How to remove a password on Windows 10. We remove the password prompt by directly editing registry entries. How to remove password when waking up Windows XP

Want to boot into your Windows 10 desktop quickly without skipping the sign-in screen? Do you want to skip entering your account password every time you boot the operating system (OS) when you turn on your laptop or system unit? This can be arranged! You can disable the password prompt at login and configure Windows 10 to automatically boot to the desktop or start screen without entering a code.

What is the advantage of this? When logging into the software environment without a password, the account does not require you to enter it. Also, now you don’t need to remember the code and type it on the keyboard, spending a few seconds when loading. This way, Windows 10 will load the desktop faster, albeit only by a couple of seconds. What is the disadvantage of this approach? Information on your computer will now be easier to access without requiring a password.

The process of setting up an automatic login to Windows 10 is similar to the same steps in previous versions - Windows 7 and 8. Since both of the approaches below apply to both the local user and the Microsoft account user, you can use the same instructions.

We have already written about the disadvantage of disabling the password, and therefore we advise you to do this only if you are the only user of the computer. If your relatives use the PC, then you should not remove the password.

So, to enable automatic login to Windows 10 without a password, use one of the methods below. So, here's how to remove the password prompt when signing in to Windows 10.

Method No. 1 for automatic login without password

This is the easiest way to remove the Windows 10 prompt from the login screen.

On the Start icon, right-click and select Run. The same window can be called up by simultaneously pressing the Windows Start icon key and the R key. In the dialog box that appears, you need to enter Netplwiz. Then press the key to enter the Enter command.

(picture 1)
Now a window with “Accounts” will appear on the screen. Uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox. To confirm the action, click the “Apply” button. The “Automatic login” window will then open.

(picture 2)
In this dialog, you need to enter the current password and below it again and click on the “Ok” button.

(picture 3)
Make sure the bird in the window is gone. To see the changes in action, right-click (right-click) on the “Start” icon and select “Shut down or Exit” - “Exit” or “Reboot” with the left mouse button (lm).

(picture 4)

Method No. 2 to disable the login password in the Windows 10 registry

The Windows registry does not change much from version to version, unlike the external graphical shell. So this method achieves the same result.

To use it, open the registry editor. To do this, you need to get to the “Run” window, as described above. Press “Win” + “R” and enter Regedit, press the “Ok” key.

(picture 5)
In the editor that opens, proceed to the following subsection:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

(picture 6)
On the right side of the editor, in alphabetical order, there is the DefaultUserName parameter. To the right of it is the name of your account. By clicking (LMB) on it twice, you can see it in the “Value” field.

(picture 7)
Click “cancel” and returning to the main Registry Editor window, look for the DefaultPassword parameter on the right side of the window. This entry may not exist. If so, then create it by right-clicking on the empty space. Next, click the “Create” button, selecting “String Value”. Rename it to DefaultPassword. Double-click (LMB) on the created entry and enter the password in the “Value” field. Click on the OK button.

(picture 8)
Now you need to change the login to automatic. To do this, change the AutoAdminLogon entry. In the “Value” field, enter “1” instead of “0”.

(picture 9)
That's all! Restart your PC and check that your Windows 10 now opens the desktop without asking for a password. To avoid disabling anything unnecessary in Windows 10, it is better to use the first method.


Video "Login to Windows 10 without a password automatically"

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Want to quickly boot Windows 10 faster by skipping the login screen? Don't want to enter your account password every time you turn on your computer? There is a solution - you can set Windows 10 to automatically log in without entering a password!

The main benefit of setting Windows 10 to log in without a password is that you won't have to remember your password, which also means that your system boot time will be reduced by a few seconds.

The procedure for setting up automatic sign-in in Windows 10 is very similar to the same procedure in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

The methods below work for both a local account and a Microsoft account. In other words, whether you use a Microsoft account or a local user account, you can use this guide to enable automatic sign-in in both cases.

Warning: Enable automatic login only if you are the only user of your computer. If someone else can use the computer besides you, then they can log into your account without knowing the password.

Use one of the methods below to enable automatic sign-in in Windows 10.

Automatic login without password

This is the easiest way to automatically log into Windows 10 without entering a password.

Step 1: Open a window Execute by simultaneously pressing the Windows and R keys (Windows + R). In the Run dialog box, enter Netplwiz and press Enter.

Step 2: In the window that opens user accounts first select your user account and then uncheck the option Require username and password. Click Apply, after which the window will be displayed.

Step 3: In the window Automatic login enter your password and then re-enter it to confirm.

Click to finish OK.

If for some reason you were unable to configure Windows 10 to log you in automatically by following the method above, then use this method.

Step 1: Open Registry Editor. To open it, enter Regedit in the search bar of the start menu or in the window Execute(Windows key + R) and press Enter. After this a window will open Account Control, select in it Yes.

Step 2: In Registry Editor, find the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Step 3: On the right side, find the entry called DefaultUserName and double left click on it to make sure your Microsoft account or local account appears in the box Meaning.

Step 4: Then again on the right side, find the entry with the name DefaultPassword. if the entry does not exist, create it by right-clicking on Winlogon and selecting the item Create, and further String parameter. Rename it to DefaultPassword and enter your password in the field Meaning. Click OK.

OS login password - reliable protection of data on your hard drive from being viewed by strangers. But if computer equipment is at the disposal of only its owner, then restricting access is unnecessary. In order to remove the password when logging into Windows 10, you will need to erase the code word previously written there in the settings of the created entry. But often they remember about removing restrictions when they cannot log into the OS and the user table parameters are unavailable. In this case, they use tricks.

Cancel password entry for a user account

Cancellation is carried out using a special panel. It is called by the WIN+R keys. In the “Open” field, copy the phrase “control userpasswords2” or “netplwiz” (without changing, paste). Confirm the operation by clicking “Ok”. Then do the following:
Only an administrator and a user with public access can remove the entry of a passphrase. If the record is of a different type or the PC is part of a domain, the checkbox will not be available.

Cancel password entry when resuming from sleep mode

Restrictions on entering the OS will also be triggered when the PC or laptop exits sleep mode. The recording key must be specified when waking up the equipment each time, which is not entirely convenient. When you want to leave limited access to enter the OS when you turn on the equipment, but remove it during operation, proceed as follows: If entering a code word is still necessary, you can configure the sleep mode itself. Standard settings are 5 minutes when there are no operations in the system. This period can easily be increased to tens of minutes and even several hours. Then you will have to enter the password less often. You can set up sleep mode by right-clicking on a free area of ​​the screen, then selecting “Display Settings”. Here go to “Power and sleep mode”. Select the required time.

Using the Registry - For Advanced Users

If the previous methods failed to achieve the desired result, then to remove the password when logging into Windows 10, all that remains is to use the Registry Editor. Press the keys simultaneously on the keyboard WIN+R. In line " Open» register "regedit" Further:

Important! It is not recommended for novice users to make changes to any registry blocks. Errors can cause the system to crash.

Disabling the request through the "Power Options" section on awakening

In the Control Panel menu there is a “Power Options” item. You need to enter it, select in the marked scheme “ Settings …" In the new window, follow the link for additional settings. Here in the central block of the window, expand the item “ Balanced" and in the section " Require password..." choose " No" To restart a computer.

Account settings

If the password is not forgotten or lost, you can simply cancel it. Login to the user's OS is controlled by the recording settings. By changing them, it is easy to remove the password. You need to do the following:

This is the easiest and safest way for beginners to remove the password previously assigned to log in to the system. But the method will work if the code word used in the recording is not forgotten by the user. In this case, you will have to resort to one of the methods described above. Users who have not previously changed system settings should not use password removal through the registry. He's not safe. You should resort to the control panel and registry only in cases where the standard method is not suitable. When making changes to the system settings, you need to double-check the recorded data. This will save you from mistakes.

Do you want to remove the login window for entering your username and password? If you are sure that nothing threatens the security of your computer, you can disable the password entry window and configure Windows 10 to automatically boot to the desktop or start screen. The only advantage of not having to enter your login password is that it loads a few seconds faster and you don't have to remember your account password. So, here are a few options on how to remove the Windows 10 login password.

If you use multiple accounts on your computer, it is better not to enable passwordless login in Windows 10. Leave the password entry as default.

Way to disable password when booting windows 10 through user accounts

This will probably be the easiest way to disable the password when logging into Windows 10.

Step 1: Press the Win+R key combination to launch the command prompt window. In the input line, enter the Netplwiz command and click OK.

Launch the program launch window “Run”

Step 2: After starting Netplwiz, the User Accounts window will open. In the “Users” tab, you can configure user properties, add a new user, or delete a user. To disable the requirement to enter a username and password, you must uncheck the box (2). This option will enable login to Windows 10 without entering a password for all users. Click the "Apply" button.

Step 3: In the “Automatic login” window, you must confirm the deactivation by entering your account password twice and the “Ok” button.

Step 4: We check that there is no checkmark, which means the password was entered correctly and the function is disabled. Additionally, you can check by rebooting the system and making sure that the desktop has loaded.

Option for how to set up login to Windows 10 without a password through the registry

Try using this method only if the above did not work for some reason or if you want to use advanced methods of system management.

Step 1: First of all, launch the registry editor. To do this, press the Win+R key combination and in the Run window, enter regedit in the line.

Step 2: If you have User Account Control enabled, the system will ask you to confirm starting the Registry Editor program. We confirm and see the registry editor running. In the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and find the name in the window on the right DefaultUserName, the value of which must match your login. There should be a variable in this section DefaultPassword. If the variable name is missing, you must create it. Right-click on a free field and click “Create -> String parameter”. Enter the name of the variable and enter your password.

Step 3: Now we can create a variable that will allow us to disable the Windows 10 password request. In the same way as in the previous step, we find the variable AutoAdminLogon, double-click with the left button and in the value field change the parameter from 0 to 1.

We reboot and make sure that you can now freely boot without having to enter a password.

In this article, I will tell you how to disable the password prompt in Windows 10 at login. This will allow you to log in faster and not waste time entering your password. If another person has access to the computer, it is better not to remove the password when loading.

Disabling your password on Windows 10 won't work if you're signed in with a Microsoft account. Therefore, first, make sure that you are logged in with a local account. If this is not the case, change the account type through the settings.

Checking the account type

Open Start → Settings → Accounts → Your Data tab.

The information will include the account name, avatar and type.
If it says “Local account” - everything is OK.

If it says that a Microsoft account is connected, click the “Sign in with a local account instead” button below.

The system will ask for a valid password, enter it.

In the next step, enter your username, new password, and hint. I haven’t tested it, but previously the password field could be left blank - try it.

To save the settings at the last stage, you need to log out.

Disable password at login

Now you can start disabling the password.

Open Start → Settings → Accounts → Sign-in Options tab.

In the “Login required” option, select the “Never” option.

Open Start and type “netplwiz” in the search. Select your account and uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox. Click "Apply" and enter your password to save.

Sometimes this option is disabled, but the password is still requested. Turning the checkbox on and off again (with intermediate saving) helps.

Now, after restarting your computer or waking up from sleep mode, you will no longer have a password. If you have any problems, write in the comments.