be possible to protect against captcha bypass. The only positive point again is the relative availability of suitable services, because... Google only gives you a $300 trial to use them.

After their completion, the services become paid. But this is unlikely to be a hindrance for hackers, because... They can earn even more from attacks that use automatic captcha entry.

So, in the case of using speech and image recognition services to crack captcha, the only hope remains is the vigilance of their administration, which can block the account if it discovers that it is being used exclusively for the described purposes.

How to pass captcha using human labor

To complete the list of ways to bypass captcha, I decided to consider one that does not fit into any of the categories listed above.

It is not based on exploiting the vulnerabilities of CAPTCHA implementations and the use of modern technologies, but is based on the natural human desire to make money.

And at the same time, this method helps to crack a captcha of any complexity in 100% of cases and, moreover, to do it without much financial, physical and moral effort.

We are talking about one of the modern methods money extraction - which, by the way, appeared around the time when CAPTCHA became difficult to recognize programmatically.

Its essence is that it is created special service, which supposedly allows people to earn money (mostly small ones, which may be enough only for Indians or schoolchildren who are looking for any way to get money) by manually solving captchas.

And anyone who needs their solutions can provide these captchas.

Basically, these are hackers who use the answers real users for your own selfish purposes:

  • automation of earnings;
  • sending spam;
  • buying tickets and goods in online stores for more expensive resale;
  • website hacking, etc.

For more convenient process the services even provide an API, thanks to which captcha can be completed online. Those. the user enters a captcha through the service, and at this time his answer is used to confirm the online purchase.

Many programming experts, by the way, can use human labor absolutely free. For example, this is how owners of porn sites, file sharing services, torrents and other dubious resources that provide free services earn their living.

They supposedly provide users with valuable content for free, requiring us to confirm that you are a person and not a robot, with the help of which attackers use their products for their own purposes.

Naturally, we don’t think for a long time, because... getting the opportunity to download a long-awaited movie in HD quality absolutely free of charge by checking some box in the “I’m not a robot” box is just a trifle. Meanwhile, your API action is used to bypass captcha on another third-party site.

Hence the moral: always remember that free cheese only in a mousetrap and nothing is free.

Protection: Unfortunately, today this is the most effective method of bypassing captcha, against which there is no means of protection. And it won’t be until those who want to earn pennies through hard labor and amateurs are gone free content, i.e., most likely - never.

Bypassing captcha - conclusions

While writing this article, I came to the conclusion that captcha, despite great idea, with which it was conceived, namely, protecting sites from robots, has long ceased to fulfill its functions.

If from automated captcha bypasses using weak spots CAPTCHA implementations can still be protected by eliminating all problems with their security, but it is simply impossible to protect yourself from entering captchas by real users for money.

In this whole situation, the only thing that saves is that this kind the job pays ridiculous money and few people agree to it, so the scale of cyber attacks using automatic captcha entry is not as catastrophic as it could be.

Also, “invincible” methods of bypassing captcha include artificial intelligence technologies, which have been actively developing in recent years.

At the same time, in order to make life more difficult for hackers, captchas are constantly “inflated” with new functionality, which makes completing them a difficult and tedious task even for real site users.

Remember the same Google reCAPTCHA: check the box, if Google doesn’t like something, select it again necessary pictures(With road signs By the way, I still have problems, because... I can complete this task in about 5 attempts). Is it a lot of hassle to leave a comment or register on the site? It’s easier to find another resource...

But, despite these precautions, captcha currently cannot be called an ideal way to protect against robots, for which many people criticize it and are trying to look for alternatives.

At the same time, the fact that CAPTCHA continues to be used as a cybersecurity technology and is constantly evolving, including by Google, which will not invest money in dubious projects, suggests that this technology will exist for a long time.

Therefore, when developing and supporting existing sites that use captcha, it is necessary to actively use the recommendations outlined in order to make life as difficult as possible for hackers to hack their software.

Very often on the Internet you can hear such a word as captcha. Some users complain that they cannot enter the captcha, and we cannot even understand what they are talking about. After reading this article you will find out what is captcha.

In fact, even without knowing what the word captcha means, each of us encounters it all the time. Captcha is a security code in the form of an image. Most often on websites you need to enter a captcha during registration or sending a comment. Or, for example, if we perform several similar actions on the VKontakte social network, we will be asked to enter a captcha.

Having figured out what a captcha is, let's answer the following question: why is captcha needed?? If captcha is a security measure, then who or what does it protect against? As we know, there are already a lot of programs on the Internet for various purposes. Some of these programs help automate various actions on websites. For example: leaving spam comments on websites, adding friends on VKontakte, quickly promoting a Twitter account.

In fact, you can automate almost any human action on a website. But programs have not yet learned to read text from pictures, and that is why many sites began to use captcha, including this one. If you want to leave a comment on this article, you will need to enter a captcha, fortunately it is very easy. That is, captcha is needed in order to protect the site from sending various spam programs.

Types of captcha

There are a wide variety of captchas. Let's look at the most popular types of captcha:

There are many more types of captcha, but we have looked at the most common ones that can most often be found on websites today.

Does captcha help protect against spam?

To the question whether captcha helps in protecting against spam, the answer is clear - captcha helps and reduces the amount of spam on sites many times over. However, not 100%. Now there are sites where people manually solve captchas and get paid for it. The program just has to send the captcha image to them and receive a ready answer.

This does not mean that captcha has lost its relevance. These services for manual captcha recognition are paid. Although it is inexpensive, not everyone wants to pay for their convenience and effective work. And for programs that do not have human help in solving captcha, it helps well.

And the complexity of the captcha does not play a particularly important role. Since if the captcha cannot be solved by the person who makes money by entering the captcha, then your target visitor, who will not be able to enter the captcha to register or send a comment, will not be able to enter it. And if you read this article to figure out whether you need to install a captcha on your site, then be sure to install it, but not a very complicated one, since in this case it will do more harm than good.

Where to make money by entering captcha?

If you are interested in the opportunity earn money by entering captcha, then you can find out in detail about this method of making money on the same site: sites for making money on captcha.

In a nutshell, you need to choose a place (site) where to make money on captcha and register there. Next, you will be sent pictures with a captcha and an input field. And for entering captchas you will earn money. This is very

In order for there to be fewer scammers and various types of unscrupulous users on the Internet, there are different systems protection, one of which is a request - to decipher the distorted code and write it in an empty line, that is, you need to enter the so-called captcha.

    • How to write regular and complex captcha
    • Automatic programs for bypassing captchas

Nothing complicated or difficult this process no, writing such code will take you no more than a few seconds, so you won’t lose too much time on this type of check.

It should also be noted that such a protection system is quite reliable, but there are still options for hacking it, that is, you can make the captcha entered automatically, that is, it is recognized by a robot, in this case a program, and the user continues to carry out various processes without the distraction of recognizing and writing captchas.

If you are a typical user and are not planning anything prohibited, then you will not often come across such captchas, which means you will not need a program to hack this security system.

Wouldn’t it be difficult for you to devote once a day, for example, a few seconds, to recognizing such a code?

Such programs are popular among those who, for example, make money by establishing a large number of likes in in social networks or, for example, in the process of recruiting a large number of people into a group. It turns out that the system asks you to write code if it doubts that this process is carried out by the user and not by an automatic program. When you enter the captcha, you confirm that you are a simple user and not a robot.

How to write regular and complex captcha

So, a regular captcha is a window in which at the top there is a distorted image, most often symbols: a set of letters and numbers, and at the bottom empty line, where you will have to enter the decrypted code. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process.

The user should know that there are different types of captchas:

  • alphabetic;
  • digital;
  • letters+numbers;
  • Russian captchas;
  • English captchas;
  • captchas with pictures (where you need to correctly position the picture, turning it in different directions;
  • captchas in the form of examples (subtraction, multiplication, etc.). Here it is necessary to solve some kind of arithmetic equation, it is very simple, like 2+2, etc.;
  • complex captchas with tasks.

Let's look at the last three options; they are more complex than the other captchas listed above. It will not be possible to write code in the case of a captcha picture, because here there is no need to write a captcha, it needs to be rotated so that the picture looks logical, that is, it is placed correctly. If you see a captcha with an example, then you just need to solve it, that is, you must enter the correct answer into an empty line, and not rewrite the example itself in the column.

As for the complex captcha, here you will need to complete the task. Usually written on a line, some kind of answer is needed. You may be given a link that you will have to follow and find, for example, the phone number of a company. Find and enter it into the captcha line. It will take no more than a minute, besides, such captchas come across very rarely, most often they are on serious commercial sites, where you just can’t go.

Watch the video - How to write a complex Japanese captcha

Automatic programs for bypassing captchas

Today, almost every website has a security system in question. The funny thing is that website creators believe that today it is possible to have such protection, and they install it precisely for this reason, but not because they have a desire to secure the resource they created. Regular user increasingly begins to encounter requests in the form of captchas, and as a result, this becomes an irritating action. This is why many users are looking for ways to avoid captchas in order to automatic program recognized them.

There are programs that can rid you of these annoying codes. The most popular are considered free programs, which anyone can download and install, but the most effective are latest programs recognition of captchas, for the installation of which the user will have to pay.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Many of you are just starting your acquaintance with the Internet, in addition to the components and ), when registering, you also encounter such a thing as captcha.

For example, you might be asked to enter into the field the characters that you see in the picture above, or to perform a simple arithmetic operation. Sometimes they ask you to indicate those pictures that depict something specific. All these puzzles are called one in general terms- CAPTCHA.

But what is it and why is it needed? The word captcha is derived from the English source code, which is a rather complex abbreviation. I don’t think it’s worth giving a transcript of it. I'll just say it in a nutshell, that CAPTCHA is a special test, designed to distinguish human actions from the actions of a computer (program, script). In other words, this thing is about the user's humanity.

Why might this be needed? What types of captchas are there? Will they ever disappear so as not to make life more difficult for Internet users? I will try to answer these questions in this note.

Captcha is protection against automated spam

But there is no doubt that the presence of this protection still significantly reduces the effectiveness of attacks and cuts off most of the streams of spam that flow in an endless stream on the Internet. I would, of course, like to do without these puzzles, where some visitors are lost, but it’s not possible yet.

Is it possible to make it easier to complete a CAPTCHA? It turns out yes!

Although, of course, steps in the right direction are already being committed. One of the leaders in online business (unlikely you 🙂) about a year ago significantly simplified their captcha (they call it reCAPTCHA), making its completion probably the easiest of all. possible options. Judge for yourself. This is what Google's CAPTCHA looked like before:

And this is what she looks like now:

How much easier put one single tick, and not to solve a letter puzzle and not to search in the dark required keys on the keyboard (after all, captchas are most often entered in English letters).

In general, a step has been taken in the right direction, and as this type of protection spreads, the lives of Internet users will be simplified (personally, I’m just trying to protect my comments - you can try it yourself by scrolling down to the bottom of this page).

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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