Two operating systems are installed, only one starts. How to run a second OS? We remove the window with the choice of Windows. Easy way

If you have two operating systems installed on your computer, then most likely, after turning on the computer, a window constantly appears on the monitor where the user is asked to select the operating system to launch.

If we do not select within a few seconds, then the one that is selected is loaded by default. So, if we constantly boot the same system, then we have this window where we need to select the operating system to launch and do not need it to appear. It only takes up our time and forces us to do unnecessary actions, and this every time we start the computer.

In this lesson we will look at how to remove the list of operating systems that appear when we turn on the computer. Let's consider the simplest and fastest option.

We remove the list of operating systems in Windows XP.

Right-click on the icon on the desktop “My Computer" In the list that appears, select "Properties".

In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and in the “” item click on the “Options” button.

In the next window, we uncheck the “” item and click “OK”.

Also pay attention to the point Default operating system. The one listed there will now load automatically after turning on the computer. That is, the system, having booted from which we were now making changes so that remove the list of operating systems, will now constantly load, I showed Windows XP as an example, and now it will load for me, and the list with the OS selection will not appear.

If we want to remove the list of operating systems, but then always automatically boot Windows 7, then we need to boot from it and do similar actions.

Removing the list of operating systems in Windows 7.

Right-click on the “My Computer” icon and go to “Properties”.

On the “Advanced” tab, click the “Options” button.

And uncheck the “ Show list of operating systems", here you can see that the default is Windows 7, and now it will boot immediately after turning on the computer, and the list of operating systems will no longer appear during loading, click "OK" to save.

Everything is ready, so we figured out how to remove the list of operating systems at boot. This concludes the lesson!

For work, educational and other purposes, the user may need to work on different operating systems. If there is only one computer at home, then installing two operating systems can be suggested as a solution.

You can install an additional operating system in two ways: using a virtual machine, that is, a program within which Windows or another OS will be installed, or by installing a full-fledged neighboring operating system.
The disadvantage of the first method is that another one will work inside the running operating system. This leads to the fact that RAM consumption doubles. The second method has the disadvantage that when you start the computer, you must immediately decide which OS will be launched - either one or the other.

In the article below we will talk about installing two operating systems using the second method.

Installing two operating systems on a computer

The further procedure assumes that one operating system is already installed on your computer, for example, Windows 10, and in further steps we will install another one next to it. If you don't have any OS yet, you should install the first version of Windows you want.

Stage 1: creating a partition for the second operating system

You should not create a partition from the allocated space, so immediately close the window and proceed to the second or third stage of the procedure.

Step 2: Prepare bootable media

The partition is there, now you need to make sure you have a bootable flash drive or disk. In our work, we will need the UltraISO program, which you can download from the link below, a flash drive (or disk), as well as a Windows distribution kit in ISO format, which can be downloaded both from the official Microsoft website and from third-party resources.

Wait until the program completes the procedure, after which you can close the program and then proceed to the process of installing an additional operating system.

Step 3: Enter BIOS and install a second operating system

After this, every time you turn on or restart the computer, the operating system selection window will appear on the screen. If you do not select anything in it, after a while the operating system first on the list will be automatically loaded.

Many computer users have more than one operating system installed, and therefore a logical question arises - how to choose Windows when booting? In general, by default, we don’t need to do anything, but there are difficult cases.

As I already said, the bootloader does not require any action from users to select Windows when booting the computer, since it offers a list of installed operating systems on the computer from which you need to select the desired one using arrows. Before selecting the default OS, the user has 30 seconds to complete the action.

However, if this window does not appear or you do not have time to complete the action, then there are 2 possible reasons for what is happening -

  • There is only one operating system installed on the computer
  • The time to select an OS is too short.

How to check how many OS are on your computer?

When you boot your computer, you must press the F8 key until the list appears. The list will consist of all operating systems that the computer can see. From this list we can select Windows to boot, or another system.

If the time to select an OS is too short.

In this case, you need to increase it.

For Windows XP - select "Properties" on the computer (right click on the icon). On the "Advanced" tab, click on "Boot and Recovery" and then "Options". The following window will open -

For Windows 7 - "Properties" next to my computer icon. On the left is "Advanced system settings". On the "Advanced" tab, select "Download and Recovery".
Next, I think it’s clear what needs to be edited. By default, 30 seconds are given to choose, you can reduce or increase this parameter to suit your needs in order to have time to select windows or another OS when loading.

How to remove system selection at boot, what settings do you need to go to for this? Hello friends! This question is asked very often on the site. For example, you installed a second operating system and when you boot the computer, a menu for selecting operating systems lasting 30 seconds immediately appears. Of course, such a menu will not be useful to everyone, since many people do not need the old operating system and therefore many users try at all costs to get rid of the unnecessary menu downloads.

How to remove system selection at boot

In this case, you can go in two ways, the first is, which is used in the Windows Vista operating systems, and, and it is described in another article. The second way is much easier and any user, even a beginner, can handle it, so I propose to consider it here.
In our article I will tell you how to remove the system selection when loading Windows 7, Windows 8 and.

How to remove the system selection from the Windows 7 boot menu when booting

Start - Run

Another way to remove the choice of operating systems when loading Windows 7

Start-->Control Panel-->right-click on “Computer” and select “Properties”

then "Advanced system settings"

Uncheck the "Display list of operating systems" option and click OK. Apply. OK.

How to remove the system selection from the Windows 8 boot menu when booting

Right-click on the Start menu and Run

Enter the command msconfig in the input field

In the window that opens, go to the Download item. We see two operating systems. Our current default operating system is second on the list. We don’t touch it, go to the first one and select it with the left mouse, click on the Delete button, then Apply and OK.

That's it, now when you boot Windows 8 there will be no choice of operating systems.

Another way to remove the choice of operating systems when loading Windows 8

Right-click in the left corner of the desktop and select “Control Panel”

Then System and Security.


Uncheck the "Display list of operating systems" option and click OK.

It will not be possible to run from one operating system to another for a long time if there are two of them installed on the computer. After carefully studying both, sooner or later you will have to choose only one of them - main, with which the work will be carried out primarily. If for the most part only one Windows system is used, its other versions or editions located on other disk partitions, does not have to be deleted. Of course, provided that the hard drive space is not limited in size.

The ability to work in the future with other computer systems can be left, but for convenience, it is possible to simplify the entrance to the main one by removing temporarily unused ones from the boot. In this case, starting the computer will be simplified by automatically loading only the required operating system. Another option to make it easier to get started with your computer is not to remove the window for choosing to boot all systems, but to designate the desired version of Windows as the default boot one and reduce the time it takes to select other options in the boot loader window.

How to edit the boot process of several Windows operating systems installed on one computer - more on this below.

So, in our case, we have a computer with installed versions of Windows 7 and 8.1. When you turn on the computer, you see a bootloader window with a list of systems to select.

Every time you boot your computer, you can get to the desired system by making the appropriate selection. Otherwise, after a certain time has elapsed - and by default this is 30 seconds– Windows will automatically load, first on the list. In our case it is Windows 7, since it is the last one installed on the computer, and it is its bootloader, as we see, that greets us after the computer starts.

Well, let's change that. Let's set up automatic loading of the main system - Windows 8.1. To do this, of course, you need to enter it.

We need a settings section, and in Windows 8.1 you can get to it using the context menu on the button.

In the system window select Extra options.

You can also get to the settings section in Windows 7 using the context menu, but called up on the icon "Computer" in Explorer. Among the commands you must select .

In Windows 7 we also select Extra options.

The further steps in both systems are identical.

In the system properties window that appears, in the tab "Additionally" Click the parameters button in the last section.

Now you can start editing the boot of multiple systems. Change the default Windows boot from the options in the drop-down list. In our case, we change the pre-installed Windows 7 to Windows 8.1.

As mentioned, by default the Windows boot loader waits half a minute so that the user can select the operating system.

If work is primarily carried out in only one system, there is no point in leaving half a minute waiting for it to automatically load. Another operating system may not be prevented from starting, but the preset time for selecting boot options may be reduced. In displaying the list of bootable systems, in our case we will install 5 second Waiting before Windows 8.1 main system boots automatically. This time will be more than enough to make a choice if you ever need to log into Windows 7.

To completely remove another system from the boot list, you need to uncheck the option display system list. In this case, only the system selected for booting by default will boot without any time delay.

If a second operating system is ever needed, you can enter it by making this option active again.

After making changes, click "OK" at the bottom of this window, as well as at the bottom of the system properties window.

That's it - the list of loading operating systems has been edited.

Above we looked at editing the boot of existing operating systems. But often, when starting a computer, we can see a list of operating systems that are already on the computer No. This is a natural development after the second operating system was removed by simply formatting the disk partition or manually destroying system files, but at the same time The entry about the possibility of loading it in the system configuration was not removed. The boot loader may also display the option to start a non-existent main Windows after the system has been reinstalled. This, by the way, is not the main one, but one of the reasons why system specialists advise performing a so-called clean installation of Windows - without saving the files of the previous system and formatting the disk partition.

It is better to completely remove the existing operating system from the boot options so that it does not delay the process of starting the main Windows.

In the main system we call the command. In Windows 8.1, quick access to it is provided in the context menu on the button.

We need system configuration section. Enter the value in the command field:

Click "OK".

In Windows 7, you can launch the system configuration window more easily by entering a key query in the menu search field.

The system configuration window will appear, go to the tab. Select the entry about loading a non-existent system and delete it.

In our case, the download list contained different versions of Windows, and deciding which one to remove "Seven" It obviously wasn't difficult for us. But if the download list contains entries for two identical versions of Windows, the system descriptions will help you orient yourself with the one you want to remove. The Windows we are actually in will be designated as current.

Save the changes made with the button. After clicking "OK" the system will offer reboot.

After restarting the computer, we can observe immediate startup of the main system.