Waves cryptocurrency mining

Friends, I welcome you again! Today I’ll tell you what the waves cryptocurrency is, where to buy it and how you can get rich with these coins.

It is clear to everyone that today is the time to buy cryptocurrency while the price is favorable. The value is constantly growing and in a few years you can get very rich by selling it on the stock exchange or exchanging it in an exchange office for rubles or dollars.

To prove my words, I will give the example of Bitcoin, which in the spring cost $1000, and today its price is already $4300. The price of other coins also rises.

Of course, you need to understand which coins are really profitable to buy, and which are ordinary soap bubbles that grow in price, grow, and then burst and depreciate. Therefore, you need to know what is behind the tokens you want to buy.

I create an investment portfolio of several currencies and carefully study what exactly can be taken before purchasing. I began to study waves and saw a good prospect in it.

The creator of the waves cryptocurrency was created by Alexander Ivanov. The waves platform is a closed system where anyone can create their own tokens, and there is also its own trading platform for currency trading.

The peculiarity of this exchange is that anyone can add their coins to this exchange and earn interest from trading. Essentially, you will have your own exchange that is located right in the waves wallet on your phone.

In general, the waves cryptocurrency is an improved copy of Ethereum, on the basis of which tokens are also created and a lot of people use it. The difference is that Ethereum is more popular than WAVES, but time will pass and they will become equal in importance.

Ethereum today costs $300, and vaves $5, and if we understand that the price will be the same, then in a year the waves cryptocurrency will cost the same $300. Do you understand how much you can earn from this?

It’s as if we are now in the 90s, when anyone who took advantage of the opportunity and bought plants, factories, and premises for sale is now a billionaire.

When I started looking on the Internet for information where waves cryptocurrency is sold, I just found that you can buy it at own exchange inside this platform, but to purchase there you must already have coins to pay the commission, but where can you get them?

So I looked at other exchanges and found where they trade waves. Go to this site now, the link to it is in the article “ which exchange to trade on».

Here you must register, enter rubles or dollars, whichever is more convenient for you, and buy waves. I wrote in detail how this is done in the article I mentioned above.

After purchasing the coin, it is better to withdraw it to your wallet, which can be downloaded from official website. Personally, I installed it on my phone wallet and I keep these coins there, I bought them just recently for $3, now they are already worth $5.

When the price rises, you can bring the coins back to the exchange and exchange them for dollars or rubles. This, friends, is how you can make money on the Internet today.

Waves is one of the most popular but at the same time young cryptocurrencies, which is a special blockchain platform for smart contracts that issues its coins for crowdfunding. In this article I will tell you everything you need to know about the Waves cryptocurrency, including its rate, mining methods and places where you can buy it.

Description and features of Waves cryptocurrency

The Waves project is a decentralized token exchange platform supporting color coin technology. “Colored coins” are assets that can be created by any of the system participants. For example, this could be participation in a joint financing project or an analogue of shares in an enterprise. The user will also be able to create his own game token, ticket to an event, or even an analogue of fiat currency. In concept, this is reminiscent of the already well-known NXT platform. However, Waves is distinguished by the presence of a developed scripting language, which already creates common points of contact with Ethereum.

"Light client" is plugin for Chrome browser . The developers promise that you will be able to launch your own project co-financing company directly from your browser, as well as use decentralized markets. Assets, user-generated, will be available for trading on the project’s own exchange. There are many similarities with Kickstarter, while a share in the project can be obtained in a digital, crypto-protected form, with the possibility of transferring or selling it to other users. Exchange trading at the same time, it is anonymous (just like on a regular exchange, traders anonymously place orders “in the order book”).

Waves at the time of release

The creators of Waves promise that trading shares and similar financial instruments using the platform will not cause claims from regulatory authorities. Supporting assets linked to fiat currencies is already reminiscent of Ripple. Although it is expected that it will also be linked to assets denominated in cryptocurrency. Thus, users receive a decentralized platform for:

  • Trade in various goods;
  • Joint financing of projects;
  • Exchange speculation in assets, fiat money and cryptocurrencies.

Messaging between participants and voting will also be decentralized. The implementation of new functions is expected through plugins, which allows you to get away from the practice of creating “hard forks”. User reputation is implemented through the “karma” system, which takes into account user reviews, number of transactions and other blockchain activity.

Waves rate for 2017 (Graph)

In 2017, the Waves cryptocurrency began to grow in price; by June 5, its value was 0.00269 BTC (or if in rubles - 390 rubles for 1 WAVES). Now (08/13/2017) the cost of 1 WAVES is 0.00118 BTC (or if in rubles - 295 rubles). Here is a graph of her growth:

How to mine Waves cryptocurrency

Unfortunately, you cannot mine Waves in the same way as Bitcoins. In total, the company issued 100 million coins, which were sold out back in 2016. Now the only way to get Waves coins is to purchase them on the exchange.

Where to buy Waves cryptocurrency

Personally, I recommend that you buy Waves cryptocurrency on the YoBit exchange, since I trade there myself. It is worth noting that this exchange is completely legal and you can buy any cryptocurrency on it. To register on YoBit, follow this

Collective actions are more effective for society than individual initiative, therefore, recently, economic science has begun to pay more attention to the evolution of joint economic relations. And this trend was reflected in the fact that in 2009 the Nobel Prize was awarded to Elinor Ostrom precisely for her work on such collective economies.

One of the tools, let’s call it in our usual understanding, of “collective farm” relations is the collection of voluntary folk remedies or crowdfunding. So the Waves startup was conceived as a smart blockchain system that is capable of issuing its own crypto-assets for the collective collection of funds or crypto-assets for the purpose of implementing certain socially useful initiatives.

Tokens that can be issued by anyone or any community are called colored currency, so Waves can be considered such a colored decentralized crypto asset. We will analyze the features of this cryptocurrency a little later, but now we will indicate why these tokens are attractive to the Russian patriotic audience, because its creation is associated with fellow countryman businessman Alexander Ivanov.

  • Official project website wavesplatform.com

The first crowdfunding sale during the ICO process was carried out in 2016 and turned out to be more than successful, since more than 30 thousand bitcoins were collected, and the cost of one BTC was then around 500 US dollars. For a long time, Waves crypto assets did not arouse interest among mass user, however, with the increase in the rate of the main cryptocurrencies, both exchanges and traders began to involve the so-called colored crypto into their sphere of activity, which actually affected the rate of this cryptocurrency:

Rice. 1. Waves chart for the entire history

From this visualization, we can conclude that the Waves cryptocurrency was unstable, starting in May 2017 until in November it rushed to a maximum of $15.0 on December 12 and, after a slight decline, showed a new trading record of $16.2 on December 22. That is, just on the eve of Gray Friday, when all cryptocurrencies began to lose their positions.

Convert Waves to USD and RUB

WAVES calculator:



You can switch payments to dollars, rubles or bitcoins. Click on the currency icon on the right. To convert back, enter the number in another field.

History of Waves creation

A good start to crowdfunding for this project was ensured thanks to warranty obligations a large resource of cryptocurrency wallets called Mucelium, which is under the leadership of another of our fellow countrymen A. Kuzmin. Moreover, these guarantees were given not for pretty eyes, but because Mucelium has a direct interest in this project, since its power is involved in transactions to speed up and simplify the distribution of Waves Coin crypto assets.

Another starting point was one of the Australian companies, which joined the project with its development of the Insept network. The main idea of ​​this is in line with the concept of crowdfunding and concerns commissions, namely, for any user to decide for himself what commission size is acceptable to him in the process of turning over Waves. Which, as planned by the developers, should reduce costs when transferring both crypto assets to fiat and vice versa.

But it is unknown for what motivational reasons the company BioViva joined the project from America itself, where they don’t give out “cookies” for free, known for wanting to find the “elixir of immortality” (just kidding!), and is looking for ideas for to slow down aging human body.

Waves functionality is based on the updated LPos approach or confirmation of a certain portion of the code of a cryptocoin, the production of which is determined in a pseudo-random order, which means that the probability of the production of a part of the code reaching a particular miner is determined by his wealth, in other words, by the size of his crypto wallet. This is Proof-of-stake, in our opinion, it does not correspond to the principles of financial cleanup or scientific crowdfunding. Although there are opinions on this matter that differ from ours, which we will consider in the next section of Waves features.

Features of the Waves token

The main and distinctive feature, unlike many cryptocurrencies, is, as opponents say, the possibility of using new version Proof-of-stake to give Waves currency for use or rent. Moreover, with full nodes, and for this they will receive their share of the income from mining with the opportunity to either immediately capitalize them into fiat currency or leave them for storage.

The selection of new miners is carried out in such a way that only full nodes can mine new tokens, and the rest can only be lessors and tenants of Waves. At the same time, complete GCDs (nodes) are limited to about 100, and each new digital code created within 10 seconds.

The next feature of the blockchain platform is real opportunity launch crowdfunding in a matter of minutes, and users or investors can receive cryptocurrency in exchange for fiat, with which they can immediately enter trading on exchanges. The developers included in the project the possibility of regulating Waves depending on the legislative norms of certain countries in order to protect the rights of investors.

All fiat on the blockchain is linked to major currencies, which simplifies crowdfunding operations for those who are used to handling traditional money. Another incentive, or rather a whole set of them, is the possibility of sending messages, decentralized voting, which are not only tools for communication, but also for managing the crowdfunding community.

In addition to these features, an option is available for community members on one of the browsers light client with a clear interface, and for those who own a blockchain node - software in complete package required for the server.

Also developed special system called “Karma”, which is a system for assessing the reputation of a particular user and serves not only as an archive of transactions, but also allows you to analyze various indicators of working with Waves.

Waves dynamics for today

As you can see, today's rate of this cryptocurrency has the silhouette of a Bactrian camel with maximums of $14.05 and $14.10, respectively, at 21:19:12 and 23:18:45 Moscow time on January 9, with a minimum of $12.20 at 08:58:59 on January 10 :

Rice. 2. Waves chart per day

Moreover, if we express all the parameters of the current state of trading in ruble equivalent, then the exchange rate, high and low indicators and trading volume will look like this:

WAVES rate for today

$ 2.75


₽ 175.55

Waves parameters in ruble equivalent

How to mine WAVES

Those who are going to mine these tokens, the developers have brought, as they say, into a monastery, because they provided this opportunity only for a select few, who were selected by the presence of crypto-assets. Because many people are called into the blockchain, but only a hundred of them have nodes.

Moreover, the rest can only experience real nostalgia, both for past mining nostalgia and for the present - they are given the opportunity to only lease their crypto-assets to selected miners and receive passive income from this.

How to store - wallets

Both for storage and for participation in trading on multi-cryptocurrency decentralized exchanges you need a wallet. There are two types of Waves crypto wallets. The first is a full-fledged storage resource with the possibility of mining and the second is of the Lit Client type.

Rice. 3. Wallet for Waves

Moreover, the first one requires a ton of power resources, and also special settings and being constantly on alert online, and taking into account the fact that you and I, the mining process, as they say, is not ordered and will be available by default, let’s look at the possibility of creating a Lit Client storage location.

For this:

  • go to the Waves resource;
  • select the desired option on the “Product” tab, namely “Online client”;
  • read the warning about possible danger. We copy the generated words in case of loss of the key by clicking on “I ANDESNEND” and save this code in a safe place;
  • fill in the name and password lines and your crypto wallet has been created.

Rice. 4. Waves resource for storing, exchanging, leasing and trading tokens

As for purchasing Waves coins, this can be done, and for Bitcoins, as one of the options, for example, on a crypto exchange called Bittrix. A good exchange for purchasing tokens is an exchange such as YObit.

Are there any prospects - exchange rate forecast

Undoubtedly, there is, and this can be seen not only from the graphs presented here, but also from the fact that, unlike many projects, the creators of Waves do not throw out promises left and right, but report, first of all, on what has already been achieved.

The most encouraging prospect of this cryptocurrency is that, as we began our review, it is most suitable for pairing in the form of fiat and digital currencies, which will contribute to the rapid integration of the latter into all spheres of human activity. Starting from economics and politics to various investment crowdfunding projects in the interests of society.

Well, this will be facilitated by such an advantage of the Russian crypto asset as being simple, but reliable in terms of security. multicurrency wallet with a completely friendly interface.

And if we add to all this the ability of Waves for any of the system participants to issue their own crypto-assets, organize trade and exchange, and other opportunities, then this decentralized blockchain essentially has no equal in potential capabilities.

And the most important advantage of this project is that it embodies the idea of ​​community self-organization, where there are tools for both communication and the implementation of democracy in community management. Or, according to a common proverb in England, 2 dogs together catch many more hares than 4 dogs chasing them separately.

Video review

Waves cryptocurrency was created by a physicist and named after the discovery of gravitational waves. But this is not the symbolism and peculiarity of the platform - Waves idea seems revolutionary, but its developers modestly talk about it as a dynamic evolution.

So what is cryptocurrency and should we invest in it? You will find answers to all questions in this article.

Waves cryptocurrency

The Waves platform began its official existence on June 12, 2016, that is, it appeared not so long ago - a little over a year ago. During this relatively short period, Waves managed to go through an ICO, collect 30,000 BTC (at that time about $16 million) and even enter the TOP in terms of capitalization. True, on this moment the coin is not in the top ten and has moved to 17th place, but this is most likely a temporary phenomenon.

Waves is not just another cryptocurrency, but a platform that is something similar to a decentralized exchange. On it you can issue cryptocurrencies, transfer and exchange them for other coins and fiat money.

Today you won’t be surprised by a decentralized exchange, but Waves developers claim that their product is absolutely unique since it took all the best from real and virtual world. This is how the platform turned out, connecting the worlds and giving everyone the opportunity not only to operate with crypto/fiat, but also to create their own coins.

Already today, Waves is being called an alternative to banks, which can easily replace them. Nevertheless, the developers say that they have nothing against banks, they just want to move them into a decentralized blockchain space. In a word, the developers’ plans are global, but the main thing is that they can actually be translated into reality. If you are interested in a blockchain platform that is also focused on implementation in the financial industry, then I advise you to read about Ripple, a cryptocurrency about which I wrote a separate article.

One of the most high-profile projects that started using the platform is the brainchild of the owner of the Kolionovo farm, Mikhail Shlyapnik. This phenomenon is so unique that I would like to talk about it in a separate line. In fact, this is a clear example when virtual technology in the form of a crypt it is implemented in the real sector of the economy - Agriculture. Each unit new currency called "Kolion" is backed by real agricultural goods. In a month of fundraising, the creator of the project managed to collect $510 thousand, and now more than half a million colonies are walking around the world.

The Waves platform is famous not only for the Hatter’s creation, but thanks to it, other cryptocurrencies have also launched. For example, ZrCoin arose as a result of raising funds from a plant producing synthetic zirconium.

Features of cryptocurrency

As I already noted, Waves was born through an ICO, during which they managed to collect a substantial amount of 30 thousand bitcoins ( for a long time the coin was second only to the cryptocurrency Ethereum in box office receipts). This became possible thanks to competent development and an excellent team that previously worked on the NXT project. The main developer of the platform is a certain Alexander Ivanov, who was previously seen creating a service for instant cryptocurrency exchange.

Today, the pre-sale of tokens will not surprise anyone, but at the time the Waves platform was launched, this topic was not so widespread and significant. Before it, only Ethereum managed to raise more funds, and then only by a couple of millions - for some time the coin occupied an honorable second place in terms of volumes of attracted investments. In many ways, these results can be explained by various crowdsale bonuses - depending on when the investor bought the tokens, he could receive from 20% to 5% on top. In total, 100 million tokens were issued, of which 85 million were sold, and the remaining 15 million were left for the needs of the project.

In general, the coin does not have any special differences from the same Bitcoin; all the basic principles are preserved in it. The global difference concerns cryptocurrency mining, but I will talk about it in the corresponding section of the article.

There are several wallet options for storing Waves coins, but the main one is Lite Client. The light client is different in that it does not download the entire blockchain to your computer, which means its weight is minimal. The wallet works as a browser extension or can be launched as an HTML file - you can install it on both a PC and an Android device. Directly in this convenient client users can store Waves coin, cryptocurrencies and fiat, but also carry out transactions between crypto and “paper” money.

Well, the developers prepared bonuses for the first users of the Lite Client - we, unfortunately, have already missed them - from January to February 2017, everyone who installed the client received 1 Waves for free.

Waves course

The price history of the Waves coin has been dynamic, like any cryptocurrency there have been ups and downs. Minimum price since entering the cryptocurrency exchanges was about $0.17, while the maximum was above $5. Today, the Waves exchange rate to the dollar is $4.70 - there is a period of price growth. However, this is relatively little money; many currencies are much more expensive, although they are less promising. If you look at the fact that the platform has now begun to actively cooperate with businesses and banks, then we should expect a significant increase in the price of Waves very soon.

Where to buy Waves? The coin cannot yet be found on most major exchanges, but it is available on Bittrex, Yobit.net, Eksmo, Livecoin and other less popular sites.

Waves mining

The system is based on the LPoS algorithm, something similar to proof of stake, but with some modification. The essence of mining comes down to the fact that not all participants can carry it out, but only node owners. To maintain a node, you need to own 10,000 Waves, which, you see, is a lot. At the same time, it is not necessary to have all the coins - some part can be rented from other users, and they will receive interest from mining (and the coins will remain in the owners’ wallets).

If you are interested in the question of how to mine Waves, then the answer is practically nothing. Waves does not have a mining option like other cryptocurrencies, in which you can download software, buy a video card and mint coins. Software Only node owners have access to mine coins and access to it is closed to mere mortals. All we can do is rent out our coins to nodes and receive dividends from them.

Waves is a young cryptocurrency and a unique platform that has already established itself in the market. The peculiarity of this new product is that it offers innovative solution for business and financial structures, which will erase the line between virtual and real world. Already today, many experts are saying that the crypto platform can firmly enter our lives and, judging by the striking examples that I described in this article, this process has already started. Therefore, I advise you to add the coin to your cryptocurrency portfolio; its progressive growth is expected, on which you can make very good money. Well, the fact that the coin is quite young suggests investing in it both short-term and long-term.

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We do not change the topic of cryptocurrencies, so today’s article will also be about them. Or rather, about one of them, the fairly young and promising digital currency Waves. The project is new, it is about a year old (it was launched in test mode on June 12 last year), and it owes its name to the discovery of gravitational waves (waves in English - wave). In any case, this is what the developers say, and we have no reason not to believe them.

The same people who once created NXT or Nextcoin (if anyone remembers such digital money) worked on the idea. Well, the inspiration for the work to create the “wave” was A. Ivanov, who at one time received an education as a physicist, and was already noted for the creation of an instant crypto exchange service (the first of its kind) and participated in the development of CoinoUSD (also a pioneer in its niche). By the way, Sasha Ivanov intends to transfer his assets remaining in his former brainchild NXT to Waves.

So the team, as you can see, is experienced, and it is their new development You and I will consider it now.

Any new venture in the field of cryptocurrency requires material investments. Find necessary funds the authors of Waves decided using crowdfunding. Naturally, as part of the ICO, potential investors were offered a certain number of tokens and various bonuses (from 5% to 20%), the size of which depended on the time of acquisition of the coins. Purchasing tokens on April 12 was rewarded with a twenty percent bonus, from the 13th to the 30th of the same month - 10%, and everyone who made a purchase later - 5%. The initial placement took place for almost a month and a half (April 12 – May 31, 2016). The results of crowdfunding turned out to be quite impressive; they collected, no less, about 16 million dollars.

Who does the development team collaborate with?

From the very beginning of the Waves resource, its team has established close cooperation with such a large service as Mycelium (crypto wallet service). Actually, the partnership arose during the fundraising, since A. Kuzmin, the head of Mycelium, acted as a guarantor at the crowdfunding stage. And in October last year, the companies signed an agreement, under the terms of which Kuzmin’s service agrees to support the issue and further movement of tokens. In other words, the Mycelium electronic wallet will be used in transfers and the distribution of coins will be significantly simplified.

Another agreement was concluded with an Australian crypto resource (BitScan Pty.Ltd). The document concerns the development of the Incent network, which operates on the same technology (the so-called loyalty network). The essence of this development is that each user can set the amount of deductions or rewards during a purchase or sale. The goal of the project is to eradicate unreasonably high commission costs when conducting transactions between digital and fiat funds, which many services suffer from, and to create the basis for motivating buyers.

And finally, another partner of the Waves cryptocurrency is the American company BioViva, which is developing products to slow down the aging process of the human body. Our crypt team is inspired by this problem and is ready to help increase the duration of human life, at least to 100 years.

Call Waves the next one digital currency It will most likely be wrong. The team presents its development as a blockchain system with certain functionality. This is a kind of platform based on blockchain technology, decentralized and “tailored” for transactions with user tokens. Attraction is supported here Money, crowdfunding campaigns and the purchase/sale of financial instruments, all transactions carried out through distributed database data.

When the team was just working on the idea (and the team, as we have already noted, has solid experience in this area), among other issues, the problem of avoiding a number of shortcomings inherent in already existing crowdfunding solutions was resolved. This meant the volatility of tokens and the lack of options when it comes to ways to raise funds. As a result new project allows users to attract investment in their developments both in bitcoins and in our usual currencies (dollar and euro), and, of course, in Waves tokens.

The concept of the platform allows users to create tokens and determine their value. This innovation is especially important for the development of ideas based on crowdfunding. In addition, when making payments when the payment is made in one currency, and the recipient’s account is opened in another, thanks to the innovation from Waves, problems with commissions will be significantly simplified.

And another area of ​​the platform that is interesting to many is services for exchanging cryptocurrencies for fiat money with low commissions.

Opportunities that the project opens up for users

First of all, the platform allows participants to issue their own assets, trade them on a decentralized platform, or exchange them with other users. This is a kind of crypto Kickstarter for support original ideas, obtaining digital assets and their subsequent sale through trade. The resource is establishing work with regulatory authorities so that it can work freely in the jurisdictions of a number of countries.

The service works with assets that are tied to certain world currencies (the most famous, of course) and, interacting with financial institutions, provides these assets full support the latter. Thus, there is an opportunity to interact with the widest Kickstarter audience, and this audience is given a chance to act in a familiar and beloved dollar or euro environment, without bothering with crypto and its exchange rate values.

In the resource’s blockchain, the main digital money is also represented as assets, which allows for decentralized trading based on Bitcoin, and this is important for crypto projects that want to launch crowdfunding.

In turn, all these features provide the ability to trade assets among themselves, which turns the Waves service into a decentralized service at the same time. trading platform for shares, and to a crowdfunding platform that supports both fiat and digital money.

The resource has implemented plans for self-organization of communities (transparent and honest development), and is also developing the potential for communication, including with the administration of the service.

The next feature is plugins. They help implement some functions, release updates, and contribute to general optimization.

The resource creates an optimal business environment, which includes a reputation system implemented through the special asset “karma”. To put it simply, this is the quintessence of the totality of all indicators of user activity and reviews of other participants about him (analogous to KYC).

And it remains to be said about confidentiality. A certain functionality is also implemented here, which provides it in full.

Having a number of advantages, this platform is not without some risks, however, like any other resource in this area. These risks can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. The first is technical risks like bugs, which, in general, are present in almost any computer program, but in our case they cause the value of the tokens to fall, which is not very healthy. This type of risk is inherent directly in the model itself.
  2. The second group is associated with such a widespread phenomenon on the Internet as fraud. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate these risks. But it can be completely reduced if you apply the KYC assessment system to projects posted on the resource. True, it should be noted that there are practically no successful attempts at fraud against investors in cryptocurrency projects, because they trust their money only to those people who have earned a positive reputation and have long been known in their community.
  3. And the third group is legal risks. Here, in order not to get into trouble, you need to competently approach the assessment of the model and understand how much it complies with the laws of a particular country. Sometimes you have to choose countries with more loyal jurisdictions.

Platform manifesto

The creators of the Waves resource outlined their vision of the modern financial world and the interaction of its different branches in a kind of 7-point manifesto.

They pay special attention to the decentralization of services and interaction with financial organizations, especially banks:

  1. In the first point of their appeal, the authors of the project emphasize that they were not trying to fill a niche for cryptocurrency fans, but were creating a product worthy of becoming the main product of the future.
  2. Further we're talking about that the developers have nothing against banks and do not want to confront them. Their the main task– make banks work for society, become more open to new technologies.
  3. Mass adoption of blockchain technologies is only possible with decentralization. The main goal of the project is to take crypto mainstream.
  4. The authors also emphasize that it is incorrect to perceive blockchain technology in terms of money; it is rather a business relationship, equal and transparent.
  5. Pops this platform focuses on crowdfunding projects and, according to the developers, should become the final point for processing open projects.
  6. The Waves service is not issuing new currencies, it is introducing new ample opportunities for existing ones.
  7. And finally, the team is confident that interaction with existing financial institutions is simply necessary, as this is the path to changing and improving them. At the same time, we are not talking about revolutionary, but about rapid evolutionary changes.

This is the appeal. Agree, quite ambitious. However, time will tell how true the words will be.