Enable the mms function on iPhone 6. Contact the operator’s support service and find out more. Enabling MMS for MTS

MMS messages have long given way to instant messengers and social network clients - sending a photo through them is much more convenient and cheaper. And when you still have to resort to the good old method for some reason, it turns out that it doesn’t work - the MMS is simply not configured. For those who have encountered this problem, we will tell you how to enable MMS on iPhone 6s.

iPhone 6s MMS Settings

First you will need to activate MMS in the settings. To do this, go to the “Messages” section and find the item “ MMS messages" It must be activated.

You also need to activate cellular data. To do this, in the settings, find the item “Cellular” and check that the slider opposite “Cellular data” is moved to the right.

Each operator has its own MMS settings. They may have already been entered automatically when you first inserted the SIM card into your iPhone 6s. If for some reason this does not happen, the data will need to be entered manually in the “ cellular" Find out the settings in technical support or on the official website.

After you have entered the data, you need to restart your smartphone - only then will the changes take effect. Send a test MMS message to one of your contacts or to toll free number your operator.

Possible problems with MMS on iPhone 6s

You seemed to understand how to enable MMS on iPhone 6s and did everything according to the instructions, but MMS messages are still not sent? Let's try to solve the problem.

  • First of all, you should try removing the SIM card and inserting it again. Perhaps the problem will resolve itself after this.
  • You may not have the latest version of iOS installed. Perhaps the problem is related to some errors on Apple’s part, and they solved them in the latest version of the OS.
  • MMS worked, but stopped after updating the firmware - then turn off the smartphone, let it sit for 15-20 seconds and turn it on again. You may need to re-enter your settings.
  • Sometimes MMS are not friendly with LTE. Go to “Settings” - “Cellular” - “Voice and Data”, switch to 3G. After sending MMS, you can turn 4G back on.

  • If you are sending an MMS to an iPhone user, the media file will persistently be sent via iMessage. If you don't need it, disable the service in the settings.

If none of this helps set up MMS on iPhone 6s, contact your operator. Most likely, there was some mistake on his part.



Questions about how to set up mms on iphone and are quite relevant, given the fact that many owners of such a device have difficulty understanding such settings. Setting up MMS on an iPhone largely depends on its model, as well as on the cellular operator used by a particular subscriber. That's why it doesn't exist single instructions for all users, however you might consider specific operator as an example. We can start, perhaps, with the fact that in order to use the MMS function (receiving and sending melodies, pictures, video files, etc.), the subscriber will have to order the settings and activate them.

Instructions for setting up MMS on iPhone for Megafon subscribers

The Megafon operator offers several numbers where you can order settings for your phone. One of them is short number 5049, to which the user sends an SMS message with the text 3 (MMS activation). In addition, you can also specify the number 1 or 2 - in case Internet and WAP settings are needed. We should not forget about the customer support number 0500, which you can call completely free of charge.

The operator will need to know specific model devices. You can also obtain the necessary settings at any convenient time through the official Megafon website by going to the appropriate section and filling out the request form there. After receiving the MMS settings, you will need to save them.

So, how to set up MMS on iPhone? To do this, in the Home menu select “Settings” → “General” → “Network” → “ Cellular network data transmission".

After this, you will need to register the settings of your operator (they can be viewed on the official website). The maximum MMS size and MMS UA Prof URL should not be specified. After completing this operation, it is recommended to restart the iPhone, and then add the SIM card number to the phone settings.

To do this, go to “Settings” → “Phone” → “My number” and enter the number. For Russia, the number will start with 8, not +7. After making all the settings, the device is rebooted again.

Setting up MMS on iPhone for other operators

In Beeline, to order settings, they use the USSD request *118*2#, which will also allow you to receive Internet connection settings. The phone model and brand are determined automatically by the operator. To save data, enter the password 1234 (default). But you need to know, because all these manipulations cannot be done with the device turned off.

Ordering MMS settings for MTS subscribers is possible through the official website (“Help and maintenance” → “MMS settings”). In the window that appears, enter your phone number in 7-digit format. The GPRS/EDGE service must first be activated, since without it receiving messages is impossible. This service is activated via USSD request *111*18#.

Despite the existence huge amount messengers and social networks, many people still exchange photos and videos using the good old MMS option. And this is not surprising, because with the enormous popularity of social networks, not everyone has an account on them. Exchanging content between instant messengers is also not always convenient, because this procedure requires that both the sender and the recipient have the same program.

With MMS everything is different; by sending a multimedia message using this option, you can be sure that the “letter” will find the recipient, regardless of the software installed on his smartphone. So, of course, everyone should know how to activate and configure this service. In this article we will tell you how to enable the MMS option on iPhone example 6.

Let us note right away that the following guides apply to setting up MMS on iPhone any models: as more later versions- iPhone 6S, 7; and early ones - 5, 5S, etc. However, depending on iOS versions, used on board the i-device, the menu items to which the instructions will refer may be slightlydiffer.

To activate the ability to send content via iPhone using MMS services, you need to enable the corresponding option and configure it.

To enable the function, follow the following simple instructions:

Ready! The option is enabled, but now it still needs to be configured correctly. However, there is nothing complicated here either. You can choose one of three paths:

  • go to your operator’s office and ask an employee to make the necessary settings - this service completely free
  • call the operator's support service and ask them to send automatic settings, V in this case All you need to do is save the sent configuration and reboot your smartphone
  • perform the setup manually. This option is perfect for those who do not like to call support, listen to answering machines and wait on the line, and for some reason a visit to the office is not convenient.

How to configure MMS manually? Follow these instructions:

We provide you with the settings of the most popular operators:

How to send MMS?

So, the option is activated, the settings are set, all that remains is to send a message. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this operation, but without seeing the menu item of the same name in the iPhone, many users get lost.

Yes, and it's true special menu there is no way to exchange multimedia content on the iPhone; all messages, both text and multimedia, are sent via native application"Messages". So, to send MMS from iPhone:

What to do if MMS is not sent?

Even though the MMS option is as old as the world, it is still not considered stable enough, so problems when sending are quite common. If the MMS didn’t go through the first time, try sending it again first, but if you’ve already tried 5 times and nothing works, then the problem is something incorrect settings. Let's diagnose the “fault” together:

Step 1 - Check the activity of the “Cellular Data” slider

Important! This slider should always be enabled when sending MMS, otherwise it can be disabled.

Step 2 - Switch to 3G mode

Unfortunately, sending MMS in 4G mode (aka LTE) is impossible, so you will always have to switch the mode while sending/receiving a multimedia message!

Step 3 - Enter your phone number in the “Settings” menu

Please note that the number format is correct - +7(ХХХ)ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ!

Step 4 - Contact the operator’s support service and clarify:

  • Have the MMS settings changed - those that we indicated in the table? this moment relevant, but, of course, in the future for one reason or another they may change
  • Is the MMS option active on your number? On most tariffs, it is, of course, enabled by default, but you still need to check at this point
  • Are there any restrictions on the weight of files for MMS exchange; some operators do not allow you to send content larger than 1 MB

Step 5 - Disable iMessage

Step 6 - Perform update, reboot, remove SIM

If all of the above steps did not help, and the MMS stubbornly refuses to be sent, try rebooting your smartphone, removing and inserting the SIM back, and updating to the latest version of iOS.

Step 7 - Reset settings

Has the situation stabilized? Then - as a last resort - you need to reset the network settings. However, do not be alarmed, it does not threaten any data loss. To reset:

That's all - you just have to wait until the system resets and reboots itself, after which you will need to re-register the MMS settings. We recommend doing this manually, so often the iPhone for some reason does not want to correctly accept the automatic configuration.

Step 8 - Call support

Have you followed all the instructions we described, but your iPhone gives an error when sending MMS? Then there is only one piece of advice left - contact the operator’s office directly for help.

Let's summarize

So, now you know how to send MMS both on the iPhone 6 and on other Apple smartphone models, and you also understand how to behave if this option"jumbles." However, we hope that in your case everything will work flawlessly! In the same situation, if you couldn’t set up MMS, and even the operator didn’t help, don’t despair, because today there are so many alternatives for sharing content! If not social networks and instant messengers, then email, proven over the years!

One of the main functions of a telephone is communication. Its fullest extent is achieved when it is possible to send messages with a picture or even a video. The operator of any cellular network provides for sending messages with images. It is precisely about setting them up that we will discuss a little further in the text.

Prevent everyone from using the phone at once necessary functions Maybe incorrect setting operator networks. Of course, you can make calls, but there may be problems with the Internet or MMS, just like with SMS.

Direct setup. How to enable MMS function on iPhone 6

  • in the “Settings” menu, select the message item and check whether the “MMS messages” item is active;
  • go back to the settings again and select “Cellular Communications” and activate the “Cellular Data” option;
  • you need to make sure your Internet connection is working. Turn off Wi-Fi and go to any website using traffic mobile operator;
  • restart the phone;
  • take out and reinsert the SIM card.

After this, the picture transfer function should be activated and you can start communicating and exchanging images.

How to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6 if it does not help?

It also happens that the above does not give any result. In this case, you need to reset the network settings. This will lead to a complete reset of configurations telephone set in relation to the cellular preset and will allow you to repeat and correctly carry out all the manipulations.

To reset you need to follow this plan:

  • basic settings;
  • reset;
  • “reset network settings”;
  • we wait for the end of the procedure;
  • reboot the phone;
  • take out and reinsert the SIM card.

It’s rare, but it still happens that even a reset doesn’t help solve the problem. In this case, the problem most likely lies in the operator settings. You will have to call support and request a check to see if your device can be used with their transmission system multimedia messages. They will pick you up within a few minutes optimal settings and will send a preset configuration of MMS messages, if available. This will be the last resort how to enable MMS function on iPhone 6. After which you will need easy activation sent to SMS message parameter. Installation will take less than a minute. The operator will advise you to restart the phone and check if this helps. Usually after this there are no more problems. Everything works perfectly and without failures. I would like to think that this article was useful to you. Communicate using all the advantages of your operator and enjoy the process.

MMS for many users mobile communications are an important component of comfortable communication and work. You can send photos, videos, and audio files using multimedia messages. However, to use this feature, you must make the settings correctly. So, how to enable and configure MMS on iPhone? We'll talk about this later.

MMS setup process

This article will discuss the general setup of MMS on iPhone. In this case, for each individual operator, settings are made that differ from each other. You can find them on the official websites of mobile operators.

Below is an example of basic MMS settings on an iPhone:

  • you need to go to “Home” and select the “Settings” menu;
  • after that you need to click “Basic”;
  • then you need to go to the “Network” section;
  • After this, you need to enable the “Cellular data network” option.

At the final stage, your operator’s settings for MMS are made. Subscribers can find out the settings for their operator on their official websites of cellular companies.

Additional settings

After setting up a profile for MMS, experts advise that you be sure to reboot the gadget. Then you will need to indicate the shipment number or enter the number:

  • you need to enable “Settings”;
  • go to the “Phone” section;
  • at the next stage you need to select “My number”.

After this, you will need to enter the number of the SIM card you are using. For numbers registered in Russia, all numbers start with +7.

When the subscriber deposits necessary settings, you will need to restart your smartphone again. Otherwise, you will not be able to enable the function and the subscriber will not be able to receive or send MMS. Only after the next reboot will you be able to fully use multimedia messages.

It should be noted that when the subscriber sends each message, a camera icon should be displayed to the left of the text entry field. If there is none even after the next reboot, you will need to enter all the settings again from the beginning. The phone will automatically detect the type of message being sent. And if there is no photo in it, then it will be sent as a standard SMS message, and if a file is added, then it will be marked as multimedia.

Sending MMS

To add, for example, a photo to a message, the subscriber must click on the camera icon. When sending a file, the subscriber is asked to “Select existing ones” or the second option is “Take a new picture.” The user just needs to select the appropriate option, for example, he can take a new photo. After this, a new window opens, or rather the camera window. After the shooting process has been completed and the result is satisfactory to the user, just click the “Use” button.

You can also include any text in MMS and click the “Send” button. After this, the download period will disappear. If the message was not sent, an icon with exclamation point. By clicking on it, the subscriber will receive information indicating the reason for the impossibility of sending the message.

Apple is a leader in sales, but even its devices have problems. One of the most common is that MMS cannot be sent from iPhone. The reason here can be either a lack of settings or a software failure.

What opportunities does the MMS function provide:

  • Send images, videos and text messages.
  • Transferring audio files.

There are several ways to send MMS from iPhone:

  • Through the gallery.
  • Using a special application.
  • Transfer directly from the camera.

To send MMC from an iPhone, owners of this gadget usually use the gallery. This is the simplest and convenient option, which requires just a few steps:

  1. Go to the folder and select the desired photo.
  2. Click on the icon located at the bottom left side and select “Message”.
  3. Enter the recipient's number and confirm the operation.

The image or other file will be delivered within a few minutes: it all depends on the cellular operator and the recipient’s phone model.

For sending MMS with iPhone, the parameters specified by the cellular operator are used. When deciding to reset the settings, you need to consider that this operation is a last resort, and after it all photos, videos and other files important to the user will be deleted, so it is recommended to copy them to another device in advance.

How to reset:

  1. Go to the settings menu, then click on “Basic”.
  2. Click on the reset button and wait a few minutes, after entering the security password.

After the manipulations described above, you need to re-enter the data parameters in order to send MMS on iPhone:

Checking the activity of the “Cellular Data” slider

Sometimes MMS cannot be sent to iPhone due to the data transfer function being deactivated. To check and fix this, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to settings, select the “Cellular network” section.
  2. Move the slider to the right.

Active data transfer is as important as correct settings MMS, so you should pay attention to the state of the slider - it should always be highlighted green.

Switch to 3G mode

To set up MMS and use more fast internet, it is worth activating the function of sending data in 3G mode. The method is available for iPhone users 5S and above. How it's done:

  1. Go to iPhone settings.
  2. Select the appropriate data transfer mode and press the confirm button.

Important! You won't be able to send MMS when using LTE technology, so you'll have to switch modes all the time.

Enter your phone number in the “Settings” menu

Before contacting the operator's support service, you should check whether the number for sending messages is indicated:

  1. Go to settings, click on “Phone”.
  2. Select “My number”. Current contact information should be indicated here. If they are not there, enter the numbers.

Enable iMessage

The iMessage service from iPhone allows you to exchange instant messages, including graphic ones. The function is supported by smartphones starting from model 4, 5, 5S, 6S and higher.

How to enable iMessage:

  1. Let's start with standard menu parameters, go to “Messages”.
  2. At the top of the screen, find and turn on iMessage by moving the slider to the right.
  3. We exchange photos and audio files.

To check activity, you need to go to the standard Messages application and click on send a photo.

We contact the operator’s support service and clarify

If your device does not allow you to send graphic files, you need to contact support and clarify a few important details:

  • Have you changed MMS settings?
  • Is this option available according to the tariff plan?
  • Does the operator have restrictions on the volume of messages? Some companies limit the size to 1 MB.

We perform an update, reboot, remove SIM

When the above steps do not resolve the issue, it is recommended to upgrade to current version iOS, remove the SIM card and insert it back, or perform a “Hard Reset”.


Owners of iPhone 6 and other models, regardless of the telecom operator, cannot use the option of sending MMS via various reasons, but you can easily fix them yourself. Having solved the problem, you just need to pick up your smartphone, take a photo, select the recipient and press the confirm button to enjoy comfortable communication and instant messages.


Many owners mobile phones encounter difficulties in the process of setting up various options, for example, difficulties often arise with MMS connection, especially if we're talking about about iPhone device 6. In fact, setting MMS settings on MTS for Iphone 6 is no more difficult than for any other device. If in automatic mode This process failed, you can try to connect to the service manually.

Manual setup of MMS on MTS for Iphone 6

To install and configure MMS function on the device for mobile operator MTS, you need to go to the “Settings” section. IN this section There is a “basic” item, select it, and then follow the “Network” link. While in the “Network” section, you need to select “Cellular Data Network”, after which a form will appear that you need to fill out correctly and enter all the necessary data:

  • APN – MMS;
  • username – MMS;
  • password – MMS;
  • MMSC – http://mmsc:8002;
  • MMS proxy –

After making the above settings, you must reboot your device for the connections to be activated. Next, you need to enter the subscriber’s phone number into the settings, go to the “Settings” menu, select the “Phone” item and enter in the “My number” line own number phone. After this, you need to reboot the device again.

Having completed the above MMS settings on MTS for Iphone 6s, a person will be able to freely send and receive multimedia messages according to the tariff plan.

To check whether the service is activated or not, you need to open the message sending form; there should be a camera icon in the lower left corner. If such an icon does not appear, you must reboot the device again. And if this does not help, you need to double-check that all the settings have been made correctly. There are cases when people are unable to connect on their own MMS service , but this is not a reason to refuse the opportunity to exchange multimedia files

with other subscribers. By contacting a contact center specialist, a person can receive all the information he is interested in. Moreover, now you can use automatic settings, which are sent as an SMS message from the operator. Simply save these settings and the MMS service will be activated. You can receive automatic MMS settings on MTS by sending an SMS to number 1234 or calling 0876. If these methods did not help to activate the MMS service, then it would be advisable to contact service center

, where experienced specialists will perform all necessary operations. On recent generations phones from Apple The IMessage service is available, allowing you to send messages and media files to other users. But this function has its drawbacks, since it can only be used IPhone owners , and for it to work you need stable connection to the Internet. Therefore, many people prefer to use the old and proven method - communicating via SMS and MMS. It is easy to enable and configure the MMS function using the device menu; you can send a message using standard application

on iPhone.
After you bought and inserted a SIM card into your phone, having previously selected and paid for the appropriate tariff, you can start
send SMS and MMS to any numbers. The advantage of this function is that you can use it wherever you have cell phone reception. communication, and this is a much larger area than where there is access to the Internet. Second
positive side
is that you can send a photo, video or just a message to any subscriber, regardless
on the model and brand of his phone. The only negative, but for some it may be a plus, is the use of SMM and MMS
When texting and sending media files, carefully monitor how much money was withdrawn from you and how much is left
on account. The cost of one SMM and MMS will be indicated in tariff plan, which can be found in personal account
on the official website of your operator.

How to enable, configure and send MMS to
iPhone 4, 5, 6 (s): instructions for MTS, TELE2, Megafon

After you
Selected the tariff for the SIM card and inserted it into the phone, you need to activate the function of using MMS through the settings

  • Open the Settings application. Open settings
  • Go to the “Cellular Communications” section. Go to the “Cellular Communications” section
  • Make sure that the “Cellular Data” option is activated. Enable the Cellular Data feature
  • Back to general settings and go to the “Messages” section. Go to the “Messages” section
  • In the SMM/MMS subsection, move the slider opposite “MMS messages” so that it turns green
    color. Turn on the slider opposite
    "MMS messages"
  • Just in case, you need to check whether the operator information is entered correctly. Return to general list settings and
    go to the "Basic" section.
  • Go to the Network section. Go to the “Network” section
  • Click on the “Cellular Data Network” button. Go to the “Cellular Data Network” section
  • We enter data that depends on which operator’s SIM card you use. Fields " Maximum size
    MMS", "MMS UA Prof URL" are left blank in any case. Entering data
  • Now go to the main menu and open the “SMS/MMS” application. Launch the SMS/MMS application
  • Enter the required data and message. If you click on the camera icon and attach any media file,
    The message is automatically converted to MMS. Enter the message, number and attach the file
  • Click the "Submit" button. Click the “Send” button
  • You can view received MMS and SMS in the same SMS/MMS application.
  • IN latest versions IPhone has an analogue regular messages- IMessage. Its difference is that SMM and MMS
    are sent only when there is an Internet connection. Appearance differs in that standard sent
    messages appear in green, and messages sent via IMessage appear in blue.
    You can view received messages at
    SMS/MMS application
  • Video tutorial: how to set up MMS on

    Why not on iPhone?
    MMS is sent: let's understand the reasons

    If you do not send or do not
    messages arrive, and you are sure that there is money on your SIM card, follow these steps:

  • Check if your cellular service and MMS messages are turned on. Checking if cellular data is turned on
  • Check if your phone has cellular reception. The strength of the signal is indicated by the number of black dots in the left
    top corner screen. In the left
    black dots in the upper corner
  • Reboot your phone. The process responsible for cellular operations will restart and will most likely begin
    perform all required tasks.
    Reboot the device by pressing Home button and Power
  • Remove and reinsert the SIM card.
    Removing and reinserting the SIM card
  • Resetting network settings

    If none of the previous
    methods did not help, then you should reset the network settings. This will also erase saved Wi-Fi networks, passwords to
    him and VPN settings and APN.

  • Open the Settings app. Open settings
  • Go to the "Basic" section. Go to the “Basic” section
  • Go to the Reset section. Go to the “Reset” section
  • Click the "Reset network settings" button and confirm the action. Click the "Reset Network Settings" button
  • Support

    In the event that after
    fulfill all previous actions the problem has not been solved, there is only one thing left - contact support, but for
    First you need to find out which one. Remove the SIM card and try using it in another device. If she's there too
    gives an error or does not perform any assigned tasks, then go to the official website of your operator. On
    home page you will see a button “Help Desk”, “Ask a question” or “Problems when using a SIM card”.
    Click on it and fill out the required fields, detailing and clearly describing the situation that happened and the methods that were not
    helped her

    Click the “Support” button to contact support

    If the SIM card works in another phone, then the problem lies in the IPhone. IN
    In this case, you should contact official support Apple (https://support.apple.com/ru-ru).

  • Once on the website, click the “Contact Support” button.
    Click the “Contact Support Services” button
  • In the “Contact Us” block, click the “Help” button.
    Click the “Help” button
  • Select the device on which your SIM card does not work.
    Select the desired device
  • Go to the "Cellular and Wi-Fi" section.
    Select the “Cellular and Wi-Fi” section
  • Next, select the case that is closest to you and follow the instructions on the website.
    We choose the most suitable type Problems
  • In modern IPhone models there is an IMessage service that allows you to exchange messages and media files between owners Apple technology. But if for some reason you don’t want to use it, you can turn on cellular communications and MMS through your phone settings and start using them. If you encounter any problems when sending or receiving SMS or MMS, check the signal level, reboot the device and reinsert the SIM card. If this does not help, you will have to reset your cellular settings. If the reset does not help, contact the support service of your mobile operator or Apple, depending on the cause of the problem.

    For those who are interested in how to enable MMS on iPhone 6, you first need to activate the function in the message settings section. Next, check and adjust the network data. Sometimes resetting the parameters and restoring factory settings helps resolve the error.

    If there is a failure when sending a multimedia message, the question arises of how to enable MMS on iPhone 6 or another device. First you need to make sure that the function is supported by the operating system. Then all that remains is to adjust the network data.

    Why problems arise

    Problems with sending multimedia messages occur for various reasons. Most often, the network data on the device is entered incorrectly or is missing. How to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6 in this case? You will need to reset the parameters and enter the correct data through the device menu.

    Problems may arise due to lack of internet connection. To check network availability, you need to turn off Wi-Fi and try to go to any website.

    Certain difficulties in how to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6 are caused by the system interface, although it is simplified to the limit. The list does not contain the usual “Create MMS” link. To find out where to enable the option, you should better familiarize yourself with the features of working with the device.

    Several ways to connect to the service

    Before you enable the MMS function on iPhone 6, you need to check that the settings are correct. Proceed according to the following algorithm.

    1. From the main screen, click on the “Settings” icon, go to “Messages”. Find “MMS messages” in the list and check if the option is enabled.
    2. In the same menu, go to the “General” section, where you need to enable "Cellular Data". This option must also be active.
    3. At this stage it is worth checking your Internet connection. Turn off Wi-Fi and access any website. If the function works, the problem is not a lack of network access.
    4. If after all these steps multimedia messages are not sent, remove the SIM card from the device, then insert it back.
    5. In some cases, rebooting the device helps to correct the situation.

    If, after all attempts to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6, sending still does not occur, it is worth adjusting the network data.

    How to check if network data is correct

    To check whether the parameters have been entered correctly, you need to open the MMS service in the system.

    1. From the main screen go to “Settings”, then to “General” and "Cellular Data".
    2. Next, click on "Cellular data" and look at the section menu. Select the item.
    3. Scroll down the list and find where to enable MMS.

    When registering on the network for the first time, the device automatically finds an operator and enters parameters. If this does not happen, the fields in this field will be empty. It happens that even if the data is entered, the function of sending and receiving multimedia messages does not work. In both cases, you need to fill out these fields and enter the correct data.

    You can receive the parameters via SMS. To do this, you need to contact the operator at service phone and leave a request. The data can be found directly on the operator’s website.

    How to return to factory settings

    If the multimedia messaging function is active, all that remains is to reset the network data. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.

    1. Go to “Settings” from the main menu.
    2. Go to the “Basic” tab.
    3. From the list, sequentially select the items “Reset”, "Reset network settings".
    4. Reboot the device.
    5. To complete the reset, turn off the iPhone, remove the SIM card, install it back and turn on the device.

    Important: You will have to wait some time before completing the reset operation described in the third paragraph. The process should not be interrupted.

    After completing all these steps, you can try sending a multimedia message. If, after all attempts to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6, a failure occurs, you should contact your operator. To do this you should call service number and listen to the instructions from the autoinformer.

    When talking with a consultant, you need to describe your problem and ask to activate the service.

    Instructions for the new iPhone

    The question of how to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6 also arises after purchasing a new device. When registering a device, in most cases the subscriber receives a service notification with parameters for accessing the Internet and sending multimedia messages. It should be preserved.

    There are times when automatic settings cannot be applied. How to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6 in this situation? You can try entering the parameters yourself. They are located on the official website of the mobile operator.

    For example, for MTS subscribers there is a “Help” section on www.mts.ru. In the list that opens on the left side of the page you can find where to enable your operating system, and click on this link.

    In the center of the page there is a list of MTS parameters that should be entered, and a short instruction on where to enable the device functions.

    You need to go from the main screen to “Settings”, then the “Cellular” subsection, item "Cellular data network".

    The list of parameters that allows you to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6 with the MTS operator looks like this:

    • access point (APN) – mms.mts.ru;
    • name – mts;
    • password – mts;
    • proxy (in one line) –

    To finish connecting the service, send an MMS text to 8890.