Yandex Photos - free photo hosting with the ability to edit photos and upload images to the Internet

As promised, I’m writing a post about how to use Yandex photos. The purpose of this particular post is to learn the best way receiving direct links to pictures in different sizes. As you remember, we need this to create a playlist.

In order to start using Yandex photos, you need to create an account on Yandex (most of you already have one. Because many of you registered on People, which is the same thing). You can read how to register (for those who still don’t have an account :-)).

Let's go to Yandex photos. Above - "Photos":

Click "Upload photos:

" Terms of use service Yandex.Photos". It is better to read it carefully, and not immediately poke "I agree" :-))) There is a lot of useful information there. At one time, I, as a representative of the "fastest reader of all" possible languages nation”, quickly pointed out that I agreed with everything.. Then I had to figure out for a long time that I am not me and “the cow is not mine” :-)))
So let's read... :-) It is clear from the agreement that you can ask certain settings for your albums. Some General settings It's better to ask right away. Poking, I agree. The photo upload window opens. But we won’t load anything for now, but go to “Settings” (in the right top corner under your nickname):

On the left side of the settings I don’t check any boxes, but on the right I do this:

It’s not at all necessary to put everything down like I did. But if you don’t plan, for example, to participate in Yandex competitions, then it’s better to check the box “Do not show my photos among the “fresh” and “best”. apply.. etc., etc.))) Also check the rest of the boxes at your own discretion. I put them because of an extremely negative experience.. It just annoys me when, for example, on a wonderful painting, someone puts their marks and signatures,” and then they send it all to me in the mail, which I have to sort through for hours (That’s why I I prefer to prohibit everything except “printing photos and displaying originals”))) i.e. I don’t tick the first item on the right)))

In general, we looked through everything carefully, checked all the boxes and clicked the “Save” button:

Saved. It doesn’t take us anywhere, which is very unusual :-))) Therefore, we press the “My Photos” button ourselves:

The structure of Yandex photos is very convenient. You can create albums, they also contain albums, they already contain photos. For example, by creating an “ART” album, you can create albums within it based on the work of each artist. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about how everything will be sorted for you and then start creating albums and uploading photos. Of course, everything can be edited later and each photo can be transferred to new album, but then the link to the card will also change, and you will have to look for posts where you gave this link and change everything. Therefore, it is better to decide on the structure of your Yandex photos right away :-)
Those. create albums “wallpaper, clipart, animations, ART”...etc., and in them there are already albums “winter (wallpaper), nature (wallpaper), etc.”

For clarity, I will create an album “Clipart” and in it an album “Dogs”. Click “New Album” (you can do it another way, but I’ll describe one way, and you can experiment there yourself using the scientific method :-)):

In the window that opens, enter the album name, description, we can set a password, and click the “Add” button:

We are transferred to our albums, as you can see, a new album has been created, and we press the “New Album” button again:

We create the “Dogs” album in our just created “Clipart” album:

The albums have been created, click the "Upload photos" button:

The photo upload window will open. Click the “add photo” button (I usually use the top button, but it’s more convenient for others):

In the window that opens, we find the folder with our photos on our computer and either select them all (if we plan to download them all), or press and hold Ctrl key Select the required photos individually and click the “open” button:

Our photos have opened, click the “Select all” button:

Now our photos are selected and windows have become active, where we can enter a title, tags and description. (title - I duplicate the name of the album, tags - like tags on LiRu). In general, we can do all this, or we can not :-):

Select the album into which the photos should be uploaded and click the “upload photo” button:

In the window that opens, select what we need (I, of course, choose “keep originals”):

The pictures are loaded, click “Go to view your albums”:

We'll stop here for now" general review" Yandex photos, and let's talk exclusively about what we need for the playlist for this album. (I'll write the rest of the "general" information in the next post)

So, select our album “Clipart”, in it - our album “Dogs”:

Click the "Get code" button:

A page with our album opened for us. Here we can select the codes of which pictures we need. Everyone, or just some specific ones. To get the code for all the pictures in the album, click “in the whole album”:

And to select some specific pictures, check the boxes next to these pictures:

Now look at the bottom of the page. We have a plate with codes. For the playlist we need direct links - i.e. this is the window:

For the album, we need three types of direct links (to an image of size 500-500, 100-100 and to the original).

A third of the work is done :-)
Now we need to get links to images 100-100 and to the original ones. To get a link to image 100-100, click here:

We repeat the procedure of copying links into notepad :-)

In the notepad we now have something like this:

Now we have all the types of links necessary for the playlist. We create a playlist using these links.

Well, a small nuance that will greatly simplify everything :-) Here I am posting all three links (500-500, 100-100, original) to one picture. As you can see, the links are almost identical and differ only in the endings (highlighted):

Accordingly, for a playlist you can take any one link, insert it into all 3 playlist items, and change the endings manually.

Let me clarify,
for the picture 100-100 is the end XS.jpg
500-500 - L.jpg
original - orig.jpg

Let's stop there for now :-)

This is not the first time they have asked how to post photos on LiveJournal. Most often, of course, users themselves find a method that is convenient for them - not always optimal, but that is another question. I can only help a little for those who have not yet decided (I was going to write something similar for a long time, but only got around to it today). I’ll tell you how to upload photos to Yandex photos and LiveJournal.

There are many services for storing photos, why Yandex Photos? Yes, this site is also not without its shortcomings, but at the same time, I believe that for a Russian user it is optimal choice- free, without restrictions, convenient, absolutely everything is in Russian. Photos are stored “forever” - no one will delete them except you. In addition, you will have at your disposal a number of quite advanced features - geo-referencing, basic tools photo editing, etc. However, you can deal with them later, but mastering the basics is really very simple and quick. I'll show you everything step by step.

1. Go to Yandex photos about this link: (will open in a new tab). On the first page you will see the photo of the day, new photos of other users, competitions and a lot of other interesting things. But first you need to register. Click on the “Register” link (bottom left).

2. You will be asked to enter some basic information about yourself and confirm your registration by e-mail. I won’t talk about this in detail; everything is written in detail right on the screen. This procedure, in principle, is no different from registering on any Internet forum.

3. After completing and confirming registration, log in to the site using your username and password. Then follow the link "My photos". Next, a list of your photo albums should appear on the screen, but since you have just registered, there will be only one album in the list - “Unsorted”. You can upload photos there, but it’s better to immediately somehow organize your pictures into albums so that they can be quickly found. Therefore, click on the “New Album” link.

4. Let's say this is the album "The House I Live In". Enter the album name in the first field, description (if desired) in the second. In the third field, select the album in which the new one will be placed album being created. Albums in Yandex Photos are organized in a hierarchical structure, just like folders on your computer. That is, you can, for example, create an album “2010”, and already put the albums “Chelyabinsk”, “Baikal” and “Elovoe” into it. The topmost album is "My Albums". By the way, did you notice the “Set password” field? If it is full, then the album will not be available to everyone, but only to those to whom you give the password to view it.

After filling in all the required fields, click the "Add" button.

5. Now you can proceed directly to uploading photos. Click the "Upload photos" button.

I’ll immediately make a reservation about emergency situations so as not to return to this in the future. If you have a normal Internet connection and your browser is configured correctly, then there will be no problems on this page. But it may happen that the standard uploading of photos will not work for some reason - in this case, follow the link “Select another upload method” (above) and select the method that is suitable for your computer. However, I repeat, this situation occurs quite rarely.

6. So, add photos. Select the album in the list into which photos will be uploaded (below) and click the "Add photo" button.

7. Photos should already be prepared on your hard drive - scanned, copied from the camera’s memory card, or mobile phone etc. Put them in one folder to make it more convenient. Then in the "Select Files" window, go to this folder and select all necessary photos(Ctrl A if you need to select all files in the folder). Click "Open".

8. The browser quickly looks through the photos, showing their thumbnails in the list (yes, the “Teplotech” photos are somewhat inconsistent with the name of the album, but oh well, it’ll do for an example). Now you can either leave everything as is, or, if you wish, specify names, tags and descriptions for the photos. Entering this data is not necessary, but if you enter it, it will greatly help you find your photos in the future - both for you and for other Yandex Photos users. Therefore, Yandex encourages filling them out - for example, photographs without tags are not accepted for competitions. How to do this - simply select a photo (or a group of photos, as in the picture below) and enter the required data in the appropriate fields on the left. If you want to select all the photos in the album, click the "Select All" button. If you need to remove a photo from the list (the file will remain on the disk), click the red cross on it. In general, the standard download form has many functions, I will not describe them all so as not to overload you with excessive details; if you need it, you'll figure it out for yourself.

Click the "Upload Photo" button (below) - the photos begin to be uploaded to the site. Once the download is complete, go back to “My Photos” - the downloaded photos will appear in the “The House I Live In” album.

9. Now it remains to tell you how to insert photos into a LJ post or comment. Here Yandex - best friend user. You can do this with two different ways. If you only need to insert one photo into LiveJournal, then it’s easier to do it this way. Open the desired photo in the album. On the right, click "In a different size" and select a size of 800 pixels by larger side(so it would be something like "800 x 531" or "531 x 800").

Let me explain why I recommend choosing this particular size. It was selected empirically and is a compromise between size, traffic and viewability of the photo. That is, the photo turns out to be of medium size - on the one hand, the width of it does not “break up” the friend feed so that your friends have to use the horizontal scroller, on the other hand, as a rule, everything that you want to show is visible on it. If, however, something is visible too small, the reader can always go to Yandex photos and select “In a different size” > “Original”. From experience I can say that for photographs of this size such a need arises only once per 200-300 photographs, whereas for a size of, say, 600x400 it occurs much more often.

Further, there is another link on the right - “Code to insert into a website or blog.” Press it. Three fields with a code will open, of which we are interested in the top one. Go to this field, click the text right click mouse and select "Copy".

I’ll show you below how to insert this code into a post or comment (if you haven’t figured it out yet), but for now let’s return to the second method.

10. Previous method It’s good when you need to insert just one photo into LiveJournal, but for a whole bunch of photos it’s no less simple. In any album at the top there is a link “Get code”. Go along it. The album opens at special regime, where you can select the photos you need.

11. First of all, select the size “800” again at the bottom of the page. Then, in principle, everything is clearly written right on the page - you need to select the photos that you want to publish. The simplest way- click the link "In the entire album". Or, if not all photos are needed, mark them with checkboxes. Along the way, a code for inserting into LiveJournal is generated in the field below. The order of selection matters! If you first checked the box for the second photo, and then for the first, then they will follow each other in that order in the publication.

After selecting all the photos you want, go to the code field ("Code to embed on a website or blog"), right-click and select "Copy".

12. Insertion into LJ post. When creating a new post, go to the "HTML" tab (this is important) and paste the code received from Yandex photos directly into the text.

On the "tab" Visual editor"You can see what happens as a result. Submit the entry to LiveJournal as usual.

The same code is inserted into the comment, in exactly the same way.

In principle, this is all that needs to be said.
I’ll just add a couple of details that you can already see for yourself. Firstly, when creating code in album mode, Yandex Photos adds a link to the album at the beginning (the first paragraph, highlighted in red). If you don't need it, then this code can be safely removed. Secondly, it is very convenient that, especially for LJ, tags are inserted into the code that will hide “under the cut” all the photos except the first one.

For Semagic users. I don’t use it myself, but everything there is also quite simple - the Yandex photo code is inserted into the text of the post, switching to the “HTML” mode (below).

If you visited the service today, you know that we are preparing to move. On April 27, we will begin transferring the service content to , where your photos will be completely safe. You can edit them, create albums from them, and share them with other people. Links to pictures posted on Yandex.Photos, as well as all codes for inserting photos into a website or blog, will continue to work.

Yandex.Photos was launched in 2007, more than ten years ago. Since then, new services and technologies have appeared. Nowadays people share pictures mainly on social networks and prefer to store them in the cloud - it’s more convenient and simpler. For example, you can automatically upload pictures from a smartphone to Disk, but not to Photos. People gradually began to use the service less and less. Over the past six months, only five percent of those who have an account have visited Photos. One hundred times more pictures are now uploaded to Disk than to Photos. Therefore, we decided to transfer the entire photo archive to the cloud.

You can move your photos to Drive now, without waiting for April 27th. To do this, just click the “Move to Yandex.Disk” button. From this moment on, it will no longer be possible to add new pictures to Photos or edit old ones. The move will take some time. As soon as it is completed, we will notify you about it on Yandex.Photos.

Your pictures (as well as comments and views on them) will be stored on Yandex.Disk in a special folder that will not take up space in your cloud. Photos in this folder can be viewed and edited, but some Drive features are not available in it. Therefore, we gave you for free the same amount of space in the cloud as you had occupied in Photos. You can upload your pictures there from special folder or use this space for something else.

As for albums, they will immediately move to the albums folder, and all settings will be saved. For example, if an album was private, it will remain so on Yandex.Disk.

Surely some of you have participated in competitions or watched them as a spectator. WITH today they will take place in . There you can also find an archive of competitions, including those from past years. Your own photos that won competitions will also be waiting for you in Yandex.Collections.

Updated April 28: We started transferring all pictures and albums to Yandex.Disk. The move will take some time, after its completion a link to your photo archive will appear on Photos.

For more information about what will happen to photos and albums after moving to Yandex.Disk, read

For several months we communicated with a group of users to whom it became available new design home page Photo. During this time, we managed to make some improvements based on the feedback received, fixed big number defects and planned further changes to some blocks. Today the new home page design is available to everyone.

Most of the changes affected performance. The page loads faster on a slow Internet. Scrolling through the photo of the day appeared. Publishing links to photos in social media accompanied by a thumbnail (previously only the link was displayed).

In the near future we plan to improve the block with the day mark, as well as the promised changes to the photo viewing page.

Thanks to everyone who sent constructive comments. You help us make the service better.
Photo Team

Today, some users have access to a new design for the Photos main page. The page has become cleaner, there are more photos. The name of the author of the photo is visible on each photo. Those who do not yet have access to the new page can see it in the screenshot below.

Main changes:

  • all photos are now displayed in large size
  • The photo viewing window opens as quickly as possible
  • blocks of new and popular photos are made in the form of endless photo streams
  • You can vote for competition photos directly from the main page
  • the cloud of popular tags has been transformed into a tag of the day (a new tag every day)
  • the general appearance of the page is made within the framework of a single design for all Yandex services

Navigation changes:

  • The link “My photos” leads to your personal page, where all your photos and albums are displayed
  • The “Feed” link leads to a page of new photos of your favorite authors
  • You can get into the Hall of Fame by clicking on the phrase “Photo of the day”
  • the name of the day marker leads to search results by this label (today it’s “flowers”)
  • Clicking on the name of the competition leads to the competition page (the current competition is “Signs of the Holiday”)
  • the “New” link opens a photo stream of recent photos
  • the “Popular” link opens a stream of photos that are in the TOP (the stream is sorted by the date they hit the TOP)
  • the “Vote” button has replaced the “Choose popular photos!” button.
  • Under each photo stream there is a “Show more photos” button, which allows you to load an additional portion of photos

Leave your opinions in the comments.

Photo Team

Today, a redesigned comment sending block has become available to all Photos users.

List of changes:

  • it became possible to reply from mail (when you go to a comment, it is highlighted in yellow to make it easier to find)
  • the date of the comment is now a link to it
  • visually the grouping of answers has become more clear (the discussion block is highlighted in blue)
  • a button for sending a comment has appeared (sending using the Enter key remains)
  • when replying to a comment, the name of the comment author is no longer substituted
  • Comments now load and post faster
  • many minor defects fixed

Thank you all so much for your constructive criticism. Your feedback helps us make better photos.

Yandex.Photok team

Yesterday we rolled out another release. The main part of which was a redesigned block of code for inserting into the blog based on your feedback.

Now you can switch between html code and bbCode. All selected settings are saved. In other words, for next image you won't have to re-select the code type, photo size, or the option to include the title in the body of the code.

Important Announcement for everyone who solved the problem with displaying logins in comments. We ask you to follow two steps.

Step 1. In Passport, on the name selection page on Yandex, a new field has appeared for entering a custom name. If you would like to see your name in the comments, please write it in this field.

Step 2. Write down your real first and last name in the fields on the personal data editing page. These parameters are necessary for productive interaction with Yandex support. Especially for the solution complex problems with deleted or hacked accounts.

Yandex.Photok team

Dear users, we continue to work on your feedback. We are glad to inform you that the photo editing feature is back in the form of a new editor. This editor is available to all Photos and Drive users from today.

In addition to the usual functions of cropping, changing brightness, saturation and contrast new editor offers many other features, the best of which, in our opinion, are automatic image enhancement, a rich collection of filters, and removal of image defects and red-eye. To use the editor, click the “Edit” button in the upper right corner of the photo.

In addition, we fixed a number of defects and made several improvements to the new photo viewing page:

  • the photo title entry and editing field now allows you to edit the default title;
  • slideshow mode has been optimized for users with weak bandwidth;
  • The number of views and hearts is now always displayed.

We are very interested to hear your opinion about the new photo editor.

Yandex.Photok team

Many thanks to everyone who spoke constructively about our updated page. We tried to answer most of the questions and will continue to answer in the comments to the previous post. Most of the comments are already in progress. We plan to share with you regular updates on our progress. The first part of the fixes is available now.

We have also placed a reply to comment button directly in the comment field. Previously, it was hidden behind an ellipsis.

The problem with missing avatars has been resolved. All users' avatars on and Photos must match. If you still have this problem, please write to us.

We plan to bring back image editing features in the near future. We look forward to further constructive dialogue.

Yandex.Photok team

Thanks to everyone who left their feedback on the previous entry in our club. We will try to answer all constructive questions in the coming days. In the meantime, we invite you to take a look at the list of frequently asked questions and their answers. We hope this helps you get comfortable with the new photo view page.

1. How to switch to the old interface?
This option is not provided.

3. How to leave a comment under a photo?

Enter a comment in the “Leave a comment” field and click Enter key on keyboard.

4. How do I reply to another user's comment?

5. My username is now displayed in the comments. How to hide it?

You can hide your login by selecting the “Change name on Yandex” item in the Passport settings. Link to page -

6. How to get a BB code for a photo?

This function is currently available from the album page. Click “Get code”, select the desired photo and in the “Code to insert into the forum (BBCode)” field it will be generated required code for photo.

7. When will it be possible to get BBCode for photos from the new photo viewing page?

The ability to get BBCode from the photo viewing page will appear in an upcoming release.

8. How to choose the photo viewing size?

Photos now resize automatically based on your screen size.

12. How to make a photo private?

You can make a photo private by clicking on the phrase “Available to everyone” in the right column. The phrase will change to “ Private photo" Similarly, you can make a photo public.

13. How can I edit my photo now?

The editing feature will return soon.

14. How can I move a photo to another album?

You can move photos from one album to another on the album editing page.

Yandex.Photok team

We hasten to please all our users - today the long-awaited Photos update happened! We are pleased to present to you new page viewing photos.

Along with the design update, we tried to make it as comfortable as possible for you to look at the photos and discuss them. For this we

  • we unloaded the interface and made the page cleaner;
  • added support for viewing in full screen on a dark background;
  • placed a comment block on the right (now you can see photos and comments at the same time);
  • made sure that latest comments were always visible, as was the comment entry field;
  • redesigned all page elements (now they are dynamic, when clicking on them the page does not reload);
  • added keyboard support (you can scroll through photos using arrows, full set keyboard shortcuts can be seen on the view page by pressing shift + ?).

Currently, you have access to all the previous functionality except for saving photos to Disk, tagging people in photos, cropping and color correction, and adding photos to a photo print order. All these features will return soon.

Of the innovations, I would like to separately note the following points:

  • ratings were transformed into likes;
  • it became possible to launch a slideshow directly from the photo viewing window;
  • displaying photos on a map and georeferencing is now available directly from the photo viewing window.

Yandex.Photok team

The degree outside the window inexorably continues to approach zero, which means that winter is just around the corner.
To set a positive tone for the entire upcoming season, Nikon and Yandex decided to once again launch an inspiring photo project on Yandex.Photos.
Last time we invited you to take a tour and admire it. A new photo project is dedicated to winter activities.

The photograph can depict extreme sports, sledding and dog sledding, active games in the fresh air, ice sculptures, etc. The main requirement is compliance with the winter theme.

Technical requirements: Photos must be horizontal, photo size must be at least 1600 px on the long side. Don't forget to include the title.

Send by email by November 24 [email protected] their works (they can take part in the selection only author's photos), shot on Nikon, which best convey the atmosphere of winter fun.
Perhaps they will be included in our new photo guide!

Unofficial client for the Yandex.Photos service.

Implements all existing API:
- View Photo of the day, popular photos, latest photos;
- Adding, editing, deleting your photos and albums;
- View photo collections of various authors.

- Search by photos;
- Saving photos;

Integration with phone: - Integration with photo hub (launch the application, send the selected photo).
- Saving the author as a live tile;
- Saving photos as tiles;
- Updated photo tiles of the day, popular, fresh;
- 3 lock screen refresh modes (only for Windows Phone 8).

Summer has come, and with it the time for vacations.
New countries, cities, people - you really want to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of travel and discovery.
For this, it turns out, you don’t need a tour package, you don’t even need to take time off from work.
Yandex.Photos together with Nikon invite you to go on an exciting journey.
Here you can find romantic France, hot Portugal, and mysterious Iceland.
Have a pleasant and exciting journey!

I have a certain situation in which I am lost.
The whole point is this: when I want to look at someone’s work, I have a desire to leave my comment, to the fullest extent possible, and here a problem arises.
And the nature of the nuance is this: all the comments always praise the photo of this or that creator, but almost never talk about the photographer’s mistakes, but I don’t want to offend people by saying what’s wrong with them.
Errors concerning the rules of photography, that is, canons.
And the question inevitably arises, what kind of comments do you want to hear?

We hasten to remind you that you can watch Photo of the Day and Popular Photos from the Yandex main page.
Customize it to your liking by adding the ones you are interested in information blocks– “widgets”

Official Yandex.Photo widgets:

1. Photo of the day

Shows the current Photo of the Day, as well as photos competing to become Photo of the Day for the next day.

2. Slideshow of popular photos

Shows Popular photos and Photo of the day.

3. Photo of the day and 15 most popular photos

Everyone has probably noticed a long time ago that a category of users has appeared on Yandex, aptly named by someone “throwers.” These are those who, for some reason known only to them, give unities in rating photos. Sometimes out of revenge for an unflattering comment, sometimes just out of a dirty trick, sometimes to lower the rating of a competition photo so that those who live by someone else’s choice will vote for it less. In general, whatever the reasons may be, stabbing throwers are today’s objective reality.

Well, okay, the photo was bad. Put 1, if you think so, write in the comments what exactly is bad, in your opinion. Constructive criticism is only beneficial. But no, they are all anonymous (I would even say onanonymous). They are afraid of what they will answer.

So I propose to make it impossible to rate below 3 without commenting. If you put 2 or 1, a comment window immediately pops up with a ready-made beginning: “I gave you 1 for this photo, because I think:...”.

In my opinion, that would be fair.

Show more

To upload photos to Yandex.Photos, at the top of the page click the Upload button → Add photo ( Add photos) and follow the bootloader instructions.

For each photo you can:

  • Provide a title, assign tags, and add a description.
  • Make a binding to a specific area (button Place on map).
  • Set up viewing access - make the photo visible to everyone or just you.
  • Disable comments on uploaded photos.
  • Indicate that "photo for adults only".
  • Restrict viewing and printing original photographs.
  • Disable the display of photos among the “fresh” and “best” - your photos will not be included in feeds and.
  • Automatically reduce the size of large photos - this will speed up the uploading of your photos to the service.
  • Select the album into which you want to upload photos, or create a new one.

If you want to download a small amount of photos or you have a slow internet connection, click the link Choose a different download method and use it.

What photos can be uploaded to Yandex.Photos?

You can upload files JPEG formats, PNG, GIF, BMP. The size of one file should not exceed 20 MB.

There are no restrictions on the number of uploaded photos - you can upload any number of images.

Please note that all photos uploaded to Yandex.Photos must comply with and.

I upload photos to my blog through the Yandex Photos service. This convenient service, which allows, for example, to copy photos thirty at a time in in the right order. My page

I took 99.9% of the photos on the blog myself, if not, then I indicate the link where the photo was taken from. If this is a photo of Angelina Jolie, then I don’t point it out, then you will all guess that I didn’t take this photo myself.

I still have a couple of pages, but mostly the photos are here, Yandex keeps track of views for the album as a whole, and for each photo separately. In total, I have more than 9 million views over the entire period, but this figure doesn’t say much. More interesting are the statistics of each individual photo. There is a section - popular with the user and popular over the week. Yandex takes into account views not only on the Yandex photo service, on the blog and in other places where the photo was copied.

Let's see which photos were popular. I see several ways of popularity. Some photos from the posts that went to the top for me, and from there they were looked at a lot on my blog and a lot of people looked at them in other places. There are photos that I posted in popular communities, there are photos that I inserted into comments to top bloggers.

In first place - 414,971 views. Hell of a photo - God sees everything, don’t overtake the traffic jam on the side of the road.

3. Well, here is Angelina Jolie, the only photo not of mine among the frequently viewed ones. 51455 views

4.41544 views. A cat walking along Krasny Prospekt and returning home safely through the window

5.37181 views - tattoo convention hell. Tattoo photos were stolen wherever possible. Therefore, when I once re-posted one photo from that series on the blog, it was sent to the “other” section, apparently as a malicious copy-paste. But I paid for the entrance myself and took all the photos myself (

There is also a popular this week section.

Here are the photos that I posted on the blog this week and old photos, which nevertheless are consistently and widely viewed every week. This is where I think about the need for copyright. Photos with bears, even in the form of magnets, are already being sold

10. Still cute Kai

11. A consistently popular photo every week is Yi Ji Han in the series Empress Ki, screenshot

12. Consistently every week since 2012 - a bride in the Vladivostok Yakhont hotel. I don’t understand why

13. Still deliberating bears

14.Navalny's cube

15. The reason for popularity here is clear

16.And here too

17. Sausage from megas - prices 2013