Windows 7 home basic description. Changes and innovations. Improvements and innovations

The Windows 7 operating system, by Microsoft, was presented in 6 editions. That is, there are a total of six different versions of the Windows 7 OS. But among such a large number, how can you decide which version to choose? You will learn about everything in order from this article. It's really simple!

So, to get started, here's a list, what versions of Windows 7 are there:

Home Basic
Home Extended

Let's look at each in more detail, and only then draw a conclusion that will easily help you decide which version of Windows 7 to choose.

Windows 7 Starter

You won't find this version of Windows 7 on store shelves, as it is intended only for computer manufacturers. Manufacturers, in turn, install this version on the cheapest and lowest-power computers. In terms of functions, this version is the most limited: it does not have Aero effects, and it can only be 32-bit.

Windows 7 Home Basic

This version of Windows 7 also lacks some features, but it already has the Aero effect, with the exception of transparency and changing the desktop picture, and this version of the system can be purchased. It is also worth mentioning that Windows 7 Home Basic does not play DVDs.

Windows 7 Home Premium

Windows 7 Home Premium is the most common version among home users. It fully supports multimedia, has full support Aero effects, allows you to install it on tablet computers, and accordingly supports touch control.

Windows 7 Professional

It's like home extended, only it contains more more features, For example, remote control, encrypted file system and more. This version of Windows 7 is designed primarily for use by enterprises and small businesses.

Windows 7 Enterprise

This version of Windows, like the Starter version, is not intended for sale, but is provided to large enterprises and firms. This version provides additional features that can be very useful to companies, firms, organizations: encryption of disks and removable media (flash drives, external hard disks), many languages, program control and much more, which is not particularly interesting for us.

Windows 7 Ultimate

In principle, this is the same corporate version of Windows 7, only already intended for sale. This is the most functional version of Windows, it has absolutely all the functions.

If you have a question, which Windows 7 to choose for home use, then the answer here is simple. I recommend choosing one of three versions of Windows 7.

Home extended.

For most users, the first one from the list is suitable, that is, the Home Premium version of Windows 7. Since if you are planning to purchase a license, it will cost you much less. Why spend more money on Windows Maximum and then not use most of the functions. Well, then, decide for yourself!

I will conclude here, and if you are interested in the question, which is already installed on your computer, then refer to the corresponding lesson using the link in this sentence.

Good luck choosing the version of Windows 7 for your PC.

The Windows 7 operating system comes in six editions. Having learned about their number, there is no need to grab your head and spend sleepless nights on the Internet, trying to determine the most suitable one. You will only have to choose from two, because the publications can be immediately divided into two categories. And in each of them, the choice will largely be dictated by the thickness of the wallet.

Operating systems for home

Windows 7 Starter

“Who needs such a system if you can’t run more than three programs in it?” - this is the first thing that comes to mind, if you don’t know that Microsoft is still refused from the idea of ​​limiting the number of simultaneously running applications. Initially, the idea was that OEMs needed a cheap OS to install on cheap netbooks equipped with network card and/or Wi-Fi module. Imagine for a moment what you could do with three programs. Which one will you launch first? That's right, browser. And here for you:

  • Email
  • music and video
  • newspapers, magazines and books
  • collaboration with documents
  • social networks, forums, chats, blogs, websites (where are you reading this article?)
  • games and so on...

Considering the widespread shift of services to the Internet, you will have enough to do here for a long time. Not so bad for an ultra-cheap system, especially without a limit on the number of programs you can run. The edition is only available in 32-bit, which is not surprising given its entry level.

Windows 7 Home Basic

This edition has everything that is in the initial edition, and also adds a number of convenient features - shared access to an Internet connection, fast switching users, mobility center. And this significantly expands the range of computers on which OEMs will install Home Basic. These so-called budget desktop and mobile computers will go to emerging markets. Yes, this edition does not contain some of the “goodies” of the new interface, but it already has many functionality the latest operating system Microsoft. And by supplementing it with free programs, you can get a system that will satisfy the needs of a very wide range of users.

Windows 7 Home Premium

Here, a full-fledged Aero Glass interface is added to the previous edition, as well as interesting desktop navigation capabilities - Aero Shake and Aero Peek. You will also be able to create a home group, multimedia capabilities, including Windows Media Center, as well as other nice utilities - like Notes and an expanded set of games. Perhaps this is the optimal edition for home use if there are no sufficient reasons or means to want more.

Windows 7 Ultimate

It takes the best of what Microsoft put into Windows 7. At home, you can benefit from file system encryption and BitLocker to improve data security. AppLocker is useful for serious control over household members. The ability to backup to a network drive may also be useful. This edition will be preferred by Windows enthusiasts - those who consciously use the wide range of capabilities of the operating system. Well, the users pirated versions, of course, where would we be without them...

So what should you choose?

Most likely, you need to be guided by two considerations:

If you purchase new computer the cheapest configuration, it is logical to assume that you want to save on everything. And if it has preinstalled home Basic, inquire about the possibility of updating to the next edition. It is possible that this will be affordable for you.

It is unlikely that mid- or high-end systems will be equipped with Home Basic. But if you encounter this, attracted by the low price, you can spend the “saved” money on a more functional and beautiful system - Home extended. Your experience working with her will be more pleasant.

Experienced users who have a clear idea of ​​what operating system functions they need, and who want to have everything at once, don’t need to think too much. You need to buy a computer with Maximum or pay extra for an upgrade on the spot (in extreme cases, inquire about its conditions for the future).

If you decide to buy Windows 7 separately, at retail, you only need to choose between Home extended And Maximum. Most likely, the first of them will suit you quite well, but if you are not short of money... you have already skipped this section of the article.

Operating systems for business

Windows 7 Professional

With operating systems for organizations, everything is even simpler. Professional is designed for small and medium businesses. The functionality of Home Extended includes the ability to join a domain, group policies, location-aware printing, advanced remote desktop capabilities, file system encryption and other necessary things in a business environment under Windows control. All other advantages of the Windows 7 platform (for example, such important ones as ease of deployment) are also with it, which distinguishes this edition from its namesake - Windows XP Professional, which now dominates organizations as a client OS.

Windows 7 Enterprise

The edition for large businesses has identical capabilities to Maximum, differing only in the licensing scheme. In large organizations, BitLocker is designed to improve data protection, and multinational corporations will not fail to take advantage language packs. AppLocker will help administrators control the set of applications that a user runs, and enterprise search will facilitate collaboration between workers. This edition also includes other technologies that can benefit from the appropriate infrastructure.

The scale of the business and the list of key technologies in the table will help you make a choice between these two publications.

Comparison table of Windows 7 editions

The table provides a comparative list of features of all editions. The list is incomplete, but is large enough to give you an idea of ​​the differences. Additional information Many opportunities can be found by clicking on the links.

Articles on the site (click on the icon in the table)

Key Features

Windows Search

Advanced media playback options

Streaming media files, including Play To technology

Bluetooth support

Faxes and scanning

Basic set of games

Number of simultaneously running applications

Fast user switching

Internet Connection Sharing

Multiple monitor support

Windows Mobility Center (no presentation mode)*

Playing and editing DVD video

Expanded range of games

Scissors , Windows log,

Windows 7 version differences and which Windows 7 is better? This question worries everyone who wants to reinstall or install an operating system on their laptop or computer. Windows system 7.

Which windows 7 is better?

Despite the abundance of new versions of the Windows operating system and the end of support for version 7, it still has quite a lot of adherents. This is not surprising, according to many experts - this is one of the most successful versions from Microsoft. But even within one generation, there are several operating system options, which leaves the user with a rather difficult choice. Let's try to figure it out: what is the difference between them?

Why do we need different versions of Windows 7?

Millions of people use this operating system. Each of them has their own requirements, preferences and tastes. Besides, everyone is different financial opportunities. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to spend $300 on a more expensive full-featured version if the user needs minimum set functions, which will cost almost half the price. Therefore, after studying the requirements and preferences of potential buyers, Microsoft developed and released several versions of the Windows 7 operating system:
Starter Edition;
Home Basic;
Home Premium;
Professional ( Professional Edition);
Maximum ( Ultimate Edition);
Corporate (Enterprise).
It’s easy to get confused in such a variety, so before choosing a specific OS, you should familiarize yourself with the features of all

The main differences between the starter and home versions
It’s worth mentioning right away that the Starter Edition of the OS is supplied only under an OEM license. That is, only with equipment. For example, when buying a new laptop. It has high performance, which is ensured by minimizing the tools used. Features include working in a home group and good compatibility of services and applications. However, it is impossible to buy it at retail - this license is not for sale.
Home basic version Home Basic is intended for sale in developing countries only. Its cost is about 100 US dollars. It has a modest interface without additional visual effects, good performance even on “weak” computers and laptops. But the premium version of Home Premium for home use has become the best option for many users - efficiency and speed are successfully combined with a friendly, designer-designed interactive Aero Glass interface, a built-in media center, ample networking capabilities and multi-touch technology for touch panels and touchpads.
Purchasing the Home Premium version will cost about $150. It's important to note that both home variants support 64-bit platforms, unlike the launch one, which is only available for 32-bit devices.

Benefits of Windows 7 Professional Edition
“Business class” version - allows you to join a domain, increase the reliability of data storage by creating backup copies, configure the operation of a computer or laptop for both work and home network. Also professional version allows you to do backups not only individual files, but the entire operating system as a whole.
Also, this OS already provides the ability to encrypt data, which significantly increases the reliability of data protection. If the software used for work is not supported by Windows 7, then the user will be offered a compatibility mode that will allow him to work using familiar software. But the cost of such a system will vary between 200-230 dollars.

Windows 7 Ultimate - everything to the maximum
The name speaks for itself - everything that could be provided in Windows release 7 is present here. Multilingual support erases any boundaries. Computer optimization functions allow you to get the most out of your equipment, using its full power. With such a system, you don’t have to worry about data security - data encryption and the security function take care of it BitLocker data. If you use a connection to corporate networks, the data will be protected by DirectAccess technology. With Microsoft AppLocker technology, computers can be protected from starting unauthorized programs. When corporate work, Windows 7 Ultimate makes it easy to search for data on your work intranet. Of course, such a list of benefits comes with a corresponding price – approximately $300.

Windows 7 Enterprise – for corporations only
In fact, this version operating room Windows systems 7 is completely identical to Ultimate, but offers a special licensing scheme for corporate users. System administrators can successfully use the data protection capabilities of BitLocker and DirectAccess security. And Microsoft AppLocker tools will allow you to control the workflow and the use of third-party software.

How to choose the best version of Windows 7?

Before you start choosing, you need to find out the bit capacity of your processor, since choosing the wrong option will either not allow you to install the operating system at all, or will lead to its incorrect operation. It is important to remember that Starter Edition is not available for 64-bit hardware.
When going shopping, you should decide on the amount that the user is willing to pay, since the difference of 150-200 dollars is very significant, especially for residents of poor countries. Therefore, if you have modest financial resources, it would be wise to opt for home versions - they will provide all the necessary functionality that this category of people requires. This mainly involves storing and viewing photos and videos, studying, listening to music, surfing the Internet, and working in simple editors. Also this optimal choice for low-power computers.
If the financial capabilities and level hardware allow, then the best option would be Windows selection 7 Ultimate. This option is also for those who have a clear idea of ​​what tools they need and have sufficient experience in setting up and optimizing the operating system - in this case, this will allow them to streamline their work at the computer as much as possible.
For representatives of corporations, the Corporate Edition will be an option. It provides high-quality information protection and ample opportunities for administration and work on intranets.
For business class representatives, the Professional release is ideal. The data protection techniques used in it will allow you to safely work and transfer any information, including financial information.

Why are builds based on Windows 7 so popular?
Assemblies are special collections of tools and software that allow you to configure and prepare a computer, laptop or netbook from scratch. Such a kit usually includes tools for working with hard drives and equipment testing. Also included in the package is one or even several versions of operating systems windows families. They are often supplemented by a set of application software, which is most often installed: office packages, players, image editors, programs for working on the network. These software collections are really very popular because they allow you to completely automate the process of installing the operating system, software, and performing basic settings. To use them, it is enough to have general cultural knowledge about the operating features of the OS. You just need to select the version, specify the necessary programs and wait an hour and a half maximum. In addition, they allow you to have everything “at hand”, on one or two flash drives.

Start Menu

All OS versions include 50 new fonts. Existing fonts have been modified to display all characters correctly. Windows 7 is the first version of Windows to include more fonts for displaying non-Latin characters than for displaying Latin ones. The font control panel has also been improved - by default, it will display only those fonts for which the layout is installed in the system.

Windows 7 supports folder aliases internally. For example, the folder Program Files in some localized versions of Windows it was translated and displayed with the translated name, but remained English at the file system level. Also, about 120 background images are built into the system (except for the Windows 7 Starter version), unique for each country and language version. Thus, the Russian version includes the “Russia” theme with six unique high-resolution wallpapers.

Additional advantage of Windows 7 can be considered closer integration with driver manufacturers. Most drivers are detected automatically, and in 90% of cases, backward compatibility with Windows Vista drivers is maintained.

Windows 7 also improved compatibility with older applications, some of which were unable to run on Windows Vista. This is especially true for older games developed for Windows XP. Also appeared in Windows 7 Windows mode XP Mode, which allows you to run legacy applications in a Windows XP virtual machine, providing almost complete support for legacy applications.

Network technology Branch Cache allows you to cache the content of Internet traffic. If a user on the local network needs a file that has already been downloaded by someone on his network, he will be able to get it from the local cache storage, rather than using a limited channel. throughput. The technology is designed for large networks and is offered for implementation in enterprises as part of the Corporate and Maximum versions of the OS.

Task bar

Task bar

The changes also affected the taskbar. It is now enlarged by 10 pixels and has an updated appearance. Also, the panel contains only icons without labels, similar to the Dock on Mac OS X. The taskbar can be made the same as in Windows Vista in “Properties”. In the updated panel, also under the “Clock” there is The current date. In the right corner there is a button “Collapse all windows”. It’s curious, but when you hover the cursor over the icon of an open application, the backlight changes color; if, for example, the icon is red, then the backlight is red. Also, the taskbar can be made not only at the bottom, but also moved to the left, right and even up. Also, if in the taskbar property you check the boxes “Lock the taskbar” and “Use small icons”, and in the “Taskbar buttons” menu Select "Group when the taskbar is full" and the taskbar will look like Windows Vista.


IN Windows 7 implemented more flexible setup User Account Control (UAC), which, unlike Windows Vista, has two more intermediate states - “Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer” (default position), “Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer (not darken the desktop)".

Changes have been made to BitLocker encryption technology and the function of encrypting removable media has been added BitLocker to go, which allows you to encrypt removable media, and even in the absence of a TPM module.

Added the ability to protect data on USB drives using Enhanced Storage.

Snap- Similar to Shake function Aero Snap allows you to move the mouse to expand the window to half the screen, the entire screen, or only along the vertical axis.

Design styles

Windows 7 supports several user interface designs:

  • Windows Aero- original design style with transparent multi-color window frames, used by default. Available in the Home Advanced edition and higher.
  • Windows 7 - simplified style- Windows Aero with some features disabled (for example, window transparency, Windows Flip 3D, AeroPeek). System requirements remain the same as Windows Aero. Available in all editions of Windows 7 and is the main one in the Starter edition. This style also applies when running applications in compatibility mode.
  • Classical - minimum requirements to the system, window design in the style of the “classic” Windows 2000 theme. Various available color schemes, in particular, similar to Windows 2000 schemes; the user can create his own color schemes.

Removed Components

Applications developed for Windows Vista were excluded from Windows 7: Inkball, DreamScene, Ultimate Extras, applications that have analogues in Windows Live(Windows Mail, Windows Calendar etc.), Microsoft Agent technology, Windows Meeting Space. The option to return to the Start menu has disappeared. classic menu, as well as automatic docking of the browser and email client.

Hardware requirements

  • Although Windows 7 contains an extensive database of drivers for many devices, it supports fewer of them compared to Windows XP. In particular, the database does not contain drivers for many devices released before 2005. On the one hand, this is due to Windows Aero technology, which requires a video adapter with at least 128 MB of memory and support for DirectX 9.0 (Shader Model 2.0), on the other hand, drivers for Geforce FX series video cards (5200-5900) are also not included in the kit despite the fact that this generation already supports DirectX 9.0. Also, the delivery package does not include drivers for many outdated models. sound cards and most built-in AC97 audio codecs.
  • Despite the fact that officially for Windows installations 7 requires at least 1 GB of RAM, this system successfully installed on computers with a smaller volume, for example, 512 MB (but for stable operation you need to turn off graphic effects), because Windows 7 was created on the basis of the previous OS Windows Vista, which officially required 512 MB of RAM.
  • In addition, pirated Lite versions of Windows, installed on computers with 128-256 MB of RAM, have become quite widespread on the Internet ( official versions Windows requires at least 512 MB of RAM and refuses to install with less).

backward compatibility

However, within 5 years it is planned to replace the built-in Internet Explorer with an optional one. Currently, this scheme has been agreed upon with the European Commission.

All editions, except the initial one, exist in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Maximum volume random access memory for 32-bit versions it is limited to 4 GB, the Initial edition supports up to 2 GB. However, in practice, a smaller volume is often available to the user; due to hardware limitations, it is often impossible to implement the PAE mode function. Support for larger memory sizes is only available for 64-bit versions. . They support up to 8 GB (“Home Basic”), up to 16 GB (“Home Advanced”), all older versions can address up to 192 GB of RAM.

A free 90-day trial of Windows 7 Enterprise is available for IT professionals who want to get started with Windows 7 within their organization. From January 31, 2013, it will no longer be possible to activate it.

Comparison of Windows 7 versions (Microsoft Virtual PC image file)
Function / Edition Initial\Starter Home Basic Home Extended\Home Premium Professional Corporate\Enterprise Maximum\Ultimate
Sale only under OEM licenses Retail sales and OEM licenses (only in emerging markets and Russian) Retail sales, OEM and corporate licenses Sale only under corporate licenses Retail sales and OEM licenses
End of support 14.01.2020 14.01.2020 14.01.2020 14.01.2020 14.01.2020 14.01.2020
Availability of 64-bit version No Template:Yes (only under OEM license) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Maximum RAM size (for 64-bit versions) 2 GB (for 32-bit version) 8 GB 16 GB 192 GB 192 GB 192 GB
Center Windows recovery No domain support No domain support No domain support Yes Yes Yes
Function " Home group» (creating and joining a group) Join only Join only Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Aero interface No Basic theme only Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiple monitor support No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Quickly switch between users No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Possibility of change background picture desktop No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Desktop Manager No No WinFlip 3D support Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Mobility Center No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multitouch and improved handwriting recognition No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Media Center No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Additional games No No Yes Disabled by default Disabled by default Yes
Windows XP Emulator No No No Yes Yes Yes
EFS (data encryption system) No No No Yes Yes Yes
Printing based on location information No No No Yes Yes Yes
Ability to act as a Remote Desktop host No No No Yes Yes Yes
Connecting to a domain No No No Yes Yes Yes
Possibility of downgrading to Vista or XP No No No Yes Yes Yes
Support for multiple physical processors No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
AppLocker No No No No Yes Yes
BitLocker and BitLocker To Go No No No No Yes Yes
Branch Cache No No No No Yes Yes
DirectAccess No No No No Yes Yes
Subsystem for running Unix applications No No No No Yes Yes
Multilingual user environment No No No No Yes Yes
No No No No Yes Yes
Launching the snap-ins lusrmgr.msc (Local Users and Groups), gpedit.msc (Local Group Policy Editor), secpol.msc (Local Security Policy) No No No Yes Yes Yes

A “Family Pack”, with the right to install on only three computers, costs $150 in the US. Windows 7 Home Premium was selected as the OS edition for the “family” license; the “family” license is not applicable for other editions.

"Family License" is also sold in Russia. Microsoft has repeatedly emphasized the limited supply. The Family Pack has now disappeared from retail stores and largest online stores, some stores are already selling it for $250-290.

Development history

Code name Blackcomb belonged Windows NT 6.0 operating system that was planned to be the next one after Windows XP. Blackcomb was supposed to be the successor to this OS for both desktop and server workstations. Late 2001 release Blackcomb planned for 2005, and in August 2002 it was announced that the interim version would be Windows Longhorn, which would be a kernel update Windows NT 5.x. During development Windows Longhorn some functions have been added to it Blackcomb and assigned the number 6.0. Blackcomb was surrounded by confusion with some reports that marketing plans had been heavily revised and that it was to be a Windows 6.x server OS, but with improvements.

In March 2006, it became known that the successor to Windows Vista would be Fiji, which was scheduled for release in 2008. In 2008, as a result of complaints from Fijians that the new OS would be named after their country, new information became known about Fiji. According to the Fijians [streamlined expressions] , Ben Green said that in Fiji new television formats, support for interactive services, and user interface improvements for Windows Media Center will be added. It is likely that the Windows Media Center program included with Windows 7 has already added changes that should have been in Fiji.


On March 4, 2010, Microsoft announced that it had sold more than 90 million Windows licenses 7. By April 23, i.e. in just six months, more than 100 million copies of Windows 7 were sold, making the system Microsoft's fastest-selling system. It had sold over 150 million copies by June 23; as of July 22, 175,000,000 copies of the OS were sold. On October 21, Microsoft announced that it had sold over 240 million copies. Three months later, on January 27, 2011, Microsoft announced total sales of 300 million copies. As of January 19, 2012, Windows 7 has sold over 525 million copies.

Based on worldwide data collected in June 2010 from Windows Update, 46% of computers run Windows 7 64-bit. In April 2010, 77% of computers sold in the United States came with Windows 7 64-bit pre-installed, according to Stephen Baker of the NPD Group.

Reviews of Windows 7 were mostly positive, citing improvements in usability and functionality compared to its predecessor, Windows Vista. CNET gave Windows 7 Home Premium a rating of 4.5 and 5 stars. PC World gives Windows 7 a 9 out of 10 rating and calls it a "Massive Leap Forward" in terms of usability and security, also praising new panel tasks.

Service Packs and Support

Current Package fixes are not as extensive as service packs for previous versions Windows, especially Windows Vista. This fix pack contains all the updates and patches for Windows 7 that were released at the time of its release, as well as some bug fixes.

On October 25, 2012, it became known that Microsoft does not plan to release a second service pack (SP2) for Windows 7.

Criticism of Windows 7

Immediately after its appearance on the market in 2009, Windows 7 was criticized for slower application performance compared to Windows XP (according to test results by 2-4%). The complexity of the OS, resulting in higher system requirements, increased power consumption and a decrease in battery life of netbooks by 2-8% (and in some cases up to 30%) compared to Windows XP.

  • There are no known Easter eggs in the final version of Windows 7, although standard wallpaper beta versions contained one of them (the fish Betta Splendens).

see also


  1. Mary Jo Foley Microsoft delivers test build of Windows 7-based "Québec" Embedded OS (English). ZDNet (September 3, 2009). Archived from the original on February 5, 2012. Retrieved December 18, 2009.
  2. Steve Ballmer launched Windows 7
  3. As of July 2012, material provided by
  4. Engineering Windows 7 for a global market
  5. the possibility of multi-touch control was first demonstrated by Microsoft at the annual TechEd’08 conference in Orlando ( see video on YouTube), during the demonstration, system assembly 6.1.6856 was used, as well as an experimental model of a laptop with a multi-touch screen
  6. Windows 7 will not be able to play Blu-ray discs //
  7. No Windows 7 Blu-Ray Support // Windows 7 News
  8. Brian Madden TV episode 4 - Microsoft MVP Summit wrap-up & RDP 7 preview - Brian Madden TV //
  9. Microsoft Enhanced Storage
  10. System requirements for Windows 7 OS. Microsoft. Archived from the original on August 15, 2012.
  11. Any optical drive that reads DVD-ROM discs.
  12. One reason we decided not to ship Windows 7 "E" is concerns raised by computer manufacturers and partners. Several are worried about the complexity of changing the version of Windows that we ship in Europe if our ballot screen proposal is ultimately accepted by the Commission and we stop selling Windows 7 "E". Computer manufacturers and our partners also warned that introducing Windows 7 "E", only to later replace it with a version of Windows 7 that includes IE, could confuse consumers about what version of Windows to buy with their PCs. Microsoft scraps Windows 7 "E" version for Europe
  13. Update on Windows 7 in Europe
  14. Microsoft and EU agree on browser selection dialogue
  15. Windows 7 goes on sale. 3DNews.
  16. The extent to which the amount of available system memory is reduced depends on the devices installed on the computer. However, to avoid potential driver compatibility issues, 32-bit versions of Windows Vista overall volume available memory limited to 3.12 GB. The System Information dialog box in Windows Vista shows less than expected system memory when your computer has 4 GB of RAM.
  17. That 32-bit editions of Windows Vista are limited to 4GB is not because of any physical or technical constraint on 32-bit operating systems. The 32-bit editions of Windows Vista all contain code for using physical memory above 4GB. Microsoft just doesn’t license you to use that code. ...The total amount of memory allowed is taken solely from the license value Kernel-WindowsMaxMemAllowedx86, as read through the undocumented function ZwQueryLicenseValue. The data for this value is a number of MB, so that 0x1000, which is installed for all 32-bit editions of Windows Vista, means 4GB. Licensed Memory in Windows Vista. Experience has shown that the same applies to Windows 7
  18. Windows 7 x86 and 4GB Ram. Or how to enable PAE? - Conference
  19. Physical Address Extension (Windows)
  20. Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008 may report less memory than you expect
  21. Is four gigabytes of memory an unattainable goal? //iXBT
  22. Windows 7 Enterprise 90-day trial
  23. All Windows 7 Versions--What You Need to Know. ExtremeTech (February 5, 2009). Archived
  24. Thurrott, Paul Windows 7 Product Editions (February 3, 2009). Archived from the original on February 5, 2012. Retrieved February 3, 2009.
  25. Windows 7 Editions - Features on Parade. Softpedia (February 5, 2009). Archived from the original on February 5, 2012. Retrieved February 5, 2009.
  26. Windows 7: Which Edition is Right For You? . PCWorld (February 3, 2009). Archived from the original on February 5, 2012. Retrieved February 5, 2009.

Windows 7 was released on October 22, 2009 in the form of 11 versions of the operating system: Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate. All versions except Starter (32 bit only) have sub-variants with 32-bit and 64-bit architecture. The enterprise version of Windows 7 is functionally identical to the Ultimate version, with the exception of differences in licensing rules (purchase and use rules) and stated end of support dates. Below is a table showing differences between Windows 7 versions.

Windows 7 - version differences

Version name: Initial home Basic Home extended Professional Corporate Maximum
Terms of purchase: Only under OEM licenses Retail and OEM licenses (emerging markets only) Retail and OEM licenses Retail, OEM and corporate licenses Only with corporate licenses Retail and OEM licenses
End of support: 13.01.2015 13.01.2015 13.01.2015 14.01.2020 14.01.2020 13.01.2015
64-bit version: No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Maximum RAM size for 64-bit versions: 2 GB 8 GB 16 GB 128 GB 128 GB 128 GB
Windows Recovery Center: No domain support No domain support No domain support Yes Yes Yes
Home Group feature, creating and joining a group: Join only Join only Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Aero interface: No Basic theme only Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiple monitors: No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fast user switching: No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Changing the desktop picture: No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Desktop Manager: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Mobility Center: No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Improved handwriting recognition and Multitouch: No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Media Center: No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Additional games: No No Yes Disabled by default Disabled by default Yes
Emulator No No No Yes Yes Yes
EFS data encryption system: No No No Yes Yes
Printing based on location information: No No No Yes Yes Yes
Ability to act as a remote desktop host: No No No Yes Yes Yes
Connecting to a domain: No No No Yes Yes Yes
Possibility to go to: No No No Yes Yes Yes
Support for multiple hardware processors: No No No Yes Yes Yes
AppLocker: No No No No Yes Yes
BitLocker and BitLocker To Go: No No No No Yes Yes
Branch Cache: No No No No Yes Yes
DirectAccess: No No No No Yes Yes
Subsystem for launching Unix applications: No No No No Yes Yes
Multilingual user environment: No No No No Yes Yes
Loading from a VHD image file Microsoft Virtual PC: No No No No Yes Yes
Launching the snap-ins lusrmgr.msc (Local Users and Groups), gpedit.msc (Local Group Policy Editor), secpol.msc (Local Security Policy): No No No Yes Yes Yes

When compiling this table, data was used from the sites:,

To be able to install any version of Windows, if you have Windows 7 Ultimate, you must remove the release configuration file from the distribution: sourcesei.cfg. Do not forget that in the 64-bit version of Windows 7, Starter does not exist.

Windows 7 32 bit or 64?

Most users have the opinion that 64-bit editions Windows 7 faster than 32-bit. In fact, this is true, but only with the adjustment that the application must support x64 architecture, and even in this case, the difference in performance with applications that only support x86 architecture will not be significant.

Choice of 32 or 64-bit version of Windows 7 Basically, only 2 factors influence: whether the computer’s processor (CPU) supports x64 architecture and the amount of installed RAM. And if with the processor everything is extremely simple: almost all new processors can work with 64-bit applications (in case of doubt, especially if the computer was purchased a long time ago, this issue should be clarified), then the amount of RAM plays a decisive role when choosing the bit depth of the operating system Windows 7. 32-bit Windows can only work with no more than 4 GB. RAM is the limit for the x86 architecture. And if the computer has 4 GB installed. and more RAM, then for its entire volume to be available, a 64-bit version of the OS is required. It also makes no sense to operate a 64-bit OS with a small amount of RAM: Windows with x64 architecture consumes, on average, 300 MB more RAM than its 32-bit version. Therefore, before you say anything, you must first understand the purpose and capabilities of these platforms. And outdated software can be used on XP and other, older OSes. It all depends on the purpose for which you purchased the PC or Laptop.

Nikolay (NIL), you are also wrong! 32-bit versions support more than 4 GB, if only because Win2K Server could work with 128 GB of memory using PAE mode ( Another thing is that in practice, each program can be allocated no more than 2 GB, although the program can address up to 4 GB (and if the programmer wishes, even more). Moreover, in 32-bit systems, not 3.25 GB or even 3.5 GB will be used, but all 4 GB, but part of them, usually 1/8 (that is, about 0.5 GB), is used by the system to work with peripheral devices and expansion cards. In 64-bit systems, the system naturally also uses part of the memory for its needs, but for some reason the full amount of memory is shown in the system properties.