Useful tags in html. What are HTML tags and attributes, W3C validator. Structure and rules for writing tags

Everyone who reads this lesson, probably knows what HTML is. But reviewing the basics helps increase your knowledge and sharpen your skills, especially with ever-evolving web technologies.

There is a lot of talk these days about the changes that HTML 5 brings. Every tag mentioned in this article is supported in both HTML 4.01 and HTML 5. While some of these tags are widely used, it will be very helpful to review the techniques involved.


Every book about programming mentions that it is very useful to explain what your code does. Why is commenting a good practice? This really helps the person reading your code to understand what's going on.

For HTML, commenting can seem like a point that adds weight to the page. However, comments can be useful for defining sections and for maintaining the structure and organization of page code. Marking the start and end of different sections can really help when working on a project.

  • Menu item 1
  • Menu item 2

This is the main content.


2. Table styles: , , and

To do good design tables, you need to use the tags specified in the subheading. They all affect table rows and you can easily set styles for them.

Item Qty
Sum 7
#1 3
#2 4

Wrap table rows in . This is how the table title is formed.

Wrapping the strings in We form the total rows at the bottom of the table. Strings must be defined before the lines , so the total rows are displayed before the rest of the table rows.

We wrap data lines in .

Paragraph Qty
Sum 7
#1 3
#2 4


A dropdown list is a great way to present data for the user to select. Not only do they take up little space, but they are also familiar to users and easy to use. A wonderful property is the ability to create categories (or subheadings) for list items.

Detroit Tigers Chicago Cubs Detroit Lions Chicago Bears

Detroit Tigers Chicago Cubs Detroit Lions Chicago Bears

4. Headings - ,,,,, and

Of course, everyone uses headings. But to be honest, when was the last time you used or the title is even more low level? Headings allow you to build fewer semantic structures, such as additional styles for text in .

No need to create for yourself extra work. Remember title tags.

5. and

Everyone likes sites that are easy to find necessary information among logically grouped elements. Groups form elements together by drawing a rectangular frame around them. It is also possible to add a title to such a section using .

General Information: Name: Email: Date of birth:


Tag does not affect the style in any way. It affects the functionality of the page.

used to define the label of the input element. The label itself perceives mouse clicks, making the corresponding input field active. This label property works for text fields and radio buttons.

Name: Man: Woman:


If you need to give a dramatic effect to some expression, you can use . By default, before and after the element will be inserted empty line. Indentation will also be added to separate the text contained in the element from the rest of the content.

Example of using a tag

Example of using a tag


It can't be said that refers to , but they are usually used together.

Remember the tag , when you need to quote someone.

An example of using a tag together with a tag. This offer is included in the tag.

An example of using the blockquote tag together with the cite tag. This offer is included in the tag.


Using lists provides great opportunities for organizing information. Everyone knows about

    , but how often do you use And ? Perhaps the name "definition list" can confuse a novice developer and make him think that such a list can only be used to insert definitions and conditions. However, this situation does not correspond to reality.

    Types of lists
  • Unordered list (ul)
  • Ordered list (ol)
  • List of definitions (dl)
  • What are they doing
    • Unordered list (ul): list with dotted indicators
    • Ordered list (ol): a numbered list
    • Definition List (dl): List with element definitions
    Reasons to use lists
    • Consistent content style
    • Easy to create
    • Versatile

    The way each list type displays information is different from the other. Surely there is no need to stop at

      And , but the structure of the list of definitions requires further clarification.

      List Item #1 Definition for List Item #1 List Item #2 Definition for List Item #2

      Instead of defining a list element (

    • ), we use two tags: And . defines each item on the list, and describes the above point. Below is the list according to the definition list code shown earlier.

      List Item #1 Definition for List Item #1 List Item #2 Definition for List Item #2

      10. "(and other ASCII characters)

      At using HTML need to use ASCII codes, when you need to insert a character. This rule requires additional actions, but it ensures that all characters are displayed correctly on the user's screen and that the browser does not perceive them as part of the markup. Have you ever come across some text that doesn't display correctly? Typically, problematic text is created using quotation marks, apostrophes, greater-than-less signs, and so on. There are actually not many such characters, and it is worth remembering their ASCII codes.

      Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In fact, this term has several meanings that do not fit together in any particular way. I will try to talk about each of them in this publication.

      You will learn what Html tags are and how they differ from meta tags, and you will also learn how tags are used as tags on sites (their variety is), and, finally, in general outline Let's look at music tags in audio files. That's how multifaceted this term becomes.

      But in all cases, the word “tags” means markup or web pages with using HTML code, or the entire site using tags, or your music collection by specifying the album and song.

      What are tags on a website (tags for creating navigation)

      Let's start simple. You've probably all seen that under some articles on websites there is a field called tags or tags, where some words are listed. Why is this being done? In general, to facilitate navigation on this site ().

      The so-called tags are used keywords, a set of which briefly characterizes the publication (for example, for home page The following set of tags would suit my blog: website creation; promotion; website promotion; earnings).

      With the help of these words it will be possible to clearly determine what this article was about. But their main value is not this, but the fact that a visitor can click on any tag and see a list of all the articles on the site in which it appeared. Essentially this is powerful tool classification of information.

      So as not to search necessary tags Under articles, website owners very often create a so-called tag cloud, which can be placed in the left or right column of the site or in its footer (bottom). This disgrace in practice may look like this:

      It usually lists the most popular tags, and you can view all the tags by clicking on the corresponding link. Sometimes, more frequently used tags (they appear in more articles on this site) display more in large print, and less frequent - smaller.

      Sometimes they are created to display them separate page, as shown in the previous screenshot.

      Why is this tagging method not used on all websites if it is convenient for users? They are not on my blog either, for which there are a number of explanations. Although their use is provided by default, there are also a lot of plugins for working with tags.

      Yes, tags work great when you have few articles and you remember well all the tags that you have already created and used in other articles. But with an increase in the number of materials, the number of tags increases sharply; they begin to be partially duplicated when keywords that are close in meaning are used.

      It results in a huge mess, the value of which in terms of improving navigation, in my opinion, is rather doubtful. For this purpose, on a large web project, it is better to use site search. Although the tags work well in in social networks, where you can combine information using tags different users and view it in one place. .

      What are HTML tags?

      I first decided to study them fifteen years ago, but then Title tag I didn't make any progress then. Then I came across a free video course by Evgeniy Popov on Html and things went well. Of course, that course was only the initial stage, but it is precisely this simple presentation that beginners often lack.

      These lessons cover basic tags, with the help of which you can then easily create tables, insert pictures and hyperlinks into the text, add various forms to the site, and much more. A total of 33 free videos on HTML topics.

      But the video course is a video course, and I have to interest you so that you download it and watch it. From general phrases it is not clear what tags are in the HTML language and why you need to study them. Oh this is great and simple thing, which will allow you to become the master of your own website. Why do you need a website?

      Well, probably, first of all, for self-expression and effort, and secondly - . Just be quiet, otherwise everyone will hear and run to study what tags are, make websites and earn everything that only you could earn, and I’m in the company. Therefore, I will continue to speak exclusively in a whisper.

      The Internet can be compared to television, where you make your own small program (create a website using tags) and receive income from advertising. The more popular your show (Internet project) is, the more you will earn. There is no upper limit, although there is no lower limit either. But you don’t need to invest money, just your labor and time spent studying tags, how the engine works and, in fact, filling the site with content.

      So, tags are the simplest markup elements of a web page so that the browser, when loading it from the server, understands exactly how to display a particular element (text, image, video). Previously, the Html language was responsible for this whole matter alone, but then they came to his aid and it became much easier for him. Popov also has a free video course on them, which can be downloaded from here.

      Guys, when you master Html tags, you will understand that it was as easy as shelling pears. The most important thing is to start and somehow stimulate yourself. I’m not just telling you about the financial side. The site can become your main source of income and the whole family can feed from it. You need luck, perseverance and not being afraid to try new things.

      There are different tags, but there are not many of them (of those that remained relevant after the implementation of CSS). Look how simple it is. Let's say you want to create a paragraph - simply surround the text of the future paragraph with opening and closing P tags (this is latin letter and in the code it is better to write it small, but here I made it capital for clarity). This is what it will look like:

      Text text...... text text

      Do you understand the difference between the opening Html tag (at the beginning) and the closing tag (at the end)? Well, of course, I just added a forward slash after the triangle bracket.

      Oh, I forgot to say By what criteria does the browser separate tags?(markup) from the main content. Did you guess it yourself?

      That's right, these are triangular brackets in which we enclose them. The browser saw such a bracket when parsing the code of a web page and realized that it was a tag, and processes everything contained in it according to a certain algorithm (makes paragraphs spaced apart in height, increases the font of headings, etc.).

      If you need to use an opening triangular bracket in your text, be sure to do it with so that the browser understands you correctly. This must be remembered.

      In code they can look, for example, like this:

      In fact, they contain the description and keywords of the web page for which they are registered. Read more about them in the article just above.

      Meta tags are written in the web page code in a strictly defined place. Do you know which one? That's right, in the so-called “head” of the document, which consists of the opening and closing HEAD tags.

      Anything written inside them (including META tags) will not be displayed on the web page. This is strictly proprietary information. The above description and keywords tell search engines about the content of a given web page, and the meta tag below.

      What are music tags in audio files?

      When you played music in the car or on your player (phone), you probably noticed more than once that some creepy gibberish was displayed instead of the title of the track and the name of the author-performer. One might assume that the names of the downloaded music files are written in the wrong Russian language encoding.

      If you rename files using , you will still see an unpleasant picture on your player. What to do? And who is to blame for this situation? Oddly enough, the reason is incorrect tags in this music file.

      They are sewn directly into the audio file (at its beginning or end) and can contain information about the composition, its author, album, track duration and something else not so important. In the latest incarnations of music tags, even images of CD covers can be sewn into them (generally a plague).

      But the problem arises, as a rule, not in their availability, but in gaining the ability to edit them. There comes a time in the life of every self-respecting music lover when he is “ready to tear and throw,” just to put things in order in his collection and add correct tags to all tracks that are readable on any device. How to do it?

      By using special software. The tags themselves appeared in audio files for the first time at the end of the last century. For MP3 files, the standard for adding them was called ID3, and for music files that are compressed without loss of quality (such as FLAC and the like), the standard for adding tags (meta data) was called Vorbis comment.

      For music recorded in Windows WMA format there is WM metadata, and for apple MP4s there is iTunes metadata (by the way, I recently wrote about that).

      So, you can edit tags using special programs. The most popular of them is probably Mp3tag (official site, but be careful when downloading - don’t accidentally click on an ad that offers to download something completely different). I think that you will find all the other programs yourself, especially since this one will be quite sufficient to complete this task.

      This is how diverse the tags turned out to be, which in all these cases performed their main role - markup (of articles on a site, content on a web page or meta data in music files). I hope that now you have fewer questions on this topic.

      Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

      You can watch more videos by going to ");">

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      In HTML, everything you write in an HTML document will be displayed on the browser screen in continuous text, that is, the browser ignores newlines, and several spaces you type in a row are replaced by one.

      Tags are control commands that were invented in order to format text, i.e. tags tell the browser exactly how to display the portion of text enclosed in the tags. To create a tag, you enter HTML code between the angle brackets, which is intended for browsers only. Site visitors do not see tags.

      As noted above, all tags begin with an angle bracket< и заканчиваются угловой скобкой >. The opening angle bracket is followed by the name of the tag (command).

      For example, a tag is intended to emphasize text; browsers display such text in italics. When the browser encounters this tag, it switches to formatting the text following the tag in italic font.

      Let's look at an example:

      This text is normal. This text is in italics.

      The tag is called the start or opening tag, which means it is included by the browser a certain team(V in this case written in italics). Most tags have a pair in the form of a closing tag that disables the command.

      The closing tag looks the same as the starting tag, but begins with a slash. So, the end tag for italics is .

      Let's look at an example:

      This text is normal. Attention! Italics. This is again a regular font.

      As you may have noticed, the browser sequentially analyzes the HTML document in search of commands (tags) and applies or disables different parameters text formatting. The browser displays formatted text (everything that is not a tag) in its window.

      The process of inserting tags into plain, unformatted text is called markup in an HTML document, and tags are called markup characters. When writing tags, the case of letters is not taken into account; the tag can be written in both lowercase and in capital letters, but it is still recommended to use capital letters.

      Below are examples of basic HTML tags, with an explanation of their use, as well as examples of how they can be used in an HTML document.


      There is a special tag for specifying headings in HTML. There are 6 levels of headings in HTML, ranging from those for the most important announcements, to those for the least important.

      We looked at an example of creating a simple page where comments were given on some html tags, since it seems to me that it is better to first show something with an example, and then move on to more detailed description. That is why creating a page was discussed in the second lesson, and in more detail in the third.

      So, below are descriptions of common HTML tags that are used on almost every page of the site. Believe me, there are already enough of them to write an entire website.

      List of html tags 1. HTML tag (for paragraphs) - displays a text paragraph (allows style attributes, class, id). The most common tag, since text is most often placed in it (however, this is what it was created for).

      For example, html code:

      Text paragraph number one

      And this is another paragraph

      Text paragraph number one

      And this is another paragraph

      You can also add a style parameter to the tag:

      With these different meanings can be edited appearance font. You can read about these parameters in a separate lesson: styles in html and the css font property.

      You can also specify the CLASS and ID attributes. For example:

      2. HTML tag and (in bold)

      And - two tags that allow you to make the font bold. There is no difference between these tags.

      Let's give an example. HTML code:


      Converts to the following on the page:


      You can also specify the CLASS and ID attributes (as in the case of Note

      These tags have no effect big influence on the ranking of documents in search engines, so it is better not to use them aimlessly.

      3. HTML tag (create italics)

      - italic font (allows style, class, id parameters)

      For example, html code:

      italic text

      Converts to the following on the page:

      4. HTML tag (underlined text)

      - underlined font (allows style, class, id parameters)

      For example, html code:

      underlined text

      Converts to the following on the page:

      underlined text

      5. HTML tag (creating a hyperlink)

      Creates a link on the page (allows for style, class, and other parameters).

      For example, html code:

      link text

      Converts to the following on the page:

      All tag parameters and attributes will be discussed in a separate lesson: html tag.

      6. HTML tag (headings in content)

      ,..., - header tags inside the content (allows the style, class, id parameter). And what? The smaller the number, the greater the weight and size (by default) of the text enclosed in these tags.

      For example, html code:

      Heading h1

      The tag is used for the title of the page (as well as the title)

      These tags must be used only for their intended purpose, i.e. only when the article needs a title. This is due to the fact that tags,..., have a great influence on search engines. If you use them correctly, then the chances of getting to the top of the search results are very high.

      7. HTML tag (alignment)

      - aligns content in the center.

      For example, html code:

      This text will be in the center

      Converts to the following on the page:

      This text will be in the center

      • - for text
      • ... - for everything (for example, an image)
      8. HTML tag (subscript text)

      - displays subscript font.

      For example, html code:

      Plain text, interlinear text

      Converts to the following on the page:

      Plain text, interlinear text

      9. HTML tag (superscript text)

      - displays superscript font.

      For example, html code:

      Plain text, superscript text

      Converts to the following on the page:

      Plain text, superscript text

      10. HTML tag,

      , - displays a font one pixel larger/smaller than the current size (allowed by the style, class, id parameter).

      For example, html code:

      Regular font, this font is one pixel larger

      Converts to the following on the page:

      Regular font, this font is one pixel larger

      11. HTML tag
        (creating lists)

        Outputs a list (accepts style, class, id parameters). Every new element recorded between

      • And
      • .

        For example, html code:

        • first element of the list
        • second element of the list

        Converts to the following on the page:


        • first element of the list
        • second element of the list
        12. HTML tag (creating tables)

        - creates a table (allows the style, class parameter). Each new line created by tags , and the column .

        For example, html code:

        1-line 1 element1st line 2nd element
        2-line 1 element2-line 2 element

        Converts to the following on the page:

        All tag capabilities

        13. HTML tag
        (line break)

        - go to next line, represents a single tag.

        For example, html code:

        Line 1
        3rd line And this text will be on the 3rd line, since there was no transition

        Converts to the following on the page:

        3rd line And this text will be on the 3rd line, since there was no transition

        14. HTML tag ( horizontal line)

        - draws a line, represents a single tag (allows the style, class parameter).

        For example, html code:

        Some text above the line and this text will be below the line

        Converts to the following on the page:

        Some text above the line and this text will be below the line

        15. HTML tag (picture output)

        For example, html code: ">

        Converts to the following on the page:

        All tag capabilities will be discussed in a separate lesson: .

        16. HTML tag (text formatting)

        - to format text, change style, etc. (allows parameter style, class, id). His weight is in the eyes search engines is missing, so you can use it as much as you want.

        For example, html code:

        This text is green and its size is 15 pixels

        Converts to the following on the page:


        A similar tag is .

        17. HTML tag (form creation)

        - creating a form on the page (allows the style, class parameter).

        For example, entering a login and password, any buttons, any registration form - all these are forms.

        18. HTML tag (creating blocks)

        - used to create blocks on the page (allows the style, class parameter). Previously, tables were mainly used to mark up pages. After the tag appeared, the task became easier. Almost all websites contain blocks as a convenient alternative to tables.

        HTML tags are the basis HTML language. Tags are used to delimit the beginning and end of elements in markup.

        Each HTML document consists of a tree of HTML elements and text. Each HTML element is identified by a start (opening) and an end (closing) tag. The opening and closing tags contain the name of the tag.

        All HTML elements are divided into five types:

        • empty elements - , ,
          , , , , , ,
        Used for storage additional information about the page. Browsers use this information to process the page, and search engines- for its indexing. There can be several tags in a block, since depending on the attributes used they carry different information.
        Indicator of measurement in a given range.
        Section of a document containing navigation links on the site.
        Defines a section that does not support scripting.
        Container for embedding multimedia (e.g. audio, video, Java applets, ActiveX, PDF and Flash). You can also insert another web page into the current HTML document. The tag is used to pass the parameters of the plugin.
        Ordered numbered list. Numbering can be numeric or alphabetical.
        A container with a title for a group of elements.
        Specifies an option/option to select from the , or , drop-down list.
        Field for displaying the result of a calculation calculated using the script.

        Paragraphs in the text.
        Defines parameters for plugins built using the element.
        A container element containing one element and zero or more elements. By itself it does not display anything. Allows the browser to select the most appropriate image.
        Outputs text without formatting, preserving spaces and text breaks. Can be used to display computer code, messages Email etc.
        An indicator of the completion of a task of any kind.
        Defines a short quotation.
        Container for East Asian symbols and their decoding.
        Defines its nested text as the base component of the annotation.
        Adds brief description above or below the characters contained in the element, displayed in a smaller font.
        Marks embedded text as additional annotation.
        Displays alternative text if the browser does not support the element.
        Displays text that is not current with a strikethrough.
        Used to display text representing the result of execution program code or script, as well as system messages. Displayed in monospace font.
        Used to define a client-side script (usually JavaScript). Contains either script text or points to external file script using src attribute.
        Defines a logical area (section) of a page, usually with a header.
        A control element that allows you to select values ​​from a proposed set. Variant values ​​are placed in .
        Displays text in a smaller font size.
        Specifies the location and type of alternative media resources for the , , .
        Container for inline elements. Can be used to format passages of text, such as highlighting individual words with color.
        Places emphasis in the text, highlighting it in bold.
        Includes embedded style sheets.
        Specifies subscript writing of symbols, for example, element index in chemical formulas.
        Creates a visible title for the tag. Displayed with a filled triangle, clicking on it allows you to view the title details.
        Specifies the superscript spelling of characters.
        Tag for creating a table.
        Defines the body of the table.
        Creates a table cell.
        Used to declare HTML code fragments that can be cloned and inserted into a document by a script. The content of a tag is not a child element.
        Creates large text input fields.
        Defines footer tables.
        Creates a table cell title.
        Defines the table title.
        Defines date/time.
        The title of an HTML document that appears at the top of the browser's title bar. May also appear in search results, so this should be taken into account when providing a title.
        Creates a table row.
        Adds subtitles for elements and .
        Highlights a passage of text by underlining, without additional emphasis.
        Creates a bulleted list.
        Highlights variables from programs by displaying them in italics.
        Adds video files to the page. Supports 3 video formats: MP4, WebM, Ogg.
        Indicates to the browser where a long line might break.