Waves cryptocurrency - is there potential behind it? Waves - technical features and methods of purchasing cryptocurrency

A fairly young cryptocurrency, WAVES, is gaining popularity in the cryptocurrency community. WAVES is a blockchain platform for issuing cryptographic tokens and running crowdfunding campaigns. On this moment The cryptocurrency ranks 13th in terms of capitalization. The total capitalization is more than 400 million dollars.

Well, now in more detail and in order:

The WAVES platform was created in 2016 by entrepreneur Alexander Ivanov. The platform was written from the NXT project - a blockchain infrastructure with the ability to issue cryptographic tokens. During the crowdfunding campaign WAVES managed to attract about 30,000 bitcoins. In dollars this amounted to 15 million at that time.

The basis for the functioning of the platform is the LPoS consensus (a modification of the Proof-of-stake consensus). How does LPoS consensus work? Users can transfer their balances to full nodes on a rental basis in exchange for a portion of the profits from mining (Account leasing). The lessor can return his funds at any time. Block generation is carried out by users selected based on the balance of the WAVES token. Only full nodes can mine tokens within the platform. The rest, ordinary users of the system, can only transfer their balances to them for mining. They are not involved in the mining process itself. A limited number of full nodes - about 100 units - ensures the creation of blocks in the chain within 10 seconds.

To ensure the immutability of the chain of blocks that form the basis for operations with tokens, classical public key encryption is used, just like in the Bitcoin system. As long as the owner of the tokens retains full control over the key, he also retains full control over the tokens and the right to dispose of them at his own discretion. If public key becomes known to attackers, they can do anything with your balance. WAVES tokens are freely convertible into fiat currency, cryptocurrency, and other tokens.

Now let's understand what a crowdfunding company is.

Let's assume that you need to finance your project with third parties. Using the WAVES platform you issue cryptographic tokens. This process of issuing tokens for a campaign is called an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). A potential investor can purchase project tokens in any convenient currency: US dollars, Euros, bitcoins, etc. By purchasing this token, an investor has the right to donate, resell, or exchange it for a token of another project right there on the WAVES platform.

The actual value is assigned to the token through its integration into the application. As long as the application has some value, the token associated with it also has value. The real value of the token is determined during trading on the open market, which is formed naturally. - Wikipedia.

To access the WAVES functionality, just install “ light client» (Lite Client), which will only store data about your own assets and does not download the full WAVES blockchain.

That's all you basically need to know about this platform. I was interested in this platform because it is gaining momentum very quickly. To some extent it can be compared with Ether, both in terms of technical parameters, and in terms of development dynamics. When major cryptocurrencies were rising in price on the cryptocurrency market, WAVES made a jump from 50 cents to $6.5. At the moment, the price of WAVES is set at $4.

I would also like to note the trend of the emergence of platforms, and not just cryptocurrencies. Platforms have much greater potential.

Waves cryptocurrency, whose name comes from the English word “waves,” is one of the youngest and most promising coins. Like Ethereum, it is not just a means of payment, but an advanced blockchain platform with smart contracts. Waves mining requires investment not in high-performance video cards or ASICs, but directly in the means of payment itself. Let's figure out what the features of this cryptocurrency are and how you can make money on the Waves platform.

History of Waves

Russian entrepreneur Alexander Ivanov created the platform in 2016, based on the popular NXT project. Money for the project was raised through ICO crowdfunding. We managed to attract approximately 30,000 Bitcoin. At that time, this amount was similar to $15 million. Today the market capitalization of tokens exceeds $600 million.

During the launch phase of the project, the team worked closely with famous service Mycelium wallets. His manager acted as a guarantor at the crowdfunding stage, and then the platform continued cooperation with him. To simplify transactions and reduce transaction time, the Mycelium electronic wallet is used in payments. This had a positive effect on the popularization of coins and reduced the risk of theft.

The project involves the development of the Austrian company Bitscan Pty.Ltd - the Incent network. It allows users to set their own transaction fees. The goal of the project is to reduce costs when performing transactions in digital and fiat currencies.

The Waves team collaborates with the American company BioViva, which deals with the problem of slowing down aging human body. This opens up interesting prospects for “waves” and helps maintain their popularity in the long term.

The platform’s manifesto includes seven points that focus on the mass character of decentralized services and their close interaction with existing financial institutions.

Platform Features

The Waves project was created to simplify the organization of crowdfunding ventures. What distinguishes it from its analogues is the presence of “colored coins” - assets that can be created by each network participant. These could be analogues of enterprise shares, game tokens, tickets for participation in a joint financing project, or analogues of fiat currencies.

Assets created by users are sold on the exchange, which is integrated into the platform. It runs on a decentralized platform and allows you to anonymously exchange assets.

The convenience of the platform is that users can exchange “waves” for any cryptocurrency or fiat money at any time.

Users can pay transaction fees using any cryptocurrency used on the network. Nodes are left with the right to independently determine the order of processing based on the commission currency.

How to work with Waves

To conduct transactions and control the budget, the platform has a lightweight client, which is released as a plugin for Chrome browser. For convenient use The official “light” application is more suitable. It does not require downloading the blockchain to your computer and provides convenient and fast work with the system.

The “heavy” client is a server software, which is designed to operate full nodes. Installing it for ordinary users does not make sense.

To increase security, a 2FA system is provided - additional protection password. It ensures the safety of the code in the authentication system using cryptographic axioms and distributed technologies. Integration with 2FA allows users of Internet resources to log in using passphrase. This key is stored in a decentralized network, which completely eliminates the risk of code substitution or theft by attackers.

How to mine Waves

Mining coin Waves using computer equipment impossible. Unlike BTC, ETH and other proof-of-work (PoW) currencies, Waves is not issued. Initially, 100 million Waves tokens were issued and distributed to ICO participants.

The agreement between the user and the node gives the right to return their funds at any time. The selection of nodes that can generate blocks is based on the balance of the Waves crypto token. Node reputation is based on a karma system, which is influenced by reviews from other users, the number of transactions processed on the network, and other activity related to the node.

Limited number full nodes (100 units) involved in servicing transactions, provides high speed payment processing. The block formation time does not exceed 10 seconds.

Running your own node

Unlike mining on a proof-of-work platform, wave mining does not involve receiving issued coins, but collecting transaction fees. To launch your own node, it is not enough to have 10 thousand coins. You will have to install and configure special software. This is done like this:

  • open the official website from where you can download installation package working Java environments SE (JRE) 1.8;
  • confirm your acceptance of the terms of the license agreement;
  • select the installer option that matches your OS;
  • download and run the installer;
  • after installation is complete, open computer properties;
  • on the menu " Additional settings» click the “Hardware Settings” button;
  • select the line with the “PATH” variable and click the edit button;
  • At the end of the value line, add "java_home" to allow access to the JRE from the command line;
  • save the settings by clicking “Ok”;
  • download latest version wave.jar file to a folder (for example, “=C:/wave”);
  • download the configuration file (mainnet.conf) for the main network;
  • edit the configuration file according to the official guide posted on github;
  • run Waves with “bind_addres” and with REST API node settings of the form “enable=yes” to be able to encrypt the API key;
  • dial in command line « java-jar waves.jar waves-mainnet.conf";
  • download the blockchain;
  • open in browser to use RPC commands;
  • go to the Utils-Secure section and enter the API key;
  • click "Try It Out";
  • write the API key with hash in the configuration file;
  • In the “rpcAddress” field, specify the external address.

After full load blockchain, you can start earning “waves” as a node. But don’t forget to keep at least 10,000 tokens in your account, divided into 1000 or more blocks.

The project management is negotiating with the governments of a number of countries about legislative regulation of the use of Waves. This gives reason to expect that working with assets on the platform’s exchange will not cause claims from regulatory authorities.

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Friends, I welcome you again! Today I’ll tell you what the waves cryptocurrency is, where to buy it and how you can get rich with these coins.

It is clear to everyone that today is the time to buy cryptocurrency while the price is favorable. The value is constantly growing and in a few years you can get very rich by selling it on the stock exchange or exchanging it in an exchange office for rubles or dollars.

To prove my words, I will give the example of Bitcoin, which in the spring cost $1000, and today its price is already $4300. The price of other coins also rises.

Of course, you need to understand which coins are really profitable to buy, and which are ordinary soap bubbles that grow in price, grow, and then burst and depreciate. Therefore, you need to know what is behind the tokens you want to buy.

I create an investment portfolio of several currencies and carefully study what exactly can be taken before purchasing. I began to study waves and saw a good prospect in it.

The creator of the waves cryptocurrency was created by Alexander Ivanov. The waves platform is a closed system where anyone can create their own tokens, and they also have their own trading platform for currency trading.

The peculiarity of this exchange is that anyone can add their coins to this exchange and earn interest from trading. Essentially, you will have your own own exchange which is located directly in the waves wallet on your phone.

In general, the waves cryptocurrency is an improved copy of Ethereum, on the basis of which tokens are also created and a lot of people use it. The difference is that Ethereum is more popular than WAVES, but time will pass and they will become equal in importance.

Ethereum today costs $300, and vaves $5, and if we understand that the price will be the same, then in a year the waves cryptocurrency will cost the same $300. Do you understand how much you can earn from this?

It’s as if we are now in the 90s, when anyone who took advantage of the opportunity and bought plants, factories, and premises for sale is now a billionaire.

When I started looking on the Internet for information where the Waves cryptocurrency is sold, I just found that you can buy it on your own exchange inside this platform, but to buy there you must already have coins to pay the commission, and where can you get them?

So I looked at other exchanges and found where they trade waves. Go to this site now, the link to it is in the article “ which exchange to trade on».

Here you must register, enter rubles or dollars, whichever is more convenient for you, and buy waves. I wrote in detail how this is done in the article I mentioned above.

After purchasing the coin, it is better to withdraw it to your wallet, which can be downloaded from official website. Personally, I installed it on my phone wallet and I keep these coins there, I bought them just recently for $3, now they are already worth $5.

When the price rises, you can bring the coins back to the exchange and exchange them for dollars or rubles. This, friends, is how you can make money on the Internet today.


Although Waves is classified as a cryptocurrency, it is not one in its essence. The developers position their platform as a special blockchain system with the widest functionality. This is a decentralized platform based on blockchain technology, adapted for conducting transactions of user tokens. It is aimed at attracting investment funds, creating and promoting crowdfunding companies, and buying and selling various financial instruments. All operations are performed through a distributed database.

Waves Features

When creating the platform, its developers tried their best to avoid the disadvantages and shortcomings characteristic of most existing crowdfunding systems. The main ones were considered to be insufficient functionality, a small number of options for raising funds and the volatility of tokens. As a result, the creators managed to create a tool for attracting investments that supports both standard money (euro and dollars), and cryptocurrencies (bitcoin and altcoins), as well as their own coins.

Users of the site have the opportunity to independently create tokens and determine their price. This solution gives extremely ample opportunities to raise funds. In addition, the developers have done everything possible to simplify transfers between different currencies, as a result of which the recipient will be able to receive investments if he has a wallet open in one currency, and the payment is made in another. The platform has special services, allowing you to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat currency units at low interest rates.

The platform client is a “lightweight” plugin for Google Chrome. According to the developers, it will allow you to launch your own campaign to attract investment directly from the browser. The created assets and coins are available for sale on an exchange specially made for this purpose.

The essence of the project is in many ways reminiscent of the Kickstarter known to everyone. When investing in a particular startup, the investor can receive his share in digital terms, protected using cryptographic algorithms. This share can be sold or exchanged. Exchange trading within Waves is completely anonymous. The developers promise that operations within the exchange will not cause any claims from interested government agencies.

In general, site participants receive a tool for:

  • financing new projects;
  • exchange trading of goods, assets, cryptocurrencies.

Users can exchange messages, it is expected that all new features of the platform will be implemented through additional plugins. Each participant has his own reputation, which depends on the reviews of other people, the number of transactions performed and other activity.

Mining Waves

The standard concept of mining is not suitable for Waves; the developers do not provide for such mining. They created an algorithm based on LPoS (a modernized version of PoS). Its home distinguishing feature is that participants can lease their coins to GODs, who have the right to use them to mine tokens.

After mining, GNOs pay investors a certain percentage of the profit (corresponding to the deposit made). The investor has the opportunity to return the invested money to his wallet at any time. This is exactly how it works Mining Waves, that is, the production of new assets.

The selection of GNOs - users who generate blocks - is carried out in accordance with the Waves coins available in the wallet; the more there are, the better. In addition, reputation is also taken into account - karma received for conducting operations and for reviews from other users.

Only full nodes can mine Waves. There can be about a hundred such participants at a time. But this amount is quite enough to form new blocks, which are created approximately every 10 seconds. The stability of the blockchain is ensured cryptographic algorithm, similar to Bitcoin. That is, the developers used standard encryption technology. The owner of the coin retains control over it as long as no one knows the key or makes changes to it.

Many users interested in cryptocurrencies rushed to invest in new system They didn’t waste their money. Waves are growing in price, and if necessary, they can be easily exchanged for fiat funds or other cryptocurrencies.

Developers Manifesto

When launching their currency, the developers outlined a kind of manifesto, in which they described how they themselves see the future of cryptocurrencies, as well as what they tried to make their system and how they would develop it. They noted that they attach particular importance to the decentralization of services and cooperation with financial enterprises and banks. They tried to make a project that has great potential, and they succeeded.

The founders emphasized that they are not against existing banks, but they want banks to develop, become more receptive to new technologies and solutions, and also function for the benefit of society. They want blockchain technologies to be used everywhere and with maximum decentralization.

The authors reported that decentralized Blockchain technology makes it possible to conduct equal, transparent business relations. The system they created focuses on crowdfunding and in the future it may become the most popular tool for the implementation of many projects.

Essentially, the authors say that their goal is not to create new cryptocurrency, but creating opportunities for the development of existing coins. They want to improve existing financial institutions through the fastest possible evolution, which should lead to positive results throughout society.

Of course, the information contained in the manifesto sounds promising and ambitious. But only time can show whether the platform can truly realize all the goals of the creators.

Risks of working with currency

Waves has really created a lot of excitement and interest among many people, it has many positive characteristics, development opportunities, however, it also has disadvantages. Some of the biggest potential problems can be identified:

  1. Legal. Users should carefully evaluate the compliance of the project in which they wish to invest with the applicable laws and regulations in their country of residence. In the USA, crowdinvesting often faces serious restrictions, and in European countries Laws and authorities are favorable towards crowdfunding.
  2. Fraud. Exists special system KYC assessments of developed projects on the platform, and investors for the most part prefer to invest money only in startups from people with some kind of reputation, but the possibility of fraud should not be completely ruled out.
  3. Technical. No development is protected from the possibility of errors and failures that can lead to price reductions. This has already happened with Ether.

Waves tokens are digital products that cannot be equated to real stocks and securities. On the other hand, there is a link between the coin and the price of individual projects within the platform. That is, they allow you to participate in financing, control development and receive final profits.

Waves is a young system, however, it has already managed to influence the minds and capture the interest of many users. It has its own shortcomings and problems, but the authors struggle with them and do everything possible to improve their product. However, even now “Waves” fully correspond to how the authors position them - they allow you to participate in the investment of various developments, as well as attract funds for your ideas. This is one of the most promising young coins, which can be an excellent means of earning money for many.

Among the cryptocurrencies that are Lately are increasingly attracting the attention of investors, there is one rather curious one, and its name is Waves. In order to understand whether it has prospects in 2018, it is necessary to consider in detail all aspects of its existence.

Why Waves is interesting

Waves Platform (which means “waves”) emerged in 2016, and through investors, in a fairly short time, was able to attract more than $16 million in investments. First of all, Waves attracts attention from the point of view of its ICO capabilities. It is within the framework of this technology that interested parties can use different kinds currencies (including fiat), which interact on the basis of a decentralized platform.

It is the closest analogue, and at the same time, a competitor to Ethereum.

A few words about Waves

When getting acquainted with cryptocurrency, the first thing a potential investor comes across is a website that, for some reason, is translated exclusively into English and Chinese. Of course, when comparing mass market shares, Russia is inferior, but if the project is domestic, then why not make it understandable to the Russian-speaking audience?! However, as an informant, there is a page on VK that provides users with news.

Speaking about the very moment of its occurrence, it is worth noting that the imperfection of the Ethereum protocol became an accomplice. When launching an ICO on its platform, users risk problems with transaction processing speed. Several cases in which creators had to deliberately extend the time frame for users to gain access to purchases have created a negative image around Ether. As you might guess, it was by taking advantage of this situation that Waves quickly entered the market.

The solution was to create our own platform, which can offer its users excellent prospects from the very beginning of its existence. These include:

  • — the ability to create tokens (the commission will be about $4);
  • — the presence of settings that allow you to create variability in tokens and customize them for specific purposes;
  • — the ability to create smart contracts various configurations;
  • — the platform accepts dollars and euros as payment (it turns out that if it is necessary to receive a token, the user no longer has to perform a lot of actions to purchase one cryptocurrency, transfer it to another, etc.).

    Waves has not been spared by the hype surrounding making money on cryptocurrency. Within this platform, opportunities to receive rewards are available to those wishing to rent out their tokens.

Waves Exchange

Another interesting point that attracts users from the first minute of cooperation with Waves is the presence of its own exchange. The exchange has been actively operating for more than a year, and allows you to engage in sales without going beyond its borders. The name of the exchange is DEX. Within its walls you can:

    • — exchange cryptocurrencies;
    • — purchase tokens;
    • — sell cryptocurrency, tokens, etc.

This turns out to be a full-fledged decentralized exchange point operating under full control and Waves protection.

The exchange itself is also well-quoted and attracts the attention of users, regardless of cryptocurrency preferences. The move to popularize it has become one of the fundamental factors in the success of the cryptocurrency itself. The Waves cryptocurrency itself is included in all popular exchanges.

About the creator

Speaking about Waves and its future prospects, it is impossible to ignore the creator, who is Alexander Ivanov. He has experience in programming, creating platforms for brokers and a whole mountain of skills in other areas. Studying the entire list of his professional activities, trading is especially interesting. It is no secret that most brokers in Russia are typical “kitchens” (companies that make money by substituting true price values ​​for their own profit). Their actions are not regulated by law, and even the largest players have been caught in fraud more than once, let alone the smaller fry. The very touch of blockchain in the world of trading is alarming, but there is no direct evidence indicating Mr. Ivanov’s support for brokers’ machinations.

It is also impossible not to note the fact that Alexander Ivanov himself actively presents Waves everywhere. From various press conferences to interviews with TV channels, he always openly engages in dialogue, answering questions with obvious pleasure and talking about the benefits of his “waves.”

About goals

Waves has big plans, which Alexander Ivanov is happy to share. Thus, according to the creator, his brainchild can create an active base for attracting investments specifically in Russia. Under the main advantage, stand out excellent conditions for carrying out mining activities. Thus, a country can provide:

    • — low, compared to other countries, cost of electricity;
    • - large space;
    • - loyal attitude, etc.

So Waves project is really developing the cryptocurrency culture in the country, for which it already deserves respect.


Waves' prospects are based on an excellent platform that has already proven its effectiveness for conducting ICOs. One of the popular projects that was launched on the basis of Waves was MobileGO. Unlike the broadcast, all starts took place and are taking place without any problems.

In the summer, the auditing company Deloitte entered into mutually beneficial agreements with Waves, thanks to which a course was set for the active promotion of the latter on Russian market. The goals and objectives were to create a base and support the ICO. The benefit of the project lay in the mass of opportunities, since previously, thanks to this cooperation, it became real creation legal field for ICO.

Yes, there is an alternative, in the form of ether, however, as noted earlier, As a base for ICOs, Waves wins significantly. In addition, this relatively young company has a sufficient number of examples of its successful implementation, which leaves no doubt.

At the time of writing the forecast, official sources reported that Waves, with the support of Deloitte, is actively developing legal forms for conducting an ICO ( we're talking about about the tax sphere, accounting, audits of activities and other regulatory measures). The main work is in full swing in the financial paradise - Switzerland, which is currently the most loyal country to ICO projects.

So simple the Waves way will be able to occupy a huge field of activity. Legal support is absolutely necessary, and within the framework of the main activity of the platform, it will allow you to work in the field of law. This will significantly expand the market, since the transition to blockchain technology for most is accompanied by fears based on the lack of clear regulation by law.

Prospects are also fueled by the active promotion of the project. Wherever its representatives did not have time to shine. Thanks to their active work, Waves can with a clear conscience be called one of the most open projects. Representatives emphasize that they are ready for dialogue and will be happy to answer all your questions. However, the company's activities did not go unnoticed. Thus, on December 6, 2017, Alexander Ivanov was presented with an award from RBC-2017 in the “startup” category.

Now the price is actively growing, and the reason for this was the announcements about the release new version DEX. The launch itself is scheduled for December 13. Additionally, the situation is fueled by the upcoming release of the algorithm update, scheduled for December 20.

The active growth of Waves allows us to expand the boundaries of our work. So, the latest achievement was entering the stock exchange South Korea, which can be considered an excellent achievement for such a young coin.

Reasons for growth in 2018

In fact, Waves today has absolutely everything to continue to actively develop, delighting coin holders with new price horizons. The basics that reveal the attractiveness of “waves” in 2018 include:

    • — great interest in the site as a starter for projects, which brings good funding;
    • — maintaining the main advantages of blockchain technology and the original idea of ​​​​cryptocurrency, in the form of anonymity, low commissions and transaction speed;
    • - opportunity quick exchange cryptocurrencies, as well as their fiat counterparts, without leaving the platform, on the basis of our own exchange;
    • active development legal sphere and Full time job to improve performance.

In the current position of the coin, it is really quite difficult to find that fly in the ointment that could spoil the overall appearance.

Another point to note is that they actively work to create security for users. It is planned to introduce a customer trust system, which, according to the developers, will be somewhat similar to the levels of WebMoney wallets. Thanks to upcoming innovations, the system will be able to guarantee peace of mind to its customers.

Forecast for 2018

Accumulating all of the above, all that remains is to summarize that if Waves developers maintain an up-to-date approach to doing business, excellent prospects open up for it.

Opinions differ greatly regarding the maximum growth. The average minimum predicted for “waves” in 2018 is $30-35. Considering the active development, the obvious interest in the project of various exchanges, a lot of prospects, a significant increase to this amount suggests itself.

At the time of writing the forecast, the current position of Waves looked like this:

Autumn passed for him in a prolonged flat after the release of summer news regarding the start of development of software legal basis. It is noteworthy that a study of the forums showed that a certain percentage of users decided to say goodbye to their assets, and this happened right on the eve of a truly festive December for cryptocurrency. Active growth is associated with the beginning of vigorous activity to launch projects.

In a larger perspective, the current situation looks like this:

The price, having significant support, is actively moving in a fairly stable ascending channel. By the way, at the time of writing the forecast, finding the price near the support line demonstrated a good moment to enter the market.

Analysts predict a bright future for the “waves”, behind which there are significant differences from analogues, its own exchange, and the active work of the development team to create support in all areas, including legal ones. Recommended for long-term purchase.

Thus, studying Waves indicates good prospects for cryptocurrency in 2018.