System recovery administrator password. “Global login problems” or “How to remove a password from a computer

Good day, dear readers, Denis Trishkin is in touch again.

In the latest versions of operating systems from Microsoft, for security purposes, it is possible to set a password to enter the work area. If this tool is no longer relevant, you can disable it. I will tell you how to remove the password in Windows 7 in several ways. After all, constantly entering secret characters sooner or later gets boring. This is especially irrelevant when only one person is working at the computer.

Many users store information on their computer that only they should have access to. If only one person uses the device, this is not a problem. But in the case when another may approach him, certain difficulties may arise.

Windows provides a special tool that restricts access to data by setting a personal key. For example, parents often use this tool to prevent their children from seeing content they are not supposed to see. In addition, this way you can protect yourself from changing your personal settings.

Disable password( )

There are several ways to turn off key entry. Each of them assumes that you are the owner of the account that needs to be updated. The first means that the password is known and the user has administrator rights.

It allows you to quickly deal with this problem:

That's all. Now, when the system starts, you will not be prompted to enter a secret key.

Important! However, if you change your account or go to the lock screen, you will still need to enter your password.

You can remove the annoying function using the standard menu “ User Accounts" True, in this way it will not be a shutdown, but a complete deletion. Despite this, Password will not be asked under any circumstances, even after resuming from sleep mode.

To disable the protection tool, do the following:

That's it, now the system will not ask “stupid questions” regarding security in this area.
Here you can also create a secret combination of symbols.

Interesting to know! When installing a key, experts recommend entering large and small letters in different languages ​​and also adding numbers. The length must be at least six characters. Only in this option can at least some security be guaranteed.

Resetting the network key( )

Probably all computer users know what a network is. It is a connection between two or more devices that allows the exchange of information. The younger generation is familiar with this concept, as games can be played together through this method.

But what should you do if, after connecting the machines, a window appears to enter the network password? Moreover, if it does not exist, confirming an empty string will not lead to the desired result.

The fact is that Windows 7 provides new security tools, and therefore several conditions must be met to log in:

    Use classic settings on all devices.

If all this is done, then you will not need to enter secret characters.

Resetting the administrator password( )

Sometimes situations happen when, under some circumstances, you simply forgot the password with which you can get to your desktop, and generally gain access to personal data. This often happens when a user constantly works on multiple devices. And if the passwords on them are not written down anywhere, then it is quite possible to confuse them.

There are several solutions. The first thing you can do is spend some time on selection. Alternatively, simply remove the system from your computer and install a new one. But in this case, the data that was on the system disk will be lost. And it’s not a fact that they can be restored, although methods exist.

But there is a safer way - a bypass, which I want to talk about. To do this, you will need an installation disk or USB flash drive with Windows. It is important to note that the operating system must be exactly the same. For example, if the Ultimate version is installed, then the same is true on a portable device.

So, if everything is found and prepared, you can proceed:

After the work has been done, a command line will appear while the OS is loading. Here we can change the password. To do this, enter in the line “ net user user password" We confirm the action. Example command: " net user admin 1111».

In this way we changed the password for the user " admin" on " 1111 " Now, in the window provided, we enter our treasured numbers and wait for the download.

Password reset via SAM file( )

There are many ways to bypass the login security system. Despite this, they all only change the information that is stored in the SAM file. It contains all the necessary data related to User-Password links.

It is worth noting that this file does not have a special extension. The fact is that it is a registry component. It can be found in the folder " Windows\system32\config", which is located on the system disk.

It is also important to note that this method is considered one of the most difficult. Nevertheless, I consider it necessary to tell it to you. To work we need a special program. At the same time, each step must be performed with extreme caution, because this can radically change the entire process.

We will use Active password changer. In addition, we will need a clean flash drive.

So, to remove the password prompt, you need to:

If everything goes as it should, no problems should arise in the future, since only the components we need change in the system area.

The only downside is that some relatively older motherboards may not support starting with portable memory. In this case, you can use a plastic disk.

Well, as you can see, there are several different ways to remove or change your account password. At the same time, they are absolutely simple, you don’t even need to watch the video. By strictly following the instructions, everyone will be able to gain access to the necessary information.

I hope everyone here will find an option that will help them cope with the problem. Subscribe and tell your friends about me!

How many times have you forgotten your passwords for a coded door at a friend’s entrance, your e-mail or an account on some VKontakte? But if in this case recovery services could help you, then in the event you forget your password from your computer, only specialists will help you... If your hands are “growing from the right place,” then you can try to do something yourself. The easiest way out of this situation is to reset the Windows 7 administrator password.


There are several ways to solve this problem. Today we will talk about resetting the administrator password, which can be done with direct access to the computer, so these tips will not be useful to you for hacking someone else’s PC or server.

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Using the created software.
  3. Using the operating system distribution.

Any of these options is equally good and bad at the same time. Some of them are larger and better suited for laptops, while others are ideal for a desktop computer. In addition, passwords are different, so if you protected your computer with a password using BIOS, even now it is not completely safe and there are ways to overcome this protection of a stationary personal computer. However, this method will not help you in the case of a laptop, because simply disassembling and putting it back together in working order is a very difficult task, not to mention making any changes.


To immediately dot all the i's, it is worth saying that resetting the Windows 7 administrator password through the BIOS is not possible. Some concepts should be separated. You will not be able to reset the passwords on the user account by any operations in the BIOS, but if you have completely denied access to the computer using the I/O system and have forgotten the password, then here are a couple of tips for you.

It should be immediately noted that these methods are quite dangerous for your computer and work with 100% reliability only on stationary PCs. Yes, and these tricks can only be done with direct access to the system unit.

So, a quick reset of the Windows 7 administrator password is carried out as follows. Unscrew the cover of the PC system unit, having first disconnected it from the power supply, and find a coin-cell battery on the motherboard. You should remove it for a few seconds and then put it back in place. This way, you will reset all temporary BIOS settings on your computer, including the password.

Second method

Also, resetting the Windows 7 administrator password set in the BIOS can be done a little differently. You will need the instructions from your motherboard. In the diagram you need to find a special jumper, with which you can reset the BIOS settings. The jumper looks like a pair of exposed contacts. In order to reset the password, you will have to change the jumper on the jumper and turn on the computer. It will not start, but all settings will be set to default. Remove the jumper and turn on the PC again. When you first boot, you will be thrown into the BIOS control panel. Don't touch anything, just press the exit button and save your existing settings.

With disk

It is worth noting that if you have set a password for the user, then simply removing the battery is not enough. If you still have the operating system distribution, then you can use the following couple of tricks to reset the Windows 7 local administrator password.

So, first, remember the process of installing your OS. If you did it yourself, then at some point you should have been asked if you wanted to set a password for the “admin panel”. This entry is usually inactive and hidden from prying eyes, and users work on an account with extended rights. If you lose your account password, the administrator can always delete it himself. But what kind of “administrator” can we talk about on a home computer? Therefore, you have to use the system administrator user account, which is installed on the system by default.

To launch it, do the following. Insert the installation disk and on the first welcome screen press the combination “Shift+F10”. This will allow us to bring up the command line. Next, we need to launch the registry editor with the “regedit” command. After this, we perform the following manipulations in the editor.

  1. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and click "File" - "Load hive".
  2. Find the SAM file in the Windows folder - Swstem32 - config.
  3. In the new branch that appears, go to the folder 000001F4. It is located in SAM - Domains - Account - Users. The "F" parameter needs to be changed.
  4. Double click on it. We are interested in line 0038. In it we need to change the number located in the very first column. "11" -> "10".
  5. We exit and save.
  6. Select the root folder of our branch and click the “File” menu button, then “Unload hive”.

After all the manipulations have been completed, you can restart the computer. Now you can log into your administrator account and reset your Windows 7 administrator password manually using operating system tools.

Another variant

There are still ways to log into a password-protected account. The fact is that you can reset the Windows 7 administrator password directly from the console running as an administrator. Now you will be offered a rather complicated method, but one that allows you to leave a small loophole for the future.

Perhaps you have come across a program that is responsible for sticky keys? When you press "Shift" or "Alt" many times in a row, you will receive a message asking you to turn off sticky. The fact is that this function also works in the user selection menu when we just turned on the computer. So if we replace it with something useful, we could benefit from it. For example, calling the command line.

To do this, repeat the steps in the previous paragraph and enter the operating system installation menu. Launch the command line. By default, your operating system should be installed on volume "C:\". If not, just replace it with the desired letter. After launching the line, enter a sequence of commands.

  1. "Copy C:\windows\system32\sethc.exe C:\" - a copy of the file with the code that reacts to sticking is created.
  2. "Copy C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe C:\windows\system32\sethc.exe" - copy the contents of the file that launches the command line to the sticky file.

After entering the last command, you must restart your personal computer (laptop). In the user selection menu, when you are asked to enter a password, we activate the sticky function by quickly pressing a few keys. The command line will open, and enter the command “net user UserName NewPassword”. As you might guess, instead of UserName you need to specify your user name, and instead of the second parameter, a new password. After this, you will be able to log into your account on your personal computer. If you want to return everything to its place, you can turn on the command line from Windows and enter “copy C:\sethc.exe C:\windows\system32\sethc.exe”.

But how to reset the Windows 7 administrator password without a disk?


If the operating system distribution kit is missing, it is always possible to reset the password using a special utility. You will need a program to reset the Windows 7 administrator password. For example, Offline NT Password and Registry Editor. We write it to a disk or flash drive and restart the computer, choosing to boot from external media. Resetting the Windows 7 administrator password from a flash drive is quite easy to learn if you can read and know English. So let's begin.

  1. After launch, a table with hard drives will appear in front of you. Enter the number of the one on which the OS is installed.
  2. Determine the path to the SAM accounts file. "C:/Windows/System32/config".
  3. Enter "1" twice in a row.
  4. We select the user we need in the table. The administrator password reset program only works with Latin, so if the name is not displayed correctly, you can enter its RID in the format 0xRID.
  5. Once again enter "1".
  6. The following is a sequence of commands: exit, save changes, do not continue.
  7. Reboot the computer by pressing "control-alt-divide".

The Windows 7 administrator password reset program did its job. You can enter your "domain" on the computer.


Finally, it should be noted that any changes that you make to your computer when trying to reset the Windows 7 administrator password, you do at your own discretion, and all responsibility falls on your shoulders. After them, most likely, no service will accept your computer under warranty. especially after opening the cover of the system unit. After all, it is very difficult to prove that you did something with the operating system, but the opened “seals” on the system unit will look very eloquent. This means you will have to pay specialists a round sum for quite simple actions. When following these instructions, be extremely careful, and if something is not clear, it is better to clarify or look for additional information.

Bottom line

We hope this article helped you with your problem, no matter which method you used, be it a remote battery or a super-sophisticated utility from an unknown manufacturer. The main problem you may encounter is data security. Unfortunately, some information may well be lost during this process. Therefore, try to get it from friends or download a version of the operating system on LiveCD. Then you can simply save all the data that is important to you.

In this article, we did not consider the simplest but longest method - a complete reinstallation of the system. Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations in which it becomes completely impossible to access your computer, and reinstalling Windows becomes the only possible option.

Many personal computer users have encountered the problem of being unable to log into the system due to the fact that they forgot the previously set password. Or a child set his password without your participation, and now, when you urgently need a computer, you are powerless in front of a soulless machine, you still won’t be able to persuade it. There is no need to run for a sledgehammer to further express your emotions. There are several ways to remove a password from a computer.

Let's start with a mechanical way to fix the problem. It will be required if it was protected with a password. However, if you still managed to run for a sledgehammer, then put it down and don’t touch it again, all you need is a screwdriver.

To reset your computer's general password, you need to reset the BIOS settings. To do this, when the power of the system unit is turned off, remove the protective cover from it and find a battery on the motherboard that has the shape of a large tablet.

It is responsible for saving the information contained in the BIOS. Using a screwdriver, carefully pry up this battery and remove it from the socket. Wait 20-30 minutes and insert it back. Turn on the computer, and as soon as the boot starts, go directly to the BIOS (different motherboards have different keys, mainly Delete or F2 before the system starts booting) and press the F10 key to save the settings.

An easier way to remove a password from a computer is to log in as an administrator. It only works in Windows XP and in newer operating systems this loophole has been closed.

This method is based on the fact that a regular user does not set a password when installing Windows, which is the administrator password. To perform this procedure, you need to press and hold the F8 key as soon as the operating system starts loading. A black screen will appear with several options for further action.

You need to use the arrows on your keyboard to select “Safe Mode”, then press “Enter”. Next you will be taken to the menu for selecting an installed user.

Please note that in addition to one or more users who were always present during boot, the “Administrator” user appeared.

This is the icon you need to click to get into the system. Then, through the control panel, go to the menu where user accounts are listed. Here you can create a new account with computer administrator rights. A further reboot of the system will allow you to log in to the newly created account.

In Windows XP, there is another method for removing the password from your computer. After downloading, you need to wait for a window to appear in which you will be asked to log in with your user name and password. After you press CTRL+ALT+DELx2 times simultaneously, in this case a window will appear with a form for the administrator to fill out, enter a name and password. Enter administrator in the top cell and leave the second empty. Once your computer has fully booted, you should change or simply delete the password for an account that is inaccessible to you. Use the “start” menu, log into the control panel and select the tab there indicating user accounts. Find the account that currently has the password and delete it. Reboot your computer, and you will be able to log into Windows without any incidents.

But the omission with passwords was changed in Windows 7, where logging into an account without a password using the previously discussed methods is not possible. But there must be a solution to the problem of how to remove the password from a computer with Windows 7 installed. Of course, there is, but only if there is a recovery disk. You will need to launch it from under the BIOS, select the operating system and then go to the “system recovery” tab.

In the settings of the “recovery” window, we gain access to control from the command line, then enter “regedit” and press Enter.

Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, select it, and in the “File” tab, click “Load Hive.” Next, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\888\Setup subsection and double-click CmdLine, the key field of which will need to be edited. In this parameter field you will need to enter cmd.exe and save. For the SetupType key, enter designation 2 and save all changes for partition 888. Now in the “File” tab, select “Unload Hive,” remove the disk and restart the computer. After the system boots again, enter the new net user login and password.
So it turns out that there is no perfectly protected operating system. There will still be people who can bypass any obstacles. But still, you better never forget your passwords!
I would like to note that the above methods are not always effective, but in 95% of cases they are applicable. If it happens that you cannot reset your password using these recommendations, then describe your problem in the comments and I will help you deal with the problem. Learn more about

I already wrote about how to reset a password in Windows 7, but then I talked about programs specifically designed for this matter. This time I will tell you how to reset a password in Windows without using programs, that is, manually, if I may say so, then using Windows tools.

If you don’t know how to reset your password without special programs, then I recommend reading the post and adopting this method! Suddenly the password will be forgotten and the flash drive with the required program will not be at hand. This will not be a very pleasant situation...

How is the password reset?

Most likely, the word “reset” is not entirely appropriate here; it would be correct to say “Replaced”... If, for example, you had a password “12345” and forgot it, then this password can be replaced, for example, with “111” and calmly log in into the system. The whole thing will take no more than 15 minutes of your time!

As I already took the liberty of saying above, the problem can be solved “Using Windows itself.” No programs are needed, therefore, to work you will need a bootable USB flash drive with Windows or disk.

What is the point of resetting a password?

Windows has a feature called Sticky Keys specifically for those users who find it difficult to hold down several keys at the same time.

The file “sethc.exe” is responsible for this; it is located in the “System32” directory. It would seem, what does sticky keys and password reset in Windows have to do with it? The thing is that the file “sethc.exe” is replaced by “cmd.exe” and after the replacement, the command line can be launched by pressing “Shift” 5 times.

Thus, the command line can be launched at the moment of login, and already in “cmd” you can change the user’s password.

In addition to changing the password, you can create another user and assign him administrator rights. You can run any utilities and do whatever you want without logging into the system itself.

The command line is launched from the “System” system; this happens because more than one user is not authorized.

From here the logical conclusion is that your rights are not limited! And this error can be safely considered a vulnerability in the Windows operating system. But for a home PC it’s not at all scary (In this case, on the contrary, it’s useful).

How to reset Windows 7 administrator password.

Boot from a bootable USB flash drive with Windows and then go to “System Restore”

You need to remember the drive letter; this information will be needed when working on the command line. In my case, this is the letter “D:\”.

Now you can launch the command line with the keyboard shortcut “Shift + F10” or click next in the “System Recovery Options” window and launch it from there.

After starting the console, it would be a good idea to make a backup copy of the “sethc.exe” file. To do this you need to run the command.


copy D:\Windows\System32\sethc.exe D:\

copy D:\Windows\System32\sethc. exe D:\

We remember that the system is located in the “D:\” section and therefore indicate the letter “D” accordingly

Use the following command to replace the “sethc.exe” file with the command line file “cmd.exe”


copy D:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe D:\Windows\System32\sethc.exe

copy D:\Windows\System32\cmd. exe D:\Windows\System32\sethc. exe

If you need to confirm actions, enter the letter “Y”

After this, you can restart your computer. As soon as the screen appears where you need to enter the user password, press the “Shift” key 5 times, behind the “Sticky Keys” window, the command line will appear.

Question from a user


My son sat on my laptop and “played” a little... As it turned out, he set a password for Windows (I have Windows 10 home installed). Now I can’t turn on the laptop, and he forgot the password...

Help, I can't log in at all. Now you have to contact the service?


A common occurrence, many people often simply forget their password. To solve this issue, you will need a flash drive. (enough even for 1 GB) and a work computer to burn a Live CD to it (perhaps you have another laptop, or use the computer of your neighbors, acquaintances, relatives).

Actually, in this article I will analyze in detail and step by step all the steps to reset your password when logging into Windows. In principle, if you are not familiar with a PC for the first time, then you can handle everything yourself, without contacting a service center. So...

How to reset even the administrator password in Windows 7/8/10

1) Tool selection

There are a lot of ways to eliminate password protection in Windows. There are options using an installation flash drive with Windows via file replacement (but in many new builds this no longer works), there are various tricky registry editors (but again, in this case you need to have a good understanding and be in the know), and there are universal tools in the form of Live CD (I recommend one of them below).

This is about Lazesoft Recover My Password

Benefits of the utility:

  1. it allows you to reset your password in all popular versions of Windows: 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits);
  2. supports NTFS, FAT32, FAT file systems;
  3. supports hard drives (IDE, SCSI, SATA, 1394, USB, SAS, RAID Drivers);
  4. supports GPT disks;
  5. supports UEFI and BIOS;
  6. it can be written to CD/DVD/USB-flash/USB-HDD and other media;
  7. the program weighs only ~30 MB, so it can be downloaded even with a slow or limited Internet connection;
  8. and the main thing: when working with it, you will never need to work with the command line, understand the code, or do anything else complicated - the program is designed for novice users!

2) Creating a bootable emergency flash drive

I omit downloading and installing the utility (they are standard and everyone can figure them out...).

After launching the utility, click on the "Burn Bootable CD/USB Disk" button.


I note that, having chosen the “Windows 10 64 bits” option, I calmly used the flash drive to delete passwords in Windows 7/8 (i.e., the flash drive, in fact, turns out to be universal). However, I admit that this may not work with some OS versions...

We select the OS for which we will reset the password (Important! For me, a similar emergency flash drive works on all versions of the OS, regardless of what I chose here...).

After 3-5 minutes. The flash drive will be ready (pay attention to the message, if everything is OK, you will see “The recovery disc is now ready” as in the screenshot below). Now you need to connect the flash drive to the computer where you forgot your Windows password, and boot from it

. To do this, you need to use either the Boot Menu, or go to the BIOS settings (UEFI) and change the boot priority. Remark!

These topics are quite broad, and if you have no idea what we’re even talking about, then I recommend that you read these articles (there, in accessible language, I tried to explain how and what to do). -

How to enter BIOS (UEFI) on a computer or laptop -

How to configure the BIOS to boot from a flash drive or disk (CD/DVD/USB)

Most often, the F2 and DEL buttons are used to enter the BIOS (UEFI) (it is best to press several times and immediately after turning on the computer). In BIOS (UEFI) you need to open the Boot Menu. Often the boot section is simply called "Boot". In the boot menu you must specify the drive from which you want to boot

(look at the name; flash drives usually have something like “Kingston...”, “Transcend...”, etc.).

4) Reset the password itself directly

If such a window does not appear (or you accidentally closed it), click on START/Lazesoft Recovery My Password (as in the photo below).

If suddenly there was no auto-run window...

Next, you need to specify your Windows OS. In general, if you have one Windows OS installed, the program will automatically select it (if you have several OSes on the disk, then you need to manually specify the required one).

In the next step you should see the users who are registered in the selected Windows. You need to select the account for which you want to remove the password.

By the way, the utility also shows which account is an administrator.

Last step: you need to click on the "Reset|Unlock" button.

Reset/Unlock - press the button

If the operation is completed successfully, you will see a small window with the message “The Password reset successfully”. An example is presented below.

Then restart your computer/laptop and try logging into your account.

Almost certainly, if you did everything similar to the tips above, you will easily log into your account, because Password protection has been disabled/unlocked.

In general, this method is quite simple, universal and accessible for novice users.

If the password was from a Windows account

For some users, the password issue is not related to their local account in Windows, but to their Microsoft account ( note: when installing Windows 10, you are prompted to immediately create your account on the Internet).

To restore access to it, you must first open the official Microsoft website - (this can be done from any tablet, computer, laptop - not necessarily from the one on which you forgot the password).

After which you will need to indicate your e-mail and enter the verification code from the picture. After some time, you should receive instructions on how to restore access to your account by email.

That's all, good luck everyone!