There was a problem with payment for a previous purchase. Update payment information on your Apple device. Selective sync settings are not updated

I absolutely welcome everyone! “Payment confirmation required” is perhaps one of the most annoying errors you can encounter when using the App Store. After all, it blocks absolutely any actions with the application store - it comes to the point that you cannot download or update even free programs and games.

Although, it would seem, if you don’t have to pay for the application, then what does this have to do with any information about payment? I want to download free program!!! Guys from Apple, how are you, haven’t you overdone anything? However, no matter what you ask them, there will still be no answer. Therefore, let's figure out all this mess on our own. Let's go!

So here you go full text errors:

Confirmation required. To view your payment details, click Continue and sign in.

Based on this, we can only draw one conclusion - they want us to confirm the payment method (bank card, SIM card) for our Apple ID account with which we will make purchases. In short, they want money. But why is this required even when downloading free applications?

The thing is that if you encounter the error “Confirmation of payment is required. To view details...", then there is a debt on your account. This may be unpaid:

  • Paid application.
  • Subscription.

And thus, until the debt is repaid, all transactions with App Store will not be available for your Apple ID. So what should we do with all this now?

First of all, to prevent further write-offs of money, you must:

By the way, here, in your account information, you should look at the “Purchase History” section and see if you owe anything (the “Total Payable” line)?

They checked everything, canceled it, and don’t owe anyone anything? You can start using the App Store fully! However, if there is still a debt and Apple continues to insist on confirming the payment method, then we have three options:

  1. Top up the balance of the means of payment and still do what is asked of us - pay.
  2. Forget about the account Apple entry ID and create a new one. Do not top up the card linked to the old account - the money will be debited automatically.

If your choice is to pay, then later you can try to return these funds (do not delay resolving this issue!). In my comments to which people write that this operation quite real.

True, for this you will have to talk to him a little. But, in my opinion, a saved Apple ID account and the absence of any debt on it is worth spending some time on the proceedings.

P.S. Like it and get +23% luck during a call with an Apple operator! Do you think it's a joke? Nothing like that - it really works. Let's check! :)

Greetings! The subscriptions that games and applications installed from the App Store offer us are a rather insidious thing. All the evil happens because of the “amazingly well-thought-out” mechanism of their work - “by default” they are renewed automatically and well, if you know and remember what you signed up for, and if not? Then get ready, because in this case a very big and, admittedly, very unpleasant surprise may await you.

After all, there are programs with a small free first period, after which the subscription continues, but for money (and, as a rule, quite a lot). And that's it similar applications and cause maximum negativity in any user of Apple technology. Why? Now I'll tell you...

Common example:

  • Installed the program.
  • The trial (free subscription) has been activated.
  • We looked at the program - it seemed “so-so”, we didn’t use it.
  • The test period has ended and after a while we receive a full write-off of money.

And there are many similar examples. It’s good that you can fight all this, and in some cases, even get your money back! How? Now I’ll tell you everything - let’s go!

How to cancel your App Store subscription from iPhone and iPad

The very first mistake that users most often fall into (and I also “failed” for the first time) is that the subscription and the application itself are far from directly related. That's the problem:

If you delete a game or application from your iPhone or iPad, your subscription will still remain active.

So the motto is “no application - no charge” in in this case doesn't work at all. And to delete a subscription downloaded from the App Store programs You will need to perform additional steps:

At the end of the paid period, everything should turn off without any action on your part. It would seem nothing complicated, but many people forget about it and lose money.

Why can't I turn off my subscription?

This is also possible and there are several reasons for this:

  • The previous subscription period has not been paid, or there are other “debts” to the store iTunes Store or Apple Store. Most often accompanied by the error “There is a billing problem with a previous purchase” -.
  • Problems directly with Apple ID ID. It is also necessary.
  • Make sure your account is up to date and correct information- for example, the linked card must be valid and operational.

Although the most common reason- this is still the first point of the above list and sometimes there are very interesting situations there. Let's take a closer look.

How can I avoid paying for a subscription and can I get my money back?

So, you have a card linked to an Apple ID, from which money for a subscription could not be debited due to lack of funds, and now it is “hanging in unpaid” - waiting for the card balance to be replenished.

And here we get a twofold situation:

  • You cannot cancel the write-off until the debt is paid.
  • I don’t want to pay the debt - the amount is large (mandatory monthly payments can amount to several thousand rubles) and in general, we did not use the program and this is all an imposed service.

What can be done? The simplest and most expensive option is to top up the card. The money will be withdrawn and debits can be turned off in the usual way.

But there are other ways:

  • and describe the situation. Believe me, there are absolutely normal and sane people sitting there. Just tell them normally that you didn’t want to subscribe, didn’t use the program and didn’t want to pay for it. If you don’t abuse it, then with a high degree of probability they will meet you and you won’t need to pay. By the way, you can return money for an already paid subscription in the same way. The only thing is, don’t delay calling - the sooner the better.
  • Reissue the card for which the debt is hanging and change the Apple ID on the device. Yes, the method is of course drastic, but in some situations you will have to resort to it in order not to write off large sum money. Although, there is no guarantee that Apple will not require repayment of this debt later. Yes, such a situation is very unlikely, but you never know...

In any case, it's worth starting with technical support. Experts can actually return money and cancel unpaid subscriptions - mine personal experience it confirms.

Updated! If you don’t want (or can’t) communicate with technical support specialists via chat or phone, there is another option to request a refund for your subscription.

This method was described in sufficient detail in the comments (thanks, Konstantin!). Actually, I give him the floor...

  1. Open iTunes. Go to the " Account" and select "View".
  2. Enter your Apple ID password. In the account information viewing window that opens, find the “Purchase History” item. Click on "See" All".
  3. Find necessary purchase in the list of all purchases, open an account by clicking the “More” button.
  4. Click on the “Report a problem” button.
  5. After this, a page will open in the browser where you can indicate the problem that arose with the purchase. Select the type of problem and, if desired, provide a comment. Click "Submit".
  6. All! Then I received a letter (12 hours later), they said that a refund had been issued and within 30 days I would receive the money on the card with which I paid. I also note that claims are accepted (refunds are possible) only within 90 days from the date of purchase.

As you can see, a return can be made without direct communication with support. Cool! :)

“Performing initial synchronization with the server. Wait…"

Selective sync is not available while files are syncing or when the Dropbox sync process is paused. This means that if you run for the first time Dropbox program For a computer, you may not be able to open the Selective Sync menu in Settings right away—you'll have to wait until the program finishes indexing the files in your Dropbox folder.

If you see the message “Performing initial synchronization with the server. Wait..." - this means that the program is indexing files in your Dropbox folder right now. It is also possible that you yourself paused synchronization in the Dropbox menu. If your case is one of the ones listed above, wait for indexing to complete and then open the Selective Sync menu. Or click Cancel- then the message will disappear and you will return to the settings window. If you paused synchronization yourself, you can resume it at any time.

Dropbox will continue syncing (as indicated by the spinning arrows above the Dropbox icon) while you view and change other settings.

Selective sync settings are not updated

Here are a number of reasons why Dropbox may be failing to update your selective sync settings:

  • Your hard drive is running out of space
  • Files or folders are in use by another program
  • You are using symbolic links or linked files
  • Files have incorrect access rights

Make sure you have enough free space on your hard drive

Your hard drive may not have enough space to store the data needed to update your selective sync settings. To check if this is true, . If your hard drive is very low on free space, you may need to clear space outside of your Dropbox folder first.

Files or folders are in use by another program

Dropbox can't selectively sync folders (or the files in them) if other programs are using them. To resolve this issue, close programs that are using files in your Dropbox folder before changing your selective sync settings.

We strongly do not recommend adding to Dropbox folder files referenced (symbolic links, attachment points, or network folders). Using linked files may prevent selective sync settings from updating and may also cause high load CPU, sync slowdown, permissions issues, and inconsistency in free space usage.

Incorrect file access settings

If files in a Dropbox folder have incorrect permissions, syncing problems may occur. Select operating system below to correct your access settings:

  1. Click on the Dropbox icon in the notification area.
  2. Sign out of Dropbox.
  3. Press the keys simultaneously Windows + R.
  4. Dial cmd and press the key Enter to open the command line.
  5. Copy and paste one at a time following commands to the command line. Click Enter after each command.
    • If your Dropbox folder is not located in the C:\Users\YourUserName\Dropbox directory, please change the first command so that it displays correct address. For example, if your Dropbox folder is located in the D:\Dropbox directory, the command should look like this: icacls "D:\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /T
    • The remaining commands will remain the same regardless of the location of the Dropbox folder.
    • Depending on the size of your Dropbox folder, this procedure may take certain time. Wait until the prompt appears again command line C:\ after each command is executed. icacls "%HOMEPATH%\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /T icacls "%APPDATA%\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /T
  6. Click Start, select All programs.
  7. Select Dropbox.
  1. Click on the Dropbox icon in the menu bar.
  2. Click on the gear icon and select Sign out of Dropbox.
  3. Launch Terminal (See /Programs/Utilities/Terminal).
  4. Copy and paste the following commands one at a time into the Terminal. Press the Enter button after each command.
    • When you enter the first command, you will be asked to provide the password for this computer (not the Dropbox password). Please note that when you enter a password, the corresponding terminal field is left blank. After entering your password, press enter key.
    • Please note: We assume you haven't moved your Dropbox folder. If you changed the location of the Dropbox folder, change all references to ~/Dropbox in the commands to the full path to the Dropbox folder in quotes. For example, if you moved your Dropbox folder to /Volumes/OtherPlace/Dropbox, you would need to replace ~/Dropbox in the commands below with "/Volumes/OtherPlace/Dropbox".
    • When you see the Terminal prompt again, it means that the current command is completed and you can move on to the next one. If certain commands return an error or do not complete within an hour, try restarting your computer and running them again. sudo chflags -R nouchg ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox ~/.dropbox-master sudo chown "$USER" "$HOME" sudo chown -R "$USER" ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox sudo chmod -RN ~/. dropbox ~/Dropbox chmod -R u+rw ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox
  5. Restart the Dropbox program by double-clicking the Dropbox icon in the folder Programs.
  1. Click right key mouse on the Dropbox icon in the menu bar and select Go out.
  2. Open Terminal and paste the following commands there:
    • Please note: we assume you haven't moved your Dropbox folder. If you changed the location of the Dropbox folder, change all references to ~/Dropbox in the commands to the full path to the Dropbox folder in quotes. For example, if you moved the Dropbox folder to the /Volumes/AnotherLocation/Dropbox directory, you need to replace ~/Dropbox in the commands below with "https://www..
    • When you see the Terminal prompt again, it means that the current command is completed and you can move on to the next one. If certain commands return an error or do not complete within an hour, try restarting your computer and running them again. sudo chown "$USER" "$HOME" sudo chown -R "$USER" ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox sudo chattr -R -i ~/Dropbox sudo chmod -R u+rw ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox
  3. Restart Dropbox from the menu Internet In chapter Applications.

Both when downloading free and when purchasing paid content V App store Store users Apple devices encounter the error “There is a problem with payment for a previous purchase.” It may also be accompanied by a recommendation to update your payment method. What to do in this situation and how to remove it, we will understand further.

The situation is quite clear; it occurs when the user tries to purchase paid application or a subscription in a store, but payment was never made. As a result of this, the user received the “product”, because The App Store allows you to pay for your purchase on your next order. But the next time you try to download even free software from the Apple store, the system notifies you of an error because you have unpaid bills. Therefore, the reasons that payment previous purchase did not materialize, maybe two:

  1. There are not enough funds on your bank card balance. This happens to anyone who has several cards and is not aware of the exact amount that is on their balance. The card owner could simply forget that the day before he had made purchases of gifts for his loved ones for the last holiday and the funds on the card were much less than he expected.
  2. The payment failed due to the expiration of the card's service life. This can be easily checked at back side cards. Each card is equipped with this data, they are located below the card number.

We determine the purchase with which there was a problem with payment

To fix the problem “There is a problem with payment for a previous purchase,” you need to determine what you bought last time by reviewing your purchase history. For this you can use iTunes application installed on your computer.

  1. Open the program and click on the “Account” item in the menu.
  2. Click Sign In and enter your Apple ID credentials.
  3. Next, click on the “Account” menu item and select “View”.
  4. Open the "Purchase History" item and click "See All".
  5. In the next window, you can view the programs that you have downloaded from the App Store for the entire time you have been using your Apple device.

How to view app download history on iPhone

You can view the history via iPhone or iPad, for this:

Update payment information on your Apple device

We fix the problem “There is a problem with payment for a previous purchase” with by bank card. If your card has expired, go to the bank and change it for a new one; some banks will require you to write an application to update the card. Receipt procedure new card usually takes no more than two weeks. The funds that were available old map will remain on your account. Top up your card for further purchases. And make payment on the debt in Apple store. Now you need to update your ID information. Before you do this, make sure:

  • That your personal data matches the data of the bank you use for payment.
  • The account from which the payment is made is not blocked and is solvent.
  • To change the payment method for purchases in the App Store and iTunes, you must pay all outstanding purchases, after which you can change the card.

Open yours iPhone device or iPad:

How to prevent purchases on iTunes

If you don't want to get into similar situation in the future, prevent random purchases or unintentional extensions paid subscriptions using a special restriction. For this:

To completely refuse to make further purchases at Apple services– delete all payment data from the device and the problem with paying for previous purchases will be solved once and for all.