Famous and creative ways to find a client for a realtor in three days. Where and how to look for clients for a sales manager: step-by-step instructions In which area is it easier to find clients?

How can a sales manager look for new clients? This question often arises for both beginners and experienced managers exploring a new region or territory.

Portrait of a potential client

Before you start looking for clients, you need to create a portrait of interesting business partners. Assess the most promising industries, identify market leaders by region and country, study the market situation, and identify weaknesses. This preparatory work helps answer the following questions:

  • Who are the clients?
  • Where can a sales manager look for clients geographically?
  • What is the situation in the industry as a whole?
  • What is the client interested in?
  • How does he currently solve the problems whose solutions are supposed to be proposed?
  • Which companies are your competing suppliers?

Having collected all the necessary information, you can create a portrait of a potential client who needs or may be interested in the product/service that the sales manager is presenting on the market.

Once the client profile has been determined, you can proceed directly to finding an answer to the question of how to look for clients for a sales manager.

The simplest method for understanding how to look for potential clients for a sales manager is to review the existing client base, study the history of interaction and successful sales, volumes and features of the offer. Based on this data, you can find companies similar in industry, volume and potential purchases, and contact them with an offer, based on the successful experience of completed projects. This makes it possible to conclude quick transactions and increase the client base.

The second successful and effective way to find new clients is to receive recommendations from existing clients with whom relationships have been established and communication has been built.

There are several ways to find clients for a sales manager using recommendations:

    A personal meeting. You can ask for recommendations and contacts of possible clients who need or might benefit from the proposed solution at a personal meeting with regular clients. People love to give advice and help, feeling like experts. With the right approach, this method can be very effective.

    Phone call. By asking an existing client to make a preliminary call to a potential partner of interest, you can most likely count on a meeting and subsequent sale. A call from a recommender increases your credibility and becomes a good springboard for successful communication.

Visiting exhibitions and thematic events

An effective way to find clients is to attend industry exhibitions and thematic events. How to properly look for clients for a sales manager at exhibitions and public events? The goal may be to get to know the company, establish personal contact with employees of the organization of interest, or arrange a personal meeting. It is very important to analyze the information received and work out possible “warm” contacts as soon as possible, without delay. You should write a letter confirming your acquaintance. In the letter, it is worth recalling the place of communication, perhaps citing the words of the interlocutor, clarifying intentions to continue acquaintance and emphasizing the possibilities of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Attending themed events is a good opportunity for networking. Meeting the right people, building communication, exchanging opinions is the path to sales. The ability to make the right impression, be open to dialogue, and demonstrate an expert position in the topic that the sales manager represents will come in handy here. You should avoid front-line sales, intrusiveness, and displays of neediness. Self-esteem, coupled with communication skills and good product knowledge, is the key to successful commercial communication. It is important to be sincerely interested in the state of affairs of new acquaintances, to identify or formulate needs, and to ask the right questions.

Cold calls

A proven way to find new clients is to cold call companies of interest that fit the description of the client’s profile.

How can a sales manager find clients using cold calls? A cold calling algorithm might look like this:

  • find the person making the decision on the desired issue;
  • call;
  • clarify information, ask questions, obtain necessary data;
  • sell the opportunity and idea of ​​cooperation;
  • arrange a meeting;
  • prepare a preliminary commercial offer based on the data obtained during the telephone conversation.

Many companies have implemented agreed-upon telephone sales scripts. If the company's rules allow, then it is necessary to give calls the right emotional connotation, disposing the interlocutors to communication and partnership.

When working on cold calls, such qualities as punctuality, the ability to hear the interlocutor, and ask questions are important. It is necessary to clearly understand the purpose of the call: introduction, appointment, sending preliminary information by fax or e-mail.

Conversion of cold calls depends on the ability to overcome barriers, work with customer objections and speak the language of benefits. Competent speech, a pleasant voice, and a pace of communication that is convenient for the interlocutor will help build a dialogue and find a new client.

Searching for clients on the Internet

How can a sales manager look for clients on the Internet, how effective is it?

Searching for potential clients on the Internet can be done in several ways:

  • Active participation in specialized forums with posting information about the product/service and demonstrating an expert position.
  • Posting information about the company on social networks.
  • Using bulletin boards and thematic aggregators.

Social media

Using social networks to find clients is by far one of the most effective and reliable ways to find clients on the Internet. Depending on the specifics of the business and the target audience, a social network is selected. Let's look at the target audience using the example of Facebook. The audience is young people (18-24) and the middle age group (24-45+), aimed at establishing business contacts and searching for information for self-development.

Here you can most often make acquaintances with new clients. An advanced search makes it possible to find people of interest. The fact that people indicate their place of work makes the task easier.

Many large companies create official pages where you can get acquainted with the specifics of the company's work, employees, problems and news. Social networks are a source of information for analysis, finding the right people and establishing communications for further sales in a segment that is interesting for business.

Forums and message boards

Studying and actively participating in specialized Internet forums helps you analyze the work of your competitors and add advantages that are truly important to your clients into your unique commercial offer. As a rule, on such resources, clients and suppliers share industry news, opinions about products and services, and discuss pressing issues. In addition to new acquaintances and necessary contacts, here you can actively promote your company, taking into account reviews of other suppliers, emphasizing the profitability of your offer and product/service.

There are paid and free bulletin boards on the Internet. They differ in territorial coverage and sectoral focus. By creating a small sales proposal with contact information, you can ensure passive lead generation without attracting additional funds. The sales manager can indicate his contact phone number and receive applications directly, ensuring that the plan is met.

Typically, companies are willing to share their technical expertise and proudly proclaim their achievements. But there are taboo topics. One of them is how to sell, where to get clients, how to reach major players and international markets?

To bookmarks

1. Freelance exchanges

On international exchanges you can easily find profiles of both market leaders and small companies. When we were just starting our journey, freelance exchanges were our main source of receiving orders. We took on almost all tasks, from selecting keywords to setting up analytics. Now we also use exchanges. But now we choose clients more carefully and pragmatically. We look at the possibility of business development, the subject matter, solvency, client history, communication and many other key factors. This source has both advantages and significant disadvantages. You can get a quick order, but because of the speed and thirst for money, you may not notice an inadequate customer and get into trouble. The customer may ruin your profile with one review, or will try to blackmail you with this. Even if you are 100% right, exchanges often take the side of the customer, since he is the one who brings them money.

2. Cooperation with contractors

The most rewarding way to get clients is when your merits precede you. It’s damn nice when your clients are satisfied with the results of your work and recommend you to their surroundings as professionals. The loyalty of the audience who came by recommendation is as high as possible. Everyone loves such clients, and to get them you need to do your job well and give your clients more than they expect from you. Satisfied customers will talk about the quality of your services and new clients will look for you themselves.

5. Corporate blog

Feel free to publish your achievements and findings. Blogging will not only give you a good increase in traffic to your site, increasing your position in organic search results, but will also attract the attention of your future customers and partners. For every article we publish, we receive several requests for our services. It also builds your reputation in the market as specialists.

6. Training events

Perhaps one of the most native ways to make new connections, find partners and even friends. People who came to the master class or decided to attend the course on a regular basis will be happy to talk about their business and share useful information.

7. Conferences

Quite often business owners attend specialized events. If you are also a speaker, then this is a great opportunity to express yourself and show off your work results and technical skills. If you are just a participant, nothing prevents you from getting to know the person sitting next to you and making new acquaintances during a coffee break.

8. Cold calling

Although this method is considered by many to be an atavism, it still exists. Typically the conversion rate is 2-5%, but it is there. To this day, I hear stories about tenacious salespeople who know how to get through to the right people and make great deals.

A good place to make the right connections. The main rule is do not send spam. If you have found the right person for you, first of all, find common interests with him. Before you sell something, try to understand the essence of his business and think about how you can truly be useful to him.

10. Tenders

A great way not only to find a major client, but also to express yourself in the market. It is necessary to be able to offer the client comprehensive solutions and a professional approach. If you don’t manage to work with the desired client the first time, start preparing and collecting information for the next stage, even if it’s in a year.

Always remember that sales is a systematic process, especially if you are targeting large orders and long-term cooperation. They buy from someone they trust, and it doesn’t matter from what source the client came to you.


Why are there jobs for beginners when there are professionals?

— Beginning specialists charge less than professionals.
- Customers with small projects and small budgets often turn to newcomers. They pay little, but they are also willing to take risks.
- Newcomers are more open and ready to learn, they have more enthusiasm, and they approach their work more responsibly.
- Often, novice specialists can do the work more professionally, since everything changes very quickly on the Internet, and they have the most current knowledge.

First customer: how to find a customer, even if you are still a beginner?

1. Publics: “Cerebro”, “Smshchiki”, “Internet marketing from A to Z”, etc.

2. Acquaintances and friends. As it turned out, one of the most effective ways. Think carefully about all your friends - most likely, among them there are business owners who may need your services.

3. Employers and partners from previous work. When a person leaves his job, he often stops communicating with former employers, but in vain - among them may be your potential customers.

4. Forums for entrepreneurs. Search for any entrepreneur forums (business forums, startup forums, forums for restaurant owners/builders, forums in your city, etc.). Register, find topics in your area of ​​expertise and answer questions there. T How will you secure your status as an expert?, And customers will begin to turn to you for services.

5. Internet exchanges: fl.ru, freelance.ru, work at home (community on Facebook), Startup Woman, mama lancer (LJ). The method is not very working. There are a lot of freeloaders on freelance exchanges who want, like, 1000 subscribers for 500 rubles. or website for 1000 rubles. You can’t make good money on the freelance exchange. I myself started with freelance exchanges, and if you are completely new and without a portfolio, then you need to write 50 letters a day to get an order.

6. Write on your pages on social networks that you are looking for a customer. Among your friends and subscribers, there may well be those who need a specialist for the project. And it will be even better if you design your profile on social networks in a representative manner. And you will begin publish your cases and achievements. This will help a lot, If set up promotional posts for your case. For example, you promoted a beauty salon and drive traffic to all beauty salon owners.

7. Organizations/companies whose services you use. These could be online stores where you buy goods, or the authors of newsletters that you subscribe to, or the presenters of trainings that you took.

9. Companies that send you invitations to groups. But it must be taken into account that they are probably have a small budget times they use a free method of promotion. It is better to choose companies that are already investing in advertising. But, nevertheless, the method works, especially for beginners.

10. Companies that place contextual advertising. Enter a topic that interests you in the search and write to those companies that appeared in the advertising block. This method is one of the most popular from contextual advertising specialists.

11. Targeting (and retargeting) on ​​VKontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki. The same - enter the topic you would like to work with, write to the owner of the business or company.

12. Companies that advertise on Avito. In the advertisements, you can see that the advertisement is given by a company or store, and not by an individual. Tested Avito, did not work out. Clients do not understand the adequate price of the proposed project.

13. Inactive groups or groups with a small number of publications. In the VKontakte search, enter a topic that interests you, look for inactive groups and write to their owners, offer your services.

Business groups in social networks are groups on the topic of business, the participants of which are business owners or those who are planning to become one.

15. Instagram - hashtags. Write in the search something in the style of #furniturenovosibirsk, #beauty salonirkutsk. There will be many accounts of companies and stores that You can write. Besides, You can offer your services to people who promote themselves through Instagram- photographers, stylists, etc.

Advice: sign your photo with the hashtag #city (#Moscow, #Khabarovsk, etc.). They will start knocking on your door companies and stores from your city.

16. DoubleGIS (2GIS) is an electronic catalog of organizations combined with a city map. Not a very effective way. On April 6, I opened an individual entrepreneur, registered there, within 2 months not a single offer.

17. I recently tried a new method. I joined a group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/364545523718021/ There are a lot of entrepreneurs in it and they are looking for contractors. If you look at the posts, then you can find clients there.

Https://www.facebook.com/groups/targetads/ I recently joined here, left my resume, one client wrote, I wrote to another directly, started working with them.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/tendering/ there are good vacancies here.

19. Write your case studies on projects and publish them in large SMM publics. You will be noticed immediately clients will contact you.

Expert commentary in major marketing communities.

Advice: Don’t try all the ways to find customers at once. Choose 1-2 methods, but use them to the fullest. Most likely, more methods will not be needed.

How to make the customer choose you?

- Be honest. Say it straight out you are a beginner specialist, Take the course at the Remote Workers Training Center. Tell us about the experience and reputation of the training center of the remote employee training center, and that the work on the project will be supervised by an experienced trainer-practitioner.
- Rest assured. Here You will receive the necessary knowledge and support, Don’t lose face in front of the customer. Your work will be checked at every stage, but it will not be done for you.
- Be generous. Give your customer a free consultation and generously share information - the customer will appreciate it.

How much to ask?

Even if you are a beginner, don't take the job for free. Appreciate your work - and your customers will appreciate you. It's better to ask for a little than nothing at all. Raising the price tag from 0 to 5000 is harder than, for example, from 2000 to 5000.

And you shouldn’t negotiate terms when the customer pays you an advertising budget, and you work for him for it free or for a percentage of sales. Nothing good will come of this.

How and to whom do customers refer other customers?

- Customers prefer to recommend those specialists, which are not only perform their work efficiently, but also love their clients, they love what they do, and are ready to hurt themselves so that the client feels good.
- Customers recommend specialists who know their topic “excellently” and can on it advise. If you have a favorite topic (for example, yoga) and have already worked with it, share the results and useful tips with other entrepreneurs and from the same sphere. Them Your experience may be very useful, they will turn to you for cooperation, and will recommend to colleagues from related fields, which can also apply your advice (for example, fitness, legal centers).
- Make a portfolio with screenshots of projects and a graph showing the growth dynamics of group members, as well as describing the results in numbers. This way, customers will see that You are a serious specialist and are ready to be responsible for the results of their work. Collect certificates and video reviews from clients. Certificates with seals give a lot of confidence.

How to find a client for a realtor, a trainee, a beginner or without a real estate agency, a first client, you will learn ways on the Internet and offline, search work, methods of organizing it.

You will find the answer to the question here, or rather instructions for a newbie realtor, which will tell you both obvious and not obvious ways.

How to find a client for a realtor in just 3 days?

Finding your first client in conditions of severe disregard for real estate services is quite a task! How to find someone who agrees to buy your services for the sale or purchase of an object, transaction support, or at least consultation?

Now you will learn how to do this and remember firmly these basics of selling real estate services. Remember also because someone before you already learned how to find clients for a novice realtor, got off the start a little faster than you and while you continue to doubt and use what no longer works, he gets his first clients and sells the real estate service. Therefore, without delay, read the proposed material.

The first thing that gives you a head start is the low quality of real estate services. This, however, can also be a disadvantage if you manage to earn a similar reputation in the future.

To prevent this from happening, think carefully about who might be your client. And so that you don’t stress too much, I’ll give you an answer that will help you find a client in the first days of working as a realtor.

2. Booklets and business cards
Business cards are usually made by the agency for each realtor independently; if not, then make them yourself and practice handing them out or distributing them wherever possible.

Set yourself a mini-plan for the day while you walk around objects, drive or go to the office or home, go to shops, cafes and organizations - spread the word about yourself. The same goes for booklets.

Both paid and free distribution methods will help here. More about this in future articles.

3. Networking
The ability to communicate and make new acquaintances is the No. 1 necessity in the realtor profession. This is especially important for selling real estate services. There’s even a book “Never Eat Alone” that I recommend reading and practicing.

If you are an intervert, then you will have to either look for a new job or change yourself, there is no other way. Why are there so many women in the real estate profession? They are simply more sociable - that’s the lion’s share of success.

4. Posting in the area
You don't have to go far. Places to post advertisements:

  1. houses in the area where you live;
  2. houses in the area where you work;
  3. houses that you will visit if your agency practices working with “cold” clients

This method of finding a client is used by many realtors starting to sell properties. And you should not be an exception! It is important to understand why you are doing this. If in the previous method everything is clear - this is naked PR (public relations), then here it is somewhat different.

You are inviting calls to your phone.

One of the effective ways to find your first clients. To do this, you don’t even need to have your own real estate for sale; properties from agency colleagues or even from other agencies will do (you’ll just agree to split the commission). So, what you need:

  • the correct structure and content of the leaflet that you include in the letter;
  • addresses of houses in your area;
  • mobile phone and electronic mailbox for receiving applications and customer questions.

I tell you in detail in a separate article how to do it correctly or as a real estate company, with examples from practice.

What is the result of this method of finding a client for a realtor? Quite good. Especially if you don’t have any objects, this will do just fine!

6. Walking around the apartments

A realtor can find a client for an urgent purchase or sale by making targeted visits to apartments in a given area or houses.
when it applies: your client needs to buy a home in a specific house or houses.

How to find a client for a new realtor: on the Internet

Client sources:

  1. Internet forums and portals
  2. Social network
  3. Internet message boards
  4. Realtor website (blog)

How to work with them

1. Forums
Forums can be both thematic, related to construction and renovation, and general thematic, where they talk about everything under the sun, but have discussion threads related to real estate in one way or another.


  1. look for a forum in your city with high traffic;
  2. through a search on the forum, using queries such as “real estate”, “apartment”, “selling an apartment”, “realtor”, etc. find discussion threads that interest you;
  3. select several fresh topics that contain recently published messages;
  4. read threads several dozen messages before the end of the thread in order to get to the heart of the matter and understand the audience;
  5. you find out the problems of those communicating, usually someone asks someone else for advice or asks about your topic, the rest answer;
  6. give a qualified answer without revealing who you are.

In general, you shouldn’t advertise on forums that you are a realtor. It so happened that the profession is in demand, but unpopular. Therefore, if you offer something on the forum, do it through private messages.

Do not forget that you will have to regularly write messages in other threads, even the most trivial ones, in order to gain “authority”. Forums generally treat newcomers poorly. It would be good to enlist the support of old-timers of the forum, if you know any. If not, write messages and work with potential clients.

Now the forums have permanent threads where you can provide advice on areas. You can ask the administration to appoint you as a consultant. Yes, you will have to come in more often and answer questions, but at the same time you will be able to hone your skills in selling real estate services.

If you create a page on them, then most of the content should be entertaining and only 20-30% related to your topic, but not with direct proposals, but with interesting facts, new laws, rules in real estate, accompanied by catchy headlines that provoke you to write comments with your fabrications and pictures.

Don’t forget to congratulate your friends on holidays or birthdays - this is a great way to build trust and loyalty to yourself.

3. Online message boards
It's easier here. It is necessary to advertise, for example, about free consultations on a specific issue. Specifically, not in general. You need to know your customers' problems.

If you don't know yet, ask your fellow mentor.
One example: “Consultation on the preparation of a package of documents for the sale of an apartment. For free."

Find examples of ads from colleagues or competitors. Look at them from the point of view. potential client. The ad must contain a proposal to solve some problem of the client - then you are guaranteed calls.

How to work with calls based on advertisements:
You can conduct a consultation over the phone - it should be free. Let's look at the example ad I gave above. They called you, told you their situation, what documents they had, and you advised what else needs to be collected.

But you are not a help desk - you need to sell yourself as a specialist and real estate service.

Selling yourself as a specialist is not difficult here - by talking about creating a package of documents for selling an apartment, you will already establish yourself as a competent realtor. Selling the services of a realtor is more difficult.

How to attract people to network marketing via the Internet

You have your own business of goods or services or you are engaged in network marketing, one way or another, you have a service or product that you need to sell. And you are faced with the task of finding clients.

I will talk about attracting clients online, but I want you to understand the important difference between offline and online.

If you work offline and you have an establishment, then people are probably walking along the street on which it is located, and therefore sooner or later someone will come to you and take advantage of your offer.
But on the Internet it's not like that. In order for people to know about you, you need to constantly remind yourself and promote yourself, for example through your website, I hope you have one, if not, get one.

One of the differences compared to offline is that here, instead of renting premises, you need to pay for renting hosting (for your website). And the costs are completely different at the initial stage. In this regard, the Internet wins.

Now you have a website and are registered on various social networks. Important ones are: Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram.

At this stage, you must understand that you are not promoting the company you work for, but yourself as an expert and a brand. In this case, regardless of whether you are already a professional or are just going to become one, if you become uninterested with one company and you see prospects with another company, then you will change it and then all your promotion efforts will not be wasted.

1. VKontakte.

Social networks come first because here you will often receive many messages from potential clients. And in order to maintain social networks, you do not need to hire a designer and programmer to create a website. You just need to write notes and share your experiences with your readers.

First you need some good photos. It is advisable that the photo be in a business style. The main thing is that you look good on it.

Your VKontakte account

In addition to registering your account, you need to be regularly active: Write notes, interesting posts on business topics and share your experience, which will also be useful to others. Of course, at first you need to do everything yourself, then you can delegate some of these tasks to a freelancer.

At the initial stage, after registering an account, start adding as friends people who may be interested in your product, as well as people involved in online business, because they are also your potential clients.

All the people who are your friends will see your posts in their News when you publish them on your wall.

Add about 40 people per day. Just write that you have similar interests and would be pleased to share your experience. Don't write the same messages to everyone. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time and VK may ban you for spam. Try to spend no more than 30 minutes a day on social media. Remember that social networks are an addition to your main business and offline work. You share your experience and success and over time you develop an audience that reads you and later wants to work with you.

Set up cross-posting in the VK settings so that your posts are also published on Facebook and Twitter, and you don’t waste time copying content manually.