What does root give on Android? Why do you need root rights? Types of root rights for Android. Removing system applications

Unlike most competitors, the Android operating system is more open. However, it also has its prohibitions and restrictions. Android does not allow the average user to delete important files, change the operation of system programs, or set potentially dangerous settings. You can gain access to such features in cases where the owner receives so-called root - superuser rights.

Rooting a device on Android is gaining superuser rights, roughly corresponding to a similar concept in a Linux system. Once rooted, you can perform almost any action on your device, even potentially dangerous ones. This gives you complete control over your device.

What is it for?

Obtaining Root rights to Android provides users with a number of benefits. These include:

  • Unlimited control over the operating system.
  • The ability to replace system files, which will allow you to:
    • change standard applications - clock, calendar, email program and others;
    • replace topics;
    • replace the Recovery image and system bootloader to be able to replace firmware, as well as save and restore the system;
    • perform any actions with system applications - adding, replacing, etc.;
    • change the animation and images that are displayed when the system starts.
  • Run applications that provide a lot of system management capabilities, for example:
    • Root Explorer file manager, which, unlike the standard manager, will allow you to see and work with all files located on your device;
    • Super User, with which you can grant root rights to various programs;
    • programs that allow you to change and delete any applications, including system ones.
  • Make a backup of Android, including your installed programs and data, which can always be restored after a firmware update or factory reset.
  • Move installed applications from your tablet or phone to a memory card.
  • Copy the cache of various applications and temporary browser files to the memory card.
  • Control your device using a computer via a WiFi connection or USB port.

Getting root rights

The procedure for obtaining root rights is quite simple and, if all instructions are carefully followed, can be completed without any problems. Moreover, a number of universal utilities have been developed that automate this process and provide access to even the most novice users.

The procedures for obtaining root rights differ on different devices. Some require their own program, others just need to install a universal application, and others need to first unlock the system bootloader. There are universal programs designed to help obtain superuser rights on most Android devices - for example, Towelroot, Framaroot, Root Genius, Unlockroot and others.

Many people have probably heard about some kind of “root”, that it gives something, but they still haven’t understood what kind of animal it is and how to get it. Let's try to sort out all the questions on this topic and sort everything out.

Let's start with what it is.

All Android phones initially give their owner incomplete rights for their use, that is, initially the owner of the phone is considered not an administrator, but a simple user without access to the system partition. This approach is a kind of precaution against the fact that an inexperienced user can delete or change some important system file and simply turn his phone into a technological brick, even requiring a trip to the nearest service center.

However, there are also disadvantages for those who received root.

Firstly, a rooted phone is removed from the warranty, and any repairs will have to be carried out at your own expense. Secondly, the process of obtaining root for some phones can be quite complicated, and sometimes even impossible (users of the latest HTCs generally have a particularly hard time getting root). Thirdly, there is no universal way to get root for all Android devices, but the same methods work for some models. And most importantly, if something goes wrong during the rooting process, the phone may turn into a brick, so read the instructions carefully and follow them strictly!

If, after all of the above, you haven’t decided why you need root, then you don’t need to get it.

Due to the variety of methods for obtaining root, we will provide links to methods of obtaining for various devices (if your device is not on the list or have questions, write in the comments, we will add a link to it and we will help with obtaining root).

If you are reading this article, then most likely you have heard the word “root rights”, and you probably want to know what this means and why you should even get superuser rights on your smartphone and go through this whole incomprehensible process. We will try to explain to you in more detail what rooting is and why it is cool.

What does it mean to "root Android"?

In a nutshell, getting root rights means that you get superuser rights or, more simply put, you get admin rights on your phone. In more detail, this means that you will be able to completely edit all system files that are not available to ordinary users. That is, you or any applications that work only on rooted devices will be able to access and change system programs and features, such as camera flash, notification flashlights, etc.

You will remove all restrictions given to you by the stock firmware. Getting root rights on Android is the same as jailbreaking on Apple devices. On Windows computers, this is changing your permissions from a simple user to an administrator. It may be clearer to you when you read the full article. So stay tuned.

Will I lose my warranty after rooting?

Of course yes! It is a fact. In the same way, iPhone owners lose their warranty after jailbreaking. But, fortunately, it’s also easy to return to the manufacturer’s stock (standard) firmware (“roll back to stock”) and remove root rights. Therefore, after such manipulations, no one will guess that you had root rights installed and you will then be able to make warranty claims.

Advantages of obtaining root rights on Android smartphones and tablets

Administrator rights open up new horizons for customization and total setup of the gadget, and moreover, it helps you become more experienced in working with a smartphone. Below we present to you a list of benefits with their detailed explanation.

1. You can make a full backup of the files on your device (make a full backup of the entire device)

Let's start with the biggest benefit of rooting: better backups. With a rooted device, you'll most likely want to reconfigure your entire system, install a custom ROM, or install apps that require rooting. Since you will be changing the system to its roots, it is very useful to have a backup of applications, user data, or even the entire system. Moreover, it never hurts to have a full backup, as you may accidentally delete an important system file.

The most popular application for backing up the system and individual files is Titanium Backup. Although the Pro version costs about $7, the program deserves it. The application will help you backup all your installed programs and system data.

Another way to make a backup of your device is called a “Nandroid” backup. Restoring the system with such a backup is very similar to restoring the Windows OS to the exact state at the time of the last system backup made. So if your gadget stops working correctly, programs stop responding and loading, then “Nandroid” backup will return you exactly to the point when the backup was made. This will protect you, if, for example, you want to install a different firmware or kernel, and something goes wrong, then you simply use the “Nandroid” backup to correct the situation.

2. You can automate everything

When it comes to automation, Tasker is the one and only application you need. With it you can automate just everything. The program also works on devices without root, but with fewer features and options.

The app has exactly the same philosophy as the online tool If This Then That (IFTTT), but works in a more complex way. For example, you can turn WiFi off/on every time you come home or go somewhere, or turn on Bluetooth and Google Maps when you connect your gadget to the car docking station. And these are just flowers.

3. You will be able to monitor the device even if someone does a "factory reset"

Losing a smartphone or tablet is always a big problem. Moreover, if the device was not lost, but stolen. Of course, it is impossible to prevent theft, but you can track your phone even without installing a special anti-theft application ("anti-theft"), especially since they are visible on the device. This means that the thief can simply delete the application or do a “factory reset”.

When you are rooted, you have the option to install a smartphone spying app such as Cerberus. In this case, the program is installed in the roots of the system. Thus, this program will survive even after a complete reset of the device to factory settings. It is also possible to install a disguised version of the application so that it is hidden in the "apps".

4. You have the opportunity to install custom (modified) versions of Android on your smartphone, which are called custom firmware

As the name implies, custom firmware is an adapted and customized version of Android. It often has unique features and improvements that you will never get on the standard version of this OS. The most popular custom firmwares are CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android and AOKP. These are just a couple of examples, but there are many more. If you want to get a more flexible and understandable system, stable operation, greater performance and long battery life, then you just need to try all these firmwares and choose the best one for yourself that suits all your requirements and desires.

5. You can use "Xposed Framework" to customize your device

Xposed is the basis for all available graphics modules and allows you to customize the appearance of the system. That is, you can get all the settings and operating features that are available on custom firmware, but for this you do not need to install such firmware. It is enough to configure the stock one with the "Xposed Framework". This framework is also suitable if you do not want to install a whole firmware because you only need to configure a few individual functions. All you need to do is install a specific module. Moreover, the framework is easy to install on your phone or tablet. In addition, it also works on custom firmware.

6. You can increase system performance and improve battery life

With superuser rights, you have the ability to change the processor frequency on your device. Overclocking the CPU will give you more performance, while underclocking the CPU will improve battery life. Test out the SetCPU app, available on Google Play for $2. This is an excellent program that has many useful functions, such as creating a couple of CPU profiles that switch automatically depending on the set conditions.

Ads are very annoying, especially on small screen smartphones. If certain apps are bombarding you with tons of ads, you can use blocking utilities and apps like Adblock. But you should know that developers sometimes earn income from such advertising, and if the application does not have advertising, then most likely it is paid. Therefore, do not block all advertising entirely, support the developers, because without their work there would be no free programs.

Also see:

If you obtain root rights correctly, then it is not a risky business, and of course, obtaining administrator rights has a large number of advantages in comparison with non-rooted gadgets. Stock firmware, or standard Android, is a very good system, but having an unlimited number of customization options is much better. In this article, we only a little clarified the essence of such a concept as root rights, but we hope that you realized the full potential of your device after receiving them.

Root rights or superuser rights allow you to gain unlimited access to the file system of a gadget on the Android platform, including access to system files and folders. An already open and customizable system, if these rights are obtained, becomes even more changeable.

What are the types of root rights?

  1. Full Root means full root; these are permanent root rights that open up absolutely all the capabilities of the operating system and device to the owner of the device.
  2. Shell Root is the same rights as Full Root, only with them access to the System partition is denied, that is, there is no way to write and overwrite this partition.
  3. Temporary Root - means temporary root, that is, the rights disappear after the device is rebooted.

Getting root rights

The rooting process may differ slightly depending on the device used, but in essence it is the same and boils down to adding several files and the Superuser or SuperSU application to the system folders.

To become a superuser, you usually need to go through the following steps:

  1. Preparing your device. For example, on some smartphones and tablets it is necessary to unlock the bootloader, transfer files to a memory card, etc.
  2. Run special software directly on the device itself or on the computer to which the device is connected.
  3. Copy the su executable, which is installed in /system/xbin/su. He is the one responsible for root.
  4. Setting access rights to files and directories using the chmod command.

The most necessary programs for root users

  • The list of must-have programs opens with the file manager Root Explorer. It will allow you to seamlessly operate system files, making your smartphone or tablet even more personal. For example, it will be possible to transfer programs, cache and other data to a memory card even if this option is not provided.
  • If you want to remove unused system applications, you will need Root Uninstaller. Be careful when deleting - some supposedly unused applications may actually be vital elements of the system.
  • Frequently performed tasks can be automated using the most powerful app in the category - Tasker. The slightly confusing interface is more than compensated for by the rich functionality and practicality of the program.
  • Greenify is another landmark solution for a rooted phone. Allows you to “freeze” the work of programs in the background and thereby saves precious percentages of battery power.
  • Busybox – makes it possible to use familiar Linux commands to control your smartphone.
  • Titanium Backup – allows you to back up your system, including contacts, SMS messages and application data.

Having superuser rights at your disposal, you can change the system bootloader, install an alternative recovery menu and custom firmware.

Superuser to manage a rooted device

To ensure that the full power of the new rights is not used for other purposes, but for selfish purposes, control measures are needed to limit the use of these rights. The main management of a rooted phone falls on the shoulders of special programs, most often Superuser. It allows you to grant and restrict access to super rights for various applications. For example, during the first launch of the same Root Explorer, a window will appear where you will be asked to grant root rights to the file manager, and if you refuse, the application will not gain access to hidden elements of the built-in memory.

The Superuser interface is intuitive: the main screen is a list of installed applications that, in principle, may require root rights and displays what powers a particular program has. When you select a program from the list, a permissions menu will open where you can grant extended rights temporarily, permanently, or completely prohibit their use.

What are the disadvantages of rooting?

  1. Loss of warranty on the performance of the device, if it is still valid.
  2. Loss of the ability to update the operating system over the air (OTA update), but not on all firmware versions.
  3. Disabling branded features from some manufacturers.


If you are still thinking about whether to get root rights or not, then our answer is clear - do it now. Superuser rights will be useful to any owner of an Android smartphone, because they turn your customizable device into a truly limitless field for creativity and practical solutions. The risk of receiving an inoperable device if all instructions are followed is almost as minimal as the probability of the device spontaneously “bricking.” In addition, at any time, if desired, you can unroot, that is, remove root rights.

Go ahead and use your device 100%.

Android OS is a complex system that has a rather non-standard architecture. It is based on the Linux OS kernel, on top of which is an add-on in the form of a virtual machine that works with APK applications. Only the Java virtual machine in which programs are executed can access the Linux kernel; programs and the user do not have direct access to it. Interaction is ensured with user rights (and not administrator rights), that is, they do not have the rights to change the operation of the application core. This was done to ensure cross-platform and security of smartphones.

Not all users like this approach. After all, restrictions mean a reduction in the overall functionality of the Android OS, theoretically available in Linux. In order to change the situation, access with administrator or superuser rights, also known as root, is required. Root is the root level of access where the user (and their applications) can interfere with the operation of the kernel by directly using capabilities that are not available by default.

By obtaining root rights, you can significantly expand the functionality of Android. But when opening root access, you should be aware of the responsibility. Virus programs, of which there are very few for Android (and which are practically harmless when used skillfully), can cause more damage to a smartphone with root rights (up to and including completely disabling its operating system). Therefore, superuser rights can only be given to trusted applications. What you can use root rights on Android for will be discussed below.

Having root allows you to access the system partitions of your smartphone. With them you can modify the OS without resorting to flashing the device. For example, editing the build.prop file and similar ones becomes available. By changing these files, you can customize the interface, the scale of elements on the screen, apply tweaks to save energy, change system information, etc. This can be done either manually (in a text editor) or using special utilities.

Root rights also make it possible to change the boot screen and modify the Android system bootloader. With their help, even flashing a smartphone without the participation of a computer becomes possible.

Removing "Chinese"

If a smartphone was purchased on Aliexpress or another similar platform and intended for China, it often does not have Google services. But a bunch of not very clear applications with hieroglyphs in the interface are preinstalled. These are usually analogues of the official Google Play repository, cloud services, instant messengers and similar software. Often all these programs are unnecessary and only get in the way. Having root rights allows you to delete them from memory without a trace to save space and reduce the load on the hardware.

Installing applications into system memory

Memory in Android smartphones is divided into system and user. The first stores the OS and firmware, the second is available for data storage (hence the free 10-12 GB of the 16 GB of total space). Often there is still space left in system memory that can be taken up by applications. By installing the most necessary programs there, you can clear the user space (especially important on smartphones without a memory card), and after resetting the settings to factory settings, this software will not have to be reinstalled again. On Chinese Android smartphones, you can replace “native characters” with Google services without resorting to flashing the firmware.

Taking screenshots

The Android system has a built-in screen capture mechanism, which is called by pressing the volume and power buttons simultaneously. But in some cases it may be absent. Since the capture is done at the kernel level, third-party screenshots cannot access it. Root rights allow you to take screenshots not only with the built-in mechanism, but also with any utility adapted for this, by pressing a given key or using a shortcut on the display.

Overclocking and reducing processor frequencies

In modern Android smartphone processors, the frequency is adjusted dynamically, depending on the load. But this mechanism does not always work as it should, especially in third-party software. If the frequency used is excessive for the assigned tasks, the battery will discharge faster. If the application is not optimized for multi-cores, the activity of an excessive number of cores does not lead to an increase in speed. With root rights, you can either lower it to save battery power or increase it to increase productivity.

Removing advertisements

Advertising is a means of earning money for software developers. But when there is too much of it, and annoying windows pop up “out of the blue” - this is already too much. Root rights allow you to block software access to the Internet, remove advertising windows and banners, thus increasing performance and autonomy.

Game modification

The trick in the form of cheat codes in games allows you to quickly “pump up” and gain hidden capabilities. But on Android this practice is not very common. To make a hero immortal, to “conjure” millions of coins or endless ammo, you need root. Administrator rights make it possible to install programs designed to change the content of games, their saves and data in the smartphone’s RAM.

Launching software for Linux

Root rights provide direct access to the Linux kernel, thereby allowing you to use it (bypassing a virtual machine) to work with the terminal and run executable files of the Linux OS. Thus, the user receives a mini-version of a full-fledged PC in his pocket. Most ordinary users do not need this, but in some cases (for example, for software developers, programmers) the function is very relevant.


These are not all features that grant root privileges. Full access to the system opens up wide opportunities for customizing and modifying the OS. But before you set up root permissions, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, this operation may void the manufacturer's warranty. Secondly, inexperienced tampering with Android system files can “brick” the smartphone. Also, changing and hacking software is usually a violation of the license agreement. Therefore, all actions with root are carried out by the user at his own peril and risk.

Video about the pros and cons of root rights

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