Smart SEO system for searching keywords. Key words in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Key words what is it

For those who work with text, it is very important to find keywords in it. What is a keyword in the text? Let's figure it out.

Definition of the concept

If you correctly find keywords in the text, it will not be difficult to restore the entire text. Alexander Blok said something like this: a text is a blanket stretched across several pegs. Keywords are supporting fragments of text that carry the meaningful load of the entire statement and are arranged in a certain order.

If they are found and located correctly, then the meaning of the text will be clear and understandable.

Key words in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”

Let's take as an example the most famous text - the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Each sentence contains keywords:

  1. grandfather and grandmother;
  2. chicken Ryaba;
  3. testicle;
  4. golden
  5. not broken;
  6. mouse;
  7. it broke;
  8. crying;
  9. I'll take the simple one.

Using these supporting fragments, the entire text can be easily reconstructed.

How to find keywords

What is a keyword in the text? Usually it is the main member of the sentence, or at least one of them. If you choose a keyword from the stem, it is recommended to choose one that is related to the subsequent context. Usually, minor members are also elected as supporting members according to this principle - in connection with the following proposal.

Finding keywords using an example text

Let's turn to specific example and find the supporting words in it:

1) Conscience suddenly disappeared. 2) Just recently she flashed here and there, and suddenly disappeared. 3) The inner turmoil and some eternal restlessness of the soul, which the conscience was always stirring up and disturbing with its mere presence, subsided. 3) It became freer and somehow more free. 4) People, having escaped the yoke of conscience, breathed a sigh of relief and hastened to take advantage of the fruits of neglect. 5) They went berserk: robberies and robberies, deception and fraud began. 6) As a result, general chaos and ruin reigned.(According to M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

So we have to search keywords in the text, and we will write down parts of the sentence stems or entire stems:

1) conscience;

2) disappeared;

3) the confusion and anxiety subsided;

4) became freer;

5) people rushed to take advantage;

6) went crazy;

7) chaos and ruin.

To check the correctness of the work done, you need to try to reconstruct the text using these words. Try to do this, if you succeed, then we have completed the task successfully.

Preparation of a supporting outline

When we know what a keyword is in a text, we can use this knowledge in the composing process. Let’s take a simple descriptive text for training:

The night has thrown its blanket over the autumn forest. Silence and peace reigned in him. The trees fell silent in silence. They seem scared. Occasionally, a single leaf falls with a quiet rustle. A milky white fog lifted off the lake and floated to the edge of the forest.

And suddenly a breeze came. He patted the treetops encouragingly and dispersed the fog. And then the mischievous man rushed off towards the dawn.

Stars shine in the sky, giving the picture of the night mystery and splendor.

Here comes the dawn! The world has awakened from sleep. The forest stirred, perked up and stretched towards the sun with joy and delight.

If we are faced with the task of writing a statement, then, having written down during the first reading left side leaf ( reference summary), and when repeated - right side(vivid expressions), we can easily cope with this task.

Keywords - search engine assistants

Nowadays, the concept of “keywords” has another meaning - this is what is the content of the site and what search engines are looking for. For example, I am a seller of frying pans and I have an online store. On my page I post text in which I use this word several times. A person who wants to buy a frying pan will enter the name of this item into the search bar, and my website will come up.

In this case, you need to take into account the density of keywords in the text. If it is too long, in almost every sentence, the search engine will consider the site spammy and will not display it among the first results.

Let's spend practical lesson and try to find keywords in an article from some site, for example, in this one:

This trip changed my life! Altai is truly a fabulous place! It reveals in a person hidden possibilities, which he himself didn’t even know about! Every day of your stay here is eventful: every day brings new impressions. You come to a new place and think: here it is, the most beautiful place in Altai! And half an hour later you are at another point, which is even more beautiful, even more magnificent!

I would especially like to thank Alexander, our guide, conductor and simply a specialist with capital letters. He was able to infect us with love for Altai, and now we are like all relatives, united by one connection - attachment to this magical place. Although everyone is already far from each other, we correspond and communicate, remembering this wonderful fairy tale, whose name is Altai!

Answer: Altai

So we figured out what a keyword in the text is. Without it, it is impossible to imagine a coherent statement, as you can see.

If you have already started creating a website, then you have probably come across the term “keywords”. The term “key” in the definition itself was not chosen in vain. This perfectly conveys the importance of keywords, which, in fact, are one of the main factors influencing the ranking of a site by search engines.

Therefore, the faster you can understand keywords and understand the simple secrets of their correct use, the sooner your site will begin to attract the attention of Internet users.

What are keywords?

The definition reads: “Keywords are words (or a set of words) that describe a site's topic or text, and are used by search engines to ensure the exact match (relevance) of search results.”

In other words, it is with the help of keywords that you should describe your site, and search engines Google cars, Yandex, Bing, etc., based on such a “description,” will include your site in search results when processing user queries that match your topic. To make it easier to understand the essence of keywords, they can be compared with those used on Instagram or Twitter.

Difficult? In fact, working with keywords is quite easy and even interesting. And with our tips and tricks, you'll soon become a real keyword expert!

Why are keywords important?

Imagine that you provide custom-made kitchen furniture services. Your production facilities are located in the city of Tula, so services are limited to a certain region. You have created a very nice and modern website and, as expected, you hope that it will bring you many new customers.

Ideally, residents of Tula and the region who want to order kitchen furniture should come to your website. Thousands of “miracle masters” interested in self-production furniture, visitors from Transbaikalia and many other “irrelevant” visitors are unlikely to bring you any benefit. But how can you attract your own person to the site? target audience?

I think you can already guess... Writing keywords allows you to clearly identify your site in the eyes of search engines. Correctly selected “keys” used in the right places guarantee that the search engine will include a link to your site in all relevant queries.

How to choose keywords for my site?

Surely you have already heard the word SEO. This English abbreviation means " search engine optimization». This concept includes a wide range of techniques aimed at increasing the site’s ranking in search results. So, correct selection and the use of keywords will be the key to successful SEO optimization of your website.

Compiling a list of keywords is a fairly simple and interesting process. Returning to our furniture example, try to imagine yourself as your potential client. Make a list of queries that your potential client might ask. This will be the initial list of keywords for your site, for example:

    kitchen to order in Tula

    Furniture for kitchen

    kitchen corner Tula

The number of options is limited only by your imagination. Please note that a keyword can consist of multiple words. As a rule, 3-4 words in the query are the golden mean when preparing keys.

Ready? Congratulations, the least part of the job is done! Let's move on to a more painstaking process.

The next step is to determine how well your initial list of keywords matches actual search queries. After all, it is quite possible that your potential clients They will enter, say, “kitchen furniture” into the search bar, and the search engine, not finding such keys from you, will simply not include your site in the search results.

Fortunately, convenient services To select keywords, we offer the most common ones Google and Yandex. With their help, you can easily get real statistics of the initially compiled queries and find out how high their competition is. You can link your request to specific geographic regions, and also get various combinations“keys” for the specified set of words.

Do not be upset if you find that some key from a previously prepared list is in search bar appears only 5 times a month. Just choose other combinations of words, the statistics for which will meet your expectations.

Note: keywords that are characterized big amount average monthly requests are usually highly competitive. And this means that to get into the leaders search results By this request, it will clearly not be enough for you just internal SEO optimization and selection of keywords.

To begin with, it’s worth competing with the requests of the average and low level competition, where correct use corresponding keys on your website, you can immediately appear in the top ten search results.

Once the final list of keywords is ready, all that remains is to use them correctly, or as promotion specialists say, “execute internal optimization site."

Where should you use keywords?

There are several areas of your site where you need to place your collected keywords:

    Headings and description of the site (and each page separately)

    Subheadings H1

    Text descriptions to images

The Wix Editor makes it easy to fill out titles and descriptions for every page on your site. Don't neglect this opportunity and use keywords. This will make your site more attractive in the eyes of search engines. Here's a couple useful links: You can read more about filling out headings, we wrote about adding descriptions to images, and if you are not familiar with the term “H1 Heading”, here you go.

Remember, the secret to using keywords successfully can be summed up in one phrase.

– these are words and phrases that represent search queries. Search queries are necessary to determine the topic of page content by search engines and their participation in ranked results.

Search queries are used by millions of users " world wide web"when looking for information of interest in search engines Oh. In this article we will look at everything related to keywords and find out what they are.

Keywords play a big role in creating relevant search results. The coincidence of the keyword entered into the search bar and the keywords on the site page indicates that the information on the page matches what the user is looking for.

Webmasters must take keywords on a website page seriously. The traffic to the page separately and to the resource as a whole depends on the correct distribution of keywords on the page.

If a website page is dedicated to vacations in Montenegro, then the webmaster must use the keyword “vacation in Montenegro” a certain number of times.

In this case, it is necessary to “dilute” direct occurrences of the keyword with various word forms.

The absence of word forms can lead to oversaturation of the page with keywords, and this in turn will entail a negative attitude from search engines. It can even go as far as search engine filters and excluding the site from search results.

The number of keywords in the text must satisfy search engines and the text must be easy to read. Many people recommend using no more than 4-6% of all keywords on a page.

For example, for an article of 400 words and a keyword density of 5% optimal quantity“keys” - 20 (400 * 0.05 = 20). When calculating density, stop words must be excluded from the calculation.

In fact, search queries are one of the most important elements of website promotion in search engines. Thanks to keywords search engines find site pages. Keywords can be various types and types.

Request frequency

Keywords primarily differ in frequency:

  • high frequency;
  • mid-frequency;
  • low frequency;

Frequency in in this case shows how many times search engine users typed this query over a certain period of time. Usually the number of requests per month is taken.

High frequency queries– these are most often words without specification that intersect with the theme of the site. Examples high frequency queries: “hotels”, “SEO”, “services”. The frequency of requests is above 10,000 times per month.

Mid-frequency queries– consist of several words that are requested from 1000 to 10,000 times a month. Mid-frequency queries most often clarify high-frequency queries.

Low frequency queries– used for searches from 100 times to 1000 times a month. Such queries are used by people who are looking for something specific.

Some optimizers also highlight super low frequency queries – these are the queries that are used less than 100 times a month.

Types of requests

Based on the type of query, keywords can be divided into several groups:

  • General inquiries– designed for users who want to find general information about anything. For example: “computers”, “smartphones”, “ceilings”.
  • Information requests- designed to be found specific information. For example: “how to go abroad”, “ how to create a semantic core"etc.
  • Navigation queries– designed to find a specific site. For example: “VKontakte”, “official website of the Chelsea football club”, “Facebook” and others.
  • Transactional requests– queries that users use to execute certain action. Such requests contain the words “buy”, “download”, etc.
  • Multimedia queries– keywords are designed to search for specific multimedia content on a topic of interest. For example: “Loch Ness monster photo”, “ reinstalling Windows video" and others.

There are other types of requests:

  • Commercial– requests that are related to business and other commercial activities. Such requests are very popular and competitive.
  • Geo-dependent queries– these requests are tied to a specific region. For example: “pizza delivery in Kyiv”, “housing rental in St. Petersburg”, etc.

To work with search queries best to use Google services Trends and Yandex Wordstat. Using these systems, you can determine the frequency of requests, geo-dependence and much more.

Proper selection of keywords can significantly increase resource traffic and improve the site’s position in search engines.

Hi all! During my work as a copywriter at the Textum agency, I often come across keywords such as, for example, “buy recuperators Ukraine,” which you can “stumble over” and be completely unreadable when entered into the text.

Or the opposite - a simple key “how to grow a chestnut”, but it needs to be included in the article 4-5 times, without using the same type of sentences. Common situation? Do you also come across similar technical assignments?

Read the article and find out:

And also several useful tips for competent and organic inclusion of keywords in the article.

What are keys and how do they help “open” an article?

Keywords or keywords, keys, keywords, queries in the text are individual words or phrases that determine the topic and content of a page on the site. They are used Google search engines, Yandex to ensure exact matching of search results.

Simply put, when using keywords in a search with the request “buy books,” the user ends up on the bookstore website, and not on a page with tire fitting services.

Let's look at what keywords are in the text using an example:

  • This is how they look in the technical specifications:

  • so in the process of writing an article:

  • so on the site already in the “ready” version:

  • So “through the eyes” of search engines:

Simple Keywords

Do you think that if the keywords are “simple”, then the “take and enter” rule applies here? There is partly some truth in this. Even an inexperienced copywriter can easily cope with writing keywords such as “beautiful women's clothing" or "facial moisturizer." Indeed, requests just “beg” into sentences: “Our catalog presents beautiful women’s clothing made from natural fabrics...” etc.

But adding simple keywords without commercial implications also has its own difficulties. Let's say they are too long or there are simply a huge number of them.

To avoid chaos and a clutter of many keys in the text, do the following:

  • we group keywords in the list by types and properties;
  • for each group we write our own paragraph;
  • we combine 2-3 requests into one.

In this case, the task of keywords is to be unnoticeably present in the text, without getting out of the sentence, and to convey necessary information to site visitors.

"Life hack" No. 1 for entering keys

An interesting pattern - in texts where the exact occurrence of keys is not required by the technical specifications, it is not only possible, but also necessary to dilute the collected keywords.

What can this achieve?

  • diverse use of similar keys in the text;
  • high level of uniqueness when checking on Advego and other services;
  • excellent readability of your work, without the same set of standard phrases.

Also, when writing an article, you can combine, decline and dilute keywords - search robots they will still be “recognized.”

Commercial keywords

Keywords with commercial implications contain the words “buy”, “order”, “price” and the like. How to enter them correctly?

The main thing to remember is that the distribution of commercial and other keywords throughout the text should be uniform, i.e. if you have 3 or 20 keys, you shouldn’t write them “en masse” in the first paragraph, in the hope that this way the site will quickly get to the TOP of search results. Depending on the volume of the article, make “gaps” between requests of 2-3 sentences (about 200-300 zbp).

In addition, we use the following “tricks”:

  • "Easy" keys. Example: “buy a brick.” There’s no need to be clever here, we’ll put it into the sentence as it is: “If you want to buy a brick inexpensively, contact our online store.”
  • “Medium” in terms of difficulty keywords. Example: “order energy-saving lamps.” The best option for complex keywords, use a diluted entry or a comma: “In our catalog you will find more than 10 types of lamps: energy-saving, LED and others, you can order them right now...”
  • Keywords with city name. Example: “TV repair Kyiv”. We use an elementary technique - conclude the title settlement in brackets: “We repair TVs throughout Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkov and other cities).”

The purpose of commercial keywords is not only to naturally “enter” the article, but also to sell a product or service.

"Life hack" No. 2 for entering keys

Another “secret” of search engines is that they love keywords in headings, subheadings h2, h3. The copywriter only needs to group the keywords into several logical groups so that the title reflects the content of the paragraph. Complex and “unreadable” keys can be made into table subheadings; here the entry will definitely look organic.

There is one “but” - do not start the text with the same phrase that was in the title - it “sounds” bad.

The main rule for writing keywords

Regardless of whether you write 1 or 100 texts, do not forget that the main thing is correct use keywords in the text – organic. Without such a seemingly obvious component, the most “harmless” key turns into a jumble of words. Such texts are impossible to read and they will never make it to the TOP of search engine results.

An illustrative example:

Key: "buy dehumidifiers price"

  • Definitely “YES”. Buying dehumidifiers, the price of which is 2-3 times lower than similar equipment, is profitable and practical...
  • Absolutely not". If you write “buy dehumidifiers price” in the search bar, you will get a list of sites...

The last option should not be used, even if you are a novice copywriter.

"Life hack" No. 3 for entering keys

And one more nuance. Be sure to include the main or main keyword (the highest frequency from the list) in the first and last sentence, as well as the title of the article. This is another way to “like” search engines and not lose your main query among less significant ones.

What is absolutely forbidden to do?

When writing text of any content and volume, you should not do the following with queries:

  • separate keywords with dots;
  • write keys with errors;
  • abuse their quantity.

Search engines do not like oversaturation of an article with queries; such pages may be excluded from indexing altogether.

Keyword density and frequency are checked special services, for example Advego Plagiatus. Average The “nausea” of the text should not exceed 3%. Online checking services,, will also help you determine how many keywords are in the text and their density.


Key words in the article can be (if there are no special requirements in the technical specifications):

  • incline;
  • dilute;
  • unite;
  • the main thing is to fit it in organically!

Keyword- is one or more words ( key phrases) that briefly describe your content. These are a kind of “shortcuts” or “tags”.

What are “key phrases” in Yandex and Google and why are they needed?

The order of words, the grammatical form of words, the case of letters do not matter. Functional parts of speech and pronouns are ignored.

For example, you have the keyword " facing brick Moscow" Then your ad will be shown for all queries that contain this phrase, for example:
- facing brick V Moscow
- buy facing bricks V Moscow
- facing brick V Moscow inexpensive from the factory

In what cases can keywords cause an ad to be displayed on YAN?

What are the types of keywords for Yandex Direct and Google Adwords?

Key queries for heat

Hot Keywords lead to the site « “hot” visitors, that is, those closest to purchasing. They are the most likely to make a profit. If your budget is very limited, you should start with hot keywords.

“Hot” queries can be identified by the presence of certain words in them - these are “ “, such as buy, order, delivery, urgently and others.

Warm Keywords show that there is interest in a product or service, but the person is not yet ready to buy. on your topic, it is recommended to cover them in most cases.

Cold keywords called general queries(for example, “smartphones” if you sell iPhones), information requests and queries from related topics. The chances of making a profit from them are lower than those of warm ones. Cold keywords should be covered if you have already made the most of hot and warm keywords.

Key phrases by frequency

All keywords have a frequency. This is the number of searches for this phrase over a period - usually per month or per year.

The Yandex.Wordstat service provides data on the frequency of keywords in Yandex.

Keyword frequency statistics in the Wordstat service

Ultra-high frequency keywords (microwave keys):

High frequency keywords (HF keys):

10,000 – 100,000 requests per month. Usually consist of 2-3 words. I have been collecting for best files and instructions for Direct. You can download them if you are looking for features:
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