Install a language changer icon on your desktop. Restoring the Windows XP language bar. Using Registry Settings

What to do when the Windows 7 language bar disappears, how to restore it and prevent it from disappearing again? Let's figure this out and also consider what it is.

Not all users switch the language on the computer using hot keys. Ctrl keys or Alt + Shift . Many people need a language bar for this. And to see what language is currently selected for entering text is extremely necessary for working with text documents and during correspondence. This element is usually displayed on the taskbar, although it can also be floating (placed on the desktop). If it is on a desktop, then the language bar must be minimized by clicking on the button of the same name in the lower right. After that she will take her place.

You can return the language bar in Windows 7, which is not on the desktop, in the following ways:

  • through the corresponding element of the “Control Panel”;
  • using the editor system registry;
  • adding a link to the file responsible for the function in autorun;
  • through command line.

How can you restore the language bar in Seven without resorting to tricks like launching the command line? We perform the algorithm below.

  1. First of all, open the “Control Panel” through “Start”, “Explorer” or in another way.

  1. In the panel, click on the “Regional and Language” icon if the elements are displayed as icons.

Another option to get to desired window will execute the command “intl.cpl” in the interpreter Win commands+ R or the Start search bar.

  1. Switch to the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab.

This window is also opened by the command “control intl.cpl,2”.

  1. Click on the “Change keyboard...” button.

  1. At the bottom of the window called " Installed Services“We make sure that the system has at least two languages ​​(Russian and English, for example).

As you can see, this is the problem, and to solve it we need to add another language. Next steps This should also be done for those who don’t have it on their taskbar. desired language. If everything is in order here, move on to step 9, which shows how to restore the language bar in Windows 7.

  1. Click on the “Add” button.

  1. We find the desired section, expand it and then click on the “Keyboard” element.

  1. Check the box for the language to be added and close the window with changes to the system.

  1. Click on the name of the second tab.

  1. Here you need to put a switch next to the satisfying option:
  • “Places in any location on the desktop” – allows you to display a floating window on the desktop or pin it;
  • “Pinned to the taskbar” – the corresponding icon will return to the taskbar near the clock;
  • Hidden – most likely this option is activated, which is why the element is not displayed.
  1. Click “OK” to save the new settings.

In the “General” tab (section “Default input language”) you can set the language that will be used to enter text in the system as the standard one.

The “Keyboard Switching” tab allows you to configure combinations of buttons that change the keyboard layout, as well as set their combination to select a specific language.

If necessary, the element can be placed anywhere on the taskbar, including between the Start button and shortcuts, and pinned there. If after restarting the computer language bar again it’s not in its usual place, which means the source of the problem lies in a different plane.

Registry Editor

You can enable the display of the language bar, which for some reason has disappeared, by direct editing the registry key responsible for displaying it.

  1. Open the registry editor by running the “regedit” command in the search bar or the command interpreter Win + R.

  1. Expand the branch with global configuration parameters and go to the “Software” section.

  1. Go to the address: “Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion”. Here you need to find the “CTFMon” key or make sure it is missing.

Most likely it is not there - we are correcting the situation.

  1. Using the context menu, call the “Create” command and select the parameter type as “String”.

  1. We replace its name with “CTFMon”, although it does not matter what it will be, the main thing is the meaning.
  1. Via the element's context menu or double click Click on it to open the editing dialog.

  1. Enter the value as “%windir%\system32\ctfmon.exe” and click “OK”.

After the reboot, we check the effectiveness of the work done.

For a beginner, to return this interface element to its place, you can perform the above algorithm without the registry editor.

  1. Go to the directory “%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”.

  1. Using the context menu of a free window area, call the command to create a shortcut.

  1. Click “Browse” and set the storage path for the ctfmon.exe file – usually this is “C:\Windows\system32\ctfmon.exe”, but in order to avoid a situation where system volume is not the C:\ drive, enter “%windir%\system32\ctfmon.exe” and click “Next”.

  1. Enter any name for the shortcut and click “Done”.

As a result, we will have a shortcut to launch after the operating system starts the program responsible for alternative ways input and language bar, in particular.

Command line or interpreter

The easiest way to perform the procedure is through command or search bar"Start" or command interpreter(let's look at his example, because it's the fastest).

  1. Press Win + R and enter the following line REG ADD HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v CTFMon /t REG_SZ /d %windir%\system32\ctfmon.exe /f then press Enter or click “OK”

This will create a string parameter “CTFMon” with the value of the path to the ctfmon.exe file in the registry section specified after the “ADD” command. If this entry exists, it will be overwritten without prompting. In general, everything is the same as what was done through the registry editor, only much faster.

Video on how to restore the language bar

The video shows how to quickly return the language bar to Windows 7 using the first method.

Hello, friends! If you have lost your keyboard layout on Windows 7 (for the same problem in Windows XP), then this article will be useful to you.

  • If you have already followed the path: Control Panel - Settings - Language and Regional Standards. And there are checkboxes, but the keyboard layout has not appeared.
  • If you tried to rollback using a restore point.
  • If you have already created a REG file and added it to the registry.

And all this did not bring desired results? Then there are a couple of options:

The Windows 7 keyboard layout has disappeared: solutions

  1. Search for the missing language bar. It will be more difficult, but quite possible.

In Windows 7, the ctfmon.exe application is responsible for the language bar. It is associated with the Task Scheduler service, in which Startup type select “Automatic”. Otherwise it will not start on its own.

Check the setting in this way:

1) Start – Computer Management

2) Services and applications – Services – Task Scheduler.

3) Open “Task Scheduler” and go to the “Properties” tab. Here check if automatic start is set.

Another way to solve the problem if “the keyboard layout has disappeared on Windows 7”

Follow this route:

1) Start – Control Panel – Small Icons – Regional and Language Options – Languages ​​and Keyboards tab – Change keyboard.

2) The “Languages ​​and services” setting will open text input" Open the General tab.

In the window that opens, you should see two layout options: English and Russian. This indicates the presence of the Language panel. If there is only one, then click “Add” and select the missing one from the list.

3) In the “Language Bar” tab, check the “Pinned to Taskbar” checkbox and check the “Display text labels on the language bar” checkbox.

These are the main points for setting up the Language panel.

If they did not work, and the question remains open, then you need to resort to creating a REG file.

It contains information on changes in the registry (change the launch of the ctfmon.exe application, which is responsible for the operation of the language bar).

To create a REG file:

  1. Create an ordinary text file and copy the following text into it.
  2. Save the file with the extension .reg

We run our file, changes are made to the registry, then we reboot.

That's all! I think now you know why the layout disappeared windows keyboards 7 and already know how to solve this problem. I hope I helped you and you like this article to help other people. I also invite you to read an article about this or why. If you have any questions about this article, write in the comments, I will be glad to help. I wish you all good health!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

It's no secret that the creators of operating rooms Windows systems even with the constant release of new versions and periodically installed updates, they were still unable to solve one of global problems, due to the fact that the language icon disappears on the panel. No one knows for sure what this is connected with. Perhaps this is due to viruses or system errors, which is much more common. Let's see how we can correct this situation using the system's means, without resorting to third-party toolkits, which, by the way, in most cases do not eliminate the problem, since the system may have prohibitions on changing the configuration.

Why does the language icon disappear on the panel?

Not to mention system failures, one of the reasons many experts say is that the language bar itself in the system tray was not pinned. In this case, the user could accidentally hide it, delete it, or move it to another area of ​​the screen. First, look, maybe, indeed, the panel is located somewhere in the corner, hiding behind work area screen?

On the other hand, if the language icon has disappeared from the panel, this may indicate violations in the system registry (for example, accidental change or deletion of the corresponding key due to careless intervention). But the reason for the constant disappearance of the language icon has not yet been clarified. However, several solutions can be proposed that will allow it to be restored.

The language icon has disappeared from the panel: how can I get it back through the Control Panel settings?

The simplest and universal solution is to use the corresponding section of the “Control Panel”. If the language icon in the XP version of the system disappears from the taskbar, the language and regional standards section is used. In systems of a higher rank - the section for clock, language and region.

As an example, consider a situation where the icon in Windows 7 disappeared (the language, panel are inactive, switching is not available). After entering the above section, on the language and keyboard tab, you must use the keyboard change button, and in the next window, activate the pin bar of the corresponding element in the “Taskbar”. It is also advisable to check the box next to the item for showing language labels and uncheck the box for setting the transparency of the panel in an inactive state. If this does not help, turn off the panel and turn it on again.

In some cases, if the language icon disappears from the “Taskbar” and after that, running the ctfmon command in the “Run” console helps. By the way, it is this element in startup that is responsible for displaying the language bar and its settings. Check startup (in Windows 7 this is msconfig command by going to the corresponding tab in the configuration, in Windows 10 - “Task Manager”). If the service is disabled, enable it. As additional action We can advise you to add it yourself to the autostart section of the system.

Restoring the Task Scheduler

Few ordinary users know that almost all programs and system components in the form of services, they work according to a special schedule set in the “Task Scheduler”, and a failure in the operation of this service causes disruptions in the functioning of the OS itself.

You can check the operation of the “Scheduler” in the corresponding services section (services.msc), where you need to find the component you are looking for and make sure that it is enabled (working) and the startup type is set to automatic.

Next, call the “Scheduler” itself and check the MsCtfMonitor component. If such a component is missing, you can download the EXE file from the Microsoft website and import its settings into the TextServicesFramework section, and then make sure that the component is in an active state.

If the language service component itself is missing, you need to download the ctfmon.exe file and place it in the System32 directory, and then perform a full system restart.

Using Registry Settings

In the case when the language icon disappears from the “Taskbar”, and load additional components If you don’t want to or can’t, you can use the registry editor (regedit).

In it, you need to go down the HKLM branch through the SOFTWARE section and find the Run directory there, as shown in the image above. On the right side of the editor you need to create a string parameter and name it ctfmon.

Then, via RMB or double-click, you should enter editing and set its value as the full path to the executable file ctfmon.exe. Upon completion of all actions in mandatory A computer restart is required.

Surprisingly, there is another solution to eliminate this problem. Judging by user reviews on the Internet, it almost always works (with rare exceptions).

It consists of entering the corresponding section of the “Control Panel” and changing the first default language from Russian to English. In this case, when the system starts, it will be displayed in the system tray. If this does not bother you, you can use this option. Actually, there is nothing wrong with this.


That's all for restoring the language icon in the system tray. It is quite difficult to say unequivocally which solution is best to use, because the global reason for the manifestation of such system behavior is unknown. However, we can advise you to immediately go to the system registry, since some standard methods can give only a short-term effect (mostly this concerns the corresponding settings in the “Control Panel”).

Finally, if the disappearance of the icon was due to the influence of viruses (and this also happens), the system needs to be checked in some way portable scanner, including in-depth analysis. Even better is to use programs that have their own boot loader (for example, Kaspersky Rescue Disk) to boot from removable media and scan your computer for viruses before Windows boot. It is utilities of this type that are capable of finding deep-seated threats both on the hard drive and even in random access memory. Again, to check, you should include in the scan not only HDD and logical partitions, and boot areas with hidden objects. Perhaps, if this was really the reason, you will get the desired result (maybe yourself executable file ctfmon has been infected or even damaged due to virus codes).

While working at a computer, the user, when trying to switch the language layout, may find that it is completely absent. This problem occurs quite often, and there are several options for fixing it.

Initially, you should check whether the language layout is activated in the taskbar. Right-click on the taskbar and look for the “Panels” item at the very top. In the submenu that opens, check the “Language panel” checkbox. If it is missing, the layout will not be displayed. If there is already a confirmation next to it, then we try to uncheck the box and check it again. It's unlikely that previous method will be able to fix this problem, so immediately after it you should use the regional settings. Open the Start menu and find Control Panel. A window will open showing all the control panel elements. You need to find the item “Language and regional…”.

After confirmation, a small window will appear. At the very top we find the “Languages ​​and keyboards” tab and in the “Keyboards and other input languages” block click on “Change keyboard...”.

Select the “General” tab and check the status of the layout. It must contain two languages. By default these are Russian and English. Of course, in addition to them, other languages ​​may be active. But two layouts must be enabled, otherwise the language layout may not appear in the taskbar.

If the second layout is missing, then click the “Add” button, find the desired language and add it by clicking the “Ok” button.

Now we switch to the “Language Panel” tab and in the block under the same name, select the “Locked in panel...” option. At the very bottom, opposite the item “Display text…”, put a confirmation in the form of a checkmark.

If the previous method did not bring any results, then check the registry. Using the Win+R command, launch the registry editor and type the command “regedit”. After starting the registry, you must manually find the CTFMon parameter located in the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run” directory. To do this, on the left side of the registry window we step by step find required folders, getting to the last name. If the CTFMon parameter is in the registry, check its value, which should be: “C:\Windows\system32\ctfmon.exe”. If it is missing, you will have to create this parameter yourself. To do this, click right click mouse in the registry, select “Create” and find “Stock parameter” in the submenu that appears.

Sometimes, when we need to switch the keyboard layout, we find that the panel with the language switch is not there.

Let's bring this icon back.

For Windows 7.

We try to right-click on the taskbar at the bottom and in the Panels item find the Language bar.

the panel appeared - then everything is ok.

In this version everything is much simpler. The developers have finally simplified the process of returning the socket to its place. Click the “Start” button and select “Control Panel”. We are looking for the item “Change keyboard layout...”

In the next window, in the “Languages ​​and keyboards” tab, click the “change keyboard” button

In the next window, on the “Language Bar” tab, we see several options for the location of the language bar. Select “Pinned to taskbar” and click OK.

That's it, the socket is in place.

If after the above manipulations nothing appears, try first removing the icon (using the method described above) and then restoring it again.

If this does not help, try starting the socket manually. To do this, go to the Start-Run or Start-Search menu (or combination WIN-R) run the ctfmon command

If the socket appears, add a shortcut to call startup.

To do this, launch the registry editor by executing in the Start line - Search regedit command.

After launching Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

And there create a string parameter (Edit-create-String parameter), which we will call CTFmon.

Then, right-click on it, select “Edit” and enter the value “C:\Windows\System32\ctfmon.exe” there.

Save, close the editor and try to reboot.

For Windows XP:

Let's try the simplest way. Right click on empty space bottom panel (on which the Start button). Select Panels - Language panel.

If the panel hangs in place, great. If the panel appears, but somewhere at the top, scroll the page a little lower and you will find how to put it in place.

If there is no such item, the panel has not appeared - read on.

We go to the control panel and find the very last item Regional and Language Options.

On the “Languages” tab, click the “More details” button

In the next window, click the “Language Bar” button.

If the "Language Bar" button is inactive.

Go to the “Advanced” tab and uncheck the “Turn off additional text services” option and be sure to click Apply.

After this, we return to the “Parameters” tab and see active button"Language bar". Let's press it.

And in the window that appears, check the box “Display language bar...”

Click OK a couple of times and look for the panel that appears with the language switch. It usually flies up to the right. On the right top corner we find her. And press the tiny dash button.

The socket returns to its rightful place.