What gives root rights to an android. Why do you need Root in Android? Advantages and disadvantages. What are the types of root access?

Android OS is one of the most open operating systems, but despite this, it also has its own prohibitions and restrictions that do not allow the average user to perform any actions with their device. That is, Android developers the possibility of unceremonious user intervention in the work is not provided system programs. For example, many smartphones and tablet computers have initially installed applications, which cannot be removed, and they are absolutely useless.

However, all these prohibitions and restrictions provided by Android developers can be bypassed; to do this, it is enough to know how to get root rights. If you want to take full control your device - you need to get ROOT rights. Many argue that this procedure is only for advanced users and it involves many dangers, but we do not agree with this, as you will see after reading this article. If you stick to detailed instructions, then you can get root rights quickly and safely.

The times when to obtain superuser rights you had to spend a lot of time studying the relevant instructions are long gone. Today most of the work is done special programs, what is he doing this procedure accessible even for beginners. True, before you get root rights, you should find out what it is and what advantages and disadvantages are typical for this procedure.

Root (Rooting) is the process of obtaining superuser rights on devices running Android OS. The main goal getting root- rights is the removal of manufacturer restrictions. After successfully obtaining root rights, the user receives full access to the operating system, that is, the operating system comes under the complete control of the device holder.

There are 3 types of Root rights on Android:

  1. Full Root is permanent root rights that are not deleted immediately after rebooting the device. Also this type root rights provides the ability to write and overwrite system section;
  2. Shell Root – have characteristics similar to the previous type of superuser rights, but unlike Full Root, they do not allow writing and overwriting to the system partition;
  3. Temporary Root – temporary Root rights that disappear immediately after the first reboot of the device.

What does getting root rights do?

Root is the main administrator account, which opens up great opportunities for the user of a device running on Android OS. After obtaining root rights, the user can perform the following actions with his tablet or smartphone:

  1. Having received ROOT, you will be able to remove standard applications pre-installed by the manufacturer of your device;
  2. Root rights on Android allow you to freeze and restore if the need arises;
  3. Nowadays, almost every application contains advertising, which is sometimes very annoying. Root rights are allowed from any application;
  4. Superuser rights provide the ability to change the external Android view to the point of being unrecognizable due to apk editing and system applications;
  5. Another undoubted advantage of obtaining root rights is that the life of the device on a single battery charge is almost doubled. Such a change cannot but rejoice, since for most devices running on the OS Android is fast Battery drain is a common problem;
  6. Once rooted, you can take steps to improve the performance and responsiveness of Android. It will also be possible to overclock or lower the processor speed. We wrote in more detail about such procedures in the article ““;
  7. If you have the appropriate knowledge, you can create firmware yourself or make changes to the official versions.

In addition to all of the above, root rights require a lot of others useful functions and opportunities that could take a long time to list.

Disadvantages of obtaining Root rights

Before you get root rights, you should familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of this procedure, which are also present here. Of course, there are much fewer disadvantages than advantages, nevertheless they exist and you need to know them. We will not talk about the dangers of this procedure, as was said earlier, by following detailed instructions you can get root rights safely. First of all, it should be said that obtaining superuser rights deprives you of the ability to receive official updates firmware from manufacturers. That is, it won’t work automatically and if you want to install official firmware, you will have to do it manually.

It is also worth mentioning that the manufacturer’s proprietary features will be disabled. Many people consider the main disadvantage of obtaining Root rights to be the loss of warranty service. Indeed, having received root rights, you will not be able to return the device for repair under warranty if the need arises. However, this point should not be considered a serious drawback. The fact is that Root rights can be removed at any time and service center won't notice anything.

Instructions: how to get root rights

Before you begin the procedure for obtaining superuser rights, you need to make sure that your device does not have the NAND lock function, which does not allow you to make any changes to the /system partition. For such devices, full Root cannot be obtained without first unlocking. You can only heal with Shell Root or Temporary Root. Some smartphone and tablet manufacturers block Bootloader Android and to get root rights, you must first unlock Bootloader. The unlocking procedure will differ depending on specific model devices and we will not pay special attention to this in this article.

So, enough theory, let's finally figure out how to get root rights. There are now many ways to obtain Root access on Android. Each tablet and smartphone has its own methods for obtaining Root rights, which can be found on specialized Internet resources dedicated specifically to your device. In this article, we will present several universal methods for obtaining Root rights, which are suitable for most devices running on the Android platform.

Note: programs designed to obtain Root rights are identified by antiviruses as Trojans or viruses, because they are essentially virus exploits that penetrate the system kernel. Therefore, before you start working with similar applications you need to disable your antivirus.

How to root using Framaroot

Perhaps the most in a simple way To obtain superuser rights is to use the Framaroot application. This program It is distributed free of charge and can be downloaded from the official website of the developer http://framaroot.ru.

  1. Download and install the program from the downloaded apk file on your device.

2. Launch the application. If your smartphone or tablet is supported by the utility, a drop-down list will appear on the screen possible actions, among which there are options for receiving and root removal. Here you will see one or more names of exploits that are available for use.

3. Select one of the available exploits, after which a tooltip will appear describing the results of its operation. If one method doesn't work, try another. At the end, a notification will appear informing you that root rights have been successfully obtained. Just restart your gadget and the changes will take effect.

Note: Sometimes it happens that when gaining superuser rights, Framaroot crashes. In this case, simply restart the program and try again.

How to root using Kingo Android ROOT

Another universal way to obtain Root rights is to use the application Kingo Android ROOT. First you need to download the program. You can do this for free on the official website of the developer kingoapp.com. Installation is simple and will not cause any difficulties.

After installing the application, you need to take several steps, so carefully read the instructions below and follow all the steps:

1. To start the procedure, you need to connect the device to the computer using USB cable, but before you do this, be sure to check if “USB Debugging” is enabled. To do this, go to “Settings” - “For Developers” and check the “USB Debugging” option, and then confirm to enable debugging. If there is no such item on your smartphone or tablet, then go to the “About device” section in the settings, then click on the “Build number” field several times until a message appears stating that you have become a developer.

2. When the computer detects your device, it will then be taken over by the Kingo Android ROOT application, which will automatically install all the necessary drivers.

When the driver installation is complete, all you have to do is click on the “Root” button and wait for the process to complete to obtain administrator rights. If windows with various requests appear, always answer “Yes”.

Next, a notification will appear asking you to restart the device. Click on the “Root Again” button, after which you will become the owner of superuser rights. If you want to remove root rights, you need to click on the “Remove Root” button.

Perhaps detailed instructions for obtaining root rights using the example of two popular programs will be sufficient. Other common applications of this type include the following: Universal Androot, z4root, Unlock Root, Root Master and VRoot.
We also recommend that you read the video instructions, which show 3 ways to obtain root rights:

How to check root rights?

After you have completed the procedure for obtaining root rights, you need to check whether everything was successful and whether you now have superuser rights. The easiest way to check root rights is to install the Root Checker application, which you can download for free in the virtual Google store Play. To check if you have root rights on Android, follow these steps:

1. Download Root Checker on Android from Google Play and install it on your device.

2. Launch the application by clicking on the appropriate icon. After launching the utility, a window will appear in which you need to click on Agree.

After this, the program will produce the result. If you have root rights, the message “Congratulations! This device has root access!” If you do not have superuser rights, you will see a message: “Sorry! This device does not have proper root access.”

I guess we'll end here this article. Now you know how to get root rights. We hope our instructions will be useful to you and you will easily achieve the desired result.

Root rights (Superuser rights) – provide the owner of a device running on the operating system Android opportunity perform any operations. That is, you get full control over the system, which allows you to run specialized applications that significantly expand the capabilities of your smartphone, edit and change system files, optimize the operation of your device, and also perform many other operations. The need to obtain root rights may arise due to the most various reasons. The instructions below will be relevant regardless of what exactly prompted you to obtain superuser rights.

Obtaining root rights can be done using special utilities that automate this process and make it accessible even to novice users.

The complexity of the procedure for obtaining superuser rights largely depends on the device itself. On some models this process takes only a few minutes, while on others you need to tinker. As part of this review, we will tell you how to get root rights on Android using special programs. We will consider the most common and getting root. To complete this operation successfully, you just need to follow the instructions we have prepared. Before you start getting root, we strongly recommend that you study in more detail what superuser rights are and what risks they involve.

  • Attention
  • The procedure for obtaining root rights is simple and if you strictly follow the instructions, no problems will arise, but if you decide to take such a step, you must understand that potential risks remain. An irresponsible attitude towards the procedure can turn your device into a “brick”.

Advantages and disadvantages of root rights

Before you get root rights on Android, you need to decide whether this procedure is really necessary. Superuser rights have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. In principle, if you get root and later find out that they are useless, there is nothing wrong with that. Root rights can be removed at any time. However, Lost time No one will compensate you, so it’s better to think everything over in advance. To make it easier for you to make a choice, we will list the main advantages and disadvantages of root.

Root rights allow:

  • Remove standard pre-installed applications, built-in services and other junk that is protected from deletion by default;
  • Edit system files and programs;
  • Activate additional Android functions;
  • Install modified firmware and mods;
  • Optimize the operation of your device, increase battery performance, overclock the processor;
  • Work with applications whose functionality is only available with root.

Disadvantages of root rights:

  • The ability to receive over-the-air updates from the device manufacturer disappears;
  • The presence of root deprives the owner of the device of the right to warranty service (you can remove root);
  • You can delete files, the absence of which could negatively affect the operation of the system;
  • There is always a risk to commit critical errors, as a result of which the device may permanently fail without the possibility of recovery.

How to get root rights on Android: instructions

The difficulty of rooting a device depends on the specific model. Sometimes it is enough just to install a special utility and follow a few steps. In some cases you will have to tinker, for example, owners of HTC brand devices must first unlock Bootloander. The guide below will apply to most models. If you are unable to root after following the instructions below, try finding a guide to rooting your model.

Before you get root rights on Android, you should familiarize yourself with information about the types of superuser rights.

Types of root rights:

  • Full Root— permanent rights that remove established restrictions.
  • Shell Root– an analogue of the above type with identical capabilities, but without access to the system folder.
  • Temporary Root– temporary Root access (valid until the device is rebooted).

Most often you need to get Full Root, which provides maximum capabilities. Be careful after rooting with these features. When deleting standard applications You can delete a file, the absence of which will lead to problems with the system.

You can obtain superuser rights directly through the Android OS device itself or using a computer. In both cases they are used special utilities. As an example, let's look at the two most common programs.

Getting root rights using Framaroot

One of the most famous utilities for rooting devices running on Android OS is Framaroot. Programs supported great amount various devices. Framaroot allows you to get root rights on your Android device in one click, without using a computer. The utility is easy to use and will not raise any questions even for novice users. To get root you do not need to use ADB commands, system flash files and other similar actions. Everything is extremely simple, fast and clear. True, the list of supported devices is limited, so the utility may be useless for you. In any case, you should start with Framaroot, and if unsuccessful, resort to using other programs.

To root using Framaroot, follow these steps:

  1. Download latest version programs from the official website http://framaroot.ru/;
  2. Install Framaroot from the downloaded apk file on your device (you must first allow installation of applications from unknown sources in Android security options);
  3. If your device is supported by the program, the screen will prompt you to select an application to manage root rights and a method for obtaining superuser rights;
  4. Select Superuser or SuperSU. Click on any exploit, for example Boromir. If all else fails, try another exploit;
  5. If successful, a window will appear with a smiley face indicating successful rooting of the device. For the changes to take effect, you need to restart the device.

As you can see, the process of obtaining root using the Framaroot program is extremely simple and does not involve any difficulties. Main disadvantage The problem with this utility is that it does not support all devices. If you can't get superuser rights using Framaroot, try other options.

Getting root rights using Kingo Android Root

Unlike the Framaroot application, the Kingo program Android Root can be installed not only on Android, but also on a computer. As for the process of getting root, everything is also quick and simple. You can download the Kingo Android Root program from the official website of the developer www.kingoapp.com completely free of charge. You can install the program on Android or Windows. First, we recommend trying to get root through the application, and if that doesn’t work, root the device via PC.

To get root rights through the Android application, follow the link above, download and install the utility. After launching the application, start the rooting process by clicking on the corresponding button. Now all that remains is to wait for the process to complete and check whether your device managed to obtain superuser rights. To check whether you have root rights or not, install Root application Checker from Google Play.

If for some reason the method described above does not work for you, try getting root using the computer version of the program.

To get root rights via Kingo Android Root, follow these steps:

  • Enable USB debugging on your Android device(in the settings, go to the “About phone” item, then click on the “Build number” item several times until a message appears saying that you have become a developer. Go to “Settings” - “For developers” and check the “Debugging by USB");
  • Connect your device to your computer via USB;
  • Will begin automatic installation necessary drivers(requires internet connection);
  • After installing the drivers, the “ROOT” button will appear. Click on it and the rooting process will begin;
  • If the message Unlock Bootloader appears on your smartphone, you will need to select Yes using the volume buttons and briefly press the power button to confirm your choice;
  • Once the rooting process is complete, a “Finish” button will appear.

Framaroot and Kingo Android Root programs support a huge number of devices. If you did not succeed in getting root for your model following the given instructions, try to find a suitable guide specifically for your device.

Articles and Lifehacks

Unfortunately, not everyone can answer the above question. For all those who can't imagine what is root rights on android and this is what our article aims to find out.

What is root rights on Android? Their types

Those who have previously worked with a Linux system have probably encountered the concept of root rights before. The term "root" means account"superuser", that is, the main administrator. If we have access to this record, our capabilities expand significantly. They are not available to the average user.

For example, if we have root rights on Android, we will be able to open executable documents Linux systems, take screenshots using programs like ShootMe, carry out backup, use mobile device as an access point, change shortcuts and themes, as well as make changes to system files and remove pre-installed applications. Let us add that using a mobile device as an access point is relevant for platform versions up to 2.2, since later this function received standard status.

Having root rights, we will also be able to open various special programs (like Titanium Backup or SuperUser), transfer the browser cache to the card, etc. However, you should be aware that it is better for an ordinary, “not advanced” user to abandon the idea of ​​​​obtaining root access. Firstly, he does not need this at all, and secondly, he risks causing irreparable damage to his apparatus.

Allocate full unlimited root rights to permanent basis(full root), permanent rights without access to the system folder (shell root) and temporary root rights (temporary root).

So, we figured out what root rights are on Android. Please note that not every owner of a mobile device will be able to obtain such access. Some of the devices have a NAND lock type, and without overcoming it you cannot change system folder and get full root. However, the user will be able to rely on shell root, as well as temporary root.

How to get root rights for Android?

IN currently can be accessed using one of many methods described online. You should also take into account the model and brand of your mobile device.

One of the universal ways is to obtain root rights using the Framaroot program. This is a very simple method. It is also valid on a variety of devices. A good option is to use Kingo apps Android Root and also VRoot.

It should be taken into account that utilities, which are usually used to obtain main administrator rights, are recognized by our devices as containing viruses. It is recommended to disable anti-virus software first.

Some smartphone owners want to get the most out of their device. In this case, it is impossible to do without obtaining root rights. After all, only they will allow you to use all sorts of tweaks, activate additional functions and even block the one displayed in free apps advertising.

The Android operating system is famous for its openness. But in fact, some of its components are still blocked for regular user. You can download a blocker to your smartphone advertising banners, but it won't work. The fact is that the advertising part of the OS is closed to other applications - it is impossible to change the corresponding files. However, if you get root rights on Android, then everything changes. After this, all hidden sections become available. But you need to be careful - these sections also contain those files, the deletion or modification of which will destroy the operating system, and therefore the device itself.

In general, root access provides the user with the following benefits:

But, as mentioned above, root rights also bring with them several unpleasant moments:

  • They will often void your warranty;
  • Receipt procedure root rights may result in the failure of the gadget;
  • In the future, you will no longer receive OS updates over the air.

Obtaining superuser rights without a computer

If you don't have the best new smartphone or a tablet, that is, there is a high probability that you can open root access on it using the Framaroot application. To do this, you don’t even need to connect the device to the computer, and therefore the process proceeds quickly and without any difficulties. You will be required to do the following:

Step 1. Download the latest version of Framaroot.

Step 2. Install this APK file on your gadget. If necessary, check the box next to “ Allow installation of applications from unknown sources«.

Step 3. Launch the program. If your smartphone or tablet is supported by it, you will see a menu that contains options for further actions.

Step 4. Choose one of the methods for obtaining root rights. Soon a hint will appear telling you about the results of the program. If the method does not work, then try the second and third.

Step 5. If the application crashes, restart it.

Step 6. If you are informed that you managed to get a root on Android, then reboot your device and start using its advanced features.

Unfortunately, the list of supported devices is this application strictly limited. If the program did not cope with its task, but you still want to use user rights, then you can try installing following applications:

  • 360 Root;
  • PingPong Root;
  • KingRoot;
  • Root Master.

The latest program will provide root rights even to the owner of a very old device running under Android control 1.5. Other applications, on the contrary, try to hack the latest devices, including those made in South Korea (they support KNOX technology, which significantly complicates the task).

Obtaining root rights through a computer

It is quite possible that you are still thinking about how to get root rights to Android using a computer. You may think that this is very easy to do. But practice shows that a PC is almost no help in this matter. The fact is that almost every smartphone requires special algorithms, the execution of which grants superuser rights. In this regard, there is no universal method obtaining such rights. But you can try to take advantage the following programs:

  • ROOT Wizard;
  • VRoot;
  • Root Zhushou;
  • Unlockroot.

However, remember that no one guarantees the successful completion of the process - it all depends on the specific device and the version of the operating system installed on it.

Types of root rights

In the menu of some programs you may find that they are able to provide different root rights.

  • Shell Root - full root, but the user is not given access to hidden section System.
  • Full Root- full root, the owner of the device is provided with all the hidden functionality of the operating system.
  • Temporary Root- this root will disappear after the first reboot of the gadget.

The Android operating system by default has built-in protection against rash user actions that can damage normal functioning devices. Similar mechanism security software blocks the installation of unwanted software, restricts access to system files, imposes a ban on changing a number of settings. For the average user who is not savvy technical issues, such barriers are only beneficial and, in principle, do not interfere with the normal use of the gadget. But what to do if you want to get full access to the system’s functionality and experiment with all, even hidden, settings. This is what the so-called root rights, or Superuser rights, are intended for.

Why do you need root rights?

So, what exactly? additional features provide root rights to Android system? Let's list the main ones:

  • Editing any system files;
  • Removing standard applications;
  • Removing debris and unnecessary files, previously protected from deletion;
  • Installing applications on a memory card;
  • Installation modified firmware and mods;
  • Unlimited interface changes (themes, screensavers, icons, fonts);
  • Providing applications with full access to the system;
  • Advanced backup;
  • Optimizing operation and increasing device performance.

Along with the pros, there are also cons. These include possible refusal to warranty service and the risk of device failure due to violation of the integrity of system files.

If you have weighed all the pros and cons, and definitely want to get root rights to Android, then feel free to proceed to the instructions below.

Ways to obtain Superuser rights

Today, the market offers many models of smartphones and tablets, each of which may have its own specific features, affecting the rooting procedure. However, in most cases, the expansion of powers is carried out according to the same scheme. Moreover, for Android of any version (4.4, 5.1, 6.0, 7.0, etc.) the sequence of actions to obtain root rights is almost the same.

There are two main options for “giving” Android devices special rights:

  • Do this via computer:
  • Carry out the procedure autonomously without using a PC.

We will look at both methods with casting specific examples and programs. But before using one of the proposed algorithms, you need to check current permissions user on your phone/tablet. Perhaps full access to Android functions is already open.

Checking for extended rights

You can find out whether a specific mobile device has Superuser rights using the application RootChecker. We install it from the Play Market, and then launch it.

To start checking, click the “Root Check” button.

If the necessary rights will not be detected, then a red message will appear, but if they have already been provided, then a green message will appear.

In the absence of authority, we proceed to direct actions to acquire it.

Obtaining root rights through a computer

This technique involves the following standard steps:

  1. Downloading and installing a special application on a PC;
  2. Launching the program;
  3. Connecting to a computer via port USB devices running Android;
  4. Enable USB debugging mode on the device;
  5. Establishing a connection between the application on the computer and the phone/tablet;
  6. Directly launch rooting (usually by pressing just one button in the program window).

This sequence will be relevant for almost any program, of course, with certain amendments. Which application to use is up to you, we will just give a list of the most common ones:

  • Kingo Android Root;
  • SuperOneClick;
  • VRoot;
  • MTKdroidTools.

As an example, let's try to get root rights with using Kingo Android Root.

Kingo Android Root

Download the program from the official website www.kingoapp.com, and then install it on your computer.

If the application is blocked by an antivirus, which often happens with such software, then the protection will have to be disabled while the procedure is being performed.

Launch Kingo Android Root.

Now we connect the Android device to the PC via a USB cable and immediately set the MTP data exchange mode in the settings (transfer and manage files on the PC).

The Kingo Android Root app will start connecting to your phone and will ask you to enable USB debugging mode.

To do this, you need to go to the Android settings, and then go to the “For Developers” section (Developer Options).

If there is no such item, then go to the “About phone” page and click on the “Build Number” line seven times.

The “For Developers” section should now appear. Go into it and enable the “USB Debugging” option. A window will appear in which we check the box “Always allow debugging from this computer” and click “OK”.

The installation of drivers will begin, after which the “ROOT” button will appear in the Kingo Android Root program window on the computer.

Click on it, wait for the procedure to complete and reboot the mobile device. If everything went as expected, you will have extended rights.

How to get root access without using a computer

This method does not require a PC, and all actions are performed exclusively in the interface of the Android device. True, without third party programs there is no way around this either. Let's list the most popular ones:

  • KingRoot;
  • OneClickRoot;
  • Framaroot;
  • iRoot

If these applications do not suit you, you can find others on the Internet. Interaction with any of them will occur approximately according to the same scenario:

  1. An apk file is downloaded directly from the official website to your phone;
  2. The program is installed from it (the “Allow installation of applications from unknown sources” option is first activated);
  3. After starting the program, the device model is determined (or manually selected) and rooted.

Let's consider with step by step mode the process of rooting Android using the KingRoot application.


Download installation apk file from the official website kingroot.net.

Now we find the saved file in the list of recent downloads of the File Manager or any File Manager.

We initiate the installation.

After installation is complete, launch the program. In our version of the application, to start rooting, you had to go to the “Complex rights” page and click the “Get root” button.

In other editions the interface may be slightly different. We are waiting for the procedure to complete.


As we can see, establishing Superuser rights (aka root rights) on Android without using a computer or with its help is not difficult. To do this, just select the necessary software. The only catch may be that the selected utility will not support your specific device model. In this situation, you should try another program or use the manufacturer's proprietary application (if available).

If all else fails and root access to Android is still denied to you, you will have to carefully study the information on specialized forums in threads dedicated to your model. And, of course, to identify problems that interfere with obtaining elevated rights, you should definitely pay attention to the text of warning messages and errors that usually accompany the occurrence of various types of problems.