Where are the default wallpapers stored in Windows 10?

This operating system is aimed at visual appeal and user comfort. The OS, by default, provides background images. Where to find standard wallpaper for windows 10 and how to download them?

Where are the default wallpapers stored in Windows 10?

To find background pictures, you need to do the following:

3. In the window that opens, in the list (located on the left) we find the icon for the drive C – OS (C:).

4. In the list of folders on drive C, go to the “Windows” directory.

5. In it we find the “Web” folder. This is what we need, as it contains all the standard windows wallpaper 10 per desktop.

The “Web” folder contains three directories:

  • Screen;
  • Wallpaper.

The first 4K directory contains nine identical drawings in the corporate style of dozens of Hero. They are specially made in various resolutions to ensure high-quality display on various types screens and monitors.

"Wallpaper" contains three groups of preset image files in different resolutions.

Windows Spotlight

In addition to the usual background images, to ensure the operation of the “Windows: Interesting” function (produces automatic change images on the lock screen), the system contains additional photos. How to find them?

  1. Simultaneously pressing Win keys+ R will open the Run window.

2. Enter the following command in the “Open” field:


3. After clicking OK, a window with a list of files will open
9. The drawings need to be copied to some new folder.

Now their format needs to be made usable. If there are few files, they are manually renamed with the addition of the extension - .jpg. U large quantity Document names can be changed as follows:

  • in the folder with the copied pictures, click the address bar;
  • introduced cmd command and press the Enter button;

  • A command line will appear in which you need to type the combination: Ren*.* *.jpg;

  • press Enter;

Everything is ready to use.

How to download standard windows 10 wallpapers

To download system background images to a storage device or other device, you need to go to the desired directory, select the file of interest and, in a standard way(Ctrl+C – copy, Ctrl+V – paste), move it to to the right address. Renamed files for the design of “Windows: Interesting” can be easily downloaded to required device similarly.

New versions of standard Microsoft background images can be downloaded from the company's official website. To do this, enter a query into a search engine - Microsoft help.

Idea on how to save screen images Windows locks 10, I got it after I saw several really beautiful images. I started searching and understanding this direction, and everything worked out for me. I think that you will also be interested in knowing this, since many of the pictures (images) there can really be considered masterpieces (my personal opinion). Today I will tell you how to do this.

How to download pictures from the Windows 10 lock screen

In fact, it is relatively simple and does not require any specific skills. By following very simple instructions, you will definitely succeed!

Press the keys on the keyboard Win+R and in the window that opens “ Execute» enter the following (you can just copy and paste there:


And click " Enter"or simply click the button " OK«.

Here are our pictures. They are without "extension". To avoid breaking anything here, you need to select all the files and copy them to any other directory. For example, create a folder on your desktop called “win10_lockscreen” and copy all these files there.

Now we need to set the extension “ jpg“In order not to rename each file separately, we’ll do it in bulk.

After copying, open this folder, CLAMP button SHIFT on the keyboard and press RMB (right click) in any free space in folder. In the appeared context menu select the item “ Open command window»

In the command line window that opens, enter:

Ren *.* *.jpg

and click " Enter»

That's all. Now these files can be easily viewed with photo viewing programs.


This may not be the only way to get pictures from the Windows 10 lock screen, but this method works quite well. If you know another method of how to do this, write in the comments and we will definitely add it here to the instructions.

If something doesn’t work out for you, write, we’ll try to figure it out together.

Setting up desktop wallpaper is a fairly simple topic; almost everyone knows how to set or change the wallpaper on the Windows 10 desktop. Although all this has changed compared to previous versions operating system, but not so much as to cause significant difficulties.

But some other nuances may not be so obvious, for example, how to change Windows wallpaper 10, which is not activated, set up automatic wallpaper change, why the quality of photos on the desktop is lost, where the default wallpaper is stored and whether it is possible to install animated wallpaper on the desktop.

How to set (change) desktop wallpaper Windows desktop 10

First - how to install own image or a picture for your desktop. To do this in Windows 10, right-click on empty space desktop, and then select “Personalization”.

In the “Background” tab of the personalization settings, select “Photo”, and then select a photo from available list or by clicking on the “Browse” button we set our own image as desktop wallpaper.

In addition to other settings, for wallpaper there are options in the “Stretch”, “Expand”, “Fill”, “Tile”, “Fit” and “Center” tabs. If the photo does not match the screen proportions or resolution, then you can adjust the wallpaper to a more acceptable look using the specified options, but it is better to find wallpaper that matches the screen resolution.

This is where the first problem may arise: if something is wrong with the activation of Windows 10, the message “You need to activate Windows to personalize your computer” will appear in the personalization settings.

But even in this case, it is possible to change the wallpaper on your desktop:

1. Select any image on your PC, right-click on it and select “Make background image desktop."

2. A similar function is available in Internet Explorer: If you open an image in this browser and right-click on it, you can use it as a wallpaper.

So, even if the system is not activated, you can still change your desktop wallpaper.

Automatic wallpaper change

Windows 10 has support for slide shows on the desktop, that is, automatic changing of wallpapers from those selected by the user. To use this feature, in the personalization settings, in the “Background” tab, select “Slideshow”.

After this, you can set the following parameters:

  • A folder that contains desktop wallpaper that can be used.
  • Interval automatic change wallpaper
  • The order and type of arrangement on the desktop.

Where are the Windows 10 desktop wallpapers?

One of the frequently asked questions regarding the functionality of desktop images in Windows 10 is the location of the standard wallpaper folder on the PC. The answer is not very clear, but may be useful for some.

1. Some standard wallpapers, including those used for the lock screen, can be found in the C:\Windows\Web\ folder, in the Wallpaper and Screen subfolders.

2. In the folder C:\ Users\ username\ AppData\ Roaming\ Microsoft\ Windows\ Themes there is a TranscodedWallpaper file, which is the current desktop wallpaper. The file has no extension, but in fact it is a simple jpeg, i.e. You can independently substitute the .jpg extension into the name of this file and open it with any program.

3. If you go to the Windows 10 OS registry editor, then in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ Desktop\ General section you can see the WallpaperSource parameter, which specifies the path to the current desktop wallpaper.

4. Wallpapers from themes are located in the folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes

Desktop wallpaper quality

One of the common complaints of PC users is the poor quality of wallpapers. The reasons for this may be:

  • The resolution of the wallpaper and the screen do not match. Those. if the monitor resolution is 1920x1080, then you need to use wallpaper of the same resolution, without using the options in the wallpaper settings “Stretch”, “Fill”, “Expand”, “Fit”.
  • Windows 10 OS will recode the wallpaper that was in good quality, compressing them in Jpeg in its own way, which leads to deterioration in quality.

To prevent the wallpaper from losing quality when installed in Windows 10 (or losing it only slightly), you can change one of the registry settings that determines the jpeg compression parameters.

1. Go to the registry editor (Win+R, enter regedit) and go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ section Control Panel\ Desktop

2. Right-click on the right side of the registry editor and create new parameter DWORD named JPEGImportQuality

3. Double click Using the newly created parameter, we set it to a value from 60 to 100, where 100 is the maximum image quality (without compression).

Close the registry editor, restart the computer or restart Explorer and reinstall the wallpaper on your desktop to display it in good quality.

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Windows 10 wallpapers - where are they stored, how to change, automatic change, 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Setting your desktop wallpaper - pretty simple theme, almost everyone knows how to set or change the wallpaper on the Windows 10 desktop. Although all this has changed compared to previous versions OS, but not in a way that could cause significant difficulties.

But some other nuances may not be obvious, especially for novice users, for example: how to change the wallpaper to not activated Windows 10, set up automatic wallpaper change, why photos on your desktop lose quality, where they are stored by default and whether it is possible to make animated wallpaper on your desktop. All this is the subject of this article.

How to set (change) Windows 10 desktop wallpaper

The first and simplest thing is how to install your picture or image on your desktop. To do this in Windows 10, just right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select the “Personalization” menu item.

In the “Background” section of the personalization settings, select “Photo” (if the choice is not available, since the system is not activated, information on how to get around this is below), and then - a photo from the proposed list, or by clicking on the “Browse” button, set your own image as your desktop wallpaper (which can be stored in any folder on your computer).

Among other settings, wallpaper layout options include Expand, Stretch, Fill, Fit, Tile, and Center. If the photo does not match the resolution or proportions of the screen, you can make the wallpaper look more pleasing using these options, but I recommend just finding a wallpaper that matches the resolution of your screen.

The first problem may await you right there: if Windows activation 10, not everything is in order, in the personalization settings you will see a message that “Windows must be activated to personalize your computer.”

However, even in this case, you have the opportunity to change the desktop wallpaper:

So, even if your system is not activated, you can still change your desktop wallpaper.

Automatic wallpaper change

Windows 10 supports slide shows on the desktop, i.e. automatic change of wallpaper among those chosen by you. To use this feature, in the personalization options, in the “Background” field, select “Slideshow”.

After this, you can set the following parameters:

  • A folder containing the desktop wallpaper that should be used (when selected, it is the folder that is selected, i.e. after clicking "Browse" and entering the folder with images, you will see that it is "Empty", this normal operation this feature in Windows 10, the contained wallpaper will still be shown on the desktop).
  • The interval for automatically changing the wallpaper (they can also be changed to the following in the right-click menu on the desktop).
  • The order and type of arrangement on the desktop.

Nothing complicated, and for some users who are bored of looking at the same picture all the time, the function may be useful.

Where are Windows 10 desktop wallpapers stored?

One of the frequently asked questions regarding the functionality of desktop images in Windows 10 is where is the standard folder with wallpaper on your computer. The answer is not entirely clear, but it may be useful for those interested.

These are all the main locations where Windows 10 wallpapers are stored, excluding the folders on your computer where you store them yourself.

Desktop wallpaper quality

One of the frequent complaints from users is the poor quality of wallpaper on their desktop. The reasons for this may be the following:

  1. The wallpaper resolution does not match your screen resolution. Those. If your monitor has a resolution of 1920x1080, you should use the wallpaper in the same resolution, without using the "Wide", "Stretch", "Fill", "Fit" options in the wallpaper settings settings. The best option- “Center” (or “Tile” for mosaics).
  2. Windows 10 will recode the wallpaper that was in excellent quality, compressing them into Jpegs in their own way, which results in more poor quality. This can be bypassed; below is how to do it.

To ensure that when installing wallpapers in Windows 10 they do not lose quality (or lose less significantly), you can change one of the registry parameters that determines the jpeg compression parameters.

  1. Go to the registry editor (Win+R, enter regedit) and go to the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Control Panel\ Desktop
  2. By right-clicking on the right side of the Registry Editor, create a new DWORD value named JPEGImportQuality
  3. Double-click on the newly created parameter and give it a value from 60 to 100, where 100 is maximum quality images (uncompressed).

Close Registry Editor, restart your computer or restart File Explorer, and reinstall your desktop wallpaper so that it appears in good quality.

The second option is to use wallpaper in high quality on the desktop - replace the file TranscodedWallpaper V C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes your original file.

Animated wallpaper in Windows 10

The question of how to make live animated wallpaper in Windows 10 and set a video as a desktop background is one of the most frequently asked questions among users. The OS itself does not have built-in functions for these purposes, and the only solution is to use third-party software.

What can be recommended, and what definitely works, is the DeskScapes program, which, however, is paid. Moreover, the functionality is not limited to animated wallpapers. You can download DeskScapes from the official website http://www.stardock.com/products/deskscapes/

I’ll conclude here: I hope you found here something that you didn’t know about desktop wallpaper before and that turned out to be useful.

Really cool pictures periodically appear on the Windows 10 lockscreen. How can I save them for myself (to cover my desktop, for example)? This cannot be done directly, but there is still one way.

Windows 10 stores these images (and a few other things) directly on your computer as files with a custom extension. Our task is to find the location where the screensavers are stored, copy them to a more convenient location and assign the files the “correct” extension. Let's get started!

1. Make sure Windows 10 on your computer displays hidden files and folders. To check this, open Explorer and click on the View tab. Opposite the point Hidden elements there should be a check mark.
2. Through Search, go to %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets
You will be taken to the Assets folder with a large number files.
3. Copy all files to separate folder and place it in a place convenient for you - for example, on your desktop.
4. In the new folder, click File - Open command line- Open command prompt as administrator.

5. Enter next command: ren *.* *.jpg

6. Return to the folder. Now there are Windows 10 screensaver photos mixed in with the “garbage”. It’s easy to separate the wheat from the chaff – just sort the files by size. The largest ones will be at the top. These are the ones we need, everything else can be safely deleted.